Shopify Tutorial 2022 💰(Create A Beautiful Professional Store EASILY)

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hey everyone my name is mike and in this video i'm going to show you everything you need to know to build a beautiful professional shopify store and become successful with e-commerce so if you're selling a digital product if you're selling a physical product if you're drop shipping doing branded drop shipping whatever it might be if you're selling anything on the internet shopify is a very popular platform that many people have been using for many years now and a lot of people have found major success with and with good reason because it's a very easy platform to use and by the end of this video you'll know exactly how to use it so if you're looking to build a shopify store and you're an absolute beginner this is the video for you i'll show you everything you need to know like i said and we're going to do this step by step as we build an e-commerce site together an example site we're going to be selling coffee in this video so this is a full tutorial and i know there are some other videos that are great videos but sometimes people sell online courses and and so you might be cautious right now wondering like all right mike are you gonna like omit some information and upsell me no we don't do any of that at central media we believe in free information so you can be confident that everything i show you in this video is the full everything we think you need to know to actually get started with an e-commerce business like i said we don't sell a course and we never will so i guarantee if you watch this entire video and fully understand everything i say then by the end of this video you'll be able to make a beautiful professional website without any coding understanding and without any college degree or anything like that now with that being said please feel free to take out a pencil and paper and start taking notes we're going to cover a lot in this video and of course i do tend to talk a little fast so if you guys want to either speed up the video or slow down the video please feel free to use the youtube speed controls now with that being said let's head over to my laptop the first thing we want to do is actually click on the link in the top of the description or you can copy and paste it into a new tab or you can just type in shopify that makes sure we're all starting out on the same page and this might look a little different depending on when you're visiting it but the important important thing is that you have a little field that says enter your email address and then we're just going to click start free trial now uh the next thing it's going to ask us is make a password i'm just going to make a password right there and choose a little domain for this to name your store so i'm just going to call it central coffee and it looks like that is available and by default it's going to give us of course once we upgrade like this is just a free trial once we upgrade you'll have the normal domain like or whatever domain you want so we're gonna we're going to click on create your store now it's going to take a couple minutes here and another thing to note is like i said this is starting us off with a free trial which is great a great way to build your website for free but eventually if you want to get any sales during the 14 days or if you just plan on having it longer than 14 days which i assume everybody does you will have to upgrade we'll talk about what the plans mean and how you can really navigate that okay so now it wants to know a little bit of information about us honestly this doesn't really make a huge difference it'll add some different information on your home screen to help guide you through things but hopefully this tutorial answers your questions anyway so i'm just going to say skip this they don't really need to know that and now we need to add an address so that we can get paid make sure you're using obviously a real address so i'm going to do that right now okay and that will bring us to our home page now of course the home page is going to look a little bit different for everybody depending on how you filled out that first little questionnaire like the one that i skipped and also depending on when you're looking at this like if you look at this in a month after building your store you're not going to see the same little how to set up a shipping thing on the very top and again you're not going to see this thing like things are going to change for you so that's why i don't want to cover the homes the home page too much but really in this video we'll be spending a ton of time going through each of the items on the left side all major categories and they really have a big impact on how your store actually looks but the first thing and the most important thing is going to be adding some products so you can either do that right here on of course they show you on the home page a little kind of five step checklist there or you can go over to products and click add product there but i'm going to start off on home i'm going to go to add a product and the first product we want to add i'm just going to show you maybe how to do a physical product being that this is central coffee maybe we sell a bag of coffee beans and so this is going to be um dark roasted roasted coffee and maybe this is a like a one pound bag one pound i don't know and so then we have a description for this in the description of course you want to flesh this out we'll give it like a nice paragraph to explain what the people are going to be buying talk about where it comes from like all kinds whatever you think your customers want to know about that give it a nice description right here and of course you'll see exactly how this looks in the theme in just a little bit later in this video so i'm going to say this is this is a and of course once you add this feel free to add links in here or bold things or add italics however you want this so if i want to have maybe these down here i want them to be bold i can do that or maybe if i want to link to another page which of course we don't have any pages yet but keep in mind if you want to say like all organic you can insert a link and this can link to another page on your website this could be anything like that so feel free to add more than just text right here like you can really add another layer there and of course as we develop this website further on down the road we can start to really add more functionality here like you know with links and things like that now next we have some media now the media here could be obviously any photos of the product and because this is a physical product i'm just going to choose like a you know stock photo of coffee beans for example and of course you want to add some more photos as well if you have them so for clothing you might want to show some different models and poses different angles of the clothing maybe a sizing chart things like that adding media the more you have the better it is unless you have more than like 10 but still having more media is always going to be better for consumers to better understand what it is they might be buying so i'm just going to add two photos on this one again this is just an example store for coffee beans and so maybe that's what it is right there of course if you're drop shipping i would recommend if you don't have a sample unit maybe try to get a sample unit from the supplier and if you can't do that definitely have the supplier send you some new photos so you can have some really nice photos to put in here that are either brand to drop shipping and show your brand on it or otherwise are just whatever the product actually is so you're not just using like a too much of a stock photo like you want it to be at least somewhat authentic and look like a real photo so then we have our pricing and we have three fields here each one is going to be very different the first one is actually what you're selling it for so if we're selling this for like 15 uh 15 us dollars then that's going to be you know how much a customer would pay to buy it the second thing is the compare at price which would be either showing what it might sell for from a different supplier or it could be if you have a sale essentially it's going to show a number next to the price and this number here is going to be crossed out so i could say compare at like 25 some people like to do this so that people on your site might be like oh it's it's on sale it's 15 instead of 25 that's that's a good buy that's the psychology behind it and then we have cost per item this is also pretty self-explanatory it's going to be how much it actually costs you to buy it and it's going to help you calculate your margin and your profit so if i'm selling for 15 hopefully i'm not buying this for any more than like four dollars and below that we have the option to charge or not charge tax on this and of course this depends on your local laws look into your local laws if you're selling like groceries or clothing like things might be different so to keep it simple i'm going to not charge tax on this product we're going to pretend i'm in an area that doesn't charge tax on coffee beans and so that's how i'm going to go with this next we have a stock keeping unit and a barcode so if you are you know doing a resale or if you're a retailer then maybe you might have some barcodes if you have a larger library of products again you might have barcodes for them because i only have maybe a couple products selling on this website i'm not going to have a barcode but i will have a sku so i'm going to call this uh 1001 as my sku and so we want to track quantities here and this is really going to help me understand when people are buying it and when my inventory is low enough that i have to place another order of course if you're drop shipping if you're if you're doing digital products like these are all going to be a little bit different and it won't matter nearly as much but assuming you have inventory a stock keeping unit is going to help you a lot then we have how many available so i'd like to say i have 500 available right now and we don't want to continue selling when it's out of stock because maybe i have a long lead time and i don't want to have angry customers waiting too long then we have shipping so this is a physical product if it was not a physical product you would just deselect that and you don't have to worry about shipping but of course with this i'm going to say that uh that we're selling uh like a two pound bag so two pound bag actually i should add that in the title oh i said one pound let's make that two pounds give people a little bit more for the money um so a two pound bag and we can select uh where it's going to be so where it's from uh being that this is international shipping you want to make sure that you know you're following the right regulations with customs and then we have other options now being that this is just a a bag of coffee grinds we don't actually ear coffee beans we don't actually need to have different options but if it's clothing you can choose what it's going to be it could be size it could be color it could be fit it could be anything like that and you're going to have essentially right here so if we wanted to say like size uh just for example on this one we could say maybe like one pound uh we could have two pounds and whenever you go to the next one it'll allow you to like once i fill this in it gives me another value below that so i'm going to delete these actually i'm just going to deselect that and say we don't have any other options and then down here it shows me what it's going to look like essentially in the search engine listing so if somebody googles this and they they see in a search results this is what it's going to look like so right here it says dark roasted coffee beans and that's the title of the product and then below that that is the description we added up there something that is really convenient with how shopify works is that you can actually change this so if you want