How To Create A Shopify Store For Your eCommerce Business

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so you finally received the shipment of the products that you designed and you're excited to finally bring them out to the world but it's been a confusing and hectic road trying to find a video that will help you establish your online store what or maybe you're already selling on platforms such as etsy but they're killing you on those fees regardless of what stage you are in your business in this video we're going to show you guys how to build an e-commerce store and how to build out a shopify store for your online brand now this video is intensive and it is a little long but it's super detailed and it's gonna help you and for that reason we created timestamps right below this video that you guys could easily click on and actually work on in real time so you can always reference to this video as you're building your store so some of the things that we discuss in this video includes how do you know if you can use a brand's name how do you search a trademark in a database how do you connect a domain name to your online store how do you create product collections how do you create how do you actually manage your inventory with skus and barcodes how to create new sales channels such as selling on pinterest or instagram or other third-party social media sites email marketing sales and much more guys this video is super intensive and we spent hours creating it in order to help and assist you take your physical business and put it online so if you're a new visitor to this channel i highly encourage that you hit that subscribe button right down below and if you're starting a clothing brand we highly encourage that you also download your free resources which are linked in the resources down below so without any further ado guys let's jump right into this now it's important to me that this video remains as unbiased as possible so i commonly always get the question of which platform should i host my products where should i sell on what is shopify what is what about wix what about squarespace what about all these other platforms out there should i can i use those um you know so we're gonna answer those really quickly as well as how do you find the name how do you know if the name that you want to use is a name that you can actually use without getting in trouble so we're going to knock those out really quickly by showing you guys a really good comparison to begin with and then a really quick tutorial on how you could do a trademark search as well as an in-depth search through google and social media so to answer the first question we're going to dive into which platform to use now there is pros and cons to all of them but all of them are essentially around the same price points now you have wix which is around 24 25 by the filming of this video but it also goes to 29 and you have square space in a similar range now they all vary between 9 to thirty bucks we can kind of agree on that there's little differences here and there but for the most part everybody's between nine dollars a month to thirty dollars a month and then obviously there's the option that you can just completely build your own site and only have to pay a couple dollars like two to three dollars a month to host it now this is a very important crossroads that you're crossing right here guys because of the fact that when it comes to shopping and when it comes to setting up and establishing a platform you need to use a platform that creates an environment for your success now if this is simply a test site or maybe you just want to do this as a side hustle and it's not your primary thing to build an e-commerce brand then it's fine that you go with some of the other platforms like wix and squarespace and all of them because those are more geared towards artists and a little bit more of like people that are doing it as a hobby or a passion now when it comes to e-commerce shopify is continues to be the leader they continue to grow and build the ecosystem that you need to actually have the tools that you need for success in short everything that we're about to discuss in this video you could actually do with every other platform the main difference is the fact that shopify has an ecosystem that already allows you to easily connect into every single platform and every single tool that we're about to discuss and they help you go offline into the real world by managing your real inventory whether it be at retail stores or boutiques or maybe you decide to want to do some pop-ups at events shopify gives you the tools to sell in person on credit card wherever you're at every other platform is lagging behind in these features which is the reason why we are showing you how to build your shopify store today and we're not showing you how to do a different platform so remember either way you can still use the tips that we discuss in this to build around any other platform and some of the tools that we discuss also integrate into there but just keep in mind that you want you don't want to be penny wise and pound foolish all right you want to be smart with your investment and begin with the tools that give you the greatest capability and chances for growth and now let's touch base on how can you verify if the name the brand name idea you have is available for you to use now maybe you have such a great idea you feel it's unique it's new nobody else has used it before but you're not sure if that's true so where do you start do you just go on social media and find a couple brands and see okay maybe they are using it maybe they're not but if you're going to be spending money on your business and your brand chances are you also want to be able to trademark it you can easily create a 10 15 minute video just on trademarks that's not what we're going to do today but we are going to show you how you can easily check to see if a name is available through this through this three-step process that we're about to dive in so make sure you're taking notes right now as we jump into this section now everything that we're discussing is going to be linked right down below through a step so if we're moving away too fast or you want to come back to this in the future just go ahead and open and expand that video description which will give you the time stamps with all the information that we're talking about right now so the first step that you want to do to verify if a name is available for your brand is actually head on over to the website now the website is essentially a portal that houses every single registration for trademarks and patents now if you're on the home page right here you want to go to trademarks and then going to the searching trademarks and then you simply want to click on search our trademark database now this is the database that houses information on everything that's pending everything that's live and everything that has died what that means is if it's dead it means it's available for use or they stopped registering it or they stopped doing business so they didn't renew it so in this case what you want to do the basic easiest way to get started on this is to do a basic word mark search now this allows you to quickly see a list of things that you're thinking about so in the case of let's say we're starting a brand called generations now i want to call my brand generations and i want to see if anything's available now obviously plural single live and dead you want to go for live because you want to make sure that if there's anything conflicting that's currently in the market so you hit submit query and what you see is you'll find 1958 records that say generations in the name now we did do plural or singular so let's do singular and see what happens here we narrowed it down to 349 searches which is again you have somewhere around 300 to a thousand search results you see that generations has a live one here and you can click on it here and it'll say it's a marketing service homes retail and wholesale store services featuring modular homes so if you're starting a clothing brand if you're starting a clothing brand you're thinking about calling it generations chances are you will have some competition and you will have to do some research here to make sure that you could trademark it now you'd want to trade market if you feel like this is something that you're going to pursue for the next five years if it's something that you're just like i'm toying with it i'm not really sure what i'm going to do with it then it's up to you if you want to pursue the trademark because if you're not that serious about it it does cost you money to trademark something so none of this is