Myhouse .wad Is Very Unique

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a pre notification gang there's the resub Eddie the recent chaos I did not watch the one and a half hour video about this I was told just to go in blind instead of checking that out beforehand so that's what I'm doing I don't know anything at all about this but some people are saying it completely changed their life and I I gotta see for myself firsthand if it's that powerful thanks erisa phonox memes nacho rise novian pizza man and prophet the bit stormberg the resub Vinci and Connor is the resub Phoenix Brian emuleta Manny and spirit I don't know if it's a horror game or anything okay no clue Bungie dropped the vid dock for Marathon if you're interested oh that sounds cool things the resub gray and the prime Jake and give sub Emmy yep we saw the destiny final shape trailer at the PlayStation showcase I said for what three months now that absolutely Bungie's bringing back Cade and sure enough they did I said it for three months there's some Otis fool lettuce poo and dragon the bits unknown in grotesque you building up hype or some [ __ ] brother it has actually been like a single minute since the notification went out things there are some chalky milk colos and Alchemist that sounds like a crazy long undertaking Jay hopefully it turned out well I hope it's nothing like the back rooms I think the back rooms is not super interesting mainly just because I'm not a big analog horror guy so I'm hoping it's not exactly that style into tier one speed and give some Afro and the resub muffins and exotic it's confirmed Nicholas Cage gonna play Superman in the new Flash movie it sounds cool I guess maybe some Smokey and proven nope I have not watched the HBO show called Rome I don't know how I feel about a PowerPoint a PowerPoint horror game but conceptually I think it's a cool idea I just don't know if I'd find it super fun there's a tier one Fruit Loop in the resub crazy no the live action Powerpuff Girls is never coming out what a shame did I do this correctly is Doom 2 supposed to be pasted over my house they're like overlapping they're fighting for the space yeah this is correct okay we'll we'll just do the basic this is my first wad so I'm a little unfamiliar with it [Music] super clean man I haven't played Doom in like actual like a decade at least I'm popping off right now though [Applause] get him with a little jiggle Peak action what is a wad game I think it's just like custom mapping a form of custom mapping I'm really not sure I think zurisa failed and aura [Applause] okay this is the front door I'm kind of nuts classic PlayStation one so I know this game's supposed to be like really avant-garde so I wonder if I have to do like some wacky [ __ ] to make things get crazy if it's just a matter of progression [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] the essay is what popularized this right I don't know I was told to go in completely blind so the only thing I read was the post where you download the game where it was talking about how like the guy's friend had made this before he passed away or something like that supposed to be modeled after his actual house [Music] hello [Music] [Music] man he's real confused here [Music] [Music] what an [ __ ] okay it's just the back door you use the water pk3 file uh it said to use the pk3 file so that's what I did please reship RSL and Moises oh you survived what's up [Music] I even knew he was there too and still took the hit was unlucky I've got the yellow card but I don't think I ever found a yellow door son of a [ __ ] foreign [Music] I might as well kill this guy while I'm here [Music] [Music] damn it oh like I was hitting me with some nasty moves [Music] nope that's not what I meant to do I wanted my shotgun [Music] here's a tier one iceberg any recents Keto Poseidon and Zane five new subs kabibi thank you for that do maps with basements were literally considered impossible before this map interesting [Music] was this a scripted death [Music] mine is this a cutscene or am I in control here [Music] okay there we go [Music] foreign cringe oh no that'd be very naughty close that room I didn't read it in time I'll just try every door this one's where I started ah okay this one [Music] I grabbed the pills so I'm guessing that's all oh boy guessing that's all I needed here laughs maybe there was something in the girls bathroom [Music] this guy certainly doesn't look dead there's something more supposed to do here laughs [Music] God damn it I keep opening the net onto myself now I have the pills though maybe I do something in the main room here that I started in which one of these was the this one okay [Music] what are your secrets there's got to be something to do in here [Music] now look foreign huge you son of a [ __ ] I still have my yellow key card don't I I think so yeah it looks like it saved all the progress here [Music] starting to run low on ammo here oh I gotta with that nasty side step foreign [Music] that's just one guy in the bathroom Blue Door maybe it's out back [Music] oh [Music] wait what I killed all of them it's an illusion oh wait no they just fully respawned does going outside reset everything in the house it must no way he shot me that cheeky little bastard this is now no longer a yellow key card it's a tiny little skull this is a new enemy things are getting real fishy in here now awesome I don't need key cards I need skulls [Music] are they going to be in the same place every time I wonder let's check oh forgot about this guy all right foreign oh God I'm gonna go get health I'm not even gonna risk it [Music] I'm not saving the game I don't need to stop whining about it Christ it's an easy game [Music] look at these Big Ten gift Subs Ollie the recent Cosmic and shishi if you guys wanted to spoil everything for me why did you tell me not to watch the essay on it [Music] [Music] but all right [Music] did that save was that was that the quick save that was F5 