Shopify Tutorial 2022 For Beginners (Step-By-Step EASY Shopify Guide)

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hey there my name is chris winter and welcome to my step-by-step guide on how to set up a shopify website in this guide i'm going to show you everything you need to know from installing shopify all the way through to designing an amazing site and adding products and also guys i've got a little present for you for watching this video i'll put a link to the 25 best free shopify apps that you need to add to your next shopify store these can really help increase the amount of sales and money that you can make from your store that list is totally free and if you want to get it i'll put a link right underneath this video and you can check it out so are you ready to get started me too let's create you an awesome shopify website now guys as always i'd highly recommend you work on your website at the same time as you watch this video so if you haven't done it yet you can actually get a full free trial with shopify for 14 days i'll put a link in the description box below under this video click on that and you can go and sign up you don't even need to put a credit card in or anything like that just your email address and you can get started in just about a minute so do that now and we'll jump into the tutorial so once you've clicked that link the first thing you need to do is click start free trial then you can put in an email address your password and your store name which is something you can change later on once you've done that you can click create your store now they're going to create your store and then they're just going to ask you a few questions you can just skip these if you want and then just put in some details about you and then once you've done that we can click enter my store all right so we're in our shopify dashboard which is essentially the hub of your website as you can see from here we can change pretty much anything we can customize your theme or your website add a domain name so it could be something like and of course we can also add products and see when people purchase but i think what we're first going to do is customize a website and make it look really cool so to do this what we do is go to the left hand side here in this column and go down to sales channels where it says online store we'll click that from here you can see that the store is currently password protected so no one can see it which is great and we can disable that password once it's ready but it's better to keep that on just so no one sees it so as you can see we're currently using the debut theme and a theme is essentially a template where the website is going to look awesome without having to do any kind of code you can get different kinds of themes free and paid and essentially they're just going to change the way your website looks so if we go over here you can actually see that shopify comes with a number of different themes and there's different themes and different templates for pretty much whatever you want so if you wanted to do a activewear kind of website you could use this or if you had pasta if you were selling clothes and you can see that they're all a little bit different and you can really choose what you want the great thing with shopify is that they actually come with free themes as well the paid ones are around about 180 but you don't have to spend that money today we're going to work with a free theme so you don't have to spend any money you can get up and running like i said before it's really good if you work with me in this theme so sign up and follow me because you're not going to have to put any credit card in because we're going to work with a free theme i think for today we're going to use this theme here it's called debut and as you can see it comes with two different styles so we've got this one here called the default and also light now to use this all we need to do is go back to our dashboard and then you can see that it's actually already installed if we wanted to find another theme you could go here to explore free themes and we could find it there but we don't need to do that because it's already installed so let's customize this and of course how we're going to do this we click customize in the top right here so as you see we've already got this great theme installed now it's pretty much got the framework ready to go and you can see that one of the cool things with shopify is they actually use a sections kind of way of making their site so each little section is really easy to edit so we have a section up here a big hero image which we can add a background image with some text we can also change this section here which is a image on the side with some text then we've got a blog section and a featured collection section and one of the great things is we can simply move these up and down so if you go to the left here you can see that we can simply drag and drop the section wherever you want it's so easy so if we want this text columns here we just drop it and now it's above here but what if we want to have this image with text well we simply drag it and drop it just like that now what we're going to first do is change this to that other theme setting so if we go to theme settings in the top right here we're going to change the style down here change theme style to light click that and then you'll see that it will do it you can click change style and you see that we have a slightly different look so just the colors are a little bit different of course we can change these colors whenever we want and the font is a little bit different i think this one's a little bit neater so let's start with this okay so let's make our website look really cool i like to do this at the start of the website when we build it because it makes it a lot more fun i think designing the website is definitely one of the most fun parts and then in a little bit we'll also get to another fun part in adding our products so let's first change this big hero image here this is really easy to do in shopify all you need to do is go back to sections at the top here then we're going to change this image with text overlay so we'll click this and then we can simply select an image let's click select image i've actually got some images here already just for this demo store i've got this image here i think this is the one that i want to use i'm going to simply drag and drop this and you'll see that it'll instantly upload and as you can see right now we have this great image already looking really cool once you're happy with it click select and we're now starting to get a little bit of nice looks on our website you can change where you want it whether you want the image to be at the top or at the bottom or just in the middle and you can change other things like how large you want this do you want this to be medium sized or really small or really big for me i think we want to keep it just large and this should look good on all sizes you can also change the text size smaller or larger i think we'll go with larger and we can even change this text of course so let's do this let's call this uh what are we going to call this what was the logo that i had here called khan all right so it's going to be khan khan clothing okay all right there we go then you can also write some text here we make the comfiest clothing around of course you would write something a little bit better and it's really important to stress this guys you can change this to be how it's going to work for your website of course right now i've just got some demo images and things like that but this is not going to be what you have so if you've got your own product feel free to add your own photos and you can have different logos and all this but i'm just showing you how to do it just make sure that you upload your own photos and it's going to be good you can also add a button so because we don't have any pages yet we can simply just click button link and then perhaps we can just put a hash here for now which will bring in a button and