SHOCKING STORY Old Storage Unit Owner At Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction Real Storage Wars

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here at what the hell's we always tell you that every single abandoned storage unit has a story and this one is a tearjerker you might want to go grab some Kleenex and watch it from beginning to end and I got to share with you a huge thank you on behalf of George and I and the rest of all of our teammates because none of this happens without you every comment every like every time you share one of our videos on your social media platforms every time you watch a video from the very beginning to the very end it makes this possible you keep doing what you do and I guarantee you will keep doing this as well thank you so much for making this possible YouTube viewers you want to tell them what we saw three jewelry bags are right in the front let's wait until the very end to get into the jewelry you have to make a jury attic we got to be thinking about in the whole time that's very strange wait Jesus Jesus what do you see there's a sticker on it thank there's us there's a name on it and a sticker on it [Music] material in it Crematory are those ashes it's a cemetery Crematory it really does look at that cemetery and Crematory no they're all the same vagary and they're all the things that bag there's no way book cemetery Crematory yeah I think you're holding ashes hopefully what we can do is give this former unit owner all of her stuff back job so we were able to secure the place but luckily we have friends all right let me share this video you said there is a God I 100% agree with you there is a God I love him he loved you [Music] [Laughter] wake it up this morning you know I can't mention before you just you have in your mind you know your focus and you know what you gotta do but you know it something happens but you gotta push through right so we woke up this morning and we you've got a plan together to get it cargo van or a truck or something we can plow through frequent and kick the [Music] gonna make a hails of a difference oh yeah sure some of that treasure Jebus getting the stoy let's go we're focusing on we're focusing on linens bedding all that kind of thing huh there's little girls and I heard they like lol so let's see if we can find some lol fans there maybe we can even get them a what the Hales t-shirt I just found our friends locker nuts here they're going they're going nuts buying all this stuff I want to see what's in your cart look at this you guys you guys are doing all kitchenware true that's true man I feel bad now we better George we better get on filling our cart up [Music] so there's two little girls in this family and we found lol toys in the storage unit when we gave the storage unit back to the family so we are going with lol towels for the little girls look at this treasure hunting with Jebus is hunting another kind of treasure treasure for other people look at this their cart heart is filled with toys make sure the family gets a good night's sleep after all they've been through how many more pillows could you stuff in there girl [Music] [Music] well they were inflatable mattresses not even full beds so we're gonna see what we can do with our friends to try and get a bed as well I'm not sure what George was thinking she let me take the car go solo why she checked another eye or see if we could plant a comforter I can't find lol but I did find this complete bedding set it's got a nice little plaid look to it so we're gonna just we're gonna go over budget what we agreed to spend but hey can you really go over-budget doing right for somebody just wanna throw those in the cart as well throw in what you got what's that one is that at all well perfect we should be good there she's ready to checkout but she's not the only one the storage option pirates ready to checkout as well she thought that when she was a kid she liked to ride bikes that's a hails of an idea is that treasure hunting the Jebus right behind them sure is here we go get the blankets she's got the towels she's got the comforters she's got a lot just just paid already thank you [Music] you guys ready to do this we're about to make a hails of a day for this family yeah we're about to make a hails of a memory for this family amber and Jeremy are walking in hopefully they're home we told you we got friends right here and the make it rain t-shirt is Jacqueline Locker nuts and N one Gianna I can bring here princess he's a hugger he's a hugger too pretty mean older man I yeah they're 7 and 11 I guess it's so long they gave us a little a little get down and run down everything that's going on and we figure know what we come through and expensing about where we can I told you I told you we have friends no all of our friends couldn't make it that doesn't mean that they haven't tried to help and contribute so we've already you've heard of all the channels there are a few other channels that aren't here but they've contributed and they want to be a part of it let's bargain hunters thrift and so they're from Southern California you also have storage hunters Vegas and so they're from Nevada and then you also you have come on ooh am I missing guys treasure treasure hustler honey they're from Orange County so those those YouTube channels wanted to be a partner to helping you as well and so what we have is we have a ton of furniture some items for you and your family from the storage units that we've all