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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of jurassic world the game just before uh the big omega runs out we have about uh alpha well alpha of six we have less than god knows not not very long we need to get this up to level nine so how about we put in oh i've used everything oh no oh this is no good technical difficulties and uh who else we need something that's just regular a regular is that good if we just have interrupt do you think we can get to level 10 in one go should we give it a shot guys so not only are we taking on alpha oh six oh look at it there oh that looks so cool oh god i sped it up by accident oh what's the time i'm gonna turn on the other one so i can actually see i don't have a watch you see that's the problem i got nothing on my wrist um so we are not only going to take on alpha 06 but we're also going to be getting the rewards for the uh glypholith is it gyro good good the crocodile one that's the one also i want to talk a little bit about the uh the thing that happened with uh lydia because we had um we had a uh in the last video if you remember right i was like is jurassic world the game closing down we need we need shakara [Applause] [Music] yeah that one okay let's try and take this guy out uh we'll give ourselves three but not only are we taking on the alpha row six doing the tournament thing but also look at it go ah looks so cool yes defeating alpha oh sex which is impossible but we are joined this is a collaboration with another content creator out there in the in the the social social sphere i'm very very happy to introduce the one the only which you can find on uh on instagram isn't that right yeah i'm looking after him today he's not my dog but uh this is what i've got to do you're with me and we've got to work today so this is bring your child to work yes yes it is you see how he's looking over there he's looking over there at the door it's like please save me you're mine are you okay you okay people unless you've got my my headphone cable is wrapped around you that better can that like that is that okay put your head on okay you can stay down there sorry he's kind of out of shot i was thinking oh look it's a cute dog in the video that'll get the views and yeah i can i can just see the top of your ear you got something on your ear there you go so i think there's definitely some uh some super dna that we can get from this if if i remember right i think there's one for like doing getting it to level four and then getting it to level eight or something so and i'm really not paying attention to this but uh because i'm not too worried the only thing i'm worried about is time because we've only got so long before this event goes and then the super thin is gone but we have oh god we got a seven we got a seven wow oh that looks so cool i love this thing it looks awesome in comes the indoor laptop right you're ready we're going to get your level 10. i'm going to do that i think yeah i think it was seven attack right so the max it would have had is one one block i think uh also audio i know we're getting that we're getting close we're getting close to the perfect audio it's taken weeks to get back to where we were um but here last here we are you're right there you're right uh so one two kill some factor in two and then two block oh perfect look at that wow how far can we get level ten in one round and i mean if you want to there's loads of um oh that's a nice color scheme actually if you had that color scheme for some tyranids or something that would look great like i like that oh no i think he's killed me i think he got me yeah he did well we got level seven hopefully oh that looks so cool i love oh my god it's so cool okay so we did 76 000 damage um i think we've still got some time left so we used one legendary uh we used one carnival and we definitely did over 500 damage which is really what you want to go for you just want to get those missions because they give you the most dna don't they move yes they do really um now how much longer do we have on this event uh also what is the super dna so we need to reach level 10 and complete 10 raid missions now we only have eight minutes so we're not gonna get uh two rare creatures five legends we're not going to get that but we can get it to level 10. uh so in this case i think the best thing for us to do i mean it's it's probably better go for this younger source than an indoraptor and then maybe even this is younger source because what we could probably do is um let's just go for a reserve and it might it'll just probably just kill us instantly which i'm not do first of all we should have a route cam if we do live streams would you want a roux cab what's your at what's your app room what is your at huh i don't even know where y'all is i'll link them down in the description below if you do want to follow his escapades uh so i think it went for two right so we can that's level eight sword then we're switching the other to jungle source that's level nine sorted and then it's just a matter of just going all out i think oh do you remember the first put this in i remember well i remember when they first put in the the boss battles i was in america at the time uh so we're gonna switch out i remember climbing uh it was somewhere in l.a it's like it's it's very popular with runners and stuff like that and we went there i was like this would be great i'll just record here always got one block goes for the bite right come on come on interrupted we got this we got this we're gonna go we're gonna have to go for three that