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- Given everything that's happened, Simon, are we allowed a sharper knife? - No. We can do this properly. We can do this. - You pieces of shit. - We can achieve this, with this. - Oh, my! Harry's cut himself. - Ow! Ow! - Get a close up on it, now. - Ow! - Ahh! - Ow! - Ahh! - Ahh! - Okay, so before we into today's video is of a discount code. We have something special. We have a giveaway this week, and we have these brand new Sideman controllers to give away. - Woo. - Plus. - Over a thousand pounds worth of a Sideman clothing. If you guys want to enter, head to the link in the description below. Follow the instructions, and good luck. - Welcome to the Sideman. Oh my God. (laughing) - Wait, you've just banged him, Well, you've just had sex. ♪ I just had sex ♪ (laughing) - Welcome to the Sideman Pumpkin Carving Challenge. It was Halloween about four days ago, but, (Josh clapping) it doesn't matter. Anyway, while we were at Tully's farm last week, link in the description, Josh picked out a pumpkin, Harry picked out a pumpkin, and JJ picked out a pumpkin. (giggling) There are three other people that didn't pick a pumpkin, they're gonna to be chosen to go on a team. And I'm giving JJ the first choice, even though he just bent me over. So JJ, you get first choice of teammate between these three. - Well, I know that, Ethan wants to be with Harry. (laughing) So, I'm going to pick Ethan. - You got it the wrong way around, he wanted to be with me. - Oh. (Ethan laughing) - Harry, you get next pick. - Can you give me a pitch as to why you should be on my team? (laughing) Just a short sentence. - So, about two years ago I made a pumpkin carving video, on my channel. Had very unique designs on my pumpkin, me and Simon actually were voted, in the comments as the best pumpkin designers of the duo, so. - Okay. How about you Toby? - Oh, he just talks to much. - [Isaac] Oh. - Oh, Isaac, good point. (laughing) I'll go with Toby, I guess. (laughing) - Okay, now you need three things to carve a pumpkin, a spoon, a knife, and a pen. So. - Wait, a pen? - Yeah, to draw on it. We have three levels, so. - But there's, one doesn't have a pen. - [Man] Exactly, wait. - Different load outs. So there's the three load outs, here. - Load out. (group chatter) - So, okay, there's three pieces of paper there. - Alright, let's get the triple load out. - Okay, Josh, number 3 means you get this load out. (groans) - Shit out - No, no wait no. Is it huge we got a normal knife? - JJ, your load out ... Is ... It's this one. (overlapping chatter) - You guys get this one. - It's not that bad. - Do you boys want to swap? Because you don't need a bigger one- - No swapping. - No swapping? - No swapping. - How could you stop us, it's a free country. (laughter) - No swapping. - I'll tell you what, if we swap the knives, I'll let you use our pen for a bit as well. - No no, definitely not. - That's a good deal. - You get minus three points if you do this. - We've got a small pumpkin, wee need it. - Alright, you have until you get bored to create something. I don't know, I don't know what I'm saying. - To create something. - So what, (laughter) - we just start? - Yeah. - Wait, what are we making? - You make whatever you want. Just don't make a face because it's kinda boring. (laughter) - Don't shout one out again. - He's gonna break the knife. - Sorry, it's an op. - It's an op. - It's an op. - Are you alright? - Alright, the comment's gonna choose who wins. (gibberish) - Are you alright? What have you done? - Oh, okay, Ethan's doing well. - 'Cause he's got a giant knife! Of course he's doing well. (laughter) - Yeah, yes you good. - Oh! - We got a weird fucking... - Oh. - It's beautiful. - This looks like JJ's hair. (Ethan laughs) - That's it. - Yes! Fuck yeah! - Come on, son. - This actually is JJ's hair. - [Ethan] He has a fire engine. - No fam. - Pumpkin seed on his head. - Vic, do you know what this also looks like? - The Fornite thing? - The Floating Island in Fornite. - Ayy! - Alright Josh, - Hello - What are we doing right now? - Uh, fisting a bitch. - Yeah? How's it going? She liking it? - Yeah I'm scraping her walls. (group laughs) - Is that good? I can't tell if that's good. Vic said scrape her walls and then tip her upside down and the stuff will fall out. (Isaac laughs) - He's not wrong. - That's what he said right. - He's not wrong. - Look at that, oh, oh. - Do you know what you're going to make? Do you know what you're gonna put in front of