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(Cheers) - It's revive time! - Reacting to old videos 2! - Geez. Bloody annoying. - I'm with Josh. Josh is with me. - It's funny how we got paired up together. - I don't think it's funny at all. - They always say it's "random selection." - Planned. - You know like at an airport, - Orchestrated. - Yeah. You know like at the airport, when they're like, "yeah this is a random selection." - On purpose. - Lets start the video. - Welcome to the patience test, with these dickheads. And that one over there. (laughter) - Shut up! - What a cracking header that was. You dickhead, and he went on JJ. (laughing) - Oh its funny! - Alright keep it going. - I don't wanna do this. I don't wanna do this. - That's funny. Look at him. - I'm not in this. - You're not supposed to be in it. - Oh no. - Well, why? - The videos are better without you, really, innit? - Oh, thanks. all the comments say yeah (indistinct) right, yeah, thanks. - You just sit there complain, shout, laugh, angry. Like what is that? What else you do? Open your mouth wide. Put a cock in there if you want. - What is... no, look at Vik's trim. What's... bro, my man's living in Nickleback times. - Look at Josh. - Josh looks like a pedo in this one. - He looks like a (indistinct) perv. - Oh. (indistinct) - Everyone's house. - He put my finger... - Fuck, look how small your head is. You all say my hair's fucked. - I didn't know what a haircut is back then. No one told me what a haircut was. - His hair is overtaking his head. It's gonna overthrow his face. - We have to pause again. Actually, what is his trim? - Bro its not. No wonder he was a virgin, bro. - Alright, remember when Vik chose that tee-shirt, it says "today is a good day" (all laughing) - Simon doesn't like... - Oh... we were talking about trims. (laughing) Damn, this is where the light bulb effect comes into play, you know what I mean? - when it makes your head looks bigger than it is? - Yeah. - It makes the hairline look worse than it is. - Look at that shine, bro. - That's why I wear hats. - Well, I have seen better days now. But, uh- - Barely. - But that's I was a virgin as well. (Indian music) (all laughing) - Remember this, it got changed into a light sabre for the thing! That shit house star wars thing we did! (both laughing) - The thing is, people think like it's my song, right? Literally, like, all the time, whole of my life, I just randomly, I tweet like, oh, in a club when they started playing your tune. (all laughing) Oh, they're playing your tune over in Thailand at the clubs. And I'm like, it's not my tune! (groaning) - How much did you enjoy that? - I hated it. I hate cream. (laughing) I hate cream, yoghourt, I hate all that shit. - I still have a bone to pick with you about this. - What did I do? - What is going on behind me? - Oh, snap. - Same time? (both exclaiming) (indistinct) - Fam, yours was a, yours was a closed fist. - Yeah, look, open palm! - No, wait. - The palm op-, the palm's open! - The palm is open. - my face doesn't even move. - We didn't have good enough cameras back then. - Annihilation happened. (laughs) - Oh, I love this bit, man. - Oh yeah, yeah, the noise. (laughing) - Wait, this is the best bit. - No its not the best bit. (funny music plays) - That's a Simon tee-shirt. - Simon, back in day, I don't know how many people had those like, tee-shirts, where it had like, "achievement unlocked," "got out of bed" (both laughing) those T-shirts. "You are here" tee-shirt. Like, just only like, proper like, his tee-shirt. - That is a Simon tee-shirt. - You are here. - Yeah, I wouldn't expect any of us to have a tee-shirt like this. - Oh you remember this? - This little classic... - I have zero idea. (music begins) (all laughing) (sad music) - Oh! Look at him go! (both laughing) - Look, I'm so happy! I'm like, yeah, bounce the ball back... nope! I'm dead. - You went so far! (all laughing) - Bro, he literally skids... (laughs) My man's skating across the floor. - I got tears in my eyes. - Oh, he's just, he doesn't know what's going on. He's just trying to put the prop back to where it needs to be and I just come in and just ruin his life. - One more time, please. - Geez. - One more time. - I wasn't in this one either! - [On Video] What? - All the, all the rest of the videos you're in. - Are you wearing a Bajan Canadian hoodie? - Bro! This outfit was the most questionable outfit I ever