Battle Cats! - C.A.T.S Crash Arena Turbo Stars | Ep 1

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oh yeah I'm doing a mission um yes hello everyone welcome back oh really welcome to the first episode of Kats choose nickname kitty cat oh it's it's really not taken well it looks like I am gonna be cold kitty cat from now on so hello welcome back I'm kitty cat and this is critical gaming oh no it's not oh God sokatsui watching the World Championship dreaming to participate I don't maybe so if you wanna see more this series hit our lock button like you've never hit anything in your life before and you want to prove something to the whole world and until next I'll see you there bye yeah since it's your birthday oh I have a present for you okay with a generic swoosh sound effect number two and three why are you so sad are you not happy to see your Uncle Tony you are definitely not my Uncle Tony sorry for being away for all these years but blah blah blah you're gonna give me loads of stuff okay happy birthday kitty cat it's a pilot joke congratulations on your first fighting machine let's install the rocket launchers okay oh there it is there it is we gotta put it anyway you put it on day nine extra attack from zero which makes it nine attack what are you waiting for get in okay is that me looking good now let's win some new parts for your machines by destroying other people okay yay go right all right remember you are not controlling the machine it fights automatically your job is to assemble the best machine out there it's happy to watch so I just watch I don't participate okay it's like robot wars up well Jaeger did not do very well at all oh and do the walls close it hmm no machine one you've been rewarded with your first supply box I wonder if they're gonna be microtransactions it contains new parts that will help you to improve your machine turn good win streak wand I wouldn't really call that a win streak to be honest and the supply boxes are sealed pretty well it takes time to open it it does it really okay unlock six hours have you give me gems open now for free okay if we could speed up the process everything why does everything in afghans white always gems or crystals why could it be rocks or hammers smash it classic ooh did we get a new body 28 health 6 Lightning a coca-cola Paul which gives us 25 health and 1 lightning because I'm at speed and surfer 50 health and supply Oh Anna Paul old Mike over again everything or are we gonna tire a big foot tire Titan oh ok chainsaw plus 30% went on Boulder oh so you have different weapons that are good with certain air combos ooh collect surprises pretty cool right keep writing the quick fights okay cool keep write and keep winning you dyslexic buggy if to get more supply boxes if you got laughing yourself who can you laugh oh and don't forget to visit the garage and check up on on new parts ok so edit what was Boulder classic Titan surfer well I mean we've got it we've got to choose Boulder there it is and then chains are on the front can we put on anything or is there a max limit oh come on oh right I get you so I can only put on us like there's only one there so can only put one on ok right gotcha we're gonna tires Oh what is Bigfoot to having you think in particular gives us 15 health or we're gonna have this one just gives us 10 hell no let's get big for tires oh ok wait what did I put on no I want this oh right I've only got one Bigfoot tire uh I'm pretty be like a little bit facing downwards but I I guess that's okay yeah it's fine what about this coca-cola what does that do is that a boost that must be as a booster okay I think that's everything okay we have like ten extra points before you go I have a small gift for you it sucks take this sticker it will make your fight machine look special oh my god why just a skateboard or a moon I choose them me okay would you put that anywhere how about there there you go now we look cool yeah that's definitely one cool Tony would have stickers uh-huh these doesn't have anything else questionable right okay so uh let's should we fight again okay we're getting some against hyman which oh that's dirty okay he's got a coca-cola fall - I'm wondering with where you place a coca ball Coca bottle Goku kookaburra um depends on where you boost but okay well I did oh I'm a Chia like you're not doing bad oh I'm really not too bad alright then awesome why are we killing each other why can't we be friends okay we're a two streak great um I don't know exactly what that did but Kitty cap begins Robbie right okay tap - what is it seriously nobody called themselves kitty cat I am really disappointed okay yeah I've done amazing yeah great no my win streak of two completely gone want to get on TV and fight in the finals I signed you up oh great yeah I'm ready of course I'm ready for that right wooden parts oh my god carbon parts yeah I I kind of I kind of know how this will work leaderboard uh-huh who do we have on my lead we have a slot and symptom that's you you're in the competition there are several ways to win the championship against bots cuz that's what they are there won't be real people yeah okay um you know this cook this cocoa balls not really doing anything for me can use back into my chainsaw right oh sorry it's just automatic fights oh okay again I'm gonna lose or am I I think he's gonna lose he's gonna be the first one to get hit by it yeah the first one yes awesome I got one medal for doing nothing oh okay well this this cook the coca bottles not doing anything for me Oh hold the phone I sort of won it back there yeah yep this isn't good this really hissing oh how many fights do you do oh that guy's got no wheels or anything I was gonna say please don't die please don't roll over him and hit the thing well there you go he had an amazing one without any wheels how many fights other wins refights to get instant promotion well oh come on yes no you done this coke bottle no oh now it now I'm winning yeah I mean no I'm honest real yeah goodbye so do I just have to get to is it inevitable or is it like 10 fights this is the worst thing I've ever made a write up on the front wheel oh oh right Wow the game got so bored with me like she went to black screen there for a second and he's just he's just gonna push me since that goes yeah I'm good can I just kind can I speed this up just fight ten the last one I kind of see a pattern here oh yeah just push him in yeah that'll do yeah I can win this I can win this yeah I so I'm skillful yeah and the most attack but like that the coca ball just not one of people are gonna rage in me for calling coca bottle cold cool the other thing I also get sued I think right I don't know congrats winning your first championship it really wasn't that hard that's all it took to get on TV um wow I'm on stage too awesome you've unlocked powerful parts too oh it's gotta be lipstick yeah if it lifts Oh unlike you do books 