5 Reasons Why Hyperbloom Is Evil (and 5 reasons it's your savior)

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if you had a casual friend who recently started the game and wanted to 36 star the abyss as fast as possible as long as they had the units for it you would be crazy not to recommend they build a hyper Bloom team amount of resin and five-star characters required it is almost certainly the strongest team in the game by a pretty large margin and just looking at the cast with how many characters either use hyper Bloom as their best team or at least have it as one of their strongest options it is easy to see why why many people claim that hyper Bloom ruined the game balance welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build so I'm going to give you five reasons why I agree with this statement and five reasons why I disagree and at the end you can comment down below if the game is better off with or without this broken reaction number one the power you get for the resin efficiency is very unbalanced yes for sure when you're building a hyper Bloom team such as this one Fishel nah sing Cho cuki one of the more fourstar oriented hyper Bloom teams you do need to build FAL for damage you're going to build nahita for damage you're going to build SRO for damage so yes ideally you want some good artifacts for them but the majority of the team's damage for sure the highest damage contributor are the hyper blooms themselves proed by your Electro character and they only need em em em main stats to reach basically their cealing damage yes M main stats are very rare but not nearly as rare as building some 200 plus crit value character along with the ER and the attack or the HP or whatever stats they need to balance em is basically free and yes flowers of Paradise Lost or gilded dreams are the best sets for these types of characters but you can easily get away with a two-piece guilded dreams and two-piece Wanderer troop which you're almost definitely going to get at least one elemental Mastery piece while farming for your deepwood memories for your cookie so the resident efficient is just off the charts for this team the amount of farming you need to do to get to a level to 36 star the spiral Abyss for a hyper Bloom team is just way less than it is for any other team except for nuu Bloom teams which although not strictly a hyper Bloom team functions on the same core principle you have some strictly reaction based characters that react off of em and use nahita and it's essentially the same problem is it's way too res and efficient for the damage that you get out of it when we're comparing it to other teams the the second reason is that this team has no business being this strong considering how easy it is to play if you plug the numbers of this team into a simulator and you select random button presses random switches random normal attacks charge attacks Etc and you just randomize mashing on a keyboard you basically put a monkey on the keyboard this team's DPS is comparable and beats out a ton of teams in the game honestly it beats out most of the cast until you get to high investment in good play so not saying that a this team randomly played will outperform you know a 210 crit value Hut that's played properly but if you just give a new player this team who's never played the game before they can already do 36 Star level of investment or very close it doesn't require a ton of game knowledge a ton of character knowledge a ton of mechanical skill you just plug and play especially given that this last Flex slot could be something like a Jong Lee and then you're basically invulnerable it's a team that I will often bring out when I'm fighting at particular annoying boss like the seahorse for example I've been struggling I've been fighting I've been you know using Bennett to break the cores and then I just bust out the hyper Bloom team and alyam beats it in you know less than 40 seconds or whatever and it's just it just feels like you're playing a different game when you understand the game and how it works because now I'm not saying that the team itself is way head and shoulders in its power ceiling don't misunderstand because often times when more casual players and myself included will do something like we'll miss a swirl with our kazwa the enemy won't be properly affected by the element we'll miss a swirl with our kazwa and then our DPS is just tanks for the next rotation or we'll accidentally extend a rotation by missing a skill not having enough energy recharge and then we'll tank our DPS again with a team like this there's basically no way to mess it up there's nothing you can do you don't have to worry about a large percentage of things that you normally have to worry about when you're playing a team and as such you can just go in mash and often come out 36 starring or at least close no matter how bad you you essentially play number three it's just too many characters best or one of their best teams like going through the list the amount of characters that either work best with Hyper bloom or work best at at least at low investment in hyper Bloom is ridiculous like it's not like it's fal's very best team or the team where she shines the most but it's still a team that you can just throw on there and she performs incredibly well it's a team that Wanderer can be the fourth slotted because because and this was going to be number four but I'll mix it in here because it's a three-man core as long as you have naha hydro Electro or honestly you don't even need n this could be baiju this could be dendro main character it could be a lot of different dendro characters but not he does the best one and as long as you have Singo or Yan probably finina is going to be an option either Ryden or Kookie basically anyone can be that final slot it could be fishell it could be it could be wander it's going to be his best team when you're at low investment it's Ryan's best team cuz you know this is this is one of the saddest parts for me and I'll talk about in a minute but what the implications of this are but her highest damaging team is often being an ebot for hyper Bloom it's one of Yan's