legal advice again make sure you consult an attorney now when it comes to expanding on that you're going to want to do a structured search now there's a couple of different ways to do a structured search here so we're going to do generations and we're going to do basic mpn this thing right here and then what we're going to do is apparel as the goods and services so let's do t-shirts because we want to do t-shirts on generations now there is a couple here it's because i did not put the and so when you do this search you want to go ahead and make sure you put and and not or all right this will combine everything so it narrows it down to that one key list so we have 373 373 records now this was similar to the amount that we did on the basic search which is why i say you're gonna have to do some research on this now we did bring it down from like three thousand to three hundred but now you're gonna wanna click around here now there's one called our generation there's a couple called gen z uh there's all kinds of them down here so you're going to want to click on them and just see what they are so this one our generation sells t-shirts so that could be a potential for you to have a dispute with somebody gen z sells t-shirts and so does this other one generation z now that is essentially going to give you a pretty good idea about who's the competitor in the field doing a trademark search allows you to say okay there is people using generations as a brand for t-shirts so maybe i need to expand on that and i need to call it a little bit something a little bit more something a little bit different and you there is a potential for you to add the name or expand on the name and get the approval but again you're gonna want to consult an attorney on this because there is a lot of legalities and things like that but this has given you guys a pretty good idea about how to search the trademark database to see if something is available now once let's just say that generations popped up right now it seems like okay it might be it might be something that's available the next thing that we want to do is simply go to google and we want to do generation clothing and we just want to click on this and as you can see right here you have generation clothing brand in pakistan that's in a different country which is a pretty good thing because that means that maybe it's not in the u.s the next thing you want to do is generation clothing brand and what you'll find is yes you you do have mainly the person outside of the u.s doing this so that search comes out pretty good obviously there is a pretty big retail store that has it but it's not a brand from what i can see they have what you want to do is just click around and just see what the details are with people using your brand so generation clothing what you do is just do a quick search there there is a generation clothing brand but it does look like it's overseas so that is something that could be a potential that you can use in the united states if they haven't trademarked it here so with that being the case guys it looks like generations clothing brand is seeming like something that could potentially be used all right the next thing you want to do is you want to go ahead and use the links in the description to link you to the shopify domain search that we're having all right from here what you'll do is you'll type in the name you'll hit the search bar and it'll take you to a list of results that are available for the domain name now we did a trademark check social media check let's see if there's any websites available with this name now you could do a variation on this and you can go with like generations clothing or generations clothing brand generations apparel brand or generation clothing co so what you guys can do is so what you can do next is find see if there's a way to find a variation on your brand obviously generation as a whole is kind of a common name so if we do something like generations clothing code that could be available and it's so when it comes to something like that you may be wondering well is it too long will people have a hard time spelling it that's all those are real valid questions guys if you make a domain really long or if you're trying to tell somebody hey my my brand is somebody on the streets or that you're trying to talk to or even on social media will find it very difficult to find online unless you text them the link right so when it comes to this you could do this if you're just mainly doing online e-commerce but if you're selling in person that is something that you're going to want to consider is how can you get a name that's better suited for your store now this is where you could search get dot store now the get dot store is a sponsor of this video and they're essentially a platform that allows you to buy store domain names what this means is you have the store extension so instead of just having to settle for a net or a very long domain name and then people have a hard time confusing it or finding out how it's spelled you could check and see if dot store has something available for you now dot store is used by big celebrities influencers like christian ronaldo and all these big brands they use a dot store extension to easily and clearly identify that what website people are landing on is actually a store website it's an e-commerce website so it does and it will help you clearly identify that through your social media it could also help you hopefully we'll check right now this is literally in in person it could also help you potentially secure the domain name that you really want by adding a dot store extension so let's do generation and let's check and see if it's available like this is literally legit the first time that we see this right now generation dot store is a premium domain name which is 625 for one year now that is a little bit like expensive i don't know about you guys 625 for a domain name i don't know if i would buy it i no i wouldn't buy it but if it's really something that you want it's not that bad off because some people are selling domain names for like a thousand dollars or even a hundred thousand dollars i've seen some listed for a million a million dollars can you believe that um some people anyways let's see if we add an s maybe you'll also decide hey you know what let's do and let's see what we can get right here generations dot store is also taken let's do generation apparel and let's see if that's available generation apparel dot store is available so if this was a domain name that was near and dear to your heart and you needed to scoop it up then consider using a dot store extension as it will give you credibility online for people to know that they're going to a store they can expect to shop and they can expect to cop something that you're looking to sell so if you're looking to purchase something because you know that you want to use it and you want to get the dot store extension you could easily buy dot store extensions through portals like shopify or any other hosting site but for a limited time if you guys are watching this video as get store is a sponsor of this video you guys will be able to buy a full year domain instead of paying 29 you pay a dollar 99 your boys got you on that and if you want to buy the three-year plan instead of paying the 87 or so that they charge you it's actually yeah 87 boys got you at 22.99 that means that you can register your name for literally pennies on the dollar and you can get a custom domain name so make sure you guys check out through the dot store link right down below and use john at checkout that's john john and again this offer is available for a limited time so if you guys are looking to get something soon just go ahead and check out right down below and you guys can get your domain name so once you have that secured you essentially are going to check out and this is where our tutorial begins all right this is where we're actually going to jump into the process of creating your store so if you've been following along so far thank you so much for watching this video make sure you comment down a question that you have for that you've you know that you've had on your mind as we've been going through this tutorial now the next step of the video is to actually route the domain that you have in point it to shopify so you can get a custom url that's hosted on shopify um or if you just check out through shopify you'll also be able to just easily do all this but a lot of times people buy their domain names through other platforms like bluehost and they want to be able to point to shopify so i want to go ahead like i said i promised this in this video guys that we're going to show