This horror game will make you cry

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[Music] but top of the morning to you baby what's going on summer of 58 what do you know about that I don't know anything about this from the same people that made that previous game that we played um [Music] I just finished playing it September 7th Heaven we're in the summer of 58 now which came up before so 7th um I don't know if they're connected at all but I'm excited to keep this horror train rolling sometimes people make up things that aren't there it seems to them that some entity controls their mind and their life they do terrible things that can drive you crazy I don't believe in paranormal phenomena I believe that the troubles that people commit are their own faults or those who brought them to this and in order for you to believe your eyes are not fictions I made revealing videos about paranormal phenomena in two houses in which according to people's stories Madness was happening my name is Alex Morton and we're getting started okay Alex I'm into it what is this stranger things whoa what did you catch on video Alex there's going to be some orbs okay some swear words on the wall and a pentagram on the ground that's fine hate okay oh my God it looks like the little elf from the last one oh it's gonna get spooky Alex watch out this is epic imagine this is the whole game I searched all the corners but I didn't find any evidence confirming paranormal activity in these houses now I'm going to an abandoned Pioneer camp in Russia at the request of my subscribers to find out if the rumors are that the locals have been talking about for so they say that there are ghosts of dead people in this place at the hands of one of the residents he himself has never found the bodies of those people were also not found local residents avoid this place and those who were touched by this tragedy do not allow to open the doors of this building in memory of the dead and missing I came to Russia to investigate what happened to find out if the rumors are true or to find evidence of this in keeping with my tradition I closed the doors the building behind me so that there is no temptation to leave it and I'm staying here for a few nights recording a report I have a video camera a sleeping bag a backpack with things and food with me God don't put huge clumps of dialogue on screen that I need to read through in a timed manner I don't get to click when this goes away so it's just anxiety-inducing knowing that I have to read this fast enough and I read it so fast that I didn't actually take in anything that you said Pioneer cabinet you lost oh I like the look of this one I'm a sucker for like abandoned buildings oh my God those are not an actual exterior that's just a giant picture outside nice no flashlight this time no lighter this looks great whoops broke my foot there you go one at a time there Alex good job don't step in the nails though unless you have a tetanus shot handy anything in here okay cool I bet this place smells great folks it has come that time once again that we have to talk about our Lord and savior nordvpn nordvpn is a way for you to be able to browse the internet not only safely but sometimes in places that you normally can't access for example every time we want to watch a movie here me and Evelyn we sit down we love watching movies and TV shows and sometimes we go online and the movie's not available to play here in the UK so I just fire up nordvpn boom boom couple of clicks I'm in America and then we're able to get it there and we just cast it to our TV that way it makes it so easy to be able to access content that we normally can't access so I've been using it for a very long time something that I learned recently from Nord that I didn't know before is that you can actually save more money if you're traveling because if you if you set your location to be the destination that you're going to be before you go and you book some stuff ahead of yourself that means that you'll be able to get it at better prices than you would if you did it from your own network Justin is and as an example here they say people coming from America if they set their IP to London before they went with Nord they saved 46 on car rental because doing it from the US meant that it was more expensive they also have stuff like Nord pass which is a password manager that you can use they also have Nord Locker which is a encrypted cloud storage that you can use we live in a day and age where digital stuff is very precious to us and it's very important to keep that stuff under lock and key to keep it battened down that you don't want anyone getting your information it scares me all the time as someone who does a lot of their stuff online it's nice to have systems in place that can actually keep keep Bad actors out you know so go try it out for yourself down in the description jacksepticeye to get two years plus four extra months go try it out for yourselves thank you Nord hello anybody oh it's just someone feed the cats here more cats I hear a cat oh cats upstairs or on top not upstairs it's upstairs for them hey here train these are the same assets from the last game which is totally fine I'm just pointing it out this is very