The Best Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2021 - How To Create A Dropshipping Store With No Money

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in this video I'll show you guys that complete step-by-step tutorial of Shopify dropshipping what is w2 should boy Jay rich back out of another video if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button down below so if you've seen this video you know that Shopify Josh having completely changed my life and you guys see me try to dropship five different websites of one day you guys see me Josh up electric scooters you guys see me - it was the weirdest parties on Aliexpress you guys see me try to get my Joshua prize to go viral on Twitter in 24 hours and you guys see me by billboards on my dropshipping website so I wanted to make a special video actually explaining step by step Shopify Josh living the whole process including some marketing strategies so that you guys have a good fun I'm gonna understanding of how everything works and how to actually do it now this video will be a bit long but I'll try to make it as short as possible but keep in mind I'm gonna be explaining everything step by step so just show back relax take your notes out let's go straight to it alright so here we are you guys very very quickly I want to go over these three companies these three tabs that I have open these are the three big players that you're gonna be using for your Shopify dropshipping website business so basically this right here is Shopify this is the e-commerce platform the most popular e-commerce platform in the world for a good reason they're really really simple and easy to start and use and it's really cheap so the lowest price is 29 bucks a month so we're 29 bucks a month you could literally run your own e-commerce business so I'm gonna go into detail of that later on this right here is Aliexpress this is basically your supplier you'll have access to hundreds of thousands of suppliers and products in the whole world these are mainly all coming from China and virtually every single product that you see on here you could add to your Shopify website and that leads me to explain this company lastly it's called opal oh this is what you'll be using to connect Aliexpress to Shopify so this saves you a ton of time and makes your life a million times easier you'll be able to add parts to Aliexpress to Shopify and you'll be able to fulfill orders or just one click so this basically automates this whole process to work it's not used spending a ton of time doing everything and I'll explain that later on so very very quickly the first thing what we're gonna do I need to select a product to use for this example to create our Shopify website and another tip to mention I do not recommend that you guys do general stores so general store is basically putting a whole bunch of unrelated parties together onto one store and then trying to market them and advertising them to customers before you know a couple years ago that strategy worked nowadays I always preach one product drop shipping stores so you want to definitely make sure that you just find just one superstar product and if you do add products make sure that they're completely related to that product that you added so don't have a bunch of emulator parts on your Shopify store because it isn't as effective as it once was so I highly recommend that you guys only do one product stores so it's more of a branding experience for your customers so what we're gonna do is we're gonna find our product to use for this Shopify website for this video so what I am going to teach you guys honestly is how to find the top josh chomik price for 100% free a lot of people don't talk about this by the way so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a I'll Express account Jay rich com and then for the password password and then when you're done with that I hit create account alright so once that is all created what you're gonna do is you're gonna open up another tab and then you're gonna type in drop shipping Center Aliexpress and then click this link right here home dial slash drop shipping drop shipping center such join if that doesn't pop up in the Google search this is the link and then what this is going to do is going to take you to a page to where you agree to their terms all the legal stuff and then you could put your first and last name or leave this as default doesn't really matter and once that is done it'll go to this success page and you just click this link to go to the drop shipper Center and this is really really cool if you hit this button right here find products Aliexpress curates a bunch of the top Josh should be on their platform so really really cool this is right here worth like thousands of dollars and given to you guys complete free not a lot of people talk about this method of finding products so right here is where you'll see the product you'll see the price you'll see the orders you see the drop shipping orders you'll see the rating and you'll see the sales performance so a good indicator of how popular a product is is the amount of orders that they're getting so right here you see this one is over two thousand this one is eleven thousand this one is fourteen thousand seventeen thousand dish washing scrub this one is sixty eight thousand for this one it's a charging cable and this one is thirty eight thousand so I've seen this product recently honestly and this is getting a lot of traction it's really trending for some weird reason it's a remover so let's click this one it's thirty-eight thousand orders Wow went up to forty six thousand so this is really really good product as you can see a lot of orders and a lot of reviews and also a good indicator for you guys to look forward to see if a product is trending is to just go to Google Trends and then type up the product name so just put remover search term and it will pop up and as you can see this product start getting traction back in late November we're currently in January 2020 and it's still going up so this is a really really good product so Google Trends is a really good indicator of how to check if a product is trending but don't just go by Google Trends there's a lot of other areas for you to look at to see if a product is worth selling on your store for example this product has tons of orders and lot of reviews good reviews at that so this is a really good product so even if it wasn't you know as high on Google Trends I still would probably try this product but like I said Google Trends is a good indicator for you to look at how trending a product is so I decided that this is gonna be the product for our dropshipping website so I'll be using this product as you can see it's saying it's on penny but that is only for new users so I guess if you're a new user they'll give you guys like a $2.00 and whatever discount off your first product but as you can see the product price is normally four dollars and 98 cents and the shipping we're gonna be using a packet a packet is the fastest and cheapest method from China really really big tip only ship a packet do not ship trying to post or these other cheaper options because they'll take a month to get to your customers a packet takes like two weeks on average so only ship via e packet from China big big tip so with a packet let's see how much it is a dollar for the essence so 498 plus of dollar 58 so about six dollars for this product so we'll saw that about like 20 bucks so this is gonna be the product for our jaw shipping store so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna create our Shopify account and we'll name our store like let remover shop or something like that you could always change the store name so don't worry about it identity remover is taken yeah so I'm just gonna put one over shop all right cool like I said you can always change the store name this doesn't really matter you could always change it and what really matters is the domain name that you actually use for your Shopify website and I'll get into that detail later on so once you're done with that we're gonna hit create store and then after this is just going to ask you a couple questions that you can skip and then it's gonna ask you to enter your information like where your addresses and all that good stuff so once you sign up will then ask you if you're already selling and what your current revenue status is you can always skip this method like I usually do and then it's going to ask you to enter your information for the address to get paid so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put what's the Gucci store address and Beverly Hills Beverly Hills - I know and I'm just gonna put some random phone number and then enter the store and this will take us to our Shopify account let's just give this a couple of seconds so cool this is gonna be your Shopify Account dashboard so once you like add your product