you guys a comprehensive way of building out your store so we're covering all bases and essentially if you buy a domain name from a different registrar right that's what they're called uh you'll want to point it to shopify so let's check out real quick um and essentially and essentially proceed with this tutorial all right you guys the next part of this process involves actually connecting the domain name that you have through a different provider to your shopify store now if you guys have just onboarded if you decided to just go with shopify to register your domain as well as your hosting and your website and your email then all of this does not apply to you so definitely skip a few minutes in order to get to the next part of this process but if you're in the same boat as a lot of people are and you've purchased your domain from a different registrar because you like them or maybe you have multiple domains with them or you've just been stocking up and you've been one of those people that stock up on domain names then in the following process you're gonna actually be able to connect it to your shopify store so it's not just it's now in order to get started with your shopify 14 day free trial i highly encourage you to use the links in the description down below as we are an affiliate to that and it allows us to continue to provide more content like this once you click on that you just enter your email address that you want to associate with this account so what you're going to do is just enter their email address your password and the store name that you want shopify to reference this isn't that important if it's taken or if there's a combination that's taken because what matters is the actual domain name which we'll hook up in the second so just call it something that you want shopify to reference you as it could be your name generations it could be anything here don't worry too much about that so you could say i'm selling just not online how do you want to sell both online and in person this will give you this is important because it'll set you up with some options in the dashboard when you actually log in it'll give you multiple options to get started so if you are thinking about selling at markets fairs that pocket pop-ups maybe even opening up your own location um maybe you're going to go ahead and say i'll have one location to start and then you have none there because you're still thinking about them and i'm creating the store because i want to start a new business what is your current revenue say somewhere a little higher than normal because this is also risk management so if you say you do zero dollars and then suddenly you get a sell for a thousand then they might hold it or if you get a sale for like five thousand they might hold it if you're only saying you do a couple hundred a month once you get started with shopify you have a 14 day free trial and i highly encourage that you make the most of it launch it sale products so you can always remain in the green and not have to eat that 29 hosting fee or that 29 hosting fee is very minimal to you because you're making hundreds if not thousands of dollars with every drop so what you want to do to update your domain is go to online store and hit domains now you're going to click on connect existing domain and you're going to describe it as generation apparel dot store that's the domain that we got and we're going to hit next and now there's instructions here which are important but some of them are a little confusing so i'm just gonna go ahead and uh clarify some things for you guys so you don't have the issue that i have so essentially when it comes to if you purchase through a third party then you need to edit the following dns settings so if you guys have been following along with our store account what you'll go to is manage orders list search orders and you're going to click on this which is going to take you to this field here through this field you're going to go to the bottom and hit manage dns now when you hit manage dns regardless of where you guys are hosting your domain it's going to look something like this you're going to have a records and cname records which is what you're going to need to add in order to connect shopify so we'll start with the a record we'll click the a record here and what it says is your a record should point to shopify's ip address which is this so simply hit copy now once we copy that we'll go back to the destination ip add it there and then we'll hit add record now this means that this is pointing to shopify's so what we'll do now is go to cname records and what you want to add is a cname now this is where it could potentially get a little confusing because shopify says you need to connect to what this means is it's shops dot your shopify domain so it's shops.generationapparel for us or for you it'll be dot so what you want to add there is a record and you want to add it right here so it'll be so what you want to do is you want to add don't add shop stop or you'll have some issues now what you want to do here is www.generations apparel and now you have your value and now we hit the add record so now this domain is going to point to shopify's address and now we'll go back to shopify over here and we'll verify the connection now this connection could take a few hours to actually load so just keep in mind that could happen as you guys can see after we refreshed it about two minutes later you see the connection so generation apparel dot store is officially our domain that points to shopify and shopify does provide an ssl certificate so it shows us pending there so now let's move on to the next part of this tutorial as we dive into a couple more details so now we've successfully added your domain name i think it's a great time to properly introduce how shopify works now this is a very this could be a very overwhelming or underwhelming selection of things but like i mentioned the more that you put on your onboarding the more help it starts to just kind of give you in terms of marketing sales all that stuff so think of this as your dashboard your assistant and then think of shopify's back end which is everything that you see right here as the physical reality of your operations so whether you're selling out of a bedroom whether you're selling out of a garage or whether you have a boutique store this is the setup that you're gonna see and this is what you need to know about your shopify store so the back end includes anything like the orders that are pending the products that you're gonna upload the inventory that you carry the collections that you create so anything that you guys are thinking about whether it's a new collection that's going to drop or whether it's a new product line you're going to release everything gets created on the back end and only then will it actually be able to be categorized on the front end which is your online store now your online store is what the consumer sees so they don't see any of this they don't see any of the details that we're going to jump into in a few minutes all they see is what you show them through your online store so without getting further ahead if you guys are following along i appreciate you guys for tuning in i know this can be overwhelming so again there's notes down below which includes timestamps so you guys could build your store alongside of us and launch this in record time now the next part of it is essentially the online store so now the most common question is like what kind of theme should i use what is a theme how do you use it can you customize it now this is really where shopify shines now when it comes to themes there is free themes and there is paid themes now don't overwhelm yourself and don't like feel that you need more money to buy a theme in order to launch your store because honestly guys the free themes are good enough if you're ready to sell a product now we have a recent video that launched on the channel where a teenager launched a brand using tick tock he he created a following and he threw up a simple page that was selling thousands of dollars worth of products on his first drop so don't overthink the design it just has to be good enough for you to showcase what it is you're offering but if you want to step it up and level up your game then i highly encourage that you look at this at the theme store from shopify which will easily plug into shopify and allow you to edit things a lot more simpler than if you were to sometimes get it with a third party third-party um website stores with shopify sometimes don't have the same level of service so you are paying a little bit more for a shopify theme store than you would if you got it through a third