How Many 5-Star C1s are ACTUALLY Broken?

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it's showtime you know I made the C2 list first because c2s can actually be kind of controversial with how strong they can be and people don't people don't like that sometimes you know what's funny though I'm not sure a lot of riding C2 owners could even tell you what her C1 does off of memory because they're just interested in the C2 that juicy juicy DPS increase but once again I'm here to ask the question of how many c1s are actually broken okay not many C ones are actually broken but some of them are broken in the context of other c1s most of us probably know just looking at this constellation that it is a god-awful constellation if you want to get this constellation and play main DPS venti you go ahead and you have fun with it I hope you do objectively speaking however it is a terrible constellation for venti the funny part being that if you gave this constellation to gonyu you'd have one of the most broken ones in the entire game and could honestly be your C6 and nobody will question it but on venti is very much not broken honestly one of the worst constellations we have CLE C1 leaves a lot to be desired in text I feel like I'm looking at Smash Bros patch notes Here with a certain chance the hell does that even mean is that one percent is that 50 is there a cooldown how long is the cooldown freaking know the constellation doesn't tell lucky for us it has been figured out and it's got about a 10 chance and it does increase every time it fails so it's got like a basically pity system and apparently has no ICD so while there aren't exact numbers because it's a little bit RNG on how much it's actually going to increase your DPS it is considered to be a rather low to middling increase of what you would expect from a typical C1 the value you get out of child C1 is going to depend entirely on how well you play him which is fitting because that's a statement that's just true for child himself as a character with C1 and proper rotations you will actually be able to get extra melee attacks in with child that you wouldn't be able to get in otherwise of course a cooldown reduction like this also has added value in things like the Overworld or domains allowing you to be more flexible and in some cases where you stay in his melee stands for way too long I guess you'll shave off quite a bit of cool down with it but overall it's a pretty average constellation C1 is a little bit of an interesting one in a way it's an ex it's an amazing constellation in other ways it can be kind of an annoying one there are a few Pros that go along with this constellation for example he can activate tenacity of the mill left easier with AOE coverage the pillars have rather small AOE so having a second one on the field just increases the AOE and the chance that you're actually gonna rock it on time which also counts for energy generation he can't generate from two pillars at once but having two pillars does increase the chance that one of them is going to be hitting and generating energy and of course having another construct available is amazing for geoconstruct DPS comps or even we'll just help add a little bit extra damage in mono geocops now while these contributions are decent enough they aren't anything huge like it's not a make or break to have this C1 it's a bit of a personal thing but it actually kind of annoys me having multiple pillars up at the same time but overall this is a decent constellation not amazing but just you know it's good enough Albedo C1 is incredibly comp dependent in something like mono geo with Ito it's completely useless this Khan will do absolutely nothing for you in a team comp where you're actually using Albedo's burst and relying on the 125 em that can offer your party then actually it's a pretty decent constellation drastically decreasing the ER requirements that Albedo has but the fact that in some team comps it's a completely useless constellation just like venti C1 where it's not actually being used that makes it a little bit hard to judge because sometimes it's an incredibly useful constellation sometimes it's an actionable useless constellation but we can say that in no case is it an amazing constellation it's nothing like the more powerful ones we'll talk about later down the line like such as hutau that everyone knows is probably coming poor chalk boy was just not blessed with an amazing constellation tree but you know what that makes you feel better when you only own c0 gone you C1 offers two things energy regen and more cryo-resistance shred which is always great but sometimes it's not exactly required however luckily even if you do play Milk on you mean you're not actually using her birth this will still help you because of the resistance shred that resistance shred however is not always going to be at full value because if you didn't know any resistance shred that exceeds zero percent is halved and even though she's almost always paired with an animal you know with virus and veneer and it's almost always going to be halved it is still effective because even half is still good that still doesn't make this a broken constellation but it is certainly a decent enough one maybe if she struggled with energy more it would be a better constellation but right now it's you know what you would expect from a C1 one is probably one that's overestimated quite a bit usually things that add extra charges to skills are pretty good due