impressive looking though what is happening you ghosty poo anybody want to help a guy out like do some stuff on camera right now to save me so much time hey you moved that's enough proof for me I can't read what it says I need to get my Russian English dictionary okay wait is that like a mechanic that we're doing or do we just never get to find out what that says wait how did I get in here everything's all boarded up did I come in here and then board up all the doors myself [Music] okay seems like somebody's here with me the cats don't seem bothered though it's when the cats start freaking out that I start freaking out they can hear and smell and see things that I can't so if they're chill I'm chill I can't read what it says any of my original English dictionary okay okay then get it where is it do you do you oops do you have it on you whip it out get it on a telephone that's creepy is that Paranormal Activity can I go home now I I'd say that that's enough evidence like I came in and out of this room that doll moved and now that ball moved on its own there's no one in here maybe you should do it like a YouTuber what's up I'm in an abandoned house in Russia and weird stuff is happening whoa the cats are freaking out time to panic it'll be dark soon need to look for candles wait what happened okay I got candles [Music] those are not the sounds you want to be hearing is it nuclear is it weather tornadoes siren head oh remember siren head remember how we were all obsessed with siren head for a while it was the summer of 58. whoa yeah a video camera oh yes Russian English dictionary where they hear the whole time australianizing some Russian books in college and I took a Russian English dictionary with me to help with the translation yes dude we're out last now [Music] okay what does stuff say oh and there's a lighter nice [Music] the doll's gone there are legends that there was an orphanage near this camp and there lived a strange girl who was afraid of water she had rabies she did not wash and did not go to the river that's just every kid every kid hates water and showers one day the older girls decided to laugh at her tie her hands and poured water over her she was very scared and ran away they couldn't find her for many days and they decided that she was dead cool go jump to conclusion but one night she came back in her pajamas all wet and killed everyone who bullied her after that her spirit appeared in the bathrooms on a full moon I think that's fair you tie up my hands cover me in water and then presume I'm dead immediately I'm coming back to murder all of you okay let me read stuff before we move on into night time uh where was tough to read in 1958 shout out towards the end of summer that's the game parents called the camp to find out if everything was all right with their children but no one answered when they arrived at the camp they found no one only abandoned things and a mess all the locals helped in the search for the missing children but all in vain the kids have gone missing and also those gas masks everywhere so maybe a chemical attack all right some candles let's get a party going a seance I can light the candles now cozy what up subscriber gang I can spread out my sleeping bags done need to prepare for the night dude you got food on you like snacks night number one ooh five nights at this place dude you could have to start of your end oh nice not up to sleep okay I can't use my night vision anymore oh this is so much worse than the dark oh no making sounds in here oh it's a dead bird it's lots of dead birds ew I don't want that it's disgusting that's gross stop it get some help uh Hey ghosts what up um it's me your boy um don't haunt me oh no don't haunt me oh oh what's that my shirts come off oh don't haunt me please all right go start horny got it come in oh don't come in you who I can't read what it says in my Russian English where did you put it where did you put it down just keep it on you you need to pick up a small mirror and stand in front of a large one to make a corridor say three times Barefoot lady show me my fate and I will give my shoes in return [ __ ] shoes to a ghost lady I need these they're expensive an investigation is underway in The Disappearance of children employees of the eunost pioneer Camp which was opened in 1955 under the leadership of director Maria anatolevnia a the suspect in this case is a child living in this Camp the name is Yakov evidence of the victims was found in his locker what happened to him and where is he now is not known oh Yakov do I need a fuse what else can I interact with ew ew I don't like your slurpy weird noises I don't care what you're eating hey what's up doll okay I need a small mirror I need to start making hallways small mirror anywhere around here hello small mirror hello I don't have a stop that can't get me with that that's the oldest trick in the book birds are gone dude I'm just saying right now me controlling you walking around this place is terrible footage for your paranormal video so those are all the dead people sorry missing they're dead come on let's jump to that conclusion the person who's there ghost show yourself hey you're moving around these kids even ghost kids are as annoying as real kids just running