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yeah hello everyone I'm the game beaver and welcome back to another episode of Daddo bash and before we start you could leave a like haha no I'm joking you do whatever haha I'm not gonna ask you to dis and if you don't want to but hey we here is 34 and at stage 35 we get the branchial and I was looking at these specials and the bomb bundle does a nifty surprise became an replace your bomb with more boom so I'm guessing it doesn't actually give you more but it makes it like it'll do more damage so well excuse me I've just eaten I've had my lunch break I'm guessing that would be really good in case we face up against that giant the giant beaky woman so I think I'm actually gonna buy that as far as everything else goes um we should get another volcano bomb because we get more bang for our buck but then the volcano bomb is sort of like a thing you can only use every so often if we get a normal Rock however then I think that's probably better I mean the cluster there's no point at this time the hunk either does 300 damage but if we get the volcano which are gonna do the whole ko bomb there's more damage in the hunk I don't know how quick and of course its accuracy with that um stegasaurus too high you see I'm kind of okay with these dinosaurs um I don't know what rocky does like I can take out shielded caveman that's it so I think he just runs in takes out a shield the caveman and that's it um and Steger shoots with highly lethal stones but a bit low on health so if we switch out smoky for stego but then again it costs twice as much so I think I've reached an okay balance with what I've got at this moment in time I mean that's me personally you can leave the comments tell me what you think go spy lives mighty Braccio maybe he will come the hell oh my god okay I didn't realize that this is it okay um oh it really wants me to do this boom okay well there you go um I don't really know how much that helped oh okay we got we got regular cavemen we're okay with this this is all right we're just gonna t-rex I mean he should actually everybody yeah everyone's gonna rule it just never stop oh yeah these guys just regulars then normies they're all dead oh oh oh we didn't slow down okay now just cluster bomb all of those slow down the one guy who survived and there we go strong caveman strong cavemen even Oh Oh God how strong is he how is damage okay he does Oh group slow one of them down okay I got a need another t-rex I'm gonna also get lots of Snorks NOx and Raptors possibly yeah we'll get some Raptors a volcano a nice okay that's one dead he's got like metal or is it just stone t-rex Junior's brief is hey dude we got two of them awesome yeah we're cool Oh oh is that it we're done yeah that was easy okay Frick's yeah for the okay start to the video we've got to t-rex's there and we're still good there we go well we got the icy storm that freezes everything so if you have loads of raptors we should just like this next one should just be Raptors so yeah that's we're gonna try we'll just go for all Raptors shall we we'll put out like a triceratops and then just all Raptors will probably die by one of those like pokey long stick things though that's the only problem okay I'm saving that I'm saving that so I'm gonna hit that normal do that freeze him they'll hit the witchdoctor and then freeze him by time and get the apples as soon as we can I'm still gonna hit the first dude oh maybe not I don't know now we've got a witch doctor dude yeah I took him out awesome okay slow this guy down um oh we got we got quite a way to go we're okay so far or okay okay get another tree and then we're gonna flame dude right okay so we're gonna ice the flame dude yeah he's iced okay I see okay should we just go for all Raptors okay oh god hold on the dogs barking he was to be in crime I tell you okey-dokey there they are okay now this could have happened at a worse time cuz like I don't know I don't know it continued yes okay um we're all day or the roll here okay t-rex I'm gonna need a t-rex to take those guys out it's just gonna have to happen we're also gonna start whaling on that egg I'm gonna freeze him okay well one's dead already awesome okay yeah oh no there's two of them never mind never mind there is a load of them I'm saving for the damn tree oh no how much damage is gonna do the egg oh you did a lot okay oh there she is I heard her I heard it this time okay we're gonna put a triceratops out and then Raptors then we're just gonna go Raptors okay we need it need a kill this witch doctor first and then Raptors all Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors four days four days yo yeah here they come here they come oh no oops come on kill him kill him kill him dodo okay okay brought us four days oh no she went over it no no no no well I kill the guy behind her but she's gonna kill all those oh damn it I can't I got completely lost with this dude here okay um okay Raptors Raptors Raptors rafters Raptors okay we've got two stuck on the spike so if you can stay there come on Raptors quickly start doing attacks oh there's another one there's another one there is a gosh-darn another one come on kill him come on Raptors we've got this man we got this she's a big bugger right but nothing to worry about nothing to worry about at all Oh God we're so dead oh this is a witch doctor - okay go - wait okay just destroy all these if we can Oh No okay it's gonna have to be t-rex backed up with a lot of raptors and there's another freaking dude and he's gonna be healed by the witch