Genshin Impact Characters I Wish I Never Pulled

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do you know there's 84 characters in genjin cuz I didn't until I looked it up and looking at the amount of characters on this list that I own and just don't play is astounding So today we're going to go through some gion impact characters that I regret pulling for and some that I just don't thank you to my boy Doro for the idea we are going to go in alphabetical order because it's just the easiest way to do things so first of all net I'm kidding no no no we we'll actually go in alphabetical order albo is the first character on the list and I got to tell you albo is a i never pulled for him I don't have albo I probably will never have albo unless I for some reason decide to pull for him because I thought at first he was just a Geo unit and was only usable in Geo teams and I went off Geo really quickly because it was just the same old teams over and over again but then I realized that he can't actually be used for other things and with multiple different themes like these I might pull for albo in the future I'm sorry albo Nation I let you down alham is next on the list and I got to tell you I've had a lot of fun with alham since I've got him he's one of my strongest units deals massive DP yes big PP numbers and we love ging characters with big PE he's a ton of fun deals massive damage usable in a lot of different teams but I usually just use him in the same old team anyway because why would I use anything other than hyper Bloom next on the list is aloy I regret claiming aloy I wish he wasn't on my account she's like a cool little collector's item in the corner collecting dust that I don't think I've used since day two of having her because I used her at first and realized she was kind of dudo and she's just better in her own game I'm sorry I just don't like her at all next up is Amber you can't really regret pulling for Amber she's given to you she's like the first character you get but honestly she can be quite a bit of fun don't know if you guys have heard of Ren taiu but Ren is probably the best Amber man I've ever seen she does a ton of damage with machine gun Amber just pew pew pew pew pew Here There and Everywhere arrows flying all over the place and she makes Amber look like a good unit which is kind of difficult to do but you know what props next up is arataki ETO the Mand theid the legend he is one of the most fun units I've ever played in genjin I am an USI man though I don't play EO that much ushi does massive numbers over 100K almost every time and his ult Swing Swing Swing and a miss very very fun to use especially in the spiral Abyss don't use him as much as I used to anymore but I still love him as a character don't regret pulling in the slightest and next up is adino one of the most fun characters I have ever played I've played a lot of the characters in this game I pulled for like 95% of the roster orino might be the most fun I've had in recent time with a character she deals huge damage again usable in tons of different teams but what's even better in my opinion for her is you can use her on her own with the blood debt derivative and the HP regen from the ult and everything she's basically a oneman army that deals insane damage numbers without the need for reactions and she looks awesome one of if not the coolest looking character in the game especially with the charge attack don't regret pulling would highly recommend anybody to pull for orino next up is baiju sorry I don't use baiju like at all I do have him I know he's a good unit he BS me that might be a hot tape because I know there's a lot of bisu lover was out there his story Quest was one of the best in the entire game it made me cry it's the only story Quest that ever made me cry in genjin I'm pretty sure but play style wise it just bores me and I know he's usable in a lot of dendro teams but for me he just just just doesn't do it so I kind of regret pulling for Buu next up is barbar as many of you might know I am not the biggest fan of Barbara because way back when I first started playing genin she was one of the only healers that I had other than Chi-Chi but we don't talk about that because that was depressing I took Barbara through Dragon spine and she took me through hell every turn I would be frozen here I'd be frozen there oh what's that in the sky oh I'm froze just not a fun time and after that I vowed never to play barara ever again and the only time I've ever played Barbara is to do fun things like slap Timmy but again pretty sure she's a free unit so I can't really regret pulling her but I don't use her next up is B and I know for a fact this is going to be a super hot tape because so many people love B I think I've used her three times she was the last four-star character that was on my account when I started playing playing in Inazuma it took me ages to get her and by the time that I got her I leveled up a ton of other characters already I didn't have a need for her on the account and when I tried her she just felt a little too clunky for me believe it or not I was not a fan of Claymore users back in the day cuz they felt too slow kind of regret building and pulling for her but not too too much next up is Bennett and if you regret pulling for Bennett then what the is wrong with you because Bennett is one of the best units in the entire game sure he might make the game a little bit boring or you might use him in every single team that you have but you know what sometimes it's fun just to do big numbers I have C6 Bennett and I don't regret C6 in him because he makes the Pyro DPSS do even more damage and he makes us some