DON'T Do this with your GPU!

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this is uglyish that's what we're going to talk about it today and what you can do about it winter up this video to bring you a special message from iFixit no we interrupt this Interruption with this Interruption the new stuff from my fitted push it and you grab this card but inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with iFixit Whoa Don't drop it can't fix that with die fiction just kidding yes you can wish you could take iFixit with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing your new Moray and the new minnow take them with you anywhere so good I fix it for your loved one or just get them for yourself [Applause] every single 40 series graphics card that uses the 12 volt high power connector uh is going to end up coming with a adapter like this and depending on the size of the card it's going to be probably either a two three or four um 39 TI had a three 40 90 has four of them I bet you anything 40 80 but 24080 will end up having two maybe three um but this is what you would essentially get now imagine trying to Cable manage that that's freaking ridiculous this video today is not about the Doom and Gloom Gloom and fear-mongering of your power supplies Catching Fire and trying to kill you this is more or less about Aesthetics so what Corsair has sent us with the hx1500i is their replacement cables that are designed for any of their power supplies using a Type 4 uh piece or connector for their power supplies now it's interesting because of the fact that the adapter says hey you should be using four one two three four power cables to power it however Corsair says Nah bra you only need two it terminates to two of them now first of all the cables that are in here I'm pretty sure are solid core if you can't tell by the way it holds its shape watch no matter which way you bend it it stays because of the fact that it's more than likely not a stranded cable it's just a solid core almost like a Romex like a small Romex so I think that's one reason why they're able to just run two PCI Express Type 4 connectors on the power supply end terminating to the 12 volt now one of the things that we've talked about here is the fact that you see it even says right on that connector 600 watts so that's the Max rated uh PCI Sig or the organization that sort of does the standard that's the max rating of the cable but you'll notice the side band right that's the little extra plug that doesn't exist on the 30 series cards albeit outside the 3090 TI because it did have it on there um you can see that only two separate them only two of the four pins are occupied and if we look both of them are on opposite ends of the PCI Express cables on the power supply end so the reason for this I'm assuming is it's sort of tricking the power supply into full power mode remember the side band on for on pcei five is supposed to be a communication between the graphics card and the power supply and all power supplies today are done they're all they're all stupid they don't think they don't talk they just even the digital ones that's just a digital vrm it just sends power that's requested and it's like hey here's your power you asked for remember power supplies don't push power components draw power from the power supply so I see a lot of people are looking at 1500 watt you're going to blow your stuff up bro it's like shut up you know what you're talking about but now with having smart communication the sideband connection is what asks and requests power of the power supply and the power supply is going to either say yay or nay or here's what you're allowed because this is what I am and this is all I can give you and remember anything over 400 watt or 400 watt and above is going to have the sideband connector and PCI or excuse me ATX 3.0 so you will you can see in the future that we will be taking a power supply that is too small for something like a 40 90 and by the time it's out probably a 40 90 TI and see how it deals with those not being correct now this isn't a video just about hey look here's a pretty cable because you can see one is hooked up right here and it one of the benefits too over this connector and I showed this in my review is with because they have all four of these connectors going into those pins they have this thick heat shrink slash fabric tape on here to keep the them from pulling out what this also really extends the bend out farther which means that this plug is sticking up towards your side panel there is an issue where depending on the size of your case um it may hit the side panel and put a lot of pressure on that plug and I'd want to be careful with it causing any damage there remember the pins are a lot smaller therefore they are more delicate but what I want to do today is I asked I asked Nvidia what happens if you were to take the 12 volt high power connector and chop these pins like chop these cables what would happen the quote the answer was I don't know what would happen so I went you know what we're going to find out what's going to happen so what I'm gonna end up doing now is I'm going to take see it's not even a part of the actual strand it's just separate cables that they literally have zip tied down so you can see there's the separate cables right there I am going to just cut it and cap them put a little tape on the end so they don't touch anywhere I want to see what does it do does it give us less power will it power up at all because there is a little logic board inside the PCB that's designed just to handle the communication of the sideband the Assumption from my contact in Nvidia when I asked that question was like they think that it may not fire up at all and the reason why I'm going to cut this cable is Corsair sent us a bunch of them sorry Corsair one of them is being dedicated to science today um but we have a few other things I want to talk about one let's get our name on the leaderboard that we can start some friendly competition amongst the other YouTubers that