to the cooldown of a skill and the nature of his burst rotation just doesn't end up doing a whole lot and I would recommend you reading it further on yourself if you don't quite understand why I'm just not gonna spend four minutes of this video parroting the information of smarter people than myself you can feel free to go down below and tell me how C1 show has changed your life that's your prerogative but I'm just gonna say it's a pretty mediocre con there's really not much I can say about who Tau C1 that people don't already know after all this is the Ryden C2 of c1s Beyond being a sizeable damage increase it also just makes her feel more fluid to play she's more mobile she Dodges more she's eye-framing a lot with being a huge DPS increase for a C1 and being quality of life upgrade this is just a very strong constellation eula's is a very sizable chunk of physical damage increase for doing absolutely nothing different than she would already be doing which is a nice thing to consider after all having a requirement that is a pain in the ass to activate can make something worse like in the example of archaic Petra versus something like the bless oblige so this does make it one of the stronger c1s but still not quite broken C1 kazua can effectively solo almost everything below floor 11 in this entire game with nothing but repeated use of his skill thanks to high Elemental Mastery now in Practical use it may not always be wise to actually spam a bunch of skill users because you may cut into the A4 buff timer in the case of swirling multiple elements at the same time there's so much more than just DPS to consider here though there's Overworld Exploration with the cooldown production there's more CC thanks to more skill uses I think this constellation just barely deserves to be considered broken in the context of other c1s it's fun it adds some damage it's even got some overall application the only thing it's not really doing is appeasing the damage for screenshot people but you know what nobody cares I can already hear the ayaka mains just trembling with anticipation waiting for what I'm gonna say and what I'm gonna say is just going to be a purely factual statement that this constellation does not effectively change her rotation at all look as I was recording this I tried to find even people on the ayaka mains Reddit to talk positively about this and people are crapping on it there and that is saying something there are people on the venti maze Reddit that defend the venti C1 mostly memes but still they're defending it to some degree that being said I do think this is better than benties but it's still crap joymias is one of two seed ones that I got accidentally her now Beto's and I wasn't excited to get either of them because neither are that good especially when you're using shimanawas and you're not procking it while killing an enemy to get the 20 attack may not be a very difficult requirement it can still be improbable to get on floors with bosses or with two very high HP targets and the requirement versus reward just makes us a very mediocre con when riding C2 is literally all the rage and that's all people could talk about no one really mentioned the C2 aside from just taking a little bit of time to on it and call it useless when all it took was a little bit of basic math to see that getting your resolve Stacks to Max wasn't always going to happen so this constellation is really just going to help increase your damage on a consistent basis and also just open up team complex ability it also just had the added benefit of helping her synergize even more with C6 Cujo Saro that all being said despite the fact that it was undervalued it is still nothing insane it's just a respectable damage increase once again in line with what you'd expect from a C1 with the little caveat I'm performing a little bit worse or better depending on what team comp you put her in I know this one is definitely going to get some pushback but kokomis is just not very good much like venti this isn't necessarily the way you should be using your kokomi that's how you use her that's totally fine play her for fun play her how you enjoy her however you should be getting all of your healing from her jellyfish and not really be spending any time using her burst for anything other than refreshing inspiration in some comps this might add some value in most prompts it's probably not going to do anything for you straight up I have never used caesarito outside of his trial not once because I activated C2 immediately and I think a C1 feels amazing it's honestly hard to imagine not having it because you get to go into a charge attack string right out of bursting and throw Lucy but much like how I'm relying on kaching Main's information for constellations that I've never had I'm also going to rely on their information for a c0 that I never experienced and according to their guide C1 is not actually a large damage increase but I can tell you it does feel very good to use that being said I will trust what they say about the DPS game but much like hutau he just feels a lot better to use with it at least in my opinion this is the first C1 I accidentally got and was actually happy about because extra charges yes please except when they're lunch out I mean the skill is her whole appeal it's basically the reason why she's in the team she's in this allows her front load a lot more teams in a cryo quick swappy team allows her to funnel more energy into something like a Morgana team