super fun team combinations because his C6 makes all normal attacks pyro instead of normal damage as long as you're not a catalyst user or bow user one of the most fun changes to my account was C6 in Bennett don't regret it in the slightest probably made me enjoy the game 15 times more next up is Candice and Candace kind of does the same thing as Bennett but for hydro but I just haven't played her that much whenever I did try to play her I realized I didn't have a build and then I went to check when her talents were and then they were never on the day that I wanted to build her so I don't really regret pulling for it but I do wish that I'd focused more on actually leveling her up maybe I'll do that in the future next up is Charlotte again a character that I do have but I've just never really built I got a majority of the Fontaine characters and some of them I just haven't built yet same with shev Rus honestly she looks really really fun and she deals big damage but I've already got tons of characters that do big damage I was looking for something a little more fun you know a little more little more fruity next up we have chiori I chose not to pull for chiori and I'm not really mad about it because she seemed like Gio kaching a lot of people pulled her and do massive damage with her but her Kit's too similar to other characters for me to truly truly care her story Quest was fantastic I love her law I love her character her sassiness but I just don't need to be swinging two blades around with anyone other than alham next up is Chong Yun I had so much fun with this boy back when I first started the game making everybody's attacks cryo attacks in combination with shener and everything dude Chong Yuma was one of my most fun unit I love him to bits don't reget him in the slightest and I love John that he M Chong you to this day next up is Claren and I don't have Claren but I am going to be cosplaying Claren at Gamescom this year so if you see me make sure to say hi please don't look at my boobs Kay is honestly a really fun dendro unit and you get it for free so there's nothing to hate about that you can't really regret pulling for her unless you pull for more copies I guess but she's really good for spiral abyss and Hyper Bloom teams and I have a ton of fun with us so no regrets there Soo is next on the list and he is is at the top of my list of characters that I regret not investing more into I'm kidding I don't regret pulling for Soo but I went a bit too hard on Soo when I first got him I got him at C2 and got his weapon and I'll be totally honest he's only really good against single Target enemies and it's not that often that you get to make the most use out of him for single Target enemies other than maybe the odd floor inspiral Abyss he's a ton of fun to play I do really like him but playing him in the Overworld is like watching a sloth in the jungle chased after a leopard that stole its breakfast next up is De duuke the first character that I truly truly mean in genin Impact I have him C6 I actually pulled for the woles gravestone on the chronicled wish Banner to get it to R5 Just for this man he is the character that I regret building the least he's my man my ride or die my miserable little shitthead who only drinks grape juice next up we have diona diona is a fantastic unit especially for new players early game the shields that she provides are really strong and she she gives a good em boost in her ult as well I enjoy playing diona a lot no regrets there and then we have another pinkhead little Dory yeah I regret pulling for Dory I actually avoided getting her in the event that we got her for free and I got her anyway afterwards in a wish I don't like that character I think she's bad I know there's teams that she's usable in I just don't like her she's cool and funny in the story though Ula Ula I had a very good time with huler in the photo event doing some cool pauses especially one of the auto attack paes where she lifts The Sword and then does I actually despise using ulet in combat she is one of my biggest regret characters on my whole account I ever at see one by accident somehow I get more annoyed with YULA than I do have fun when playing her so yeah I regret YULA bite me farzan I regretted farzan until I got six more copies of her in which case I love faran farzan's great Fishel is also one of the better units in the entire game in my opinion she makes a lot of teams Excel where they truly shouldn't and in taser com and stuff like that she makes the game so fun fishal ayato a couple of other characters FAL changes the game f is next up and if you're looking for a tiny little frail version of duug that has a dark side but also he's just a little bit sad fania guy he does his quick one two three combo he Yeats his little penguin he's a really fun unit farina's next and the first letter in finina is f not because she's F but because she's so fun dude this character lets you run on water you can summon these three little shits to run around and basically kill everything for you there's nothing to hate then we have ging his kit is basically just jump in the air plunge big explosion lots of fun don't regret at all big damage let me have ganu I understand that I am a bit of a weird individual here because I don't regret ganu in the slightest sure she does big damage but I actually find her a little bit fun compared to other people don't know why because there's other B characters that are slow charge shots that I really detest but ganu for some reason and I don't know what that reason could be I have a ton of fun with her dude she's really really good then we have Goro I actually did a kin test to see which