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- Hello and welcome to another Side Men Sunday. Once again, we have a hide and seek for you. But this time, it's in a secret nuclear bunker. However, before we get into it, make sure you check out Side Plus, our brand new membership club, we can see exclusive content like our first ever official Side Men podcast. You can win giveaways and much, much more as well. So it's And on top of that as well, we've recently launched a huge Side Men clothing collab with Mr. Men. So make sure you check that out as well on Or if you live in London, look out for some buses with side men and Mr. Men on the side of them. Both links will be in description and let's get into the hide and seek. (rhythmic music plays) - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Side Men channel. Today, we are doing hide and seek in a secret government nuclear bunker. (men exclaim loudly) I am the seeker for today. You guys will all have some time to hide. - Wow! - Go! - That's it, alright? We're rolling. - Oh shit. Lads. My legs are stiff row. It's rest day. It's rest day. Oh it's slippery! - Wow. So for the first time, me and Harry aren't seeking, this is great. I can't wait to hide. - This is huge by the way. - Time to run, time to run, time to run. Oh, okay. Jesus. - A tunnel into the bunker. - [Vikk] Look at this. Government things. - Right. So I have a hiding spot in mind. The issue I've got is I need to go up to a bed first. - Yes. - Nick a blanket and then go up my spot, and then I'll go under the blanket in my spot. - Oh, okay. - Cause I'll be extra hidden. - Hey, slow down. I just wanna get to know you. - You wanna get to know me? - Hey. - Now I wanna hide. - Know what? I'm making sure you hide. - Wait, what? - [Josh] My job today is making sure you hide. - [Tobi] My job is to hide Josh. - [Josh] Now this guy never hides. - I'm hiding here. - [Josh] No, no, you're coming this way. But you're hiding properly, right? We're gonna find you a spot. I'm putting you in it. - I'm gonna give them like five or six minutes and then we hunt them down. (Simon laughs) - I want to try and dress up as one of the characters and just stand still. - Boy, he's gonna see you. He's gonna fucking see you. - I don't care though. I don't care. I wanna do it. - [Ethan] There could be a spot. - [Harry] No, he'll come straight out and find that - [Ethan] Under the stairs, bro if you go on in there. - Why don't we all just hide together? - [Vikk] Let's get some drip. - [JJ] Guys, let's just hide together. - Anyone fancy going under the fucking staircase? - Yeah. Look, let's get you somewhere you can go. - That's obvious though. That is actually. Under the staircase is, - I don't know. (group chatters) - We got Simon. We got Simon on the case. Oi boys, do you wanna go and get some drip? - [Ethan] Oh, that's what I'm gonna get. I said I wanna dress up and go under the bed. - Alright, let's go. - Are you guys, are you guys dripping? If you dripping on second floor, this floor, I need to go and nick something from the top floor. So I'll meet you down. - Where are the garms? - I'll wear this until I find one of them, okay? My mouth looks like a vagina. Are you ready to run by the way? - Oh, so many options. - [Josh It's very bright down here. - [JJ] Oh my God. It's a computer. Here's a computer. Oh, let's do some vlogging and gaming - [Ethan] Right. It's time to drip bro. - Drip or drown in this - Bro, yeah the drip - In this nuclear bunker it's drip or drown. - The drip. - Look at this. - This is like. (keys clacking) - I'm hacking the mainframe. Hello? - This is like Apple bunda. - Apple bunda? (man chuckles) - It's quite cold in here as well cause we're under ground. - It is proper chilly. - Oh, a trench coat. Trench coat settings. - They got trousers? - Yeah, they do. - Oi, this is sick bro. - They do. They do. - I'm moving kind of military. (man chuckles) - [Josh] Yeah. Run it. Run it. Run it. - [JJ] Yeah, alright. - [Tobi] Goodbye. My friends. - [JJ] I won bro. - Just be careful. - If you snitch, yeah. We're good. Be careful of the wires. - Move a little bit. - It's fine. It's fine. - Okay, bye. - Bye. - This is loud. - We might be fucked. - Upstairs. Upstairs. - I Dunno if I fit bro. - Yes, boys. - [Harry] What have you got? - This is also my spot, if someone could help me in. - Oh, you're gonna hide under this? - I'm going behind here. - Oh my goodness. - Underneath the blanket. - Oh he's, Harry's won. - We can't have