customize your daemon add your domain and select a plan this will be your dashboard - what you'll see the number of visitors you get and the cells if you get any so this is where you'll see all of that every time you log in this right here let me just explain what everything is so this is the home page what I just explained this right here is your orders so if you click this you'll see all your orders that you have and you also get to see that mint and check-out so all the people that go into your store and don't end up actually checking out you'll see them on here if they reach the checkout process and then right here this is where you'll see all your products when you add them so we're gonna see this lint roller when we add our product to our Shopify store and then this right here is customer session to where you can see your customers and all that data right there this right here is analytics - where you can see literally all the data on your store so you'll see your total sales the number of visitors that are going to your site your returning customer rate you'll see the online store conversion rate and you'll be able to see like your top products that are selling if you're selling multiple different products and you can see like the average order value so all that metrics and data on your store will be right here on the analytics section on your Shopify admin so right here is the marketing session so you'll see like the marketing analytics if you're using like paid advertising and stuff like that this right here is discounts so you'll be able to create a discount code for your customers and this is where you'll also manage the discount codes as well this right here is the app session so this is where you add all the apps to your Shopify store we're gonna need to download this over low drop something up so this is what I mentioned to you guys earlier in the video so this is what we're gonna add right now kind of get that over with because this is how we're gonna add our early Express product to our Shopify store so let me just all that right now and then this right here is the online store section this is where we're gonna customize our website I'm gonna walk you guys through step by step how to do that and this is like all the stuff related to that which I'll explain this right here is the settings section so this is all the settings on your Shopify store and like I said you can always change the name of your store just go to like general and then go to store name and as I mentioned I wanted to just be calling it remover so you could just delete the shop and hit save and that would be the name of your store so first things first what we're gonna do is go back to the homepage and go back to Oberlin we're going to add our first product so our product is gonna be the portable lint remover and right here you see that this is the default page once you download the orbital app the first thing you need to do is download the overload extension it makes everything super super simple so if you type in overload finishes it will pop up you have to use Chrome by the way this is a Chrome extension it adds a Chrome extension and it'll show up right here once it's added so cool so once this is added you literally just have to go to the Aliexpress product and if you refresh the page you could click this button hit add to import list but if you refresh the page will show up at the bottom and you just literally need to click this button for it to add to your open little input list but if you guys don't want to use Chrome for whatever reason and you don't have the extension and whatnot then all you have to do is go to search products and then just hit import by Earl URL and then all you have to do is copy and paste the URL of the product page and paste that onto here and then hit import well this is kind of like a dinosaur method honestly it is super simple but if you download the extension that makes everything super super easy like I said earlier so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this via the extension so I'm just gonna click this button and boom it's gonna be added to the import list so once we go back to the overlap these tabs so it's not super confusing for you guys so once we add that just hit go to import lists and now this product is edited in Portland so this is where we're gonna edit the title we're gonna edit the descriptions and we're going to edit the pricing so the first things first let's edit this title right here portable lint remover that is what I'm just gonna call it for now really really simple click homepage for the discussion you definitely don't want to leave this so I'm gonna delete that I'm just gonna find some seller that silly knees and just kind of explain the part description let's see alright so this is kind of just explaining it I'm not going to copy the pictures even though those probably not his and you got a from Aliexpress so I'm just gonna copy this right here because this is for sure drop shipping store by the way 1694 and as you can see these are the same pictures and Aliexpress so what I'm gonna do is just gonna copy and paste out here and just kind of over read it to see if everything looks nice really really cool it just explains what the product does I solid and then the next step would be just to go to variants and this is where we'll edit the pricing so as you can see the cost of this product is 4.98 cents and we're gonna do a package shipping as I mentioned and that's a hunt one dollar and 58 cents so we need to change the price and I'm gonna put it at $19.99 and I'm gonna put the compare price at $49.99 so our profit is 13 dollars and 43 cents so once that is set we can move on to the images and lastly you want to make sure to leave this unchecked because if you check this this is basically saying that whenever the supplier on Aliexpress change their pricing it will automatically update to your price so you want to leave this unchecked and only change the price when you want to change the price so once that is set we'll just move on to the images to check and choose what images that we want to put on website so all the images that have this green check on them that is the one the images that are going to be pushed to our store so I'm gonna choose this one I guess I could choose this one and this one I like this one and I think that's pretty much it so once that is all set kind of just double-check everything see if you made any like grammar errors or anything like that price $19.99 cool images we chose that once you're done with that hit import the store and it's going to be sent to your Shopify store and that is it so once that is set we then go to products and it will show up underneath your products so like I said you guys over go makes everything super super easy super easy you don't have to worry about anything else with that product if you get an order it'll show up on their orders on overload so everything from this point is automatic so now that we added the product it's time to customize create our website for our stores so what you do is you hit this online store button and this will take you to the theme editor and by default Shopify is gonna include this debut thing for all of the accounts so to give you guys a preview all you need to do is hit this I button next to online store to see exactly how your store would look like and as you can see this is like the default theme that Shopify gives to all the accounts so I highly highly recommend you guys do not use this theme because you literally look like all the other drop shippers that first start it's so funny I don't know why they use this theme when they first get started but this literally just screams a drop shipping store so you definitely wanna be different so like I said I highly recommend do not use the debut theme so first things first before we get into the theme editor we're going to select a plan because after I select and create and customize the website I'm gonna download the apps and apps only work effectively if there is no password on the website so if you select a plan if to give you guys a good idea Shopify has this website on all your accounts if you haven't select a plan so in order for you to remove this password website you need to pick a plan so I'm gonna just pick a plan right now and by the way you still have the 14-day free trial you can always cancel it before the 14 days and and you won't be charged this amount so what I'm gonna do is pick the $29 a month plan for you guys you guys can see let the features of each plan 29 bucks a month is what I recommend it for you guys to have has basically all the things that you need $79 a month plan if you scale up and you need more staff accounts and you need you know lower credit card rates which is not really that big of a difference then go this route but for the most part I highly recommend you guys to she's a $20.00 a month plan since