we'll say see our collection and that should come up so there we go we now have in less than a minute a big nice hero image here with our text and we've got some subtext and then a button that's looking pretty cool so when you're always happy with the website make sure to click save at the top and that will make sure that the website is going to be saved and you don't lose anything so we can go back now let's change this logo so as you see it comes with a logo and it looks pretty good it's a basic text logo but if you don't have a logo yet you can always just use this for now now did you see what i did just then before i pressed up here in the top here and this will show you a full screen view of what your website looks like this is really good if you want to see what it's going to look like on a desktop but what about if we want to see this on a mobile well you can click right here and this will show it to you in a mobile view and as you can see this website is fully responsive responsive means that it's going to work on your desktop or on an ipad or on a phone and this is really important and it really does look great so let's go back to this view and we'll edit the logo to do this we go to header click there then we can move the logo if we want we can have it on the left or we can even have it in the center i think we're going to have it on the left today so let's upload the logo we click select image click upload and let's find where i had it it should be here logo i think we'll use the dark logo for this one there we go that looks great once you're happy with it click select and we now have our logo now let's see how that looks is that a bit too small maybe it's a little bit smaller let's make it a little bit bigger we can drag this slider make it a bit bigger maybe 120. that looks pretty good yeah that looks great so we've got our logo here and we've got a menu here which we can change later on as well now another thing you can add is an announcement bar these are pretty sweet so if i click show announcement you'll see that we have this bar at the top here this looks great and this is really good to announce anything so it could be if you've got a sale on so for example we could write black friday sale is on 20 off everything and you can see that when we come to your website that's the first thing people are going to see so it's a really good way of showing that you've got something on we can even change the color of this so let's change this to how about a nice blue i think a blue would be nice here maybe a navy blue so we can simply use this to adjust the color and then select it that looks really really nice if you wanted something a bit brighter you could go for something like a red actually that looks pretty good as well but no i think we'll keep it with blue let's go about there that looks pretty sweet to me again when you're happy click save and that'll save it so if we go back here we can also change a few of the theme settings and the important thing we can change is colors and it's really easy to change colors in shopify you don't even need to know any coding or anything so you click on colors and you can see that we have different colors for different things so we've got for our text our body text which is the regular text our sale price alert for our buttons so for example we can change this button color let's do that so we're going to click here and we can simply change the button color isn't that cool it's so easy to change the color here i think we might go for a sort of gold color that would be nice you can see it's so easy simply drag it wherever you want i think that's looking really really good of course we've got other things here which we can change as well we can even change the background overlay color we can change things like the background on the actual page so we could change this to black or red please don't do it red we'll keep it kind of a gray color that looks pretty good once you're happy again click save now let's go down a little bit and edit this right here this is an example of a a really nice module that you can have or a section so if we want to edit this again it's really easy simply click on it and then we'll click select image so again we can drag an image in here and this could be used to maybe do a bit of an intro to your website let's see if i've got a good image that would work here maybe this image here we'll drag this in drop it to upload that one's a little bit small let's do a different image this one should work oh it's going a bit crazy there here we go drag that in and you can see we now have a nice image on the left here where we can also add some text you can also make this go on the right hand side if you want i think that would work better maybe being on the right hand side and then you could do maybe an intro text something like welcome to khan's clothing okay can't clothing code i don't think we'll pronounce the s on there and of course you could add some extra text here as well and if you wanted you could always add a button see our range and there we go we have a really nice intro header here and an intro text here which is nice for people who are interested in knowing about your website of course write whatever you want but for now i'm just going to leave that text there and you can see that that button color has stayed consistent with this button here which is really good as well let's click save and if you ever want to get back to the dashboard on shopify all you need to do from anywhere in this customized section is hit the little shopify logo here this will take you back to the dashboard so now let's add some products this is definitely the fun part because this is where you can start getting paid to do this we're going to go to products on the top left here and before we do anything before we rush in and add a product we're going to make it nice and neat and we're going to categorize some things this doesn't take long so to do this we're going to go to a thing called collections think of collections as categories so that could be things like t-shirts hoodies i don't know baseballs softballs all that kind of thing so let's create a collection and the collections that i've got here are robes shorts and accessories so i'm going to create a robes collection simply by typing in robes in the title again this could be anything you want and we don't need to add a description just now but what we can do is have this automated so anything that's got robe in it will automatically go into this collection and trust me this is an important step you don't want to miss because this will make your website so easy to make and have categories and have things show up so to make this automatic all we need to do is go to product title or you can also have tags and things like that and we're just going to type in robe so anytime a product that has robe in it it'll automatically go into this collection we can also add a collection image so let's add a collection image perhaps this one here this is a robe this will also show up on your website in different places so important to add that as well and then click save we'll do one more and i'll show you again just how we do it so we go back to collections create a collection we'll go for accessories here again we're going to add in ah this one's a little bit more tricky but we'll add an accessory see if that works then we'll bring in an accessory perhaps this here drag this one in if i'm ever going a little bit too quick for you feel free to pause it and you can take this at your own speed that's the smart thing to do click save and then we'll add one more which should be shorts so create collection type in shorts again this is a category add in shorts then we'll add an image and this will all make sense in about two minutes let's make these ones here so we've added categories that is a really big step to do because it's going to make it so much easier now when we add our photos and our products so let's add a product to do this we go to all products and then we simply click add product now