a description to say something different than what you're seeing on your metadata right here you can actually edit the website seo and change what the title is as well as what the description is on how it's going to specifically show up in google search now i'm happy enough with this right here but the only thing i would like to change is the url handle down here so we didn't change your domain yet we'll talk about that in just a minute because obviously you don't want to be central coffee like that's that's not a good one so but anyway once we change that really what we have to worry about right now is what the little ending thing is it's called a url slug so if we want our slug to instead be something a little bit cleaner we could say two pound uh kona coffee and we're going to say save and so that's going to be how it'll actually show up and see people see that it's not only going to be better for google's indexing of it but of course when people are navigating through your website it just feels a little more natural it's more it's easy to share and like it just it's better to have a clean link like that now we're not done with this even though i went to the bottom and we did everything in the main column here we can see on the right side we have our product status we've got insights we've got organization a lot of things over there as well so starting off with the product status this is just a draft we could make it an active product and and now that i have some pictures up here maybe i want to make it an active product we can go down here and change the sales channels and apps we don't need to worry about that yet but essentially sales channels would be anything like if you're selling on ebay or if you're selling on google on facebook on pinterest like natively on those or really through their sales channels then you'd want to set that up but for now we're just selling directly through my online store which is the only sales channel i have configured so far then we have down here oh so right there it says right online store that's the only one we have that's selected right and we can schedule the availability as well so if you have like a limited merch drop for maybe you're a creator then you could you could schedule the availability for that and have it start at midnight and only last maybe an hour or you could have a limited inventory whatever it might be that's a good way to do that and then of course we have insights that will display once we start to get more sales the organization of this we can say the vendor is santro coffee you can add some basic stuff like that the product type i'm going to say coffee really just so i can keep it a little more organized so coffee is going to be obviously most of what we're selling on here so maybe you want to make it a little bit more than that we could say coffee beans and see if we have an option for that we're going to add coffee beans and that's what we're doing right there now below we can have custom collections so right now it's going to be on our homepage collection which is kind of a default that shopify gave us but you can make other collections and again going back to the example of clothing this is one where you might have like a fall collection you might have like different seasonal collections of clothing and so it would make sense to add it to something like that and then we have tags which is really going to only be relevant if you have a search feature on your website i usually don't like to have search features on a website i think it gets kind of cluttery but regardless tags might still be convenient in case someday down the road we want to add that so i'm going to say coffee coffee okay and then below here we have right now it's going to be on online store so now i'm going to say save and that is our first product you can see it's really not that hard ready to go or we now have that already listed on our website so the next thing i want to do is actually go back and maybe we want to add some other products so go back to all products right now you can see that it looks a little different it's not a blank screen anymore of course and so we have our first product there if we ever wanted to edit that product we could very easily just click on it and it brings us right into the editing interface otherwise if you have multiple products which we will eventually have you can select one of them and from here you can manage things like you can you can delete the product you can archive the product all types of things like that okay so now we can add let's say another product and you'll see right here it also says export and import and so you have some options of course you could import other products if you had another shopify store and you're transferring it or if you want to move this elsewhere you could export your product list as well i'm gonna add a new one and let's say maybe we're selling let's say a t-shirt so let's say coffee lovers lovers t-shirt and we can add some dummy text here um just a bunch of dummy text whatever and we're going to say goes great with our signature coffee and so here is an exam example of maybe where we want to add that link so i can highlight this and click on insert link and we can have the link to our other product now we can have it open in the same window or in a new window i'm gonna have it open in a new window so people have two products open they can look at them and maybe they're not that related and then i can go and add a link title as well this is really only for seo purposes and this can be our signature kona coffee and i'm just using the term conan i don't know why i picked that for coffee now we can go down and add some media for this so i think i took a photo oh look at that look at that t-shirt that's gonna that's gonna sell like crazy everyone's gonna love that and add some other media i don't have any a t-shirt pictures but just to show you guys how the photos are to show up i'm just going to add maybe like these two right here we're going to upload those two photos it's like a coffee bean field and some stock photo of coffee beans and then again we can have our price so this is going to be maybe 25 and a compare at price let's say 40 i don't know if we want to add that and then here let's just say it costs us uh ten dollars to make so we have 60 margin again i don't feel like charging tax on this one uh or you know hypothetically this is not legal advice but i'm just saying like you know look at your local laws and if you do need to charge tax then obviously do as the sku on this one i'm going to say 1002 so that's going to be the next thing we have and the available quantity let's just say we have maybe 20 of these this is a physical product so again we want the weight for this one i'm going to say it's maybe like one pound we can ship in the united states united states and then we can have right here this is what i was talking about before this can have a size a color and things like that so starting off with size we'll say we have large we've got medium we've got small extra small and extra large maybe that's what we have okay so we're going to say done and we can add another option as well so besides just size maybe we want to make a whole permutation out of this we want to have a color as well so color is going to be the next one and we can have blue we can have black we can have white and maybe that's what we have for this one and i'm just going to add another one just for fun we're going to say fit and here we can have slim we can have uh casual and we can have um loose i don't know whatever just to give you an idea of how these are actually going to show up you'll see when we look at the product in just a second and down here it's going to have a lot of options for how we can actually set these up so you see we have all these different variations a massive permutation each one is going to have different inventory tracked so you can see here now that we have uh what is it a three by three by five matrix you're going to have a massive number of different skus here as you can see each one was auto-generated so we started at 1002 it's going to go down and go all the way to 1046 right here a lot of different big permutation right there and so essentially you've got like large blue slim large blue casual right so i'm going to delete the fits maybe we don't want to do that i'm just going to go and say we can edit that and we can just maybe get rid of this so we don't have fit so now we just have size and color which again we still have quite a few products and you want to go through and add the quantities for all of them but rather than doing the price for every single one which is going to be a headache what you can do is click the little select all button right there and we can go to more actions and we can edit the skus of these the bar codes we can add images for all of them we can remove the variations or we could edit the prices so maybe for all of them we want all the prices to start at maybe 27 instead so we're going to apply to all and then if we want like a large blue one to be maybe 50 cents extra we can easily add that right now and so you see that each one you can have a different price if you want extra large to be a little more expensive you can do that and so another option is to go to open bulk editor so i'm going to before we do that let's save our changes so we're going to save the product and then we're actually going to go to bulk editor whenever this is done saving because it's saving quite a few products here don't forget that was like another 15 products we're going to open the bulk editor and this is going to allow you to do it's a lot easier to do this so you can have the compare at prices a little different you can go through and change your skus a little easier like everything's going to show up in a much easier fashion we can also add some other fields so like cost per item if we want to add that one in there but essentially that's how you can go and start to really make this a little more efficient especially if you have a store with a lot of products and of course with each one i highly recommend adding a photo a different photo for each one at least for colors people want to know what they're buying for this one because i don't i didn't actually make the take the time to make a bunch of different photos like that i'm not going to do that but you get the idea you'd click on that and you can add an image for that one and for all of these as well so i'm not going to do that right now but down here again the seo is there i'm going to click on save and now we have our second product ready to go or really that's like the next 15 products ready to go so from here if we go to all products you'll see this one is just a draft i didn't actually make it active so if we go back to this we could either right now we can go to click on that we can go and make that an active product so it's showing up on our site and again all the stuff on the right side is really going to be the same so that's the next thing that you really want to keep in mind there now if we go to all products again i think you guys get a pretty good idea of how things are really going to work here so it shows you uh inventory 20 in stock for 15 different variations we also have 500 in stock of the of the little two pound bags so it's great that it's really categorizing things in an easy way and really showing you a lot of information in a very simple to read table now of course we can also go down to inventory and this breaks it down by individual items so based on the size and the color you can see how many you have uh you can go and actually add the quantities and you can change that so if you say like if you make an order and you you suddenly have a lot more blue medium ones in stock we can go right here and say we have another 50 of that uh we could say we have another 40 we've got 40 of this and let's save all of these and so at first it says available now it's ready to go the quantity has been updated we're going to close out of those little notifications we