is the cheapest and has pretty much all the features that you need so this is the plan we're going to choose I'm just gonna add my credit card details I'm gonna pause this so you guys don't steal my credit card information so once you add your credit card details you then just select a plan and once the plan is selected I'm then gonna remove the password from my online store I'm just gonna go to online store preferences and remove password of course you know I'm just doing this for this video because I want to do everything and show you guys how everything works but if you guys are not ready to you know launch your store yet you don't have to remove the password from it so don't feel pressured to doing this as soon as you create your Shopify account so I'm just gonna remove that password and give you guys also a good idea of what this looks like what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the store and stealth mode and this will show you exactly what it will look like so if anybody goes to a website it will look like this to where you'll need a password to see exactly how it looks so I'm just gonna remove this password so everything works effectively so let's go back here and remove the password so now my store is live and there is not no password to anyone so now we're gonna create and customize our website so like I said you definitely do not want to use it they do theme they have tons of free things for you to choose from I didn't have about like eight free themes and a bunch of like features and styles included and you to the themes so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna choose they also to mention they also have themes that you guys could pay for if you guys want you just visit the theme stores and there's tons of themes that you guys could pay for online as well but for my experience the free themes do enough and I recommend you guys start off with the free themes at first and if you guys want to use a paid theme then do so but you definitely do not absolutely need a paid Shopify theme no matter what anyone tells you so for this example I'm gonna choose let's see I'm gonna choose minimum theme I'm gonna choose modern and now it's gonna be added to my store and once that's added I'm just gonna hit customize alright so now there's added let me hit this customize button and now we're about to edit our website so this is gonna be pretty basic but it's gonna look a lot better than what it does and that they do theme that is included as default there's only one product so I don't have a lot of products to show on this store but I'm gonna show you guys how I would make this store and how simple and effective and good-looking it would be so what I'm gonna do is delete a lot of these sessions so these are the sessions as you can see this right here is shown on the screen so right here this is shown right there this is shown right there and then if we go back here this section is shown right here and all that good stuff so literally everything you see on here is shown right here so really straightforward and easy super super simple you guys so do not try to overcomplicate all of this it's really really simple so I'm gonna delete all these sessions right here and for the slideshow I usually put a picture for this example since I'm only using one product I'm gonna just put the pollak as the first thing on the website but to give you guys a good example the idea of how it will look like all you need to do is find an image I'm just gonna choose some random image on Google for this picture let's just choose this one and then you just go here you go to the side slow oh and then you just add the picture right here and I'll show up right here of course for it to be actual slideshow you need for multiple pictures so you'll just either add more pictures to the slideshow or you remove them if you don't want to add the other slideshow pictures but for this example I'm just gonna move the session as a whole because I do not want this picture on my website this honestly doesn't look good to me so I'm not gonna put that so I'm gonna delete this section and now you see all we have is the newsletter opt-in and pretty much nothing else so what I'm gonna add is the featured product so like I said there's only one product on this store it's the lint remover so I'm going to select that product to be shown on this store just hit the select button right here and there it is really really simple let me just put that before that one actually and also and show quantity selective so this right here allows other people to choose multiple quantities so you want that to be option by default Shopify doesn't include that on some of the themes so as you can see it's just that so you definitely wanna make sure that you choose that so now that that is added what we're gonna do is make sure that that is the first thing on the page so right here we're just going to dry that thing up and also to mention I like putting the newsletter here the email opt-in there's another option for you guys if you guys do want to get your customer emails all you need to do is download Shopify apps to ask the customers for the email but I do not recommend that you guys do that because it looks very very spammy so what I'd like to do is I like to be not aggressive and passive I just like to include a email opt-in directly on the home page on the website exactly like this so they're not forced to include their email just like the pop-ups that you see on other websites so that's what I recommend for you guys to do so really really simple what we're gonna do now is let me just change this right here I'm gonna put free shipping on all orders so this right here is where you like put the promotion or anything like that that's going on this is gonna be the first thing on your website so as you can see and also if you click this button right here you'll see exactly how it looks on mobile so what I'm gonna do now is change the font and the colors because they look ugly so what we're gonna do is go to theme settings and first things first let me just change the colors the top bar I'll just put that white and the buttons I don't know why they put this color as default so ugly I'm gonna put black is that the social media icons even though I don't have social media for this account was going to put that black as well so now let's go to the fonts so the font my favorite fonts are quick sin and Mata Surat or something like that I'll not pronounce it I think must monster rats or something like that i'ma put quick Sam for this one different endings we could put mozzarella I know how to pronounce our answer so for those he watching this tell me how to pronounce this I'm thinking there's a monster right I could be wrong now so we'll put that bold and then lastly well another quick sound font to it then we'll put that boat as well let me just delete this here so that looks nicer than it did before a lot nicer actually and then you could choose to capitalize letters if you guys want to so now that that is set what I'm also gonna do is I'm gonna choose to create a logo I'm gonna teach you guys how I would create a logo for this store what I use is canva so as you can see this is like the logo on your store when customers go to your store they'll see this right here honestly I don't think that looks too nice so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a custom logo for this store so that it looks a lot better so to give you guys a good idea and what I do I just go to and I just log in my account so when you log in you'll see this right here and I'm just gonna hit logo right here so I can see a bunch of templates that they have already made for me and I'm gonna choose let's choose this one for now I'm just going to delete these images right here and this football team thing right here you know I'm gonna put lint remover and let's destroy that over this might that like a little bit bigger Center a little bit and our website background is white so the logo needs to be black so let's change this background to white let's change logo to black and then let's download as a PNG file that one with a black logo download as a PNG and transparent background except that and once that is set we're going to need to crop the logo so let me see because we don't want this whole background to be on the logo so we just want that the text to be on it so let's just crop this that right there should be good enough then let's add it to our store so we have to go back to sections header logo and then we're just gonna drag the logo over I select and then what we're gonna do is 200 this you know okay so 250 is nice and that looks a lot better you guys as you can see it looks like a more branding experience a lot better than what it did look like before and I'm just gonna just overview everything and see how everything looks we definitely want to change the footer as well so we do not have