whether you're drop shipping or you're have your own products or you haven't made your products or you're just doing anything this is where you're going to be creating your products so the first thing to do is of course add a title so let's do it for these shorts so we'll do blue striped shorts of course you can add any kind of titles and names and make sure it's really good but for now i'm just going to be adding a few things so i'm just going to add in some dummy text here so you can see what it looks like but of course add your own description and then we can add in some photos so to add a photo for your product all you need to do again is simply drag it in and it's as simple as that so the main photo here is always going to be the main photo but if say we had two photos of this we could simply drag another photo in and of course you can select multiple photos and then we can simply drag this one to the front and this will be the main photo for these shorts and that will show up all over the website but i do want this one here to be the main one let's add a price let's say that these shorts are 20 and then we have a compareout price here the comparator price is the original price if for example it was on sale so let's say that these were originally 25 you don't need to touch the cost per item at this stage and we won't touch the the sku or the stock keeping unit just now but if you know what you're doing with that that's a good idea but we don't need to do that just now and we're not going to track quantity because we have unlimited so for now this is all we need to do what we're going to do is click save and watch what happens when i click save if we go down here you can see that it's automatically gone into the collections cold shorts how great is that the reason why it's done this is because we had shorts in the title so let's have a look at our very first product to do this you click on view your online store and there we go how good does that look first off we have our logo up here with our menu which will change in a bit and then we have our blue striped shorts title tag then we also have the price here and you can see it's on sale that looks really good and it's really bold and you can't miss that and then you've got an add to cart button if they want to add it to their cart or a buy it now button if they just want to buy it straight away that looks really really good let's add another product so we'll go to add product this time we'll add a robe so we've got this robe here i think we'll call this a we'll do a pink robe okay pink robe not really sure what to say add your dummy text or obviously you would add your own description let's simply drag this one in again i think this robe is going to cost 45 and it's not going to be on sale so you don't have to add that compare price again we're not going to track the quantity and then let's click save you can see how quick it is to add your own products let's have a look to see if this has gone into its own collection it has look at this it's now in the robes collection that's really good and again if we want to see what it looks like click view on your online store you can see that we have our pink robe here it's not on sale but it's looking really really good again if someone wanted to add this to the cart all they would need to do is click add to cart and you'll see we have this pop-up here which is really nice because it doesn't distract but it means that people can see what's in their cart if they want to check out the cart you can click view cart you can see it's right here looking really fantastic now what i'm going to do is go ahead and add to more products but i won't show you how to do this because that'll take a little bit too long we'll do it quickly and you'll see i'll see you back here in no time so just quickly guys i wanted to show something quite important so let's say that we have these accessories which we're going to add in so we've got this pillow case now let's drag this in like we would we would have the photo and we'll call this a silk pillow case we'll add in some dummy text and of course we're going to add in a price so let's say this is 15 now this here when i click save you're going to see that it's not going to come up in a collection see it didn't come up in a collection and the reason for this is because the way that we created that collection to automatically bring in products was through the title so this isn't going to work because we're not going to write in silk pillowcase accessory but what we can do is create it via tags so right here i can create a tag so i could go accessory and create that and we could also call it a pillowcase as well and then we'll click save and now what we can do is go back to collections and we're going to go to the accessories collection we're going to change this one or we're going to add in another condition click add and we're going to change this to tag and we're going to add in accessory so whenever the product tag has accessory and we'll change this to any condition we'll click save so whenever the product has a product tag with accessory we'll go back here now take a look at this and you can see that it's automatically now in accessories do you understand that i think you do understand it we can also automatically you can also just type in um choose it yourself but i do like the idea of doing it automatically so all you need to do if you want these products for example to show up in accessories is to simply tag it and then next let's add one final product and soon we're going to have a full store right here which it's again this has only taken me around about five minutes to add all of these products blue headband i'm not sure if that's a headband but that's okay oh let's just grab some text again this one's going to be just five dollars and again what are we going to do we can either go to collections or we can simply type in accessory let's go to save so we've now added if we go back to all products all of these different products really quickly it's really nicely done and now what we can do is get back to making our website look awesome so let's design the website and add some products to the home page it's really going to look great so hopefully you're ready let's go to the sales channel back to online store and then we're going to click customize so we're back at our online store remember this this is the main part where pretty much everyone's going to come and what we want to do is get our products front and center so let's scroll down and now for now i think i don't want this section to be right here so again if we want to move it we simply drag and drop it down what i want is to show off some of my collections so a collection again is a category so let's say we've got a collection for accessories we've got a collection for robes and we've got a collection for shorts so to edit this collection what we do is click on featured collection and then we simply collect uh show the collections so for this one we're going to show this collection i want it to be for my shorts so we'll click select collection and we'll click shorts as you can see all of the shorts have come up with their great photos and the ones that are on sale are really standing out this looks really good but i think we should make this a little bit larger this is for four products but we only have three so to make this three we simply drag this along and watch this now it looks fantastic you could also change to the rows if you've got more and you can also have a button which says show view all which is pretty good as well let's do that so of course this isn't a featured collection we need to change this to shorts and then we can go back and that's looking really good i think we want to have another collection as well so let's do this let's go to add section featured collection click add and then let's add one for our accessories there we go it's so simple once you've added those collections don't you think guys again let's add a show all and we'll call this accessories i think i'm spelling accessories