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this is it was him no one report the body Jason get back all right we have camouflage a roll am I gonna get it first one no the role basically means that everyone goes gray with no names for 10 seconds so no one knows who it is one of course imagine my surprise no no [Music] no no no no no I am camouflage here oh yes um let's just make laser beams life an absolute living hell again I'm a crewmate well that means I can't throw so it's Happy Days from me where's lazy been a while since I've had the Imposter roll uh we've lost all our cool outfits so uh I am just dressed like a poo oh it's Danny Aaron's honestly it's so I could just stab him right now ladies and beams the new Simon minimum intimate I'm just gonna latch onto him and make him absolutely Haze himself oh no Danny Aaron's and lazy you already know that's a disaster waiting to happen oh Victor where you're running I was a guilty run I don't know what to do with the camouflage Ziggy the camouflage it's a camouflage [Music] I knew it I've killed someone oh my God I could save this whole Lobby such a headache I could just stab this son of a [ __ ] I Could Just Kill ethereum but then Toby would see me do it which would be kind of funny uh but you know lights go out oh no oh oh it's oh I turned you fight it there it is okay [ __ ] I might have been caught don't give [ __ ] that guy oh no not Simon what about me Vic wow oh my God all right in [ __ ] storage ages yes we were yes we were and then the last one on top of him until lights went out yeah wait who was an electrical me me it was me and two other people I went electrical as well well the bot the body's in electrical oh yeah but I went online hey guys I'm actually an electrical wait the other body the other body the one I found was at the top of storage like in that Corridor wow so you found one too but you didn't call it or what oh I did oh no I didn't quite I I did press report oh wow yeah why would I say what would I say because you're trying to marinate all of us man because then it looks like it looks like you're a crewmate obviously your house files would you not say it the other body was there that is good information though wait how did she say it use your [ __ ] voice wait how come how can we have D and L next to our our names oh never mind never mind I fully responded thanks smart because what else are you gonna take bro what have you got that edgy no I've got a d i mean [Music] that doesn't make any sense bro it is that's what it is yeah yeah [Laughter] oh dear that feels like old times just absolutely no cares in the world all right [ __ ] all right so I think this camouflage thing could be uh a little bit too op I'm not gonna cap I'm gonna do nothing this round yeah I'm gonna hang with viz and uh he's gonna clear me don't like Josh I don't like Ethan not really a fan of Alana as long as I just go and do that Duppy someone and no one's seen me change into nothing then we're cushy bro don't like Alan I don't like any everyone can be a monster we're cushy all right even could have killed me didn't camouflage [ __ ] I need to get something now no you absolute dick nice I'm just gonna say I'm pretty sure this is viz and we're on top of each other then lights go out nice oh my God and the lights yes yes yes oh buddies over this way maybe um it's Josh it's Josh it's Josh's Josh it looks dead excuse me Ellen's dead Adam's dead for no reason and now you found the body coincidence no because the task was on D that's actually the Imposter that's actually more important thing it's got a D next to his name is his name is the business name that means based in London based in London how long were you together there uh like the entire area okay yeah like 10 seconds let's see your brain like okay Vic what you got and where's the body the body was in calf yeah keep cooking how do you know because I watched you on cam it's your big spooky spooky monster you watch me on cams yeah so watch you go up going past that yes go up okay then With Me Josh is going up continue continue so I'm gonna Lannon killed and then joined viz in the top left or Ethan and Toby killed or you killed so it's one of yours well he's just gonna accuse the whole [ __ ] Lobby like so the whole Vic you ran out of navigation as I ran in and then Ethan running after me and I went to check where you went couldn't see you went back in did the admin upload yeah or download and navigation and even run out so I don't think it's evil you could I'm gonna say it with chess I think it's laser and Bets oh my God [Applause] [Music] Ethan could have killed me and didn't I I did not together the whole round no it was like 10 seconds ago daddy Aaron's is dead so someone needs to bring the brain damage to the woman I think it's Ethan Ethan's quiet I've been speaking all around you [ __ ] want that defense let's look at the big marination we had to vote we had to vote oh my God [Applause] like the first round you literally went yeah all right I don't even know how they got they got it I I thought they were on Josh I thought they had him I was with viz the whole round man didn't want to clear me at all I did nothing I don't think Josh would have reported