party but it does have the support if you're a newbie and if you're don't want to mess with a lot of the coding and back and forth it's a good place to start but again free themes are amazing themes guys free themes are super simple to use and they have a really good category and selection that you can choose from so when you go to the theme store you can obviously pay for others there's some elegant ones if you guys are looking to dish out a couple hundred bucks then the biggest thing i would recommend you guys do is go to the categories of your brand what i'm referring to here is say you're selling an ethical a sustainable manufactured product that you donate part of the proceeds to cleaning up the oceans from plastic the last thing you want is to go and buy a theme that's tech related right they waste a lot of plastic and people are always throwing their phones away so what you want to do is you want to go ahead and go to a clothing and fashion now the reason for that is because they've already built out some of these stores to give it a certain aesthetic and a certain feel so you may be an apparel designer but you're not a website designer now this is where buying themes in your industry help you establish the brand without you having to redesign something from scratch now there's a couple of different selections that you could pay for in order for you to get this again don't let the the value of 180 stop you from launching your store so it doesn't have to be so elegant out the gate as long as you have a good product and you're ready to market you can choose almost any theme and products will sell the theme will help you increase your sales as you grow but to start off i think it's just best that you launch it to begin with so you can go through a couple of these things and for instance in that brand maybe this is something that you'd want to select you could go through the styles talk to people you can imagine your products be in there this is for multiple products maybe a boutique storefront you could change all this stuff as well once you actually have it this is the mobile view it's important that you always look at a mobile view because almost over sixty percent of traffic happens on mobile now it's not it's not like this so much so with that being said let's go let's let's go down over to the let's go back to all themes and go to free now these are the free themes available to us and for the sake of this tutorial um a pretty good one is just the one that shopify comes with it's honestly it's debut and it comes with two styles now you guys could could actually just view it here it's very simple easy to use it's easy to highlight you can add images of lifestyle photos at the bottom so honestly debut is a very good theme so we're just going to start there so debut is right here as you guys can see once you click on customize you're going to see all of these tabs which is right here this is everything that you're seeing you can click that and it'll hide it you can move it around drag it so if you wanted to upload a banner image you can click on that now if you have your own lifestyle imagery then you guys could essentially you can essentially upload your own images for our sake we're just going to add some of this and some lifestyle imagery in a second so we upload that and now this can be changed to generations generation apparel generation you can add a little bio we had a little description here making moves through decades honestly guys i'm making up this brand as we go so everything you guys will see here is honestly just a test but i'm showing you guys what you can do with this store in particular you can change themes there if you wanted to add a product here then you could also upload your own product so everything that you want to customize goes in this order all right let's say we wanted to go ahead and add some images for some product previews we can upload our own images hit select and then go face mask and you can honestly you can see how easy it is for you to update all this and once you're once you're happy with some of the changes you can hit save now you may be wondering okay well how do i add products to this now this is something that always comes up so we'll just remove this thing here and we'll go to featured collection in order to feature a collection you need to select a collection and since you don't have a collection yet you need to create one so before we jump into creating collections let's dive into uploading products because the first you need to upload products and then you need to categorize them and then you can create collections we'll go to products on the back end again your products are going to be in the backend of shopify so how to add them is you're going to go to add products and you're going to categorize them you're going to give it a title so we're going to do face mask and you can give it a description now we have again this is a the importance of a description and a title as well as all this information is super important guys you want to put some good detail in order to sell your products don't just put something generic really try to sell what it is that you're selling through a description from there you'll add your media which is essentially your photos we have a 3d photo that we want to use for the for the product photography from there we'll add some somebody wearing it so let's do some ecom photos here so now what you do is you essentially are going to add your product photos you're going to add your prices let's go 1999 and let's say this product is costing you seven dollars per mask so it'll tell you right here what your margins are per sale and this is a single product if it costs you seven dollars and you're selling it for 19.99 then you have a 65 margin if and you have a 13 profit if you guys are interested in selling face masks we actually have them wholesale which is also going to be linked right down below through our channel e-commerce store where we provide face masks and quality wholesale apparel so you want to always click on charge tax on this product because it will collect tax on in-state sales so when you guys registered and you put your address in there is going to calculate the tax based on anybody that buys in that state or that city and if you don't tag that then you're going to be responsible for your sales tax when you get billed from the sales tax commission we have an entire video series talking about how to get your wholesale license your business license and your sales tax certificate so go ahead and hit the related playlist link which will be linked right up above and also in the call out cards so you guys can set up your business the right way we have the inventory now this is going to be important that you guys get on a good inventory system um skus are really important for your for your own sake as well as moving inventory through different channels you're going to want to give it and assign it a barcode barcodes could be purchased online we'll link a few resources for barcodes down below i highly encourage that you get something that's cross-compatible with amazon if you're thinking about selling on amazon that way you don't have to create new barcodes for every channel that you have you essentially just create it once and you can move inventory through your fulfillment partners and everybody else now you want to track the quantity and let's just say you have 50 units in stock right now this will help you know when you're running out as a physical product you weight it and it weighs a couple ounces let's say it weighs 4 ounces you want to go ahead and put the country of origin this is from vietnam you can add this if you're not going to sell out over overseas if you're strictly going to be focused on your u.s sales and you don't really need to worry too much about this if it has multiple colors this is where you're going to put the sizes and colors so like colors here and you'll do like small let's just say it comes in small and medium and large medium large this is going to be for like apparel and it'll come in black blue and white so what it does is it actually categorizes your small black blue medium white medium and large and then say that you have 50 units but maybe they're spread against all of these so you could do something like this and that you see how it automatically also created your sku numbers here this will help you keep track of everything so as you guys can see your sku numbers were automatically assigned based on you adding them to shopify but you should be categorizing a skew number for every single style and selection of a product category that you have so in this one we just simply did fm for face