30% attack went on tightened another rocket whoo another Bigfoot stinger blade blade blazer power tool box okay what does that do collect prizes and again flowing all this currency at me okay yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah I want to I want to edit my thing okay well first thing I want to do is get rid of okay's telling me to do something then fuse apart you can I don't a fuse it with a wheel I I have to oh okay so right so the things I don't want I can just put in there infuse okay interesting okay don't need that let's go this level to an extra twenty three damn it right get rid of coke bottle no spin it oh I sold it okay well you know I wouldn't even use it anyway so we got drills as well creeper drills on time we're gonna got one where is the lipstick I unlocked where's that yeah give me that tire we need yeah that's better next for 12 health now we're like sort of actually maybe a bit too tall though huh put another yeah kissy-kissy moon there we go is that is that the best I've got don't have anything else 100% health if I put that chain so Ron what's this one thirty percent went on Titan surfer Titan hmm let's try this we'll try this cuz now we've got rid of the super super part oh okay I'm gonna bet the hell's with all this this is way too much too much should take it this is upcoming but I would rather choose one of the players to place a bet with oh okay if they win I okay reward bonus two parts 1% 3% and that's because he's got less attack and more people are voted for the one on the right apparently and because of that he's got the last chance of doing it okay so everyone's voting on this guy the one on the left cuz he's got like 92 attack um okay uh I'm gonna get the majority oh I bet apart okay where's the toolkit do well we all know that yeah whatever bet that yeah are we done are you sure are you sure you want to bet one pot yes okay so and then with this one yes screw it let's oh wait let's double the amount on this one yeah whatever go for ya what oh we could bet all of our parts on that yeah bet three parts awesome done okay I I'm gambling now this games teaching me how to gamble - what's this bonus coins give bonus coins for some supply boxes oh these perks it's like scale trees so gives additional power - uh-huh increase health and I've got two of these so I can get more coins from supply boxes well might as well do that and we can get gives bonus coins for selling parts or increase damages of all stinger increase health of all surfer you need sell a lot of things so we may as well do that - 20 % awesome okay let's do a quick fight I want to see how good I am now I've taken the coca bottle off go oh we can fast forward for 30 coins oh my god okay yeah look how amazing I am with my base wheels fantastic rate your machine is successful you defended one times watch what somebody attacked my machine okay we need smaller wheels these wheels suck I've only got one small wheel can I put up the front and that way we're pointing up yeah no we're pointing down hold on can you switch those wheels around there we go now I'm ready now we can do a quick fight let's see that's right amazing iron with these the way I'm pointing my face Oh goddammit bloody rocket of rockets just better I think Rockets are just gonna be better okay sod it we got a 30% rocket put it on a Titan did I bet the Titan I did but this man I think we still use it rock it on the Titan and should we face a little bit downwards face a little bit downwards actually that might be too far down what we'll find let's go go my friend time versus time oh god okay let's not do that I expected it to actually roll forward but alas it did not well I guess we're just gonna have to put these small tires we need lipstick kisses and on a moon of course don't really know what a tool kit does confused with sticker that's great I probably just fuses things doesn't it makes it better there we go that'll do an extra health frederik against kitty cat go oh for God's sake what the hell's so flawed okay why'd you keep tipping over what happens if I did that what happens eh if we have no wheel on the front will we just tip forward go oh for God's sake damn it this is so weird do you know that that now you are sponsors but now they're our sponsor sorry okay well I'm alright but I guess you're gonna tell me about it oh I've got yeah I got a small wheel awesome and loads Oh God getting seizures oh I'll take domes right so definitely don't how about if you just you know stay still and have no wheels will that work cuz then we'll just fall fire yes damn it damn my god this is so weird [Music] there's got to be a way I'm doing something wrong where's me other tires where's me tiny tires there they are okay oh my god a looot car little cork one no yeah that surely this is gonna work start falling over tough to watch speed up go yes great yeah uh-huh I'm doing awful what does this go with blade what's blade or is it just cold blade hundred-percent a classic let's find classic there it is 28 health 28 L 37 health give me that and then we can put that on so we get double the health hundred-percent awesome and now the wheelies 100% uh-huh oh my god almost a hundred and you yeah a hundred and 114 health that's awesome now that seems like a good build let's do this we can't lose this time Shirley okay I'm that's it that's all we need we found the best thing ever okay we did a thing I think people are attacking me and I'm surviving what does that mean tough to watch oh it's refresh ok against a new enemy ok right well there you have it either it's gonna be dead can't Casper with his sea a box awesome do we go to open a two hours to open that one and I think can we only open one box at a time or I would imagine it's gonna be something I'll add so that this is pain the first episode of cats a pretty fun little game when you make a little little little little against you fight little cats against little machines and I could imagine it getting quite tactical but yeah it's okay it's alright I'd probably I play again if you guys really want it but hasn't hooked me yet haven't got that oh yeah this is really good sort of thing like a lot of games recently I've got to me I'm like a rodeo Stampede that's awesome because there's a lot of skill with this game it's more a case of you click start and then the battles done for you so it is just about putting the right thing together and there's a lot of factors like slipping and rolling backwards and stuff I thought so but anyway you guys I've enjoyed I hope you have too until next time I'll see you later oh my
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 705,388
Rating: 4.9277449 out of 5
Keywords: cats, c.a.t.s, crash arena turbo stars, crash arena, app game, free game, gaming beaver, thegamingbeaver, tanks
Id: yBxmyRfxuJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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