Shrooms? - Plants Vs Zombies 2 Ep2

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hello I'm the game beaver welcome back to another episode of plants vs. zombies - I'm really excited I don't know if you could tell already excited I've been one to play this for ages it's this is the soil game but I would play for hours and just keep playing until like I got to a place or like probably until I was tired to tie and had to go to sleep so we're on stage 4 we just unlocked the akamaru is called actually so let's do stage 4 see what we can do each stage has like a mission and if you do that mission you get something extra so we're still in ancient Egypt no different Sun plants are coming via special delivery oh it's one of these where you only get plants like a sword to you oh I don't really like these ones the turbo speed speeds up sorry the turbo button speeds up your game faster sound faster plants and faster zombies what we don't want that doing this was actually not in the original game after an update they put on him and it was really helpful actually so boomerangs are great because they could hit three targets before they come back and then they hit the same three targets again so and they have a good range on them - yeah look at that one - and you can tell again oh it's beautiful of it the cabbage can hit over and hit over thingy so we're gonna place up there we're also gonna place that there for it to destroy all of those graveyards so I grave down boot date okay join you click it once there you go I took that once go away yeah I'm done alright we put you there there needs to be another one there so right now it's just fun I love this I love this game oh is so good squish crazy fun it's a couch okay oh god some storm drifters ah we may need some help with that one um oh yeah we're doesn't get it oh oh it just spawned in the nick of time okay uh we're okay we're okay we're cold good good good for what to use the plant food on crews on the boomerang and then Center boomerangs everywhere do using the cabbage and hit everything once Oh I mean he's yeah that cabbage hasn't got to do anything Oh off you know god there's a lot okay I've got to use on the cabbage I got ease on the cabbage oh but you then put you there cabbage alamode oh my god yeah you don't son a chance now do you buddy oh we have a bucket head okay the bucket I can die from am from that mine this cutter be a while actually oh we have a nut if you have a nut so we'll speed that up no not by much I set it up so he's gonna die by that okay before big wave comes I'll have to use that okay oh no either go one two three ah Oh beautiful the final one barely dog do it now oh wait no this is another one oh he's gonna take a while there we go and that's use the boomerang for one see what special is it's okay it's not amazing but it does it does more than a cabbage does whoa but nah quirky we got a jar of goodies gosh so these are pretty awesome um I think most people just end up using one over the rest I think they got there like not all the same price because some of them kill them or least do more than the other ones do you have some power-ups I'll show you how to use them yeah now we go break a break so I come in which one I like more yeah snow powder I never use um yeah so you literally just click and then drag that one I'm not too fond of because it only lasts for a certain amount of time and if there's big zombies you can't really kill them if I remember this one is the best you can just like scrub the screen until you can hit the ones and they'll send them back at the multiple times and they will laugh they'll they'll just flip off this is the most expensive I seem to remember but it just it just instantly kills them and now you can use whichever one you want and then flippies yeah that's right if you've got a bucket on the head they flip off instantly anyway like so it doesn't matter how hard they are and plus you can flip them all up to like the same line and let's try the snow a while that actually lasted longer than I thought it'd work so we're going to flip all of these up to the to the first line hold on I'm doing this because it's really cheap otherwise like right now it's free so Wow ah okay so it was really good okay let's just stop them all okay zap is not good oh the big ones oh wait we seem to work better there yeah why is there so many Oh snow is really good actually for slowing them down nevermind screwed screw this up I want snow and there we go everyone yeah oh yes and you planned if I remember right this is iceberg lettuce I think so is iceberg yeah it is this is really good because it's free you okay that's unblocked that's awesome that's a plant in the game I just can't remember what it does oh yes we just want to carry oh we go to market don't forget to buy plants oh wow so many lava guava lava guava ropes and leaves lava to burn zombies des Vosges a zombie in one bite oh that's a nice comeback from the original fire peashooter halep a la pena hora que el push back and chill zombies homing missile fire oh my god peanut let's divide it so much since I stopped playing or it is those Wow just so you can buy those for real money well well right now I'm not gonna buy any I think we're just gonna go like do a single playthrough or a depends it depends I might be tempted because I like Chomper I love Chomper that was awesome in the original one not long before time but also that - except for when he could talk I didn't really like when they gave Chomper a voice pinata patty play event hmm I sort of want to I sort of wanna yeah I'm gonna do it like us so many things thrown at me and I just want to do all of them so what'd you do with it oh my god it's got a cannon okay Oh awesome so if I if I remember right the mushroom turns the zombies around and they eat any other ones oh my god what are these ones I think this is medieval okay uh well these guys are okay right now then they're not thread because we can sort of turn them around whenever we please oh the snow ones the most well the power-ups were okay no idea so is that what I'm