that body if it was him so I think it was Ethan or Lannon okay so we got that right this might be my first tuna I might have just [ __ ] it but we have to send it I'm not gonna do it to him I'm not gonna do it to him okay cool ah game a moment right under the assumption that that was that's one imposter though right yeah I just dissected it from first round because I saw Ellen Josh Vick and then Toby confirmed he was an electrical so then they left laser and Bez probably such a [ __ ] sweat what's the point bruv hey this with the big ass brain he's such a sweat so now it's you and Laser left yeah essentially let those first kills well I reported the body on the vent on the electrical that helps my attention span is too short for this game but um this could be a Josh big play the confidence is back you're talking a lot to be fair yeah I'm very confident why are you accused me no I actually don't know why you accused me last round I don't know what he's saying because you on the first two kills you were on the left-hand side of the map where like me and Vic on the right hand side of the map so it is for us to get those kills oh it's top right at the start of the game the first round I mean you wasn't okay you were in navigation you [ __ ] walked out navigation [ __ ] right I saw you Kirk I don't know if there's some lag [ __ ] happening but after the camouflage ended briefly I saw your [ __ ] name [ __ ] on the first round the first round yes you're a top [ __ ] right you walked out of navigation the camouflage didn't end before the the call was done yes it did yes it did it he's confident who was the other person that voted for Ethan with me to get him out me okay yeah the two sweats they both begin with v virgins that's what it is visualize the version a Vic star virgin I didn't Focus I was confused I'll be honest he did say that what he was last time right he was on the body no Josh no he wouldn't do button man he would just kill right now unless this is a proper marination [Music] someone who's nervous who's a nervous killer I'm a nervous killer yeah I know you are that's what I'm thinking all right well it's not me accepted myself this and Vic are cookies no it's not it's no V the [ __ ] virgins they need to fix up man that is not that Josh is doing everything in his power to throw it no and that's and I shot him I shot him squaring the head it was feeding off this is information they worry sust landing and Ethan and just Ethan was quiet he was quiet in that meeting and I feel like he doesn't want to implicate himself by talking that's how I got him all right um I need the camouflage you to start hitting some camouflages I need the lights to go out and then I need to just kill people that's all that needs to happen I'm gonna go on cams sales on cams for a bit what if this is Josh like what if it's like new hair like his wavy hair just brought him like insane confidence and he's just been buffed and he is just like completely destroying his Lobby right now cams for a bit I could start killing but it's just they're so saucing who's camouflage bro well this is a cluster Park he's got two virgins running around together look at them the double V's someone hit camouflage even if it's Daddy Aaron's hit camouflage or some [ __ ] man I know I killed you but like truce true sauce how am I gonna win I need something through those powers that are in the title of the [ __ ] video I know you want to kill me I know deep down you want to kill me but you could also be crew the thing is yeah I don't know where London oh boy murdered me in front of cams if you're bad murder me in front of camps bears and Laser locked in the room he's too smart there's someone more juice on camps all right maybe maybe it's not London uh oh no this is who's missing missing I'm just gonna keep this going hopefully they turn on each other all right we've got to hit this and then run back to the other side hang on because that probably means that you've killed one person and they're trying to hide the body it has to be someone who's [ __ ] terrified what's going on someone's terrified someone check it I thought their kill was the yeah I would have [ __ ] balls I would have balls I also would have killed I would have killed her and under the O2 as a guys but was was best the camouflage right now he's just [ __ ] salty so he's not using the cows that are in the title and thumbnail can you still use that when you're dead you can't use it when you're dead can you or can you probably not right because it'll be it's like an ability it's not like a door or something oh okay I mean that that would be why there's no camouflage right then yeah yeah it's a scary pants killer come on oh no all right but it's not me oh that's what they all say man say we just vote at the highest level highest level is as soon as I'm highest level I wouldn't be a scaredy cat killer you know what I'm saying the lowest level the lowest level the lowest of the game would be the person who's scared to kill so I'd say it's laser and they all said it was laser and he said it wasn't okay I'm definitely not that I have 200 hours in this game bro I don't know if this helps but I went on cams and Vic was the only person I didn't see