Unwritten Rules of Genshin Impact

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it's showtime when you play a game like engine impact for a while you start to notice things like how yoy Mia is absolutely not allowed to have a good banner and when was yoy Mia's exciting debut in digention Impact between ayaka and Ryden Shogun Aiko being an extremely anticipated beta character that people were very excited for and Ryan Shogun being a powerful new archon from a brand new region something that of course People Are Gonna Roll for and of course she had the whole sword from her chest thing which people did love so where exactly did that horrible timing land yomi in terms of sales will land her in the fifth worst selling Banner of all time and it as if that title isn't bad enough being the fifth worst selling Banner means you are under kaching and that is just pathetic by the way if any of you out there rolled on the kitchen Banner way back in the day because you really wonder can you tell me do you regret that choice have you since lost many 50 50s and got many copies you're like oh God I wish I would have been patient just something I've always wondered in any case what happened next to our favorite little firecracker yoy Mia what did the banners have in store for her next well eight versions later in version 2.8 joymia gets a banner and doesn't have to share it as a dual Banner with anyone else great news right wrong she has to share the version with the most skipped and most anticipated character in the entire game kazua and if that one single fact wasn't bad enough this would be the last update of version 2.0 and would be immediately followed by the release of sumeru and the dendron it's hard to imagine it being worse than her first release but somehow they managed to top it by a lock look look look as exciting as Xena Zuma may have been and those characters were very very hyped up they don't exactly compete with it releasing an entirely new element that is essentially going to shake up the game as it did even without knowing that for sure it just hostile a whole new element that's very exciting we were waiting for dendro for like two years I remember when people thought that was gonna come out like 1.3 within Zuma yeah you think rumors are bad now back then it was nothing was believable it's not all bad news she may have gotten screwed over the first two times but she's only gonna have to wait three patches to get her next rerun this time and surely it cannot get any how how do they keep managing to make every yoy Mia Banner worse than the last sharing a banner with Nikita the dendro archon is already pretty bad this Banner however is sandwiched between neelu's release and yaimiko's first rerun it's like they want her to fail or maybe it's just Karma many of you may not know this but yoemia actually released on Amber's birthday of all days it was always kind of a meme to be like ah buff Amber buff Amber you know she needs help and then release a brand new pyro Archer on her birthday happy birthday Amber never love anything it's a little sad because many really do want Joey Mia they just feel like they simply can't get her because she's always surrounded by so many other desirable units in absolute stark contrast to yoy me as horrible Banner luck we have the opposite which is the staff of Houma also known to the community as the staff of homeless due to so many content creators going absolutely broke trying to R5 this thing before the epitomize path existed even if you're not some kind of filthy content creator whale you've probably been tempted to or have actually spent money on the staff of Houma banners not only is hutao one of the most popular characters not only in terms of the meta but also in terms of just genuine pot genuine what the hell is wrong with me General popularity she's just everybody loves this character it also seems like cogiverse themselves loves his character as well you know you're ignoring the fact that she literally never shows up in story or anything she's pretty much forgotten about at this point ignoring that let's focus on the weapon banners themselves the very first time Homer ever showed up on a weapon Banner it was with the wolf's gravestone an actual fantastic clay morning that is partially due to the fact that Claymores just don't have a lot to choose from you know we don't have any Mist Splitters or thundering pulses we got to work with what we got in that weapon category aside from the wolf's gravestone it was the very first showing of the lithic weapons which were also our first new four-star weapons since the release of the game and these were pretty exciting because we were all building a lot of teams with a lot of Leo characters and the weapons had pretty strong effects now we see that they didn't exactly pan out to be the strongest weapons but they are still solid choices and are very good for some Niche teams so all in all very amazing Banner now what happened next in version 2.2 we got the homo rerun with elegy for the end one of the best damn bows in the game and even though venti may have fallen off in popularity in general use in favor of units like kazava or sucrose for damage this weapon can still be equipped on many units you can equip it on kale or you can equip it on fish all or you can equip it on whoever you really want because it's just a buff for your whole damn Team Hell there was even a time where people used LG for the end on Amber to support who Tau which considering this was on a banner meant for hutau that's pretty damn good elegy definitely doesn't need this overzealous coffin salesman to stand on its own though it