happens every single time and two I wanted to do this today with the strix but you'll notice that Fe is on here this particular rig right here is the 7950x on the uh ASRock x670e Tai Chi motherboard but the strix absolutely refuses to initialize on this board this board even has a bios update specifically mentions fixes problems with RTX 40 series however I cannot get an image to come out of this card with it on this board even going into windows with it booting on the onboard thank God there's Onboard video with the 7950x and all the new ryzen stuff it's really awesome for troubleshooting I just took the HDMI plugged it into the motherboard into the Monitor and was able to get to Windows using the onboard graphics on the the CPU and then looking at the device [Music] um code 43 basically was just like it there was no communication with the graphics card at all it knows there's one plugged in because it senses power going through the PCI Express slot however it doesn't work whatsoever but the Fe does so I suspect I do have some Asus uh motherboards for am5 I'll try this on one of those I bet you anything that works fine but I have a feeling there's probably a v bias update necessary on this graphics card so a fair warning if you were like I'm gonna get a strix I'm gonna put it on a Tai Chi you may not get an image so thank God the Fe Works otherwise this video was going to be quite interesting today it was gonna be more about trying to get it to work which might end up being a more interesting video If I had something else to try I got to reach out to Asus and see whether or not there actually is a vbios update for that so anyway I guess we need to get some baseline stuff too because this cable right now plugged in um oh and what I started to say earlier about the heat shrink is this cable here because it's such a stiff inner core we can get a pretty tight radius bend on that so this actually gives you a little bit more clearance than the this monstrosity what would you rather have in your system honestly I want to see what the current scores are because when we're filming this the Embargo had finally lifted so people were able to put their scores up online fun fact these 3090 SLI scores will live on for a long long time because SLI does not exist on 40 series at all so these just like four times SLI on time spy still the top numbers I should know I think SLI ln2 39dtis finally took over but single card to hit 36 000 is going to take a while um next gen at least but if you look at single cards we've already got some people uploading stuff here we got lucky noob uploaded a 27338 this score earlier was a 27 000 and just a couple of change so I think he's he's actively overclocking right now or at least trying we've got this guy I have no idea who that is with a 25672 and we have brow Rosa with a 24 706. so I already know we'd be number two right now based on the scores I already got but that was on a 12 900k and we know we'll get a little uplift to 79.50x so I just want to go ahead and get our name on the board let's just do that real quick um in fact I'll just do the stock settings all right twenty five thousand seven eighteen I think that might get us number two I don't know let's see compare results online that'll get us number two already I didn't do anything except run it hey uh hey this guy if you if you run a proper CPU that's not bottom liking this you'll be up a thousand points buddy I just thought I'd let you know my Fe is a dud it does not like overclocking at all definitely not going to hit any records uh with this particular one it's just a complete show in terms of overclocking this one can't even hit three gigahertz um the strix can but again I can't get the freaking strix to load on this board but whatever let's talk about the uh the pins here so if you look down we've got four pins on the sideband this little connector with a 600 watt and see the far two are occupied with the two on the left or not the two on the left are not occupied because of the fact that this is not a uh ATX 3.0 power supply cable so the two are not able to talk or have crosstalk or talk back with the power supply in the graphics card that's what the two pins that would be communicating with each other are so they're not occupied here because they don't exist so the two on the right correspond correspond with set zero and since one so the left pin of the two that are occupied so the third from the left they sent zero and then since one's a one on the right so if they're both grounded which they are now which means they're both attached then it will pull 375 watts on Startup which is stupid and then 600 watts is the max available to it so it means it could pull up to 600 watts it doesn't mean the graphics card will it's just it's available if we have the left pin open so only the right side is occupied then we'll have 450 Watts uh max power available to it if the right pin is open but the left is uh populated the ground on the left since zero they'll want 300 watts if they're both non-occupied then we'll only have 150 watts total so that's the kind of performance correlation we should see by depending this right now I was going to cut it initially but I'm just going to depend it um so we should see essentially by undoing the right one and being 450 watt limited we should see theoretically no change the reason for that is if we look at the the benchmarks right here these are the three reasons your card would slow down or not go any farther temp limit power limit voltage limit voltage is what we see every time so this is why I said in my review like the voltage slider is pointless it doesn't do anything because we got all of our Max scores and everything at 100 power limit which normally we're power limited first not voltage so unless we start seeing custom builds of of vbios and stuff that allow us to move the voltage or shunt mods Etc to fool it we're not going to be seeing any crazy overclocks and stuff yet so anyway we need to depend this uh plug it back in and then see if we get any