right we'll go back let's drag this one up next to shorts so you can see that when as people come down they're going to see shorts they're going to see accessories and let's add one more what's it going to be it's going to be ropes collection feature collection add we're going to type in robes select the collection select robes and look at that they're all there again we want to have that view all button just in case they want to see everything we've got we're going to drag this one up and that's looking really really cool let's click save just to make sure we don't lose anything and we'll go full screen now and see how this is looking so now we have our big hero image here with our logo at the top we've got our intro here looking really nice and now we've got we're starting off and showing our products we've got our shorts we've got our accessories i've got our robes so say if we had more products in accessories we could click view all and then they're going to be brought to a collection page which really looks great so you're gonna be able to see all of them and then you can also show them by you know price low to high that's pretty cool or we can even have old to new and then of course if we wanted to go on to any product we simply click on it and that the site is really really coming along a really cool feature with this theme and it's not on all themes is that you've also got a you may also like kind of uh thing which is essentially a related product this is a great way of getting kind of upsells or cross-selling so this is a nice thing to have let's go back to the homepage and let's make this even better let's add in this here which is a really cool kind of background image section so what we can do this is called image with text overlay you can simply select an image we'll see if we've got one i'm not sure if i've got an image large enough for this you want a relatively large image but we'll see and this one maybe maybe this one let's see if this one works we're going to drag this one in and there you go if i click select right there that looks really really cool you don't even have to have text if you don't want you can simply go remove the text and just have it as a nice uh image i think we will have some text let's have a little quote uh be comfortable in the best clothes i don't know but you can see it really looks cool you can change the size of this as well if you want to have it a bit larger i think that's that's nice and you can even have a button as well but i think we'll just keep it like that so as you can see we scroll down it's a nice way to break up the site i think what we want to add now is a featured collection we're going to show off all of the collections we've got this is another really good one so make sure you're ready we're going to go to add section i'm going to go to collection list let's click add and you can see what this is so it's essentially going to be a way in which we can show off all of the different collections right there so the first collection we're going to do is of course we'll go with robes hit select and you can see that this has come up with the text and the image that we used for the collection remember i said it's important to add that collection photo there it is that's why next up we're going to go for shorts hit select and then we're going to also go accessories and it's looking as simple as that so we could add a heading here we could go for shop our collections you can even change this to 2 per row if you want that looks pretty cool if you had for example you know maybe four different collections i think it would look better or if you want you could even have like four again it's going to look better if you've got four different collections and you got five as well but we'll go for just three today let's go back and drag this one i think we're gonna move this one right above these this is looking really good guys i'm actually really happy with this website i love this theme and i hope you're following along if you if you're not following along please do start over at some stage and follow along with me i use that the free trial again doesn't you don't need your credit card or anything to to do it but i think that this is a really great way of building a beautiful website so again we've got this announcement bar we've got this logo we've got this menu which we'll change in a second we've got a search button here so we can literally search the store let's search for robe i'm after a robe and you can see that we have this ajax kind of search so which means it comes up this is such a nice theme so we could also search for headband sarah headband there we go or we could search for shorts so we could hit search and we'll see that it comes up with all of the different shorts it's really looking really neat and that is something that i really like about this theme is that it's super neat it's fantastic we've also got our cart here remember we have a cart so this takes you directly to your shopping cart which of course people can change things they can change the quantity or they can simply remove it and you can see it actually it updates automatically we can remove that one as well we'll go home again it's really starting to look super good i mean i'd be happy if i went to this website and had all of these things look at that big image here as well let's add some quotes or some testimonials this is quite important to add as well so we could say what our customers are saying and then of course you could add whatever you want but i'm not going to go too much into this we'll call this julie sarah and stephanie there you go you can add some really nice little quotes there let's hit save and then i think what we want to do is change this little section here this is a really nice one it's a gallery so a gallery you probably know it's just a group of photos to edit this i think you know how to do this by now we just click on gallery you can change the size you can have this as small photos or really large photos i think we'll go with maybe medium let's try medium to edit the photos here all you do is go here click select image then we can simply drag them in so i think these images are actually quite good so we'll go with this one first and it makes it the right size which is nice click select you can change the alignment again if you want to have it in the top or in the bottom this looks fine here and you can also link it as well you could even have a caption so you could say weddings something like that and you can see that that would be something that you could link to i think for now we'll just have the photos though next up we'll go for this photo here i think that one's nice and let's add one more we'll go for that one's a bit smaller if i remember this one here let's drag this one in and there we go hit select again you can change that to the top or the middle if you want and then what do we do we always click save let's see how it's turning out now it really is coming out so quickly so good i love this theme so right here we have a bit of information which could be not exactly a blog you could possibly do that but let's edit this and i'll show you how to do it anyway so we go back it's a text columns now if you ever want to delete a section it's really easy all you need to do is click remove section and as you can see it's deleted now if we want to add it back we click add section and then we'll do this one was called text columns with images so let's add this i think that we only want to have two columns here so we simply click on one of them then click remove content and we can add whatever we want here so this could be an image so let's add an image just this one for example yeah this one looks good hit select then you could add whatever you want so it could be uh what could we add we could add wedding i don't know wedding party you can add whatever you want and you can add a button as well if you want so see our wedding closed i'm not sure really whatever you want you can see it's come up with a nice kind of different button