let's do a manual one as well [Music] I think I got everything okay foreign so I got the blue key card and the blue skull now and then I imagine I reset the house again by going outside maybe there's don't know the significance of the green shirt uh they're taking away doors now they're locking me in oh it's a huge Pepsi did I come in here is this the Pepsi room is that it I've seen toilet paper [Music] oh now it's getting very non-euclidean [Music] thank you [Music] the milkshake Lounge huge huge huge [Music] those are all still the same took away that door [Music] took away that door [Music] [Music] maybe something new in the Attic [Music] no nothing new in the Attic [Music] must have missed something in here is there more than a milkshake here tell me your secrets [Music] I don't think I missed anything there mm-hmm what does it all mean oh it changed from a Playstation One to a Xbox series X just a giant brick I guess terrible trade get more value out of the PlayStation one oh here we go there we are [Music] he's a tier one star for recent snake strike tie teach on the prime Reggie and now I haven't heard of that game before [Music] I'm hearing a lot of screaming that could either be the sound of war or the sound of an amusement park can't quite tell yet [Music] oh wait I can move around I just can't see [ __ ] oh here we go you foul demons leave this humble abode no we're in hell oh this was no amusement park at all [Music] [Music] is there a reason that I'm killing all of these guys or should I just I'll just keep killing them all why not I'll be thorough [Music] [Music] I'm popping off on him right now I'll tell you what how did that hit I absolutely turned the corner in time that's a bunch of baloney because in hell don't make any sense [Music] [Music] oh they blew a hole in our ceiling those bastards whoa oh that was close [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't think he could threat the needle through the uh um rails [Music] nice these guys aren't very strong thank you kind of popping off I'll save just in case foreign I don't think I'll need it the forces of hell are pretty underwhelming tarnished history [Music] what does that mean ruined memories [Music] [Applause] [Music] that Demon's just trying to take a shower [Music] all right no it's a cute teddy bear [Music] since lost [Music] maybe I have to kill that demon that's bathing [Music] greasy Adventure foxy surgeon in tier one Eric tier one Wisteria in the resub Shelf I think that's all of them can't go that way struggling outside [Music] [Music] I thought I could maybe squeeze through that what does it all mean [Music] oh I'm not in Hell anymore I killed all the demons so now it's peaceful again nope it's still in hell up here though [Music] bottom floor is peaceful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 's having such a good night watching their favorite program [Music] [Music] oh I did not expect that this is a doom mud it's a Doom wad which I guess is the same thing here is something supposed to happen like should I wait or just reload thank you okay I'm just gonna reload oh man now the audio is getting all [ __ ] up I made Lucifer mad [Music] [Music] [Music] I think that's everything it is I'm learning the game [Music] I know like that giant dogs over there [Music] oh cute dog do you attack me this is good dog okay huge okay so this is the friendly animal and the bad ones on the other side [Music] all right [Music] where does this go [Music] interesting now we're getting into some very funky geometry oh good doggies are good doggies okay so I wanted this [Music] I've got your frisbee do I need to kill the bad one though actually let's go this way this time see where this takes us [Music] [Music] this must be boss fight coming up [Music] oh this must be for the bad dog [Music] which I know is right around this corner [Music] foreign oh God don't worry good dog I'll protect you got it gotta cheese in a little bit he's probably really mad he's strong okay [Music] there's no way this thing's killable [Music] oh maybe maybe the good dog has to come meet him no [Music] foreign [Music] you have to be tied to him somehow go talk to him man [Music] I wonder all right I can already tell yeah thought so man and I wasted all my ammo you bastard you son of a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] ah but I got the pumpkin so it was all worth it [Music] [Music] [Music] ah man I can't believe it made me kill the dog [Music] you're so sweet actually we said Cube pie Dom land and whiff and cabbage [Music] I've opened up pretty much every single door here [Music] [Music] that's where I got the good dog frisbee that's painful now [Music] thanks for the resub Val hmm where haven't I been man that's sad music's changing again [Music] can't go back which means I'm not done here [Music] here we are I think the last one I need to do is this I think that's the only door I haven't opened yet [Music] foreign [Music] so is there even anything on the other side [Music] we've been down here already this takes me to the Frisbee oh wait no is it different [Music] now we're getting somewhere [Music] a new Oasis [Music] [Music] [ __ ] is this now oh my god oh wait no this is where I've already been this way and through here [Music] oh finally that was the last door [Music] this is just gonna loop around endlessly right [Music] yeah okay [Music] okay cool cool cool interesting not like a airport now I don't know what it all means yet but by golly I'll figure it out [Music] well that's no good oh my God refill needed it's the same thing I got at the hospital so maybe the player I'm playing as suffers from some kind of mental illness sees things [Music] well that was tragic didn't expect that oh do I have to go open up everything again that's so unlucky [Music] damn oh whoa not this one well this time I won't kill the good dog now I know where to go I can probably spare it [Music] hey hey [Music] thanks for the raid hope you had a