guarantees us and then i'm gonna go for three block just in case he didn't block which he didn't so he can only go for two attacks to kill her so that's level nine sword we got this we got this room we got this would you sit on my shoulder because if you were on my shoulder that would work i'd have to hold your bum though i can't do that oh i did go for it that one block i did made all the difference there wow wow so now we just go for an all-out attack and there we go level 10 look at that uh also i do want to just double check before this ends that we have gotten um what you may call it uh the greifel griffin no that's the hybrid grandpa sutures that's it um i just want to double check that we have got that uh sorted because i've i think i was ranked for level 19 97 in dominator league so i just want to double check that we have got that so uh i will also mention about this whole closing of the game the chinese thing as well and what what really is going on there uh oh we're on five missions ooh is it possible is it possible that i just want to double check because we've oh we got five minutes i think we can do it guys so five minutes i am i think that's it right we're not going to fall down anymore right with five minutes to spare it's not gonna happen right it's not gonna happen it's okay it's okay all right okay that's i'm hoping that's we're okay we're okay we're gonna continue doing this so we need to use one more legendary creature two rares okay so we're going to do the same tactic as we did before except for this time we're going to use rays uh so one two three we're going to switch out the tapi gyrosaurus for a early thesaurus because actually you know what it needs to be a legendary creature and we need to do three thousand damage so i mean a ratchet stake is enough and that's done one two three missions taking us to eight and then we need to do one more battle after this ah look how good that looks oh it's so good uh so we got for one wizard oh look a little giga it's a weird model for a gigger definitely i wonder who okayed that i mean obviously universal okay that i'm assuming so righteous taker comes in all we need to do is 3 000 worth of damage and there you go that's it done seems a shame that you know we've wasted rajasthan just for that but remember it's super dna and we need super dna because we're working towards um what's it called uh interrupted gen 2 and there's another one there's the other hybrid that we're going for oh my god he actually did it okay is it some more damage should we get him to level 12. let's probably kill him again what about situp put that back down it's actually not good because we're running out of time and we really need to get this so hopefully i mean the max books we can get from the uh gripersaurus tournament is what 4500 so that would be good also with the trades i found a sneaky way of getting loads of vip points the books is like not guaranteed but the vip points are um i guess if you for that can you trade things for box if you're a fidelity member because that would be good ooh i might try it i might test out this theory because we could get if we do one month of fidelity membership we could get so many books so many books i'm i'm tempted i'm tempted to see if that makes a difference okay so we did uh we did the legendary uh we did two res we did the 3000 damage which gives us 300 dna which is good uh i think we are two missions away so five thousand damage and three herbivores so five thousand dollars so one two three uh there we should tell you what we'll use this guy so we need to do 5 000 damage uh monostegatops is probably going to be the best one so here we go let's give it a shot to stronger source i'm just going to go for reserves and then i'm going to go razor than that and hopefully mono stegotops can just come in and do as much damage as possible remember it doesn't matter how much health alpha 06 has as long as you just do that amount of damage it doesn't matter how much damage you do to it but the total you would have done it if it had like unlimited health so yeah this is awesome so we're gonna be on like eight and that's definitely over five thousand so that's two more missions and there you go within ten minutes we've done all the missions of the uh the alpha o six uh we're gonna get so many super dna here guys it's gonna be awesome so for whatever reason he doesn't want to attack us so that's something go on go for eight you go for five you kill us oh yeah i guess you could go for the minimum amount needed there enough whatever here it is 900 so we can go for he's gonna have three blocks so one two three four five there's eight thousand damage even if he blocks for which he didn't oh minus i've never seen motorcycle tops in this lighting he's very shiny [Music] beautiful killed it but unfortunately it's about to get back up and kill you but you did you you served your purpose so oh it's been crazy i've i've been doing the events i've done this boss battle we've done the tournament as well hours hours this is taken i i do want to check that fidelity though i do want to check the fidelity trick because there's some there's a way that you can get loads of vip points in this with the custom trays um so yeah we got that that's nine and there you go that's ten and there yeah how's it how many how many minutes do we have we have just seconds left and we're still oh where's the left we're still in and i think have we done it have we done this one yeah they go reach level look at all that oh my god that's so much that is so much okay in about 20 seconds roo we're going to uh we're