there i like that then we'll add another one here that looks pretty good and again let's add a button we'll call this one bridal party i'm not sure again now with here we can actually link to collections if you want as well or even products so let's let's link to a product here we'll link to this blue stripe shorts and you'll see that when we take a look at this once we click save if i click on this it's going to take us directly to that product so you can really link to different pages different collections whatever you want this is looking fantastic well we do want to change that title don't we that wouldn't be good keep on so we could we could write the latest news or something like that you change it to left and centered i think left looks good on this we'll click save and again let's take a quick look at how our website's looking so we've got this really nice header with our announcement bar in the menu which we'll change in a sec we've got this intro text which is looking so good we've got our collections here our shorts our accessories our robes our image here our testimonials a big photo section here then we've got the latest news let's add a few more things i mean there's so much we can do in this i hope you're sticking along with me if you're still sticking around you're a legend we can add a section so let's add so let's add in another section so we'll go add section and we can even add in a featured product this is a great way if you really want to have a product that you want to sell like hotcakes so you simply go add and you can see what this is going to do is show off one single product so let's say we really want to promote this white robe here we can click on that and you can see it's instantly brought in all of the information you can change a few things as well you can have a quantity selector as well so if people want to buy more than one i don't think people want to buy more than one generally you can show variant labels which would be if we had it in white or blue or pink or something you can show the vendor so you've got the the uh the name of your store and you can have a dynamic checkout button if you want to have added add to now add to cart or buy it now and you can have sharing buttons i don't think we want to have that one there you can change this to small or medium or large i think for me we want to have this on medium and you can have image zooming if you want or you can simply turn that off i think we'll have that on there it's nice so let's click save and see how that looks so as you can see we're down here at the latest news and then it's like wow there's this robe i definitely want to check this out so you can simply add it to the cart right from the home page that's looking really cool you can also add blog posts as well it's similar to kind of what we were talking about right here but this is actually going to be if you want to create a blog so we can simply add this we could show if we want to have three or four six so we're gonna have nine i'll show you how to create a blog as well in a bit you can change things like showing the author's name and the date and you can also have a view or button as well so our latest blog posts again you don't want to have too much stuff on your homepage but i'm showing you everything you can add there's so many different things that you can really do here you can even have a logo list of the different maybe brands that you stock you can have a slideshow as well you can have a new newsletter if you want to have a newsletter i think that's a really nice one you can have a map you can just have basic text testimonials which we've seen in the text columns we can even have the video let's add a video right now so to do this all you need to click is add right here and we can simply get a video from youtube so let's go to youtube we'll bring in a a wedding video let's do that because this is kind of a wedding brand i think so we'll add in perhaps this one here copy this link add that in right there and then what you can also do is add a cover image so let's see if this fits look at that once i've clicked selected on there you can change the height of the video make it really big or make it small you can change it to be a background video if you want or you can just have it as an image with a play button it's really looking fantastic so let's see what that looks like when we go to the full screen here so we'll go up here go have a look the website's looking fantastic here so let's click play and you'll see that the video automatically comes on so that looks really really cool of course we've got a wedding video here so we'll pause that and that's our homepage pretty much done let's take a look at the product page now this is also just as important so you can imagine that if someone came to these product pages this is where you've got to be able to sell so we can actually change the product page in this customize section too so again we go to the top here and you can see that we can change the product pages so if we click product pages you can see that we can add a quantity selector so if people want to buy more of these you never know they might want to it's good to give them the option so if they want to add two for example they can add this to the cart you can have this dynamic checkout button again this is simply just uh it's either going to go add card or buy it now or it's going to show apple pay or paypal depending on the person who comes to the store and then you can have this social sharing kind of thing you don't have to have it but you can if you want i think this looks really good again you can change how big you want your image so maybe you want to have it so it looks like the image is the big thing that stands out here for me i think that's a little bit large so we'll go with just medium what happens if we do full width you can see that that looks alright as well but i think again let's get a medium you can also upload videos here and you can have video looping but we're not going to do that today again you can change video zooming if you want you don't have to have that but it's nice if you've got a big good quality image so people can zoom in and take a look then we can go back there's also that product recommendations which i was telling you about which is a really fantastic idea you could change this to you may also like or something like similar items there we go and again you can click save once you're happy then we can also change some of the theme settings so for example we can change the add to cart notification to turn off so when someone does this it's a little bit different you can change the search so you can turn off those product suggestions for example so if we turn that off they won't come up automatically but i think that we'll keep that on you can have things like the price on in the search so for example now if we type in shorts one second the price is there as well i think that's good and you can have the vendor checkout's another one that you might want to do and this is something that we can change as well and essentially this is going to be when people get to the stage past the card so if they click checkout this might not work because we're in a demo store but it might you can actually change things like this so we're here this is the checkout page where they can edit their contact information and add their payment information if we go to checkout we can add a background image which is something i probably wouldn't recommend but i would change the logo so this logo here it comes with this text logo i think to keep the store branding consistent let's have it like this logo here so we'll go back go to checkout select image and we already have this image so we can simply use that one and you'll see that this looks a whole lot more consistent and a whole lot more professional there we go it really does flow really really well you can change this to be in the center if you want which looks pretty good to me and you can change that to be medium or small whatever size you really want i think