Shopify Tutorial for Beginners (Full Tutorial) - Create A Professional Online Store

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Angelosdimitriadis 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody welcome back to the channel in this video i will show you everything you need to know to build your first shopify website your shopify store so if you are selling a digital product or a physical product of your own or a physical product that you're drop shipping branded drop shipping it doesn't matter if you're selling something online shopify is a very very popular and very successful website that many people have used and many people succeed with so if you are looking to build a website and you are an absolute beginner this is the video for you i'll be showing you step-by-step everything you need to know along the way so this is a full tutorial to show you what you need to know for shopify and to be clear i've seen a lot of other videos out there some of them are great videos some of them are they talk too fast some of them they are too long they're like three and a half hour videos some of them actually most of them if you go down in the description you'll notice that they are actually selling a course then so one thing i want to say is this is entirely free information this entire tutorial here at santro we believe in giving free information out so we do not want to we currently do not and never will sell a course if you are looking to build your shopify website i promise at no point in this video will i be plugging a course and we never will have a course so that's how you know this really is some true free information it's totally honest and it is everything that we think you need to know in this tutorial so with that being said let's jump into it so typically the first thing i like to do is i open google chrome it's my favorite browser for this because you can get a lot of extensions on here facebook advertising has some extensions for your pixel and there's just many other tools you can get on chrome of course any other browser works so whichever browser you choose the first thing we want to do is copy the link from the top of the description below over to a new tab in your browser and it should look something like this so once you get here we are going to sign up and it's going to ask for your email set up a password and your store name and so let's just do that right now so for the purposes of this video let's say we're going to make just a store about selling desktop plants maybe a cactus or a little succulent plants maybe pots i'm not really sure just just an example just to show you what we're doing here so we're going to call this cactus desktop plants that's what our our store is going to be so then go down and click create your store and it starts you off you can get a 14 day free trial with shopify but ultimately you will have to upgrade it if you want to make any sales on there or if you just wanted to continue beyond 14 days which if you're watching this video and investing you pretty much want to do that so we will talk about that in a minute but it's going to ask you to choose an account so you can create a new shopify id or just use the email that you already signed up with that's what i'm going to do for now because this is my only store on this new email account i'm using right now for this and so then it's going to ask a few questions about yourself so the first one are you already selling something so let's just say i'm not selling any products yet so we're just getting started here and then do you have something to sell uh yeah um you could say either you're brainstorming it's gonna be you know pretty simple here i'm gonna say i have an idea i know what i'm gonna sell and what's your current revenue and if you're starting off i mean most likely you're less than five thousand dollars so i'm just gonna say zero for now and you can say uh is this for you or are you designing it for somebody else obviously that would be if you are already uh i mean you're probably not doing that if you're watching this video because that would be like a marketing agency so let's go to next right now and it's going to ask for your address so that you can have you know your business you can get paid properly so i'm going to type in my name and address and so once you have your address in there we are going to enter the store and so this is really where most of our work is going to happen right here so what we see right here is at the top we have our store name right there we can search i don't really do much searching on this it says we can select a plan and i think the first thing we definitely need to do is go in and select a plan because like i said if you're going to make any sales on this you want to have a plan that actually makes sense and of course there's so many different plans you can choose from these three you can really they're very different and depending on what you're looking to do they're going to serve better audiences so you can look there's actually some calculators out there to estimate based on how many sales you have which is the right plan for you but assuming you're just starting off most likely the basic shopify is going to be your best plan and so i'm going to choose this plan right here and let's go through and purchase this now you can do it in several different ways you can purchase every year you can buy two years at a time you can buy three years at a time depending on what you're looking to do i usually recommend buying a year at a time so you don't worry about a monthly payment if you can afford that up front and i mean for the purposes of this video because it's not a real store i'm just going to buy one month for now and we're going to start this plan so we have our plan and to be clear the different plans will cost different amounts per sale so different percentages different fees so like i said there are calculators out there check those out before you choose one if you already have revenue if you're starting very low it makes sense you're just going to start off with the cheapest one right there then that brings us to the home page right here and within our home page you see there's a lot going on and it's definitely going to change over time these are some tips for when you're starting and obviously when you're starting off right now i do recommend this is a great place so let's go and add our first product just click on that and if that doesn't show up for you for some reason you can always find this later on by going on the left side down to products go to all products or add products and we end up with this one right here so let's just say we want a small small desktop cactus is our first let's just say that's our first product and we're going to say perfect for any desk and then of course you might want to like change your description make some things uh like bold you can make things italic you can add like little images in here you can do a lot of stuff like that i wouldn't really add images in there and some people maybe would but i would go down and add your images here with media so let's say for right now we have this picture right here and of course having more pictures may help your performance as people want to see some different angles of the product you might want to have some professional photos just make sure they're not grainy photos taken with your phone if you go on