latest news so just hit this button news I'm gonna remove that content I guess I could leave the search up for links follow us I don't have a social media here so I'm gonna remove that as well and I'm gonna leave that newsletter email opt-in so that looks pretty pretty nice like I said earlier it really really simple is just one party that is on this store Lily just one product just this product so very very simple shape for and looks nice and clean for the customers and then last thing I want to do is teach you guys how to remove this powered by Shopify button so let's go back to Shopify oops forgot to save and I forgot to publish so once you're finished with it you need to publish this so that it overtakes the de beauté theme on your store because right now your debut theme is on your store so you need to actually publish that and change that to the theme that you just made so now that that beating drops down to right here and you're all set so I give you guys a preview of how it looks like we'll just hit this button as I thought you guys did I do earlier and this is it so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna remove this power by Shopify button right here so let's go to actions go to edit code sections footer dot liquid I know it's a lot of code which could be kind of scary and confusing if you don't know we're not used to seeing this so what you want to do is you want to hit command F I'm using a Mac so it's comment I have to pull up this search thing right here so command F or whatever you're using command F whatever it is on your computer and then this search pop-up would show and then you want to type in powered you're looking for powered by link so this right here so if you delete this right here this will remove that powered by Shopify on the bottom of your website so once you delete it hit save and now you're all set so right now if i refresh this pages this is gonna be gone cool so that looks a lot better it looks like a lot more professional than it did before if you guys don't mind the power by Shopify button then you guys could leave that there but I personally don't like to include that any of my websites so I always remove that so once that is set I'm also going to show you guys how to create pages to include on your website so for example you definitely want to include like a shipping page a frequently asked question page and a Contact Us page so I'm gonna teach you guys how to do that so what you're gonna do is you're going to go back to the Shopify admin and you're gonna go to pages right here on their online store then you're gonna hit add page I'm gonna do one page for now so you guys see how everything works so for contact us it will just title it contact us and then the cool thing about the Contact Us page is that they have a template for it so if you hit this right here page that contact it will literally be a template for them to contact you so once I hit save let me show you guys exactly what this page would look like hit that button view when you're on my store and this is what it looks like so really really clean and simple it took literally one second to create this and this is your contact us page if you guys wanted to do like a frequently asked question page all you need to do is create another page just title it FA cues and then whatever questions that you feel like your customers put ass frequently then just include that here and then include your answers and then hit save and it will pop up so once you're done creating the pages let me teach you guys how to actually include these pages on your online store so there's two options you can put them at the top in the menu like this one home catalog and then your page right here or you could put them at the bottom so I'm gonna teach you guys how to do both so first I started from the top so we're gonna go back to navigation on their online store and then we're going to edit the main menu so as you can see this right here these two things are our main menu at the top home in catalog so I'm gonna edit that and I'm also gonna edit the catalog I want it to say cattle I'm just gonna say lint roller lint remover I'm sorry let remover apply and then also I'm gonna add that Contact Us page that we just created so just title it contact us pages contact us and then once you add that if you hit save menu it's gonna show up right here after you refresh so I'm gonna refresh this page and boom so home let me remover and contact us so if they click any of these links it takes them directly to whatever that is on the page so the other option is to include it at the bottom of your website on the footer so right here this is a footer menu right here so we're gonna do is go back to the navigation go to footer menu and as you can see is just the search right here so we're just gonna include Contact Us page as well link pages contact us hit at and save menu and once we go back and refresh that page the contact us page will be right there so beautiful so just do that whatever page that you guys could create so if you guys created a frequently asked question page a shipping information page privacy policy all that stuff you'll create that there so really really simple and straightforward so now the next thing I'm gonna do I'm going to teach you guys how to create and add your own domain to your website so what you do is just go to the online store and domains let me just remove these tabs right here and then right here this is gonna be your default domain so you'll get a free domain with all your Shopify account so just have this dot my Shopify dot-com after the name of your store so you definitely don't want to keep that and try to advertise what my Shopify com it's not gonna work people are not going to trust that website so what you're going to do is you're gonna have two options so you're gonna have an option to buy a new domain and you're also gonna have option to connect an existing domain that you already have so if you hit this by domain then you could buy a domain directly through Shopify and it cost like 14 bucks for example if we type in let remover are pretty sure that that's taken it's gonna be unavailable but if we put like shop the remover shop that's part going to be available oh it's not even available but if we put shop letting them over let's see if that's available ok that's available so right here shop LEM remover for $14 a year you could buy that domain if you choose so I'll leave that available for you guys to buy I'm not going to buy that domain so if you guys so ever watching this video ever but that first we'll end up with that domain so if you're watching this and this is gone somebody watching this video took that domain name from you so what I recommend is that you guys don't buy it through Shopify and buy from go to save a couple bucks for example what you're gonna do is go to GoDaddy calm and type up whatever don't mean that you want to buy and if you just Google GoDaddy coupons they have a bunch of coupons for you to use and the cool thing too is if it's your first time ever buying domain from GoDaddy calm you'll be able to buy a domain for like 5 bucks so really really simple and easy to use this coupon so you just go to that Google search and then type of GoDaddy coupons and as you can see it's saying exclusive $4.99 com domains so you guys will be able to use this dough main coupon to buy domain now if you're like me and you bought a domain from GoDaddy calm before you won't be able to get this $4.99 domain so what you also could do is you can get your domain for only $9.99 so about ten dollars for you to use this coupon and get your domain so the worst case if you ever bothered the name before you'll be able to save four dollars rather than buyer for Shopify for fourteen dollars you could buy a domain for nine 99 cents but if you never bother the main for before you get your domain for only 5 bucks and you'll save 9 to 10 bucks so I highly recommend you guys do it through here and once you guys purchase your domain through what you do is you go back to Shopify you'll hit this connect existing domain and then you'll enter your domain name right here wait for it to load you'll enter your domain name that you just bought from GoDaddy calm and then you literally connect it and it's super super easy and simple so literally no trouble whatsoever in that area and I highly recommend you guys do it through good outcome if you guys buy your domain name so next thing what we're gonna go over I'm just close these tabs we're gonna go over the apps that I recommended for you guys to use so nothing too crazy the first app is gonna be the currency converter so if you guys plan to advertise you know using influencers or any other advertising method you might get some customers that are located outside of the United States so I recommended you guys having options for them to switch to their currency on your store so I recommend