mask if you have a t-shirt that's a graphic tee maybe it's a it's a fire tee you could do ft001 on small in red and then et cetera et cetera it'll go down and you create an excel sheet to keep track of all that stuff so you can easily uh import it to shopify later or you can do it manually on shopify and then export it if you need to so when it comes to edit the website seo you want to go ahead and always edit this description uh your your page title and description and this is the url handle for this product so it's face mask and now you'll hit save and it's automatically available in two of two channels so what this means right here is it's automatically available on your online store and point of sale so if you're selling online and in person you want to go ahead and click those two they're automatically added as you add new channels it'll be available right there and what you want to do is you also want to categorize a product type the product type the and the tag is important to categorize because it helps you create collections and it helps you automatically import products into certain collections or categories so the product type will do face mask and we'll add a face mask vendor is streetwear apparel if you have a a store that you're purchasing products from from other vendors maybe you're also reselling some products then you would want to categorize the vendors that way you can easily know whose inventory is who from ours streetwear apparel is our e-com store so that's who provides the face mask which i'm reselling through generation apparel so as a tag we're gonna we're gonna tag it as face mask and let's just say that we also wanted to do it as like fall maybe it's a fall collection maybe it's a color that we want to carry or a certain style that we only carry in the fall maybe we reorder that product frequently now once you do once you add your product you in order to show it on the store you'll go to collections and in collections you'll create a collection and essentially title it face mask fall 2020. this was something that you guys are going to carry in 2020 automated product tag is equal to face mask and it could also be it could be that or say you wanted to add more than just face mask to this maybe we want to call it fall 2020 collection and you also want to add t-shirts and other products and garments product tag is equal to fall 2020. we hit save and this will automatically automate the products that are tagged those things so if you had face masks as well as t-shirts bags anything so this is how you create a collection for this example fall 2020. now you now to recap that you add all your products that you need add the tags add the type and add the vendor if you're selling your own products the vendor will be yourself that way you can just know that it's your own product and once you add that collection you'll essentially go back to your online store and you hit customize and then when we go to the featured collection right here you'll just click that select a collection and we created the fall 2020 collection title that fall 2020 you know you can organize the amount of rows and skews since we only have one it looks a little empty right now so we've quickly just uploaded a few more products and let's just say you're thinking hey why how can i add a separate collection or how can i add multiple products to other collections so let's go ahead and just upload one more file here so we can show you what we mean here now perhaps you're building out a collection and in this one what we did is we built out a collection called nor monday skate tool nor monday is a brand that was created on a recent video that just went live into our channel so if you're in the process of creating collections or designs i highly encourage that you also check out that video which is linked right up above and in the show notes below now this product is essentially going to be part of the nor monday collection and in order to categorize this you would also call it norm monday which is what we created the other ones in and we will also do tools so we'll categorize it as tools in or monday we'll price this at 35 let's just say we were able to find it for five dollars branded um and we'll charge tax and on this one we'll do skate tool st001 and there's probably only one size or if you have two different colors and you can do that physical product it weighs 11 ounces select country united states it's made in the u.s boom you hit save so now we have a couple of different products as you guys can see we have four different products and let's just say we want to collect a collection for norm monday so what we'll do is we'll call it drop one product tag is equal to nor monday and then we hit save and the products that are there are right here now let's just say maybe the face masks fit in there pretty well as well and maybe your fall 2020 collection isn't all that ready what you could also do is go on to face mask and add it to the nor monday collection so now it's available as nor monday because that's a collection that you were ready to launch more immediate so let's just go on over to customize and we will update the collection or you can even add collections to your homepage so let's go ahead and do this and add a featured collection and let's add that you can have two collections on there so do norm monday select collection nor monday select we want three products let's do let's see how two products per row look two products boom more front and center hit save there and if you want to categorize the way that products appear on your collection what you do is you go back to your store and you go to collections because there's different ways to categorize how your products appear so say you wanted to have the coach jacket appear first then what you do is you would set you'd either do it by best selling or you'd order it manually now manually is like something more feasible if you have a smaller collection um if you have a bigger collection then you might want to go with best selling or lowest price or however your market may see it so now that that's done go ahead and refresh the page all right cool so we got the norm monday collection right here starting with the coaches jacket because we know that if we're looking on mobile we want that to pop up first and now we have this collection there so let's say that you want to get rid of the fall one for now maybe you'll bring it back you can move that back over here and move this up to take its place that's the reason why we really like this theme it's a pretty simple clean theme that allows you to to do a variety of things with it all for free so play with it add it that's essentially adding collections and then adding those collections to your home screen you guys will be able to see a live theme that has a lot of these tools that we're showing and that we're sharing and it'll be linked right down below but it's essentially our own ecommerce store streetwear apparel we're using a lot of the tools that we're featuring in this video on that website so you guys will be able to see how they all work and function now let's say we got now this is how your this is how your products look obviously this is your description and these are recommended products product recommendation so you can click that to show it or not so you can add it add it to cart or buy it now you can show the vendor or not show the vendor and you can hit the size so these are all customizable and let's say that we go with large because you want it to be front and center enable video looping image zoom simply means it zooms in on the image and then how many quantities they may want you can also do that there so that's all available right from the product page itself once you're happy with the way that the store is functioning before you launch it what you're going to want to do is also make sure that you look at the at the settings tab now the settings is where you're going to be doing your locations locations is essentially where your store is based out of right so if you have if you have multiple retail stores let's say that you have a boutique but you also have another inventory location in california or maybe you have something in new york that is currently housing physical products maybe you have another store over there what you want to do is you want to add the location of where the where of where those products are being stored so let's just say you have an la warehouse so you want let's just say all your products that come from online you want to do this is like the main location or this location is a retail store whatever it may be just click on that you want to add an address obviously so the