ebay and you see people that just set something on a table with some awful like really yellow light and they just take a phone picture generally it's going to be harder to make sales i found that if you either have a friend with a professional camera or if you have one yourself definitely find some good lighting and take a really nice photo of your product if you are drop shipping maybe get a sample of your product and take physical pictures or somehow find some pictures of your product that you can use here and it's just going to overall help your performance on on your product right here as soon as we go down the first thing is pricing you're going to name whatever price you want so let's just say these are 5.99 i don't know arbitrary price here you can say compare at it'll like cross that out and show the other number next to it so this is what some people try to do they try to say it's like oh eight hundred dollars and we're selling it for six dollars and it's just gonna cross it out and show that it's like on a a long term sale so people might be more enticed to buy it obviously 800 is an exaggeration most people might say it's like you know normally eight dollars or something and then down here you can say the cost per item this is for your own profit tracking and inventory tracking type stuff to look at your overall business success so if this costs you if you buy it and it costs like one uh one dollar and 24 cents or something then they show you what your profit margin is and you can see how much profit you're actually making per item so you can charge tax of course depending on where you are you probably need to do that otherwise maybe you can just absorb the tax in the cost and you just already covered the tax most people don't do that so i just usually charge tax on things you can go down here and have your stock keeping unit your sku if you want to keep a number for that you can have a bar code for that so for this one let's just say it's like one thousand one or ten thousand one uh it's a ten thousand that's a hundred thousand one sorry one hundred thousand one and then the quantity we can say that we have i don't know if you wanna track your inventory this is another great way to do things if you're drop shipping this really doesn't matter quite as much so let's just say we have 250 of these because let's say we're not drop shipping and then you can also say this is a physical product or you can have you know digital product of course then it won't have a shipping address but assuming it is a physical product then we're going to go down and this is for shipping purposes estimate the weight so say like 1.1 pounds you can change the units if you need to there and then going down here you have some customs information so your country of origin so let's go find the united states i'm from the united states and then down here you can have you have multiple options so if your product has different sizes or if it has different colors if it has any kind of different variation you can go down here and just name it whatever you want you can say let's say we have different colors and then you're going to type in the colors and add a comma between them so let's say white let's say we have a black one and let's just say these are talking about like the cactus pots of course we can have a mint mint green one and maybe we have a cool gray one so that way we have four different colors here and then down here you can see what the price is of each so you can change the price let's just say that one's like a little bit cheaper maybe that one is also a little cheaper and then we can go down and they automatically filled in the skus so we have different stock keeping units for these and then of course we can change the stock for each one so let's just say we have 150 of these and then we have 150 of these and 150 of the cool gray ones as well so this is a really cool tool here that you can actually utilize if you have inventories to keep track of what sales happen so you don't have to have separate software to do this of course depending on your business some people may want separate software but for a small store like this when you're selling just a few products it definitely could be a very nice useful tool to have then on the bottom edit website seo this is the classic thing that a lot of people miss out on and it's something that can hurt your ranking really a lot so when people search small desktop cactus they want to see small desktop cactus and they're going to click on that they're more likely to transfer from google to your store and of course you really want to think about the search intent here who is going to be looking this up and what are they going to be looking for and the better you can target your search intent so if somebody's looking for like how to take care of a cactus that would maybe be a blog post for you i wouldn't put that here and you want to make sure you're ranking for the proper keywords and the proper search intent so small desktop cactus may be good for this one but let's just beef it up a little bit and say the perfect perfect companion the perfect companion for your desk or something and then down here we have a small description and this is going to be below it obviously you don't want it to be such a small you know what is that four words right there we want to fill this out a little bit with some something that people are going to be actually looking for don't really worry about flooding it was keywords that much but don't add like a bunch of fluff in there so definitely have some keywords have things that make sense but you want it to be a nice descriptive sentence there so when people look at this they say oh that looks like a reliable source that's a great place to buy my cactus so let's just say we have a description like that of course this is not necessarily perfect here and admittedly i've never sold cacti online so i don't i haven't done enough research on what the right keywords would be for this but then down here we have our url our handle so basically our slug right there is what you would call it and let's just say small desktop cactus you want this to make sense you wanted to i mean it's going to be better for google ranking but also so when people go to your website it's easier to navigate and understand that they're on like the right website and they're not on a bunch of random characters that may be a little bit more shady they don't want to feel like they're on some website that's going to scam them out of their money and so right there small desktop cactus it's just a nice url so we're going to click save and now we have our first product of course on the right side i forgot to mention on the top there if it's like a pair of nike shoes or some kind of brand or other way you can sort it so you see right here product type vendor collections you can do a lot of stuff like this if you want to add this to different collections and we don't have collections yet but we may want to add some other tags here just in case people are searching through our website so we can say cactus desktop cactus and you'll see they pop up down there so let's just say those are the ones we have for now so let's go and save this and then as we go over to transfers we can go down to actually let's just go down the whole left side starting at home so going back to home we added a product we can customize our theme next