Sending everyone to the Circus Stage | Baldur's Gate 3

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anything is [Music] pausable good puns because clowns Aren't Enough of a horror already thank you to the loud mouth for volunteering for my next trick you my Special Assistant come on up what no no don't you dare this isn't funny oh my heart the enthusiasm is too much right there oh perfect of course what fun I'm going to kill [Applause] you just give the word and I will kill the clown we would be praised as Heroes thank you to the loud mouth for volunteering for my next trick you my Special Assistant come on up am I indeed perhaps I will tell my favorite joke it is about you bleeding to death oh right there oh perfect it was a beautiful [Applause] webbing can we not find a more pleasant Amusement gouging out our own eyeballs perhaps you my Special Assistant come on [Music] up you can't be ser serious oh my heart the enthusiasm is too much and here I thought saram morphosis was the ultimate torment Gods I hate clowns I'm not even sure clowns like clowns thank you to the loud mouth for volunteering for my next trick you my Special Assistant come on up are you quite sure you have a friend called Shadow heart not an enemy oh my heart the enthusiasm is too much I'd advise you find someone to taste your food from now [Music] on why is that dored fellow being for forced before a crowd like so is he being punished ritualized humiliation you my Special Assistant come on [Music] up the the local Customs are veiled to me are you sure this is wise oh my heart the enthusiasm very well Oak father Shield me in the trials to come anything is [Music] posable what shut up thank you to the loud mouth you my Special Assistant come on up you think I haven't mounted a stage before don't be warned clown if you mean to throw knives I will throw them back oh my heart they right there oh perfect oh you understand the nature of a secret organization yes [Applause] H not to my taste but I'll take a clown over some hack magician pulling panies from his breaches you my Special Assistant come on up truly I might as well go Mount The Gallows oh my heart the enthusiasm you truly are testing the patience of a man who could level a city if he wished you [Applause] know ooh no sorry dribbles you my Special Assistant come on [Music] up hang on now Soldier I'm not paying for your sins oh my heart this better be violent sexy or [Applause] [Laughter] both between you and me I love a good clown and dribbles is the best you my Special Assistant come on up I'm not so sure oh my heart well if you [Applause] insist my Special Assistant come on up [Music] honor this Minsk but be warned Jester none may juggle my hamster but me oh my heart right there on closer inspection Boo this clown does not much look like the Jolly sort
Channel: Gaming Squad
Views: 15,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rvVi-KGfS18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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