gansin character that I was most like one time thinking I was going to get someone awesome really cool like duuke and I got Goro I don't speak dog but he's a cool character and he helps EO out a ton so I don't regret pulling him at all Hut is next on the list and let me tell you I love to hate this character she's great in the story she does big damage she's very fun to play let see1 I truly think Hut as a character excels at C1 but I don't want to have to basically purchase two characters for the character to feel playable sure you can use her at c0 and do jump cancels and stuff I don't want to do jump cancels I don't want to have an extra thing to think about not when there's other characters that can do the same thing without the extra steps Jean is next and I don't regret Gan whatsoever for the simple fact that she can yeat to another plane of existence the amount of times I've e Chi-Chi off of cliffs in Co-op is astounding and I don't regret it at all kadara kazua if I ever say that I regret pulling for kazua take me to a mental hospital who's your least favorite character there's a few characters that I just find boring Kazu har Kaa quite possibly My overall second favorite character in the entire game don't regret k at all I actually run him in a Duo team with just Kaia and Bennett and I call it frostfire Kaa because I have Bennett at C6 ka's normal attacks do pyro damage and his ult has constant cryos swirling around and it's so fun to do big melt damage one of my favorite characters to play love him to bits and then aaka please don't hate me I promise you I will do better in the future but I really regret pulling aaka I like to dodge she makes dodging hard because she goes into this snowflake form instead of actually dodging and I still get hit all the time and I know it's a skill issue but it's a skill issue that I don't like now aato on the other hand is a BBA te lover and I love my B te you know what else I love shing shing shing shing shing love it love his play style love everything about him think he's a great character even in the story even though he yaps a lot no regrets at all now cave C does a lot of very cool things so I don't regret him if you look really carefully over here if C comes up to you in a Co-op world and touches you he can actually make kaching I don't really like King's play style I'm sorry I know a lot of people love it kaching for me is just not really it she has the fun little gimmick of being able to shoot the lightning up and then Dash to it and stuff which is very very cool just not my cup of tea kiaha I like Kiara she's basically Amazon Prime that can run up mountains and I really wish my Amazon drivers could run up mountains cuz they get here so much sooner but instead I got to wait until 9:00 p.m. in the evening when I'm already wanted to go to bed maybe get a shower or something but no I got to wait for the package to arrive and it's not a cut girl delivering it so I'm equally as disappointed CLE I don't regret CLE because it's me me as when I play her but to actually play CLE feels like pushing a boulder uphill for 3,000 years because it feels like you're taking three steps forward and 10 steps back every time you do an attack with her she's so slow and clunky I'm sorry kuo Sara I don't like Kujo Sara even in the law I don't know what it is about her she's just not really it for me but maybe something could change my mind maybe if she SED for someone that wasn't the r and Sh gun every once in a while I'm kidding I'm kidding I actually do really like the fact that she's a little bit of a s and shows a human side I think it's very cute kuki shobu is one of my favorite units in the whole game I usually build her full eem she still does plenty of healing and if you get her at C6 it's really funny cuz when an enemy kills you it doesn't Leila very fun unit very good cryo Shields don't regret pulling at all Lisa although is a very fun unit I just don't use her that much I do have her at C6 now I have all the standard characters at C6 weird FX okay Lynette I basically used like twice I'm sorry I just don't use Lynette she's really funny though when she eats three desserts like me so dessert stomach for the win Lenny I know a lot of people including some of my close friends that really love Lenny and I can understand why he's a cool ass magician does really cool tricks he's very cool in the story but holy dude I feel like I could charge my phone go out and Vlog for 3 Days come back and I'd still be charging up his shot or at least still setting up the big damage with his e it just takes too long for me to enjoy personally I like to do damage there and then even if it's a little bit I don't like to sit there and wait and build it all up and I know what you're going to say but ganu but at least gan's big damage is just in the charge shots and not in the E that you need to do three charge shorts for lose Health gain Health lose Health game Ma I love choco balls in Final Fantasy Mona majes I haven't used once literally I think I've only used her to run across water can't really regret pulling cuz I got her by accident but I wouldn't pull her if she was a character that I had to pull for n n's fantastic I have her at c0 a lot of people recommend C2 can fully understand why don't need it c0 she wrecks everything in hyper Bloom she's almost a necessity destroys everything cool in the story yaps like a trooper and doot does more than a dog at a dog park in London Navia Gio was revitalized is what a lot of people really wanted to say but let's be honest here Gio was not revitalized they just released a really fun Geo character I love her to bits dude she's one of my favorite