in and out and all about like are you entering out make up your mind okay we're in he's gone again someone needs an inhaler come on bruh don't do that we'll just have a butt you can start with anybody with that hey okay now we're talking where do you look like a character from Pub G or Daisy or something [Music] did I just get pumped who's out here bunking in the middle of the woods in a haunted house foreign I got the horny Bonk to jail how did I get here I don't know do you have 90 minutes but it's a different area cool what a page who's feeding you try and translate any of this anyway I need my English to Russian dictionary Russian to English whatever oh yeah wait you can't kick these down you kick down the other ones my video camera I can't read what it says uh-huh luckily for you the dictionary is right next to it just keep that to you too you're not welcome here well I'm so glad I picked up my dictionary to find out that people are just [ __ ] the one who hit me on the head took the candles I have to figure out what's going on here candle Thief stop that God it's just a bunch of douchebags although if I was a ghost and I had nothing else to do an eternal afterlife I'd probably mess around with people as well probably got behind them and like start petting their ears make them freak out hello Lost Child can I kick these down yet now I can I'm coming child don't you worry oh there was a oh I was gonna say there was a cat on that a second ago that's not a dead cat is it holy [ __ ] oh this is way too big to be cut need to look need to look this room be clean neat Pioneer Show an example and everything huh okay ghosts excuse me I'm reading the director of the pioneer Camp eunosta Maria Anna televnia disappeared like the rest of the camp workers Maria had previously taken care of children in an orphanage from 1944 to 1950. she was a caregiver who devoted herself only to work discipline was the most important to her so the parents entrusted their children to her that's a bad move bad move on the parents front those kids dead donzo why haven't you finished looking around this room what else is there to find dead birds could I interest you in a staph infection other than what else we're supposed to find can you interact with this foreign dude I can't do anything what do you want from me oh it doesn't work need to find the fuse I haven't finished looking around this room oh is the fuse in here I'm about to blow a fuse in my head ah that's pointless I can go behind look at me go I'll take the box with me if something goes wrong at night and I use the light bulbs for lighting it's hard look at you Captain brain here I go again with my box ah familiar face we meet again and go see you where'd you go looks like you're the one who's scared I on the other hand I'm fine that smell of [ __ ] that you're smelling is not me that was here when I got here where do I put this box okay time to fuse it up I could also put it in here yeah that's where it's supposed to go that's where it's supposed to go also you don't think you have enough footage for Paranormal Activity yet you kidding me hi yeah yes power is our [Music] shut up I'm here for the ambiance that is an unfortunate hand gesture you're doing there child do not hit the child okay you got it I've never hit a child even when I was one late at night when people fall asleep no need for fun and no need for a fool and the bells are empty and the eyes are full of bitterness what are you talking about the courtiers do not know what that fun means to the fool the fool decides that enough is enough and he that night wearing a sad suit poisons the court and the King I'm sad at hurt but the plan is not a failure the fool will no longer be fun for you oh I'm waking up and putting on my sad suit today sorry guys I've got the sad suit on do ghosts like electricity or the singing child go I want them back I need to go to bed it'll be dark soon yeah but I have lights I have power it's not gonna be dark in here it's fine I'm sure the power won't ever go off again I'm sure once it's on we're totally fine I can survive Knight too it's a simple nothing scary when I've got my trusty English Russian dictionary do I okay I need to pick up stuff again okay where's my dictionary I can't go anywhere without my dictionary never mind I have it on me that's fine no problem look at that power to the people and to this building why are you knocking I'm the one that wants to come in I should be knocking who did that oh my God beginners think it's not ghosts it's just children playing pranks on me there's just like five children in this building and they're all running around making a fool out of me God damn is she on rollers blades or something I'll wait that sound oh oh oh hi they get bunked in the head again wow wow you can't do it again come on that's why you were here for this cares this box wasn't here before doing a lot of stuff is happening it's locked it would be interesting to know what's inside sure would why don't we just start smashing it wow look at that fence now that's a fence I'm here in the The Breezies again oh I knew they'd break my light there are spare light bulbs in the box they're just gonna break those two you're fighting an uphill battle here Alex oh