BEE EATS MOON!!! - Full Bee Segment - Tasty Planet Forever | Ep 4

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it's a very very key victim is thinking oh my god and all that looks so cool I can't wait to see the bee eat the other thing expecting the commentator to be like oh my God look at this yeah yeah weird the thing yeah yeah and I'm like I need the toilet hello and welcome back to another episode of days the planet world I know forever that's right Jurassic world Jessica live it's a lot of those in everything so we're gonna place the be today oh my god Oh quite a few stages he is looking at UV I never do well with these first ones Oh a story finally um big colony collapse it's accelerating so let's look at some research we're doing in the area we've seen well we've given these experimental colonies three massages a day this seems to keep them healthy but it's very delicate work a more promising project is the super bill it pollinates like a regular people but it's resistant to colony collapse unfortunately it's not ready for field testing due to an unusual growth rate of mild aggression towards smaller creatures hey are you filming I can't go uh okay why it's looking at me stop looking at me be oh oh this is interesting we've got some can i pollinate Oh little bits of nectar oh this is interesting by eight de l'aube it's an actor okay oh do they constantly come back I think they do this wing to stay around this little this is interesting a little different mechanic corner me eat all the nectar you did all i thought yeah I find insects like fascinating bees especially and they like bees and ants it's crazy like especially yam Hornets as well like the life that they go through and how like it just keeps on going yeah I like the Queen dies that they make another Queen and how they fight for some crazy documentary where Hornets like when one sort of becomes older and it can't produce like enough eggs or it's not as fertile anymore the colony basically can sense that and then it makes another Hornet queen enough actually makes two of them and then they fight to the death so why not make one it is a cruel world okay oh I am a carnivorous be just gonna eat all the next day because why not and then he thought some oh oh yes oh no please don't I'll be go the Buddhist there's quite a few flowers we are six point three millimeters which if you didn't know is absolutely tiny not microscopic levels from Trudy dogs a stop it look at my big googly eyes yeah I think there's three tracks in this game isn't it that feels like it oh no any more where it is how did you see the Big B yet oh we need the big P there we go more nectar please oh I'm bloody closer yeah there it is poof what can we next hummingbirds Oh God gotta be careful this is interesting I wonder where we are by a city I like going out stinking anything that's good I guess it wouldn't work with the mechanics of this game would it if you had to sting things yep [Music] dad dad dad so I'm not too sure how I'm gonna blow this weather it's gonna be like five videos a day until it's complete which is probably two days or if it keep it separate I don't know I kind of just want to get these all out and done in quick succession so if you want a marathon it you can and you can see everything Road big Benito it burns ah where do the hummingbirds go nobody knows in the belly of the super bee oh [Music] I've been going quick yet there we go there's another one so we're gonna get even bigger actually if I'm looking at my size we're surely probably gonna have to eat the whole flower itself and then there'll be no nectar for any bees there it is Oh a cardinal cream or Cardinals please and in the sky Oh apples oh I can eat apples oh my god drones what a droid City interested interesting choice of enemy type their game these are normal apples they're like granny smith apples it's one thing I never purchased as a drone actually more birds please there we go damn it didn't get him didn't get them in time oh there's another oh there's another layer on there we got one too oh there's more down here as well damn it read them yeah I definitely haven't got three stars I don't even think I've got two stars ah so tricky you get so big yeah that time I try to dodge it there [Music] where are they all the bloody bids there we go I think if I get hit by one drone it's like set oh there we go beautiful come here you what's the biggest thing we I guess aeroplanes properly it's really the biggest thing we can use or blimps and I wonder if all these stories are gonna like come to an end at the final boss or the final a character you players dated with tasty blue more drones please almost there come on there's been the longest one I think I've played in a while especially the first one yeah not one star I'm thinking nah mind your beeswax oh okay am I in an enemy colony I'm gonna enemy hive I think I am so happy this music kinda reminds you have like Super Mario Odyssey I think it had a soundtrack like that oh come fly with me compliant fly I'm told more honey more nectar is always best let's go down here dude all thoes Oh are they tipped over I Oh God I just remembered like my first experience was being attacked by a bee I think it definitely was a bee well the one that probably stuck with me was I was in like a thing called the Cubs I think it was because you have like it like the Cubs the Scouts the Beavers which is just like I don't know if you won't be the equivalent in America I think they actually had those in America but yeah I left we were at some place that's irrelevant anyway and I was doing an obstacle course and I was drinking some coke out of a can and I put the coke down to do the obstacle course and when I came back I went for a sip and I got stung