reason for this is when orders come in let's just say your orders are coming in and you have an order for a t-shirt that's in la you don't currently house it in your in your physical location but you know that you can ship it in the orders tab you're going to want to fulfill it but when you're printing out the the packing slip and the shipping slip it's actually going to go through the you can select which location it's going to be shipped from so you could put this is shipping from la warehouse which gives you the pricing for la to wherever they're at that way you can easily manage your shipping labels and all that information cleanly and easily essentially guys fulfilling orders is as simple as clicking on this and hitting on orders and then dropping down like this is where we're shipping it it automatically gives you options for ups and other in other vendors or you can also integrate to stamps or any fulfillment center but it's done through the orders tab and locations allow you to manage where your inventory is coming from so just keep that in mind make sure that you add a location if you have products in multiple locations if you're simply shipping it out from your house and from your home then you don't need to add multiple locations you can just do one and then when it comes to the actual shipping and delivery this is important you want to be able to essentially you have general shipping rates so if you have two locations you have two different zones so let's just say right now since we didn't offer this the the actual address it's not going to be able to give us that address but let's just say you have a retail store and you want to also offer you know pickup in person you can pay online pick up in person this is what you can do here so what you want to essentially create is a this is the sample box you want to add your packages you could do carrier packages this is a big tip right here guys when it comes to shipping you could essentially get boxes from usps ups and fedex all free of charge that means you don't have to go out and buy packaging to ship your own orders you can order it directly from usps's website which will be linking in the description and you can also order it from ups and you can order it in these dimensions so you can easily get a couple get like one of each or some of the items measure out the most items that you're going to sell whether it's t-shirts whether it's bags whether it's accessories measure those out and then find the right mailing dimensions that will fit that product the whether it's a single order or maybe people are buying it you expect people to buy three items so get a box that fits three items then you'll essentially be able to get those offer free shipped to your house and you can just simply plug it in to your actual website packaging here and now every time that you ship out it gives you a pretty good example about how much it's going to cost you since these are flat rate and then you always need to add your your weight to your products that's the reason why we are creating products you're also adding your weight dimensions you want to make sure that you weigh those without any packaging you want to weigh it on its own that way you know exactly how much it's going to cost you when it comes to this checkout side buy and print discounted labels when fulfilling an order so this is discounts label format you can print test a label which will go ahead and show you um you know this is how it's coming from test only that way you could print it on in your home printer or if you have a dymo labor it can print out to the dymo label which allows you to simply stick it onto your package shopify gives you multiple options for shipping so that's the beauty about it is that you can create new zones you could give it new packaging dimensions you can connect to external fulfillment centers and it's all done through these settings here again this could be a way longer video if we jump into all those details with order management and shipping for the sake of this video we're going to keep that part short you guys could simply click along and you'll see how that works because we want to get into a couple of other things that are going to help you sell products those are more of some of the logistics a question that frequently comes up is product photography images how do i get them where do i get them what can i use if i'm doing a print on demand method how can i showcase my designs to people and to others now you have a couple of different options obviously you can go and hire a photographer you can go ahead and have them edit the photos on clean backgrounds if you're doing some print on demand style maybe you're focusing on t-shirt designs then we have a pretty good um very generic offering that you can use it's called essentially what it allows you to do is it allows you to upload your designs to the models in a scenario that makes it look a little bit more realistic now what that means is instead of just showing a blank t-shirt there on a solid background and people not being able to know if they like it how it might fit what you can do is you could essentially throw your designs onto other people that are either riding a bike that are playing racquetball that are working out in the gym and you can edit the photos to fit your brand's design now it's super easy and simple to use you guys can sign up to the link down below it's it's you have a free there's a free version and there's paid versions for it but is a great way to get your designs mocked up onto people wearing it now we do have some great photographers in our community which i will be linking in the resources down below if you guys want to contact them for more specialized products or if you're just want to do it yourself and you're thinking hey how do i do this myself how do i photograph my product i have the equipment but i just don't know how to do product photography well you're in luck my friend because we actually created a video a few years ago but it's still very relevant so go ahead and check it out it's going to be linked right up above and that will walk you through a setup that people use to create product photography real high quality product photography the importance is in knowing your lighting what if you if you're going to need flash and the editing part of it which is all detailed in that video up above but i hope that answers your questions in regards to product photography now when it comes to lifestyle imagery if you're thinking about setting up your own shoot please please please check out the video collaboration that we did with the man mike leisure as he jumped into actually creating your visual marketing campaign and that's going to be a video that's on our channel and you have to check it out because it's really going to help you condense your idea and create a lifestyle image that aligns with your brand don't just hire folks and hope that it comes out good you want to set the direction and we share a step-by-step process on how to do that and now we come into the fun part of this video which is the marketing and the sales now building a store is one thing there's a lot of videos that show that they show you how to build a store how to add products how to do some drop shipping blah blah blah in this video we're going to take it a step further as we promised we're going to give you a very comprehensive guide to actually launching your store and getting returning customers so if you've been watching to from the beginning until right now i want to personally congratulate you and i want you to pat yourself on the back because you've made it this far and more importantly i hope you've been taking action and you've been referring to these parts of the videos to actually build your store alongside of us now let's jump into some of this important stuff that's often over overlooked and missed and that is essentially in increasing your sales channel now if you came from a third-party platform like etsy or perhaps you're already selling on amazon or you're maybe you're getting some traffic on pinterest because you've been pinning a lot there or your traffic is on instagram wherever you're getting your traffic and your audience from it's going to be important that you add a sales channel now a sales channel can easily be added by clicking on the sales channel here and like you see you can add the sales channels that you're currently active in so whether it's pinterest you can add your pinterest board or in my case instagram so by adding your instagram page to your shopify account what this allows you to do is this allows you to actually collect information from instagram and shopify shoots information