i'm not going to talk about that just yet instead i want to jump down to add a domain so let's add a domain here because honestly if you are running a store from cactus odds are people are going to know that you are an amateur i mean they can clearly tell by the lack of a professional domain and so really what you should be doing here is buy a domain make a domain that is relevant to your store and it's just a nice clean one so i think with the queue is almost definitely taken it's 20 20. but if you find like or you know something kind of more creative and as short and convenient and easy to say as possible your store will probably perform better like that and on top of that i'll show you later on where you can get an email for this because you probably don't want to be like mike rickybobby5769 like that's again not a very professional way to host your business if people are going to contact you for customer service and for that reason i recommend getting you know with your domain you should have an email so it should be like mike or support if that was your domain was so of course your domain would be replaced there so you can buy a domain right up here if you want you can buy it through right here on shopify but typically what i would recommend you can find cheaper locations out there so is usually a pretty cheap one sometimes i go to you can really buy it from anywhere you can buy it from godaddy has a bunch you can go from google domains you can find them and there's just lots of different places you can find domains and then you can buy your domain and you can connect it right here so you can either connect an existing domain if you already bought it you can transfer from a different website or you can go right up there and buy one through shopify so once you have a domain you'll see that what you can actually do is you can go to your domain admin it'll take you to this right here and you'll be signing in or you can just go to and navigate to this but you have a domain so now you're ready to go now as we go down here in home you'll see there's a lot of other stuff that i recommend checking out in the future so you can go down here right here so your store you can bookmark this is where you sign in like i said you can also disable the password so right now your store is not actually live meaning your website's live but nobody can actually make a purchase without the password you can disable the password of course you cannot disable this password if you don't have essentially if you don't have an upgraded plan um so that's how they prevent you from buying things but this brings you over to preferences and we can disable the password right here so our store is now live people can go and buy that cactus now going back to home so going down like i said you have a lot of stuff here read through this guys i recommend some of them are some you know blog posts that can help you learn some things but let's go down the left side and start learning some more stuff with this website so when we go to orders obviously we have no orders right now but you will see that you can have you can track your orders you can mark them as shipped you can track where they're going and just overall manage a lot of your orders here you can have drafts right there you can have abandoned checkouts and obviously since we don't have anything really going on the store yet none of this is populated just yet but this will eventually be a very powerful tool that i recommend you use and to be clear guys i will show you how to optimize the site in a minute but let's keep going down the side here so when we go to products you'll see all products and like like we just added here we have 700 in four different variants and this is our small desktop cactus so we can filter through these we can sort them we can add more products so up there add product a little purple button is going to be obviously how you're adding more then you can go down and transfer to some different things so if you have is something that i admittedly don't really use much but you could transfer if you're placing like orders and moving things around you could do that right there inventory management is really nice you can see right here what inventory you have if it's sold when it's stopped when it's going to stop selling if you have any incoming ones so that would be back with transfers there of course and you can you know edit the quantities right there so it's pretty cool that you're able to do all of this right here and of course you can export that or import other files into this then we go down to collections this is pretty cool because we can create different collections and show different collections on our website and like i said i'll show you that in just a minute but let's go and create our first collection right here so let's say this collection is going to be plants with spikes i don't know let's just say it's mostly cacti and then we want to add whatever our description is right here a longer description than that hopefully we can add our collection image and for the purposes of this let's add that as our image right there and then you can go down you can have an automated collection or you can manually add different things to the connect to the collection and then of course your website seo again so making a collection is very easy and it's going to be i'll show you how to add different products into that in a minute but overall that is going to be what you're doing with collections and when you have more products collections make sense especially with clothing you could have like a fall collection of all your clothing that kind of goes together you can have you know it's pretty common as brands get bigger to have different collections then we go down we have gift cards you can have some e-gift cards right here because we have the lowest plan we cannot get gift cards but essentially it'll give the user a code that they can use at checkout that is the gift card it's not going to be sending plastic physical gift cards maybe you could do that if you really wanted but through shopify it's going to be a code of course after products as you're going down customers is the next thing right there and because we haven't made any sales we have no customers but you can add customers if you already have some from the past you can import customers if you had a store elsewhere and overall this is going to be a great place to if you have customer service for example if somebody calls they say they made an order you can go in here learn about their order track it stuff like that you can also use this to learn a little bit more about who's buying your product and stuff like that really you can be creative with this but this is where you're finding information about your customers not the most extensive information but you're going to find a little bit more about purchase history where you're going to learn actually more is through analytics right here and so from your overall your dashboard right here this is where you get the big picture of your sales how many online store sessions how successful different things are different you can test out different products a b testing and see you know which ones sell better uh you know the online store conversion rate so when people are adding to their cart when they're actually getting to check out how many times they actually check out then so you can really start to