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Good Luck Good Luck boys [Music] as an imposter today I am just a regular imposter so I'm not a sweeper oh Corner hey no and I'm the soup bro I'll have some fun I'm gonna have some fun with this okay I am a lovely little crewmate I am blissfully unaware of what this role does but uh I'm here for Vibes that is a swooper Among Us so one person can go invisible DCI pie oh I can't like that rolls off the tongue nicely DC iPod Pokemons are confusing me I think after them are Pokemon I'll be calling the cob there DCI pie he's a uh he's a uh he's a policeman you could remix my vocals then into a song but I know chip that's not that patented you can edit you can't make music let's be right [Music] uh he's a policeman yeah I don't want to have to lie to my friends all day all day all day today no God I didn't realize we started wait what's going on I was watching a video of some guy getting a guy some guy fighting his teacher on Twitter whoa oh wow so I okay it's a sweaty imposter No One turns off lights immediately you know that's sweaty that's that's a little assignment on Vic move maybe Ellen as well he's a Sweat I'll do that guys I'm an electric type Pokemon I can do the lights without even looking at them see done them ah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna roll with a gang for a little bit hang on watch this watch this watch this wow right oh oh well then wow um well well then was it wait you guys were just together right yeah he just he just died he just popped oh someone's invisible right before we get into it Vic let's let's see what the police officer has to say hello hello hello yeah where is the the locations that's what you're a [ __ ] police officer polite question polite question yeah he's putting another Authority now boys yeah so then it's got to be Randy because he's got electricity he's still coming off him now because Chris was next to his body I'm not sure if Chris is so bad at the game that he can't kill someone I'm gonna skip that because this is useless yeah I'll Escape boys I will say boys I did think I saw Chris kill but I forgot there's an invisible imposter Randy do you want to fight me [Music] [Laughter] yeah gang [ __ ] Chris is unhinged these days what's happened to him we're just normal men he's the youngest innocent man from Jersey we're just innocent man I don't like that Toby voted for him so I'm just gonna look to eliminate Toby at some point um when convenient I pray they go to electrical right I pray they're going to electrical I want to make one of them just explain it all right I'm gonna go and find Randy okay wait wait let me foreign [Music] Brave man Brave man how how are we meant to vote out a person and we can't see go up go here we go do it again I'm doing it again and he's dead and no one finds him crazy by the way Vic start around here too um oh hell oh I think it's Christmas the way you went the way you went oh hell oh god I've got some info come on then yeah so I was in Mad Bay I completed my scan the lights go out I say I ain't going near there cause I don't want to die I run around to navigation big star runs past me and there's a dead body left in now enough whereas I think you self-reported the first kill I think Hitler I watched it what happened with Randy using psychology uh Bears is confident yeah so he's wrong no Josh so so Vic is no no no no I was uh Toby and Pie were enough right I was enough no wait wait I know how to do this everyone say who you didn't see because the imposter's invisible oh true yeah yeah well that's all there I saw Josh I saw Christopher I was in storage Josh and you walked past me bro I didn't see you mate yes Harry is a six foot dog no one's seen him I'm sorry Josh oh at the started around I'm not gonna lie to my back your hand is it not a kangaroo shut up shut up shut up shut up you look listen if you don't vote for Vikkstar you're all idiots all right because he's left dead body yeah oh my God I think it's Chris I think it's crazy you're not he's self-reported the first body I didn't sell Randy back me I watched him leave the budgie there oh my god oh we're finished now right he's like the boy who cried wolf for once he was right I didn't even know him I didn't even want that to happen to him and he was accusing me of the kill wait these man up I hope Josh holds as much corn as we hold when we first yeah me too me too because that is pathetic you like the lights are rough he leaves a dead body the other side of the map of course he's him it's Vic and Adam then yeah and he's self-reported the first body I'm not clue who he is oh who is that someone behind me just then I'm gonna run down down the files onto my tablet hopefully the police don't find them he just mixed up behind me you're chasing me hello hello I'm just gonna let Alan do his thing oh Chase and Vic get him get him get him get him get him everyone I'm gonna get my camera in Focus again come here look at me you Josh you are an idiot Joshua you're a [ __ ] idiot Josh is he dead elements take a look oh no look at Harry cute little kangaroo oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Vic Vic don't do it to me please Novick oh okay you know but he could have killed me but also like he's he might be buttering me up to use like a oh Harry saw me earlier I didn't kill him oh I just tell him Randy just stay by me you're calm with me brother you're calm with me brother you're calm with me brother just just don't don't worry about anything [Music] I'm very confident it is Christopher no no and I also think it's someone someone because he's [ __ ] so he needs someone talented with it I think it's Ellen I think it's because because why do you think it's Chris why do you think it's Chris the fact that Harry keeps putting it on me yeah why do you think it's Chris