Harry or JJ seeking here. Because this place is so huge. They won't find anyone. Ever. - [JJ] I'm lowkey lost. - [Josh] Wait, what? - Huh? - What's all this? - A big box here. Norridge? - Where are we? - [JJ] Holy shit. We could, - [Josh] We need a whole different place. - [JJ] Something's fucked. - [Vikk] So Harry's going behind this display board. That's cramped. You are you okay with it? - [Harry] And bro, there's like a weird hole as well. I don't know if I wanna be there. - [Josh] Wait, what? - [JJ] Bro. - [Josh] What's this? - [JJ] How the fuck is Simon going? - [Josh] Wait, there's all this. - [JJ] Bro. How Simon gonna find us? - [Josh] Bro, - [JJ] Bro, - [Josh] The guns are guns. - Is this safe? Oh this ain't bad, you know? This is quite comfortable. If I had a pillow. - Why would I hide somewhere noisy? Why would I do that to myself? Well, I can't do this. This is too loud. I can't do this. I can't do this. It's too loud. I can't do it. Josh. JJ. - [Harry] Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. - Are you okay? Are you okay? - He's got it. - [Harry] I mean I'm more, - He's a nimble man. - Hang on. - You use the walls. Like press, against the walls to slow yourself in. - Could you, could you make sure this stays up? - Harry you're pulling a Vikkstar right here. - My question. - He's pulling a top tier Vikkstar. - Oh he's in. Oh, he in. - What is that? That wall behind you is bending. (sighs) - Right? And if I go underneath his blanket here. - Yeah. - [Harry] He's not finding me. - No. - We can't go down there. - [JJ] Can we not? - [Josh] No, it's all like off. [Tobi yells and laughs] - [Josh] We got a tap knife ready for you. - [Tobi] Where the fuck are we? - [Josh] I thought you were hiding. - [Tobi] Bro, that place is to loud. There's noise going (imitates beeping noise) - Me and Simon already had that thought. - Bro, I should have pointed the camera at you. - I want to get it. Feel like they've done it up well. Can I go yet? Oh. (smacks hands together) - This place is booky I'll tell you that. - So Buku. I said buku. - So buku. - Buku, buku! - Corporal Baggs, - Spin around for me. Geez! - Actually. Yeah. Fap. Cool. Fap. - Corporal fap, (men laugh) - They got this guy on brand. - [Ethan] Bro let's bang it. I still think you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb. - Absolutely. I mean I'm a human. - So basically wants to look like one of these guys here. - What the fuck - I'm hiding here bro. Fuck this. - [Josh] good luck. oi guy look up there. - [JJ] Oh fuck. - [Josh] Not bad. Not bad. Right, good luck. - [JJ] See ya. - You are strong, you know. like Con's actually really strong. Alright, We're probably good to go in it. - Oh this is even smaller. - It's fine. It's fine. - [Vikk] You look good though. you look well, massive - Can't move. - [Vikk] But you look massive. - You belong in the war bro. I kid you not. (group chatters) - I'll see you. I'll see you soon. - See? Corporal fap in the military. Corporal fap is a post up. Corporal Fap, baby. - Alright. But we've got a little scene right here. Why don't you just go? Why don't you go stand in the scene? (shoes squeak) - Oh my God, boy. Oh yo. Oh my God. Harry, - That might be a problem for you, Harry. You might, Harry put the blanket covering from this side. - Yeah. - Yeah? - [Vikk] You need something to cover him here. - Why you stand there? Let me see how it looks. (man laughs) - Corporal Fap. - That's dead in the window. Corporal fap posted up in a rural setting. - They're stuck down here right now. - There's so much noise. - This good up here. - Where did you go around here? - Just that staircase is what you got. Where says no exit. There's a fire exit out. - Oh my God, we fucked this. - We're like a three man team. We're just putting all our money on Harry. Basically. - Yeah. Harry, we're invested in you now. - So where's the hole go then? - Just over the hole. This hole on this side. - Is it hangable? - Sit against it. Just sit against it. - Oh, have you hung it up? - [Tobi] We're stuck here. - I was hoping there'd be like another, you think this leads to another floor? - [Tobi] We can try - [Josh] Like a second staircase. No it doesn't. Oh fuck. - Oh fuck. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. - Time's up boys! - Oh shit. - Okay. Guys, it looks like you're creeping on that lady through there. - I'm in the war, bro. I'm protecting the home. - [Vikk] Respect. - [Ethan] Protecting the home, bro. - Alright. I reckon they've all gone upstairs. I'm going upstairs straight away. - Alright. