Should Archons Always Be The Strongest of Their Elements?

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should archons be the strongest representation of their respective elements at some point each of the archons did have their moments of being the most powerful of their elements and I think for three out of four of them it's still true okay it's maybe debatable for another one of them but I'll get into that one a little bit later it goes without saying that you don't need to be the strongest at every single role at once to be considered the strongest character after all kazua doesn't need to do more Animo damage than Xiao to be considered a better character I imagine a lot of you lore fiends out there you really want the archons to be stronger than everyone else because why shouldn't they be they're Gods why would it make any sense for when we finally get to the land of pyro for the Pyro archon to be weaker than little old Benny boy the terminally unlucky teenage boy who just has a vision but it's also equally hard to imagine a world where Bennett's support capabilities are just absolutely destroyed by the Pyro archon and you could really say the same for a DPS unit like hutau archons that are released nowadays have way more characters to compete with than the early archons did so while they may have been very strong at the least newer ones will have a harder time surpassing existing characters so let's take a look at each archon at the release and a little bit after and see how they held up when venti was released he only had three units for competition Gene is a little bit of a jack of all trades with CC healing DPS but that's the problem back then the big draw to Animo was the CC in gene C1 it just does not cut it if you're ironically using gene for her CC capabilities I sincerely hope that you have better days ahead of you yeah you could throw them up in the air and make them take some fall damage that's a fun little gimmick but it's its usefulness is really low it's really only when you're so under gear that falling damage can actually out DPS you moving on to sucrose now for those of you who know the history of the game and what the game was like at 1.0 whether or not you played or maybe watch videos of people talking about it you probably know that people's opinions of characters were really really bad Bennett was considered F A lot of people put Chichi and S tier and sucrose was very underestimated many people didn't put too much value or didn't even notice the damage increase in capabilities that sucrose had what really mattered was their CC capabilities because back in 1.0 pretty much every enemy in the game except a bruin guard could be sucked in by venti's tornado on top of that for 1.0 standards venti was actually doing pretty respectable personal damage a lot of people were building him for actual raw damage because swirl hadn't been buffed yet so you had have this character that has unrivaled CC capabilities and pretty decent personal damage as well as having an ability that can be used in Overworld exploration to quite a good effect I mean I could talk about traveler but do I really need to defend why an archon is better than the traveler venti was definitely one of the best animal characters in the game up until cosra's release some might have tried to make a case for sucrose saying that she can provide more damage than venti can and in situations where his CC isn't that valuable sucrose absolutely would have been favored so does venti qualify for being called the strongest animal character on his release yes I do believe so for six versions anyway what about Jean Lee zhongli is an interesting one because one he's one of the only characters in gen's history to receive a buff during the live version of the game those Buffs were also pretty significant they took him from being a pretty underwhelming character in most people's eyes to being one of the most widely used characters even to this day and at his release he didn't exactly have much competition he had Noel ningwan and gumc Noel may be a respectable sleeper damage dealer nowadays but that's mostly thanks to husk and the red horn Stone thresher which had the release of Jean Lee didn't exist yet at this point Noel was a really below average DPS with very very bad supportive capabilities she can't support the best due to her very long cooldown shield with very poor uptime that can be counteractive with field time but that's the problem it takes Field Time ning Wong isn't a support but she's also not the best DPS either she can do well enough but she's not near on the power level of Jeong Li and gomc well once again it's it's a traveler you can't really expect much from them but gomc can you know they can support they can give you a crit rate buff and they can do some modest damage with their rocks and as far as characters we have now well we all know that not many Geo characters have been released since then even just comparing them to non-geo shielders his shield is still so far above and beyond everybody else part of that is thanks to the Geo element it's just generally good against every element opposed to every other element only being good against themselves so was only the best Geo unit absolutely and is he still the best I think so now here's a tough one Ryden Shogun on her release everybody was blown away by how strong she was she quickly shot up to the best selling unit in the entire game at the time those sales are also still high to this day and two of the banners and above her are double banners with her on them now Ryden had a lot more competition than the two archons that came before her she had seven Electro units to compete with if we calculate osara who released alongside her I'm not gonna go over all seven because that's too time consuming but I'll say this Bryden did something the other two archons didn't really do actual meaningful damage and quite a load of it whether you got those powerful early constellations or not Ryden is going to do a considerable amount of damage and even if you ignore those she still has immense supportive capabilities with applying some of the easiest actually not some of the literally the easiest off-field Electro you can ask for on top of being a very potent and energy battery and while she may not have exactly stepped on the toes of supportive units such as Fishel and Beto she did dominate The Electro category up until dendro's release and even after danger was released Ryan still proved to be a very strong unit when you have an ability that can apply Electro off field just for applying damage with literally any ability of course she's going to get some use after all that's all hyperbloom wants you to do and while many people may consider it Blasphemous to build your riding shotgun with nothing but Elemental Mastery and use her as a skill bot it doesn't make it any less valid to actually use it as a playstyle Bryden absolutely carried the electro element before dendro ever hit the scene even after dendro she still proved to be a very strong unit in literally any role you put her in and while many people may prefer a unit like kooky for her ability to apply easy off-yield Electro on top of heel it doesn't make Ryden any less of a good choice she just may not always fit into every team that kooky does because kooky is sometimes feeling that vital healing role that Ryden just cannot but the thing is Ryden can always go back to just whacking things things with her ridiculous burst damage even if you don't have the C2 