look at this and see where your inefficiencies are in your website and you can really use this to optimize your site and have as many sales as possible now this could also be related to your keyword targeting so if for some reason your search intent is incorrect and you're just getting a lot of people going to your website and then they realize it's not what they were looking for and they click off you may want to go back and redesign your website just do some iterations of this until your website actually works and your sales actually are significantly better and of course depending on what product you're selling organic traffic is great but a lot of times people you know will be running ads on things so this won't really tell you as much about your ad effectiveness you can learn some stuff here but most of that is going to be elsewhere going down we have our reports right here this is the really big picture the absolute macro here where you have like your overall macro finances your marketing spending uh you can see your inventory just really big picture stuff here and then we have live view which is going to show how many people are on your website right now how much you made today and stuff like that so i don't typically look at this one as much but i could see why this one definitely could be fun to look at to see how you're doing on a day-to-day basis just go in here check out what everything's looking like right now going down to marketing then we have our marketing overview and this is where we can integrate some apps with our website and so going down here you'll see that there's some other different options here so they're going to show you a little bit more about the marketing campaign you have but there are some marketing apps like i said i'll touch on that in a minute and then you can go down they have some blog posts about marketing but at the top they say they do have some marketing automation so let's just see what they're talking about here so when you do that marketing automations drops you down to the bottom one right there out of our overview campaigns and automation so really briefly jumping back you'll see campaigns right there it's not that exciting right now we don't have any campaigns but it can show you how much you're spending on ads and how much revenue you're actually generating from that so then when we go down to the automations you'll see they have some really cool apps you can add onto your site so something really cool about shopify is you are able to get some of these shopify apps add them to your website and you can do a lot more so rather than just having a website what if you had a website that could uh you know right here like sms bump for example that's a great one what if you could send text messages to people that abandoned their cart or otherwise maybe if they made a purchase and you want to say hey thanks for your purchase here is uh like i know best buy does that they'll send you a text when you order something and they'll send you text updates as it delivers so there are quite a few apps you can go and learn more about different automations you can create an automation right there and so i mean google smart shopping is another one that one's not free that's going to be a paid one through google of course but some of them are free so like sms bump is a free one and if we want to add that we can definitely go and set up sms bump right there it's very easy to do and i'll talk about apps in actually just one minute so then we can go down to discounts on the left side and again guys i know i'm showing you all of this stuff first but i promise we'll get into showing what the website actually looks like and making that look beautiful in just a minute these are things you need to know and you want to set up so you have the infrastructure for your store so when you build the website it looks good and actually works on the back end with this stuff right here so you can have some discount codes you can have some automatic discounts right here and let's just say our discount codes are going to be i mean you can you can just create a code right here you can make it do whatever you want so you can have a percentage you can have a fixed amount you can have free shipping you can buy one get something else stuff like that works very well and it's nice that they integrate this with shopify so you can go down and have like a discount let's just say you get 90 98 off of your entire order and it applies to yeah your whole order right there no minimum requirements anybody's eligible um so you can set the limit right here so you can have limit one per customer or a limit total let's say it works 50 times ever and it starts right here and you can set an end date maybe it ends like i don't know in two weeks or next month or something and we can make our discount code let's just say i don't know mike is cool so anybody that says mike is cool gets 98 off i don't know just a little ego boost right there so let's go and save that discount code and just like that we have a discount code we can share it on maybe our facebook group or in other places just to get things going 98 off is probably not realistically what you're going to be doing but you get the idea of how to apply these so then if we go back to discount codes you can see this one's listed right there and if we decide you know what this one is really we're giving way too much of a discount you can go into it and you can see disable right at the top you can also promote it if you wanted so instagram promotions might be a good way to do this that's also a great way to track you know how many people are coming from the ads just another way to see that information but you can disable it if you realize it's it's too much or for some reason you want to stop that promotion then like i said getting back to apps here there are so many great apps out there i can't list all of them i'll put some in the description below but some of them are actually really powerful so sms pump is a great one of course you can use some other apps you may want to consider getting would be one for maybe reviews on there if you want people to be able to go so like product reviews right there you can go and add a reviews page to your website so people a lot of times they want to see some social proof that what they're buying other people's other people buy they know the pros and cons about it it's not just what you want them to see so having reviews will actually help your product as a lot of course you can post it on other platforms and they would get reviews there but having it on your website is definitely beneficial also you can have some email marketing set up you can have a help center set up you can have order tracking just a couple ideas here when you're starting your store of the other apps you may want to consider getting so definitely go like right now let's check out the app store right now i hit control click it opens in a new tab and then we can go down and you'll see that there are so many different ones so the staff picks right there there's trending ones so maybe like talk shop maybe having something optimized for tick tock being that it's just a viral new app out there maybe actually depending on when you're watching this currently right now tick tock is blowing up it's really really big but maybe in the future this is going to make this video seem really outdated but tick tock is