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Cause I've just spent so long helping him hide, I'm in trouble here. So I could full well be on the way. I kind of wanna hide near these guys. Scary in here. - Are they allowed to hide in the toilet? Is this a thing? I'm trying to be smart about this. Trying to figure out where would they go? Common services in here. - Bro, this jacket is so tight. (harry laughs) It is so tight. - [Vikk] What the, there's another staircase here. So I can see into this room from there. - I can smell you. - So when I see Simon on this floor, what I do is I bust through, into this secret staircase. I go down there. - Hello? No? Okay. I'm gonna stop doing that. I look like a fool. Okay. - I think we're okay. - Getting a little stuck. - One of these, I told you, someone's gonna hide as a mannequin. That could be Vikk. (soft music plays) (item clatters on the floor) I missed. (Simon laughs) - Oi mate. Let's fucking go. - Please don't do that. - Are you following me mate? I been in the army for five years. - Shut up, shut up. You shut up. Shut your fucking mouth. - 35 Years of training. Prepared me for this moment right here. - [JJ] Well, this is fucking boring. - They're smart guys. You know, we've done a lot of hide and seeks. So I really think that someone's gonna be, someone's gonna be about here now. Screw it. - [Vikk] I can see Simon. He's right there. Is he gonna find one of them? I think he's about to get Ethan. Shortly. - Hello? I don't think I saw anyone, Bro, imagine if it moved. This one is terrifying. Wait, can I, Yo, what the fuck? (Ethan cackles) Oh my god! (Ethan cackles) Oh my god! Yo, - I did it. I did it. I did it bro, you didn't see me for so long. - [Simon] I know. And then I saw eyes. And I was like, what the fuck? (Ethan cackles) Oh my. - Corporal fap here to assist you. - Is anyone else around here? - No bro. - [Vikk] Okay, he's found Ethan. Okay. Right. I'm making my escape now. I'm dropping over here. - Yeah. Yeah. - Oh. Oh, Says no entering whatever. Right? I've gotta see if, is anyone on this floor? (Vikk gasps) - Oh my god. Shh! - It's really hard to see. And then I made eye contact with you at one point. And I was like, that's a really lifelike mannequin. You know? I couldn't tell it was you. I didn't think you were gonna be the first one I found. - Do you know what it is? Right, so, I had some assistance in deciding where to go. And I did say he's gonna find me, but it will be, it will be funny. - That was horrifying. - [Ethan] It will. Cause you stopped. - [Simon] You know, I didn't know it was you. I was like, that's a really lifelike mannequin for awhile. Alright, I'm just gonna carry on now this way. - Alright. - [Tobi] The way he just shit himself here. (Tobi gasps) - Okay. He's up one floor. He found Behz. Behz's just dressed up and stood in the window. - He found him? - We're just stuck down here? - [Vikk] Well, if there's a secret staircase there, we can go to a new floor. It says no entry, but we'll, - Look this way. Look, as well. There's this side. - It goes to the, it goes to the roof? - Yeah, but the thing is he's up. So, I think he's gonna keep going up. - [Josh] We have this one. - [Vikk] Right? - That's a fire exit. I think to the top. - Do we just go and hide at the top? - We've got one already. I'm happy. I'm happy that we've got one. There's actually so many places to hide though. That's the issue. - Fair Play to Behz. He didn't bait me out. You gotta respect it. I've now gotta decide, do I stay here the whole time? I could hide under the stairs, but I kind of, that's even worse than here. So, I think I'm better off just sticking here for a bit, cause he's not gonna look behind here. Is he? Nah. I might actually win at hide and seek. It was just a fucking alarm. - Harry's in an incredible spot. Harry's potentially won. - He's up. - This is a terrifying school. And there's nowhere to hide. Is there chalk? - Simon. - Yeah? - I'm coming. Think I'm coming. - Come here. - [Ethan] Oh, there we go. I'm coming. - JJ's here somewhere. - In here. (female alarm speaking indistinctly) - JJ's doing it. (male alarm speaks indistinctly) - [JJ] Wait, wait, have you guys not been found? - No, Ethan's been found. - Ethan's been found? - Yeah - [JJ] What a fucking noob. - That was really fun being corporal fap for a little while. (Simon laughs) Bro, you're gonna hear me heavy breathing on that so much