my box somebody tore the corner of it guys I just want to document stuff and you guys should be really mean eat like you're doing something I don't want you to be doing I just want to have a good time like if you're gonna do it at least do it on camera it's just it's just mean what you guys are doing I haven't tried my best I've been a YouTuber for two weeks I'm really trying to pump the numbers up you know rise and grind but it's hard when it goes to stealing my stuff there's stealing my stuff and I'm breaking my lights but it tore the corner of my bugs what else am I supposed to do oh my dad's gonna be mad at me this is I actually made myself cry anyway moving on you ghost can't scare me I've already scared myself hey just complete conveniently pissing in this ink whose weird doll is this what is this box oh what is this doll this developer has yeah it's drippies oh that was more than drippies that was a scare and a half oh freaky little doll where are you where'd you go oh you would actually do that oh now I have pissed thine self damn it's all kicking off in the summer of 58 baby freaky little doll child you little bunny rabbit [ __ ] where are you where are you breathing shut up shut up okay we'll find a way inside don't you worry I just gotta think outside the box if you will this is hard to concentrate when people are always like [Music] excuse me ghosts have any of you seen some keys wait I can't pick up these light bulbs to fix this well what kind of baloney is that take one of these smash the Box what is that map tour map there a hammer and nails that could get into that box and if it doesn't then we have bigger problems dude what even was that I don't even know what's happening half the time you're just shaking my head and deafening my ears but I heard a noise in here I heard something moving can I go in here yet fine finish up whatever you're doing in there foreign oh the door locked I'm just gonna hide in the corner you suck can I scare me what's going on what's going on come on come at me hey what you got oh man wait did you open the box it was the point what did you knock down what did you do you're just making a mess add noise there we go Jesus cheers this is scary that's so angry violent this is calm down all right [Music] who's scurrying around I'll find you I didn't even know I could come back here okay I will marry you around get out of the veins you little weirdos can a ghost hide in vents can't you go through walls man it must suck to be a ghost if you'd still have to live by human means ah with this key I can open the box from 1950 a loud scandal in an orphanage for Orphans [Laughter] it's for people who had poorly mocked the residents one of the employees reported violations of authority a decision is made to close the institution we remind you that the shelter was open since 1944. children who were left without parents during the war lived here lived there oh our children without parents orphans so they'd probably go to the orphanage then right like it's a baby hospital for babies okay here we go what's in the box dear diary today is the annual opening day of my Camp I have been preparing for this for three years so that this summer will be special for me dear diary this summer is going to be the best summer ever during these days I will bring up real people in them oh I thought I was in control of it the night of 58. oh was that the night of 58 or is this the 58th night that I've been here flashlight oh cool okay now you got me now I'm really into it the doctors make the wrong diagnosis for Ivan he needs a heart transplant only this will help him I no longer have the strength to fight with the doctors we decided not to contact them again I will heal my son myself no matter what it takes I don't know hair transplant isn't something that you can just like kombucha your way through this looks awesome that's so that's so much nicer was since the ghosts oh I still weigh zero tight the ghost made a mess of this place it's so much nicer without them what did I just say what did I just say oh man Anna we need to run it's all because of the director I was spying on her she was talking to someone about something bad you have to believe me warn everyone we don't have much time until I hid her key in the closet we can make it help me that is the Vegas message you could give somebody we need to run it's all because of the director I was spying Hunter she was talking to someone about something it was terrible we need to get out of here there's a key in the closet though apparently [Music] wait is there already ghosts here [Music] do do the key to the safe [Music] wait where's the safe you filthy child [Music] you can't save them are they hiding from me because I'm about to I'm about to turn some pre-ghosts into some ghosts that's what people are you're just a pre-ghost excuse me chair Yakov Paris it's stole the second gas cylinder I need to spray sleeping gas so that all the children can be transferred to the hospital for surgery and then returned back a good person especially a boy Yakov came to the camp he has no parents or relatives and he became my favorite oh the the orphan came to the orphanage because he's so similar to my son Ivan I really want to see him Yakov is