really big right now so maybe that would be something you should consider getting on your online store here then we go down there's some trending ones so again there's just so many options i can't tell you everything you need to get of course depending on what your store is there's different ones that are going to be better but of course i would say reviews are pretty often a very popular one email marketing is a popular one and of course you can also get some for like facebook and stuff like that oberlo is one that a lot of people use when they're drop shipping i don't know i mean some people make a lot of money with that some people really don't so it depends on when you're watching this video and what you're trying to get into that may or may not be a great option there but as we go down you have just lots and lots of different apps here and you can have so like places to sell you can have facebook ones you can have a google shopping one and like i said i'm not going to get into this too much in this video but there are quite a few apps so now the next thing we're getting into is the exciting part of this video this is what you really probably have been waiting for and this is our online store so if you go to online store i mean first of all you can add other sales channels if you have other sales channels through facebook shop or instagram or amazon if you're selling things on ebay messenger lots of different ways to sell things but for the purposes of this video we are making our store strictly on our website right here not selling on other things and so the first thing we have is actually a theme and so let's check out our theme right here so the first one is called debut that's just the one they give us and we can go down and actually view it so let's check out what this looks like it opens a new tab and obviously we're going to change the pictures and everything like that but you'll see that you know it's pretty simple they show you basically what it's going to look like if this is not your style though there are many other themes and for the most part i really recommend finding a different theme you don't want to be using the default one that everyone else is using it's just going to be way too obvious that you like anybody who has a store is going to recognize your default so let's go down and check out the free themes right here you can also buy some themes from the shopify store and there are some really nice ones out there some of them are not too expensive some of them are a little pricier and so when we go in we can check out the free themes and each one should be a little bit different so they have some different variations so if we say like this one right here let's say we really like this one we can add it to our library and there are three different styles this is what i meant by having a different variation so there's like snowboarding one outdoors one and then boxing one of course it doesn't actually matter if you are actually selling an outdoors product this is just a recommendation you could apply this to literally anything so don't feel confined to what they say right there so let's add this theme to our library we're going to sell cacti using the outdoor theme here it doesn't actually matter now that venture has been added right there you'll see that it still says debut is our live theme up here and if that confuses you it's really just because you didn't publish with a new theme yet so you can easily get a new theme customize the entire theme and then publish so that way if you're ever deciding to change a theme further on down the road nobody ever encounters a broken store that's half baked it's only halfway made so this is great like really to reiterate here if you have a store that's live you can kind of build a new one if you want to redesign it make it look different and make it look perfect and then publish it and make it look live so it's just a cool thing you can do there so you don't have to edit things while they're live and make your website very confusing for any potential visitors you don't want to be losing sales so because this is new let's just say if we want to make this one our live one all you have to do is go up and publish and then you'll see what i mean so we can publish right now and it will become our live theme then and again you can customize from down there or now that it's live let's click on the purple customize button and it will bring us into our website builder and so here the website builder we can see the different pages we have on the top left so we can select a different page and there really are only a couple pages right now so we have our collection page we've got um different collections list we've got blogs we've got a cart page we have our checkout page and our 404 page so definitely it is important that you guys go through and check these out hopefully nobody's ever seeing a 404 page not found but if they are you definitely want to make this look nice at least so that people can be easily redirected to your home page and they never get confused so for some reason you accidentally typed in a link incorrectly and you have the url slug on the end that's just not quite right maybe you have an extra letter in there it'll come to this and it'll easily redirect them back to your home page now with that being said let's go back to home page right here and start editing around so you'll see that the layout of a shopify store at least with this theme in particular is really a block layout so they have these different sections and each section it's not necessarily drag and drop as we see with wix or with a lot of other website builders out there this one is definitely a little bit more structured where you can say i want a slideshow and then i want a collection list and then i want a whatever else image with text you have like different options right there and you really are not going to be tailoring this too much but you can definitely make some changes so if we say right here that we want maybe our slideshow is a good first one and then maybe our collection is not what we want next maybe instead we want some kind of image right there so you can go to the left click on the little six dot array and then drag it up to wherever you want and you can rearrange the sections right here so let's add this one next and then you'll easily see that editing this should be no problem so you can just go into click on image with text right there and first we have image which you can select the image that you want so let's go and select our image there's some free images you can get or you can upload an image to your library for your store right here let's go and upload an image let's just say this one right here and then the text we want so let's choose the image first sorry so let's go and choose our image right there and then on the bottom say select i forgot to click that a second ago and then we can actually go and edit that we can remove it we can change it pretty easily but let's go down and change the text so if we want to go that's our image image with text so our text is going to be um choose your favorite desktop collection [Music] and then you want to add some text right there and of course if you want some text to be linking somewhere you can highlight that text click on the little chain icon right there make sense as a link and then you'll be able to link to another page you can paste