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ready hey you know what I got ya let me forget to show you guys Han let me grab it real quick okay I got this for our room our ballroom I haven't even hung it up or showed you guys but I think it's gonna be awesome Kaine check it out yeah dude so we can hang it up in here check it out and we can just sit here in toss hoops to choo-choo look NBA Slam Jam I gotta open it I can't open anything in this room or if you drop anything in this room it's game over it's so hard to find stuff look at Kamath a little ball done be filming you are filling good job man I love that you're just picking that up and recording now yeah this thing's legit yeah like nuts and screws and everything you getting it there's mom where did you find that that was supposed to be Christmas present I know it was but I couldn't resist any longer plus we're going to get no from school today this would be fun know what though man came with a basketball you know where it goes right yeah well that's the thing I thought I could mount on the wall but it's a door holder Oh on the door the door stays open anyways well no the closet door is even better because I was that gap yeah yeah giggling ah I don't think I have the right tool the pump out in the garage will do it yeah yeah I think that's the first nap ever put on a basketball ever yeah I don't think I've ever put one on sure yes that's something you do regularly look Weez these balls yes you can use you got lots of balls um I'm scared to open it well all your good I think you're gonna mm not gonna say anything you know good job okay let me try let me try talk about endless practice look at this left hand nailed it this is kind of like a soothing oh I got one all right guys moving right along I didn't show you guys yesterday my new shoes these are the new I think I mean told you I wouldn't I did so here they are they are almost the same thing I always get just black commerce but they're not fabric they're like suede they're really slick and they got like beet red for that slush walking I don't know we're on our way hey are you showing them yours those are rad we are going to get Noah and then we gotta find these kids something hello he's been asking all there we can't know we get nowhere we can do it yes we are dude you excited and then we're just running into town really quick oh I don't think you know we really don't we always do it really quick all right we gotta grab some food what you doing homework boy doing homework - I know I know do what you got to do right oh my gosh Kane look again Noah's filming you under the table ah here we are at lunch no it just showed me something I've never seen before and everybody I think everyone can do it right all right show me it's like how to do it not just show me what you just showed me like the exact me the what - Everett it looks so weird move you're 14 he got a case of the floppy finger look I can do it but I never seen this in my life well mmm like it looks so it doesn't look natural at all yeah okay so a couple things do you guys want to try some family challenge videos oh that whenever well that is gonna have to beg you and bribe you with Kenny hey I don't know a candy just came out I was trying to be funny bad dad jokes calm see ya guys actually si what kind of challenges we could do as a family and it looks like the kids are up for it so maybe we jump into some of those tonight and just give us a little sample of what we can do no and I are running in real quick we got to find a wall bunch of pencils wait who uses pencils nowadays huh more like regular ones or mechanical ones or what do you prefer that's a pen see your plan you're going to be serious a mechanical hi my name is Noah what I do on everything alright I write my hi my name is dawn Rick here yeah mommy Little Mermaid dude no do you like mechanical ones yeah I used to hate them things at break I was so bad with it mm-hmm how many mistakes would you actually have to make to use all of this eraser well if you're in school then you can give them out to people well it's true you could share them but look have anybody ever actually used an eraser from start to finish like I never have me neither yeah like you just erase so much it's gone I don't know Oh such a nice little puppy look at him probably hard to believe it my kids have grown out of almost all their clothes like they're starting to look pretty raw King has some cool stuff he's so easy because every store you walk in is like cool kids clothes no is at the age where it's like getting tough tall little thin legs chicken legs like his daddy Kane the problem is is you look good in everything like I could put a trash bag on you you look good you like that they're both the same yep put it in and turn it great idea guys horn big bouncy ball machine in the middle of the store I think you're gonna need both is it hey look can you really keep going awesome I can get one too Wow you get that for a quarter that's pretty good I'm actually impressed I thought it was for sure 50 cents oh great my favorite older thanks are a bing bada boom I love Rolly come on greasy hey hold on to it because if it falls here it's gonna go under everything cool I've always heard it a million times people say I can't have kids because they're expensive I can't afford to have kids and I always said nah kids don't cost anything until they start wearing a lot of clothes clothes are expensive these two little bags you guys know how much that was no you know how much that was Kane how much how much do you think those two little bags were you guys didn't get that much yeah I imagine the coats probably were expensive you think 200 that wasn't even half close close not 605 ones and $30 say come on mommy we are back and I just dumped an entire friggin root beer on the floor nasty mess cane found my really old laptop man when did I get this I don't even know it's got a Kona Hawaii sticker on it Hey look at this hey that's from