it's still gonna hit pretty damn hard one thing we can say for certain is that Ryden was definitely the strongest Electro unit on her release she passes that check but nowadays I don't think anyone would ever give you a weird look if you came into a conversation of who is the best modern electric unit and you brought Riden Shogun to the table some people might try to jump down your throat and say that she fell off or she's not as good as she once was and those two statements could probably be considered true and even though it may not necessarily be my opinion I still think Ryden could be considered the best electrode unit now let's let's move on to probably the most controversial one nahida nahida actually gets a lot of heat and negative attention for just how strong she is many out there even believe that nahida's mere existence actually invalidates and hurts the viability of other dendro supports that we had Cola and Denver main character were both very popular until nahida hit the scene this leaves some people out there with the belief that making nahita as strong as she is was actually a mistake I mean after all she's flexible she's relatively cheap to build all things considered and she works in basically every single team where dendro is desired on top of that she also got the writing treatment with having an excellent C2 however unlike Ryden she's not also an amazing DPS so she at least has that one limitation and a unit like Al Haytham still has room to shine with in dendro as for tahita's release well she beat out anything to the punch so she was definitely the strongest Android unit on release by far nobody's gonna contest that one that's actually not true there's going to be a kale Mega fan in the comments writing like a 6 000 word essay on why call a is better than all the other dendro units even in a post-al-hathem world I think it's still reasonable to say that nahida is a better unit after all Engen impact supports reign supreme the DPS they are nothing without the overpowered supports that well support them which brings us to the archon that we don't yet have the Hydra archon we're going there very very Suma Fontaine which is why I think this conversation or topic is so interesting right now more than ever when we went into Inazuma Elektra was arguably in a very miserable State overall so it wasn't hard for Ryden to come in and be the best when Jean Lee released Gia was in a really bad state if if you removed zhongli from the picture it probably would still be in a bad State vendi released with little competition but sucrose was a powerful Contender but when it comes to CC venti is just King but here's the thing about the Hydra archon the hydro element right now is so goddamn stacked that I really have a hard time imagining that the same thing that happened for the four previous archons is going to happen to the hydro element I mean like how goddamn overpowered with the Hydra archon have to be to make units like shincho and yolan look bad in comparison these are both supports that absolutely dominate in both Hydra application and actual damage while Elon May Eclipse shincho's damage that doesn't make shincho's damage any less significant he does a lot of damage for a support if we want to factor in constellations Elon is even the closest thing we have to a Bennett for HP users with their C4 giving everyone basically another HP artifact we even have very good Hydro DPS with ayato own child and yes child haters you need to suck it up child's good character you're just not good at child now to end up being a DPS that ends up being better than child or ayato is a lot less ridiculous and more reasonable to believe than ending up being a better support than Yolanda and shincho I just think it unlikely because archons typically have supportive kids even if that supportive kit can absolutely kick ass like riding Shogun can the question is though is it healthy for the game if we get a hydro archon who's a support that is better than the supports we have like shincho and yulon because they are so strong we're talking about like top 10 units for an element that has been established when nahida came in and became the strong as dendro it was hardly a surprise we had barely any units at the time and it's a brand new element you got to make things exciting to actually sell the element to people but Hydro is a very known quantity on top of that it's part of what is making dendro so strong even before dendro ever hit the scene Hydra was part of vaporize which was widely considered to be some of the best teams we had which is one of the reasons why when I think should an archon be stronger than regular characters of the element hydro and Pyro are two that always stood out and now that we're rapidly approaching the Hydra arcone and finally gonna see what that looks like I was already pretty impressed with how they handled dendro I was always wondering you know if dendro comes out and it Buffs Electro and it makes Electro super strong well like if it makes kaching that much better then how much stronger is riding going to be but they managed to make a creative solution that didn't make Ryden more powerful but helped all the other units so I just gotta wonder is it even possible to do that with Hydro is it possible to make a hydro archon support that is considered the best unit in the game but somehow isn't also stepping on the toes of units like shincho and your lawn I mentioned that yield lawn C4 is basically the only version of like Bennett or Goro for HP units we don't have many units that can party wide buff HP scalers so is it possible that the Hydra archon given how Hydro has an affinity for being HP scaling or having some kind of HP element is it possible that she is going to be the Goro or Bennett for HP and if so is that making her a little too Niche is that really going to just make her less exciting as an archon release given that if you don't use any HP scaling characters predominantly like you're probably just not going to want her I would love to know your guys opinions on this do you believe that archons should always be stronger than regular people or you know at least for a little bit like venti was or do you think for the sake of game balance that they just shouldn't worry about it for these later archons because there's so many units to contend with and if you're trying to go too crazy with it it might be a little power creepy you might end up with a riding situation where people just feel like they're being baited into buying a really overpowered character regardless I am extremely excited for the hydro archon I can't wait to see her kid our cons are always an exciting time and the Hydra icon is probably my most anticipated one I'm really hoping that she does end up being the ultimate HP scaler or the ultimate HP scaling buff character just something to do with HP I mean that's what the whole element has been going towards right so you know why not go all in so thank you to my members of my patrons thank you to you for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 379,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Should Archons Always Be The Strongest of Their Element, archon, archons, hydro archon, hydro, fontaine, rath, ratheil, rathiel, archon powercreep, powercreep, genshin, impact, genshin impact, genshin powercreep, focalors, genshin lore, raiden shogun, venti, zhongli, nahida, archon war
Id: -qixcseUjyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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