a link right here or you can find another page within your website so we can go into products right there and then we can link out to maybe this product for example and that way we suddenly have a link there so that somebody can go and click on availability right there and it'll link out to the product and they can see if it's actually available so of course depending on what you're writing here you may want to be linking to blog posts or maybe within a blog post you can link back to different products just some different ways to do things of course you can change your alignment left right alignment and you can add some different content so if we want to add another maybe some more text or another image let's just say we want to add more text and then you'll see the way they do that is they put it like horizontally they stack different things and if you want to rearrange them again the three dots there you can click and drag that up like that and so it is it's not always like the most intuitive way of editing things it is definitely very easy to move things around but it's a little bit less customizable than we saw with something like wix for example so if we don't want it we can go down and remove this content and now we just have essentially that right there so now let's go back we have our first section we have our first two sections um actually we didn't add anything to slideshow yet but you can adjust you know if you want to auto rotate the slides to make them fit if we want the slide height to be small large or we can just make it whatever adapt to the first image and then you can change how fast it's switching through and then down here you can go and add different slides so just select the images you want you can change headings for them you can just do some basic stuff like that if you have a button to view all products or to view that product in particular and this is very common with a lot of websites that you check out that they have a slideshow at the top of maybe different products or different collections and links that lead over to those products so now we have our slideshow we have our text with an image right there and then we go down to collection list and of course there's many other things i'll show you in a second but collection list you can easily have multiple collections right there that people can go and view all right there so if we go to the first one we can start we can select a collection i showed you before guys remember where we made that collection this is where things are tying in so we can say plants with spikes is our first collection because i didn't beef it out and i don't have the second two collections that's the only one i'll be showing you right now but go down here and click select and suddenly you'll see that one is in right there and you have that little view all link right there so it is really nice that people are interested in this collection as they hover over it it highlights it you can click on view all and it'll bring them over to that collection page so then we can go down actually let's go back right now and the next thing is you'll see that we have the home page next below that um so home page that one's not that exciting you can either view all or you can go to individual products right there change different rows and then lastly if we want to add another section we can go and you'll see there's lots of different sections you can add here so if we want to have a slideshow we want a featured product we want a newsletter maybe we want a map so let's just click on whatever you want you'll see it pops up right there and you can then go and click and drag that so let's let's add it so it's going to verify that you actually want it you can have your address there it'll have your you can get directions to it stuff like that you can optimize pretty much anything you want to add but you'll see going back here it pops up as another section that we're adding another banner right there because that's the style of website we're building then if we go down footer is the last thing that we do want to edit here so your footer menu you can go and change i don't know like if you want to have a different menu there and i'll show you in navigation you can adjust what the menu is going to show so you can have like if you go footer menu right now it doesn't actually do anything and then follow us again doesn't do anything with this theme just yet so now that we have our sections laid out on this page what you can also do is you can use the entire right side of the screen here to navigate your website so if we go to catalog that is our next page and similarly you can edit this in essentially the same fashion so you can add you can adjust your header right there you can adjust your footer and you can adjust what is in here so you can add some different things um and so being this is our collections page we're only going to have our collection right there but you can add different pages and all and again i'll show you that in a minute guys but lastly before we get out of this customization thing there's two last things i want to show you one of them is the theme settings so you can go in here and change the colors if you want so if you really like this theme but you just wish it was more of your business's colors you can change that right there typography if you want a different font that's make sure it's easy to read and has a relatively fast load speed then we can go down to your collection page social media so adding social media definitely do that right here and that'll pop up down here with follow us remember how i said it it didn't do anything yet that's because we didn't add social media yet so you can add your different links we can add it's like instagram let's just add that right now so you see that as soon as you type that in it pops up down there with an instagram icon so people can go and find you on instagram likewise you can have you know tumblr snapchat youtube venmo or vim sorry nothing that's not bad no i've read that wrong then you have twitter you have facebook you've got lots lots of different things right there i guess people wouldn't follow you on venmo that wouldn't really make sense but then we can also go up there and select an image if you want that down in your social sharing and so that's definitely very important then if we go down to the favicon right here this is going to be the little icon on the top of your browser so if we look up on the very top next to where it says what our website name is you'll see that right there it's going to say it's going to have a small image right there right now it's a shopify logo so let's go and upload our logo and of course there's so many different ways you can make a logo i typically recommend using something like but shopify also recommends they have their own thing that you can use to make a logo a partner of theirs so if you first sign in on the home page one of the things as you scroll down is hey do you want to make a logo and they'll bring you over and they'll make a logo that might look something a little bit like this one so if we want this to be our favicon you'll see that if we do that we'll select it and then our website will be using it right up on the top so i'm going to show you that in a minute so let's save this it saves it and let's just say we want to go and check out our website now so if we refresh it so i apologize