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foreign posture and throw this around let's go oh that's sick you're imposter JJ congrats oh thank you man um if you kill one of these like I won't tell them no no no no no no please please I'll tell I won't tell I won't tell I you know I don't trust any eulog no no no no no man oh I can't be asked man I'm just gonna do my tasks this time I'm not even gonna try and like be a detective there's no real Point these guys don't listen to this anyway how did they get this far Ethan's a dad and he still does these stupid bro like imagine being that kid's parent bro no I'm just saying like imagine Ethan being a father and still being that stupid oh my God oh my God it's Landon it's London it's Landon oh cough oh my God Ethan's gonna throw Ethan's gonna throw Ethan's gonna throw it if he's gonna throw Ethan if you vote for me I'm actually goth I know it's you so much you're such a immoral it has to be king Moore it has to be it has to be surely go off wait wait what's happened yes boss no I just did a wee boss all right who do you reckon it is though early does I'm not I'm me and you are not bad enough to figure out who it is [Laughter] we could stick it on Vic you know we can stick it off you one stick nothing you fat man [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you sticking what what do you mean you've got a bigger brain than now so who should we just stick it on like we should just just I don't know it's just funny in it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay um next kill was Josh all right okay sick and we saw it what was me who's trying to [ __ ] [ __ ] about me where you at all right I'm just gonna talk over it with you bro I saw it where he is it demonetized oh no no that's what I'm saying someone's saying the wrong word I think that's Harry shakes with KSI by the way what saying the n-word yeah what what is Harry who said ah no one did it uh you should have done it Lachlan oh Simon what's it like getting back to back imposter I'm not I'm not a murderer all right one two three four [ __ ] okay one two three four five six hey someone died one two three four five six bro I can't okay I did it I did the task I did the task I did the task where's that come from all right [ __ ] about me what do you hear boss you're saying this thing about the first kill it was Josh I'm on camps I'm on camps please note that I went in here please is someone is someone dying just tell me where they die and I'll investigate for you Laden just keep talking we can talk through the wall and yeah um if somebody comes in yo what's up if JJ's in here if I die don't do it please whoever was on cams I made it very obvious that I was there yeah I'm just checking I'm checking I'm gonna go check navigation I think Simon's movement's with sus what's up what's up JJ what's up how you doing man I'm good I'm good the lights are out that's that's convenient they're back on have a good day oh hey Jimmy oh hey Toby hey what's good guys why are you why are you so happy what am I not allowed to be happy wait what are you gonna do I'm just I don't feel good I don't feel safe there's two boys go away I don't feel safe you stay away from me hey yo back up back up bro you're looking kind of tasty you know no I'm not no [ __ ] hell okay dog oh Justice got stuck in lights did he yeah oh my God wait so you think Josh might be dead because I think he's a killer no no he's still there are you alive yeah what's up Brian what's up man how's life it's good you're right let's go let's we're gonna do let's go into a dark corner of the cafeteria a dark corner of the cafeteria okay there's no dark corner they're all lips don't do it all right all right if you kill me Harry and Ethan will blame it on Josh really yeah really hey is this where you talk about your strength yeah yeah oh okay okay good good all right man games are kind of mad yeah yeah I can't find Victor hey what are you not laughing for why are you laughing no no no no wait I'll tell you guys whoever's done the next kill Year we're just sticking it under us Ethan you everyone can hear this [ __ ] bro you didn't hear that no I don't know I don't know [Music] oh who was it oh okay so I found this down bottom right of the map I swear Josh just ran from there from where I'm not even joking I saw him you keep saying my name when I run past you are you planning something because I'm sure I'm making a mental note of who's there wherever the keys are running from by the way wait actually Toby ran past me by the way that kill was Toby oh oh there we go that kill was Toby it was yeah how because because because seconds before that was called I heard Ethan telling Toby our secret plan oh now he's dead and now he's dead Harry remember I said Harry gang up on Josh and pretend that Josh was the Imposter but now if that's the case then it must be totally so I'm happy to vote Toby I like to shoot so she was shooting yeah there's a Harry and Bitcoin out though no I swear it's not then why would Lachlan this tank he saw Toby near the near the body maybe you jumped on Toby because oh so it's you as well Josh all right cool we'll get you next time but this is a long run yeah yeah I hope I survive to make the end of it I've put in I've put in steps here hello wait wait who's there who's here Joseph Randy land and Josh Vick and Randy My Fire [Laughter] number one could you please sing the opening to I Want It That Way believe red I see I want it that way tell me why oh chills literal chills Randy you know it's not me right because I don't know the whole vibe check on you it's not happening as well what if that's a like a 2020. I'd like a triple I I'll never do that yeah true true we are boys yeah and I think I'll write with Toby honestly oh my God hello Randy is it you hello hello what is it you no oh you [ __ ] bastards yes [Laughter] what comes out of the central room well I wasn't Powell helping with other things are you talking to don't worry about it what do you mean I'm worried about you're talking to yourself I'm checking I'm checking someone's dead buy yourself the right lock on Lachlan come here let's let's do it here come here no I want to do a no-face scan clear Med clear Med clear I can't do one though all right no I'm doing it just so you guys know just vouch for me I'm doing mad this is clearing me double kill how are you doing it I would get away look I'll get away I don't trust him all right um okay then I was with it has to be Simon because I was with Landon I ran left as soon as the thing went up I ran left and then I see Lannon and Josh coming out of Med Bay oh yeah Randy are you sure that wasn't you oh oh oh oh are you sure what happened because you were with Harry and you went round the right so what happened he's on the ropes so Harry's like is it you I was like no he starts doing the attacks I run to find you and then and then back up to see where he is and he's dead yeah and we went back together so either you you killed him ran offer saw me and came back with me or no someone else snuck in and killed him who could have snapped it and killed him not