trying to stay still. Cause, originally I had my mouth shut as well, but I was like, I can feel myself choking. - He wasn't, he wasn't in a great spot. - [JJ] We're gonna need to spot, - Let JJ have his spot. And we need to move. - Do you reckon Simon finds both of us here? If I go back here? - [JJ] No, if you are there. Yeah. You'll be too black to be seen. (man laughs) You'll blend in with the shadows. - [Simon] That is terrible. - I don't like it, but I think, - Gimme odds. Odds. Give her a kiss. - Oh what, Maggie Thatcher? - Yeah. - Maggie Thatcher. Mm. Yes. Mag. - Is this not like? I don't know. You know, you can't make jokes about the queen and stuff. Is this? (Ethan gasps) - Maggie's seen better days. Maggie's had a howler. (Tobi Farts) - [Josh] Oh my God. - [Tobi] Oh, - [Josh] What the fuck is that? (man laughs) Did you just fart? You just shit yourself. - Well, I'm not moving. - You definitely just shat yourself. (man laughs) That was dubstep bro. (man laughs) - Our new tat. (metal clanks) Oh no. (man laughs) Oh no it's actually got ink in it. - Oh no. It's not ink. I think it's just, Oh no that is ink! - Oh dude, new war tat, war tat! - [JJ] Is this what it's like hiding? - [Tobi] Yeah. - [JJ] Sit down and do fuck all. - [Tobi] Yeah. - We're finding you boys. - I didn't really plan on having ink on me but, - This is terrifying, this thing. - I think Vikk's gonna be in that small locker or something bro. Cause he always tries to like, - I reckon he's under like, someone's gonna be under a bed. Okay, no one's under there. - [Vikk] Josh come help me. - [Tobi] Are you enjoying hiding? - [JJ] Oh, it's kind of boring. (men laugh) If I had the internet on my phone, - [Tobi] Yeah. - [JJ] It would be great. - [Tobi] But that's not the point of hide and seek. - [JJ] Oh yeah. Yeah. True. - [Vikk] Do I get in bed with another mannequin? - [Josh] Can you get under it? - [Vikk] Can I not? Can I do it? - [Josh] No, it's got stuff in it. - [Vikk] Ah. Can you move that white sheet to this side of the bed? - That's scary. I don't like that. - I have an idea. I have a, I have a thought where Harry might be in there. - [Ethan] Yeah? Where'd you hear Harry here? - [Simon] I reckon, he's in one of those kinda lockers, but the bigger ones. - Harry can't fit in a locker at his big age. Can he? - He'll try. Like all of these, but thicker. Like that! - [Josh] I think you're good. - Cool. Thank you Josh. - I'm gonna try to get to the first spot - [Vikk] Good luck friend. Goodbye. - Goodbye. - You've got a good spot. - I need a dark, dingy corner? (female alarm speaks indistinctly) - Is there a human in that locker? There is not a human. - [Ethan] There's a very small ladder though. (female alarm speaks indistinctly) Alright. So now what though? Because look, we've done that ring now. - I haven't done that upstairs. - Okay. - I went weirdly. I went for the middle floor first. - I did think when I heard your voice, - You were like, that was quick. - I was like, he's here! - We're going into the male dormitory. Who's getting freaky? - Who's got their wand out? - We're coming to find you. - Anyone got their wand out? I'm coming for it. (loud banging on door) - You fucking, - Shhh. - [Harry] Hello. - Just trying to find good spot. That's a good spot. - It's a good spot innit? - Yeah you're good. - [Harry] Nice. And you know when he comes, I thought you would make more noise. When he comes I'll go like this. (man laughs) I'm just a pile of rubbish. - You're good. That should be fine. - Where have you been? - Just walking around hunting good spots. There's no more spots. Any more spots. - Right, we're gonna utilise this jacket as, activate stealth mode. - [JJ] Fucking Ethan. What a noob. - He pretended to be a mannequin. (men laugh) - This is actually, it's proper creepy, you know? Cause, like there used to be Donny's that would be sleeping in here. - [Simon] I feel like JJ's genuinely, - [Ethan] JJ is too big for all of these. - [Simon] No, I feel like he's genuinely going to be having a nap in a bed. - It's not a bad shout you know. - [Tobi] Wait, - [JJ] What? - [Tobi] Stop moving. You stay still. - [JJ] Okay. - This is the room I fear. This is my nightmare. Everything about this room freaks me out. - Well, who knows? Maybe the nightmare might be in your nightmare. - A hundred percent. Someone's here. We're going in? - I'm going in. Geez man got the scissors. Hey he's not a very good doctor then. Is he bro? He's got one hand. Yeah, but I wouldn't