getting just mushrooms is that it it is okay so now we send them around can we I think what I want to do is I add the plant food to that one so it's a super mushroom but all day through my zombie defense okay we're gonna put put you there power up you so when he eats at the zebra coma I does awesome it becomes I - oh I think he needs one yeah we need one their eyes about eat it is about eat it and become that Titan so we need oh we're definitely saving him turn around we're gonna need another one there Oh God come on Salado Denis the wall who's gonna win between a zombie or a rummy we're doing good I don't think I'm doing good oh no I lost a little Oh God it's not going well can I just oh god what might my dudes are doing awesome I got a fit I keep forgetting to pick up the coins so I'm going to empower that one I'm gonna think yeah I'll get that one as well I can't believe I lost one Baba oh come on this I've got that one every role except for the tomboy Oh God there's loads there he's gonna die he's gonna die surely where we need one on the top row oh oh you got over get away oh oh oh powered up powered up oh god do it these counters everyone oh it goes turn you or you doing it boy I found a sprout what does that do well I guess we'll find out later oh god oh oh oh well he's took out the tag awesome come on zombie is I gotta get the pocket head I did awesome if keV it not havin you we like it work all of them oh wow that one completely devastate the top roller so I think we got it is this oh I think we're golden I think that's done it right and then we can just speed it up oh we did it awesome leave our pinata what open three-party pinatas tap to open and find out the treasure okay I'm gonna go for Oh ten gems is that good gems good I mean I'll take it I was going to say I just opened it Oh so we have to do it once a day and then a party five we got a good one behold the mystical Hypno's room over through two percent off now I think I'm okay it's only to quit anyway so it's like a quid off come on let's continue our journey into space and time visit your Zen garden okay what do you do mm I have found a spot maybe if you water it you'll get some coins at least I think that's how it works so I click on it oh I need water it's a marigold she needs water okay and we have another one so can we add another if you wait a while your mana good will grow oh my god oh right it wants us to speed up hmm lots of coins and more water so what do you do then we speed up again gold coins oh my god that's gonna give me everything for free and then we plant another one can we water that yes we can I think I'm okay I think I'm gonna leave it or would it be do hmm you have the time awesome oh you - three minutes that's okay where you going down to the cobweb don't oh it's a cobweb panic well I thought I was gonna take a dark turn but I guess not back to the map bad bad Bam Bam right can I continue I can't continue oh wow level eight that looks like a pot I'm a boss level how long Wow guys we've got our work cut out for us by this really long okay how many levels 25 oh maybe that's not Dylan there's just like a gap in between them all and never used to look like this or at least the one that I played before the update now everything's so spaced out oh we finally get to pick what we want but I think oh one using it Liseberg who we are gonna need right we need the boom round for the camels um we don't need walnut do we actually I might let's no let's loot let's lose cabbage okay whoa what's happening if you want to use a powerup you can buy one with coins just tap on it and you're ready to go sunflower you've got a rock with the two flowers on tactic whoa another one ancient Egypt day six coming Thank You Samba for warning me that was very nice of you that you you were coming you're right I'm saving are you know I'm gonna put my book down anyway because he's free come on double row double rows gonna work it's work for me in the past it's gonna work now I feel like I should be okay there it is hey Q I'm gonna I'm gonna actually gonna save that I'm gonna put in there cuz I might as well put it down now so the regenerating times on it aren't really bad we're almost done awesome right okay let's play some things I kind of want to put the pea shooter in the middle because yeah he doesn't have to battle with anything I'll put you there Oh another frizzy put a frizzy there put one there I'm liking it we've got two boomerangs up and below and one pea shooter in the middle that's good keep placing whenever we get that mind will place it whenever we get the iceberg will place it iceberg II go buddy go oh there it is we need double boomerang for that you know the pea shooter put a walnut why not put another boomerang oh look at this girl we got so much Sun let's get more please place everything go crazy okay yeah come on we kind of lost with all that should be good get the coins get that oh okay I realized that you could get sandblasters at the end of it they just sort of run in oh did you get frozen I got frozen let's use on the iceberg freeze ah and I'll place you and a place you and I place you that place and there we go awesome and I think if I just breathe yep that was pretty easy but awesome fun it's nice when you just place everything and just watch watch the enemies fall oh you think I play too camera will save you oh my god is it now really quick with 450 extra despair hmm defeat the hideous gargantuan of ancient Egypt day a to earn a time key hmm is that what the present was oh I guess we're about to find out next time hmm are we gonna hurt what carriage has a hat yeah so find out next time live like a future this video and until then I'll see you later well why
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 148,842
Rating: 4.9375768 out of 5
Keywords: plants vs zombies 2, its about time, egypt, lets play, thegamingbeaver, agamingbeaver, zombies, tower defence, plants vs zombies, walkthrough, mummy, mummies, attack
Id: 9A5wIga-sKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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