by a bee that was at some house had fallen inside the can and my lips wore them so much was horrendous are these any pictures of ours like I let it go the days can I not just eaten Cardinals again okay Oh even bigger Oh bee man yeah more birds I'm so bad at this honor I missed that Cardinal I could be a jazz singer easy Peas that's not a put-down or on anyone who's actually a jazz singer you're amazing right yep I mean if you sort of be that big you would run for your life I just need to get big enough so I can eat the beehives that's all come on come on if you get diagonal line you can go all the way through them any them yet oh there we go yep that's it we're getting there yes and avenge don't do go there yeah two stars I thought I did pretty decent there leave be alone eat nectar not bees sounds easy I think okay okay they also oh who knew okay yep this is gonna be tricky Oh Oh No they get them all before me though Andy here yeah there's one another one do they all spawn no okay they must spawn off screen then another one and another one and another one yeah this one looks like it's gonna be over quite quick it's more a case of just eating nectar and not growing no they always know there was no way the nectar is damn it no come on there's too many yeah ah - suck it oh oh this did you see this skills yeah wherever they go that's where the nectar is oh my god ah stop they need to all lump together that's what they need to do so I can just like pick off the nectar myself [Music] dad dad that's my trumpet sound is that a trumpet or saxophone I think it's a saxophone starting to cook together no you don't mine mine mine mine where's more there's more here let go and oh wow oh you do lose sighs I don't you just lost school there it is there's no way you can avoid them there there you go four yes yes yeah Oh beautiful oh oh oops I accidentally ate the B never mind I didn't realize you could get don't even realize that grow so big don't eat the peas James don't eat the peas yes nectar please oh come on where is it s1 s2 s3 ah oh you knew so much point did you do that am I done one star oh boy I didn't do too bad one a bit stars birds of a feather yep that is that music again this if you play this game all in one session like I'm doing I think you may actually lose your sanity are you ready guys leave a like if you want to see favor go insane and I'll do another one [Music] obey oh my god the ruler keep that birds the birds there's some big Cardinals oh he pecked at me he did are moving Barcelona and seeing parrots like that's so crazy to see actual parrots in the like just as like pigeons cuz over here we just got like pigeons wood pigeons sparrows lots of blue tits great tits black tits you know the ones as not gross because they are birds okay god I can hear it now yeah you said the word did you do but yeah when I was in our Barcelona it was like oh my god that's so cool and all the parrots seem to have like tags on them so I think they were all being like monitored or at least their population or something the local population of parrots in the area then turned into danger didn't into the Cardinals eat them then the Cardinals are just an asset path I think a babe the hummingbirds avoid them come on I must be so so close look diva in theory just avoid those diet like horizontal lines and you won't get hit by a cardinal right god idiot yeah who does he you Caillat they're here think well there it is finally ah just eat the Cardinals oh no more joy for you hummingbirds yeah two stars ah two and a half stars not bad wind beneath my wings by that they mean like birds I like are they always every now and again oh my god there's an eagle sometimes the titles will make sense other times nah just like just do what you've been doing except for this time you're smaller and you've got to grow again eat the bird eat the bird that one and then that one we'll call that one right check and we'll all those three of them oh I don't think we're gonna scale up because we're already getting close to being half away and see the Eagles here though look grand more come on wow this one takes ages it's just like an empty space of nothing eventually I got big enough to eat the bushes and benches down here and that'll be the that'll be the way forward should go for like MLG speed runner tactics let's try and break the boundaries I love what all there is I'm nap bald eagle it does have feathers so hey that bald Oh what was that yes yes caught three stars that I did really good that lay awesome 200 extra level six let it be oh let it be oh my god I think guys I might actually go insane I'm not even kidding this music freakin said watch it's a new play this like oh my god I love this guy I love the art style I love the music have you played of ours have you freakin played you know I actually kind of want to just play all the whole game in one session just to see how loopy I can send me pong rise boot that come on a missus sighs fine cuz we're gonna grow and we're gonna eat things Oh something different please I can t be gouyet for in a second when I am so sorry Oh God who designs these games why did you decide it be a good idea to make another one why this one a torturous don't you hate me I was a cool helicopter something different people people to eat of course why does everything have to be kind of ballistic why do people keep going outside on the balconies when they can see there's a huge be killed people must be okay now mm no no no my god these are tiny apartments you know what it is guys this game's gonna turn into the sims in a second we're gonna start building houses with this music I can hear it I can feel it I can see it I could smell it damn helicopter don't tease me yeah we're gonna eat that are we going