Camel Attack! - Plants Vs Zombies 2 Ep4

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hello welcome back I'm the game beaver and this is another episode our plants vs. zombies tall so what do we have planned for today I got no idea we've done that oh do we get coins reward hmm Oh five gems Oh five hundred oh my god we get so much use a world key to unlock the marine mischeif of the pirate Seas I think I'm okay I'm just gonna sort of go through here and get all of them as we can let's begin the stress that is pods versus our first oh god this game well let's hurry up this level is a locked coordinates you must take these plants okay so survive the zombie attack with the given plants well that seems easy enough we could do that so book a net and camel is all we have to worry about so oh the okay right quad guys rock with the sunflowers we yeah should we save for double is I don't know should we I'm gonna put you there go on we'll get one doubler at least I think it it gathers at the same time it's just quite high cost on one more one more one more ah it was the one that gave me enough awesome okay I'm gonna save gonna save put you there yeah that's enough there we go so we have we have three that's good that's good I'm gonna dig up that little flower and put or do I accidentally picked up another I know that that's not actually the opposite of what I wanted to do okay ah no could it be over I don't think so yeah so I'm gonna dig up that sunflower we don't get Sun back I think that's something you have to unlock actually okay come on now we can do it oh now we need to do it now we really need to do it oh we have a camel with a carbon on the back row huh okay come on come on now plant food would be really helpful but I kind of want that one there when we run on the top row Oh put you there Oh God not good we need a walnut oh is that good is it gonna do it oh wait plant food just give me all the Sun give me all the side give me also give it all Sun Oh God come on walnut come on I was still come on yes yes just in time I think he's stole my son but I'm okay with that I'm gonna do that hopefully that bucket head won't get to us in time I'm hoping Oh hurts the end of me it at the end of me okay okay okay where's my next problem that's my next problem oh my god let's see I see the problem and it is big come on no come on walnut your was that yes okay kill it kill it quickly I can lose a lawnmower right I am so bad at this yeah okay I don't care about that okay okay okay walnut go there boomerang go there that that double dot okay that one's gone okay those plants are gone never mind this is not good okay I don't care I've lost that what I've lost someone this is madness this is absolute madness um I should really be placing things it's probably a good thing to do put a wallet there pick up that place up there place that bear gonna do some micromanagement take that and oh my lord um there to go oh is it okay is it a life still down right it's alive um um okay I'm gonna admit that as a loss that's a loss that's a loss um we need an up there or something that rows gone that rows gone I don't care about that one that's that's that there's nothing we can do that lawnmowers gonna kill all of them actually we've only lost two this is good this is cool that's a pan I thought it would oh goodness but thank goodness for a big place of walnut there so the only GU thank you okay uh do this I can do this I can do this gonna place up there at least we're gonna get something um okay okay picks up that place is everything looking good guys is there anything that I'm missing the bottom row is looking pretty damn bad I will say okay laughs yep put the wall up there put that one there okay do we need to eat son or what do we need what do we need eat it okay I think I know what to do here you think I know hold on hold on hold on another ah damn it okay I need a boom right I need a Boomer I had and I needed just to go nuts this is looking good so much good and okay go no I was gonna eat this but before I could get up oh you big bully good yeah oh my god I thought I would be proud at this I have obviously not Pro apply through the zombies and candy fire backwards no okay that bottom rope yeah we killed all them just the top row and there we have it I think it's it we've done yeah that was my fault I accidentally dug up a double sunflower and maybe I should have just went for the double sunflowers to start with who is that you get a present Wow well is this we got something right oh we got a new car so we got affairs oh that's the next level let's keep going crazy Dave wants to know what you think rate us no I will never tell anybody what I think this game especially the game people the game devs oh we have a mummy this time well at least now I get to choose so I'm gonna take the iceberg lettuce cuz he really is good for tough situations you could just freeze everything um god I have the sunflower spud is also good definitely wall definitely grave and for this one my attacking will be I don't know the cabbage is good okay cabbage and boomerang because the cabbage I can just use the plant food if I'm in a desperate situation I could use a plant food and hit everything for a little bit of damage and it doesn't matter what row okay let's rock this rock'n'roll let's do this so far ah it starts already okay okay the iceberg and the graveyard snatcher will give me a great resource area take that out and then when the icebergs ready just place it in front of a zombie you can place it there okay don't need to worry about him he's good he's golden almost placed a peanut there by accident take another one that's $2 to God two creams awesome okay keep placing the sunflowers go for the double sunflower tactic here's what we're gonna do guys gonna go for the double sunflower tactic aha you were frozen what do you think of that gonna play see you gonna play see you so he's dead got another iceberg ready to place where the place you're that girlfriend of the sunflower go for a grave stealer yes this is looking good things are looking good guys Oh things are not looking good oh okay from row and no you get away bugger off that's my son I've worked hard for this OOP steal it okay we're doing good I'm gonna need one