this currency converter and it's a really cool app too because it's free up to 5 currency and honestly you only need five currencies so you don't need to pay plans which go up to 160 plus currencies I didn't know there was that many currencies to be honest so I highly recommend you guys down with this app for free and just use the five currencies and it's like the five most popular currency like euros and GDP and Canadian dollars and Australian dollars and all that good stuff so once we saw this app well then ask us what plan that we want to pick make sure to pick this free plan so that did not charge you ten bucks and you only need this free plan trust me so agree to terms and choose this plan so once that is done loading you'll then be taken to this page and it already has the settings enabled for you so this enable app you click yes and then it already has the top five currencies available for you so once you're done with that you'll just hit the Save button and then once that is loaded they'll then show up on your store really really fast but this app is super super cool so once that is save we're then gonna see how it looks on our story so let's click this button and it should pop up like in the top right right here in this area cool so now this is how it looks and like I said for your customers if they're located outside of the United States then they could click this option for the currency to be converted to their actual currency wherever they're from so really really cool the next app I recommend is for you guys to add reviews to your Shopify stores so this makes it seem like you know their product reviews their actual product reviews from Aliexpress so it's not like you're faking reviews or anything but it just makes your website look a lot more professional and brings trust to your customers so what we're going to do is we're going to download the Aliexpress review importer just type in Express reviews and it should show up right here and then just fit ad app and now keep in mind for you guys to add this app it only works if you remove your password to your website so you definitely have to select a plan and remove the password for this app to work just keep in mind and then also for this app to work you need to download their judge dot me app for some reason this basically is gonna be installed on to your store so this basically shows the app and this app is where you'll be able to import other Express reviews to your website so you need this judged on mede app to actually show the reviews on your website so this is like the like the technical process of it I know it's a bit confusing but it only works if you download these two apps so these two apps are owned by each other so you need both of them for some reason and then they have a paid version but you only need the free version so right here is free to $15 a month you only need this free version so don't worry about paying the rest let me some of these tabs right here install app and once you go and install the app is gonna take you to this page to where it's selecting you to either choose the installation by judgment automatically or choose to install it by yourself you definitely want to make sure that you choose the automatic installation because it's a bit confusing when you have to copy and paste code yourself so just choose this option that selected for you by default then choose this option as well choose theme you could uncheck or check whichever one you want to be displayed on your site I'm going to leave all of these checked and then you want to choose your current live theme so this is gonna be displayed on your current live theme so it click install a judgment now and then it's going to show you a preview of how it looks like so cool so this is how it looks like on your site as you can see a preview so I'm gonna choose looks great and now we're ready to go so once that is set we're then going to go over to that other app which is Aliexpress review imported and then this is where we're gonna actually import it from Aliexpress so I'm going to copy this out of the Express product link right here and I'm going to go to let's go to products and we're gonna hit up import with views right here so this is our product portable don't remover and then the URL of the Aliexpress product we're gonna paste that over to there and then for the settings I'm gonna choose any rating over 4 stars or more and I'm gonna choose only reviews with test content and with reviews with pictures so to give you guys a good idea if you leave these unchecked it's gonna include all the reviews that just have stars so you want to make sure that you check these because it's gonna include all the views that have text content and it's gonna include the reviews that have pictures so this makes it look a lot more legit trust me so I'm gonna choose minimum amount of words 1 and translate to English of course I don't want any other languages on my Shopify store I'm gonna choose just 100 even though it might not put all the way to 100 because we have a lot of filters for it so it has to be 4 stars or more and it has to be a text review a minimum amount of one words and it has to include pictures so this is the filters for the reviews and once that is set we're gonna hit this import reviews right here and now it's gonna add it to our website so once it's at it usually takes like a couple minutes for it to be added to the website then we're gonna see exactly how it looks so now we're just gonna check and see if the reviews are uploaded so let's just go right here go to the home page okay cool so we imported 28 reviews so let's see how it looks go to our online store and let's click the product perfect so as you can see has 28 reviews and we scroll down we can see all the reviews for the part so it's very good effective and as the pictures as clean the quality is good I recommend so really really cool and as you see it has like 28 so there's like three pages of them so this is what you want to be displayed on your products of this builds trust with your customers makes it seem like a lot of people are ordering from you and these are actual reviews for the part that share drop shipping so they're just imported directly from Aliexpress from actual people who actually bought this exact product and you're importing them on your store so really really cool and I highly recommend you guys at that app to your store so that it shows and builds trust to your customers alright you guys so this is the website very very simple nice and clean perfect for a one product drop shipping store it looks like a more branding experience a lot better than what the default debut theme is set up for you automatically on your Shopify store this actually looks like an actual branch so what we're gonna do is just kind of look and overview everything to see if everything looks nice so this is the homepage all right here if they either click this link or this link will take them to the product as you can see 28 reviews and think it's scroll down and sort through all the reviews other product and they also can click this link and I'll show them the reviews as well right here so a little review toggle that they can see on there and then we have our pages right here and pages at the bottom as I taught you guys you guys can include more pages right here if you guys want but for the most part this website looks nice and clean you definitely don't want to make sure that you don't want to put too much stuff on your website to confuse your customers you want to make it simple for them to choose a product and check out and that is it and that is perfect for a one product drop shipping store like I'm showing you guys in this video so now that the website is finished what we're gonna do is we're going to go over the marketing strategies the first market strategy that I want to go over it's not a marketing strategy that you're not going to be aggressive and super hard going towards but it is something that I definitely recommend that you guys set up for your store because if you do this and set this up the long-term benefits are definitely rewarding and the marketing strategy is called SEO for those of you that do not know what SEO is it's basically search engine optimization so every time a person searched up a keyword or whatever your product is the first results are usually the ones that get the most sales so for example this link this link this link are getting a lot of styles from this search result so everybody that is searching up lint remover they're seeing all of this so this is search engine optimization SEO so for this search is probably going to be super hard to rank on the top page for this exact search as you can see there's some big players Amazon there's target there's one more before example if you try to type up like portable lint remover then it kind of shakes things up a bit and there's smaller websites available