good stream rusto it next to me some grease man be gone bender and deer [Music] do I need to open every door in order to get there I don't think so I think I only need to get there [Music] thanks irisha Rex in fidgets in order to get there it's this way and then down here yep thank you up here safe [Music] [Music] loop around blood and then kill blood bad guys okay maybe that's not the plug eh I'm gonna do it again anyway [Music] that's a lot [Music] they just keep ganking me I feel like this is supposed to kill you if you try and do the whole thing here yeah there's no way [Music] [Applause] yeah that's uh it absolutely is supposed to kill you you just get ganked there's no shot so I probably don't want to do the whole Loop what if I do a half Loop oh no I end up having to do a full loop regardless okay maybe it's not it's supposed to kill you every time try this nope oh [Music] all right there we go [Music] [ __ ] Bop that one guy real hard there we go got some more pills so I'm feeling much better [Music] I thought that was supposed to go down there [Music] foreign [Music] oh well luckily I took those uh flight lessons don't worry no I've got us I've got us oh God goodness remain calm I've seen the movie playing with Gerard Butler [Music] don't want to jump off [Music] here I come [Music] okay well we're not in Hell anymore now it's just all overgrown [Music] [Music] my front door's back and it ate my house damn it you son of a [ __ ] I mean that's that's the modern housing market for you Jesus Christ oh yeah I'll say before I forget oh there's like a little exit path on the other side [Music] there's no way oh congratulations that was the first there's more endings 30 minutes for the first ending that feels pretty fast [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I saw you back there [Music] I got a little cheeky with that one this is normal Doom 2. oh wait what I was wondering why this was such a huge change I was like damn this is a very different house no it's not oh so do it I don't know the chat's divided I can't imagine it would just switch me over chat must be getting baited by it foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh there's one behind me hika bastard [Music] oh come on [Music] I'm trying to save ammo for my good guns [Music] I really thought that'd do more damage I'm not gonna lie all right [Music] is this really original Doom like exactly I don't remember it being like this all right foreign [Music] let's go get some health I was gonna say before I forget [Music] what the [ __ ] how do I how do I get up there can I maybe make this oh my God okay what else did that open oh God foreign [Music] [Music] oh wow oh God [Music] Jesus Christ we're really cruising though I'll tell you what thank you [Applause] all right [Music] feels like I made great time oh we're going back to the house now home sweet home let's save all right I don't know why I wasted all that ammo to be honest foreign I don't know why am I tormenting that poor guy looks like everything's exactly the same oh God come on no I'm stuck that was close okay PlayStation one's back that's good news oh God [Music] hello key card [Music] this is all exactly the same except this foreign [Music] we're looking real clean on this clear [Music] wrong door what's this one oh [ __ ] wrong door it's this one's foreign [Music] still haven't found the use for the blue key card yet okay so that's every route let's check the bookcase this time it's not open now it resets for the skulls I feel like nothing's changed it's the exact same [ __ ] [Music] thank you let's just grab the key card nope come on Road Skull now we go into the attic and get the blue skull then we'll [ __ ] change [Music] I think we go through the bookshelf right I think that's the next one okay next one should be bookshelf nope not bookshelf what was the next one there's nothing in there nothing in there I thought it was a bookshelf [Music] nothing there oh it's this one that's right foreign [Music] come through here grab the milkshake foreign [Music] I forgot what was next Coke milkshake was it this [Music] is a tier one Milky [Music] oh this was bookshelf [Music] oh wait I could pick up the green troop this time [Music] okay that's different oh [ __ ] [Music] okay this is the hell part [Music] it's all exactly the same I feel like there's something I'm supposed to do differently before even getting here [Music] I think it's a tier one milfy the rest of Wolfie in free will [Music] oh so it is the same ending now so now I'm locked into the same one gotcha so I was supposed to do something different before getting here [Music] gotcha all right let's reload then [Music] got it okay so I need to do different things here okay [Music] [Music] foreign what the [ __ ] haven't I done down here I feel like I've done everything there's something in here all right there's got to be a reason for these rooms let me clear the house first [Music] [Music] all right oh God not what I meant to use okay that's no no that's not everything you can use these two [Music] now that's everything so that takes me to the Attic scary now it's everything [Music] I'm just going to interact or interact with like actually everything [Music] [Music] there's got to be something with this [Music] I don't want to reset the house what is this [Music] oh nope don't reset the house I don't want to lock myself into the same ending [Music] let me grab the red key card as well [Applause] foreign I still haven't found a use for the blue key card this looks like it should move but I can already see there's nothing behind it so even if it moved I don't get anything out of it maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree in the turbo world you could jump through this maybe there's something here in the normal world [Music] the only crossover in the other world was this bathtub so there's got to be something with it Oh I thought it was I thought I was doing something good I don't I don't know