doctor dude yeah uh-huh yeah he's gonna heal him her t-rex Raptors Smokey's and Raptors Smokies and Raptors Smokies and Raptors I'm just gonna put ball Cain up on that I'm just gonna have to okay so he's right this luck is rough let's not get about the sucker up there a triceratops freeze do everything go go go we need like a tank there come on triceratops we got this we got this well they're coming in hot okay the bomb ma'am Raptor Raptor up to 40 whacks t-rex t-rex okay nevermind this Raptors just Raptors just Raptors disruptors disruptors no no no no oh it's the first one ever the most oh you are kidding me that's the first one I've lost because it was ridiculous like actually to be honest I should have like I should have killed her I should have killed her that's my fault okay right let's do this again guys oh my god I mean I could have went for one of these big things like the boulder or something okay that's what I can do tell you what that's what we'll do well just for the first time we'll actually get a hundred apples or whatever it is we need you slow down here I'm gonna do that just to kill that dude slow him down we'll eventually get those two guys together they'll eventually get there though they don't know it yet but they're going to have a good time there we go so they're really close and then when the time comes I'm going to Boulder everything that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna Boulder okay yep they're together those guys yeah they can be destroyed like that I think oh boy I was hoping I wasn't gonna set off the other thing actually there they go Wow they've lost a lot of health actually it's rebuilding now it's not really worth it if the ball that sets off that rock though that's my only like little thing that I'm not having about if it sets up set it off all right okay come on t-rex come on t-rex t-rex t-rex I'm gonna have to do this well it killed one of them killed two awesome okay right there we go 45 done what if I've done okay oh now okay Boulder awesome took him out took him out just him okay right you you are dying on this that's where you're going not none of you actually if we can't we freezer and then just let everybody catch up if we could do that that would be awesome come on okay okay I can't waste any time go go go go go Boosh yes look how much damage a day to just oh come on she's practically dead okay 70 there we go we got max apples guys we got Marx apples okay so just get her again don't worry don't worry about that don't worry about that we're okay freezer on there all right come on we can get these two guys together I'm gonna get these two guys together and then we're gonna volcano bomb like so okay right now go go go everything just go go Raptor go Raptor go Smokey's little triceratops just everything go more more more power I fit her that's lucky showing all that way that's awesome why keep going look at this army man look at it go I keep going push push push freeze two more whoa it's like loads of tracer there's like trick to Jace oh they're dead all over triceratops the dead oh god oh god everything is dead Raptor everything go go go okay got them all got them all got them all got them all go go go go go t-rex as well whatever whatever just just bring it come on come on come on look at all the stocks look at the damage they do come on you gotta arrive oh there he is how come I did so well this time how oh my god practice is awesome swing more doggies oh there you are there you are finally Jesus oh we've got so many and an extra crystal for that a look where the 13 then back to 12 and back to 13 like a wall against cavemen very high hell that's what we need we should do the brackish sort on snorky tactic and I'm gonna ask later please huh see if that works Oh guys we got this man cut this freak out the Dino where is he is 8,000 how much health mm health but I'm saying that now we can upgrade them yeah we'll look great I'm circus-like to 350 that takes a minute okay now the t-rex the t-rex come on like I'm trying to scroll not click stop it okay this is ridiculous I can't scroll without clicking it okay so 70 attack from the t-rex 70 attack from the brachiosaur ready in eight minutes all right screw that and skip that okay yeah we we're gonna do the brachiosaur and how about we try the Stegosaurus actually let's look at the stagger it does a stego 75 attack loose Loki's got more snow icky can do better I want to agree the snorky yeah two crystals I'm okay with that right or so yeah because we've just got the upgrade for the sake let's try it we're gonna have instead of Triceratops for a breakfast our 24 apples hey it better be worth it everything Oh God 24 lipfird apples okay I'm gonna hold off I gotta hold them off with just rocks how far we got left to go a decent not as long as the last one though yeah this guy's dead freeze him okay this is what that's what I was waiting for foolish and for them to almost all be dead now freeze this guy so that the other one comes in front and then I kill him yeah like that that's how we do it okay next tree man I want to save this though I'm saving it Bush oh he's not dead I'm gonna start volcano bomb them when they get past actually that's what I'm gonna do yeah though Kim bomb here boom yeah there we go awesome yeah right good freeze that dude hit this guy with a thingy get another tree come on come on we're gonna get this braggy so and sneaky tactic on the go I think I gotta save right right okay okay I'm gonna kill this dude here hopefully a couple of shots probably actually the volcano could