it's actually looking really quite nice now and it's going to be really quite good you can change things like the colors as well but for me this is a really nice little checkout area remember to click save before you go back and we can go back now and take a look at how our website's looking you can also change these different templates of each pages by the way so if we go to home page this is a simple way to show what it's going to be so we've got our homepage of course we have our password page so if someone's going to be logging in you can see that they can enter their password we've got product pages which is the main place where people can look at the products we've got a collection page which is that kind of category page which we're talking about so this is a basic category we've got our collection list so again it's really nice to have this these photos which we've used that's nice and you can change different things like you know having four per row or two per row so many different things you can change but you can do that yourself have a bit of fun we've got our blogs so this here is going to show what it looks like when you've got different blogs but we don't have any blogs right yet we've got our cart which we've already had a look at i can change a few things like uh had have notes so people can add notes to the cart that looks quite nice you can change things like the footer and then of course we've got the checkout and the 404 page which you don't really need to change so let's go back and take a look at some important parts on the actual dashboard this is really important guys make sure you're staying tuned now we've done a lot of the design but now we want to start making the money so let's go through this list on the left here this is really important so we've got our home page which will change as time goes on we've got our orders which is where orders will come when someone has purchased a product they'll come in here and if you've got fulfillment with your products automatically they might come in or if you're doing them yourself you can fulfill them yourself now i'll go into more depth in specific like drop shipping tutorials but for now we're just going to talk about if we've got our own products but it's very similar if we do drop shipping um you've got products right here which we know we've used this as well we've got all of our products here which look good and you can change these with filters we've got inventory if you're tracking inventory so if you've got a certain amount of products we've got our collections and gift cards now gift cards are really interesting one i like gift cards with gift cards you can essentially give out a gift card or someone can have a gift card and then they can get a certain amount of money with that we can also do customers so if we go to customers customers is going to be all of the people who've purchased a product from you or signed up for your newsletter as well that can also come up here so you can get their information so you've got their shipping information for example to send out the products you can also get their email address so this is quite important you can also import customers if you've already used shopify before we've got analytics which is one of my favorite things because this is essentially the statistics of who's come to your website so how many people have been during the day the total sales you've made in this day and of course you could change this to the week or yesterday or 90 days the returning customer rate so no matter how long people are returning your conversion rate so this is essentially a funnel so how many people added a product to the cart and then from that many how many reached the checkout and how many people ended up paying you've got yeah average order value so how much people are adding in each order you've got the total amount of orders you've got a good list here of the top products by units sold so which products are selling best where people are looking from so which country whether or not they're using desktop or mobile or tablet then you've got a few others here as well top landing pages for example and if you do any kind of adwords or facebook marketing or ads this will also come up here you can also have a live view as well which shows where people are in the world hopefully this will be covered in dots so you'll see that people are around everywhere we've got marketing here as well which is a way that you can do facebook marketing or google adwords and stuff it's all integrated i'll create a separate video for this if you'd like which is really good because you can do some fantastic kind of ads that you can use to get more people to your site then we've got discounts and discounts is something i would highly recommend using with this you can create discount codes so you probably know what a discount code is let's create one to do this you click create discount code and let's say black friday is coming up the biggest sale day of the year we're going to create a discount code called black friday 50. so when someone comes here and uses this code in checkout they will get either a percentage off a fixed amount off so ten dollars twenty dollars free shipping or buy one get one for example let's do just percentage here so it's black friday fifty so they get fifty percent off whatever they use so you can do this for just entire order for specific products or specific collections but we'll do this for the entire order and they don't need a minimum requirement and it's for everyone you can also change how much this can be used so this can only be used once for each person and you can change it to one per customer the date we can do a set end date is going to be one day after this starts then we click save code and now whenever and whenever and when whenever anyone uses black friday 50 they will get 50 off in their cart it's a really good way to get people to buy more so if we go to our online store here now make sure you stay on this video because very shortly i'm going to show you apps and the app store is epic the app store is where you can really make your website awesome because there are thousands upon thousands of apps which can make your store look so good you can get things like free shipping bars or add in you know different things to make your website look better you can have video makers you can have funnels to get people to buy more things you can have upsells we'll talk about this in just a second but before we do this we're just going to quickly take a look at the sales channels here again and we can see that we have blog posts now we talked about blog posts quickly let's just create one quickly we've got to create blog post and a blog is essentially just going to be a news update so we could say welcome to our new website it's live and then you could add a blog text for example so this could be this is the text for the blog you can also add an excerpt which is essentially just going to be a little bit of extra text so like that would be show up on the website so it could be this is the excerpt and then you can add a featured image as well so let's just say we wanted to use this one here drag that in you can change different things like tags and so on click save and then we can see this in our online store so you can see this is our blog post it's obviously going to be a lot larger than this when you create it and then if we go back to the home page you'll actually see that this hopefully comes up in our blogs there it is these are our latest blog posts and you can see it looks really good so that's a great way with the blogs i didn't want to spend too much time on that one because it's not that important we've also got pages which is a little bit more important so let's create an about us page we do this by clicking about us i'm going to call this our story and again we'll just quickly grab some some dummy text here just for one second so for example this could be our about us page so it's important to have this so people can come to your website and know who you are we can