before it didn't show the shopify logo it showed like a little earth logo that's just because we're using chrome right here but now it shows our logo of for our website and of course you can always go down and check this out i recommend guys check out your website on as many different monitors as possible check it out on a big monitor an old monitor on a tv on a projector whatever you can get your hands on you want to see what it looks like on as many different spaces as possible because inevitably somebody will end up on your website on some really weird projector somewhere and your website's not going to look great so you want to just make sure that it's optimized for any user no matter what they're doing and speaking of that you can also go up here to the top and look at what it looks like in a mobile view so right here you can go around and click on your website in a mobile view or you can go to the desktop view and it's definitely it's really good to switch between that because especially if you're if you're on social media if you're advertising on social media a really really large portion of your traffic will be on mobile on phones for example and so you want to make sure you're optimized for that but then lastly like i said you can go down here and go to checkout and you want to make sure you have a good banner you have a good logo and your checkout just looks good overall and of course you can see that go up to our checkout page and this is what it's going to look like so if we check out the well i guess i should say if we look at the checkout page then you'll see that you can do some different things here so you can change like a banner you can add your logo right there of course i'll be talking about the logo on your header in a minute but a lot of the stuff like your legal things if you want them to show up on your checkout page you can actually do that so let's head out of the editor right here i think we went through pretty much everything here other than changing the theme style which we can also do back where i showed you before and the next thing actually if we go down to settings i want to show you how to get the legal things right there this will be like your return policy if you want to have things like that you can go over to uh settings on the bottom go down to the bottom right to legal and this is where like i said you can add your refund policy you can add your privacy policy things like that and the nice thing about shopify here of course just a template not necessarily what you want to do but realistically if i was going to make a store i would just google a template anyway so it's nice that they have this click on create from template and they give you a suggested refund policy it's usually pretty robust but you can go through and figure out what's right and what's not right if you don't have gift cards things like that things might change you can add you can create a privacy policy from a template uh definitely make sure you adjust that on your own and you actually read that if it's your privacy policy you could get into some serious legal trouble if you are not doing what you say you're going to be doing and of course you want to make sure that everything is is you know true and correct in there so going down terms of service you can do like all this stuff and it will show up on your checkout page then so it's just nice to have that there now not to jump around too much but something else i want to talk about is if we go back to online store i didn't go through all of these yet but we can go down to blog posts and not every store will have a blog but it's something that i recommend if you have time and you want to gain some organic traffic uh you know maybe if people are you can make a blog post about like how to decorate your desk or how to improve workplace morale or maybe an article about workplace depression and you could talk about how people are you know not happy because they don't have plants at their desk or because they don't have the right lighting or because they drink too much caffeine like you can provide actual value in these articles and at the end people might be like hey who's actually writing this realize that you're a store and they might buy your product from you so a good way to organically plug your stuff is with blog posts again not for everybody some businesses are definitely much better off by running paid advertisements it really depends on a case-by-case situation uh you know who you are and what you're selling so going down we have pages this is what i mentioned before about how you can have more than just two pages on your site so if we go over to our website right here we see we have home and we have catalog of course we have the other pages that you can get to through uh like the 404 error page if we have the cart page the checkout page but as far as what's listed on your navigation on the top it's really just these two so if we want to add a page we can go to add page right there let's say it's an about us page and so we want to call it about us and i do recommend having a little bit like not just about us have something else there so the story behind our company or something like that and again i said this before but just to be very clear here cactus with with the queue is is not a real brand if there is anybody any business similar to this like this is totally unaffiliated with them this is really just a hypothetical brand right here so we want to make sure we have a good description down here and you can make it you know whatever you want so it shows up in google like that i recommend all of your listings or all of your pages should have a consistent theme right here so if you say like a page and then two lines and then a little description of it right there then try to keep that consistent across your pages you can also make them all you can make it a hidden page if you want uh we're going to save this and then you'll notice that the about us page right here so once it saves the page was created go back to pages but you'll notice that if we go over to our website we click refresh and like oh crap it's not there and don't worry guys the reason it's not there it's still working but the reason it didn't show up is because we didn't actually publish that yet so we can go in and edit that we can actually make you know beef out the page fill out with all the information we want in the editor i showed you before so if we go back again just to reiterate here if we go back to home uh or if we go to online store i mean and we go to themes and we go to customize you see you'll see that our page will be there up in the selected pages area so if we go up we can go down to the page which is about us and we can edit this page uh and we can fill it out with whatever we want and then so once that's all ready let's go back to shopify again we go down to pages and we can actually publish this page so if we go and we select that then we go up to the top and we go to more actions publish selected pages it'll publish it so now it will be visible to people going to the website and again the reason that they won't actually see it on the on the menu bar on the top is because we didn't add it to navigation yet so the next step is to kind of optimize the navigation right here so you have two menus on this one right here you can add another menu if you want to add it somewhere else on your website so kind