don't need them and so again this is a really self-explanatory but very very nice to see how many you have available and they turn red when they get to zero so you should really know which ones you need to order more of and when you need to do that below that we have transfers this one is not something i'm really going to talk a whole lot about in this video we've got collections like i said before right now we have the homepage collection but maybe instead we want to maybe rename that to the coffee the classic coffee collection right so maybe that's the first thing we're going to save that and before i dive into what it is let's actually just go and create a new one so create a new collection i think i did a little fast if we go to create collection the green button on the top right we can name this one uh maybe like the central coffee coffee apparel and here we can add another description so description of whatever this can be an automated one it can be a manual one where you manually add different products to here so i'm going to do that manually for now i guess and then below here we can see what the seo looks like we can add an image for this collection which i would love to do i think that would be a good idea there so we can add that image right there that's going to be the little icon for the collection and it's going to be you know ready to go on our store so i'm going to save that and like i said before we can add like the t-shirt or whatever let's actually do that just so you guys can see again as a reminder if we go to t-shirt from products we can go down on the right side and it's going to be collections here so collections we have uh central coffee apparel we're going to save it and now it will be in that collection additionally another product we could have is not really a product but we still get money for it it's a gift card it's essentially you know when somebody wants to buy a gift for somebody and they can shop on here later we can add gift card products we can issue gift cards um and so very easy to manage that within here i'm not going to really do that right now but you could say maybe like if you want to add a gift card it's not especially hard to do so you can just add that as another product you know whatever we're going to do that right now just so i can show you guys buy this as a gift please right and then we can have some media so maybe like photoshop a little picture of a gift card and actually put your name on it and that would be something that you add for media otherwise again i'm just gonna use one of the stock photos i already have maybe um let's say this one right here that's like our gift card and we have different uh denominations we could have as well so maybe people ten dollars is kind of low 25 50 and 100 gift cards people could buy for somebody else and we can offer those other otherwise you know we'll just make it active and that one's ready to go and uh so that is technically another product that we have if we go to all products you should see a gift card there as well that there is no tracked inventory because it's a gift card and so people can buy that and send that to other people digitally as well okay so now that we have a couple products in the store it's time to talk about what the website actually looks like so if we just open a new tab and go to uh the domain we currently have you'll see there's pretty much nothing there just a blank template with some stock photos and and some basic filler text to show you what it kind of would look like but we can look at what the products actually are so the the products we have so maybe like right here this is what i was saying where it crosses it out and says that normally it's 25 we're selling it for 15. you can click on that it says there's a sale it highlights that makes it a little more appealing to people so if you're running sales or if you just are really focusing on selling one item on your website that would be a good way to do that and then here you can see already with almost no with no effort at least with this theme right here it looks pretty good i think it has our photos on the left side on the right side it shows like the product uh the seller being us it shows like the price of it the quantity how many they want to buy you can add it to cart you can buy it now and of course down here is what i was saying about making the text a little bit more flavored adding that bold in there just makes it a little bit more like it pops out better make kind of a bulleted list i like that i think it looks nice but we could add links on there as well like i said and below here they're cross selling something that is another product that you might also like now below that of course you can subscribe to emails we're gonna actually build all the website right now so let's go back to where we were and let's go to home so from home we can actually go down here and the next thing that shopify suggests we do is actually customize our theme so let's do that if we go and click on customize theme you can either do that right here or you can do it from clicking on online store going to theme and customizing it through there but again it's a little bit easier sometimes just to start from the homepage and click on customize theme now of course that brings you down into the themes tab i'll explain exactly what a sales channel is later on the video but right here you can see that right now the online store is password protected meaning that nobody can go on here and buy stuff because our website's not ready but if i want to go on there and see the products i can type in my password and i can see that now i don't know about you but i'm pretty confident the products i just made so i'm going to disable the password which is a setting down here we can go down here and in order to disable the password which is what i said before in order to sell anything on this you actually have to upgrade your plan so you can't just sell things on the free trial and open free trials every week right makes sense that's what we have to do so i guess now is as good a time as ever to look at the plans if we go and click on pick a plan we can actually go and see that they have three different main plans right here you've got a basic shopify plan a regular shopify plan and an advanced one and of course down here they show you some of the fundamental differences between them and depending on how what kind of volume you're selling and things like that you can really really optimize your gains and minimize your expenses by choosing the correct plan for example if you're selling a lot and it's all domestic then maybe this 2.4 rate or even if it's international it's going to be really worth it um if you're selling a lot a lot of products but of course most people starting out don't have a big big audience yet they don't have a big sales channel so really i'm going to recommend most people just start off with the basic plan and you can upgrade this further on down the road it's very easy to do so starting off with the basic one gives you up to two staff members and a lot of the basic stuff that you really do need now of course you will save money if you're going with three years or two years or even yearly you can see you're saving it's 26 a month versus 29 a month all the way up to three years which is 21.75 a month um versus again 29 a month but because i'm doing this just as a tutorial i'm just going to choose monthly but keep in mind in general i really recommend if you can afford it yearly is probably your best bet here and then down here we can add our payment method so this is going to be a subscription of course so keep in mind you want to maybe not use like a visa gift card make sure it's something like your actual business credit card or debit card so that everything is going through smoothly i'm going to add that right now all right so once you choose your plan you enter your information and you click start plan that'll bring you right back here to the home page and so going back to what we were saying about customizing the theme let's click on customize theme from our home page and it's going to bring you again right here again we are still password protected so i'm going to go and disable the password now we should be able to do that so i'm just going to deselect enable password click on save and now our store is technically live it's ready to go and anybody can start buying things from our store okay so that was a little bit of a roundabout there we still haven't edited the theme let's go back to home one more time go to customize theme and now we can actually go and customize it so shopify has a lot of both paid and free themes so before we go and customize this one let's see if there's any other theme that we'd like a little better so as we go down here uh you scroll down you can see theme library we have free ones and we have shopify theme store there is a i mean there's a lot of them like i said but it's still relatively limited so if we go to the free ones i think there's only like 12 or 15 different ones yeah you can see right here but each of these don't be deceived they have like two or three different variations of each of them so for example if i go to uh let's say maybe i really like this one i think this has yeah three variations on this one as well and so really the main difference is it's not going to be the photos on there you can customize the text in the photos it's really going to be like the font the color and the overall spacing of that that it will save you a lot of time if you find a theme that looks most like what you really want it to look like in the end so i'm gonna go back and say out of these maybe for a coffee shop this one just really resonates with me this one looks the best so we've got pantry we've got bistro bistro sure that looks pretty good i think that would work really well for a coffee shop or for a coffee selling company so i'm going to go add that theme to the library and that is going to be our theme once we have it activated okay so we added that but you can see right here if we scroll up it still says dawn is our live theme so if we click on actions we can actually go and publish this one click on publish and that is going to make this one our new theme so that's something that i know like a lot of beginners when you start a shopify store it's one of the most confusing things is you add a theme and you always wonder like why why does it not just by default go into that but it's because you added it to your library and you didn't actually add it and make it the live theme so once you publish that it becomes your live theme and now our website is using that theme so again if you go to actions you can rename this you can duplicate it you can download the theme file you can edit the code if you want to do some more advanced things or edit languages what we're going to do is go to customize and this is going to allow us to really change the way the website looks change where the text is the titles everything like that but essentially let's just let's take a look at what we have right here a new interface right so this interface on the left side we kind of have the structure of what is on the website uh and i'll dive into each of these in just a minute and then on the top we have some other settings up there for like what page we're on we can you know toggle between different products or collections or different pages blog posts the cart all types of stuff like that right now we are just on the home page and then this little thing over here it's actually supposed to be like an imac i think and that means desktop essentially so desktop and we have mobile we've got full screen and so from desktop we can actually go here and scroll down and the main part of this window is going to be a preview of what the website would actually look like for a viewer on here on a desktop site and of course i highly recommend you switch between mobile and desktop as much as possible so you can really get an idea for how it's going to look so right here central coffee with the ease cut off