run past the camera once I don't know where but that doesn't mean anything so many times out of everyone here me and these are the only people who voted out the Imposter so it pretty much has to be one of you three so you know I'll let you guys deal with it I might vote you for that comment that's literally Fair it's literally Fair we're the only reason you guys are still in the game we are the only reason oh [Laughter] yeah no one died it's cool man who's a scaredy cat please yeah so I need them to turn on each other but the issue is they might eventually do tasks but I'm relying on the fact that probably like deji ain't doing tasks there's probably people in this Lobby who aren't doing tasks that's all I'm saying no who actually is it though like can you tell me at home like this is actually jarring I think laser is the right choice because laser brought up the fact of I guess Bez is not using the camouflage or something I didn't think about the camouflage is that an imposter fool to think you know I'm just gonna lock everyone in here I'm just gonna start making people panic a little bit like nothing's happening no I don't think I'm gonna get away because I'm sucked so if I start killing I don't think I'm gonna get away with it so I gotta have we're pulling out some strats here everyone's gonna go insane oh lights are gone yeah I've turned them off that's me is that lights I actually don't [ __ ] know I'm not killing no one I'm not kill I'm I I could have killed viz there I honestly could have and framed Toby but I don't think they would have it would have gone for me I don't know what to do there's nothing you can do at this point you can't make him kill it's very doable to get these kills I I don't know what they're waiting for what's your wedding what you're wearing what you waiting for I want them to just like mentally turn on each other I need them to eliminate themselves with boating it's not the most exciting gameplay but it'll do just just do it how was this chance whoever this killer is they are they are weaks [ __ ] kill him Toby's gonna go down good okay okay [Applause] I think I mean navigation okay that's one of the people who saw me so it could be Toby could be Josh all right easy easy is that not a single murder she's locking the doors and trying to lock the doors and try to lock the doors nothing's gonna get here yes finally okay it's Toby um yeah there's been a murder in admin I saw a laser and Vic together in admin that's convenient that's what I would say too Toby that was a good one okay I followed you around for ages yeah I mean laser was there as well everyone there's nothing else to go up I saw you two last together tell me where did you come from in electrical I ran in to do uh lights and you'd already done it and I looked around and then I ran back out yeah but where did you come from where do you go where did he come from where did I come from from Storage threw into electrical you've done that and I ran back up okay as I as I've run down past admin I saw laser and Vic Toby Fight The Virginity then I ran through storage into electrical you did lights yes and then I ran out and someone reported the body uh you reported the video that's my darling guys I've cracked the code go on ice or Toby and Vic okay no defense for what you just said I was there Crack the Code I'll crack the code what is it Josh uh so Lannon said why is Ethan not using the camouflage button because he was upset about his other imposter mate yeah hey hey Josh sorry for considering your [ __ ] videos bro all right GG Good Luck Good Luck figuring out who did it oh Josh just cooked oh shut up opportunity [Laughter] then it was like I was so sussed at the end I didn't want to kill for ages because I need them to turn on each other and I thought they had turned on each other enough yeah you were [ __ ] man we almost did the vote went through it just happened at the time I tried yeah victims is straight away yeah I'm done so who wants everyone poster it was me why didn't you kill me because you're a good friend oh what I died yeah I didn't know who he was I'm a caller you guys see you I see you call the killer I'd never want to be imposter Again by the way please please please please don't do it again oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] God all right I'm not the camouflage though oh no so Benz is literally said he doesn't want to be imposter and now I'm his imposter Duo oh [ __ ] my life please I'm betting The Impossible this is my father it's I know I know I'm never gonna get imposter I know I would I know I wouldn't I must die so early too because this game is stupid I'm not following Bazinga he's you know what there's a he's probably got imposter again I've got a virgin on my team okay this is gonna be horrible [ __ ] it this [ __ ] cause habit I'm not a fan okay you absolutely I'm I'm playing it smart I'm gonna track her that no I've I've lost it I've lost it I just want the audience to know I have a bunch of really cheap keyboards and I just brought these so I could smash them good way to get your anger out all right [Music] and I went down and then a couple seconds later this is Simon by the way this is Simon hey Danny by the way yeah I didn't