there's a recent those are sporadic and flip I don't know what I haven't interacted with here it's like everything don't reset [Music] all right [Music] oh [Music] wait that guy's new [Music] if I go outside to get him though it's going to reset the house and then I'll probably lock myself into that ending unless that's where I'm supposed to do something different [Music] I also I've just never even bothered looking out this window that might have always been there I'm not sure [Music] it's worth a try [Music] I'm coming weird face nope now it's gone another house is [ __ ] reset God damn it it's worth a try hopefully this doesn't lock me into the fuse ending oh [Music] maybe I needed to be an Xbox world this is all a Gorilla Marketing push from Microsoft son of a [ __ ] oh wait the mirrors changed and there's a duck ah okay now we're getting somewhere okay I thought maybe shooting the duck I filled up the sink is there other things I can do that too let's go and that's draining the bathtub and I can jump in I can't tell I should have made a more mental note on it what outside sinks oh downstairs oh God oh [Music] that had sinks I need to get the the key card for it though oh sync huge forgot about this one where's the this one [Music] I already picked it up right [Music] all right sink [Music] no sink in there what was in here little sink [Music] I think the last ones in here right let's go I don't think they just sink in there [Music] is that everything is it straight nope it's actually super full what the [ __ ] I thought that was draining everything somehow [Music] well maybe now I shoot the duck don't shoot the dog okay maybe I overflow the toilet maybe we think the other way if it's not draining it's the cup runneth over [Music] any sinks no that's outside oh God [Music] all right [Music] did that one I don't know why that hit a bunch of baloney is there any more sinks I don't think there is that's just a closet there's definitely something with the sinks there's no way that's just meaningless thanks to the resub code breaker and baron Hoodwink the air bear Nick and beef and pasta and flip okay that absolutely has to be classic okay hold on Jesus I just saw foreign is there an attic sink or something I don't wanna I'm gonna go up here and get stuck maybe I need to grab this for it to work [Music] you know I can jump in the bathtub hmm what the [ __ ] there is absolutely no more sinks but I feel like I'm one sink away from overflowing this which might be good [Music] [Music] you dirty rat foreign [Music] [Music] I've done every [ __ ] sink maybe this is nothing I might have just wasted my whole my entire time [Music] is there something in here movie [Music] that made a weird noise that's saying Escape [Music] what what am I missing I've done everything there's absolutely no more [ __ ] sinks [Music] oh wait now there will be because it switches the rooms it's gonna be in the milkshake world isn't it yep I see that last [ __ ] sink now it's gonna be overflowed isn't it no oh but okay it's good enough let's go now we're getting somewhere I can't see it goddamn thing thank you let's save [Music] [Music] what does it all mean [Music] so now instead of going to hell we've gone to Water World [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh that's an enemy oh God I can't [ __ ] see him at all [Music] the missed man I probably don't want to fall off there we go luckily even though he's a missed Elemental oh my God he's still here I was gonna say he's not immune to bullets [Music] [Music] oh man a labyrinth huh [Music] It's gotta feel my way out [Music] oh it's a tiny boat oh no it's a fish looked like a little toy boat do I need to dive in on it scare it [Music] [Music] it's awfully strong I'm jumping in home to see what happens nothing I thought that was going to be important [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] do I need to kill you I don't think so I didn't need to kill like the dog or anything either looks like there's something in the pool maybe we need to collect oh wait oh [ __ ] it's coming [Music] it's a whole how do I die how do I dive all right [Music] close call what a tight squeeze I meant I should have just saved I didn't think that would hit me tough walked on [Music] I forgot how I got there [Music] oh oh and so you just have to get lost I'm gonna get you there activating warp speed oh you son of a [ __ ] [Music] ah well this is different what the [ __ ] is this just gonna go on forever let's see maybe I need to oh there we go oh is this an infinite staircase oh interesting where'd this take me to oh interesting [Music] so is this just did it just send me back is all [Music] because now I can't go through the tub which means it's going to lock me into the fuse box okay all right so don't fall down the hole [Music] there we go I'm back no what are you doing oh God get me out get me out quick [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I don't think I can even reach how did that hit foreign [Music] I I am actually shocked okay huge [Music] okay so now I'm back here [Music] no are things different because I didn't get here through the fire now they might be [Music] is bad dog still here it's only good dog let's go [Music] thank you [Music] uh I don't remember the layout here oh actually it's just straight up different that's why [Music] the [ __ ] [Music] nope bad dog's still here damn I thought I was on to something well I do know the layout of this so we should be fine at least I think I remember where I'm supposed to go this is pumpkin [Music] foreign drop down here [Music] and through that tub [Music] thanks Richard hand Doom [Music] can I kill it I feel like from up here I might be able to there's got to be a reason for this spot right [Music] try I'm gonna try [Music] oh no it's not even hitting I thought maybe it was already like dead it's not haha [Music] [Music] all right I'm just gonna jump down the tub hey good dog [Music] where was the attack just did