looks really bad we don't want that we want to make sure we fix that but things like that will they're going to come up as you keep building your website and you just really want to make sure that that you have a great experience on both mobile and desktop because in all likelihood it's going to be very close to 50 50 with where your traffic comes from actually if you advertise on instagram or any social media is going to be predominantly mobile which for most people is really probably what's going to be the truth now let's go back to desktop i think it's easier to build in desktop i just always like building websites and desktop it's easier to see everything and then you know kind of retrofit for mobile in just a minute now as we scroll down you can see that this theme has a lot of you know basic stuff for like photos and and things like that but i'm gonna go and actually start customizing on the left side so if we click on header let's start off with that right here we have it says announce something here that's a very bland header so we're going to start off with our logo let's make a logo and and i could add i can upload and as far as the logo goes let's say maybe a small photo like this really you want to have like a square one that's not that big you want it to be like 10 pixels by 10 pixels or something like a lot of times it doesn't have to be huge but here we're just going to use that that's our logo whatever and so we're going to select that and we can add some alt text now alt text is essentially going to be what you're telling google the photo is or it doesn't have to be google could be anyone any any software looking at this is going to like as a human i can look at that and say it's a cup of coffee but google sometimes likes it if you tell it what it is so we can say cup of coffee and we're going to save that now the custom logo with you can change the size of the logo just by doing this so i'm going to make it maybe slightly larger maybe like that size would make sense and below that we don't have anything that i really need to do here they give you some options for what the menu looks like so we can select the menu right now uh we have a main menu a footer menu or we can create a new one so if i go and create a new menu it'll drive me back to the navigation settings and it's a little bit of a rabbit hole here here but bear with me this is going to be very important so we're going to call this um call it primary menu and here we're going to add some items so this could be uh just links to different things so we could have our homepage and this is going to be home page we can add another one that is going to be let's say our our main product or a collection or something like that so let's see maybe it's going to be one of our collections it could be the apparel so we could say apparel makes sense for that one let's add that let's add another one that's going to be maybe our checkout or maybe our policies policy is probably a good one currently we don't have any policy pages so maybe we'll come back and add this later on in the video otherwise you can add maybe blog posts or products let's just add another product on here let's just say maybe our classic coffee so we can rename this one and say classic coffee and say save save menu and now we have that menu ready to go that actually opened up in a new tab so i can go back to the other tab and we should be able to add that right now so i'm going to save this make sure we're up to date and if we go to select menu we should have three options now there it is primary menu and so if i add primary menu across the top now we have those options there so we can you know viewers can really easily navigate between our homepage our apparel our coffee like different things like that whatever you think is important you can add it to the top of your website and of course this will be there on any page they see throughout your entire website so i'm going to click the green select button to actually finalize that that's what we want on the top and then we can go down here and it gives us a couple options we can show search like i said that's why you would want to add tags on your products i don't really like having search it usually feels a little bit like it's just not a smooth experience on most websites it's really hard to get it smooth so i just get rid of search i don't think you need that and then it also makes your tagging a lot easier we can enable a secondary background text color if you want to do that i think it looks kind of nice on this particular theme so i'm going to leave that and then on the top we can show or hide the announcement so if you want to have an announcement like our fall collection is now available or we have a sale or like 20 off store wide you can do that um but for now you know let's just add an announcement bar so let's just say twenty percent off and uh we'll just say use code mic use code mic and and that's gonna give them like 20 off and so that's something that maybe we'll add that later on we'll add a code and i'll show you guys how you can add discount codes later but for now maybe that's just like an announcement bar we want to have on the top there's also some theme settings here as well so if you want to show cart like little cart drawer i think that's a good thing to have there the currency codes sure that make sense as well and you can add your social medias here also so if we want to say like maybe instagram it could be like instagram so https slash instagram mike o'brien um and so once we have that our instagram is now in it really integrated with this as well and we can leave the header so that's how you'd edit your header sound a little complicated but really shopify does make it really easy where you can just go down sorry click on header and you can just really go down here and just go one item at a time and changed it so in the end you have a header that you think looks really nice now of course like i said this is you know essentially the preview on the right side so it's going to show you what it looks like on desktop but if you're on mobile keep in mind things will look a little different and now it's kind of more of a hidden menu where you click on the three dots little hamburger icon and it pops out and so it doesn't really look as nice here but still it's nice to have the menu on any part of your entire website so going back to desktop we can navigate around so if we go to like central apparel if we go to classic coffee you can navigate on here and i think this honestly looks like this looks really nice i think for the little effort we've done so far i'm very happy with how this actually turned out now if somebody clicks on the logo that will always bring them back to the home page so realistically adding homepage right here might be redundant but not everyone knows you can click on the logo so sometimes redundancies help people to you know reduce frustration for anybody who's not used to being on your website now next up we have our feature collections which is going to be essentially what this block is right here and so looking at like websites usually are broken into different blocks so we've got image with text actually sorry this is image with text our first block the second block is going to be feature collections and that's going to be all these collections right here then we have featured product is the next thing and i'll talk about how to rearrange these and customize them any way you want but essentially you can have your featured product then below that we have image with text we've got image with text two more times and then on the bottom we have our footer so we edited the header let's go down and edit the footer now now the footer uh we can go and show payment icons if you want i think that's a good thing to add right there we've got our colors and of course you can customize that a little bit more in theme settings okay so the footer you can change like the color of the background the heading the body text things like that but if you want to actually change what it says there you'll notice it looks a little confusing like it doesn't pop up right away and what you'd actually want to do is make sure that you expand click this little triangle and expand footer and then you have two little things in here you've got talk about your business which is just this little thing right here just text and a little subtext below that and then we have newsletter so if you click on either one of those first of all i want to talk about before we go into editing those you can either hide them so you suddenly don't see this one or you can you know show it again and you can rearrange them so left right obviously the top one is on the left so if we move this one to the top that one should switch spots and that's how you can switch the overall arrangement of that you can also add other blocks as well so you want a third one you can have uh maybe you want to have like a menu on the bottom as well and that's going to show up over there but you know i i don't really think i need a menu so i can just click on that and i want to remove this block so we're going to remove that block but maybe let's say talk about your business obviously we want to add some kind of text there so if we click on that it'll actually bring us into the heading and the text and we can customize it more here so maybe you want to have like our mission on the bottom so we could say we strive family owned so we can say something like that maybe our mission is going to be on the bottom just to make it a little more uh i don't know small business kind of feel there so if we go back that's essentially going to be the same concept we're going to follow with the rest of these so that's how you edit the footer and the header and now the rest of the main page right here again this is just the home page but the way you'd be editing it of course on the left side you have all these different blocks as i pointed out you've got like image with text you've got featured collections things like that and just like the footer you can rearrange the way these look so if i want uh like featured product to be below image with text we can click on the little six dot array and drag it down and it'll show up right there you can see in a little preview here it shows where it's going to be let's drop it right there and essentially that's how you go about doing things now if we want to add a new section we can click on add section and this could be a banner it could be image with text a multi-column thing multi-column is what we saw on the footer so let's just say we want a multi-column let's say the first thing is a column just basic column whatever we could add another column and each one is just going to basically be an image a title and then some text so this would be like there's not a whole lot of customization here you can't really put different things there like we did with the footer you're not going to put like a newsletter thing but regardless if you want to have different images and different text that's how you go about doing that now before we go into editing those again i'm just talking about the macro here before we go into edit individual things let's start getting into individuals though so starting off in the very top one image with text so right here we're going to click on that and it'll bring us into a little editor to edit this specific kind of banner stripe box and that'll bring us into an editor for this specific element so let's say the title here is going to be um we sell coffee or we we love coffee and so the text below that we want to say like coffee is our passion coffee is our passion right and we can have a button down there if we want and the button could be something like um try our signature try our signature coffee if we want to have a button and the link to the button could be to a product and maybe it's going to be to our classic um dark roasted coffee right so right there now we have a button an action item on the top that's something i really i like to have and of course like i said if