it? - Can you gives some inspiration- - A pumpkin. - You're going to put a pumpkin on a pumpkin. - Let's make the Fortnite pumpkin head character and I'll wear it. - I don't know what it looks like. - We can Google right? We can Google. - They're boring me now, they're boring. - What about standing on it. - Okay, I'm coming back, I'm back. - And then like, get JJ, then you can fuck it. - Okay, I'm out again. - Um, you can fuck it? - Okay, I'm back, I'm back. - How you guys doing? - Muy excelente. - You're actually getting it on. You're doing good. - He scooping it. - It feels like we're already winning. - Do you know what you're going to do on the front there. - A penis. - I mean, really? - I expected nothing less. - Okay, what are you guys doing? Oh they're doing there's right now. Guys you may have competition. Based on this first line. (Laughter) - How are you getting your head in that? How is your head fitting in that gap? - All I'm saying is, I think I know what they're drawing. - It's a elephant. - What is this then? - That's his head. That's where the trunk comes out. - Okay, then let's see... Yeah, oh yeah look. What's that then? - That's... It's drinking water! (Simon laughs) - You still carving? - Yeah I'm done. Let's finish off the wall. - Okay, oh someone's at the door. - Oh, do you know what we could do? - What? - Just make loads of different sexual organs, so like, a pair of boobs, a penis, a vagina, - What's that. - I don't know, you do you. - Okay well, lets start with the easiest one. - Yeah. - Just... - A penis. - I'm gonna start experimenting... - Just go to the kitchen they're not even going to notice. There's a spoon in the kitchen, they're not gonna notice. - Oh, that's... No no no no, That's dangerous, bro. That's dangerous. - We're good. - Bro, he's using a kitchen knife as a pencil. Like he's holding it like a pencil. Yeah, kids, safety warning. For the people of the world, don't do this with a knife, ever, please. - Where's our knife. - I don't know. (muttering) - Go to the kitchen, get a new one. - Can you keep a secret? We've nicked a spoon from the kitchen, we're just using a spoon. - [Man] Do you want me to bring you anything else? - A bigger knife if you could find one. Thank you. - Fancy seeing you here. - We lost our knife. (laughing) I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna... - It wasn't quite small you know. - Yeah, well, I mean its not like we got a lot to work with. - I vig on your knife. - We lost ours so we had to - [Harry] What. - get another. - Can you witness the cheating going on real quick, look. - Wait, hold on a minute. - Simon! - Simon! - Well if people didn't order things to the house, I wouldn't have to be here. - I can't believe this is happening. How did we get here? - "What do you do for a living?" Draw cocks in pumpkins. - That's a good cock, bro. - We're out losing a knife. - You do realise you're stabbing into the pumpkin his hand is inside. - Yeah, we're team work. - We're good, we're good. - So you guys are doing a penis too, yeah? - No. - What are you doing? - Elephant. (laughter) - He's of an elephant is it? - Its definitely an elephant, man. - I'm back, whose cheating? - Harry's team, it's a different knife. - Harry's got loads of different utensils. - That isn't the knife you started with. - Yeah it is, it grew. - Bro, this is lit. (Ethan laughs) - Of you doing it. - Of you doing it. - Why would you- - Your the hostess. - Yeah, your the host get involved. - 3, 2, 1, - [JJ And Simon] 4 - That's new from 4. - Alright. - 3, 2, 1, - [Simon] 3 - [JJ] 1 - That's you from 3. - Oh no. - 3, 2, 1, - [JJ and Simon] 3. (laughing) - Eat the dick! Eat the penis! - [Boys chanting] Eat the dick. Eat the dick. Eat the dick. - [Boys chanting] Eat the dick. Eat the dick. Eat the dick. (Ethan laughs) - You are struggling with that knife. - Yeah, it makes life harder, we're a little behind. The idea was very cool a Fortnite skin. It's a pumpkin head man. - Okay. - I play a lot of Fortnite, I'm gonna become the pumpkin head man. I may break my neck... - So where's the candle gonna go? - We'll work it out. (laughter) - We'll work it out, okay. - It's my secret plan to light him on fire. - Okay, you might wanna... Oh. - I know that, this is all loose though. (Overlapping conversation) - Yeah, we have a shit knife. What do you want from us? - I've loosened it. - Your don't empty it with a knife. - No, I've loosened it. It's all fine, it'll fall out. - Well, we'll see. - I just noticed that JJ ate a dick. - JJ ate the head. - Yup. - So, so far we got pretty clean dick. - That's pretty solid. - Pretty clean dick. JJ's in charge of the- (Ethan laughs) JJ's in charge of the drawing, at least... Did you just cancel this one? - I'm trying something. - Wait is that still current? - Well, it's a work in progress. - Okay. So he's drawing and I'm like, cutting, but I don't know what this is gonna be. - You're doing a surprise? - Yes. - Okay, well we've already figured out what that is. (Ethan laughs) - What is it gonna be? - Just wait. - Alright boys. Talk to me. - We're currently on the hold up of our elephant's trunk. - Of our elephant trunk. But we can't seem to get... - You realise our pumpkin is so big and fat, we've got a spoon to hallow out, so we've got like two ears of pumpkin to cut through. - We're putting in work. - We are putting in work. - Appreciate this please. - I thought you were gonna use your hands. - There's only so much to do with your hands, that's why humans advanced to use machines. (laughter) - He's not wrong. - Harry definitely has a flashlight. - This could be one when we're done. (Simon laughs) - This is a big elephant, you know. - Well, elephants are big! (laughter) - So you haven't, like, emptied out your pumpkin at all. - We can't, we have no spoon. We thought we can with our hands, but... - Go do your thing man. - This is so weird. I expected nothing le- Oh, they're actually making progress now. - Look at that. It's going to need some tidying up. - Why do you got a pizza cutter in this place. - That was Cob. We sent him to get a knife for us, and he came up with a pizza cutter. - A pizza cutter's useless. - Surely that would work. - Oh look, there's a little incision there. - It's not good enough mate. - Everything takes so long. - Are you guys, like, measuring it against his head? - Yes- - [Ethan] Is your head that big? - My head ain't going nowhere fam. - Yes it is, go on try. - Get in there. - It doesn't fit. - It does, put your head down. Put your head down. Alright, Colin, tell him, put your head down. - Leave my head alone. - Okay, I will. - This is con- - Try it. - Don't fuck with me. Look, my head doesn't fit. (muttering) - Ow my nose. - You want to make it cum? - Yeah. - We should make it cum the whole way 'round the pumpkin. - Yeah- No no no. Not too much. - Wait, you just want a little bit of cum. - Just a little bit. Just a little bit. - You've been doing a good job man. - They ended theirs at a very unfortunate point. - Why? - 'Cause its like rotten. (Simon giggles) - Yeah, we want to make the bell a little bit bigger to cover the rock. (giggles) - A rotty bell is never good. (laughter) - Alright, I'm going to go toilet. I'll be right back. - Finesse it, finesse it RB. - Where's your teammate going? - He just said I'm going to the toilet. - Right, we're cleaning it out. (Toby gags) - Oh lovely job. (Toby gags) - Right, Toby's done that before. Look at him. - Looks natural. - Oh yeah, that's some proper fisting action. (Laughter) - Looks like his stomach ate a cow. - Look at Harry, look at Harry. What are you doing? - Just saying, the angle I've got here... (Toby laughs) - The bowl is just a big hole, that's the issue. - I'm not sure I've known that for days. - Okay, I guess its time for sabotage. - Oh no. - No no no. (metal music) - Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! (punching sounds) - [Harry] My fucking pumpkin. - Okay. Alright, alright, alright. I'll stop. - Take 'em off. Take 'em off. - Sorry. - Give me the tennis racket... (metal music) No, no, no. No. (all laughing) - Stop him. Stop him! Harry. - My fucking pumpkin. - You bastard. (gibberish) - Wait, what happened to our cock? (all laughing) - Well there's nothing we can do now. - Look at him. (metal music) (all laughing) - And just like that, Harry and Toby fall in the last place. - Oh come on. - You know what, Toby will take the high road on this one, okay. We can fix this, we can fix this. - How? - We can fix this. - You couldn't handle that our dick was bigger than yours. (laughter) - So you had to sabotage our dick. - We can save it. - Can we? - [Ethan] Put the dick back together. - Harry, I don't know how this is gonna work. - It's not gonna work, mate. - It is gonna work. - Just try taping over it, lets see what happens. I bet the tape doesn't stick, does it? It doesn't even stick, look at that, Sideman's tape doesn't even stick. - Oh my God! - Why'd you do that? - It's over. - I think it's over, at this point - What happened? - You can turn