trust him. At least he's prepared for COVID. - Oh my god, JJ, - [JJ] What? - I've got wifi. - [JJ] Fuck off. - I've got wifi. - [JJ] Stop the bullshit. - [Tobi] Bro, I swear. - [JJ] No. - Are you coming in here? (man laughs) - Oh wait. This is the room with cocaine. - Cocaine? - [Ethan] Yeah. Look, - [Simon] We got cocaine? - Yeah. Look there's an officer. Nick Cockayne. Corporal. Corporal Nick Cockayne. - [JJ] Oh my fucking god. There's wifi. (men whisper excitedly) (men gasp) (upbeat guitar plays) - Might have to go in the back of her. Let's do it. I'm under the bed. I always be in dark ass spots. - Someone's, I refuse. I refuse for someone not to be hiding in one. Wasn't there a door around there though? - [Ethan] Yeah, there is. Man got head shot by the way. That's pain. How are you surviving that? By the way? - I don't think you do. - [Ethan] Well. What's he? This is sick bed. He ain't sick. He's fucking dead. - [Josh] I can reverse. Right? I'm away from the edges. I should be fine. It's tight under here. (man laughs) - I think it's time to play. Bogies. - But we're in the same spot. - Yeah. Fuck it, yolo. - There's context of where I am. Look, I have no room, no room at all. Harry's spot is so good. So, so good. 006, going dark. - No, they got spaghetti in this corner. Look Tesco Valley spaghetti. But there's a whole, there's like 50 tins down there. (male alarm speaks indistinctly) - Who cares about the wind bruh? I care about the side, where's the Side Men? - Bogies. - Bogies. - Bro. What's wrong with you? (man laughs) What the fuck is that? Why'd you start it from there? - The game is the game. - Bogies. - I'm gonna change the wind. (Simon farts) - Oh bro. I need to do one of those dude. One set. We'll send it heavily fucking east. (Ethan farts) - I, why have I walked behind you? - I don't know I warned you about that. - This one, this one, this one? - No. - Bogies. - Bogies. - Oh that reeks. - [Ethan] Yeah baby. (Simon exclaims) And that's just home. - We finished this loop though. - Bogies (Tobi screams) - That sounded like a Tobi scream. - Sounded about some sort of scream. - I think we go down to the bottom floor now. - Yeah, fuck it. I really need to poo, bro. Why does this always happen in hide and seek? I can't cap. - You always need a poo. - It's always hide and seek. - No, no, no, no. You always need a poo. - No, you win bro. You win. - I didn't know I could hit those notes. - I won't lie. I'm getting bored. The most fun I had was when Josh came and said hi to me, apart from that, I've just been on TikTok. I might escape. I might fucking escape. I can't be under this shit anymore. - I haven't been here. - Oh, BBC radio room. Live on air. You are now tuned in to Side Men FM. Side Men FM. - Now playing your favourite songs. - Now hunting your favourite UK YouTubers. - Lamborghini. Oh you reckon there's a human under there? - Yeah. There's a door there. - I think I can hear him coming. - [Tobi] That's why I said do you wanna play again? - [JJ] Oh man. That's bit of a risk. - [Harry] Mate, what's going on? Anyone in here? Hello? - Hey, this is actually mental, you know? - [Simon] There could be someone here. - [Ethan] There could be. - [Simon] There could be? How is there no one here? - [Ethan] This sounds nuts. - No, but this is a sick hiding spot. - [Ethan] Do you reckon we've walked past people? - Where does this work? Testicles. Hello? Test. No. - Well, I mean we could do Bogies and then you do, - Bogies (man laughs) - Bro, no. - [Harry] Okay. I'm out. I thought that was someone there. My God. That is terrifying. - This room bro. I'm telling you. In here. Someone, someone is in here. Someone's in here. Who's in here. - [Ethan] Ooh - [Simon] Someone's here. - [Ethan] Ooh yeah. Yeah. - Haha, pussy. You can't find me. Get wrecked scrub. (man chuckles) - Oh fucking hell, Con. Fucking hell. Oh my God. I just jumped out my fucking skin. Oh my God. I've got goosebumps. Con that wasn't cool bro. (alarm beeps softly) - Where the humans? There's someone like running around or something. - No, Con just scared me a lot. - [Simon] There's a way out around here. - [Ethan] Yeah. - I'm actually like I'm baffled now. Did you check in the display, yeah? - [Ethan] Yeah. Well I check the bottom one - [Simon] Bro. - [Ethan] It's actually mad. - [Simon Alright, Stop bro. Stop. Stop. - [Ethan] I just shit myself so much. Stop. I'm gonna pee myself. Stop it. It's not funny. - Um, what? Oh. - [Tobi] There's no space for you here. - [JJ] No