kill him so I'm gonna slow this guy down and then do that there we go that was a good time management there wasn't it okay let's do this smoky tactics come on Smokey's yeah I saved oh no did I said I didn't set it off okay okay Snooki's gonna need to really get you're healthier dudes okay oh oh let's go to header Bush okay freeze her oh wow breakfast was really quick actually this isn't good this isn't good at all I'm gonna have to let these guys die because like they need to get on this that's what I'm waiting for yeah we can do as much damage as they can though they're all dead oh they killed a nice okay 75 we've got Marx apples now guys come on snot yo oh wow he took a hit that's impressive for a snorky okay another volcano why not boom dead oh we did it guys I think we may have found the best tactic in the game snow keys and a Brockie snow keep a key okey brakesh dokey Bucky I think we can do this so oh it's a mystery one okay this one these ones are quite easy usually um so what are we using oh oh but I don't have the boulders upgraded though oh no oh no big chug push slow this guy down okay he's dead slow him down I kind of want to get these two together he can be with that yeah he can be with that okay volcana bombed those guys where is it finally okay and then yeah yeah that's good that's good that's good oh I don't have any dinosaurs at all oh okay come on come on come on where is it ah that took ages took absolutely ages slow this guy down sort of what a Pteranodon was doing pretty busy pecking eyes out okay come on kill him this time no was the worst there's nothing else coming though so we're okay oh yeah sprayed it I've wired the killer dude this is the last one we yeah I thought so yes that was easy I didn't really see the challenge on that one we got loads of coin now though I'll kill some more caveman weekend there Rover we're like over a third over a third of the way there 38 actually no before we do that let's upgrade because the shots don't take any time to upgrade so 14,000 could upgrade the ice because that's really good I want to can we upgrade anything here no okay oh great the regular one and then I'll get the regular one again so now it's eight out of ten so it's a really good shot now and so to upgrade for the regular what a great for the ice okay let's see this makes a difference okay surviving on shots I want to get max tree if we can it's not very big though so I'm just running if that tells me if it's not gonna be that big today wash freeze all the freeze kill them that's epic okay five okay oooh oh this guy's still going for it oh no you don't okay is it worth is it worth it I shot it but oh sure yep okay slow down this guy hit this other guy he wants to be my friend friend's house okay get that in there is a lot here Oh God okay well he's dead with one and slow this guy down dead and Oh with that guy's dead too oh I see you I see you there okay oh great again look come on Bush yeah I was hoping I hit him actually photos awesome awesome okay we may do this we may do this without any dinosaurs but I'm gonna do it anyway let's start releasing the dinosaurs now here we go here come the Snorks oh no I was hoping she wasn't in this level but Cheers I can hear her off in the distance just go go go oh god oh god oh god come on keep the snow keys coming keep the snow keys come all oh there's two of them Oh jeebus this is not good this is not good in the slightest I'm I'm gonna have to save up one apples now cuz I Brock he's dead who's gonna kill the ball well they all died in one fell swoop okay bring you to the next wave bringing it in come on okay Raptors Raptors to talk to you we need to kill these long dudes come on come on come on oh that Brock is dead already okay brings in t-rex Bullock in a bomb boom yes killed everything Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go it's it's a massacre oh we did it yes awesome oh damn that's amazing we're doing really well okay we're gonna do one more we're gonna actually tell you what we get to level 40 but get-ups level 40 before we call it quits oh god it's exhausting work right okay oh yeah let's just go now you're not healing anybody there I see you okay so it's a long one it's decent it's decent oh so if you hit them and then freeze and they still carry on but slowly that's interesting okay okay killing him but oh Sh okay they're easy finished off these guys like so oh here she comes I'm mad at myself oh she's so pretty look at that ginger no you're dead oh and you're dead yeah not happening and yeah you two get out of here okay you really guys boom awesome okay snow keys and Raptors rap deserts no keys this dog is a vector to practice it up okay let's just kill these guys slow him down if we can take her out by herself we're good oh she didn't read on the air the poison stuff though that's a bit annoying come on Moustakas Moustakas Braca Sora's doing tremendously well volcano Bob oh yes got one of those for free awesome oh she's back she's back again oh this isn't good oh this oh this is - there is - oh Lord oh yeah all these Smokies are dead no yes well he did a lot of damage they did a lot they did a lokay so I care about awesome Oh No Oh t-rex Boosh oh I killed him in one hit awesome okay slow them down slow them down crap the snorky raptor smokey can I can I can just separate her no I tell my can't I'm just lucky Raptor sake I need a big explosion I need a big explosion here yes took out the throwers rock this is doggies oh it's a deadly pile here like oh no stay back your feet Oh God ah don't they both died there