it too God damn it I think it was through here no clearly not [Music] here it is all right [Music] thank you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm stuck I'm stuck oh God [Music] close call [Music] there's got to be something more to do in the garage as opposed to just go to the airport there's gotta be there's no way it's just an airport I think it's the resub guitar dust rain and Keegan he's a prime burrito no maybe it really is just the airport [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] killed the gank in here [Music] or yeah in here I killed all of them [Music] this is just going to give me the same ending isn't it how did I end up getting locked into the same thing again even going through the water [Music] there's got to be something with this but how oh actually give some babaria [Music] this this run it [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot about these guys [Music] let me double check to make sure there's nothing else on here [Music] all right [Music] I think I killed them all maybe that'll do something [Music] this is different I think I don't know now it's [ __ ] with my head looks like we're about to have our house sold though [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm I can't see [ __ ] in there [Music] please do some Silver Spirit [Music] this is going to sell my house the second I leave damn you you son of a [ __ ] this is just the exact same [ __ ] ending how did that happen I went all the way through the water it was a little different though oh the only difference because I went through the water like I I don't know I don't even know what I would have missed at least if I'd give Subs more goth in the Reese of silver Raj and the resub uh guitar the difference is that it wasn't on fire that seems kind of trivial we should start looking stuff up at this point because it gets really complicated you missed so much you need to read the journal in the Google Doc chat explicitly told me to go in completely blind but okay which one is it Journal oh wow this is a lot to read well actually it's 10 pages it looked like a lot more on the outline oh but this is all the lore I see so this is where it tells you this story hey Siri sub Lumi and Jackson you don't need to but optional well it seems crucial because otherwise I'm actually just wandering around with my dick in my hand having no clue what I'm doing and why because I'm just like opening doors grabbing key cards things change and then it gets non-euclidean but there's there's definitely a deeper message to it that's for sure just go into the mirror what what does that mean I already did are you talking about this here let me bring myself back to it I guess [Music] where was it [Music] was it this one no this one [ __ ] I forgot oh this one [Music] [Music] [Music] go back to when you first flooded the house and go into the mirror no so not at the end of Walmart here [Music] see I can't go into the mirror here so I guess it must be at a different point all right so before this [Music] trying to [Music] the attic mirror so before this or after before this or right now oh it's got to be before this [Music] oh also wait I can't go into the attic once I get to the end there [Music] he's a [ __ ] Crosby the other small bathroom you have to climb onto the toilet at what point at what point go right before Waterhouse which one's that maybe this one will be fine [Music] foreign [Music] this thing's already good this thing's already good this thing's already good thank you so I need to reset the house once I think to get the last one oh [Music] thank you [Music] oh my God I got stuck on them oh my God I could you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] it's definitely not the right one you had an Xbox save file I think yeah somewhere I just don't know which is what here it's probably one of these well it's definitely not that one though this does send me right back to the house from here doesn't it nope [Music] I could this one will probably still be fine thank you [Music] uh what isn't that supposed to be open [Music] there we go [Music] goddammit I keep getting lost in this world I don't remember oh [Music] my God well here we are [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] nice there is a bob [Music] so which one was it this one or was it not supposed to be this deep won't work in the house ready to be sold so I went through that for nothing [Music] this was at the very end this was the very beginning this is the airport can't go to the attic in that one this is the firehouse this is the dead dog oh no not the dead dog one that is the only one I have that's like close to the spot God damn it [Music] it's so unlucky hmm [Music] laughs okay so which one was it thinks you should breathe attic okay there's literally just one guy that keeps saying the attic and everyone else is saying like one of the bathrooms but I'm in the attic [Music] now what now you can go to the bathroom oh so I needed this first which bathroom is it is it this main one small bathroom near the Attic so this one okay huge finally something different so this is just the inverse of the normal house [Music] in the water you can also go to the Mirror okay [Music] all right so this all seems the same though do I still want to fill up all the sinks oh I can't all right oh yeah you're like a safe [Music] [Music] I'm still sure there's going to be something in there at some point I just don't know when thank you [Music] Christmas makes me happy [Music] it wasn't meant to be so they lost the baby at some point I guess around Christmas [Music] oh my God he almost killed me [Music] [Music] good [Music] that's the normal world [Music] I feel like I've killed everything here proven wrong things the [ __ ] Crosby I already saved the game [Music] [Music] maybe now I need to reset the house oh [Music] that's like a chainsaw outline [Music] these are tier one dudes [Music] oh this didn't reset the house in the mirror world [Music] drunk buddy okay huge [Music] I got you Crosby that's what they are [Music] I'm assuming it's this but there's only one thing here even after I collected like a ton of [ __ ] super weird [Music] he's a resub crunk and they give sub dubes need the items to open the fence gotcha I feel like I did everything in the mirror world I don't think there's anything left here all right can't do the sinks in the mirror world I already tried I'm assuming I've just done everything [Music] oh we can't go through that way that's right [Music] oh these are new [Music] don't you dare oh my God he was just about to pull the trigger and end me oh warp pipe straight out of Mario oh it's a ball pit oh [Music] thanks you give some dupes this must have been before the baby died I'm guessing [Music] wreck whoa [Music] autographed by JJ Hardy it's pretty good thank you adult coloring books 1984. oh oh clown suit [Music] oh no I'm dumb little baby now they got the gate up and won't let me come upstairs [Music] chair facing the wall the dunce corner am I missing [Music] all right oh there's a door here it's just wreck boss battle oh [ __ ] I got this stuffed animal need a key do I have to kill him there's no way I don't have enough Firepower for that this isn't even hitting him there's no way I'm supposed to kill him right you have to kill him I'll try this is absolutely just going through him look at his feet he does have some goofy little Stompers no way this is hitting him it is all right if you say so why why did it make me do that oh don't don't don't don't oh God oh God [Music] that would have actually made me so upset okay I'm back okay [Music] it's the research wrench my guy Sai and Mary [Music] what now [Music] [Music] I got the baseball the rattle and the Christmas tree [Music] thank you [Music] I feel like there's nothing I feel like there's nothing left here that I haven't done [Music] should I pick this up or will this one [Music] foreign [Music] go back to the Water World all right [Music] [Music] all right [Music] okay we got two more there foreign collectible right it is okay huge no that didn't show up there unless it's a mirror World collectible which it must be okay you can go check can I go check whenever I want in Mirror world oh nice yeah it was a mirror World collectible okay wait can I go in the tub through mirror one [Music] [Music] easy reset Mayo [Music] all right should I jump in did I do everything I need here make another save the wine bottle did I forget something in my world they're mirror world near world how the [ __ ] could I miss something in Mira world I was so thorough oh unless this changed the milkshake room I don't know there's no milkshake room here [Music] you have the nine artifacts you need right now okay [Music] all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] is this something [Music] Genghis Khan [Music] this looks like a hole in the ground [Music] maybe not [Music] foreign [Music] coffee [Music] God damn it [Music] so I know I don't want to fall in that hole [Music] oh damn it all right I hate this enemy they're so so hard to see [Music] oh there's a sky down there I'm assuming I'm assuming I don't want to go through the hole down there yet but that is definitely one of the Collectibles so I need to finish off down there is a resub stifling [Music] yeah so there's definitely some items I'm missing here fill these sinks [Music] thank you oh my God not like this [Music] amen what a piece of [ __ ] I think the reset Loop bits tanker [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so I don't want to fall in that hole [Applause] what the [ __ ] well I'm stuck I'm stuck God damn it I hate that enemy I actually hate that enemy I need to give some Chasey God [ __ ] damn it the hole in the pool is the next step there's nothing else in there besides just going straight to the hole in the pool I find that hard to believe oh what the [ __ ] man [Music] because I can get to that hole in the pool real easy I know exactly what the [ __ ] I know exactly where that's at [Music] oh but I feel like that's not the next step there's definitely going to be another uh item here foreign [Music] [Music] I'm just going to go in the hole and show you what he's describing because I already know what he's talking about here roll for intercourse huge okay why won't you let me in please oh my God what is happening oh I'm so [ __ ] [Music] all right foreign oh I got melted it's it's over there like I see it damn I got absolutely [ __ ] melted but that's the ring he's talking about so is there an item before the hole that I need to get [Music] no okay well there's one guy who keeps saying there's a backpack and a locker oh that's not what I wanted [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the backpack in the locker before the pool yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh God oh my God [Music] what the [ __ ] I've confused myself now [Music] oh it's just a backpack of ammo [Music] thank you [Music] what did I miss kill the fish why when I was killing the fish last time they said not to kill the fish in 10k [Music] damn Chad's really divided he picked up the dice oh you're talking about the thing above the hole yeah I got that how do I get over there God damn it [Music] invisible Bridge just walks straight to the ring from where [Music] [Music] I'm just walking from straight across from the ring I feel like that's what I did oh that that curve didn't hit me holy [ __ ] okay this is a dead run but is that not straight across [Music] stop oh my God [Music] put my slit off from the platform that spawns more enemies what platform spawns where it is foreign [Music] [Music] that's going to be a tough run to make the prime eagle [Music] damn you dirty bastard Instagram [Music] one more try and then I'm just gonna try killing them [Music] okay can't afford to wait a bit I insta die I also don't think any of my weapons reach this far oh man well they do reach minigun I I don't see this being the Difference Maker here but we'll try oh God damn it oh not what I wanted oh my God thanks a bit excuse me have you read the book House of leaves the Creator took inspo from that for this nope never heard of House of leaves [Music] oh my God you sick bastard please you're so Wheezy foreign [Music] that even [ __ ] come from oh my God I'm gonna cry [Music] don't do it don't do it no [Music] oh my God there's another one yikes [Music] there's I don't know there's no way I killed the four guys and then I think we just charged with the minigun to the tile [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] jacksepticeye made it look easy did he really was Sean like super good at the game or something because I had like no health no ammo like I don't know how the [ __ ] else I was supposed to do that besides just shoot the gap things to give some storm [Music] [Music] there's the good dog from here I need the pumpkin I think I think just the pumpkin [Music] there's a reset Spotlight you need three artifacts here oh cause I know pumpkins here what else is here please do some sloth and Furious [Music] laughs the evil dogs on the other side of this [Music] the other two items here though I don't know if I've ever found them [Music] so I'm assuming I don't want to jump in the tub yet because it's here one Paradox hurry some Kenpachi oh the Frisbee that's right I forgot all about that [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign how do I get that again I have to drop down not the tub it was like one of these [Music] ah [Music] thanks the resub Nova [Music] [ __ ] I don't remember [Music] maybe it is the tub no it's not it's not the tub is it [ __ ] where's the tub go I forgot where does the tub go I think the tub takes me out tub to the airport that's right so it does take me out okay [Music] oh a Peeping Tom [Music] [Music] laughs is there there's got to be a reason for that foreign [Music] [Music] the jump can't be made how well actually I was pretty close [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh God get off oh [Music] how do you make that do you carry too much momentum when you do that you slide right off what the [ __ ] by the time I hit the ceiling [Music] every time [Music] oh huge okay that was flush all right got the tuna now I just need the frisbee I don't remember how to get to the Frisbee though I'm not gonna lie [Music] [Music] he made that so much harder how what was I supposed to do [Music] [Music] stairs on the back of the wall what's the point in going through that vent I feel like if there's stairs there to feed the whole purpose of the event how did I after that frisbee there's like a drop I need to go through but I don't remember where the drop is please move [Music] exhibits Kismet agreed the soundtrack is nice oh here we go no this isn't it this is just the same drop is there a door I didn't open or something I'm pretty sure it's in the bad dog world ah here it's this one [Music] this is I keep doing this to myself I just did the exact same [ __ ] thing twice in a row God damn it these are you some floopy and rugged no it's not bathtub bathtub takes me to the airport [Music] what I'm just doing the exact same thing [ __ ] over and over and over and over again what am I missing what have I forgotten I've got the Frisbee before and in fact I couldn't find my way to the bathtub but now it's all I can find this just connects this doesn't take me anywhere new the bathtub again but at the bottom the different set of outside stairs weird I remember there's these oh maybe it has to be this it has to be these then what's these I assume they just took me the long way around [Music] got it [Music] all right so that's everything here like I said just in case it's not okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh actually I've never gone up here foreign pill bottle check do I need to kill the people that gank me thanks are you sub Swifty or is that unnecessary [Music] yeah okay oh you absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] what install the stall we got some nerve so why did I kill them oh for the other pills that's right I forget you got pills at the end of that [Music] thanks to the resub Majora I'm at the shirt rack what the bloody one you grabbed it oh did I I didn't even notice okay is there anything else at the airport or am I good to go on the plane thanks to Prime tough let me grab more health easy resub Q on all right [Music] okay am I good to just jump off foreign [Music] [Music] I've got all eight in the real world missing one in the mirror world next series of baked potato [Music] feature in the living room [Music] there's a painting in normal world oh is there [Music] one of these [Music] [Music] you got it oh did I didn't even see it did it say anything I didn't see it say anything [Music] No it didn't change anything [Music] actually look at it Oh I thought it was a collectible [Music] it's the fence outside and where that blue head normally is but I don't want to go outside because I might [ __ ] myself but I guess that must be the must be the final piece all right oh that's huge okay the house didn't immediately go up for sale [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] I'm back in Shrek's Woods his swamp faster than a normal car [Music] no it's hell uh [Music] [Music] okay thanks for this sludgy that gave me like a million health [Music] no I'm home [ __ ] [Music] reload I don't feel like walking all the way back [Music] [Music] admittedly very weird place for a shell oh there's a bus stop too thank you foreign [Music] [Music] I'll take my sludgy please [Music] is there anything here ah I think both of these take me back to my house please close I don't know maybe not maybe just that one all right that's the last collectible let's go baby time to go home [Music] all right now what you need to go back go back and walk through the fence what do you mean again I need to make a loop oh maybe it resets like the