make space bro. - I would like to say that was a close call, but it wasn't, he didn't even look in here. I think he just got to pee and was like no. No one here. - Yo, this, that's fucking terrifying. - Oh my God. That is. - [Simon] That could be one of them. - [Ethan] Could be, but I'm just not gonna risk going down there to be honest. - I'd rather leave them. - [JJ] Yeah. This boy is good. - [Tobi] We just levelled up. - [JJ] Yeah, yeah. - That's what happens when you hide with Tobi. - [JJ] Bro, don't start. And we still have wifi. - And we still have wifi. - Whoa, this is fucking, I'm actually going to fucking masturbate. No, not actually. (men laugh) - If you look up the side of the stairs, it will give you an idea of how underground you are. - Like can people go up here? - Yeah. Look, he said, if you look up the side of the stairs, - Are we gonna go up here? - No below. - Oh shit. - Oh shit. We are underground. - Under ground of the ground. - Ah, I just got dripped on. - Hey Ethan. You fucking pussy. (man chuckles) You can't, you can't find me. You can't see me. Hey, what's it like being a bitch? Not being able to find KSI? I don't even try to hide and you can't find me. Pussy. - [Tobi] Let's bring the volume down some. - Okay, sorry. - I'm not gonna lie to you Ethan. We're fucked. - I really need a wee. - Should we just walk back to the toilet? - Let's go toilet. Toilet break. - Like they could be up that staircase, but I don't wanna go up. Cause it says no entry. (man whispers indistinctly) - They're in there. They're in there. - Have we been in here? - Caution, keep out? (man laughs) - Yeah, go on. - Oh. - [Ethan] You haven't been to the third floor. - Are we not on it now? - [Ethan] What do you mean are we not on it now? - We're on the top floor right now. - [Ethan] No, no. We're on the bottom floor right now. - Oh yeah, we are. I'm not good at this. - [Ethan] I don't think we're meant to be in here, but I'm walking around it anyway. - I see Tobi, and someone next to him that I can see their legs! (Tobi yells) I can see Tobi. I can see your feet. I can see your feet, whoever that is next to you. - [Tobi] It's a mannequin. - [Simon] No, it's not. They got some fresh trainers. We can see you bro. - [Josh] Yo take him, take him. - [Tobi] Fuck! - [Simon] Yo, whoever that is, we can see you. - [Ethan] Throw something at him. Fuck him up. - [Tobi] Bell tap him. (men scream) - Whoa Bro. This mannequins really, (group yells and laughs) - [Tobi] We were living good. - [Ethan] Bro. Oh shit then. Well, I'm breaking lights. - Yeah, we got you now, huh? - Nice. - I looked at you square in the eyes. - I was just there like deer in the headlights. - They're upstairs. So I shall go downstairs. - Fuck, this is hard. - This is really hard. - Yeah. Yeah bro. There's too many spaces. - Do you know where anyone else is? - No idea. - [Tobi] Me and JJ were sat here with wifi, just playing bogies. - [Simon] Okay. Did you scream? Did you scream high pitch? - Yeah, yeah. - We heard it. We heard it. - I really should've just stayed in my position, but I was getting, I was getting cramp. Okay. - [Tobi] That voice note was really badly timed. - Yeah. - [Tobi] He sent you a voice note calling you a bitch and saying you couldn't find him. (men laugh) - We are gonna need your help. Seriously. To find them. - Well we don't know where anyone else is, so we can literally help you. - We need Harry, Vikk, and Josh. - Well I saw Vikk and Josh, but they just walked past me. So. - [Ethan] Oh that's cool. - Yeah. So I don't, - Really what you're saying is you have no helpful advice. - [JJ] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. - Bro if they're walking around here, thinking I'm not meant to be here bro. (male alarm speaks indistinctly) - [Tobi] They won't be in there. Let's look, they're not in here a hundred percent. - [JJ] Yeah they um - [Tobi] Bro. What's that um for? (JJ yells) - [JJ] Harry's here. (men yell) (Vikk laughs) (men yell) Where are you going bro? We saw you. (group yells) - [Simon] Where did he go? (men laugh) - [JJ] Got you bro! We got you bro! - [Ethan] Why did you move? - [JJ] Hey buddy, hey buddy. - [Ethan] I knew where he was. But why did you move? - [Harry] I was, I got cramp. - Where was he? - You know the window scene that I was hiding in? - Yeah. - He was literally stood to my right. Under cover. - Oh I looked at it. - I thought, Ethan hadn't been found yet. We were safe. - We looked at each other for time. And