out of it but unfortunately now we've got these guys to contend with okay one of them is dead I think this might be it this might be the last yeah your poor pathetic Rock couldn't help you there Oh so how did we kill our time or another diamond or crystal no I do not have enough is every time every three levels can you write as five please he's right this five please Oh cabbage is good old cabbage is okay it's gonna be the last one guys whoo come on come on it's a long one is a long one yeah it's a long one okay Boosh okay I gonna have to hit a regular caveman with that I mean as soon as they hit the poison then they jump up so I'm just gonna hit this guy and slow him down and then as soon as I got the twenty apples get the apples okay who do we have here who's hiding beneath Bush number two Oh loudly loud one of those okay he's out fries hair sort of Bush okay slow this guy down please anybody um I think I made a big mistake here oh yeah there he goes okay just a regular dude regular dude we can take out oh no there's a witch doctor here oh that t-rex is dead Turks is dead Boosh okay okay Raptor Raptor uh get the rich doctor yes no more Raptors please please please please oh damn it Oh oh my god so with that you've you've got to you we have to set that off we have to you know it would be really good with that level via the rock that sprays out but it doesn't do much damage at my level like I would need to upgrade it so to set him off as quickly as possible the other guy should get in front of them slowly but surely oh we forget I've got the big boulders and stuff died that this guy is the really hard one oh no he's a flamer okay gonna now get that guy up oh no we're gonna get this guy up now screw it Boosh awesome okay is this the annoying guy yeah there he is there he is now slow you down actually I'm gonna freeze them and then I'm gonna get this guy up in the bushes I think they move faster actually so oh my lord okay I need to kill this guy as fast as possible freeze them good good good oh no that's a witch doctor I forget I forget okay gonna need to kill him Raptor Raptor Raptor rafta rafta rafta rafta rafta freeze Raptor no no oh come on this is ridiculous oh no oh my god what am I supposed to do here I think uh uh you know what I'm gonna upgrade some things I'm gonna braid let's see and maybe a raptor should be great it isn't like great yeah I'll upgrade the Raptor upgrade after upgrade the shots too so volcano bomb can do seventy plus damage well extra 70 so it does a load now and we'll look great the ice as well the ice can do more and I am flat broke now so and then if worse comes to worst we'll use our big ones I just don't want to use them because they're quite rare already says supposedly quite rare hey only one way to find out yes yes income you two all right get the Apple hate you Oh hit you again slow down you hit you say it at 120 gotta get to 20 apples maybe I'm making a mistake waiting like that ah yeah I didn't even think he was a flame one I just got him awesome oops oh I didn't mean to do that oh no I set it off oh you know what it's like Otto if you're close to the bomb then the game just goes oh did you mean to do that I'm like no screw you oh oh wow okay yeah it took out quite a bit okay okay okay come on he's dead he's dead he's completely dead die dude okay gonna volcano bomb those guys Boosh all right okay okay oh this guy's still but he's dead he's dead this guy's dead - got the Apple get the Apple okay ready we're going we're flying was a cool down with it to that freeze that guy he's dead yeah that I think we have to go for brackish or t-rex a man wrapped a raptor oh there she is how many were hiding under there crap come up one more one more okay there you go then yeah we got everything we'll get everything there awesome okay okay right let's see what we got what we got she's gonna keep on getting these guys keep on gettin we can't lose this time oh come on it stops scrolling about come on come on come on come on come on not losing unless I - oh look everything not good oh yes go Smokies come on get her oh here we go here we go come on Smokies come on just hold it just hold them off no okay right here we go again one two three four and then just go just go come on dudes all right slow down you hit you - good there's another one over the witchdoctor you little prick now oh that's all is sharing the damage they're doing really well awesome awesome okay keep going guys you can do it no other witch doctors this is it this could be the final push come on oh she's dead don't you kill the practice although yeah awesome fool Oh 14000 coin healing a shot drop it on a dyno to heal him yeah that's good stuff now that's what we need but the thing is we don't have an extra slot for that so it's like like I have to sacrifice something for it like Donna if you go for is in shots yeah there it is so heals 1,900 and we could upgrade if I might have to invest in 19 gems to get that extra shot to get this cuz that would be really good because then we could heal the brachial for a lot want to create it won't upgrade it so guys if you enjoyed this video leave a like until next time I'll see you later
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,440,163
Rating: 4.880723 out of 5
Keywords: Dino Bash, dinosaur game, caveman, vs, dinosaurs, dinosaur battles, fight, app game, gaming beaver, thegamingbeaver, jurassic park, jurassic world, jurassic, park, world
Id: hHxrktJ_5_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2016
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