characters design-wise I think she's beautiful I don't regret pulling for her in the slightest she definitely didn't fix Gio like a lot of people wanted but she did enough to make me want to play a Geo character again which is saying something then we have anlet the water connoisseur I C6 him the day he came out I don't regret him at all I go into the abyss I set my mouse down I put the DPI on Max hold attack and spin and it's over I don't like the abyss so that's perfect for me Neu NE is a character that I really didn't want to pull for when she came out because she just didn't interest me in the slightest but now that she's been out for a while I think if she gets the rerun I probably will pull her attacks are beautiful her character is really cute wasn't a huge fan of her in the story I just felt she was a little Blinder than other characters sadly but in combat she does deal a ton of damage and she seems like a pretty fun character to use so I'll probably pull her on the next run ning Wong ning Wong make rock a go boom ning Wong throw house at Enemy enemy boom Noel not only does Noel clean around the fonia's headquarters she also cleans up enemies especially in the early game she's a phenomenal DPS unit with shields and heals I don't regret her at all because I used her a lot at the start the game but I wouldn't specifically pull for her again probably because she's been on about 53,000 banners since then and I've probably got about C7 th000 of her but who knows Chi-Chi the first ever Banner that I pulled on was tialia and I lost my 50/50 to Chi-Chi and now 3 years later she's my second C6 five-star character that's on the standard banner and I only wanted one and that was duuke and now I have C8 chi I don't like her Ryden Shogun I skipped Ryden Shogun and I didn't regret it at all because I thought she was a bad that's a lie I didn't think she was bad it was mainly a meme actually because this one person in the community was adamant that I pull for her and I just chose not to and I pulled for K cuz I also couldn't make my mind up at the time and I didn't have enough money to pull for two characters but I didn't regret not pulling for Ryden back then but then I did pull her later down the line when dendel came out and I run em Ryden now and I love her so I don't regret pulling for her either Razer razer's great you can use him in many different teams I like to use them in the Thundering furry team and no I didn't misspeak there is a team called the Thundering furry look it up Rosaria honestly a really fun unit I actually only recently got her C6 I got really unlucky on a lot of her banners fantastic unit don't regret pulling son going to be a k Kook might be one of my favorite characters in the entire game I love her law I love her story I love her character I think she's absolutely adorable she heals an absolute ton she does good Hydro application all round fantastic unit love her to bits suou you can walk around and Eng an impact from point A to point B and get there pretty quickly or you can eat this little ball of energy and get to your destination 10 times faster SAU is a great unit for traversal don't regret pulling for her in the slightest would highly recommend pulling sethos brand new character in the game I haven't played him yet but I do have him at like C3 please don't hurt me I'll get back to you on that one Shena fantastic unit also one of my favorite units I built DPS Shena and there is not a single thing I regret about her she makes cryo DPS do even more damage and she does a ton of damage herself if you builder for it fantastic unit and she looks great shiko and jzo is one of the better four-star damage dealers in the entire game and one of the most fun dude you can run around with Hao doing uppercuts and drop kicks here and there his e does a ton of damage when you've got all four of the little Clover things filled up he is phenomenal he's so fun I love him to bits wouldn't change him for the world seen I didn't pull for it probably won't be pulling for it sucros fourar kazua she's very very good unit great for spiral theis great for grouping enemies great for everything she's a phenomenal unit one of the best in the game we have tatalia next I wanted tatalia so much I missed him the first time he came around I skipped him the next time and I recently got him I say recently probably about a year ago now and I used him like three times because I couldn't for some reason in my head get the skill down to where like you use it and then it disappears and then it's on like a three minute cool down I can do a lot in 3 minutes most of the time 60 seconds next up we have Toma toa's a really fun unit I do agree that he's got a a lot of potential with characters making them into like little fire Benders and stuff with hazel I think he's one of the biggest green flags in genin Impact he's a phenomenal character in the story but I never use him slightly regret pulling but not really because he was on the HW but then again I also regret pulling for who no it I kind of do regret pulling for him a little bit then we have tinari I pulled for tinari when he was on the guarantee as a limited character before he went on standard Banner does a lot of damage Quick Charge shots quick swap unit he's on the field off the field done very fun to play as well Travelers you can't really regret pulling for or not but I guess do I regret picking ether over lumine no I think it's quite cute to see lumine in the in the cut scenes every now and then I I like both Travelers then we have venty who believe it or not is the only Aron that I don't have on my account and I probably will not ever pull for him unless I just go