you don't want to have a button there you could delete the button link you could delete the text there you could delete the text like this little thing by just deleting it it automatically gets rid of that so i'm going to keep it there and we're going to say we our community okay there we go so that's what that's going to be and of course we can add an image up here so if we select if we select an image we can upload a new one and maybe our top image of course you want this to be like a really good image a little more of a square one let's go with this image right here that's going to be at least for now the main choice on the right side so the image that we have if you once you select it not a whole lot you can change about it i wish the size was like slightly different but it is what it is for now and we can get into some more advanced settings later now i don't really like the the size and the aspect ratio of this right now so maybe what we want to do is uh once we click the little x there is a setting on the bottom that we can disable to keep the image ratio so maybe instead we want to fill the space a little more and i think that looks a lot better a little more balanced on the overall page and so that's how we have our first element right there so now we're gonna click on the back icon right here so we'll go to back okay so image with text is our first element the second thing is featured collections and so here we've got four different collections that they're showing i don't have four collections made so maybe this entire section is just a wash maybe we should get rid of it but just to look into how you'd actually go about editing this you can see right here we've got four collections when you click the drop down arrow and each one or five collections i think they're showing five collections but only four right here so each one you can maybe you can click on that you can remove the block if you want to get rid of that one go down to just four maybe we'll just go down to three so let's go down to three and you'll see right there we have three across the top now so each collection is going to show a bunch of different products so if we click on the first collection we can select a collection maybe like central apparel is going to be the first collection we'll save that one and we'll go back the second collection is going to kind of be tabs so if people like click across you'll see like all the different ones so the second collection maybe we want to have um we could just say we don't have another collection but we could say like classic coffee collection is the other one that we kind of have each one only has one item in it but whatever as you build out a store and you have more more and more products that definitely makes more sense to have that there and then lastly i'm going to remove the third collection so we just have these two collections really that's probably fine that's all we really need and it just shows some of our top products right now that that's a simple way to do that now going down of course so we've got image with text we're really plowing through these we've got featured collections image with text again you guys already know how to do this so i don't really need to touch on this too much but let's just say maybe it's going to be our story our story we could say that like we are family owned and then just a bunch of dummy text i don't know and we can select an image right here and i think for this one i'm not going to add a button because it feels like this is a little bit more of like just an about us kind of raw authentic thing and i don't really need to drive any traffic anywhere if you have too many buttons it definitely can get a little bit noisy a little bit cluttered uh so again we're gonna select this image right here select i am going to change the image ratio so it matches again and here we can choose the secondary background i don't i don't really care about any of that stuff mobile is going to be text first or image first you can choose that that's actually really interesting because essentially what it's going to do is take this block this little half right here and this half and it's going to put one on top of the other so you can choose if you want this on top of that or the image first because we have not really any images above that i think i might want to maybe try uh image first let's just try that i don't know see what it actually look like on desktop oops i meant to do that for mobile so on desktop we want to do that so if we go to mobile it should put it that way image on top i don't know that might look a little better maybe not it's up to you depending on obviously what you're doing and and things like that but right there that's a really nice thing you can actually customize there otherwise not a whole lot i want to change about image with text on this segment this one looks fine so we're going to go back and move on to the next one the next one is featured product you guys already know which feature product i'm going to pick here we're going to select a product and this one is obviously going to be our dark roasted coffee beans the classic the main important thing and you'll see here it's bringing a lot of that important stuff that we were that we had like the description the title the price to add to cart and of course the images we have it brings that right over and integrates and embeds it really well on your home page so i think that looks really nice so far this website i mean you guys saw how little effort i've actually put into this and it already looks like a pretty professional website that if you built from scratch would take a really really long time to make continuing down we've got of course a bunch more image with text or yeah i'm just for now i'm just going to actually hide them that probably makes the most sense so that's pretty much everything i wanted to show you about the home page we've got the header we've got the little banner on the top we've got the footer we've got all the elements in the middle if you want to add another section i know i call them element section all interchangeably but sections the technical term that shopify uses if you want to add another section you can add basically anything right here you can add a banner which we of course have we've got image with text we have a lot of those we've got multi-column we talked about that featured collection custom content all of that different stuff all great and i think we're probably ready to move on to the next page so once you're done with one page again i can't say i can't stress this enough it's really important to switch between mobile and desktop and see how it actually looks so so far things look pretty good this looks pretty good still looks good i think overall this page looks really good on both on mobile and desktop and of course this is something that shopify really excels with because they have a really relatively limited supply or selection of themes like there's a lot to choose from but there's not like thousands and because of that they can really make sure each one is very curated and and really responsive so it's easy to switch between mobile and desktop and it's honestly pretty hard to make it look bad on either one of those so like i said let's move on to the next page if you click the drop down on the top you can see we have a lot of different pages here we've got a cart our checkout we've got blog posts i'm not really going to make blog posts with this one but that is something that some people really want to do for seo purposes seo of course being search engine optimization the idea here is that when you have more items that are going to be searched for on google it'll drive more traffic to you so people look up like how to roast my own coffee beans and you have an article on that maybe you also sell unroasted beans then that would be a great way to drive traffic over here with recipes and things like that of course going to let's talk about let's talk about products so if we go to a product page uh the default product page because all of our products are kind of on the same layout here you can not you don't really want to change too much about this honestly like i said i already really do like it but product recommendations might be something that you want to change i showed you that earlier in the video when you go to the page it shows you like the t-shirt on the bottom so you could maybe remove this if you want or you could show like a dynamic recommendation so it's going to be a little bit a little bit smarter a little bit more based on um like over time it'll improve based on what people buy together i'm gonna do that just so it's not like it's a little easier for me and i think it usually does a pretty decent job so other than that i didn't want to show you too much about products going down we've got collections so the collection page again looks pretty pretty decent if we go to default that there's not a whole lot i want to change there and so for most of these you can go through them and change things if you want i don't really see a need to change many of them but if you go to pages this is where you can see that we have like our basic like default page right now to our contact page so if somebody wants to contact us they can enter their name their email and this might be something that maybe you want to customize a little bit more again not a huge deal and you can add more pages there's also different apps and things i'll talk about later on in this video to add other other pages and things like that but but really we want to just kind of go through these every theme is going to be different you want to make sure that it still looks good when you go to cart when you go to checkout obviously that is one of the most important parts of the entire process if people are buying things from you then they're always going to go through your cart and from through checkout or almost always unless they just do an instant order and so because of that like you want to make sure that you don't lose people at that stage of the process and of course here is the final thing for checkout shopify does a really good job of all of this so there's not really anything else i want to talk about when you're customizing the website itself but there's plenty of stuff still to do with our actual shopify store so when you're done when you enter all your pages everything you like uh click save obviously click save more than once while you're going through the process but at the end definitely click save at least one last time and we can click on the little exit button on the top left so now we have our our theme is ready our website's pretty good ready to go and if you go down here uh you'll see on home let's go back to home it tells us that the next thing we have to do is actually add a domain so i honestly probably should have showed you guys this a little earlier but it didn't really matter until now anyway so we have that kind of crappy domain that's like like we don't want that right we want a good domain so the next step of course is to get a domain and so if we go and click on add domain right now it has that weird one whatever let's say we want to buy a new domain but of course you don't have to you could transfer domain and you can honestly probably get one a little bit cheaper from something like namecheap or godaddy or there's a lot of different places that have domains you can buy but honestly i just think it's so much easier to not have to go through that hassle just do it directly through shopify or at least that's what i prefer to do and you might spend an extra couple dollars but let's say it's going to be central coffee see if it's available it's not available probably because i did that in a tutorial tutorial in the past let's just say let's just say mike's uh gourmet coffee shop mike's gourmet coffee there we go so it's ready to go we can buy the domain uh we have to make sure that we have the right address and everything and it'll auto automatically renew next year i'm not going to do that because it's a