for the top searches so like this website this website in this side this is probably Josh living website as well so for example if you add a portable lint remover to it these are the top searches and these companies are getting results from this search and the good thing about SEO it's free traffic which leads to free sales so you definitely want to make sure that you set up your store with SEO in the beginning so that you don't have to worry about it and you start early and like I said it's a long term strategy and in the end long term you see results so it's very very easy to set your store up it takes a couple of minutes all you need to do is there's two things that you guys need to do you have to go to the products and then you need to go to the of your product page and go to edit website SEO by default stop advising I have your description as a SEO and that is usually more than the characters recommended as you can see three hundred twenty characters recommend it and we using 961 so I'm just gonna delete a lot of it I'll leave that there and what I'd like to do is I want to get keyword ideas to rank up on the search so the good thing is we have portable on there so we could rank up in the search results for using that keyword but I want to get some more ideas to put on this SEO editor so what I'm gonna do is I like to go to Bursa jest and this basically gives you a good idea of what keywords to rank in for your product so if you type up lint remover it's gonna give you guys a whole bunch of results for the top searches so let remover number one never electric learn more for dryer and then removed for clothes remover and writer remember best so really really cool I'm gonna type up this I'm gonna click this keyword ideas so I could get a good idea what keywords to use okay cool so now we see electric for dryer clothes and for dryer best and Walmart so I'm just gonna try to include these keywords so that I could potentially rank up in the search engines long-term so what I'm gonna do is for now what do we have when I want to say we have portable and we have clothes so closes in the top so I'm gonna try to include electric and dryer so I'm just I'm gonna do this really fast and I'm gonna put a lot of thought into it let's see was Walmart on there as well in Walmart was one of the top ones okay I don't think this is electric so I'm just going to put better than electric better and that's expensive than electric that remover from Walmart then I think that covers a lot of them let me see dryer clothes best lookout upper best the best lint remover available online order today and get free shipping so that is it's basic and simple I didn't put a lot of thought into it but I did include a lot of these search keywords so that I could potentially rank up in the search results later on so I'm just gonna save that and that is set up for the product and then the last step is to go to your online store go to preferences and then type up right here the homepage the best learn remover online for less than $20 and then I'm just gonna copy and paste that description that I included in the power decision since this is basically the same thing let's include these that's already got that so that looks good let me over the best no more online for less than $20 and then once that is set we basically that's the basic you know fundamental set up for SEO you definitely could do a lot more than what I did but like I said you definitely wanna make sure that you set up your store so that you're kind of maximizing your SEO for long term strategies because like I said if you guys get results from SEO long term it could really reap a lot of benefits because it's free traffic which leads to free sales and lastly once we are done with all of this if you dismiss this this shows you like the analytics for your Shopify store as I mentioned earlier you'll see your total sales and the number of visitors so now that that's set up what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna teach you guys and go over Facebook advertising so now let's go to Facebook Ads so this right here is the ads manager on a Facebook so if you just type in business off slash asset manager this is what you'll see after you create your facebook ad account this is like a random out account I created years ago for one of the funnels that I made so the briefly explain what everything is if you just click this button there's gonna be ads manager this is a Vince manager to where you see the pixel data and all that this is business settings and ad account settings this is your audience's to where you'll see your look-alike audiences that you created and this is your billing information to where you're actually paying for the ads so the first things first I want to teach you guys how to put your pics all your facebook pics on to your website so you're just gonna put this a Vince manager click that and this is going to take you to your Facebook pixels so if you guys don't have a Facebook place was easy to create one once you create it then take you to this page and you just copy and paste your Facebook pixel ID if you haven't already it'll prompt you to do that as you create your Facebook page to ID but you definitely wanna make sure that you put your Facebook pixel ID onto your Shopify platform so what you're gonna do is you're going to go to the Shopify admin and then go to online store then go to preferences and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and go to Facebook pixel Rd paste whatever your Facebook pixel ID is I'm not gonna put that on the website because this is I think for a funnel I don't even know what this is for exactly but whatever your Facebook pixel ID is just copy and paste that onto Shopify and hit save and everything is tracked and Facebook pixels are really really cool because it tracked lovely everything they track all your visitors and there's so much customization that you could do onto Facebook what's your Facebook pixels so you could target the people who wants your website you could targeted people once your website and they didn't take a certain action you could target the people who went to your website and did take a certain action and you can create look-alike audiences from the people who went to your website so a lot of the customization a lot of stuff that you guys could do with your face would pay so that can make you money going forward so make sure that you copy and paste that on to your Shopify platform website so that everything is tracked and that's you're good to go and then once that is done where they're gonna create our first ad I'm gonna teach you guys how to do that so number one you're gonna go here and hit this button or you go back to as a manager it doesn't matter but I will also want to teach you guys how to find the top Shopify's doors and also see exactly what ads they're running so you guys get a good idea of what ads that you should be wearing for your Shopify store to find the top Shopify stores in the whole world what you do very very simple is just go to my I PMS and Shopify and then just click the first link that pops up and this will take you to a page that shows you all of the top Shopify websites in the whole world so my Shopify com will always be the top one this is your default domain that is included with all Shopify accounts so the number one Shopify store Isabella be com think colour-pop which is a makeup company then Jim shark jeffree star cosmetics fashion Nova so a lot of the big players use Shopify as you can see let's see number 40's hey silky skin calm so this is actually the party that they're using is what I go over in my course and I also made a v2 video on this product as well so as you can see one product Shopify store really really simple and straightforward they're selling it for $99 if you go over to alex press you can see that this product is like thirty to forty dollars so $33 30 to 40 dollars and they're selling it for $99 after one hundred thirty dollar discount so normally it's priced at $229 so it's a lot of profit for this product so hi-tech item really really good product and this is a really good company as in as you can see very very simple shake forward the website and it's a one product website so this company is the top 40 Shopify stores in the whole world so they're you know a lot of traffic and they're probably get a lot of sales so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try to find a Shopify drop shipping website on these top websites let me see typical goodies I think to look good is a drop shipping store let's see oh yeah for sure this is a job shipping website this is a general store let me see they are the number 59 and traffic so they're probably hint they're paying a lot in advertisements so let's see their Facebook page so to show you guys that is a crook as that this company is running we first need to just find that Facebook page so usually at