for fullon collector's edition pulling for everybody that I can possibly think of because I have kazua I don't need venty dude wonderer is it bad if I regret pulling for wonderer I think he's great for traversal but the thing is I didn't get C6 farzan for a really really really long time and I feel like he shines with C6 farzan for me he felt really underwhelming in combat even though he was super fun I still think he's one of the most fun units in the game so I I don't think I do regret pulling for him but I wish I got C6 farzan sooner I just got really unlucky with the banner risley's a super fun cryo DPS basically punch go boom lots of damage good for freeze teams I don't regret pulling for Risley even if I don't use him too much he's easy to build then jiangling you can't avoid this one jangling is one of the best units in the entire game period no matter what anyone says Opa XL it's a massive meme in the Community I cannot regret this character she's too good Shen Yun one does not regret pulling for Shen Yun because of the simple fact that one can Traverse so much easier Xiao I really don't like xiao's play style I'm sorry to anyone that I might offend Z I apologize listen it just balls the out of me I get that I can build him really well I can build him to do a ton of damage I just don't like it I don't like the pogo stick I don't like it sing show one of if not the best four-star unit in the entire game next to Bennett the brain cut Dan with the with the swords that come out and constant Hy application I think the best Hydro application in the whole game fantastic unit don't regret in the slightest and then zenan I don't regret pulling for zenan I built an absolutely Godly pyro DPS zyan uploaded a video on it you can check it out if you want she's fun dude with C6 Bennett she does some big damage numbers y Miko is a character that I I don't really know how I feel about ya Miko because I really like her as a character but the thing is she was a little buggy on release and I kind of misunderstood a lot of the details that were going around about her and I was guilty of spreading misinformation a little bit of Y Miko's skills so so I don't really know how she worked and I didn't use her for a long time when I have used her she's been pretty fun to be honest so I don't really regret pulling for her I just don't use her much Yan Fe my first C6 character in the entire game my hyper carry through all of the story up until probably sumeru don't regret her at all just wish she uh adjusted the neuralink in her brain to be able to actually Target flying enemies instead of sending a projectile to the Moon yao yao is one of the cutest characters in the game I know she's very good but I just don't use her she's very cute but in terms of dender applicators there's just so many other characters I'd rather use like nah Yan you ever want to be dominated tied up with weird blue rope pat on the head before bed and told that you'll have milk brought to you then you land the character for you look it up it's an actual voice line I wish I was kidding again one of the best five stars in the game constant Hydro application not as good as sing show but it doesn't need to be when the damage she deals is phenomenal Yan's one of the best units in the game also a ton of fun but speaking of fun and this one might be a little bit of a hot take for you guys yo Mia yo Mia is probably the second most fun I've ever had with a genion impact character I love my pyro DPS I think she's one of the cutest characters sure she yaps a lot but I Yap a lot too this has been going for nearly 30 minutes now and I've barely shut the up the speed at which she does damage mixed with characters like yolan and Singa did apply the hydro to do huge damage numbers I can use her in teams with all my favorite units it doesn't matter I can put anybody in and she will deal humongous damage her normal attack deal like 100k or something it's busted yene I would listen to yene sing forever in a day I'd listen to it on repeat but I will not put her in my team because for the longest time I thought she was made for geo teams and she wasn't and now I just feel a little bit embarrassed and finally Jeong Lee now listen if I were to tell you that I regret pulling for Jung Lee that would be a straight up load of bull but I don't use him anymore like at all unless it's in a team that really really really needs Interruption resistance like wander but even then I'd probably just use Leela for the cryo application and to get Wonder's extra crit rate and stuff I don't regret pulling for Jung Le he helped me through a lot of content at the start but he's also not like a must have for me so it is what it is and listen I tried something new with this video trying a little bit of walking around doing a bit of exercise you know and these lights are really bright so if you want to lower the brightness please subscribe no seriously Please Subscribe anyway catch on in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: BranOnline
Views: 123,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BranOnline, Genshin Impact, max0r reaction, max0r review, genshin impact reaction, genshin reaction, reaction, max0r, maxOr reaction, genshin impact maxor, genshin impact maxor reaction, maxor reaction, maxor review reaction, genshin impact maxor review reaction, genshin impact review, reacting to maxor, reacting to genshin impact, genshin maxor, genshin review reaction, genshin maxor reaction, genshin funny moments, Genshin new player, genshin impact new player, new player
Id: mbPQZasbG30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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