touched. Who let me do this? - Look at what Vik's wearing - Who let me do this? I look, none of it fits. It's all just stupid colours. - Nah, you look good, mate! This was the Minecraft days. - Yeah, yeah, the pinnacle of Minecraft, right there on the screen. - You're better, you're better than fat Josh. - I don't know about that. - Look at him. There he looks like he is about to like eat JJ. (all laughing) - You will get dick in your coon. (all laughing) - What? Man, I must have thought I was so funny. - Oh! - Oh, you made it into a video! This is your video though, isn't it? - It is my video. - (indistinct) your video. Sorry, I just need to stop. - This could be (indistinct) as bullying at this point. This is bullying. - Yeah, you shouldn't bully people, kids. - Yeah you shouldn't. - Unless they're your mates, you can bully your mates. - I would, see, though, you were less swelly here. - You were swelly. - I was... (both laughing) - I mean, you know how you have those things, like, you grow your own boyfriend? (both laughing) Grow your own fat man. I was swelled. I'd reached maximum swelling. - Oh my god, bird blocks! - How much? Oh, wait! - We're ahead of the times. - Way ahead. - Remember that. What's coming in 2022? - We will be flying babies. (laughs) Babies will be flying. By themselves. No wings. (laughs) - What is that? - Mint sauce. - Ugh! Ugh! - Man threw up over mint sauce. - I have seen him throw up too much. Too much. - Have you violated me in this yet? - No, you asked us to violate you! - Fam, later on, you'll see. Fam, you put a banana in a condom and you yeeted it in my mouth. Fam. - You couldn't do this to him anymore. You can't do this. (all laughing) - He didn't let go for a long time. - Oh yeah, have a little lube in my mouth. (gagging) - This is the guy... - This is mint? - This is mint sauce? - Yeah, yeah. (indistinct) (all laughing) - How? (all laughing) - Do you know he even has a world record? But it's an old, its an old one. - For what? - The biggest human on the planet. (all laughing) - Harry! I can't with you. - To be fair, we could've just given him mint sauce from that point on, and he would have been thin pretty quick. - Oh my- hey, Ethan's done well. - Yeah, he was a fat- - Ethan's actually done well. I don't think we realised how bad it was. Stop laughing, it's not funny. - He actually looks hideous though. If Evan was that, right now, I would be like why am I friends with you? Oh, I know why, you're the grenade. You make us look hotter. (both laughing) - Lets do this! (laughter) - You're the whole fucking screen, mate! (indistinct) (laughter) - Are you done being a dick? - I'm done. - Done. - Look, it's a good song. (cheering) - Oh God. - That jacket. - I still have it. - Does it still fit? - You know what's more suspect than the jacket? The fuck- why did I have fucking tracky bottoms that didn't fit? My whole life. - Do you know, do you know- - Why ... what is that position? - Looks like I'm about to do, like, line dancing. - You know, there's memes a lot, yeah, when he got his grey sweatpants on. (all laughing) - Yeah, I run like a fairy. Yeah! - You wore that and said swag? (cheering on video) Okay, fair play. - Oh, this is when you? - Broke my ankle. Yeah. (indistinct) - I had someone's boots on, they were like- (laughing) - The way you paused on it, you paused on it. - I, no, I had someone's boots on, they were like two sizes too small. - Mm. - Hm. - Look at the state of those, look at the ankle. (cheering on video) (exclaiming) (funny music playing) (both laughing) ♪ Do the stanky leg ♪ ♪ Do the stanky leg ♪ - I survived that, though. (indistinct) Look. Couldn't kick it. - Lovely. Great footballer. What a footballer. - Fam! I knew he was gonna have red lesbian hair from the, from the get go. - Oh, you were ahead of the time? - Yeah. - I was 2025. - He comes out as gay. - It's 2025 innit? - Hey, I'd still be friends with him. - I love how, I love how it, you know about me, you put the videos here to get a different song for every thing. As soon as you get to me, what song do I choose? - Can't believe we used this song for everything. - New mix tape dropping soon. - I beat him. - Yeah! (both laughing) - The old-school (indistinct) - Exclusive. (cheering) - I hit it! And then I got, I got pounded on by men. - There's Josh, just rolling. - [On Video] Wait, does anyone know how to save? - Oh no. (laughs) - [On Video] That is a fucking