to eat all of this I think we might do I'd like that I like that Oh caws oh God sorry at this point of us Karen guy whoa why is there an old Spitfire fool you know the old biplane or whatever it is just cuz needs something different no no no no no whoo and ultralight aircraft what happens it is a really big guy in it it's become like an ultra not like 4d joke we'll give the Star Wars doing and now you just making other people's George F Jesus Oh what's the call the world war two fighter oh okay we got we'll go to and then monday cargo bella copters what the hell what kind of time and space here is this like episode of The Twilight Zone oh there we go that's better we could eat trees I like how no I was gonna say maybe like this game they don't have a lot of things that walk but we saw the cat and the cat did walk because flying things and swimming things would be quite easy to do I would assume cargo plane please thank you now two stars oh come on you couldn't have just give me two cells I go through all this I get now to have a bite to eat I'm gonna go insane there we go apples apples and the box of things there we go oh there it is there it is all the honey eat all the honey did you know that queen bees eat a different type of honey called Queen honey royal jelly that's it the royal jelly will you please let me I can't get to me boxes you little you fine fine I'll go eat some more it should be more here okay I'm a big enough yet yeah haha I'm using yep I got them in the end I missed a couple of cars damnit I didn't even get one so wow that's super quick air versus helium do I do oh who were just eating balloons now just different different sized balloons know how we just do game girls reference this damn it dad-dad that your aunt you think as we've record this for so long now you're entering my mind we are becoming one every thought is now starting to become just straight out my mouth and words aren't making sense anymore let it be over oh I think that's part of the fun though is just to see how loopy this could send me this is why we don't play too much fish feeding grow without going insane and he's also why we don't play too much of the aisle because I get sick of dying all the time like growing up to a certain state and then dying what do you do like yeah look let's talk about that the games I like more than this I really like the aisle we like push me to grow like Assassin's Creed at the moment didn't really like it a star with as much I was like yeah it's kind of yeah but started drawing me but I think it's just a whole system with them weapons and stuff and upgrading let's like this it's just in games I like games where you level up stuff you get better and you can't just like progress over time and then you can go back to someone be like I am stronger no balloons I hope the B just pops at the end but I know it won't because there's just they just don't change anything you just catch you a certain size and that's the end I'd love to the beam just oh love someone oh it just splattered everywhere but now that's another way it goes god it's a phenomenon it really is this thing this series of games look bright colors like little kids click it [Music] oh well tell you what I'm really liking at the moment there isn't a video game Dark Souls board game I love that stuff I always wanted to get into sort of like dungeon Dungeons & Dragons sorts of things but I just never had the time all the people but I really liked and by people I mean like no people who play it because I think a game like that would be so much easier if you know somebody who can like sort of walk you through it rather than I am the dungeon master and I know nothing do what you want come on there's no way you could do this quicker than how I've been doing it it's literally just been going around eating everything I can see now right there's no easier way is that just aim for the biggest balloons and then just go oh I mean we don't get hurt by anything so technically we can't lose points there we go three stars yes only a hundred extra over though be in the cockpit okay are we gonna eat lots of planes is that it it is no no no no don't kill they have a good little b-movies after me World War two fight ow yep there it is went into the bullets good job James very well done more ultralight aircraft please Oh bullets my only weakness bullets my only weakness after knives num-num oh they're up here as well what I'm gonna be this high well at least they killed each other yam yam yam eat all the cars and then the ultralight aircraft oh I can eat ya now son there it is now where's more I need more planes for my insatiable longer I should really eat yeah there's the tree that's more like it delicious tree good to know people should just label a food like that delicious domitius elephant yeah what kind of elephant touch delicious dunno why I thought elephant it's because we did the mouse thing not too long ago oh I did it freaking way over no no ten don't touch purple nectar oh it's one of these again purple nectar what do you mean so I just go for the yellow I mean is that nectar is it just me named purple plants or what does it mean oh it does okay that's pretty easy that's way easy and there's not there's nothing else eating the nectar for me oh it's so nice except for it seems to be no nectar now so what's the point what is the point when you were decided this level what did you want to accomplish it's the same thing I've done a million to one times God tally hmm I'm gonna be broken after this I think I'm gonna you know I think I'm gonna take two months off of youtube this is what it's become you see I almost admire people who can like sell out to games like this who just they pretend like oh I love this game yeah go away for