the bottom of the website it shows their Facebook page in a social media page so let's click this link oh this links to their business manager so they need to fix that on the website that's kind of weird so we're gonna do is we're just gonna type up typical goodies and then Facebook so that their Facebook page pops up and then boom this is our Facebook page what you're gonna do once this loads up is you're gonna scroll down and you're gonna go to on the right where you see page transparency and then you're gonna click see more and at the bottom of this it's gonna show ads from this page this page is currently running at so really really cool you'll just hit this link go to add library and this will show you the exact as that this company is running and they're running three ads four different ad sets for each three campaigns and as you can see it's pretty much the same product but just different type of ads afford so let's take a look it was just like a video with music displaying in the background of the advertisement and as you can see it's just a cleaning product I'm not sure why they're running the same ads for the same product but this product must be successful for them if they're spending a lot of money on it and it looks like they are spending a lot of money on it so that's how you find exactly what Facebook as a company is running this isn't related to our drop shipping product so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to also teach you how to find related drop shipping stores to the part that you're selling so what you're going to do is let me just close out of these tabs is you're gonna type up my Shopify dot-com and your product so I'm gonna put limit remover and this will show you some drop shipping stores that is selling this product so as you can see project first in and Lewie case calm and this is a drop shipping store selling this product and here's another oil this is a different product though lily deal store make goody so there's a bunch of people selling this let remover so I'm just gonna find a Facebook account from one of these people let's see if they have it at the bottom of their website let's see Lois case is this that company lui case Oh perfect so this is their Facebook page and let's go to page transparency and they currently are not running ads this page owner is Chinese so is a Chinese company drop shipping this product so let's go to lily deal store and they don't have a Facebook page so type in Lily do store Facebook and this is their Facebook page let's go it's another Chinese on there for this one as you can see and they're currently not running ad so I don't want to spend a ton of time looking for each website and look to see if they're running Facebook Ads for this product but to give you guys a good idea what I just did just type in my Shopify comm and whatever product that you're selling so in this case it was a lint remover so I did my Shopify comm lint remover and do this kind of look and tried to see if you could find out what ads the company is using that is selling the same product as you so you guys get a good idea of what to put for your ad so now that that is said I'm just gonna teach you very briefly we spent a lot of time on this actually how to create a Facebook ad so you're just gonna go to this create and Add button and then you're gonna choose create new campaign and it's gonna have a bunch of marketing objectives for you to choose from so there's awareness brand awareness reach traffic engagement conversions catalog sales and more so what I usually do is conversions because I want Facebook to show my ad to as much people as possible that are going to make some kind of conversion on my website ideally to make it purchase so I'm going to choose conversions I'm gonna name this do two you could name it whatever you want of course and then set up I haven't made an ad on this account yet fun fact I forgot to actually add this account to be honest so we're gonna do is we want to optimize it for purchase I want Facebook to show my ads as many people as possible that could potentially make a purchase on that ad so once we're done with that we chose the conversion of course you could choose multiple conversions if you want but that is usually what I choose for my conversion events I want them to make a purchase on my website so once that is set we then can choose our audience so what I recommend for especially for those of you starting off on Facebook Ads is that you first start with your ads as broad as possible so you want Facebook to show your ad to as many people as possible so they can get a good idea of what kind of people are interested in your advertisement so leave that age how it is you could move it just a little bit but just you want to keep it as broad as possible and then for detail targeting you could choose interest related to the product honestly lint remover is a difficult and weird product to choose kind of the interest related to that kind of product I don't think that's health and beauty to be honest so I'm gonna keep this as broad as possible and I'm just gonna choose engaged shoppers to save some time and this is basically behaviors of people who are engaged shoppers online so Facebook is gonna show my ad to people who are engaged shoppers online so I'm going to choose this as a behavior and I want to keep it as broad as possible so Facebook it's a good idea of good display and who's interested in my advertisement so once you're done with that also I forgot to mention you could choose your locations so I usually always choose United States because most of my customer base comes from the United States but of course if you guys wanted to expand your reach I would recommend you choose just english-speaking countries like Canada then the United Kingdom and then Australia so choose just english-speaking countries what I recommend but like I said from my experience most of my customers is always in the you as the United States so I don't want Facebook to waste my money showing my ads to people in other countries so just my experience of course you could test different strategies that work for you so once we're done with that you can then choose your placements so this is where Facebook is gonna show and place your ads to your customers so I usually recommend the people to leave it at autumn attic so Facebook it's a good idea and displays your ad to people who would be most likely to take a certain action on your website so what I'm gonna do is also give you guys a good look at what edit placement looks like honestly the ones that are most effective are the newsfeed and Instagram feed and Instagram stories so usually I don't mess with like ensuring search or messages or any of these if I do edit this out but like I said earlier I'm just gonna leave this as automatic placement so Facebook can automatically the tech and deliver my ads to people who most likely to take action on it so I'm just gonna leave that as automatic and then we can choose our budget for the advertisement so I recommend that you first start low to 220 bucks for your advertisement and you want to also test out different ad sets so that you see which ones are converting well which ones aren't you stopped the ones that are not converting well and then you put more money into the ones that are converting well and once you're done with that you could choose to run your ad continuously you get to choose a start and end date and all of that so you definitely make sure by default Facebook is sneaky they'll leave this as checked as default so your ad will be displayed as long as possible pretty much endless so you'd be charged 20 bucks a day so you definitely want to make sure that you choose a start and end date and once you're done with that you would choose your ad creatives for your Facebook ad so you put an image and some text to your ad and then you're ready to launch it like I said I recommend you guys do multiple different ad sets so that you can see which one is converting well which one isn't and then maximize the one that is converting well so really really simple and straightforward there is a lot more to this but I try to make it as basic as possible because I don't want to spend a ton time on this this is videos already super super long and we already spent a ton of time on this topic so after Facebook Ads I do want to go over what I always recommend the people and my number one marketing strategy and method to people is Instagram influencers so I'm gonna show you guys a super quick and easy methods of finding a lot of influences but I want to first go over very briefly what influencer marketing is it's gonna use someone who has a lot of following on social media to promote your website or product or whatever it is that you want them to promote I love influencer marketing I'm so big on it it's what got me to where I'm at today it's the only marketing method in the world