again click view page up here and see that this is our story and you can also create a contact page as well so if we want to do that we'll go back to pages create about page and let's do a contact us page we can simply change it to a contact us page by going to page template and do page contact so if we click save now we'll go to view page you can see that we now have a contact form which is really good and you could of course add a bit of text as well really important thing which we've been talking about doing for a while is changing the menu the main menu at the top here so we've just got home and catalog at the moment we need to change this so we do this in navigation on the left here and then we're going to change the main menu we also have a footer menu which is this thing down the bottom here but we're just going to change the main one for now so click on main menu then we can add whatever we want so we've got our home button got our home link here so we can also delete things so let's delete this catalog we don't need this on here and what we can do is add pretty much anything you want so what you do first is click on link then let's add a collection so we're going to have our ropes i think that's good click add we'll add in another collection shorts add accessories add and if you want to drag them and move them around you can simply do that and they will show up in different spots so we'll hit save menu and let's have a look at our website now you can see that we now have home accessories robes and shorts looks much better so we can click accessories it's going to take you to that accessories page we can also add in our about page we just created so click add menu item link pages our story click add you can also change this to say about if you want or about us and we can drag this right here in fact i don't think we need the home button the home text here because we've got the logo which people can click on if they want how about we also add in that contact page pages contact us click add let's see how our website's looking now that is looking awesome we've got our about us our accessories our robes shorts and contact us really is looking cool actually take a look at this when i drag this in you're going to see that it changes first it moves nicely here but then it changes to using this hamburger menu so if i click here it actually comes down in a nice drop down so this is going to be much better when it's on the mobile section doesn't that look good it really does so the website's really starting to take shape here guys if you've got your own brand or if you're starting to create your own business this is really going to look fantastic let's go to the app store now let's go to apps and i want to show you a few of my favorite apps and one that i really like i'm not going to show you all of them because we'll be here for 10 hours but for example there's a lot of different apps that you can get which are great to make people spend more money and that is the whole goal here so we're going to search for for example free shipping bar this is a free app some are paid some are not paid some are free and some are a premium but this one here free shipping bar by hextum so they've got a free plan to add an app all you need to do is click add app then click install app and this is the back end of this app all you need to do now is click create new bar and watch what this app does it's really cool you can choose your different color which you want so i think we'll use this one here it's going to work well for this website and this is the preview so what this app is going to show is that if you spend a certain amount of money you're going to get free shipping and it could be you get a free gift at a certain amount of money or you get free anything you know it might not even be free it might be uh you win something if you go over a certain amount but anyway we've got a name for it and then we can change the goal so this is how much it's going to be for them to get free shipping so let's change this to 60 so you can change this to get free shipping yeah that would look good uh let's yep oh okay actually what they had was better than what i've i'm gonna write free shipping for orders over sixty dollars then as they add things to the car it's going to say only free only a certain amount and then you've got congratulations anyway let's have a look at how it looks so you can change to other different things as well and we'll click save and let's take a look at our website now so we'll have a look here refresh the page and watch what comes up because we have things in our cart already that's uh defeats the purpose let's remove these if we go back again you're gonna see that it comes up with free shipping for orders over sixty dollars how good is that so if i come to this website let's say shipping is twenty dollars uh well no i'm gonna spend sixty dollars so i don't have to pay for free shipping so let's say you're here and you're buying a pair of shorts so i want these striped shorts that looks good i'm going to add that okay it's 19. but look this changed here to only 41 away from free shipping i'm much more inclined to either get a few more pairs of these shorts maybe we'll get one more pair of these and look that changed as well instantly maybe i want to get an accessory too so things will be cheaper so let's add this blue headband okay i'm still not getting free shipping it's 17 hmm let's add a robe then because you know that would be good so let's add this pink robe i'm going to click add to cart and as you can see at the top now congratulations you got free shipping that is so cool so these are the kind of things that you can add to your store that makes such a difference in terms of getting more money for your brand it really is that simple there are so many other apps as well that i would really recommend i mean i have lots of videos on my channel as well so if you do want to check them out i go over some of the best free apps some of the best paid apps some of the best apps to get you more sales some of the best apps to make your store look better and things like that there are just a million different apps you know you can look into different categories and things if you want to do drop shipping you can use oberlo which is one of the biggest ones which uses aliexpress you can connect it to facebook and instagram you can have different designs so you can have different page builders and uh you know for example you can have a currency changer so this here is a currency converter we can have a look at a demo here so say that you've got your website which is only in dollars right now but someone comes from sweden now it'll automatically change into swedish kroner and then they can also change it to indian rupee for example and you can see that that instantly changes so there are so many different apps some of them again are free some of them are paid um paid ones are generally going to be a little bit might be a little bit more advanced and they're going to be maybe like they could be cheap they could be like three dollars a month or something but you've got to be careful they don't add up too much so for me like i like to have a few of the base ones which are free this free shipping bar is really good um the currency converter is probably really good it's just got probably a few more advanced things if you want to have a paid plan but for most people you don't always have to spend too much money with shopify that's one of the great things about it so there are so many different apps we can also have a quick look at settings now i'm going to go too much into this uh tutorial because i don't want to make this too long but you can change the general settings uh payments is a way in which we can add different payments so you can either get paid through things like stripe shopify payments which is their in-house one which actually uses stripe as well paypal you can set that up again all you need is a paypal account you just click activate paypal and that's a way to get paid check out we've