another one amendment minute they never break face they're always like oh I love that yeah thanks for all the support and the like on the previous yes I know I did a little bit of that because I generally do thank you for supporting this because without it I'd probably be dead it's like how can you do it like once the recording stops like oh my god oh my god just I need to do something different it's a little tap and they love you people watching this like give a stop please stop you're gonna kill yourself no it's fun in a weird kind of way it's one of those games we can just turn off your brain and just let your mouth and roll and with me I don't have a problem with that that's why I'm a great youtuber lots of issues yeah easy easy talking yeah yeah okay I can't see myself I ate like two purple nectars but apart from that I can't see myself doing this any quicker you just go all one way and then you go back and you do it again you don't even check to see this nectar in the flowers cuz we don't have time we might as well just try it and just go never almost an almost there there you go three stars good God imagine go through all these levels trying to get three stars I'm eatin people again never done that before is there any people over here yes there is oh and there's a helicopter at the top okay interesting don't know why there's a helicopter at the top because we're not really gonna grow because we're almost halfway [Music] [Laughter] Oh how many more I've got to be four more I've got to do a shark I've got to do that weird space thing I've got to do a fox I think this is all I could take for one day the best game ever created and you will just click because you want to know if I'll snap in this episode or the next I'm not even focusing like I'm just I'm just letting my eyes blue that's all that's happening just let my eyes blue and just like going around and then if I see like a different color and even in some cases not even like look I'm just like swerving around the building just automatically eating anybody it's like no skill involved why why oh just go let's go get over it let's go I can either play in the end that'll be it cherry on the cake literally how many more levels please say only two I can't do much more guys a con I can't I'm gonna die I'll do it yes oh my god three stars yeah yeah better only by a little fun yes way oh my god I cannot wait to do it all a friggin good oh I kind of want to watch other people's playthroughs of this now like people like puncheon's who or like who play these kinds of games ins blitz baron oh my god guys please tell me you you crack and you start losing your sanity and please please tell me you do don't let me be the only one I'll tell you how it is bloody horrible is it not to think with audiences like modern audiences with YouTube you have to be honest you can't put up a front I think like you guys are way more self-aware than like five years ago on YouTube you could you could put up a front be like hey guys how you do it oh my god so nice to see you again I love you whereas nowadays it's like you know I don't know you guys but I appreciate you a lot and that like speaks volumes way more than I love you guys god damnit frig off faith I am Abbi - you know Oh almost done almost done if I don't keep hitting that babe he's only after the next two though gotta admit I'm the one that goes into him you know after me and I really need the toilet and it's just adding a sense of urgency to this I know it might be TMI I'm like my legs just shame like gotta go pee now it's a very very key clicks on this ticket oh my god and all that looks so cool I can't wait to see the bee eat the other thing expecting the commentator to be like oh my God look at this yeah yeah weird the thing yeah and I'm like I need a toilet you never can tell what's good up when you click on a video Wow can we the bees yet we're way bigger right can we oh yes we can yeah we can done and done ahh I mean birds bugger off oh I need the bees I've lost so many points though oh go away vine is about us whether this is where we start going into normal G it's not that I like I had somebody m and I get the question a lot like do you swear beavers and the answer is yes but not on my not on this channel just because I've had it in the past where before like this channel like I gained like a real big audience and I used to swear because you know that's just who I am but then I started getting letters of like parents saying could you not because my kid watches you and I was like I kind of like feel obligated not to swear and because I'm like it's really if I'm going to be honest it should be the parent to watch what like the content is and to see if that person is rose the thing is it was so inconsistent that you might like I never said it was like my channel was never oh I swear all the time so they might see one video I think oh he's fine in the next video if this so I just thought it'd be better just not just watch I never problem with it obviously I think most like in general I just smile and like I try not to it's gonna be honest but sometimes it just adds to the humour of the situation I think it's it's gotta be a choice you can't just swear all the time it's comedy you've got to find the right time or when you're just really angry that works - not gonna lie there we go hate the the remaining hummingbirds that were just in there look like van Gogh it's it's having a great heat the apples everyone knows bees eat apples and Canaries and drones and nectar and hummingbirds and other bees IV I think M oh my god no not this again drones please bugger off I need the Apple yes [Music] [Applause] there's a video on youtube of a colony of bees killing a Hornet and because this thing doesn't even