SHOULD you buy an RTX 3060 in 2023?

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I did a complete review of the RTX 3060 when it came out over two years ago it was a different time back then prices were out of control gpus were something you only see in pictures fast forward to 2023 where I can jump on Amazon and Order myself a brand new card in any model I choose but are these things worth buying let me help you with that [Music] Nvidia has held the top GPU slot in the steam Hardware survey for a long time by its beloved GTX 1060. they've been trying to recreate a GPU to take its place since its release oh the 1650 recently overtook the 1060 for the most used GPU on Steam and that was an entry-level GPU released in 2019. they may have really had something with the 3060 if crypto mining hadn't screwed up the market so much here we are two years after release and the 3060 still has not reached its intended MSRP of 330 dollars I see comments all the time of people saying they got a 30 60 for 350 plus dollars and they think they got a good deal this is horrible for all of us because it tells Nvidia that gamers are willing to pay up for new Hardware in case you didn't realize 40 series gpus have already started releasing and I guarantee you by middle of the year in 2023 we will start seeing mid-range gpus like the 3060 replacement and if Nvidia sees that you're willing to pay 350 for a two-year-old GPU what do you think they're going to charge for the 4060 400 500 maybe okay I'll get off my soapbox and talk about the card itself the unlaunched 4080 12 gigabyte which will be called the 4070 TI is rumored to be released at CES 2023 and I've even heard talks of a video possibly charging the same 900 originally slotted for the 40 80 12 gigabyte variant now nvidia's 3070 had an MSRP of 499 dollars let that sink in it looks like Nvidia is up to their old tricks again this time with the 3060. if you thought the 40 80 16 gig and 4080 12 gig Fiasco was the first time that Nvidia tried to pull a fast one on its customers welcome to the show make sure when you're shopping for a 30 60 you don't accidentally purchase the 8 gig variant yep you heard me right another cut down card Nvidia started secretly selling these cut down versions through board Partners back in November the cost is the exact same as the 12 gig models but they have worse performance they not only have four gigs less vram but they also have a slower memory bus and therefore run a slower memory bandwidth Hardware in box purchase one of these 8 gig models and ran some gaming tests for us they showed that the 8 gig variant has about a 17 loss in performance over its 12 gig counterpart that's at 1080p the Gap widens by about one percent at 1440p I'll link their video below if you want more information but my advice is to stay away from the 8 gig 3060 altogether this review is all about the only 30 60 you should be looking at the specs for this card are it has 3584 Cuda cores it has a boost clock of 1 780 megahertz there's 12 gigabytes of gddr6 memory on a 192-bit memory bus and Nvidia recommends a 550 watt power supply for their Founders cards let me show you how this card performs in today's games I wanted to give the 3060 its best chance to perform well and not have any bottlenecks the Test match I decided to use for this was a build I recently put together for Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 this is sporting the Intel i5 12600k 32 gigs of RAM and a 240 millimeter all-in-one liquid cooler by EK Apex Legends was the first game I tested I ran all the benchmarks on both 1080P and 1440p to give us a wider showing I maxed out the settings for Apex except for spot Shadows that was one tier down from Max in 1080P the RTX 3060 achieved 157 FPS average with a 144.41 low bumping the resolution up to 1440p dropped the average frame rate down to 123.5 with 86 as the one percent low one of the major selling points for nvidia's 30 series cards is Ray tracing and dlss support Apex has neither of these features so let's look at some titles that offer this fortnite recently released a huge update to their game utilizing Unreal Engine 5. it looks incredible and totally changes the feel of the game at least for me it did but can the Aging 3060 keep up with these demands I ran three different configurations for the next three games I ran one at Native rendering another one using dlss and a third using dlss and Ray tracing because honestly if you're going to be using Ray tracing you should definitely enable dlss as well all tests were using the auto set feature for graphics quality since many gamers follow that boot up and play Method at Native 1080p fortnite ran 105.4 FPS average with 62.4 for the one percent low and 72.1 with a 46.51 percent low at 1440p enabling dlss which was set to 60 scale for both resolutions Nets 169.2 FPS with 97.11 low at 1080p and 125 with 77.6 for 1440p as soon as you enable nanite and set Lumen effects on high which includes Ray tracing the average FPS for 1080p tanks to 76.6 with 47 as the one percent low and at 1440p you see 63 FPS average with 45.41 low not really the frame rate you want to see on a competitive shooter such as fortnite Warzone 2.0 is the next game I tested there isn't a ray tracing feature to be able to turn on or off in the game so I just skipped that part now I initially built this system to run Warzone 2.0 even though I suck the game and I don't have a built-in Benchmark I'm forced to die about a hundred times for these results I hope you're happy at Native resolution the 3060 runs 98 FPS average and 57.31 low at 1080p at 1440p this drops down to 58.7 and 35.71 lows not quite the win I was looking for enabling the magic of dlss jumps the average frame rate to 128.9 and 82.8 at 1080p at 1440p we see 81.9 and 52.1 dlss does what it's meant to do and that's enable High frame rates while maintaining High visual quality now I did use the quality preset for dlss for this game and the next one cyberpunk 2077 is like the modern day crisis bringing even the mighty Flagship cards to their knees how do you think the 3060 did running native resolution on 1080p the 36 DC 71.7 FPS average and 56.41 low while 1440p is a last-gen console-like experience at 44.8 FPS average and 37 1 low everything gets better as you would expect when dlss is turned on again with the quality setting the 1080p results saw 83.4 FPS and 65.11 lows 1440p only improved a small amount to 52.9 and 44.1 the ray tracing results were playable but not promising 1080p achieved 52.3 average FPS and 44.6 1 lows with 1440p seeing 36.3 and 27.6 that was a lot of benchmarking for only four games in fact I actually recruited my son to help me out with some of the benchmarking but he's on winter break so he doesn't have anything else to do anyway the final question of the day is is the 36 D worth your hard-earned money well I'm going to say that in a two-part answer yes and no I say yes because as performance shows it is a very capable card even on the most demanding titles at 1080p on ultra settings in Warzone it achieved 100 FPS so you could run things on high or medium and easily see 144 or even 165. now I don't recommend the 3060 even as a 1440p GPU since its frame rate wasn't really impressive even with the LSS also I don't suggest you use Ray tracing with this card at least don't expect good performance from it maybe if you want just turn it on take a couple quick shots some b-roll and then turn it back off that's it at this point in the release cycle the RTX 3060 should be under MSRP they should not be charging 350 or even 330 dollars to that matter it should be 299 or less I mean we're talking over two years since it released I recommend to you if you're shopping for a 3060 pick up something like amd's RX 6650xt you can actually go over to Amazon and get them for 299 for the cheapest models and they will beat the 3060 in pretty much every title you throw at it if you're worried about Ray tracing or dlss Ray tracing doesn't really matter on these mid-tier cards anyways so the performance isn't an argument and dlss isn't really an argument either because amd's FSR 2.0 and 2.1 I guess they have now is just as capable if not better than what nvidia's dlss is offering hopefully I helped you with your decision of whether or not to buy an RTX 3060 for your system at home and if I did make sure you give me a like down below and subscribe for more PC related content and as I always say I'm Danny with Danny's Tech Channel and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Dannys Tech Channel
Views: 35,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTX 3060 12GB, RTX 3060 Review, RTX 3060 8GB, RX 6650 XT, RTX 3060 benchmarks, 3060 gaming benchmarks, DTC, Dannys Tech Channel
Id: 6z4TXEwFicw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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