tutorial but everyone else definitely make sure you do that so you don't lose your website in a year when you build up traffic and have like everything ready to go that's going to be a bad surprise so i recommend auto renewing it just makes it way easier and then we are actually going to go and buy the domain now this one little thing i want to point out that is a big benefit here this domain includes who is privacy this means that your personal information won't be displayed in public domain registration records that's something that if you buy a domain anywhere else i know i mentioned you could do it on namecheap and godaddy and in different places if you do it anywhere else i highly recommend you pay the extra couple dollars and get who is privacy it's so nice that it comes with it on shopify um but some places it's not included by default and so it's something that if you have a business you're going to be in public i really recommend that so i'm going to go and buy the domain right now and we will be ready to go with the domain and it really makes it so much easier like i said buying directly through shopify it just it integrates so smoothly obviously and they pretty much set it up for you so now it actually says i have to verify my email address so i'm going to go to my email and of course do that all right so now i've verified my email and that notification went away and so now you can see that we have our domain it's connected it's ready to go like i said it automatically does it you don't have any kind of dns settings and it can get really annoying otherwise so i know i already said that but that's what we're gonna do right there okay so now we're in like this weird other settings interface we don't really wanna be dealing with settings right now we'll talk about all the settings later on so let's click the x and get back to where we were on the home page so from home you'll see the next thing we want to do is actually set up payment so obviously we have a product we have our website all built out it looks really nice we've got a domain accepting payments is going to be really important so people can actually buy stuff so let's set up payments just clicking on through that and it's going to bring you back into settings um like i said i'm going to go through all the rest of the settings later on where it talks about taxes and gift cards and we'll talk about that discount to 20 off for for mike right we're gonna talk about that but let's first talk about uh setting up payments so here we've got shopify payments which they really want you to do but there's also like paypal express thing uh we've got amazon pay all types of different things one of the best things about shopify is that they have so many integrations they work with almost anybody out there and so between the integrations from like facebook pixels to payments to anything like that it just is a really nice easy platform to to work with other brands with so with this let's actually go and complete the setup just for shopify payments for now that's really all i i care to do so we're going to go and complete account setup and here it's going to ask you just some basic information about your employer identification number or if you're a sole proprietor you just use your own like your social security ideally or you know obviously consult your accountant or attorney based on whatever your business structure is and figure out what the right information to put is here uh but i'm just gonna go and put in my own information now okay so i set up shopify payments but something that you want to keep in mind and this is something that will vary with the plans is that you are going to be seeing a rate of 2.9 plus 30 cents per transaction uh and so that's going to be something that is a little bit of a heftier fee almost three percent per transaction so not ideal but of course that's what you're gonna be working with right here so let's go back out of settings and again go back to home the next thing they recommend is actually setting up shipping which again is going to be the next thing that i think we should be doing here and then we'll go through the left side and then we'll go through settings and then that's almost everything you'll need to know but keep in mind the settings are incredibly important there's a couple really big things that i don't think you should miss because if you don't change the settings the right way you can really end up regretting it further on down the road so let's set up shipping right now again it brings us back into settings for shipping and so here we can set up what our shipping rates are so local delivery local pickup things like that and you know you can go and print out test labels i think it's really nice when you use things like shopify shipping where it can you know obviously work very directly with dhl and ups and usps or whatever your country's equivalent are and so i really like that i like that you can go and like print out the labels just slap it on there if you've got like a sticker label or sticker printer that's even easier i maybe recommend investing in that if you end up you know getting a lot of clients or a lot of customers so otherwise going down here you can see that we can enable like third-party calculated rates that's going to be something that you need to upgrade unfortunately to do that but for now i'm not going to go through anything particularly here for now like shipping whatever we might we might even just say free shipping on some of the stuff and then just pay for it on the back end so for example if we click on manage rates you can go and it says shipping and delivery we can choose how much we're going to charge for shipping for each one based on like the weight of it um i don't i don't know this gets a little more particular you basically the idea is that if you go into shipping and delivery through settings you can customize this based on where you are how much you want to charge for shipping and handling and things like that for the purposes of this video i'm not going to dive into that too much because it gets a little bit technical and it's very dependent on where you are okay so now i think we went through everything on their checklist pretty much the next thing i want to talk about is going through the left side here so obviously we know what home is we talked about products products were obviously a huge part of this video we talked about gift cards we talked about everything like that orders is obviously going to be when people place orders you'll see them there you can mark them as complete you can go through things and obviously that's going to be incredibly important you can also see abandoned checkouts which could either indicate that the checkout process wasn't good enough or for some reason people were almost ready to buy it and for some reason they didn't and if you go through here and you see patterns where you know what maybe a lot of people buying a certain type of thing abandon their card because they were excited and something about it just turned them off and that would be something that you want to figure out if you want to do remarketing and send ads to them or emails to them or if it's something that maybe you want to sell it a little harder or add more information earlier on in the process so that you don't have those abandoned checkouts so going down we've got customers this is kind of similar where it's going to talk about who bought from you and you can see basic stuff with like their name and email or what we know stuff like that and so if you see like a bunch of repeat customers or if you see people that like you can go through here and kind of just get a general idea of who's buying from you and like how many of the products they're buying or what kind of repeat customers you have if everybody's a unique customer like you can get some basic information here more likely you're probably going to use this when a customer calls and and tells you that like they want to return something or or for whatever reason if you need to deal with customers information is saved right here finance is going to be of course like billing and payouts we talked a little bit about that earlier on we've got analytics this is not showing anything yet but online store sessions which is how many times i went to this online store and otherwise you can really get into some very advanced analytics as more and more people visit your website you can see what the conversion rates are and you can really optimize it and figure out exactly what you need to improve on your store to get the best possible performance and then we have marketing so while the other ones i kind of brushed over marketing is one that i won't i think marketing is incredibly important and there's three big things here we've got the overview we've got campaigns and we've got automations so starting off with overview you can see right here they want you to create a campaign that's a little green button on the top right and they've got some basic analytics on the top how much marketing cost was what kind of essentially what kind of profit you're making on your marketing and obviously in the beginning it's not going to be performing especially well your first couple ads are likely to not have the best margins but as you learn and optimize and find out exactly where your target market is how to market to them what the best strategy what the best ad style is with more and more a to b testing eventually it should be very easy to run ads and you'll start to get a much better margin so going down here you can see that we have some really cool apps and again one of the big things with shopify i talked about it before and that is the ability to integrate with other things so microsoft advertising is a big one google pinterest snapchat ads all this stuff but there are other apps you can get that are not necessarily integrations but just really nice things to add onto here so if you're not like don't worry about selling on like google and facebook and stuff like that just talking about what you can have on your store things like sms bump would be a really nice thing so if somebody for example abandons their checkout maybe earlier on they put in their phone number they signed up for your email marketing list whatever it might be if you captured their email or their phone number you could send them a reminder later and say hey like you forgot to order this and in many cases maybe people did forget to order it they add it to their cart and then somebody rings their doorbell they get distracted their cat jumps on something who knows what the reason is there are plenty of times when people abandon their cart unintentionally and so getting a reminder is a great way to recapture that sale so that they're happy that they bought what they wanted to buy and you're happy that you made the sale so we can actually view some other marketing apps and the app store for shopify is absolutely insane there are so many different things you can get specifically within marketing you're looking at 19 different ones right here but they are all really really good ones and so i can make an entire video about how to work with facebook on this one how to run tick tock like work with tick tock and really integrate smoothly on that if you guys want to see any of those leave a comment down below let me know which one you want to see but essentially some of the key ones like i said sms bump i think is a really good one to get i definitely recommend that one and as far as like what your product is like that's going to really dictate where you want to integrate most with and so like tick tock for snapchat you can have slightly different demographics there so depending on who you're you're working with it's going to be a little bit different there but you can see right here so like snap ads snapchat ads is going to be a great way to run ads on snapchat and then send the traffic over to your store really nice really convenient and and you can get a lot of information out of that and then shopify email is going to be kind of