problem. That is a big big problem. JJ, save! (all yelling on video) (both laughing) Fuck! (screaming) - We should another clubs episode. - No we shouldn't, no. - Just one, one. - We tried. - We tried. - We couldn't put it up because it was so offensive! - If you wonder why clubs is on the second channel. - We did attempt it at one point. - I think we did like three episodes. - We did three episodes and none of them made the cut. - [On Video] Yeah. This looks like don't flop right now. - All right, this is don't flop, don't flop. - They're doing a rap battle. - [On Video] Fuck a bitch, fly fuckin' high... - This is when he turns up with like three different bars. - [On Video] He's on my hit list. Bitches can't resist this. - Ooh! - [On Video] Fucked so many women that Jehovah wanna witness. - Ooh! - [On Video] That's fucked up. - [On Video] Fuck your ass! - I'm fucking it. Mate, I'm fucking pause, fam, pause. (all laughing) - All the humour was just us killing each other. - It was. - They would just say something - - Over and over. - and then punch them or kill them. - [On Video] Put your lighters up. - [On Video] This man's got, why has he got his lighter out? (both laughing) - Why has he got his lighter out, fam? - [ On Video] Man's bank account's getting higher. Man's got a flat tyre. 'Cause he spits. Wait, hang on. There, fire. (laughing) - Content! You've set him on fire. - I was on- - You were on fire! - [On Video] My delivery was on point, (indistinct) come on. - You know whose delivery on point? UPS. Are actually pretty good. (laughing) - Are you feeling all right? - No, no, not at all. - What? (laughs) - Are you not agreeing, that UPS- you have used UPS before, right? - Yes. - Amazon are- Amazon, Amazon are the real pain in the ass. - 'Cause Amazon will come... - Amazon are good. - No, no they're- - The, the boss is going through a hard time right now. He just got divorced. - Divorced. - Yeah. So you know what? We'll allow them. - We will. We'll allow it. - That sounds like Vik's' wife. (laughing) (hysterical laughter on video begins) - You know, I was actually pissed off when this happened. (indistinct) (hysterical laughter) - Cause the thing is, all right, it was funny. It wasn't this funny! (hysterical laughter) - It warranted a laugh. This was about, this was the next 15 minutes I'd say. - I wish we had face cam back in the day cause I would have sat with this straight face, just. - Are you falling asleep? - No. - Are you falling... - You can't fall asleep in a reacting video. - Well, I'm tired. I'm so tired. No! - I'm gonna slap you awake. - [On Video] Guys stop whining! - Wow. - Yeah. - That's- (indistinct) - Oh, whining, because we were in a wine yard - Oh. - (indistinct) an old Greek pew. (cymbals crash) - Oh no, no, that's disgusting. - Oh, wow. - (slap) Wake up. - Okay, I'ma wake up. - Are you awake? Are you sure? - I'm sorry daddy - One more? I'm sorry daddy - Don't call me that. I'm awake, I'm awake - Don't call me that again. - That sounded bad. - Yeah it was bad. - [On Video] That sounds like Vik's wife. - [On Video] What? (indistinct) - [On Video] This has all gone sour. (cymbals crash) - [On Video] Oh boy, that's totally- - Oh my God, it's cause it... - Grapes. - Yeah, yeah. - Grapevines. - But grapes aren't sour, they're sweet. - They've gone sour, exactly. - That's it. - Oh boy. That was a fun time. That was beautiful. - I enjoyed it. - I had a great time. - Just cause you walked around for half of it Harry, doesn't mean you can- - Hey! - What? - Part-timer. - You know, John Cena used to call the Rock a part-timer. (upbeat music) Then, John Cena went to Hollywood and he's like, you know what, I've realised the constraints and all this kinda stuff you have to do when you make your movies, he was like, you know what, I apologise Dwayne Johnson, I shouldn't have called you a part-timer. It's a hard job. (upbeat music) - It's hard to walk around the room? - Damn straight. - I lost the will to live right now. - Let's all, let's all, Let's all dab and then we'll walk out the room on three. One, Two, three, dab. Okay, cool. - And then we walk out, okay, nice. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,837,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, sidemen react to old videos, sidemen react, sidemen reactions
Id: 2ubwlOsUXGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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