then you just ran. - [Ethan] Bro, I was invested in Harry. I put my money in to him winning. Why did you move? - Bro, I couldn't hack it in there. I was, I gonna explore about, I thought you were. I went upstairs and I heard noise. I thought you were upstairs. I was, oh, I'll go downstairs. And you were fucking downstairs. - [Ethan] Yeah. Sorry. He was stood right next to me. - I wouldn't have chased him if JJ didn't chase. - Yeah. Well I was like bro, I wanna end this. - [Josh] Harry left this spot. They all run through there. Upside down, sorry. - Josh is the only one that knows where I am and he hasn't been found yet. So I'm completely chilling here. - [Simon] I was here looking under the table, looking behind this for like three, four minutes. Solid. Ethan is stood there. - [Harry] Oh. - [Simon] No, come here. Let's see I'm like this. I'm literally here going like this looking under here. - No way. - [Simon] And I do this and I'm like, I don't know where he is. And then I make eye contact with him like that. (JJ laughs) And then I went and looked around. I didn't see him there. - No, I'll tell you why he didn't see me. So I was, Josh. Josh found me. - Really? - [Harry] Josh found me. Josh looked here straight away. So I was like, thank God he wasn't the seeker. - So Josh has been on the move? - Josh has been out and about. I climbed under here was behind. - [Ethan] How'd you know that? - [Simon] Mad. - [Harry] I was with Josh at the start and I couldn't find a hiding spot. - [Simon] I thought JJ would be having a nap if I'm honest. - Oh really? Yeah. That would've been smart. - No, he was so bored. If I didn't go chill with him, he would've been. - My heart rates through the roof. - We're back in the crazy room. - [Ethan] Checked that earlier. - Good game. - [Josh] Look. Play little inside the noise. Come on. - Should, should we split up? - [Tobi] We might have to. You know? - [Simon] Well it depends. Cause if they're moving, we kind of have to. - [Harry] Vikk's a tricky little customer as well. You know? - [JJ] Tricky little one, - [Harry] Tricky little customer. - [Ethan] I might go toilet cause I'm in dying need. - Anyone else need toilet? - I do need to pee. - [Ethan] Yeah. I need a pee. JJ, you wanna go pee? - Okay. Let's pee together. - [Simon] Yeah. We searched this. - [Harry] Have you seen Maggie Thatcher? - Yeah. Ethan made out with her. - Oh Lord. This takes be back to school. - [Simon] Remember these? Fun times. - [Tobi] Wow. That was really weird. We all came out the room at the same time. - [Simon] Synergy. - [Ethan] Well face the camera away from me whilst I do this. Or actually, subscribe to side plus to see us piss. (JJ laughs) - Was there someone underneath that bed? - No - Underneath the one I checked. Cause I don't want to feel stupid. Geez. No one. - Wanna see my dick? - [Ethan] Yeah. - Subscribe to Side Plus. - [Ethan] I'll put shadow of it on the wall. There it is. (man laughs) - Hmm. Hmm. - It's why they call him tricky Vicky. (men laugh) - Can't be fucked with. See? I'm like a, I'm a decent hider normally. So, I know how to seek. Don't move though. - This is why we make people like Harry and JJ searcher. because they don't think about any spots. It's just me and Vikk. - So it's the bottom, right? - They must be go going up and down. - [JJ] I met you there at the beginning. - [Ethan] I think they're going up and down on that staircase. - [JJ] I bet that at the beginning. - [Simon] Let's have a look - [Ethan] Do you reckon? - [Harry] Nah, they're not. - [Simon] They didn't go that early though, because I went in there. - [Ethan] No, we went in the beginning. - [Simon] Okay. - [JJ] Have you checked under the stairs? - [Simon] You guys stay here so that they don't come out. - [Ethan] Yeah I checked under there. - Harry, come this way. - [Harry] Yeah. Yeah. - [Tobi] Hello. Is there anybody here? We need to find Vikk because you are shit seekers. - [Simon] What do you mean? - [Tobi] What do you mean, what do I mean? Basically, Harry stinks at seeking. - [Simon] What room did you come out when we was upstairs? - Huh? - [Tobi] Where's Harry? - [Simon] I just wanna check this. - [Tobi] You've gone past Josh. - [Ethan] Have I? - [Tobi] Josh is, I've seen Josh now. - You seen Josh. - [JJ] What's up? - [Tobi] And Harry stinks at seeking. - Wait, wait, wait. Did I see, was it just, that was down there. - [Tobi] No, no, no, no. - [JJ] Wait, who's up there? - [Tobi] You have to go find him yourself. I can't tell