realize I'm playing it smart Toby Danny I want you to know that you are an idiot I'm literally there right because I was like I was there yeah so I saw him kill when I tried to follow him [Music] holy [ __ ] that poop on yeah I'm not a fan of that like I'm all for getting people out for the fun of it free my bro Josh he done nothing wrong man all right holy [ __ ] the lights are still off as well oh my God he's gone in there cool it's the [ __ ] deal double G the best way to use this camouflage thing would be to stack kill people so you just don't know who's done it oh go hit our best double kill yeah a little cheeky double kill are you saying Bears Simon verse Bears the whole damn Lobby it was cheeky double kill ER in there oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he's pressed the button [ __ ] he pressed the button right well someone's just killed an electrical haven't they oh [ __ ] I messed up I messed up there's no do it there's no Do It Best don't do it best don't do it best don't do it [ __ ] he's missed time that he's missed time that massively the Virgin is not virgining all right let me marinate Simon let's let's Luna reverse Simon bro this game is hella loud bruh no I need to turn this [ __ ] down bro I wanna wake up every morning yeah yeah yeah it's viz is viz is hella sauce let's have a little checkup on bazinger in in Medway because I don't know why you would go in there scared scared I'm really scared all right let's do some sabotage let's do that react to next just bring everyone here and then camouflage well you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna hard clear brazenga that I Think Jesus Jesus Christ I'm a hard clear Mr Bazinga can you press the button no I don't like that I don't like that so right that's Biz that's that was that was a oh no no that was not person who just killed me oh yeah I should all right one I messed up here Jesus I'm gonna be honest I've messed up a little bit why did you see the kill but you didn't see the yeah I saw a dead body but where is every wait okay Ellen where are you I'm on the button bro I'm in real like literally approaching reactors I am in electrical I'm at navigations I'm in cafeteria I did I just finished doing my mid Bay scan I was gonna hard clear him bro I can confirm deji is safe okay psychopath man no one sauces him at all yeah deji is enough 100 dad you also saw me on the button wait Daddy's Daddy's in nav though wait the body's a nav no the body's not enough deji's in nav oh yeah I'm in now wait what do you mean bro in the cafeteria I was stood by the button nah Joshua you little rat boy what'd you call me wait so two people two people were saying they were unreactive I'm approaching react I haven't seen anyone in there Annie Darren saw me do med bait too you [ __ ] killed me you wanker I saw go towards reactor and I left because I'll troll I only saw Danny come out of mid Bay I didn't see Ethan I was there I'm putting Ethan yes yes prove it the body was in the bottom I think this is don't lose your credit status there's a Vic have ruined their streak have I I don't know I'm not playing for your team Simon I don't know why not what we gotta do now that's what we gotta do right holy smokes Wow Let's go Bears little double kill come all you send bro cheeky double kill oh oh okay yeah you kill Toby honestly whoever's killer just killed me kill Toby with chest kill him with chess just kill him just kill him yeah there he is and we got the body bro we just got we got the body bro we just guard the body killed one this killed the other one I'm just gonna go out of the body okay we got it done okay all right fine let's go let's go let's [ __ ] go viz I apologize because in the first round I kept calling you a virgin I feel about that I feel about that could I please not be imposter this time you wanna beat Ethan again I dare you to be Ethan again foreign [Music] [Music] winning streak right now let's freaking keep it going um all right I think it's uh let me see let me let me just guess I think it's deji you know it's dying well I can't say that can I sorry chip fat I won't say the N word this is way too smart right Daddy just kill him just [ __ ] just stab him dad's mate just have it gonna try the zynga's just there see you later have a good one yeah cheers mate [Music] what what I know I'm dead but whoever done that you've just pounced on a man that was doing a wee I hope you're happy oh God where do you teleport to tell them I didn't teleport anywhere I'm gonna just follow that ball game what the [ __ ] bro in my screen I I was with you and then you're just gone wait really that you flew I'm on I'm on campus Simon was that body on the table I couldn't see it it must have been because Ethan said he went toilet man yeah but I wasn't like so I went up and did the like down whatever download or whatever at the top Josh was lurking weird and then your task you did the whole download in that time no I'm halfway through it I did advertise first well you said you finished it Josh pal you did say you finished oh Josh I'm a task in [ __ ] what other tasks you said you did two tasks yeah there's one next to it garbage disposal yeah that's one what's the other task I don't know