Josh your laser it can't be big honestly I voted for Vic start because he was bullying me it's got to be Psyduck honestly bro it is you bro because I was Josh and Laden and we were in a med Bay having fun with me always and the other two were off together so it has to be Simon Lachlan I don't think Lannon did Med Bay scan but he was there he it means he can't kill him right I think you stood down fast us do we think we've got someone out I think we got Toby I think we got yeah and whoever was like not on the left the map then right oh yeah there you go no anymore man are we we're not shooting we're not shooting right I just [ __ ] do it there's results are the same oh I shot thanks no I was left of them and then I ran it wasn't in bed back with us no wait no it's not being in my bed no but yeah you know yeah okay Randy [Laughter] [Music] somebody else would have died somebody else would have died if Toby wasn't right I'm I shot Toby it could be it could have been Lana no but but that kill happened they're in a very small window that kill happened between Randy foreign you're gonna kill me just tell me first okay okay fine thank you guys I'm not gonna are you gonna kill me I can't kill you that sounded very sus do you know how to like kill someone even if you're not a poster you go alt f4 and you can kill someone yeah oh [ __ ] oh sorry I was just testing something because I heard Simon and Lachlan talking for ages I now have full faith in Lachlan yeah it's not because Vic did the community the comms tasks as well everyone can oh oh yes I think I can perhaps I was just seeing if there's any dead bodies because I definitely could have cleared them that's all Randy tried to like curse me to follow them and no one's dired in that time I didn't try it again I've been buttered up but no one died in our time so surely like you know yeah we'll continue our talks it's a very important okay yeah but no one died exactly I could have killed you yeah and you will now I would never kill you yeah you did it last [ __ ] game Simon oh okay goodbye guys I'm dying now it was fun Simon [ __ ] you I knew it was you you [ __ ] right Josh Josh Come With Me Josh come with me gross some [ __ ] balls and come and talk with me all right all right quick Josh all right okay Josh I think it's either Randy Simon or locky I guess it's not me it's not me no it's Honda Vic it's Honda Vic you didn't do it at the start yeah it's time to die lucky all right Josh said it's time to die in the other 18 but I think he was trolling but we should probably go I'm just checking I'm just checking is it all right it's been good power up oh I was ready to go through my last task oh one last time okay hey Simon I'll come with you because I trust you now all right guys just wait here just wait here just wait yeah yeah just wait here okay any deaths over there we'll report it why do you trust me I trust you because you would never betray me I never betray you you would never betray me you never have done it and I appreciate that that's what a good friend does I would never betray you no you'd never do it and that's why and if you did it it would be cringe can I do asteroid can you ask me yeah you do it you do some asteroids I was gonna say that's not [ __ ] he's lying [Music] [ __ ] go call it I can't call it okay they're gonna vote me out oh lights oh dog hey oh are you there so many of you don't [Laughter] know oh yes it's totally Simon it's totally Simon no it's so excited you sure he's not just trolling you ah no I'm not Charlie all right now if if Randolph kills Lachlan or laser beam this is a big play cholesterol is went to the wrong task yeah I made a mistake I made a mistake I thought I had an exclamation mark in that room no one's tired let's keep your suspicions to yourself the killer has to move eventually Toby was right by the way [ __ ] off [ __ ] just [ __ ] off Glenn I know it's you I don't know it's you right Josh Josh Come With Me Josh come with me in the dark come on be brave be brave no one went with Randy to do like something okay me Harry and Ethan All crew had a plan to blame the first kill on you that's not very nice I know it's not very nice that's why I backed out of it because I could have stuck with it right Ethan was telling that plan to Toby and then he died just afterwards and then I got him voted out and there haven't been many kills since so trust me I don't trust anyone else he's trapped in the cafeteria he trapped himself if you're the killer [ __ ] you Josh by the way I think you're too scared to be a killer I don't know right I need to go do some tasks now my task is here don't kill me let me do it first before you kill me okay you can kill me now you can kill me now wait I got one more one more I got one more all right all right one more one more one more it's in a corner too let me just do it and then all right kill me now to the corner no one will see it go bro everyone's just hanging out is there any actual killers in this Lobby is anyone the killer as the game bugged out who wants to Die the game might be bugged what did imposter get killed or the Imposter just doesn't know he's the Imposter genuinely lucky that's stupid oh he's boiling it oh this is so dead oh bro I don't know what to do man wait are we gonna see someone wait we are missing someone no he's up here next up here all right I'm gonna do my last task you've said that three times I'm gonna do my last task kill me no don't get me wrong one two oh [ __ ] sake oh just kill him do it do it right now do it oh God if I even did it oh God oh God oh God oh God Randy there's dead body down here is there yeah it's yours oh he's done very well man all right there's somebody in Med Bay there's four of us in here one person wait someone died the other person the other person that isn't it if someone's dead it's the other person okay who is it it's Simon Randy get that done two seven four nine two about it I got it all right someone Dead all right someone dead okay we know who it is who who was it in the room it was supposed to wasn't there Randy Randy yeah as well and you know what I think Randy killed um killed um whoever was on the first O2 what I was doing no to you right now that's enough for me that's enough for me but what if the death was way earlier oh no what has been doing like I was doing I was going down to see who's in Batman 2 then the meeting has called him hey we could finish our tasks there's not many left Randy coming and said help after I was at a meeting maybe he killed early in the round I'm sorry Simon if you're hearing this I'm sorry no I was being chased I was getting chased by who earlier for everybody hey [Laughter] Google he's done it he's got away with it he's got away with it and then as soon as the meat is called he's like oh it was obvious it was it did you not hear Toby go when he killed me oh really no no I left the wall at that point but I knew he was talking today Vic got his ear to the wall oh man [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 8,433,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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