what's the reason for that because the the other round when the when the bodies first popped up like oh like these two bodies have been found he went oh is it like but it just didn't I'm just a bit awkward it didn't sound right it didn't sound it really didn't sound right you have limited social skills you understand Chris have you completed the tasks yeah mate I was just doing the meteor one where you go not not the meaty one the rocket one where you go in between it but in the media room you know where you do the Rockets what task is that like no I know what he means but I think he's waffling bro I agree Harry no I agree yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh it's a Lobby full of idiots man I might be wrong here but I also think it's Ellen because Vic could have killed me and he didn't or maybe he was just buttering me up I don't know I'm I'm telling you it's Harry Harry isn't it I'm voting Chris start with Chris yeah let's start with Chris no yeah go for it go for it yeah yeah go find me guys do it do it do it I look forward to this do it well if it's not Chris we lose so I mean Harry's actually laughing you can hear him well done yeah you're not a [ __ ] idiots I got half of it right I got half of it you're a [ __ ] did you kill in in electrical or was it invisible no it was invisible okay well that was awesome that was a smart cool then yeah you look the lights are off and killed the other side of the map of course it's him he ran away from the body I caught him now Ethan Ethan you nothing ha if you know what that Pokemon is nicely well let's not oh hey long time no see [Laughter] yeah I'm not actually here you know for the video they've just used me for the fun now so uh I gotcha [ __ ] why are you here you might as well subscribe uh do it do it God damn it do it oh as you know what we will celebrate crewmates I don't want to be an imposter because my skill is imposed to have diminished considerably oh dear right um okay so invisibility we're on it oh this is gonna be fun I'm not gonna lie I'm just here for Revenge at this point look I've got a laptop I'm like the most innocent person there it is look I've got a laptop as a face right yo that's crazy it's Adele big fan love your work Adele chip fast where if you put a photo of Shannon in this wallet I'm gonna hurt you all right let's do some Simon Says someone's gonna report a body before this is done I know it brilliant I was getting a call from one of my production assistants kill the no skins first I like it did an admin oh when did you find that yeah me Randy Ethan Christophe yeah I did my I did my card and you was in there with Chris and I were left I went to go and do my Med Bay so I think so this is Randy were in uh electrical right yeah we all left the room yeah I'm saying he was the last one in there who left him dead Simon you were running away from oxygen do you want us all to choke no I ran I was on the right hand side I saw Ellen and Harry ran down I saw Josh in the bottom right corner so you're saying Josh is being success is what you're saying it's a little bit weird like what's like what's without being bottom right you well the things are going off you're not running left to find a body you're not running towards them to try and save it I actually went from actually I actually went from Shield up towards the top right you know you're action idiot where I saw you you're in the bottom right running towards the event I was last time again oh yeah I might throw this out this might be a self report you know I think this might be pie you know I don't like that accusation hello I'm watching you bro I'm watching you bro I'm watching you who's like blue for all these outfits make it confusing who's better right he's too smart get him out follow that chord bro I played this game too much it's working against me now don't trust Josh don't trust him he tried suspicious me I mean innocent bystander I think this is a pie self report because I I don't give enough information but I walked into admin and Pie was it I saw the body at the end the body was at the bottom of the table now pie normally when he reports a body he wants information he was very quiet there he didn't want to talk so I'm assuming um [Music] hit the electrical's a bit of a bloodbot [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off I'm dead aren't I don't kill me please play is there gonna be blood in there let's see oh my God DCI Pi was in there is there a body no there's not okay interesting maybe it's not pie I'm so dead surely I want to be suspicious of Josh Ethan pie and Randy also if tobium and these do die I do have to be suspicious of alum you've been to see me do med by you know that's my G oh my God is Simon's still here hello Simon you you just you watched my sexy body get scanned right well I don't know you I assume you're not fake but he was watching it well I saw you in there sorry well have you ever thanks to Ethan no my sexy well in the bedroom yes my sexy body got scanned I then shuffled my big body down to uh camps to see what was whining in there uh Victor's body is dead on the desk and Toad chisels at the bottom Jizzle we have to save yourself Toby I say it's me oh I think it is an interesting strategy there there's no Jester why you're throwing it you're throwing it if it's not you okay we'll vote you I'll vote me too okay I really hope it is [Laughter] no I believe you it's just a very I believe you do I believe you do I'm so confused I don't see how it comes you know he was just there man oh Toby that's some cope see what player does bro I want to see what pie does oh no no you can't leave him that is so hard you realize Ethan blamed me last time and got voted out Toby you should have tried Ethan literally caught me perfectly and he got voted out I didn't even vote him out he's gonna try I