now the DPS number is not a huge increase by any means but it is team-like damage because it's a buff for the whole party on top of doing things like adding more energy regeneration and just more flexibility of use which overall just makes this constellation pretty solid yaimiko C1 is one of the highest energy refunders in the entire game that significantly lowers her ER requirements which as we know can free up more artifact stats and just allow you to gain more damage through artifacts sometimes that can be the difference of equipping an ER Sans versus equipping an attack Sands which is a huge damage boost of course depending on the team comp whether you run her with like Ryden or other Electro units in general the value of this constellation can go up and down but at its best case use it is a very strong C1 ISO C1 is a little bit hard to quantify but also pretty reliable at the same time on one hand his Elemental skill is a vast majority of his damage when he's the main field DPS however due to the fact that this requires enemies to be lower than 50 HP that means on smaller enemies it may not proc it when it does proc it may not matter anymore and on larger enemies like bosses that have a lot of HP it might be a little bit more consistent in high Abyss it'll definitely get some value but in most content it's just gonna be okay in not only my opinion but also just in raw damage numbers this is the only competition that hutau really has in this category anyone who's used yalon knows that her Elemental skill hits like a truck and if you didn't know the few seconds that you're running around in her second charge of her skill the first one is actually recharging while you're doing that which is one of the things that makes her just so good at moving around in the Overworld and if you would like to see a video where I compared all of the different Overworld movement options on different kinds of characters and character Heights I will link that here and down below but aside from that Overworld quality of life the actual damage she gains from this is pretty damn significant and she also gets more energy which again is extremely important for her if I was to factor in other things like Overworld movement and the fact that her C2 is way better than hoot house I would rank her better than hutau however since we're just talking about the relative strength of c1's who Taos does win a little bit but I would say not by much this one is very simple a 15 crit rate boost for his charge attacks is pretty damn good especially considering his charge attacks are a pretty sizable portion of his damage thanks to his Elemental skill however thanks to its 12 second cooldown the burst is still a significant portion as well which does overall lead to just the DPS gain from this being good but nothing too amazing this is kind of unknown territory in terms of smarter people than myself doing the math for me so that means we're just gonna go by General attack speed rules using ayato C4 is an example who gets almost a 15 damage increase from their 15 attack speed Simon will not get such benefits because he is not almost entirely pure attack damage like ayato he has quite a bit of skill damage mixed in there as well so it's not going to be nearly as beneficial Sino also unfortunately suffers from Hit lag unlike ayato so I would have to guess this might be something like in the 8 to 15 increase range just based on other characters we will find out for sure in time as people do the math but I think it's safe to say that this is an above average controversy one and now the most unknown one and honestly I don't know what to say about this one at first I thought it sounded kind of broken six extra seconds on the pirouette like Hydra Ora sounded amazing but now that I know you have to choose between that or attacking with her regularly I'm really not so jazzed about it and while 65 may be a very high bonus her raw personal damage is just so low that I can't see that being worth it to get just for that one thing but since she's so new I just want to clarify that I think she's a very strong character I'm impressed by her own power and her C2 is amazing I didn't get to comment on that last video because she wasn't officially out yet but her C2 is very very strong it's basically a baked in veritas and veneer for free and normally you can't even VV proc dendro because it can't swirl but any case that is everybody no the standards are not here this time I'm just not doing it it's too long already and most of them suck anyway but what I want to know down below is are there any c ones that you have gotten unintentionally whether it be by back to backs or trying to build pity for the next Banner you just won 50 50 early and you didn't expect it and are you happy that you got it because in most of my cases I've not been thank you as always to my patrons who support me over there if you would like to become one links to my socials are down below and as always thank you for watching and I will see you in the next one which will probably be C4s I can't wait to on some C4S boy [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 308,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How many 5 star c1s are actually broken, broken constellations, broken cons, op cons, op, cons, yelan cons, hu tao cons, ratheil, rathiel, rath, wratheil, genshin, impact, genshin impact
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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