of a weird way to add a menu here i don't know why they don't just let you add some text with links but it does make things a little bit more modular so you can edit things and it kind of updates live like that so the footer menu if we go over to our website is going to be on the bottom right here footer menu we don't actually have anything in that right now and then the header menu is up in the header so we have home and we have catalog and the reason we don't see the other one is because we didn't update that and add that page in there yet so let's add a new item and we'll say about us and then we can go here and we can add a page and the page that we want is actually the only other page we made so far so let's add that and then let's keep adding a couple more items so you can say policy and then we can actually go down and just see some of the other things you can add on the top so you can add the home page a search bar you can have your collections your products uh different pages like we just showed you you can go to blogs or we go to policies and there are some you know different policies here and so we can just say let's how about our refund policy and we'll add that one and that will be up on the top and then one last thing to check out would be blogs and whatever your blog you want to talk about like a specific thing we can go to blogs and that will you know bring it right there and we'll have our blog post there so we'll add that and then lastly we will go down and save the menu right there uh and then it should be ready when we go over and update that we'll be able to see everything across the top and so right there you'll see we have catalog we've got about us we've got so our policy page it is already populated with what we showed you before if you went into the settings again that's where we got that and then blog we don't have any blog posts right now but again this is where i showed you guys blog posts right there you can make your own blog posts you can create them they're pretty easy to do very self-explanatory and you're building them in a pretty similar way with the same text editor then domains down here is something that we already have a domain i talked about connecting that before i admittedly for this video guys i didn't actually pay for a new domain because this really is just a video i didn't want to spend extra money to show you guys something that you pretty much could already walk yourself through then we go down to preferences and this is really the last thing on the left there and this is going to be a little bit more about if you're doing some more advanced things so if you want to have a title and meta description this is good for search engine optimization of course or seo if we go down google analytics or facebook pixel if you go into facebook and you have a pixel that you want to connect or if you go into google analytics i actually have videos on those i'll link them right up there but i'll show you where within facebook business manager you can go and you'll find a piece of pixel code you'll just copy that you'll paste it in here and that way you can track you know different actions through your website and you can really set this up and make sure that when you're running ads you can track how well the ad works so when people click on your ad they go to your website and then they click on this they put it in your cart and then they don't buy it and then you can go back and retarget them and you can say that hey this person is it's in their cart just send ads to them on their different on that you know facebook network and that way you'll get ads out to them and you have a better plan for people buying your products lastly password protection we disabled that right there because we want this store to be live and that's pretty much it for those now let's go down to settings we talked about legal but there is actually a lot of other stuff you can do within settings here so in general you'll see that you do have some basic stuff here your store name which will show up on the top right there so you see cactus desktop plants that's our store name you can have your store contact email your customer email it could be two different things right there if you want you have your store address your legal name in your store so people can learn more about you if they need to uh standards and formats so what time zone you're in this is all pretty self-explanatory and i actually currency down there you select your currency but you can actually get apps that convert currency for different countries if you're selling internationally so that people aren't buying in dollars if they are in england or if they're in india it doesn't really matter if somebody's somewhere else and they don't use the us dollar maybe they want to buy it using their credit card paying a currency that they're familiar with then we have payment providers that's not that exciting check out you can go down and customize your checkout experience so i showed you how to change the checkout page but here you can actually do a little bit more you can have people uh setting up accounts so you can come back and check out their orders later you can go down and have a customer contact form options like there's a lot of stuff i recommend going through and making sure this looks as good as you want it to depending on what you're interested in with your store uh we have shipping right there we have taxes those are pretty boring actually locations gift cards so gift cards you can really set these up enable for like right here it says apple wallet passes and stuff like that uh notifications so you can manage notifications that are sent to you and to your customers files which could be you know obviously important if you're trying to upload different files sales channels plan and permission so if you're going to change the plan that you have if you're like oh man i i need to upgrade my my site here you can upgrade your plan very easily right there and then lastly we go down to billing and of course or store languages and legal now there's also some other apps that can easily change your store languages for different areas if they know where the region is you can just translate your whole store for them so overall guys that's pretty much everything i wanted to show you in this video a full tutorial now you pretty much know everything you need to about the tools and resources available on shopify to build your store to choose the right theme and to start your own successful business on the internet so i hope this video helped you if it did please remember to like and subscribe comment down below if you have any questions or comments about the video let me know what you guys thought of this as always thank you all for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 603,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media, shopify tutorial, how to build a shopify store, how to make an online store, shpotiy, shopify, shopfy, how to use shopify, shopify tutorial 2020, shopify tutorial 2021, best online store tutorial, shopify dropshipping store, shopify full tutorial, shopify free tutorial, how to set up shopify, make money online with shopify, shopify digital product sales, sell things on shopify, how to build a shopify ecommerce, ecommerce
Id: ACqrKzY-j-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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