don't have the energy bro like it is exhausting lying is really tiring I just don't have the energy to land for my friends today done at least fight it we could have got another round of like kills I'm really suspicious of Simon by the way because like he's speaking very eloquently I feel like he's talking to you much you know I still don't trust pie in this situation I don't know why I feel like it is pie I honestly like caught time in like what timing I'll go do comms if I make it um no oh no I just did I just catch my face painted so Randy's gonna come and kill me is he oh just I was doing my Fantastic Four Eyes gotta kill like eight people oh my God oh my God oh that's bad news Okay so it wasn't tobian I think I know this this looks awful right because I've reported I believe it however I was doing I was doing the reactor manifolds one two three four yeah the lights go out Randy was behind me in that room so once I've finished the task and get off here and the lights are off I run back his body's just behind me he doesn't know who it is so someone's come in yanked him and then ran off and run off yeah in the darkness Ethan was so close to seeing that they could still throw this he definitely saw him man he just doesn't know it wait where where sorry where in reactor do we think do we think Toby won't do we think Toby was no no we need to vote then wait but I saw I saw Harry not the same Harry bro it ain't Harry no no I saw Harry Josh and unless it is a self-report obviously I don't think it's me because I know it's not I feel like you threw Toby under the bus lad was it all a lie I mean you you can vote if you want but it's not me I feel like it's pie yeah Simona yes Simon [ __ ] off Simon I think we could we could have been Swindell who was you just said someone was on camps who was on camps it was me I don't think it's either so how could you have been on cams though Ethan and then because I got off them I was just follow someone into uh there's no argument here he was the only one on camps bro I think DCI pie is a corrupt cop I'm down to vote for him why I will shoot at random I think I I trust you Simon I don't trust you Simon thank you salmon unreal oh yeah if it wasn't for you if I would have got away with that yeah who was The Invisible Killer yeah who was the trooper Toby right all right Toby killed one no I I killed I I killed Chris oh yes I was yeah oh this is just getting killed while you're invisible mate no I did no I did no I did I killed I killed I killed Randy and I killed this when I was invisible I did I did do invisible kills being busy with the wizard oh I'm the super crewmate again the trusty frog okay cool I can literally just go invisible and kill that's quite cool no one ever doubt this man look at his face looks so happy bro I can see Joshua being weird man I can see him being strange he's one of those that frogs smile about him I I can guaran was guarantee I'm gonna I'm gonna get killed oh I love it it's straight looks like that oh my God look at that ironically the straight task has a rainbow flag you could say that's really nice I'll tell you what the singer on fire tonight I'm going all the way down to lights but I'm going this way so what I'm just gonna just do that someone needs to get me out right now because oh there you go you couldn't write it man couldn't write this [ __ ] oh my god oh we got a dead body oh my god oh Nelly oh you hate to see it yeah no snitching today best I'm too good I have worked at rashford I said run your mouth again I'll wipe you out Randy can help me out here Randy run behind me all right we're running to electrical dead bodies on the edge on the entrance uh I I I don't want to look guilty but I don't recall any of that wires and I was making a client that they're exactly all straight even though they're straight they actually paint out a rainbow flag I'm just picking someone right there we go I actually don't doubt while you're talking yeah you do drag all of it everyone else near electrical needs me it was me we're all on the right hand side sorry yeah me and Chris were in the top middleish logically it's Vic wait but who if if you eliminate all those people whose left you've got this Toby Ellen Toby Vic Chris I was doing card swipe I was doing card swipe this is can we just do the math so everyone who wasn't by electricalum Josh and Toby me exactly hi Toby and Randy near Alexa literally just said my name so no I was in cafeteria man I just said Toby's name yeah all right yeah dude times I love when Among Us turns to a mess that's the best Among Us there's no logic to it it's just a mess I don't have to kill guys oh this is the swooper yeah because he was invisible when he killed me right there he is oh no poor Josh oh no he's left him what's here now I don't want to kill Josh just yet [Music] that's what we need a task all right I'm gonna latch on to Ellen and Kristoff let's go Harold let's go big dog okay I really should kill someone at some point Alan and Kristoff and then why are they following me why are they following me [Music] no [Music] no ah Chris Chris got put in a spliff it's Randy put Chris in a split now Josh is not Josh I know who the Killer is so I'm not telling you guys did anyone hear how quick Ellen was to get rid of vicious they could be private message me who it is I'll vote for element instead of you tell us why okay I saw this person run away from the body and jump in events they were animating into the vent it actually takes me it's Harry Harry at Harry Atari Harry is a a Avid Adventure I have a pretty sure it's Ellen it bro bro oh Chris is dead now I was with Chris I was with Chris get rid of me get rid of me that's fine I don't think we should vote I don't I think we should skip I'm gonna skip but if I'm gone I'll happily bow out of this one I just feel bad I just feel bad