a good boy although he does not speak but he understands everything and he does everything I ask in the afternoon I had to meet with Alexi uh at the shelter where they used to work he ordered to fulfill our agreement tonight this day has come Yakov will help me with this before going to bed children always invent horror stories while the counselors put them to bed this can distract them ah yes that's why there was gas masks everywhere because I literally killed them all with gas we worked together with Alexi in an orphanage then I acted carelessly and I received a complaint the director had to close the shelter I was suspended from medical work now I'll not make such a mistake because only he knows about our agreement I must continue to find people for him to collect their kidneys and Alexi will help to perform a heart transplant operation for Ivan gonna collect kidneys to do a heart transplant I assume you're planning on stealing a heart at the same time or you're just using the money from selling kidneys to just like takes kidneys out of kids it's like this will cure your heart I'll set up an accident a normal look for him the filter's missing and the glass is broken well that's a terrible mask you ruined my gas mask I just wanted you to kill everybody pretty reasonable don't you think you need to put the gas cylinder under the door and go back to the classroom that is so messed up [Music] cylinders in here [Music] hi hi no this wasn't me this wasn't me I didn't do this can I have your mask oh God I'm getting dizzy oh God we're getting dizzy close the seats he doesn't know he doesn't have the key I don't want him to steal my thing damn maybe that's why everyone's breathing so heavily in here then you don't have asthma you have long damage okay you're breathing oh thank God oh this let out a note you were told crossed out to get out of here leave this place alone I I feel like I should there are empty pages left in Maria's diary you can use them to answer I hear him standing outside the door what am I writing no you're ugly and you have no maidens I know what happened here let me help you tell me who are you there you go I'm sure that would have the ghost down they won't attack me now yellow oh come on it was finally nice to think that I had somebody to talk to you did you leave another note excuse you I am having a conversation try writing the letter again oh I read that people were killed here did you do that tell me and then I can help you I'll give you some money give us love money right I was scared and I didn't know it would end there I trusted her my friend Anna I'm sorry for not being able to stop this come on right back I've never talked to a ghost before I was accused but I didn't do it get out of here [Music] hold on there's a child I looked away at the wrong time excuse me what what what why what I didn't see anything let's try writing another one Dearest person behind the door is your name Yakov have you been living here for many years who's knocking about the place okay come on I'm busy I'm making sounds and I'm trying to have a conversation God kids am I right shrink my God stop stopping around the house I work nights yes here I can communicate with my friends we guard this place because it is our home a lot of people came here just to break our things but my friends helped me to drive away strangers I'm afraid that someone will see me and tell me that I live here and those people will come for me yes oh your little doll is here who are you doll who are your friends what are they oh god can we speed up this conversation a little we'll be here all day trying to talk with a ghost the spirits of this place those who were tortured here they remained locked up here that day in the evening after lights out someone came probably it was the person with whom the director spoke he didn't find me I think that because of this he poisoned all the residents and the director neat okay that's whatever I'm just I'm too busy writing I'm in the zone right now all this was planned by the director of the camp what are you talking about what kind of person was she talking to a very nice handwriting hi child [Music] okay that's not that scary just knocking on a window and then running away most kids do that thank you okay here you go watch out for the kid out the window though it's all her I saw our director talking to someone in an old hospital near the camp they agreed that they would do their work at night then I realized that it was connected with us but I couldn't warn everyone I didn't see who else was there because I was scared and hit in the morning I went into the building and found no one her safe was also not there I thought that the man and his assistants had taken everyone away and hidden the bodies in that building I had to stay here and live in the ventilation only sometimes go to the rooms are you still alive this is riveting gameplay that building abandoned can I get there oh Yakov doesn't answer anymore it's time to go to the abandoned Hospital need to tear the boards off the front door oh yeah yeah baby let's get out of here and go to probably a worse place yeah yank them I still have no idea how I got into this building apparently I just teleported in night number three