what it is see you later Josh me and Ellen were in navigation yeah it's not Toby bro how'd you see that how did I see what lights went out man wait sorry sorry did the lights go off anymore don't do it again Ellen don't do it again well this is going well I've just stabbed someone and nothing happened that's unbelievable wait it's a sabotage all right let me let me figure this out I would love to murder vikstar in Among Us like in real life he's a sound guy but in Among Us you can get it oh lights are already I would have bloody hell they already got there what is this one's lights bro is that lights mad hearts but let's just do that also I can vent as well bruh I need to be kind of quick on the mouse I'm gonna get killed it oh I would love to murder laser Man Danny irons is probably the killer now we're we're people there's Alibis to be fair there are Alibis Simon storage Josh thank you foreign weight what no [Music] [ __ ] on that where the [ __ ] did you just come from Josh above you what do you mean what do you think you're better than him Josh I went on shield and no one was there this has got to be like the strangest sauce I've seen in my life I came down the corridor and just went to Shields just remember the lights are off the lights were off but it was after I saw you two dancing you should have seen me did you run back to the meeting room tonight where the [ __ ] did you come from yes because you just appeared next to me next door then if [ __ ] blind you can't see me uh I saw Josh just walk and chill okay Danny and Josh and Danny's clearing him as me I know I use my legs to get there as a human with legs oh so you're disagree you're disagreeing with me huh as a human with legs I don't think he deserves it does anyone have the camouflage power like use it yeah no one's using it bro we need the clips for the video he was imposter just saying kills bruh honestly but the thing is these lot kill themselves so I need to think laser wants me to use camouflage does he our camouflaged and kill your ass all right yeah you know I love saying [ __ ] and accusing people and then realizing that to the audience I must seem like an absolute [ __ ] uh just remember we don't have like we can't see everyone's perspectives you super Geniuses I used to be intelligent before I started these lobbies I used to be really good at the moments but now I can't say I'm any better than the rest of the lobby oh this is why okay camouflaging lights and just stabby stab stab let's cook ready everybody is here as well all right ready everybody is that Daddy's here as well [ __ ] [ __ ] see you later Johnny Johnny [Music] listen to my sentence okay why would Danny have pressed the button because you were chasing me wait but why didn't you report the body oh my God it was did you as well because they were camouflage so we wanted to see who it was so we followed him instead yeah absolutely made that decision in real time we just Chase absolutely apologize to why I just said Danny get the [ __ ] out of there bro we need to get that you guys haven't done this then why are you saying it like that it's on them listen to how quiet because I'm done with this brain dead Lobby mate I was accusing Simon round one right I was screaming at him okay I have fully voided that right now because we both just changed so much that was so funny I'm sorry Daddy that was so good all right I'm on my own I'm on my own I could do this though I'm a killer in the sky is low-key anyway that was so good I think it might be Vic I reckon it's Vic so that leaves Vic and deji it's too like funny of a story for it to be fabricated I think because they almost have to like plan their story okay sweet see I did it so now they think okay Desi's cool this is cool this is cool that's just cool this is cool okay up to electrical we go deji and vicar together that means if one of them dies it's probably the other one that's how maths works I can't kill Vic because Ellen just saw me with Vic oh Vic's about to get it Vic's about to get it there's no point getting Vic he's done nothing less I'm gonna go be a care Merchant can I trust Daddy I feel like a trustworthy guy on Among Us I feel like he's not the kind of guy to kill right timing on that unreal oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah Daddy just saw did you kill on cams ah that [ __ ] known cameras for [ __ ] sake oh we're the worst imposters ever we're leaving it too long here five wow okay I feel kind of bad absolutely just a [ __ ] crewmate Master Class lights guy in three to one damn it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I gotta get back there ah yeah I cleared Simon and lasers from the last round because they chased down the killer no I I saw him do it on cams I'm on camps I'm sorry bro [ __ ] sake Bros [Music] [Music] Simon us chasing him is the greatest moment yo how you doing [ __ ] yeah all of you are [ __ ] well all the ones that haven't subscribed I'm trying to get eight million I know so subscribe
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 8,806,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: TGUKfF3Lgag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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