penetrate the Hornets like carapace like the shell they basically all huddle on it and cook it alive like basically like because there's so many of them and they flap with it I don't even think they flap their wings because these start the wings inside the hive to cool down them Evans what they do oh there we go beautiful and so they just they just swarm it and like raise the temperature of it but also another thing I found out as well is you bees it's a common known fact that when bee sting you they die because this thing stays in you but when beasting other insects they don't die and that's because the way and like our skin is it's not like this thing isn't designed to like like how do I say it it's to do with our skin and the elasticity of it so that when they do sting us they don't mean to kill themselves but it's just they can't get away and depending on if that person's struggling and whatnot then they're accidentally going to pull out and just kill themselves basically they don't mean to and I think like I always thought the bee stinger is a last resort and I think they do anyway but there's no meat all these other things eat the tree just drones drones everywhere can eat the boxes I mean the boxes there you go more um Oh II goes down to I'll do that there's only one bloody eagle there it is any boxes yet please boxes yes on the bushes and the benches are the people there it is that's where this gets fun when it's like you were just waiting for ages then boom everything's dead wrap and now we've just gotta grind on the flat for a little bit until I can eat more trees and more bushes and then the plane oh but first cars still haven't seen that movie supposed to be pretty good don't know if the lion though yeah I think it's like what is it pixels highest-grossing movie his echoes what it's amazing that the amount tangents I go they eat all of it I tell you what I'm gonna rest my voice up this bloody hell can we eat it or we be the cars now fantastic people in cars oh come on there's like nothing to eat any trees yet no Connie trees but there's people over here it's amazed what eat those keep that eat that at the end I just want to eat all of them I went he's either be the cat the mouse all of them at the same time just all my progress in one big creature and there he goes I've said it a million times you did that in tasty blue sorry I mean I'm it does make you go insane I mean that's it isn't that the definition of insanity like doing the same sort of tasks over and over expecting the same result I think I think in son is doing the same task over and over over and over and over and over that will make you insane there we go for the pie Plains bigger where's the trees right Plains Oh fantastic weighs it haha on the world war two beautiful and back to these kind of you feel the trees yet who kind of kind of can I eat those ones can eat those ones what if these were candy the cargo planes yes throw big you know those and port eat those pine trees right oh yes there it is okay there any bigger planes in the sky apart from those ones nope just those okay whoa look how big we are all the forest yeah jumbo jets don't ask me how how they're getting all these friggin things to fly around and not crash into each other I mean air traffic nightmare no what can I eat come on eat anything I'm gonna even the would like the cargo planes are into the floor nothing I could do really I'm just gonna B's guys over and over oh come on game even try look at this that's not fun I mean like two things every others oh there we go there it is that's better what could eat the jumbo jet now what is that one called tandem rotor helicopter tandem tandem rotor helicopter there we go James show your distill dyslexia Shirley Oh oh wow okay all of summer give me these now fair enough we're not even halfway jeez yeah that's better that's better okay creole we could are we actually eating the hell were you in the hills then this might be oh well depending on I think the cat was probably the biggest okay what's in the sky what can eat in the sky are we just eating buildings now looks like we're just eating buildings and little more there we go some hills are we gonna eat like Oh continent I feel like we might eat a whole continent and back again there we go oh come on maybe again oh there you go a whole city gone how much bigger can I get oh okay that's in two Oh are we gonna eat no we're not gonna go into the Earth's core are we all ready oh I can eat that mountains in the background um yeah honey that one hold on oh yes I can eat the little islands now yeah yeah where's the other one where's the other one yeah here we go here we go come on eat those ones yet are we gonna go into the ocean Jesus this is a gonna bit out of hand now okay oh okay it's the biggest B I have a bloody zine Oh back that way nope okay this way that data destroy you the whole world there we go Oh God how big her weekend okay well but there's there goes that one there goes that one that one that one and ah we have floor never eat in the mood yeah and just like that didn't even care once though before we destroyed it all and apparently we didn't because now we get to play the shot well guys this ends my own personal lever if you enjoyed it please leave like until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 225,347
Rating: 4.9132667 out of 5
Keywords: tasty planet, tasty planet forever, tasty planet gameplay, tasty planet forever gameplay, octopus, tasty planet forever part 1, tasty blue, cat, giant, huge, shark, fish, complete, walkthrough, gameplay, funny moments, tasty planet sequel, tasty blue gameplay, tasty blue game
Id: z-VY8QxFfc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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