going to unlock it i think oh let's watch 14 13 12. and we got that to do so what is clocking we could that was super hard look at those bars like yeah i'm not doing that one because there's one pterosaur two territories terrestrials then the last battle will be three pterosaurs two one are you ready when we click exit we're about to get it fine there it is we did it greipos sutures done and done we finished top one percent fingers crossed rue can you cross your paws can you cross your paws can they cross the paws can you cross your paws look at that you're so good okay come on 4500 oh wait no it's 500 each i thought it was 1500. oh well you could you can go back to sleep now so we got a thousand bucks though that's lows get in probably reimburses me for all the entries i had to do which is like five each time so great pursuit just unlocked and wait what what do you mean you've earned zero loyalty points i guess we get zero loyalty points then eh that's good get in so instead of getting like 2 600 loyalty points we got zero got zero that would and my vip my bonus you know the the doubles it that i pay real money for zero zero goddammit lydia man what's wrong with you oh oh right okay well either way we can instantly hatch it for i think it's i think it does still cost books though to do that so i should have just done it there shouldn't i amphibians let's find it so a griper suture so at level 40 yeah against a presser suit now of course presser switches gonna be better because vip crushers are better than tournaments uh yeah by a lot by a lot it's got like an extra 1 400 health and an extra 700. are you tired are you yawning petal oh you cutie who's a cutie um yeah it's not as good so we're gonna speed that up activate a regular incubator or instant incubator for 250. wait it's still costing me 250 bucks to do the instant hatchery that's not right man ludia what you doing i've paid you for like seven or eight months right to get this building it should then not cost me extra bucks to put something in it come on get rid of that get away with that there's no need for that i want to i want to just double check to see if that did cost me books or if that's a mess up so there it is gripo sutures looking gorgeous and that did actually cost me 250 bucks because now i'm on 15 thousand instead of fifteen thousand two and fifty eight uh so we'll place that down whoa yay let's fade it shall we yum yums uh first it was in jurassic world alive and we're seeing a lot of dinosaurs come back doing a reverse we've got tarbosaurus and now we've got greipo uh so we'll claim our free food i suppose uh grab a sushi resembles the modern day gariel a piscoville a crocodile with a remarkably long body and a narrow snout meant for catching fish so that's kind of sucky that not only do i have to wait a week to put something in but depending on how long um it takes the book price of speeding it up also goes up well there you go there's 30 books i suppose helping oh look we got 30 times as many vip points as we did in the free pack as we did in the freaking griper sutures pack goddammit lydia button where you playing at how could you make a mistake like that but now we have oh my god whoa whoa so that is 50 75 uh 6 85 95 hundred and eleven super rare dna so let's just collect all that shall we bump that up oh yes go just look at it so we now have a thousand dimetrodon dna so i don't know what we need for this uh no oh i didn't mean to click the advert oh we just got regular dna after all that i just got regular dna didn't even get anything special brilliant god damn it land dinosaurs 10 off in the market i'm assuming that's because um okay so we're gonna do we're gonna put something easy in and let's have a look at the gripo suture so it should we should save some money on this uh so ten percent so normally it's seven thousand four hundred now it's six thousand six hundred so there you go ten books so i could instantly get it for 1 600 books but what i could also do is do the instant hatchery and get it for 250. that or i have to wait a week a week oh that's horrible right but what i will do is i will wait a week um because i am saving uh dna on getting it uh no no no no no no no i don't know what i bought there i i went amphibian and i did that and i don't know i hope they didn't buy an ostoposaurus and 50 bucks for that fine with that so there's a three more so that'll take us to a level 30 once these all hatch because we've already got a level 10 there so is there anything extra so we get from the dna building slowly getting up there we've got the instant fuse as well we've also looked at the instant uh buyback uh oh there you go collect with another five yeah the thingy points so what do we need for the metrodon hold on hold on if i go in here and i go on to super hybrids uh here it is i need oh wow that's a weirdness 1700 really it is a corner after the curve is so good i don't want to lose it but i think i might have to because i'm sure that this hybrid is going to be way better all right all right uh so what do we have so we may as well collect from that now as we spend the food uh what else we've got we've got a battle for survival and we've also got beasts of the biodome and unfortunately at the moment we don't have any clash of the titans so it's not going towards anything uh i might as well do the battle for the survival because even though i technically do need food at this moment in a while i won't oh look i got my hair lovely uh so we'll just we'll just do that yeah and the fact is this one is also free so it really doesn't cost me anything and we'll also