so we're just gonna be at the abandoned place now I'm excited in my dictionary with me I just got here did I do that same all chained up all chained up come on nothing's bloody open here oh it's ominous though you guys hear that ominousness I just came here I need to find proof I'm trying man I I I I look guys I want to be scared I want to progress I want to do the things that you're doing to me whoa whoa okay 1946 after the war dozens of children ended up in shelters after losing their parents an orphanage for the maintenance and upbringing of Orphans worked under the leadership of the military what is happening stop it why am I here I want to go home no YouTube channel is worth this there we go thank you I just need proof all the things I got so far apparently is not proof of anything the doctor of the orphanage was detained for illegal organ trafficking for six years he fraudulently made Incorrect diagnoses and performed operations to remove the kidney the director did not know about this but he could not continue to lead his position the orphanage was closed the building became abandoned seems like that's your proof just newspapers to release to another Corridor I have an angle grinder with me in my backpack I can cut all the chains and find her the evidence hidden you were they naked seems like they were naked calm down you had an angle grinder in your backpack all this time why do you have an angle grinder this place won't let me go I have to finish what I started okay [Laughter] hates angle grinders ah the door's gone what am I gonna do now grain baby [Music] eyes dude an angle grinder I can like I can angle grind the world there's one guy with an angle grinder can overthrow Society what is in this one uh-huh and then what happened guys please guys guys I'm trying to read I can't read with all these distractions guys okay chill out I don't know if I'll make it to the morning because today's shift is bothering me I want to run away from here but I then I won't get paid I hear voices as if I'm not alone I thought I saw a woman more like her silhouette or Shadow she went into the closet I'm afraid to follow her and move the closet I don't want to check if it's true just tip the closet over onto the door so they can't get out I don't want to check if it's true or maybe it's just my imagination which is sharpened after a glass of vodka on the cabinet weigh some products made of feathers and cobwebs I don't know if they weigh much I've never seen them anywhere they look terrible and it smells of dead things from there okay I'll have another glass and go to bed until morning it's nothing a bit of butter vodka oh it's a baby in the sink how very PT of you all right stay back I have an angle grinder and I'm not afraid to grind it that's what I really meant by rise and grind guys we talk about guys some peace and quiet I know what I'm doing is wrong but I have no choice I have to save my son Ivan I was lucky that Alexi agreed to help I mustn't let him down no one should know about our Affairs no I'm not avoiding his surname just because I can't pronounce it that's silly sergeyevich yeah see I can say it serious thank you again I'm the one who should be knocking here feel my angle grinder you like that you're scared now I'll make you a double ghost for this thing [Music] it's a little doll can't be scared of that thing it comes running at you ah super scary what do you do just just kick it this place is cool though [Music] I like the atmosphere in here can I get through anywhere a lot now we just plod my way around I didn't have time to save him I don't believe it this can't be happening this is not my venechka I'll save him I need to find a donor urgently how far would you go to get a heart for your child oh I almost got locked in Oh I thought the room repeated itself for some reason can I go now I think I got proof Maybe oh my God that put the fear of Our Lord in me oh he can't be doing that this is one of those scenarios where I just walk back and forth until the hallway gets smaller nope figured it out damn child there's there's a there's a lot happening there's a lot happening that that was an onslaught of happenings a year later after the events of 1950 the building was reclassified as a hospital but with budget cuts it stopped working again seems like I don't really need a whole lot of proof of stuff it seems like the news already got it covered for a while [Music] secret room I absolutely should not be going in there this is the end of the movie where you go to the place you're not supposed to be in and then you die yeah [Music] yeah this is terrible for me this is awful who would anybody want to be here hello everybody composed after all these years cause she's a witch duh oh but the one who finds me feel the pain of a mother who's lost her child to curse everyone who couldn't help me and I'm going back to just leave it on me back where'd you go death certificate ah finally proof here are the documents from 1958 Alexi about who Maria spoke replied to her and he would no longer participate in this and refuse to work with her then what was the case in question and who was she talking to when yaakov saw her there's something else the death certificate document this is her son Ivan he