already kind of customized this but you can change different like uh checkout options so they can create an account for example or if they don't have to create an account so if they create an account this is going to be for them to be able to come in and change orders and things you can change your shipping prices shipping and delivery so for example you can have it to be certain rates for domestic certain rates for the rest of the world you can have label printing which is done really good you can have different taxes again that's going to be completely different on where you are uh notifications for you and how they get sent to people you can upload different files different sales channels so that would be for facebook and instagram uh your own account billing for example but there are just so many things let's just take a quick look once more at how sick our website is looking i really hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial but let's have a look so we've got free shipping win total win then we've got black friday sales on you can easily change that announcement bar we've got this awesome logo up here which is looking nice then we've got this menu which we've changed again we've got this search bar if we want to search for robe or something there it is comes up with the price now we've changed that we've got our cart here which will really look good and allow people to add different things and then they can of course remove items as well it's amazing how quick you can get a store set up like this we've got our big image here with our intro text and our other text and then actually for example we haven't changed this let's change this so we have this button go to our collection we have collections now and remember how saying how important collections are and having that nice and ordered you can see that for example if we want to change this now it's super easy we'll just change this to a collection and it's going to be let's do we'll go to robes because they're wearing robes click on save and we'll refresh this page now if we click on see our collection it's going to go to robes that looks great go down we've got this nice text here with the image on the side and again you can move that to the right or the left you can have a few of these if you wanted then we've got our shop our collections so we've got robes shorts and accessories we've got our individual collections here for shorts with our sale button now if we ever wanted to change the color of this sale red is nice but it doesn't really go with a brand does it so if we go down here we'll just have a quick look we can go to colors and change the sale price i think we'll keep it the same color as that button so let's do this change that just in hex code or you can just drag it you want and see how that looks a little bit nicer i think that's good of course if you wanted to for example you want to have the background and that would be here page background you could change that to white if you wanted that looks pretty nice as well let's save that and have a look at how that looks now as you can see it's a different color here we're now going to change it to should change to white there you go so that looks also really nice i actually quite like the white background there if we go back to the home page we'll see how the home page looks with the white background yeah it's pretty clean next we went down we had this big background image looks really good be comfortable in the best clothes not a great tag line but does look really cool then we've got testimonials here which we could easily change add more if we wanted we've got this gallery as well which is really cool got our basic kind of grid image here which was good as well but we do have the blog as well we've got our individual product if you just want let's say you only have one product in your store maybe this is what you would use got our latest blog post which only has one but if you had three or four for example it would show up like similar to how this does and then we've got our video here as well remember which works really well and shows off the image or the video and looks really great so if we go up here you can also see we've got our about us page our accessories robes shorts contact us looking really really cool now if you ever want to uh take off this uh disabled password it's really simple you just click disable password and you turn off enable password so that's super easy to do and that here is in the preferences section so again if we're let's say we're in the sales channels you can click preferences you can change things like the home page title as well so this is how it's going to be if you do a google search so you know how you go into google and you type in let's just say we'll type in wedding dresses or something so this is going to be the title this here the blue text so what we would want is for example we'll just copy this we want it something like that we'll just call that cards and then the meta description is for example uh this here so we want to edit that as well so that's how it's going to show up in google when we are up got our social sharing image this is what you know if you share a link on facebook or just in like messenger or something this is the link that it's gonna the image is gonna be at the moment we've just got our logo this isn't great let's change it to another image so we'll go here so if anyone wants to share your website you want a better image than that so let's use this one here and that's what's going to come up when people uh share your website we'll just refresh this and see if that comes up yeah so that's what it's going to be if you've got google analytics you can simply paste in the the code that comes with it that that's a bit more advanced if you know that and also the same with a facebook pixel you can just put your id in there we've talked about password protection and that is good and then of course you've got domain names so if you do have a domain name this is the basic one this is what you would use if you were just setting up your store for example obviously that's a terrible one but what you can actually do is just buy it through shopify and it's probably what i would recommend because it's the easiest way to do it because it automatically links up so let's say we're called khan clothing co uh let's see if that comes up so there we go we could simply buy that perfect or you could and they've got other ones as well and you simply click buy and then it's just going to do it so as simple as that and then that'll that'll go to you can direct people to khan clothing code clock and that'll bring them there so um there is your store hopefully it's looking awesome if you haven't uh got up to this stage yet please go back in the site uh go back in the video and you'll get to here so all you need to do is literally follow everything i've done here and you're going to have a wicked website looking like this great job so there you go that was my step-by-step guide on how to create an amazing shopify website it's really pretty easy now if you haven't started yet definitely check out that free trial down in the link in the description box below you can get started and you'll probably be done within an hour good luck with your shopify website i'm sure you can do this if you did enjoy this video please hit the like button because that means a lot and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Chris Winter Tutorials
Views: 147,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Winter, Stock Investing, Investing, Stock Broker, Best Stock Brokers, Make Money Online, How To Invest Your Money, Best Stocks To Buy, Passive Income, Shopify, Shopify 2022, Shopify tutorial 2022, Shopify tutorial, Shopify tutorial for beignners 2022, Shopify tutorial for beginners, Shopify tutorials 2022, Shopify step by step guide 2022, Shopify dropshipping tutorial 2022, Shopify drop shipping 2022
Id: gg33M7Xls94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 3sec (4203 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.