Full Power Arlecchino Is Not Real... (Genshin Impact)

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we're about to start the first chamber of the new Abyss featuring triple kinky don't blink or you're going to miss it following our C1 R1 god mode Rino we are here to do C6 R5 this one will be slightly different from our typical C6 r5s because I actually want to go through the constellations so we can actually see what happens at our different constellation levels we've already extensively talked about C so we're going to go ahead and grab that before we go any further we should actually finish this arlino starting of course with getting her up to level 90 triple crowning of course nice 238% mask of red death multiplier there Bale Moon Rising her ultimate going up to 666 per multiplier and finally her Elemental skill 240% with the cleave damage of course we got to max out her signature as well let's see what happens to those multipliers huh okay weird typically what I see from ginin is that the blue or green numbers whatever get doubled at R5 versus R1 but here they get overd doubled giving us an 84% damage bonus so let's go ahead and refine that and there is the weapon to 90 as well if we want to truly Max her I guess we should give her her signature set we do happen to have some insanely cracked pieces like this flower here which is literally perfect no crit rate but it really doesn't matter it's still good same can't be said about the plume we do have some decent ones but nothing insane uh we'll probably keep this one cuz it didn't hit flat HP there I'm going to roll a couple more that have promise and we'll see M 11 .3 plus 40 em it's definitely a contender we do have a very nice looking attack sance here so we're going to go ahead and roll this one hope it doesn't roll too much didn't what okay that is a Godly attack SS and literally all 10 of our circlets are crit damage so um yeah we can see if we have anything really good here attack em and crit rate sounds pretty good to me let's go ahead and Max that ooh like at least three rolls into HP I think that was unfortunate um still bad ouch no no dude 1,400 flat HP no come on I think we'll just go good old lava Walker circlet for that 18% crit rate there and that probably is enough yeah I mean our build is actually looking not bad pretty similar to God mode actually maybe even slightly better and of course because her signature set is a little better than Gladiator we will be more or less sticking with this same team benie Kaza yolan so I do want to do one quick Mass Nori run now that we have R5 weapon uh what are we getting what are we getting 400k normal that was 100% of 400k oh my God we're still at C1 the R5 weapon the crown to normal and just the better stats overall and her signature set definitely did something we were getting some numbers that were getting close to 300K on God mode but that was like first try 399 so pretty insane so we're going to move on to C2 now I do believe this will change a bit how I use her we'll also get a pretty big 900% attack here as we absorb the debuff so we'll try and see what kind of damage that does and hopefully we can vaporize it but I'm not really sure right now because we're going to have to you know attack first to do a charge attack so I mainly just want to see how that works yep it is a fully upgraded blood debt like just from the frame it spawns let's absorb it oh okay that was at 900% and we got an 85k no Buffs I of course do want to try and see what that is with Buffs might be a little tough though M 237 I don't think that was vaporized I would imagine close to 500k with vaporize in the specific team I'm in right now I don't really see the benefit of blood debt being immediately upgraded because I kind of want to start with her to swirl anyway with kazua and then wrap back around to her in other teams where there's not kazuwa I would probably just end with her and just do everything she does at once not much need to show C3 I suppose it's just normal attack skill levels we can quickly check out her C4 though uh 2 second burst cool down reduction and and 15 energy we do have a little bit less than ideal energy recharge so this should actually help with that quite a bit so we are just going to go ahead and start with doing her ultimate so that's uh that's gone and then uh sure we're going to just do this and absorb yeah I mean we're like back at over half energy already I don't think C4 by itself is all that good but in conjunction with C5 and C6 I think it makes a big difference C5 of course upgrades her burst levels and then C6 gives her a massive boost her ultimate damage we kind of figured out with god mode she scales very hard with Bond of life but I think before we actually get her C6 I do want to do a couple of bursts at C5 here just to see what the difference is it's a little hard to get aro's burst to vaporize because caza's burst infused with pyro keeps taking off the hydro uh so I think what we're going to do is just not do his burst for this comparison obviously we are losing some damage there but that shouldn't really matter all right here we go please please uh oh I mean it was pretty good 176 I was honestly expecting a bit more since you know her burst is at level 13 we'll do it a couple more time just to make sure that number is consistent all right here we go this should do it please stop blocking that should be a vaporize was that a 500 was that a 5509 oh I think I know what just happened that was her C2 because she also absorbs the debuff on Ultimate so I guess that is one way to vaporize it but how the hell would we vaporize both of them I don't think we can I guess the plan in this case would just be to immediately absorb the debuff if we want to vaporize the burst so that her C2 doesn't proc at that point all right here we go here we go 374 now that definitely was not C2 that was just her pure burst why did that do so much more though maybe the first one didn't vaporize uh this one is 141 non-critical this one is 125 noncritical this one is 141 non-critical okay that's very close to a different one we had already I've also decided to not do these at full Bond of life just the bond of