speed it up so it doesn't even cost us time yes so so sorry i meant to mention this china yes um we had in the last video i put up that picture uh that was sent to vertigo which uh who then sent it to me saying that on january or february it was next year jurassic world the game is closing now this only applies to china um and that's what i speculated i assumed that because they were chinese and they got this that it was only china and the whole you know everything that's going on with china at the moment i thought it's highly likely that it is china now the interesting thing is um there is a big player base for this game and just generally video games in china so you might be thinking why are they canceling it why why are they stopping at this game being supported in china and that is a question that i posed to ludia which i got a a vague answer basically they pointed me towards an article um and it was about um if you don't know china's introducing a new law and that basically a lot of companies that want to do business in china have to abide by um and i don't know the whole ins and outs of this law but basically uh it means that anybody any game developer that has a video game in china um has to basically be compliant with the government so imagine if in america uh trump had a say or the president or whoever the president of the of the united states had to say on what video games or what the game developers could and could not put in the game that's what this rule is for china so the chinese government gets to well basically tell the game developers what they can and cannot put in the video game um and of course understandably a lot of game developers don't like that [Laughter] um because it's you know they could put whatever they was their game so a lot of um a lot of games are being pulled from the apple store um and this of course drastic will the game will be one of them uh which is such a shame because you know it's not the people it's like the person who sent this image they want to play the game they have nothing to say with this whole rule this whole law that's being implemented um but they will now no longer be able to play just a world the game uh maybe there's proxies maybe you can get around it through that way so i'm sorry that it's happening uh it's just a shame but that was the answer that i got from it um so nothing that can be done unfortunately you may be able to continue it if you maybe switch your profile over to like a an australian or a different kind of uh region maybe uh oh yeah also there you go more of that and more forty another super red oh we got so much we are close to an interrupted gen 2. we are however close to getting two interrupters i feel like i need an interrupted gen 2. just to say i've got an ender after gen 2 but as far as usability goes i would rather have a hello what you're looking at me for um so cute don't you such a cutie um there is uh something to be said for having two interrupters because interrupt gen two is better than an interrupter but not by much you're stretching are you stretching um so yeah that is gonna have to drop this video sorry i thought we'd get more cuties i thought i thought you'd be more in shot you you're not so there you go say hello to the beautiful people hello [Laughter] but yeah if you enjoyed this video guys uh leave a like um we will of course cover anything new that comes out of the game so we've done a lot actually it's been a short video but we've covered a lot we've talked about a lot as well as jurassic world the game is staying open and i thought it would because of um all of the july like a baby you still do that you lie like a little baby what are you doing he's like no there you go how about that you can have the headphone cables around you so yeah there's um the game will stay open in regular play stores um it's a shame that it's closing in china the game again is still updating i mean i would when you look at the vip and you see all of these buildings and all the events so month seven is when i got that one so you got a month eight month nine month ten i was like there's no way that this game's closing why would they do that um so what about the vip this actually before we go this is something interesting uh oh it's gone i thought it would still be on offer so the there's this right if you want books you can have this pack for 500 right or you can open up this color gold pack and you only get a hundred so technically if you're after books the bronze ethereum is better now you could even open the pro coptodon and get 1500 books um now in my head you're you're kind of better doing the pro coptidon because there's more chance of you getting 3000 books by opening one of these packs then getting 3 000 books by opening this one because you need to get the equivalent you need to get every card for two packs needs to be books and then if you do get that you save ten thousand but it's very low you may even open two of these packs and not get a single book because there's nothing guaranteed but with procoptidon your 50 chance of getting that and then 50 chance so you've got a good 50 chance and then the third one's 25 percent so i don't know i don't know that's what you're named after a kangaroo did you know that oh my but anyway guys if you enjoyed the video uh leave a like until next time i'll see you later bye bye you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 116,754
Rating: 4.9613667 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: ffV51dedpxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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