dad Oh Oh doesn't need that there I'm gonna plant food yet to enjoy doing good Oh God yeah that bucket head needs to be frozen really needs to be frozen fries a bucket think we should be okay and I just let that really open Oh God huh peanut please anything something for the middle for the middle one the cone as a flower die sacrifice yourself for the greater good it fries okay as a grave his gravestone okay because because we're good gonna need a walnut gonna need bad oh no it didn't in the top row eat the sunflower quickly sunflowers are useless eat another one our plant food plant food bye oh my god I didn't even realize nut and gonna have to do it here gonna need that okay okay we're doing good but no oh god oh god come on come on don't eat it you ate it why did you eat it oh no what'd you do okay not okay it's all for a top rock on top pros gone ah but okay top pros gone um I'm gonna have to get a restart on that one how do people do this you can eat one there I really should have placed that there I really should have placed that there I have a surplus surplus I have a surplus of things you should really be using them they put you there put you there I don't I don't need sunflowers stop getting sunflower James look at in comes the sand drifters there's no plaster there's no plans for frizzy frizzy poof's no they're doing Oh didn't see that I eat eat a sunflower just heat it slow down oh god oh god oh god oh god oh no just kill them discover awesome awesome shoot let's go get the guy I know he's still listen freeze like I why is that bucket head not dead get a Filipina oh no no no no no no no I can't eat I gotta have you eat the top row again I'm sorry but I just can't give me my son back okay okay top row it's fortifying really nice fortifying need a peanut there need a peanut put you there Oh My giddy aunt this is ridiculous uh take you to the cabbage yeah who finds this funny this is horrible oh my God look I don't think I'm cut out for this hey I know the bottom row I'm not getting any Sun I can be Sun and you'd been out peanut I'm done I think the top row is done okay good no I keep wasting that ice no the middle row no oh yeah I'd lost unless I know oh there's gonna be a way though there has to be a way yeah I lost big style I you know what it is I think I go for but go for the double-double sunflower tag tag and I should be stop eating my brain let's try just a single a single cuz I seem like I do really well I set up and then I just run out of time hmm maybe we can't go wrong with the normal peashooter we need the boomerang though actually maybe we don't need the boom right no we do need the boomerang for the camels the spuds good hmm okay revised tactic let's do this so we go for some flowers we go for a single rose some flowers then should we go for a row of peashooters is that sound good am I just really bad at this or is this bloody hard I should probably put a peashooter up as soon as I can just to do some damage to something yeah cuz he's gonna get is he gonna frozen and then I should I don't know oh no I'm able to hit him nuts okay okay where's the next one coming Oh same top row awesome alright does this look okay guys I think we're okay you see that's the way it goes though I think I'm okay and then I lose oh yeah middle row take out that son stealer go for it buddy I'm gonna need that gonna need that one there I think I'm just placing down as many as I can quickly eat it yeah took out that grave oh my god code I didn't see this go to the top well that oh yeah awesome okay now if we got a roll of nuts I should be okay I think I need to take up that one and then put a boomerang there right top rows okay little the second tops it's a it's a middle one it's a metal one II to worry about take that put another one there and put a peanut there cuz that's what I'm worried about I think I should be okay yo no my son Mike okay us uh well no no I did see the middle unbusy oh yes beautiful beautiful beautiful okay I'm gonna need more peanuts let me more nuts anymore wallet oh my goodness there is a lot there's a lot I don't really have enough I just think put you that I can put you also there can you be good oh yes I'm beautiful that was really good he fight all the way down as well as like helping okay put you there ah freeze one of you at least yep gonna need that there top rows gonna need some help I know the one that's gonna get eaten again I'm going to delete that one place that one there but we're actually doing better this time strangely enough Wow seven the top row top row I lost it lost it lost it last it if that middle goes though if that middle goes which it will do in a second oh it did I can't get it I can't get a bypass on it I'm gonna have to have fought off that okay there we go and oh my god I thought I'd lose it my son as well but you know I should have frozen everything damn damn damn I have this though I mean that's good because then I fight in literally all directions and hit everything right that's why that one's good ah the top row is gone okay top rows gone leaving top row and see the screens everything top rows gone top row is gone let's collect the Sun like the Sun you should be okay oh and put another walnut there to beat that warmer put that there instead sound good I think that's better right I think the camels eat walnuts really quick we did better than we're doing better I've got another walnut ready in case that one disappears now is it gonna disappear it did it did disappear but I accidentally spent money on please yes awesome did we do it was that it or is there another big wave coming I feel I just going into the big wave Commissioner is there tended to freezies in case oh no we did it oh my god yes please give me here we only lost one oh my god I'm learning we're learning I'm gonna have to end this here but if you're enjoyed leave a like and until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 102,076
Rating: 4.9229236 out of 5
Keywords: plants vs zombies 2, its about time, egypt, lets play, thegamingbeaver, agamingbeaver, zombies, tower defence, plants vs zombies, walkthrough, mummy, mummies, attack
Id: wS28y_0c8Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2015
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