best teams it's one of risley's best single Target teams definitely it's his best team at low investment Linny doesn't work with the team veny not not really so much Kaza can but not really a lot of the animal characters don't really work as well with it but it can be good for aaka not amazing but it but but in certain abysses that require High single Target damage it can be a great choice it's obviously soo's best team a lot of people like using yaiko and kaching with it it's alam's best team if tinari could proc s choran it probably would be close if not his best team maybe with finina it happens nuu is not hyper Bloom but the concept is very very similar it's one of ayato's best teams it's one of kook's best teams it basically just power creeps UIA all by itself especially at low investment similar thing with Hut although she doesn't need quite as much investment to come on par but she does require a lot more skill is one of sross is better teams Razer it's more of a burgeon team but same same idea everything I'm saying about hyper balloon pretty much app to buron as well except buron has a bit more drawbacks cave yao yao Candace Barbara either either they work with nuu or they work with Hyper Bloom basically the same thing Toma Bennett Jang Le I mean obviously Bennett doesn't work that well with doesn't work well with Hyper Bloom that's one of the reasons why they made it the way they did so that Bennett wouldn't you know wouldn't continue his reign of dominance dula ganu both work with Hyper Bloom baju nalette even de's best team is a hyper Bloom now with with nalette like you can just see the ridiculous amounts of characters that either work best with or one of their better teams or at least their better teams with low investment includes hyper Bloom because it's such a strong thre man core and that can be frustrating if you're trying to try out a bunch of different teams and you are at a low investment point it gives you your choices either you hyper invest into a character to make them shine outside of hyper bloom or you just use them in hyper Bloom and that's where I come to number five my final reason that hyper Bloom has ruined the game and that it's big and that's that it baits you into spending money on your other characters because they feel bad by comparison I know I know you're thinking there's no way that Hoy overse made hyper Bloom strong so that you'd have to spend on your other characters to compete but I would argue that they did I am definitely not the only person who is kind of pissed off that Ryan's best team is now a hyperboom team at constellation zero and it doesn't matter how cracked I make her artifacts doesn't matter how much resin I dump to get 40 crit value pieces on as many pieces as I can doesn't matter how much I Crown her talents if I want to use her burst and have that be a stronger contributor to A team's damage than her skill at least in single Target in AOE there is some argument to c0 ridden with kazwa being better I'm going to have to Shell out for her C2 whether that's saving up free toplay Primos or putting up the credit card one way or another if I want my ridden to compete with Hyper Bloom and consistent win I'm going to need to get her C2 and this is not the only character that that feels like this wander is a character that feels like this if you don't either hyper invest into his artifacts or get C6 farizon hyper blo is going to be one of his better teams same with Risley and I'm not and for for it's it's less clear for Wanderer I'm more talking about that artifact investment it's not really so much as constellations or 66 farizon but really truly if you don't have great artifacts him as the fourth slot on a hyper Bloom team is just not is just going to be better and and it is the same with Risley it's absolutely the case with Soo but you know he's kind of made for hyper Bloom so that's sort of different but someone like Ayo and also characters that don't just use hyper Bloom but they sort of compete against hyper Bloom like Yu Mia your Yu Mia has to be cracked to even come close to what hyper Bloom does it's not that she can't but she has to be very heavily invested and same with Hut it's not that that her ceiling teams can't even be better than hyper Bloom teams but you have to play well and you have to farm a lot or you have to get her her weapon or her C1 and that's just the case for a lot of characters if you want your Ula to feel any good and to break out of that hyper Bloom driver rooll you might need to Shell it for some constellations basically what hyper Bloom did is it raised the floor of every team now you can just slap any team into a hyper Bloom team and they have a baseline that they can compare against and because the Baseline is so easy to achieve both with artifact investment and with play it's very hard not to compare against that b Baseline it's like when you finally get some five-star weapons or some constellations for your characters all of a sudden they're outperforming your other characters and you're like huh these characters are performing way better and if you want your other characters to feel just as good you're going to need to Shell out more resin or more Primo gems to give them better artifacts or to give them constellations and five star weapons to make them feel as good and I would not be surprised at all if this was part of Hoya's plan maybe a crackpot Theory I may be totally off on this if you disagree which I'm sure a ton of you will let me know in the comments and that's five reasons why it's ruining the game now for five reasons why it's not ruining the game number one it increases the amount of good team cores without making the other cores weaker so we all complain about hyper Bloom now and how every character's best team is hyper Bloom but this is not the first time we've had these things happen before this before we had any of this Bennett Shang Ling was the core that was ruining the game that it was way stronger than everything else or maybe benett Shang Ling sing Cho the national core then eventually we had Bennett kazwa and Bennett kazwa was the one that was basically the best core in the