over to instagram that allows you to actually tag products and sell products to facebook shop now in order to tag instagram you do need to install facebook once you connect your facebook shop and your instagram it'll import all the products that you have as you guys can see we did this for the streetwear apparel website and what it boils down to is it does take a few days for them to review it and approve the products just to make sure that it's nothing conflicting with their terms of service and once you actually do that you'll be able to as you guys can see you're on your facebook profile and you'll be able to hit the edit button right there and you'll go to edit and now what you can do you do there and you you do the tag and you could tag products so you tap the photo and it'll actually show you which products are approved or some things that face masks ppe equipment isn't easily approved online but any apparel or other products that you have are going to get approved so you could do long tee and you can hit done once you hit done one product is tagged and then how this looks on social media is essentially as people are browsing they could see this little thing here and say oh this is a long black tea i want to check this out i want to check this product that he's wearing and it'll actually pull up the product images that you uploaded onto shopify which is why it asks you for permissions on stuff and then if people are interested they can go and view on website and then right there you select the size and people can literally buy it from your store directly from instagram so that is the beauty about online e-commerce with shopify it integrates seamlessly with your instagram with your facebook with pinterest wherever it is you're active and have a following make sure that you connect it and that you put your products through as soon as you launch the store because it will take a few days for them to get it approved and actually allow you to list them that allows you to go back to all your posts of you wearing that product and promoting it and people are going to be able to tap it and go and shop in real time so if you're an influencer with a following this is something that you have to do it's a must in order to easily and quickly promote products with every post so once you connect to instagram into social media obviously that's free engaged marketing it's marketing that you can continually do you don't have to pay for you can also run ads on it so if you wanted to run promotional posts that's also something you could do directly from instagram and facebook another free to low-cost method that people often overlook is email marketing and email marketing is crucial to being able to engage with an audience that's coming to your site so let's just say that you posted on social media you tagged the product somebody went onto your profile onto your website they're interested in checking out and maybe they got all the way to the checkout but then they decided you know i don't know about the shipping or they got interrupted by a baby or somebody else in their family and they weren't able to check out but they almost put their information on the credit card you don't want them to hopefully remember to go back to the cart this is where email marketing and automation comes into play so there's different things that you can do to automate emails whether it's a pop-up or whether it's a sign up form or in the case of an abandoned cart in abandoned cart sequence so the best platform that i've found so far that gives you a variety of tools that you can use whether it's email and sms messaging as well as facebook chats and all kinds of ways to retarget a customer but still keeps it very easy to use is omnisend and omnisen is linked down below and it's also approved by shopify so what you'll do is you simply click on the link down below and you'll enter your email you'll create an account and then you'll simply get started the name of your business you'll also put here it's important because they will actually connect to shopify so make sure that you put the right information so right here they're going to ask you which platform shopify it also connects to all the other big ones like big commerce woocommerce open cart squarespace so as you guys can see there is a couple of platforms that they integrate with so if you've been following along it's all stuff that you can do so once you choose it it's the final step once you've verified the email on file that you put you are now ready to get started with omnison like i mentioned they allow you to simply retarget at all points of life whether it's newsletters whether it's sms messaging whether it's subscriber boxes whether it's the stats and data that you need they automatically connect to your store which brings us into the connect to your store tab right here what you want to do is click shopify connect to store your store is generation apparel that my shopify and it'll be whatever your store dot my shopify was it is now connected it'll bring you back to shopify and it'll essentially say okay this includes it you're going to be giving them comm permission to manage your customers your your sales data all these things because that's the way that it's going to help you better sell and target your customers and re-target and re-engage with your current customers joan santos welcome joan santos now what's happening here is you want to set up your first automation workflow let's create a workflow this is the one that we're going to touch base on here is going to be um shopper alright so let's the most important one that you guys got to set up and customize is the abandoned cart email it's a three email or you could also do three emails and an sms text message like i said guys you could also do sms messaging so if you want to get people on their email but you also want to send them a personal message this is all something that you can do so let's just click on something like that and as you could see here the this is the flow that it's actually going to do customers enter the workflow when they add items to the cart but don't make a purchase it it waits about an hour you can change the trigger time here let's just say you want to make it minutes let's say hey i don't want them to go away let's send it to them in 30 minutes to remind them it'll send three emails one two three actually it'll send it'll send the first one still shopping it'll send the second one about a day later and then it'll send a message on the four on the third day which will text them and then about five minutes later it'll send an email so that that's their flow to try to help you close the sale that somebody was about to buy but didn't so now if you want to customize it you'll essentially click on this and you can change the shopping line you could change the subject line so whether it's still shopping you can leave this all general generic or you could actually customize it to however you want to do to make it more personal i highly encourage that you customize these with your branding alright so now we have an live automation here that will show you guys a couple of abandoned carts that we have um so let's just go ahead and click on this right here so what you can do is you hit edit content and once you click on edit content this will automatically fill in the product so this is this is a generic one that they have and it'll it'll automatically fill in the products that they were looking at and that they had in their cart before they left so if they had one product or if they had two or three it'll it'll automatically pull the products right into here which is the beauty about omnisend you don't have to focus on any coding or anything and it automatically connects back to your shopify store so you don't have to worry about any integration issues you literally just make sure that you're happy with the way it looks you're happy with some of the things here everything else is on autopilot it automatically does everything so you could essentially the way that you'd want to customize it is you could add a photo or or an image here let's just say you wanted to add an image you can add an image to it and essentially just quickly select an image you could do something like that we already had boom that's like you're welcome abandoned cart message whatever you want to do you can do it all through omnisend which is amazing it's easy to use so it allows you to just focus on selling products all right that's the beauty about e-commerce is you need to know what you need to know you know so it allows you to quickly create a campaign and allows you to quickly look at the performance of it and change it up we still have