house in the mirror world Jesus Christ well now I'm now I'm [ __ ] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] world save your game why I already have that saved from a little while ago I'm not saving every five seconds am I even fighting anything or doing anything that I could mess up I doubt it as you should be Cheeto but I'll save oh no [Music] the nice gas station foreign [Music] holy [ __ ] maybe there is like a final boss fight or something here [Music] I fight the CEO Shell what the [ __ ] am I fighting I must have missed something in here [Music] laughs [Music] I don't want to use the sludgy machine because I know it breaks [Music] oh here wait there's a path this way oh it knows where it came from and that's where the fence is there's gonna be something with the bus stuff which just can't be random oh huge what is this S Plus a s a sexual assault that's no good to who am I fighting the Kraken who's the Boss this was the bad ending you [ __ ] up I shouldn't have gone through the set the uh sa tree I had a feeling God damn it so is this like a whole ending in and of itself right here I just stay on the beach forever those are some soggy bissy and Bushido maybe some ghost you're supposed to stand on the campfire you know I was in a movie the whole time the my house film there's a power movie Magic for you maybe I'll find Squidward out here oh these are some ghost in the [ __ ] broccoli no I've never heard of that before but I can check it out broccoli what now thank you just load okay [Music] I didn't do anything am I being lied to I just stay on it for a while let me see you have to open the tree first oh foreign like the real world juice comes through and heats up the campfire and King Boo I guess just showed up judging by that noise okay holy [ __ ] let me get let me get some space I can't I can't see this attack thank you I actually can't see [ __ ] I uh this is quite the fight it's unkillable just run gotcha [Music] how do I get back to the normal world do I have to go all the way oh my god do I have to go all the way through the fence again that's surprising I would have thought they would have like opened that up again but okay I'm taking quite a bit of damage here foreign oh and there's a bad guy here [Music] oh One of These Guys these guys are cool oh [ __ ] I'm in absolute peril but okay all right he's actually blocking me [Music] you sick bastard [Applause] he's a prime boom in the resub fresh hmm [Music] no way that hurts my feelings [Music] oh my God is he killable now he has to be because I actually can't get him to move [Music] okay he is killable [Music] okay [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] these Rockets have been nothing but an independent it's so upsetting that's so upsetting minigun's fine foreign [Music] [Music] there we go okay [Music] didn't take a ton of damage there [Music] so I just need to get to the fence again I think so instead of going out the front door across the garage door oh Jesus Christ oh my [ __ ] god well that was a lot [Music] [Music] sludgy sludge you give me sludgy I I owe my [ __ ] god it's just every enemy in the entire game all at once and I can't really see [ __ ] where's the campfire it's this way oh my God now I can see even less wow I made it I [ __ ] made it there's my dog oh don't wanna don't wanna punch him I thought that was gonna be a pet thing it is a real Beach now collect everything and burn the house down I did collect everything so now what you beat it like this is the end burned down the house after collecting everything and come back to the gas station place I think I'll just look up the other endings to be honest like I said I st chat told me to go in completely blind so I have no [ __ ] clue what like the actual narrative is supposed to be it's still cool though I still think it was a cool game but I think I'll just watch the video so I can actually understand what the [ __ ] is going on there was no reason to come into this blind like without reading anything I don't know why you recommended that that was a terrible idea yeah apparently this is based on a book I don't really know you have to read the folder file I I know that's what I'm talking about they said don't read anything like don't look up anything about it just go in completely blind but now there's 10 pages worth of like lore so I would actually get the story as opposed to just being dropped into it so I think that was just not the right way of experiencing it still a cool game I still think it was very cool things there are some comical Yoshi in the bits broccolio and Crosby yeah no I definitely plan on watching the video I still liked it I still had fun things have you said gamer human or would I rate it out of 10 well I don't know man I I literally didn't get any of the story because it's all supposed to be like uh the journal here which I was told not to read Thanksgiving moldy in bitsy we already did the hospital one that one I found On My Own by accident there's two early endings and one bad ending you basically 100 that's hype I didn't find everything on my own though I think I got like a good chunk on my own but then obviously just needed the guidance from chat since I didn't read the journals I was kind of [ __ ] hopeless I would have never I would have never tried the mirror but I found all the other worlds myself there's a secret room you can find if you try no clipping out of bounds yeah it's fine all right foreign all right well I'm gonna call it a night though thanks for tuning in new Subs welcome aboard sub means a lot thanks for subbing enjoy those emotes I'll see you all tomorrow have a great rest of your evening everybody toss you to Umbrella
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 351,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gYfIF8U9NaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 19sec (12199 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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