the problem with the girlboss mentality (Shallon Lester is problematic)

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hi i'm a student fighting the anxiety course by reading essays for school by writing more essays for youtube and today we're going to discuss shaolin lester and the problem with the girl boss mentality i hope you're well or if not that you're fighting because as this drawing says you have to power through before i start let me say that shaolin's videos arc me to a point of no return because shaolin reminds me of a high school bully nevertheless i had to sit through multiple videos of hers to make this thing so please appreciate me also before i start i want to clarify my wording this video is titled the problem with a girl boss mentality a girl boss is a powerful and confident woman with ambition who isn't controlled or influenced by anyone else so don't get me wrong i don't think there's anything wrong with being a girl boss quite the contrary i literally fall in love with girls more and more every day what we're going to discuss here are the flaws and contradictions of a self-proclaimed cabos such as the prime example of shaolin leicester now who is shannon gosh i keep calling her shannon shaolin who is shaolin lester challen lester is a self-proclaimed girl boss she prides herself on being unbothered by other people's opinions and thriving by her own means that is the textbook definition of agabos the difference is shaolin needs to tell people that she is all these things and is in fact a girl boss start to see the nuance right off the bat her girl boss attitude feels extremely iffy sometimes because she uses it to justify unsettling things she is a girl boss because she can still pull young men she can get anyone she wants and is successful in that way problem is these boys are literally 17 sometimes and shalin is like i don't know 40 or something she says she likes younger boys because they will obey her and are easier to mold now that sounds an awful lot like grooming and it's very unsettling does getting younger guys make her a girl boss or on the contrary does being a girl boss justify the fact that she is dating those younger guys i'm not sure i agree with any of these two options by presenting herself as a girl boss she not only qualifies herself to give advice and pick out lessons from people's actions she also presents herself as someone perfect someone to look up to which strives to justify some rather questionable opinions racism first of all which doesn't really have a place in this video but which i wanted to touch on anyway because it deeply upsets me there is a particular video in which she looks at a bts poster and gives her opinion on the group she comes off quite racist when she says they all look the same she can't tell them apart it doesn't sound so bad like this but with the context the tone and the faces she makes it's actually pretty disturbing or when she says you're allowed to look like an asian man with dark hair and dark eyes after commenting on their coloured hair and contact lenses she also calls them the women of bts she says i don't know to call them boys or girls because i don't know what they are and she refers to them as pretty girls criticizing someone's appearance or disregarding their gender identity is unacceptable but somehow this is justified by shaolin's preference for traditional masculinity for so-called real men a preference she believes she is allowed to have because she is a girl boss she also comes across as one of these people who present themselves as a mental health advocate for for like their their personal pat on the back she says that mental health is important and supporting people with mental health issues is important but consistently talks of mental health issues in a very condescending manner she presents herself as a woke and relatable person but let me give you a few examples pete davidson in an interview or a show i don't quite remember confessed he had considered suicide but had not gone through with it for his mother and sister shannon reacts to that interview by belittling the issue saying that if he had really considered suicide he wouldn't have talked about it and calling this revelation revenge on his part which is absolutely disgusting the fact that she puts herself in an expert position and belittles real concerns is disgusting similarly she takes meghan markle's recent interview as an example of someone playing the victim and offers advice on what to do in that situation she qualifies the interview as two hours and a half of she and misery she calls it [ __ ] she says she couldn't handle someone like megan in her life and comments on meghan markle's so-called behavioral patterns like a mental health specialist according to shaolin in megan's case suicidal thoughts and mental health don't matter and not unworthy of her attention and consideration because she is victimizing herself in acting to gain favors apparently now even if shaolin openly despises her i don't have an opinion on meghan because we just don't know what she's like in real life some think the royal family hate her either for a skin color which wouldn't be her fault or for her behavior which would but except from very distorted exaggerated media depictions of her we have nothing and her husband seems to fully love and support her in genuine way no matter what challenge says about how she ensnared him and made him a puppet so all we have to judge her is her appearance her success or what she presents to the public which to me is not enough because we have all seen kate and megan magazine cover comparisons and with that we've seen that even what we see through the media can be modified and distorted even if we see it with our own eyes shaolin presents herself as a gabos as someone all-knowing and unbothered by competition because all girls are worthy and super powerful but she feels threatened by megan she depicts megan as a manipulative person trying to climb her way to the top now that may be true or false but there is no concrete evidence that i know of to show megan is it manipulative so that's not anything valid to criticize her on what shaolin could criticize megan on would be her rise to the top her will to be an actress a public figure a princess and i'm not saying that that kind of criticism would even be justified but the thing is shalon's whole brand is girl bossing if i may say climb into the top not letting people run you so this hatred she has towards someone who is doing exactly that feels very contradictory i mean she literally has a podcast called girl on top so this criticism of megan the girl on top suggests she feels threatened by megan threatened by the idea that somebody is using the same so-called girl bossing strategies as her and is successful in life shaolin prides herself on having been a kind of celebrity herself by working in celebrity magazines having made out with harry styles knowing all about the kardashians so to me it seems as if she considers making competition in a way and therefore resents her because she just like her is trying to get to the top and megan is doing that better than her i don't know if i'm making sense the girl boss mentality and projection that shaolin creates for herself can't accept more successful girl bosses who would threaten her rank in a way to me her girl boss mentality not caring what others think wanting the best for everyone seems very fake and insecure it's a kind of facade a role she plays the girl boss part she plays allows her to put herself in a dominant position of perfection and wokeness by putting herself across as a girl boss who includes and wants the best for other women who gives advice because she doesn't mind people becoming as successful as she is who projects herself as someone who doesn't need to hate other women because she's already fulfilled she puts herself above all the other people who can't do that for example the people who feel jealous of others who aren't successful who hate other women and feel guilty that they do shaolin puts herself across as this human with no flaws and it is girl boss image that allows her to do that it is a tool in a way because behind all that she feels threatened by other successful women the entirety of her videos are about celebrities successful people and her whole channel is based on criticizing them on the contrary women who truly fit the image of the god boss usually don't present themselves as girl bosses because they don't feel the need for that validation and that is a true problem with challenge garbos mentality it's okay when it's aimed towards others but self-proclaiming yourself as a god boss is problematic because it allows you to put yourself above all the other girls by allegedly empowering other girls and that is a huge contradiction and i guess after all that is the problem with the god boss mentality there's nothing wrong with being a girl boss but the respect and all people hold to those they deem girl bosses can allow very damaging things and questionable behaviors and that's exactly what shalom is doing by self-proclaiming herself a girl boss she justifies her actions with the fact that she is a girl boss i don't let people run me i can see through their lies and that is why she comments on people she doesn't know or why she can't take constructive criticism and likes to clap back at people i hope i make good sense thank you all for watching feel free to like or subscribe or both i won't complain and please leave a comment to criticize disagree or agree and give me ideas on what to draw or talk about next time bye you
Channel: Through The Eyes Of Iris
Views: 375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTS, pete davidson, meghan markle, shallon lester, royal family, pick me girl
Id: pHUzRiYHqG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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