an in-house version of like mailchimp or something like that where we can send out email campaigns to people that you already got their emails so either they're past customers or they signed up for a newsletter you can manage that right here and actually send out emails for for new sales new collections new product launches things like that to really build your community obviously don't spam people they're just going to unsubscribe or mute it or block it but but if you have a really good open rate and you really provide a lot of value in this maybe it's like a weekly recipe or something like that if you sell coffee beans or any kind of food related things that'd be a great way to integrate uh you know your product with your audience and give something of value but also you know it's free marketing essentially that is really can be very very valuable so let's go back those are all the the ad the apps we'd maybe get if you go to this like you can add the app it's very easy to do and you're gonna add it to this account right here so not a whole lot to really show with how you're adding these apps so we're gonna add it to um maybe like central coffee sure that's what i'm and if you click on apps it'll show you what apps you actually have installed as well as the other ones down there so we'll get back to marketing in just a second but while we're on the topic of apps you can see that we've got other things like shopify inbox and and really like gift upsells we've got checkout reminders so if somebody like moves and they're about to like uh like i said sms bump is a really popular one and i would recommend that but you can have other things where like i've seen websites where people move towards the x you'll have like a pop-up that says like hey here's the sale like just to kind of keep people on your website but anyway if we go to like sms bump let's click on that let's add that one to our store as well that's probably a really nice one to have honestly i think most people can benefit from that so we're gonna go down and install the app of course you can read about basic details like that as well what kind of permissions it has and then you're going to have to go through and set up the sms bump and everything like that so i'm not going to go this is not a tutorial on sms pump this is just a tutorial on shopify so i'm actually not going gonna follow through with that right now but let's see about let's see what other apps we have so obviously there's more than just like these four for any one of them so you can go down and say view more apps in this collection it brings you into the entire app store for shopify and like i said you have quite a few apps to choose from so just within this right here you can actually go up to categories and see tons of other ones as well so marketing fulfillment so shipping there's plenty of ones with shipping where you can even set up ways that people will like get messages uh about like the progress of their shipping and things like that like there's a lot of really great things that can overall improve the customer experience on your website as well as the efficiency for you to make both your life easier and their life better similarly you can set up things for like customer service and like support for example you can have customer accounts you can allow them to make accounts on your website so for here maybe we want to add like you can look at the reviews on these there's obviously a lot of people have used this one so we can go and maybe add something like an faq or a help center and so this right here is going to be a help desk for customer service um faq productive uh product description tabs things like that so maybe we want to add that and of course there are so many different apps you can get i could spend hours just talking about different apps that that we recommend that work really well but really the best thing to do is actually just to go through and start looking at the apps and just kind of browsing through them to see what works well and and what would really fit in very well with your website now of course with these they're not all going to be free plenty of them will be free but there's going to be some that you're going to have to pay for as well and so keep that in mind whenever you're looking at these not all of them are going to be free okay with that being said let's go back to marketing we talked about the apps we talked about essentially analytics on the top the next thing would be going to campaigns so here you can track a lot of stuff if you go to create a campaign there's different ways to create the campaign of course you can look at ads you can look at email social post sms and you can track all types of things like that so it's going to essentially allow you to really create the campaign and track how well it does and you're going to be able to do like a to b testing and and really optimize things over time so if we just say for example email we already have shopify email so let's click on that one right here and we're going to set up a campaign for that so they give you some really nice templates you can see a starting point right here maybe it's like a gift one a gift email like we're gonna say hey like the perfect gift is here buy this shirt and you can see overall the layout looks really really nice in fact this i would i would almost not customize anything at all like it already looks so good so if we selected this one there's almost no work left to do and you could just go and send this email out to your email list so i'm going to get rid of that we would choose a subject we'd preview the text and of course we could go and choose who it's actually from if it's your email or if it's like a different email that you have that you know you don't want everybody sending responses to this maybe you have like a no reply email or something and so you can add sections this editor is going to be slightly different than what we saw earlier with the actual website but it's kind of the same concept where it's instead of having a list on the left side it's all kind of interactive in the middle so you can see each section is outlined in blue the little six dots is going to allow you to rearrange it again just like that you can delete it you can duplicate it and then if you click on it the same kind of thing pops up on the other side where you can change like the font the text and the image and things like that so relatively intuitive if you're if you understood the earlier part of this video and really this should be fairly easy to do so then you can send a test you can review it you can see again what it looks like on mobile and desktop and so the campaign's like i love how shopify makes this so easy and so well integrated with your website so i'm going to go back and that's how we can run campaigns and once you have it you'll see the campaign summary is down here so you see right here this is the campaign we have that i didn't actually finish it's just called untitled and so you know eventually you can actually build it out and send it to uh your email list but when you're just gonna start it out of course you don't have an email list so you might want to do something like the other ones would be like an ad so maybe you want to run a facebook ad a microsoft ad pinterest snapchat yahoo i don't know if anyone really uses yahoo that much but but it's there it's there if you want it and so going down we've got automations then automations is a little bit more advanced so i'm not going to talk about it too much in this video that might be a topic for another video in the future but automations can be really really powerful and of course here the only one that you can get other apps and get more things right now google smart shopping is the only one we have but i'm not going to really get into that because you'd have to go and find some other apps that work really well with this so this actually gets back to what i said about on our website that little that thing on the top that said discount mic gives you 20 off we can go to automatic discounts which is which is really cool or just a regular let's start off with regular discounts so create a discount code i said if we use the code mike you will get a fixed percentage it will be 20 off your order and that's going to be for all products or you could do it for specific collections similarly you could do free shipping with things you could be buy uh buy one get something else like buy two get one or something like that you can have a fixed amount off like one dollar off something and so that's all just different percentage is probably the most common most people probably use that and for all products also makes sense but you could add it for only specific collections if it's only for merchandise or or only for like clothing things like that you can do that and then minimum requirements you can have a minimum purchase amount so maybe if it's like you get 10 off but you have to spend at least 20 that's probably a nice minimum to have and of course we could have anybody could do it it could be specific customers any group of customers you can limit so you have only one use per customer and we can have active dates we don't need to set an end date for now i'm just going to have that as a banner for indefinite and so that where we go as soon as we go down to the bottom and say save discount code that one is ready to go if we go back to discounts you'll see that's going to be one that is live if we ever want to get rid of that we can select it and go to actions and disable discount or just delete it if you just don't plan on ever using it again and then we can go to automatic discounts automatic discount is going to be really cool because it allows you to do something a little bit more advanced so this could be like um this could be like uh clothing and this would be essentially showing up automatically and so essentially this would be uh like at checkout it's just gonna show up automatically for them they don't need a code for this and so we can have maybe for clothing this is going to go and discount by like five percent uh for specific collections and this is going to be which collection do we have there we go the apparel collection add that and we don't need to have a minimum let's leave it at zero dollars and so automatically when somebody goes to buy this it'll take off uh five percent of whatever it is oh minimum we're gonna say the minimum is zero dollars uh let's make it one dollar just so we don't have a zero in the system we're going to save the discount and we're ready to go so just like that we now are ready to go on that one so that is a lot that we've talked about so far but we still need to get down to this little thing right here but kind of summarizing we've got home where it's going to change a lot all the time as you progress through this this journey of setting up your online store we've got orders where you can see what people ordered products you can add new ones digital physical drop shipping whatever it might be and another thing to keep in mind is if you're doing something like drop shipping a lot of people would recommend using different apps that would be like oberlo was a really popular one a while ago that market's a little bit more saturated then we've got finances analytics marketing discounts and apps again i can't emphasize this enough it didn't really make sense to go through apps that much in this video but depending on what you're doing like everybody should go through and browse all the apps i highly recommend that but again depending on what kind of thing you're selling it and how it is if it's digital product physical product drop shipping anything like that you're going to have different apps that will work really well and actually you can leave a comment below on your favorite app that you find for your shopify store so now let's talk about sales channels i mentioned before that right now the only sales channel the only way people can go to buy our products is through our online store but if we want to have these listed on other platforms