some work to do on that one because it looks too generic but we're slowly building on it and that's the beauty about ecommerce you can continue to test and tune but to be but the thing that you have to do is you have to set up your automation campaign once you set up your animation campaign on omnisim the thing that you want to do in the settings is you actually want to remove the sending from shopify's end or else your customer is going to get like bombarded with shopify's and your and the third party which may not be good all right now in order to prevent shopify from sending out emails on their side as well as on the omnisun side you just want the you want the emails to come from omnisend so with that being the case after you pay for an account it'll actually be under the checkout options it's not here as a free account you will have to select a plan to unlock full features but once you do that there'll be an option that essentially says do not send automatic abandoned carts you'll uncheck that and now omnisan will be your primary abandoned car as well as welcome campaign manager now it's super simple to set up a welcome campaign you do it in a similar way and you essentially set up the campaign and it'll automatically put up a widget and with that widget it'll essentially allow you allow customers to just enter their email and now they are welcome to a campaign that is edited and created by you welcoming them welcoming them to your community and what it is that you have to offer so i want to invite you to just go ahead and check out the enter your email and get to feel around and see some of the things that we're mentioning in this video so it's easy to customize with omnisend i highly encourage that you connect that to your shopify store as it allows you to easily retarget email marketing without you having to figure out all this backend logistics it's super simple right on this platform alright so now that you got some marketing underway some things to help you retarget and get some sales the next important thing is in your actual branding and visual how you're going to present your brand and your products to the world an amazing service is through the adobe creative cloud which is linked right down below you'll have access to all of the platforms if you're a student if you're currently a college student high school student they give you a great deal just check out the link right down below and the platform that i would highly encourage that you look into is all the apps all the apps give you everything that you see here but if you were to choose something for your brand specifically if you're designing products then that is more of an illustrator thing and if you're mainly doing photoshop and going to be doing some some marketing work then that is a photoshop thing if you choose all the apps as a subscription you will be able to access adobe spark and adobe spark allows you to quickly and easily create video edits for promotional reels as well as as well as uh campaigns like short videos web pages landing pages graphics for social media if you're going to be doing advertising and it also allows you to easily and quickly create images that you can use on newsletters and throughout your entire marketing channels adobe spark is easy to use and it's included with the all apps plan on its own it's it's it's close to the 20 bucks so if you're going to be using photoshop adobe spark illustrator maybe you want to do some premium video edits all apps to the creative cloud is a great place for you to turn to adobe photoshop allows you to quickly edit your photos so let's just say you had a photo that you took a picture of or maybe somebody took a picture of it but you want to enlarge it or maybe you want to make it square that is how adobe photoshop works and functions instead of you trying to figure out like how do i increase the background or whatnot adobe photoshop allows you to quickly edit your photos position them tile them whatever you need to do photoshop allows you to really focus on creating the assets that you need for your store and adobe illustrator helps you actually design now we have a couple videos on this topic so i want to go ahead and let you know that they will be in the timestamp if you guys want to refer to those so now that you know what to design with what to actually create imagery with i want to jump into another very important tool that i feel will help you convert your cold traffic people that are coming to your site for the first time into paying customers and that is called trust pulse trust pulse is a platform and that is called trust pulse trust pulse is a platform that allows you to have this little ticker box come out perhaps you were shopping on something online at in some point in the in the last few days and you notice these little pop-ups come up on the store well this is how it works it's essentially through trust pulse which if you get an account you do have to pay for an account this is something that costs you out the gate but they do have a 14 day money back guarantee now the thing about trust pulse is that it definitely pays itself off within the first few days because it will increase the chances of somebody buying from your store oftentimes when people are looking at the e-commerce store for a very first time a new brand that just targeted them or maybe they heard about it through an influencer they have a lot of questions on their mind is this a legit site am i actually going to get my products well trustpulse allows you to quickly and easily let people know hey there's real stuff happening on this store now we have it on our website it automatically updates people hey somebody purchased something 21 minutes ago and this is legit stuff they actually pull the data from your store and they let people know that there is real traffic happening on that store which helps you increase the chances of getting sales from people that would probably question if they should buy from you or not so to get started with that you'd simply hit the get started there you'd insert your information and then once you insert your information it'll it'll just give you a little line of code that little line of code is used to verify your store and the way that you where you would actually attach it is through the shopify backend you go to the themes and then you go to actions and you go to edit code now this is where you will have to do some coding so you don't need a degree though because i don't know i don't know anything about coding but i figured it out but once you sign up to trust pulse trust me it's easy you just enter your domain name there where you're going to enter it is through the liquid it's actually through the footer and in footer liquid you're looking it'll actually tell you it'll give you a little image but it'll tell you where it begins and then you just paste the code right before the footer and then that is essentially then you go back to trustpulse and you verify that it's connected and it'll tell you it's connected and now it'll be able to pull the data from your store and you have a quick sign up button like this that helps increase the chances of people actually checking out on your store and like i mentioned this is one of the pop-ups that you can easily do with omnisend so check out the streetwear apparel site as we are using all the tools that we mentioned on that platform and this one was essentially just showing you guys how to start a store and design it from scratch once again huge shout outs to that store for sponsoring this video remember your next domain name you don't have to settle for consider getting a dot store extension to reserve your brand's name if you guys are still watching this video to the end right now i highly congratulate you that means that you've either just wrapped up your e-commerce store so congratulations or maybe you're about to get started either way i want you to tag us on instagram as you're launching your brand because we love featuring brands from this community so follow us at john x santos down below and i'll see you guys on the next one are you done yeah all right where you going go to work let's shut this up [Music] you
Channel: John Santos
Views: 126,801
Rating: 4.9690504 out of 5
Keywords: how to create a shopify store, how to set up a shopify store, shopify business, how to create a shopify website, how to start online business, how to start an ecommerce business with shopify, how to start an ecommerce business, shopify tutorial for beginners, shopify store design, ecommerce business, shopify tutorial for beginners 2020, shopify training, johnxsantos
Id: iK7z21yWmOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.