Hawaii oh my gosh it's an antique man an old Sony Vaio forget find the power cable I bet we can turn it on but there's some old crazy pictures on here way before you were born well we were gonna stick around and hang out at the house but we just got a call from my brother and they're hanging out over there with the family so I think we're gonna join them Cain you won't go tunkel dale's yeah I know he's in a hurry oh yeah you have to do dishes those dishes you have to do the dishes look at this it's getting out of control you know the funny videos it's like washing a spoon is death because it always flashes stick and move stick and move stick and move stick in but we're mo goes let's have a serious talk real quick come here no come here I got beef with you what I'm kidding what are we gonna do this is fan mail from this week we got a lot to open and we're taking all the post office buckets think I have nothing left what we gonna do are we gonna do a massive mail vlog just weekend guys what it's up to the kids it is so starting to look like Christmas in here when are we setting up our tree this weekend um Thanksgiving I wanted it up for Thanksgiving I want to do it I've never been this excited about Christmas I'm totally up so we went over to my brother's I didn't vlog literally not even a single slip I didn't put my camera oh we literally sat at the table with them and your parents I just talked literally vlogging literally I always say that were eventually I got to do our monthly sponsor from Harry's you guys know we show these guys all the time in our vlogs they're now a sponsor of this channel which is really cool and what's cooler is I see you guys like it like I see you love it that the Twitter post you guys are getting the deals that they send they are the official sponsors of November No Shave November you guys can see I did I did I didn't shave this mom I haven't shaved either wait wait you did druggers out that's this kiss them a lot of out dude do girls all over some places I don't think I'll shave my legs where is that that's a real thing there are this yeah where's that at where do girls not shave the legs around it that's a real thing I'm pretty sure oh here it's like you got a shave like I can't imagine if you had hair on your legs not can your hairs the worse it's it's literally this long how dare you they send us a new color each month ready yeah are you excited you're gonna like this one woah bling freakin bling does it go good on my date and spinners you're glad you're datin spinners the old cars date rims that spin think they were called Dayton's or I don't know what we're talking about right now anyway Harris is always hooking it up hooking you guys up with promo code rum and you go to their site use promo code rum and my name that's it and you get this whole kit for ten bucks and it's free shipping oh straight to your door you know that's free shipping you forgot such a bonus oh no a shave cream is pretty nice oh and actually I think you get the pick whether you want shaped cream or gel anyway guys we actually really like this company and they are always hooking you guys up I actually think they sent us a bunch of stuff for well we'll get into that later Oh smell cam ready smell can no you're gonna squirt in a face I do were you already knew that so check him out I know you guys see these every month or every other month in our vlogs and they're always here to give you guys good deals we're actually trying to switch it up each month with different deals so I've kind of switched it up a little bit this month this big mom for them yeah No Shave I was sitting there I always say I always thought it was November oh I'm sorry I didn't at the camera oh no I got it mmm my grandma asked me she's like do you have any of those razor sets for the guy that lives next door no you guys have no idea everyone we personally knows that you gotta marry because it's like it's like an addiction I need uh I need some refills bro y'all couldn't help coach you guys got a bunch of razors you're not using I think we got Christmas gifts for everybody I might keep this gold one for myself that gold one is sick so weird I was just like talking you guys and I look outside it's light out now the heck is just Hey good morning little turd Oh what's up you guys in electronic world right now look at this welcome to 2015 the modern family today I think said after Thanksgiving you want to set up our Christmas tree today I'm totally down like I would be totally down for that it's so much work you want to stuff the Christmas tree today and be fun I asked on Facebook and everyone sent me a picture of their trees already ups I will say this it would be the earliest debt we have ever set up a Christmas tree if we get there okay guys thanks for sticking around thanks for watching we will see you tomorrow not exactly sure what we're gonna do it it sounds like everyone's game for that and then we're gonna try to rock out another humungous mail vlog alright guys thanks for sticking around and hanging out we will see you tomorrow tell me today is your Christmas tree setup if it's not when do you usually set it up because this would be the earliest we've ever set ours up if we do it you are absolutely amazing don't forget it I love you mama what what do you talk sis I like zone out how many of you guys do this I just like zone out my gosh no but I'm so guilty I should be talking to
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,739,438
Rating: 4.9534974 out of 5
Keywords: pranks, smile, THE, Born, family friendly, Prankster, making, vlogging, BEST, GREATEST, new, family fun, kid friendly, pranking, daily, movie, Natural, ohio, day, RomanAtwood, vlog, more, family-friendly, roman, craziest, Romans, columbus, crazy, prank, atwood, roman atwood vlogs, vlogger, everyday, kid-friendly, LA, family vlogs, prankster, vlogs
Id: 8YQxLrXUMo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2015
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