it into something else. - Like what? - Make it like a, Yeah, make it like a ornament or something. - Yeah. - Make it an open pumpkin. A piece of furniture, now. - Harry, Harry- (JJ groans) - Alright, its fine. - Given everything that's happened, Simon, are we allowed a sharper knife? - [Simon] No. - We can do this properly. We can do this. - [Harry] You pieces of shit. - [Simon] We can achieve this, with this. - Oh, my! Harry's cut himself. - Ow! Ow! - Get a close up on it, now. - Ow! - It's gone wrong! - Ahh! - Ow! - Ahh! - Ahh! - Wipe it on your face. - Oh! - Pose for the phone now, guys! - It's gone wrong. - Hold up your pumpkins. - Ah - Hold the knife. - Wipe it on your face. - Ah - There we go lads. - Nice one lads. - Shell finally left though - Its actually quite a deep cut, you know, I'm not... Look at the... look at this blood! I could lose my finger here, boys. - Stop! - I'll tell you what, Josh and Nick's is turning out decent. - We're struggling through the scuffed knife. - Oh this isn't gonna work. - Its fine, it's fine. We have the eyes bigger. - Everyone watching. You need to take into account time, style, aggression, - [Cob] Friends. - Cheating. - [Cob] Penis sizes. - Tactics. - Sideman clothing. - Sideman clothing we're representing very nicely. - This is where it looks good. - 'Cause his mouth isn't gonna happen. It's quite difficult. Mouths are the hardest part. - [JJ] Show me your right hand. (overlapping conversations) - Show me your left hand. Show me both hands. Okay, I guess he doesn't have a racket. - Where are you going? Come back. - Hiding down 7 flights of stairs. - Come back. (gibberish) - Come back - How do you do this? - Oh, you do have a racket. - [Man] Turn around. - Please take the punishment. - [Man] Turn around - Mommy I'm sorry. Mommy please. (metal music) Mommy, please! Mommy! Mommy! Mom- ahh! Mommy! It hurts. It hurts. - All that work for nothing. - I feel bad for them. - Yeah, me too. I don't condone violence. - [Man] They might win just for pity. - I feel bad for them as well. - Right you can't do this. - Stop mocking them. - Well... guess this all's gone to shit. Our pumpkin is fucked. - My finger's fucked. - Harry's finger's is fucked. Harry, can I just push this all in the box? - Yeah, mate I think its done- - No wait, I'm creating like a graveyard for you guys. - A memorial. - This is a memorial. We'll put it back together as a pumpkin. - It's still got... This is the face! - Yeah, that's a fucking good monster. - It looks like a elephant, man. - Well actually, Elephant Man. - That what we were going for. - One way, you've got an x-rated pumpkin. Oh what's that? The kids are back. (laughter) - And then you've got a pumpkin. - You've got elephant. (metal music) - Ahh naked pumpkin. - Yes! (Harry giggles) - Yes! Revenge! (serene music) - Is this even salvageable? - That's salvageable. - I mean you have a penis still. (metal music) - Oh! - I'm just terrified because look what happened to the other 2 pumpkins, I'm putting this one on my head, I might die. I might die. - [Ethan] I actually know what heart break is. - [Harry] We did a massive cock and you ruin the whole thing. - Did you see how good that was! - [Harry] Yeah because you got a small one. - Ours was professionally done. There are two sides to the story. You had a cock and a face. (laughter) - Why did they have to do it to him? - [Simon] Smile. (laughter) (JJ fake cries) (serene music) - Why are you just filming me? - Boys, boys, they're finished. Here's your candle. - We won't be needing that. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - Oh my God. - [Isaac] Ow my shoulder. - Oh, that's amazing! - Go get your torch out, quick. - [Simon] Okay, I take it back. They lose. - The torches. You fucking knob head. (overlapping conversations) - Don't throw pumpkin. - Why would I do that. (laughter) - We'll put a poll here, whoever... I don't know. They won. (laughter) - Let's go. - [Man] Check out the second channel video. - There's a poll. Vote for who you think won. Okay, vote for who you think won. Check out the second channel video where Harry and JJ are cleaning up this mess. - [Harry] What- (music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 7,999,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, pumpkin, sidemen sunday, sidemen sundays, sidemen challenge, pumpkin carving, pumpkin challenge, pumpkin carving challenge
Id: jRzfw7fuRhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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