purchased and those other people have purchased to gift to you and we want to we want to help bring it all in if you're ok with that you alright with it I didn't think you'd say no [Music] I've been through hard times myself and it's like is everything okay you got all your stuff back today yes you got a little bit more to help you live a little easier with your family yeah is everything all right yeah is it a good day yeah would you mind if we make it a little bit of a better that'd be okay we gave you all of these channels and I'll just share with you who they are if so you've got storage options pirate right here he's an amazing individual we've got over here this is storage stalker these do right here hey you've got locker nuts right here and you've got treasure hunting with Jebus which is here here here here and everything storage auction storage hunters Vegas right over here oh you've got what the Hills over here bargain hunters thrifts has been a whole part of this as well and then you also have treasure hustlers who have been a part of this they just couldn't be here right now and we got some prices that's what storms often pirated so we thought not just giving you some use stuff we would it be okay if we we love getting in boxes and finding out what's inside boxes that's like one of the things that that is a thrill for us is the treasure hunt and so we thought we'd get you some brand-new treasure but we thought we would take each youtube channel in at a time and bringing that new treasure for you is that okay you are right with that Locker nuts as closest to the door Locker nuts do you mind going and getting a mystery box for the family I [Music] like this remember that one key phrase you said to me this afternoon and said there is okay so biblically by the way I have a Bible theology major I love God I told you that I love God and he loves you and I want to share that love with you and so one of the things in the Bible one of the numbers God uses a lot of 777 yeah you know that right so we actually created a little bit of a goal and we wanted to spend 777 dollars on you in that representation and I hope you don't mind we actually went over if you don't mind we actually went over there we're gonna start bringing in it you're gonna get the fun and the thrill of the treasure hunt and so Walker nuts is first and then each channel is going to go out and they're going to bring in verse new stuff for you to go with some of this other storage boxes stuff as well here comes locker nuts with brand new kitchen items for you and your family [Music] [Music] all right storage smoker should be next-door joshan pirate you ready to go next [Applause] you guys like Barbies right there and here's the unit who likes unicorns we got some more Betty in here all right what the Hales do you think I got girls this is this is good stuff this isn't a pillow this is for fighting with your sister like that how you tested yeah now we're talking now we're talking we got enough pillows for everybody in the family to have a major pillow fight we want to make sure you guys get enough sleep okay you guys been through enough good well is that enough guys yeah are you happy yeah are you sure you're happy are you okay that we did this for you yeah what what if I told you we're not done yet are you guys okay with that if we just have one more thing with that be alright I believe mama Jebus mama Davis is actually sitting on this and we wanted to gift this to you and your family and you have to open it though and you have to let the whole family see what it is take your time there's no rush at all okay you can pick it up hook up everything [Music] [Music] smile take your time your journey that's our autographs I want to hold on to that because storage talkers gonna be famous I forget I'm coming back bargain hunters thrift party is they've been all over TV and storage hunters Vegas that's been all over TV you actually have two celebrities in your home with everyone Oh shall I go through this oh I think you should so here's Walmart hundred dollars for Walmart Oh God empty for Tuesday did you have a good day today would you mind if we make it a little bit better [Applause] [Laughter] I just said to my sister like how and bring it back I can't thank you all enough no I don't think it's just spread it spread the line therefore I must go now you're one step ahead of what you were they're big giant yeah he's the man that pulled this all together this was his idea him and amber it's our pleasure I don't know I dunno whatever wise know it you know already god bless you know these communication messages right oh my god has placed I don't know where angel where you came from you don't god bless you it yes but I didn't like not sup like you know he's most angel yeah like all days you know we did we've just been in [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 66,156
Rating: 4.9578862 out of 5
Keywords: helping struggling family, miracle for struggling family, struggling family gets the home of their dreams, ellen surprises struggling family, pay it forward struggling family, helping family in need, helping family with money, helping homeless people, helping people, helping people in need, helping the homeless, ellen degeneres helping families, oprah winfrey helping families in need, oprah winfrey, oprah winfrey network, pay it forward, changed their lives
Id: s5uCRvd38Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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