died in the fall of 1950. apparently she couldn't stand it and went crazy she wanted to save him so badly that she lost touch with reality poor woman poor woman she'd kill a bunch of people this is what therapy has formed this is what support groups are for grieving circles oh man I'm just walking in circles over the bones of everybody sorry sorry it's not my intent sorry at least you brought the safe with her can I get out oh I gotta get a Batwing knife I mean cool need to get out of here as soon as possible all right we're sprinting yep uh great cool can't go anywhere okay this is moved all right anybody else gonna run at me come on now's your chance if you're gonna do it do it now come on uh don't open that slowly three weeks later we survived I brought it to the police and they were like who cares this happened in 1950. and I was like you're right but look at my sick YouTube series that I got out of it why am I back here take this burn it burn it and everything else here to the [ __ ] ground beat [Music] ah Nostalgia you guys remember when we were here and I was like what's in there what's in there [Music] hello Yakov you no longer need to be afraid that you will be found and accused of something that you did not do or taken care of everything I didn't tell anyone you live here with your friends protect this place further now it is rightfully only your home your friend Alex Morton [Music] we saved the world here today guys I'm glad that this investigation turned out to be so interesting and unique I managed to solve the mystery of 58 and help Yakov find Peace and Freedom you can read about this in my blog but we need to move on I'm going to find another place with a terrible history where witches used to live and there I will have an unusual case I will tell you about it later there's gonna be a headline at some point that Alex Morton has died in an abandoned building because he [ __ ] around and found out YouTubers man oh he's sticking their noses where they don't belong but you didn't get some pretty sick footage Alex I'm not going to deny that you did get a sick Netflix documentary out of it was this so this wasn't connected to the other one then um oh is this the witch place that looks cool too I want to go there but I also don't want to die it was fun it wasn't as good as the other one um September 7th they definitely perfected their formula a bit more and made it more enthralling and a bit more engaging um this one was a lot of like walk back and forth and I don't know if I'm actually making progress or I have to wait for the game to do something and I'm usually not really a fan of that style but I can tell a lot of effort went into this like the environments like even this outro is more effort than most indie horror games out there so I liked it I had fun with it for what it was and it actually tried to tell a story so gotta give credit for that I like when small teams like this make stuff and oh the summer of 58. maybe we'll find out what happened in the summer of 2011 or something that would be a cool um a few days later oh wait what the battery is dead and so is my series had to wait for the person who bought this house but after his arrival a few days later something went wrong this place that ceased to be harmless I'm trapped here I don't think that a woman from a shelter in Russia could get attached and follow me does this House have a pendulum for people like her what if other Spirits followed me maybe that's why I didn't find anyone in those houses I miraculously managed to escape from that abandoned orphanage but I'm not sure that I will be released now we need to try to get out and warn the guy that it's dangerous to stay here I'm gonna turn around and Something's Gonna attack me or not good night can I leave Jesus help me there you go ghosts love talking into corners I thought that was going to be credits oh she's pissed she's really pissed she's like you stopped me from well nothing because here's the thing she's already dead she already did all the things everybody's still dead I didn't solve a damn thing all I solved was my own curiosity in this game and then I probably got killed for it I told you you mess around you're going to get found out those don't like that those don't haunt you that's what they do it's kind of their whole Shake anyway that was still fun for what it was I still enjoyed that I like playing these types of games where you get like an hour experience and then you're in you're out you shake it all about you know you do the hokey pokey and then you turn around that's really what it's all about with these types of games hey before we go anywhere thank you so much for watching this video but also thank you again to nordvpn for helping sponsor this video they're the best if you want to be the best as well go to jacksepticeye it's down in the description as well go try it out but for this one thank you for watching and I'll see you in whatever we play next
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,910,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: 2KEan0wKUUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 47sec (3587 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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