is an amazing weapon even without needing some new shoes like that and what do you know if you look over the four stars we see once again that Houma is the Premier Banner for two brand new four star weapons the wavebreaker's fin and the moon's Moon once again these weapons are not the most exciting things on their own in terms of how they panned out in the meta they are decent weapons and they do have homes on some pretty well-loved characters quite frankly after your 7 000th copy of dragons being in provonius science you're probably happy to see literally any Lance that's not one of those two things also once again we see wit Sith on this hated by many but arguably one of the best catalysts we have in the entire game now fast forward all the way to version 3.4 where we now know that staff of Houma is going to rerun alongside yilan which we don't even need to know the four stars no that's going to be one of the best weapon banners that we've ever seen if you wanted Aqua simulacra the first time but you didn't want the chance of getting the red horn Stone Thrasher then this is one of the best Alternatives that you could imagine you're either getting one of the best bows in the game or one of the best polars in the game both of which are tailor-made to two of the best characters in the entire game I think it's safe to say that all the love that yoy Mia should be getting terms of placement all went to the staff of Houma what about something that's not related to banners and something that we all suffer through together well if you're someone who frequents a lot of RPGs and MMOs and things with random chances you're probably familiar with the dreaded desires that nightmare superstitious entity that just screws us over at every turn and always gives us the monkey's paw version of whatever the hell we want now you tell me down below this is an experience that you share as well artifact farming is something that we all talk about now I defend it more than most people I don't think it's truly as bad as a lot of people make it out to be I even consider my artifact look quite bad and I'm even resin refreshing at least once every day like the filthy disgusting whale I am and getting roughly around 33 more artifacts than the average person and yet there are strict guidelines that all my artifacts sets seem to follow am I farming for viridescent veneer will Elemental Mastery is going to be about as far away from that artifacts that is humanly possible I'm never gonna see it even if I do get it it's gonna be a double defense in double HP or maybe I'm farming for an artifacts that's notoriously used by Geo characters such as retracing Bowl light archaic Petro or husk well if that's the case I can damn well sure that I'm probably gonna have enough Elemental Mastery on a collective set of those that I could probably even Elemental Master cap my cause well if I was okay with him being on a four piece husk and while you're farming for those unintentionally Elemental Mastery piece husk pieces you're gonna get a lot of clam and what are those clam pieces Gonna Get Well if you're rolling them for kokomy you know damn well sure that they're going to get a ton of crit crit that you wish would be in literally any other piece but this piece but no that's not how the world works if it starts with three stats you know that a crit stats probably gonna be the fourth one and if you decide to take it further than that it's gonna pile into that because it's just life's not fair the amount of husk pieces I've had just pile on with elemental Mastery is absolutely criminal maybe maybe one day though they'll buff crystallize maybe that'll be the same patch where yoy Mia actually sells well they can buff shatter at the same time awesome that's some serious copium right there last rule one of the newest and best rules of them all and that is if you want an event to succeed just include Ito doesn't matter if we literally just had one with a minute and he'd put it him in again have multiple already made an event with other characters just shafito in hell even though the footage that I'm playing in the background was absolutely amazing very good cutscene it had nothing to do with Ito and yet ito's what I remember the most about the event it's almost become a meme at this point I mean it is a meme I've seen plenty of it that if they want a good event they just include Ito he's literally the cheat code he is the game shark he makes any event so much better what are some that you notice though these are just a small few that I notice and are well quite honestly particularly relevant right now we just had enjoy me a rerun that well it did well because it was carried by nahida and we're about to get a homo rerun an artifact farming you know we do it every day so I'm always thinking about that and always getting screwed over by it we all have unique ones like I can't get anything good out of the blizzard Strayer domain to save my life everything just ends up being absolute garbage unless one day we get a cryo defense scaler thank you to my members and my patrons as always thanking you for watching this video this is a short one this week because I just did two insanely long ones links to my socials are down below and I'll see you in the next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 192,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unwritten rules of genshin impact, genshin, impact, genshin impact, genshin banners, yoimiya, yoimiya banners, homa banners, staff of homa, Rath, Ratheil, Rathiel
Id: 9Ltsp_rrLyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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