maybe on ebay or anything like that you can click on the plus and add another sales channel so if we want to sell things on ebay we can click on the plus right here we can have point of sale which kind of is like a more in person like real life thing where you can have somebody just like swipes your credit card in your store and this will the benefit of this you might wonder like why would you have online shopping for an in-store purchase it's really so you can track your inventory and everything works very well in an integrated system so you don't have to manually input what what people ordered the point of sale is really nice to have and it allows you to like accept credit cards in person without having to get a third party thing like square then of course we've got google if you want to have google shopping integrated um so that's a huge one and so you can have like essentially it's really great that you can add these sales channels if you click on a plus for anyone it's going to take you down a whole rabbit hole of how to set that up i'm not going to go through that right now we're just going to go back and let's get out of that so i'm actually not going to update the sales channel i'm just going to go back to the regular just online store which is what we have and i want to talk about the settings for this one so we've got themes which we talked about how to pick a theme how to move it around we've got blog posts which i haven't actually talked about at all yet and this is something that i think a lot of you will be very very interested in doing so if we go and create a new blog post this will allow us to essentially add it in a very fundamental way right now so shopify is not the number one source for for blogging right like it doesn't give you a lot of uh capabilities here but we can still do a very sufficient amount to make a blog post so you can have like blog post number one just like an arbitrary title but really you'd want to title it something that is going to be related to the subject so maybe you'd want to be like recipe for um like some quick at home cappuccino or something like that so then down here we have the content and this is going to be your entire blog and you'll notice that we do have some different formatting that we didn't see earlier on the different text editors so here maybe we can have like uh in the middle i want to add like an image in this blog post we can insert an image here and so maybe we want to have like this image add some alt text and so again pretty rude like pretty fundamental right here not a super advanced editor but nonetheless you can make a pretty decent blog post with this additionally you'll see that we have so title content that's important we can make it visible we can add a featured image which is really going to show up more so in google or social media shares um for like it's going to show up next to the title and so like news articles that's going to be really important but pretty much for any blog post i recommend having a good featured image that is related to what you're doing additionally the excerpt right here is if you want to add one would be what's showing up down on the seo essentially but you don't have to necessarily add an excerpt if you don't want to i'm going to leave that out on this one and of course we can have a default this right now is the default blog post template you can get other ones as well if you wanted a different template for a more advanced blog post but again for the basics it definitely does a pretty decent job i'm going to save this one and you get the rough idea of how to make a blog post there so we can actually go and view that let's go and view our blog post by clicking on the little view blog posting and you'll see right here again not like the best formatting ever it looks a little bit like a html like 2005 blog post but again it might be a decent way to share a recipe and get some traffic to your website and then once people get here they'll see like oh like what's this you guys have some apparel you guys have some coffee and they can navigate throughout your website and start to actually become paying customers so let's go and leave that and get out of these other things that we're not using either and go back to pages now pages this is where i mentioned pages earlier on this is going to be something like contact pages all we have right now but i really recommend having a privacy page or uh terms of service or things like that basic pages like a return policy warranty all those pages are going to be really nice so if we go to add a page um you can choose like whatever the title is going to be these don't need to be really fancy so it's going to be the same editor that we saw with the blog post most of the time these pages are going to be like almost exclusively just text like your return policy your warranty whatever it's gonna be just a big couple paragraphs like a document almost and you can usually put this in like link it in your footer for example so i'm gonna get out of this one and not actually save that page we've got navigation we talked about menus earlier on how to make menus and you can change the menus as well and then we have preferences down here so the preferences would be like the home page title i don't feel like i really need to change that much because we saw what the metadata already looked like but you can also integrate a lot of stuff here and this is again i could do this in another video but if you want to integrate like a facebook pixel i actually made a full video on how to set up a facebook pixel and in that video i said like we have to essentially copy some code over so setting up a facebook pixel you could do that right here same thing with google analytics which is going to be a great way to see essentially who's visiting where they're coming from what the traffic's looking like and google analytics is really a powerful tool that works on essentially any website not just shopify and so integrating here is really really convenient okay and then lastly i want to talk about going through settings now down in settings we've got our store details we've got the plan that we currently have i mentioned before it was easy to upgrade your plan and that's essentially where you do it in settings you go to plan and then from here you can go and upgrade to essentially whatever you want you can change the billing cycle change whatever you need to you can add other users so right now i'm the only admin here but if you want to add other staff you have two other staff accounts on the basic shopify plan i think you have four or five on the regular shopify plan and even more on the premium one but you can add other people that you can have specific roles for them and just add people that can be on your team and help you manage orders and things like that then we can go to payments of course we talked about that earlier we talked about shipping and delivery checkout there's not a whole lot i want to do there but taxes location gift cards all of that is is really pretty straightforward here and then down here we have policy so i talked about how you can make the pages earlier um and you can have them like as its own thing like its own terms of use but shopify also integrates in a pretty easy way where you can actually use an entire template for like your refund policy your privacy policy and so if you want to save a lot of time and you don't have like a great lawyer you don't want to go through all that process at least as a good stepping stone to get started you could go and create a template for like a refund policy that's what they give you right there you can go and create a template for a privacy policy you do the same for terms of service obviously you want to read through this because this is what you're saying is your policy but again just a really great way to at the very least get started get some some foundational groundwork there and so i'm going to go and save that and just like that with the click of like three different buttons we now have terms of service we've got privacy policy and we have a refund policy i didn't have to type anything it saves me a ton of time and i can go through and read this and tweak whatever i really need to to make it exactly what i want now of course you can add these to your menu i highly recommend you add them so they're not like hidden on your website keep them in your footer probably a great way to do that and remember early in the video we showed you how to add different things to your header and your footer for specifically different menus and so this would be something that we'd want to add on a menu so if we click on this right here this is essentially what our website looks like so after this tutorial i really hope you guys found this helpful and i wish you the best of luck with your own online stores you can see right here we've got a really beautiful looking home page with honestly zero effort so far we can go through different collections and of course as you add more products it will be a little bit more fleshed out it'll look a lot better we've got our story down here we can add things to cart so we're gonna go and add this to our cart so now that's in our cart and if you go down to the bottom you can see all types of things like our mission you can see all that stuff down there and from the top you can go and check out other pages as well the the this specific product here you can check out other products we can go to classic coffee this is our other product here and of course it's recommending a t-shirt because so far anyone who uh added this to their cart probably also added that granted i'm the only one who's ever visited this website but that's essentially going to be optimized over time in the long run so if we click on the cart on the top right we can actually go to checkout and remember that 20 off if we use the code mic let's go and test that out and make sure that works and again this is just the desktop version you want to make sure that it looks good on mobile version but let's add discount of mic we'll apply that and just like that it took off three dollars took off uh 20 like we wanted and then the buyer can actually go and do an express checkout with paypal apple pay or or shop pay all of them very convenient that you have that option for people essentially they can add their own information down here as well for the shipping address and things like that so one last thing i want to point out is down here you can see your policies are by default showing up there i didn't add that as a menu but by default shopify knows that you want to see it somewhere on your website so adding it down here if we go to like refund policy it just pops up like that instead of being like a separate like page it just shows up in a little window here super convenient i recommend having a whole page though and so maybe you do want to add like a separate page or a blog structured as a blog post if you have to it doesn't matter and add that to the bottom so people can read that not just in checkout but like for example if somebody's looking up the warranty that would be something that i think would be more of a google search and not something they're going to see in checkout so making that a page i think would make a little bit more sense but but guys that's all i have for you in this video i hope you found it helpful and i wish you the best of luck with your online stores hopefully i end up being a customer of one of your stores in the future and if you have any questions or any comments or any preferences please leave them down below i want to see essentially what kind of stores you guys make and as always if you enjoy this video consider liking and subscribing i'm mike o'brien from central media thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 7,480
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Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: p71McFasZ-E
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Length: 78min 52sec (4732 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.