where you can totally start today and you can spend at least amount of money to make the most amount of results because you're leveraging the influencers following and not only that is when you use influencer marketing your product or whatever it is that you have to influence or promote that has a potential to go viral with more people than you expect it to actually see the post or whatever it is that they did so really really amazing method and my number one marketing method for dropshippers so I'm going to show you guys very very quickly how to find a lot of influencers it's a super quick method what I normally do is I find like just one influencer so for this case I guess the lemon remover is you know of interest of somebody who is in the fashion and clothes so what I'm gonna do it I know a men's fashion account I think it's a men's fashion post so what you do is you go to an influencer page and you also want to make sure that you have Google Docs open so that you can make a note of the influencer so you want to make sure that you have Google Docs or some kind of notes open so that you can know all the influences that you find and then go contact them later that saves you a ton of time so you do all of this at once and then after you're done creating a list and you just contact all the influencers so I'm just gonna title this document influencers and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy and paste this influencer right here on to the document and then what you're gonna do is use Instagram suggested feature so if you type hit this button right here it's going to give you a whole bunch of suggested accounts so right here you could scroll through them or you could hit see all and it listed them for you so literally just open new tab open new tab open new tab open the tap a new tab open new tab and it gives you a bunch of related influencers to that account that you're on it so really really cool this is what you do to find a lot of influencers and you basically this is just like a domino effect you could after you're done with all of the influencers on this first account you can move on to the next one and use this it's just a feature on theirs as well and this different accounts as well so just keep doing this and doing this until you get tired honestly and you have hundreds of influencers to find so just go to their account use the suggested feature copy and paste all of the accounts onto the document and then move on to the next influencer use their suggested feature and then so on and so on and that is how you find a lot of influencers so it's a very time-consuming process but it's worth it I teach other you know effective and less time-consuming processes and methods in my course but this literally still works to this day this is the first method that I use when I first started using influences for dropshipping so this still works and I highly recommend you guys do that it's 100% free and just spend a ton of time on it and make sure that you have your notes out and available so that you're copying and pasting you do everything at one time and then contact the influencers after you're finished so once you have your influence to listen you have a ton of influences on your notes it's then time to go ahead and contact the influencers and there's two ways to contact them number one is via direct message in DM and number two is via email honestly it depends on influencer whichever one they prefer some like DM some like email from my experience the mean pages they respond quickly to DM messages and I message them through my personal account I just say you know how much for a promo I see you guys seen in my earlier videos but for the most part most of the influencers especially the bigger ones that respond via email and you want to make sure that your email is professional so another tip last to give out to you guys is to make sure that you're spending the least amount of money as possible and I recommend that you try to decrease the number of hours spent on the promo so usually it's like 12 to 24 hours is a standard from influencer try to get that to around 4 hours because that saves you a ton of money and that's when most of the followers for that influencer sees the actual post so that is my tip for you guys to save a ton of money on influence on marketing and that is my basic teaching to you guys on how to do influencer marketing so now that we added the products created the website went over the marketing strategies and a lot more that we went over in this video is then time to do the finishing touches of everything so just a couple of things the first things first we need to edit the shipping settings and make sure that we have free shipping available to all customers so by default Shopify does not choose free shipping for all customers so you have to edit this manually so what you're gonna do I'm sorry everything to explain that part so you're just gonna go to settings and you're gonna go to shipping and then you're going to go to manage rates and then by default these are going to be your shipping rates so what we're gonna do is I'm going to delete all of these extra rates right here now I'm just gonna offer free shipping I'm gonna edit this rate it's 50 bucks a knob minimum price but I'm just gonna put $0 in out and lastly for the rest of the world so this right here is only for United States so you also need to offer free shipping for the rest of the world as well and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna delete all these rates these are calculated rates by the carrier so I do not want these these are gonna be shipped from China so I want to offer free shipping for all customers including the ones outside of the US so I'm gonna go to ad rate and I'm gonna leave it at free I'm gonna go to act conditions and minimum price $0 and for the name of Epis standard as well and then once we have that set up and save it we now offer free shipping for all of the customers so once that is done the last step of this whole process you want to make sure that you edit the payment settings so that you can get paid so what you're going to do is you're going to go to settings payment providers so this is the most recommended payment method for your store this is Shopify payments they're powered by stripe which is amazing one of the best companies for payment processing so what you're gonna do is you just complete this account setup by the way you do not need an LLC when you first start off you could just start as a sole proprietorship and just enter your social security number doing this setup and once you set this up you then can accept credit cards for your customers so really really simple and after you do that you also want to make sure that you have your PayPal account set up as well so you get paid through PayPal so PayPal is another option you don't have to do PayPal if you don't want to but a lot of customers do pay through PayPal so potentially you miss out on a lot of cells if you don't offer PayPal to your customers so once that is all set up you were then ready to get paid and we went over everything so then it is time to launch so that is a video guys congratulations if you made it this far you're one of the few I do want to close this out with a very important to all of you and that is to don't give up and stay persistent don't expect to start and be successful right away overnight you are going to need to stay persistent you do want to be successful and during the process you find strategies that won't work for you and then you find Shelly's that will work for you and ones that will work you completely change your life and also to add when you learn it start dropping in learning a multitude of skill sets which could be a foundation for other businesses for example when you learn a drop serving you also run of marketing and that's a highly very valuable skill set which to basically translate to virtually any other business in the world so before I go you know I gotta leave all your fish and Moon is out there watching this little quote and the call today is very simple yet very powerful and that quote is you get what you work for not what you wish for so make sure you're working for the things one in life and so then my friends be great [Music]
Channel: J Rich
Views: 1,186,849
Rating: 4.9660988 out of 5
Keywords: shopify tutorial, shopify, dropshipping, drop-shipping, shopify dropshipping, shopify tutorial for beginners, dropshipping tutorial for beginners, I Tried Turning $0 into $10k Online Challenge, biaheza, dropshipping success story, how to get sales shopify, how to make money online, facebook ads tutorial, dropshipping 2020, dropshipping for beginners, dropshipping business, dropshipping with no money
Id: 7pLKDttrxSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 57sec (4617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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