life we get from one e absorb which is still nearly full Bond of life like you can see that here and that is 374 I'm pretty sure we've already seen a 374 so which actually is very impressive before C6 I'm very curious to see what we get doing the exact same thing but just with C6 now we also will get a pretty much permanent 10 crit rate 70 crit damage for her normals and burst so obviously 70 crit damage will do something for the burst but I feel like the bigger thing is this that scales with Bond of Life uh but let's just go a and get the C6 all right cool get bie burst get yolon burst in there make sure he has Hydro on him before we do burst which he does now so here we go k boom yep that was a million let's go oh my God I was kind of expecting it to be honest so if we're just going to take that at face value we can say her C6 literally tripled her burst damage I obviously do want to do a couple more runs just to get a better idea and then of course we're going to try it with full Bond of life and see if that makes a big difference or not oh also she gets like something stabbing through her shoulder oh that's a wing okay I don't think that was there at C5 so that indicates when we're getting the crate rate crate damage boom yep a million 90,000 I believe that is now I want to try it with a full Bond of Life make sure he's implanted with Hydro go to arino make sure you're in B burst and 1.28 damn damn just that little amount of bond of life like 250k damage that's crazy also I should mention on most of those attacks we weren't even taking it advantage of the four piece set here because we are basically just swapping into her to do her burst I do also want to observe what her normal attacks are doing now so um let's see 250 yeah we're oh 450 okay 425 yes casual like half a Millions at the end there it slowed down a bit cuz B Ring went went away and so did kazwa Buffs yeah whatever I think you get the point her normal attacks are stupidly strong we actually do have a new Abyss here as far as the blessing goes this Abyss definitely favors her because all pyro reactions reduce the enemy's res by a good 30% 11 and 12 have been changed though we're back to Target defense and then so many different enemies in second half of chamber 2 here including pyro stuff so since we're going to be trying to solo Abyss with her um that obviously wouldn't be great and then chamber three here we do have some cryo stuff so I definitely throw her in first half but yeah overall seems like a pretty normal floor 11 except for chamber 2 with its massive variety of different enemies and second half there more importantly what's going on on floor 12 oh okay there we go both sides are AOE I'm really not sure if she can solo the magu trio though chamber two we still have cellus apparently this boss will just be a permanent addition to every Abyss but okay then unfortunately we have pyro agents in the second half which have a lot of pyro res so that's bad Violet lightning you know Pyro's pretty good against them though okay I don't think she can solo the inquisi is because it will get a pyro Shield at one point and then we just kind of have to wait and I don't think there's going to be enough time for that so I think we would definitely have to go first half and see if we can take care of the triple kinkies we are going to be attempting to solo the entire Abyss with her starting with floor 9 just to warm up a bit and to just try and kind of to figure out how best to time her ultimate if just for healing purposes or also damage what kind of damage do we get solo we are going to absorb that immediately per pretty much and just start going ham um I mean like dude still 80k completely solo no Buffs obviously we're getting like some quarter Millions when we vaporize those guys I kind of wish I did this a day earlier so the abyss didn't change yet I would have loved to solo those floor 11 water bubbles that is so crazy she's still doing like 100k I just saw a couple 100ks on those guys and it can't be stated enough how fast she's actually attacking with those numbers dude that is stupid what was that no um yeah so here we're going to start with the defense lay line stuff this is this might be a little hard because uh she doesn't have any really uh crowd control stuff so we got to just go around killing them as as fast as we can we're going to go and do our burst here to reset her e and get some more stuff there uh so far so good there's 24 enemies here though Jesus we're still at 93% so since we actually have a real team in second half as long as we stay above like 80% we should be totally fine I think we're still above 90% actually Yes 91 should be totally fine these guys are doing a lot of damage to it though I think we can get through it though cuz there's only seven enemies here um oh yeah we have to absorb the debuff God still not Perfectly Used To Her honestly and then I guess once our bond of life becomes like a little bit weaker we're going to just do the burst for damage there cuz that also resets our ease coold down for now let's get through this floor we have 13 enemies here just a bunch of those different Elementals I don't think it'll be a problem for my you know basically strongest team here with nuet and Co hillol Rogues to start they can be pretty pretty annoying oh um I mean with finina it shouldn't be that big of a deal even when he starts flying um we do have a second one okay a bow user probably would have been nice here since it was floor 11 I didn't really pay attention to it too much but now for the real stuff floor 12 I will of course be showing some full teams with arino after the solo run as well cuz she is actually an insane character for second half we're just going nlet and then shaing in case we need to take care of the shield down here uh but yeah let's just let's just get started and uh see what we can do we're actually going to start with her burst do a little bit of damage there and then reapply that and absorb um and then just like keep normal attacking for now dude the middle one is like almost dead already but I kind of want to actually focus on this one cuz yeah he's pretty annoying he does a lot of damage I really