you. - [Ethan] Well you bastard. - [JJ] Wait. Who's up there? - Oh, Simon's up there. - [Harry] Oh. Wait. So where is he? - He stinks at seeking. - Where have I been that Tobi's been with me? - Oh, this is gonna be long. - I'm going under. Ow. This was a mistake coming in here. - Me, you, and Simon were together. - [Ethan] He, oh, he's down at the site room? - No, he's in the rooms. He's in the rooms. He's in the rooms. - Surely they've had, have you seen them at all? - [Woman] No. - Have you seen them at all, Con? - [Con] No. (foot stomping on floor) - [Harry] Vikk? Josh? Zerkaa, I know you're in here. I know you're in here Josh Zerkaa. I know you're in here. I will find you. I will find you. - Vikk. He's not there. I don't know where to go. - Josh Zerkaa. Is he under Maggie Thatcher? Oh my God. - [Tobi] Is Vikk there? - [Harry] No. Fucking Josh Zerkaa is there. (men scream) That's Zerkaa! - [Ethan] is Vikkstar on top of him or near him? - [Tobi] I mean, sorry, Josh, mate. - [Josh] I can't breathe. - [Ethan] Well, it's a good job we found you. - [Josh] It's so claustrophobic. - [Tobi] He was under that one the whole time. - [Harry] Really? - [Ethan] Really? What? The entire game? - Not the whole, Harry came here and looked around the room and said no was here. - [Tobi] Get out, Josh. - [Ethan] How'd you get under there bro? - [Josh] Slid backwards. - [Harry] That's P. - [Tobi] Get out, get out, get out. - [Ethan] Well we need to present you. - [Tobi] Yeah, come this hole is like a big fish. - [Ethan] Simon! - Yeah? - Simon? - Oh Simon. - Simon! - Yeah? - Are you in here? - [Simon] Yeah. - Yeah. We forgot catch, - [Simon] What? - We found you Zerkaa - We found fish, - Where was he? - He was under the bed in the room that, - [Harry] Maggie Thatcher. - [Tobi] No we walked out in the room at the same time. - [Harry] He was under the Maggie Thatcher bed. - Wait, so he found him? - Yeah. Yes. We found him. - No the first time. - No, I missed this. - He missed him. Me, you, and Tobi all took a room. - His foot was sticking out the bed as well. Should have seen him straight away. I'm an idiot. - Bro, he didn't even look underneath the bed. - [Josh] I stuck My foot there so I can get some leg room. - Wait, so Vikk's won. - Vikk's won. - Vikk! - Wait - Vikk! - I put Vikk, I put Vikk in his place. - Can we get a floor? - Downstairs. - Oh, round floor. - Bottom floor. (group chatters) - Okay. Daddy. (men laugh) - Marco! - [Josh] No. You have to find him. Find him. - [Simon] We'll find him. - [Josh] Find him. - [Simon] Did you put him in this bit? - No. It's abandoned innit. - Is it? Okay. Then it wasn't there was it. - Can't go down there. - That's just a staircase. - Yeah. That's the exit to the top. - And Josh wouldn't have to put him in a staircase. - Yeah, daddy. - I put him in this vent. Stop saying daddy Simon. - I didn't. - You did. - Don't know what you're talking about? - I can't find him. - No, me either. - But you said he's this floor. - There's so much around here. I didn't know this existed. - Yeah, it's mental. - I looked in the telecoms room, but don't trust my judgement . - You found him? - Nah. - Okay. I reckon. - Nah, no, one's there. - Vikk! - I reckon he's in that. - Now that I'm with all of you, I'm overthinking everything. - I reckon he's in this. - This is my original hiding spot. Under here and I was like, it's not good bait. - I wouldn't have seen you. - Well, I believe that. - Well, probably not. - I'm going in. - Bravo, sixth. Good job. - He's not there. - Anything behind there in that corner? - Yeah. - Is that Vikk? - It's gonna be Vikk. It's Vikk. - Yeah! - Was it? I thought he was just looking. - I dunno, Vikk. It is right? He just won't move. - Vikk get up. someone, give me something. I can piss on him or something. (men laugh) - Bro I looked there. - You didn't, I've been here every time you guys have come in. - Really? We only looked under there. - Wait, where was he? - He was just under a rug. (group chatters) - This one. This is the boy right here. Can we move that in? - Wow. - Yeah, he's gotta put back the ladder - Bro, you look so tan. It doesn't even look like you, man. - Well, what a day. - Well, big wins. Well done, Vikk. - [JJ] Well done, Vikk. (men cheer) (techno music plays)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,302,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 8ZgFXXY3bu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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