game and was ruining the rest of the game and then we have double Hydro his s show yolan that is ruining everything and now we have dendro so now that we have all of these cores the amount of strong very strong cores that support and prop up a ton of other teams there are a lot of more viable team cores out there and that increases variety yes dendro is very strong but it's a new strong option where we you where before we didn't have that option and I think that's a positive number two it allows relatively undertuned units to clear comfortably if you want to clear with Chi-Chi put her on clam set put her in a hyper Bloom team she actually has Synergy and she's going to do well that's a pretty awesome thing it's such a cool thing that you can now clear with your Chi-Chi you can clear with onfield Barbara without having to invest a ridiculous amount into Vape Barbara or the case with other new units like f like yes I would prefer that he was a physical character and he was best with physical because that's like kind of how his Kit's made but even though he's undertuned we can still use him to clear hyper Bloom makes that possible this is a good thing number three it reduces anxiety um it's very easy to play and if you're trying to get a good clear it can be nice to have an easy to-play team that can just allow you to mash your way to a 36 star clear and have fun crushing the enemy I think that's a good thing that that option exists number four it reduces the amount of resin and farming that it takes to get a top tier team and to 36 star the abyss this is a very good thing for people who don't like farming a ton and this leads me into my final and fifth point is that it's it's really good for the Casual meta it's a really good bridge between players who just want to mash and who just want to play casually and they want to start pushing the spiral abys just for fun or for the Primo Gems or whatever it is really good that we have this option available to them my wife is the shining example of this she found the abyss hard not too fun stressful to have to do the exact rotations and the exact teams and the sweaty setups but when I set her up with her hyper Bloom team and her bersan team for the two sides of the Abyss she is having a ton of fun actually playing through the abyss she didn't get 36 Stars she was very close she got two stars on each chamber so she was very happy with the B of Primo gems she had never done that before with her ETO team or her child team because it just to took too it just took her too much resin to farm up her EO team it took too much skill to get her child Shang Ling kazua double swirl setups she just didn't didn't want to do it she it's not that she couldn't do it but she she likes to mash and play on her phone in between looking after the kids so she doesn't have the time to really go through all that when she could play hyper Bloom and buron on either side of the Abyss she had a ton of fun she loved it and she got the best clears she's ever had it's really good for casual players so now for my conclusion I can see where sweaty players are coming from such as myself it's annoying that characters like Ryden are better off not even using their gorgeous burst animation just being reduced to an eball bot if you're playing at c0 but it's good for the game overall because it can help the Casual players catch up the only thing I will say is the game doesn't do a great job telling you that this team even exists or that this reaction exists it kind of leaves it all up to you to figure out which is pretty interesting it doesn't guide you through and show you how to build these characters properly you do need guides um or at least someone a friend or or someone to tell you that these teams exist like my wife would never have figured out burgeon by herself she needed someone to tell her that it exist so even though it's good for casuals it doesn't actually reach the casuals ears unless they're talking to someone who knows more so that's kind of a weird thing I think they should do something about that and yes I do think that the that hyper Bloom feels and Neu to be honest feels unbalanced for how little resin you need to put into it and how little skill needs to be put into playing the game um with those teams but I think that's okay I think genin is at its core more of a casual friendly game yes there's things you can do to take it more seriously and we can have fun talking about meta and some of the abysses do get really hard and it it really does require some skill and some wellb built characters but at its core it should be approachable to Casual players so that more players can come in and join the game and they can fund it more I'm excited to see what finina can bring if that hyper Bloom will still reign as one of the top teams or if Fina will open up a whole new team archetype that's very strong that will rival that of hyper Bloom and if maybe each region a new team archetype will be added to the roster I think that'd be really really cool overall I am happy hyper Bloom exists I don't think it's ruining the game I think it's good to have a casual friendly option a low investment option an easy toplay option I think that's a good thing and I think in the long run you know if you do enjoy playing burst ridden like you can always save up for her C2 that's probably what I'll be doing eventually but that's all for me now please consider subscribing if you want to see more I just started a second channel the jello show my wife and I wished for Risley and I put that video on the second channel so go check that out if you want to see how our wishes went and I also cover other anime games on this channel too as well as the Casual side of genin we also have a Discord if you want to check that out and join a great Community I have a patreon if you want to support me and my family and if you don't want to do any of that that is totally fine just watching the video has been more than enough thanks so much bye for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 44,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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