would like to wait until we get her skill back okay now burst that should be a full heal and a lot of damage yes and now we can reapply this and reabsorb ice one is almost gone okay they're both gone it's just this green one left no okay let's just burst heal back up get this absorb it yes wow that was so much easier than I thought it would be she is absolutely insane even solo dude this side was a little tough with the Mir maiden and such but definitely not too bad anyway moving on to chamber two now we got the copelia guys I feel like this one will probably be harder we're going to just start with her burst again honestly so we can re that oh no oh God we have to avoid those they are dancing when when when they're Dancing Yeah I feel like in this case we might just want to save our burst to heal when it's really necessary unless we're like super close to getting her e back okay we're like super close let's just do that and then hey what eye frames where are eye frames she died while doing burst that's so funny it must be because of the Ping that was just unfair all right we can go ahead and do her e and then burst and then do another E and then absorb it so we're at full health now which is good we basically just got to keep an eye on that one back there throw throwing the blades and try and dash at the appropriate time there which we actually did very cool we're going to go and do the burst again cuz yeah we're getting hurt uh she's going back there but he's he's almost gone oh he got the shield no wait no oh that was so dumb we're doing okay so far we're just going to go ahead and burst again and I think that should probably do it here yes that was not very hard actually definitely took a few tries but half of them I felt like were just unfair um let me see here yeah these two Violet Lightnings are definitely proving to be a little bit of a challenge with uh cuz we don't really have shing's ultimate all the time it's still working out fine but yeah definitely is taking longer than I would have liked it to I'm sure the team I'm running isn't that great for it but we got through it anyway I basically just wanted to take my new V team and slot shling in there for pyro so anyway here we go the final chamber I kind of forgot what's going on here uh we do have these dudes to start which I mean we're going to go and do our ultimate so far just like some normal normal enemies which is funny there are 10 of them though so okay she is still like ripping through them so fast yeah I mean that was it how long did that take completely solo less than a minute all right cool and now we have this guy which I guess is probably going to be harder but we'll see he is starting with with a pyro Shield which is actually good I mean if we could get shambling burst eventually she's most likely not even built properly as most of my characters I mean we we we still are going to get through it but it wasn't very elegant I guess for lack of a better word but yeah okay that was uh so floor 12 definitely one of the easiest times I've had probably since nalet and Risley like that was a walk in the park it goes without saying C6 R5 arlino is absolutely stupid but do you want to see something even more stupid that's right we're going in with a full team I got some advice from my theory crafter friend for some possible like super fast strong C6 R5 AR Lino teams and we're going to be trying those with 300 ping this might take a few tries so for the team I want to showcase we actually need a fourstar artifact set yes these we need the four-piece instructor I don't have that because I just threw away all my four star sets thankfully I never open my domain requery stuff so we don't have to actually go farm and who gets this set Charlotte we're going to go and raise them just for some stats but it doesn't really matter the only thing we really need is the four-piece set upon triggering an elemental reaction increases all party members Elemental Mastery by 120 for 8 seconds so we are going for a bit of a melt or Lino here this is basically just purely speedrun so we also have Benny and Kwa here but for the Triple kinkies we're not even going to use them here we go just for the record that attempt took me like an hour and here's my full genuine reaction once it finally worked yes yes when it comes to speedr running ping is pretty important I've been trying my VPN and the lowest I can get it is about 270 it is a very simple thing but there are so many variables that can cause one or more of them to just just to not die and secondly because we're playing on such a high ping we had to do a kazua e right at the beginning that didn't do anything just to interrupt the blue On's Dash attack and that's specifically because we have high ping if we just had normal like like 20 millisecond ping we wouldn't have even needed to use Kaza so we're going to be trying capellia as well unfortunately we start with Kaza which does lose some time because we have to swap to arino First yes okay that one worked pretty damn well I'm not sure it was sub we're going to check no it was like 11 seconds whatever I don't care that was still pretty good for me you know I'm not a speedrunner and I always have the excuse that we're playing with a bunch of ping and now the final chamber unfortunately this one's not going to be so simple because they come in waves yeah that unfortunately was the best I could do after several attempts I'm not that happy with it but that's I guess my current skill level but okay we can go ahead and leave for now the triple kinkies were awesome though I think the cellia fight went pretty good so I'm happy enough with that it's literally been 5 hours I've been here recording now that'll do it for the C6 R5 arlino showcase but yeah I'm exhausted so I'm going to go now like subscribe if you want see you
Channel: Moga
Views: 124,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, arlecchino, arlecchino guide, arlecchino raised, arlecchino build, arlecchino weapon, god mode arlecchino, arlecchino damage, c6r5 arlecchino, maxed arlecchino
Id: AO4I0ikl45Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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