sort of change like I said I think Nvidia is mad at me because you know this Fe is a complete lottery dud so they were just like give Jane a crappy card you know crappy and 40 90 performance don't belong in the same sentence but uh you know unfortunately these are just ground wires no reason for anyone to be doing this this is just us doing there we go J science so there's one and I'll put a little bit of electrical tape on that just so I feel comfortable okay here we go so now we should theoretically see no change okay our limit is Max the 100 now oh wow look at that yeah you just cut Phil just caught this power limit is totally different this time around on the card it seems like it's maybe not because we did the math the 133 basically brought 450 to 600. so now it's just doing the math saying okay what's 100 of 450. well it's 100 or what's 150 minus 600 it's 450 which is 100. do I really need to run the test because it should run exactly the same because it's at 100. we're not limiting anything what would be limited here would be being able to overclock so I'm gonna I'm gonna do this real quick um instead of running the test like the full Benchmark I'm gonna run it in windowed mode in a custom yeah see voltage limit boom this is what you're always going to see with 40 series this is why the power sliders is is just completely useless but look at the power it's pulling 403 Watts look at the power percent see we're we're under 100 at full speed the core clock 27.45 so let me add 50 to that 27.90 again wattage didn't change it's only pulling 400 actually it's below the 450 Max it can pull and you see right core voltage locked so we can't we can't adjust the curve or anything it's just completely these cards are going to be shipping with a whole bunch of crazy like voltage or power limit sliders or just completely useless so even by having that pin not occupied and overclocking this card to where it crashes on the voltage that's allowed to it no issues there okay so now I need to shut down the system and uh switch the pins all right so it looks like we're getting a no boot on the 4090 with the 300 spec what we noticed is that like Windows is booted right now this is temperature showing for the OS right now while it's loading everything in the background um but the card we noticed the fans didn't spin here I'll shut down real quick and I'll show you live the fans didn't spin which we saw with the 450 spec was uh you initially hit with voltage the fans would spin up and then slow down so watch if I hit power you're not going to notice anything happen [Music] and when I reoccupied the PIN for you and I turn back on you'll see the fan spin up and slow down the LEDs will come out even the LEDs aren't coming on so what's happening right now is the card itself is not getting enough startup initialization power which means lower end cards um probably 40 70s 40 60s and such will be fine with that I guess this is this is this makes um Nvidia kind of right like if I took out both pins would it have started no taking out one pin not starting though in terms of putting it into the 300 spec it's kind of funny because essentially the cart is being lied to right now by unhooking that pin because it the power is there I mean look all the all the main cables are occupied it's getting the full 600 watts it's just the sideband is telling the controller on board hey we don't have we only have 300 watts and then the card's going well then you don't get video but that's cool because it means it's not just brute forcing power through it the the intelligence side of the 12 volt high power plug is actually pretty neat if from a tech standpoint if you if you like this level of of uh control I think it's neat actually so what I'll do right now is we'll do this in real time I'll just go ahead and plug the cable I'll reoccupy that PIN and then it should fire right up so take off the Gaff tape pin push the little tab back down make sure it catches side that has the there we go it's back in there plugging that into the power supply foreign there we go now we should see the fan spin there you go see so it's pretty neat because we showed you on that uh chart there's a initial power up wattage and then an actual power supply wattage in terms of like the it's a it's sort of like kick-starting or jump starting the card with with voltage and it's a certain amount look it's looking for to start up so there you go uh I I need to look into why we can't get the strix card to load up on this motherboard I have a feeling that scene there we go we got video I have a feeling that if I was to take the CPU out right now and sticking on the I had I do have an Rog board now I bet you it would work fine because it's all going to be internally vetted and kind of you know made to work it's got to work in their own ecosystem but I think this is just an issue maybe between this fee by us and this Tai Chi and the fact that I'm getting a phone call from someone I don't know so I think it's just a combination of this card with this Tai Chi motherboard and perhaps even just this monitor there's monitors play a part on this too anyway just kind of playing around this is the stuff I'm excited about again having all this new hardware to mess around with and do these experiments that are like what happens if so fun fact you know ATX 2.0 power supply with the proper gauge wire you look at how erect that is I mean it's so excited about the performance but uh yeah as long as it's got the two pins on the right occupied no problems all right guys thanks for watching actually I think what we need to do is we need to take this and hook it up to like one of the 500 watt power supplies that Corsair has let's do it next video
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 870,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4090 power cable, 12vhpwr, 12 volt power cable, correct cable for 4090, 4090 cable testing
Id: dbT84gxKnMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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