if I vote for Ellen will it tie the vote if I vote it's Ellen to be fair if he feels better have a nice one yeah it's not Toby if it's Toby will tell you it's me Josh it's me he just told us things just bust me [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] you know what if this isn't this bro I like I I will be I don't know why what am I gonna bet I will bet I'm putting my puppy on the line that's business I will give you my puppy if it's novice bro I know it's him I can sense that it's him [Music] bye Toby oh this is fun I'm gonna kill someone [ __ ] it I'm dead this is this like this is prime death here I want to feel the rush you die yep of course it's Harry thanks I want to see him win because he'll get so excited and happy if he wins look at this manner on X Games tomorrow bro this character's so big as well I can't find anyone why did I kill him I at least my puppy's safe uh hell no hi again oh my God it's a massacre you found way too many buddies today I know I'm sure he's the cop hmm he is Harry I I'm going back to the I think it's a Toby Randy special okay yeah it's me it's me it's me definitely not me he did that bro I'm telling you we did it a while ago oh no boys don't vote I'll get so pissed off hey hey leave your Cramer you've done your Cramer champion this this body has to be like pretty fresh because [Laughter] yeah it's pretty fresh by the time I managed to run at the top do wires and come down to the top of calf he was there where's the body then the body is the body is top right like in the in the doorway of like uh you know Carfax engine what's it called no top right oh so the weapons yeah and I danced on camera then I did the wires task next to security and he ran past me out and upwards so that checks out with your story Fizz Where Were You by the way in all this I was an electrical bro I think we need to vote for this what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean oh it can't be at them yeah I was literally convinced together well I vote for this I'm gonna I'll follow you around Toby I'll follow you around I'll follow you around follow me honestly honestly right who do I kill to make it less obvious I kill you suss of me I kill Randy I think I think I kill Randy hey nothing got caught so I feel like we might be all right there interesting yeah goodbye just in case so this feels like it's a solo killer because it does two of them you're the one if you just Toby why did you laugh when we when we vote of this out oh because I didn't expect anyone else to vote if it's with me uh Josh why didn't you vote because I didn't have a decision it's more sad it's more sense that you don't vote on six and then call the safety button meeting the Double Bluff job don't you dare try pissed on me so we're saying it is are we saying it was this then we got this you know yeah but we should no but we have to vote now but now now we can literally just skip I did that to make sure no no no no yeah we shouldn't skip though we have to vote because if we lose because we lose anything sounds like you want to get someone out Mr pie yeah 100 it's a lot it's logic that's what imposter would want though we should vote for you Josh you're the one but what Josh is saying is like if the person was the Imposter they could just kill now like if there's two left right they could just kill and win the game right now one imposter here Toby was laughing that he voted I'll skip them I'll skip oskip or did I no I don't do that I was scared apart from me watching Harry kill he's actually having to know right round Harry went oh by the way guys I I was with Chris the whole time oh he is dead now I said it was Harry right how do we play this ourselves because we are innocent I'm a good young boy it's me and Toby it's me and Toby you can't pay me to do download no you can pay me a million dollars I always overthink this game some weird Double Bluff behavior from Josh yeah call the button he doesn't think we're gonna vote we vote that Old Chestnut PCI pie I actually believe that he's doing I believe pie and he's still doing wires who's not with us pie and Randy aren't with us right now it's me and told Jason ah Harry's just killed in front of me but I I don't know what to say to argue against it Harry followed me down to do my task where I diverted the electrical I think Toby defeats Harry here unfortunately and then we was with Josh and I was like okay it's me Harry and Josh we're chilling Randy and Pie the other two so there's a buddy it's one of them oh it's whoever's alive then we're in admin Josh is doing whatever twice he's doing maybe download Harry slashes them up right in front of my very eyes a nice sticking on me the story is completely true until until the point we get to admin and I'm assuming the kill cooldown goes and he slices zerker hold on hi so it's one of those two right we have to figure out which one it is yeah I I think I might have been wrong about this because Toby voted for viz so whoever was the other just got voted out earlier on but did anyone get filled out earlier oh my God right he might throw this hard yeah wasn't this the game as well when Harry was uh Tech was it was guys did anyone else nobody shouldn't technically though I have to vote because well I vote for Toby and Toby I'm very hurry I'm very hurry you bastard it's not me I love you bro splitter pie splitter pie all right split the pie pie split a pie splitter pie I'm done with the gut oh yes you King you King you King you King well that was fun wait who was the other one me me yes I knew it got voted out Harry was like no no we should just get
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 6,907,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: DFn458n_KrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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