Shotgun FIREWORK Shells - FIRST TIME Testing

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[Music] i've heard dramatizer two thousand two that was interesting there you go that one smells good there's a flower it was a delayed flash too see that yeah that was cool [Applause] hey that's pretty cool that's really cool double shot [Laughter] wow that's cool [Laughter] he said it was impossible to miss [Laughter] you gonna show them how it's done yes nick this is how it's done show me i don't know where that one [Laughter] that face you're not pulling the trigger hard enough sweet that one went pretty far oh okay [Music] hey oh my god why did she get all the bad ones [Applause] wow that was a good one that was a way better one they got a black smoke that's cool you finally got a good one [Music] [Laughter] okay aiming at the bird all right good yeah yeah look at did you see him speed up flapping asleep i've got a longer fuse maybe huh aim a little more to the left do it okay there you go one handed or die okay i'm ready [Music]
Views: 166,731
Rating: 4.8987279 out of 5
Keywords: camping, bird control, experiment, survival, exotic, 12ga, bird banger, slow motion
Id: XcomNAzmqHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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