Shake Off The World (2015) | Full Movie | Jessica Lynch | Brett Hargrave

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(light music) ♪ Danny boy ♪ ♪ The pipes, the pipes are calling ♪ ♪ Glen to glen, across the mountain side ♪ ♪ Summer's gone, and all the leaves are falling ♪ ♪ It's you, it's you must go and I must bide ♪ - [Narrator] The Fighting Irish in Notre Dame, the Arkansas Razorbacks, the Tar Heels of North Carolina. These hallowed halls of football greatness inspire the dreams of young boys all across America. The dream of someday taking a winning college experience all the way into the NFL. My father played football, my brother played football. And I was going to play football. This is my story. (light music) - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Thy rod and they staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anoints my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. - [Everyone] Amen. (light music) (moves into dramatic music) - [Mom] Austin, you're gonna be late. - Coming. - [Mom] Breakfast! - Mom, I love you! (light rock music) ♪ Kick the dust off of my feet ♪ ♪ Ascend the stairway to the street ♪ ♪ Kneel to crawl right through the needle's eye ♪ ♪ Be all that I'm meant to be ♪ ♪ But not by self sufficiency ♪ ♪ To let go of the trolls to be alive ♪ ♪ Shake off the world, shake off the world ♪ ♪ Shake off the world ♪ ♪ It's all right to lose the baggage ♪ ♪ It's all to my advantage ♪ ♪ Shake off the world, shake off the world ♪ ♪ Shake off the world ♪ (bell ringing) - The instructors all quit in the end like explode into a million pieces. Got to mind if you driving, what's going on? (mumbling) Hey my man. There he is, there he is, there he is. Yeah. - [Man] About time, dude. - Hey Corpus, slowpoke's over here. - Guys, can you believe it? Football season starts this Friday. - I love Friday night football. - Dude, everyone loves Friday night football. No more two a days? They were killing me man, Coach is crazy. - Lights, screaming fans, cheerleaders. - [Everyone] Cheerleaders. - Coach is crazy. Do you guys know that he's being looked at by several colleges? - Look, I'm just glad this season's finally starting. Finally get to wear our real uniforms rather than these rags. - Phew, you stink, man. You need to get your mama to wash that. - Burning sunlight, we're burning sunlight, let's go! (whistle blowing) Go! (percussive music) (whistle blowing) - [Team] Three, one, two, three five, one two three, six, one two three. - We're gonna run a play, run a play, let's do it. Play three on one, play three on one, ready? Get back, get back, get back! Blue 319, blue 319! And go! (team clapping) - First two up. On the whistle, on the whistle. (whistle blowing) (team cheering) Next two, next two, go Austin. All right, here we go, on the whistle, on the whistle, ready. - [Man] Yeah, there you go. (team cheering) (whistle blowing) - Yeah, good boy, good job. (chanting together) - [Player] Pirates on three. One, two, three. - [All] Pirates! - All right guys, good. Take a knee, take a knee. (inspiring music) You guys hung in two a days all summer long. You gave up a lot this summer. You stayed strong and I'm proud of you. Remember that 90% of all the energy on the football field comes from the team. The other 10% comes from the fans. Coach? - Guys, it's been a hard summer. I'm not gonna lie to you. Our schedule this year is not easy. It never is. But you know what I expect from each and every one of you. - Sweat, blood and tears. (laughing) - Rooney, stand up. You think you're funny? (kick bashing) You guys think he funny? On the line. - Rooney, are you okay? Germaine, Germaine, help me get him to the locker room. (somber music) (bell ringing) (students chattering) - Tony, sit down. All right, where was I? Jackie? Enough with the gum. Spit it out. - [Class] Ew. - All right, time for my favorite game. It's called vocabulary. (class wooing) Come on, we got winners, we got losers. Set them up. Number one, something which is done in a different way. Not done in the normal way. (bell dinging) Pam. - Alternative? - [Teacher] Correct. - Yes! (students cheering) - Question number two. Not deep or profound, lacking real content. (bell dinging) - My ex-girlfriend. (girl laughing) (bell dinging) - Superficial. - [Teacher] Correct, Scott. (class cheering) - Son, what am I gonna do with you? (bell ringing) - What's up, man? - Hey, there he is. - How's your summer? - Ah. - Still dating the rich and beautiful Heather? What kind of car are you getting her dad to buy her just to start her for junior year? - Ah, I saw her a couple times this summer. She's been also traveling with her family, checking out colleges and what not, so. - Cool, cool. - But we did text a lot. - Oh, awesome. So I heard about what happened on the field today. Mr. Iron School headbutted Rooney. - Yeah he's got a concussion. Again. - Great. The season hasn't even started yet. I mean really, what was Coach thinking? He's our best receiver. - Oh, he doesn't think man, that's the problem. - Your brother'll be proud of you. (light music) - Hey. - Well hello, stranger. - Oh, right there, right there, right there. - Well well well, what do we have here, dumb and dumbest. - Very funny, move over. - So I loved the card you got for me by the way. - I read in the paper that this is going to be our big season. What do you think, Mr. All-Star? - Well, as your press agent, let me answer that. Excuse me everybody, who's the most awesome defensive back player of the year? - Right. - Austin! - Hey wait, what about the cheerleaders? - And what about the cheerleaders? Ugh. - Did you at least hear back from the colleges that you went to at all? - Some of them. It's still early though. This is really all about my dad. Most of them are very far away. My dad thought that it would be very amusing to see the country with a car full of his offspring. - That's your dad, go, go, go. - Yeah well, I still have time. I keep telling him, "Dad I'm only a junior." And he says "Prepare, prepare, prepare." - No wonder your mom talks to herself all the time. (all laughing) - So, are you ready for the big game? - Yeah. Well, if I can survive Coach. If I can survive Coach, then I can get a scholarship to any college, anywhere and finally get out of here. - Baby, just keep it together and you'll have a great season. This is your year. - Food fight! (students laughing) (light music) - Hey, Mom. What you reading? - Oh, I just picked up a new cookbook called Fudge, Fudge, Fudge. It's very inspirational. So what's going on with you today? How was school? - It was good. Got to see Heather. She's doing really well. She also got to check out a lot of colleges this summer. But personally, I think it was just her mom trying to get them all out of the house. - You have homework? - Oh, I always have homework. I think school was a lot more fun when you went there. You know, when you had to go uphill both ways. - No shoes. - [Austin] In the snow. Love you, Mom. - Love you. Don't be late. (crowd chattering) - So let me get this straight. Do you think all pasta's the same? You're an idiot, my friend. All right, first off, you got ziti then angel hair, canneloni, cappellini, vermicelli, buccotini and that's just a few. - Look, all I'm trying to say is that I just want normal pasta. All right, I don't need any of that fancy schmancy stuff. And how come every time you talk about Italian things, your Italian accent gets thicker? - Hey, we need more forks, let's get back to work. - Mr. Davino. Sir, can I speak with you for a moment? Sir, I was hoping to just get a few more hours on the weekend. I've just been so busy here, it's killing me with homework. - Look, kid, I like you, you're a hard worker. But all I got open is Friday nights. And you say you have to play football Friday nights. My hands are tied, what do you want me to do? I know you're preparing for college. - Junior college. Unless I can get a scholarship for football. - And I commend you for that. Nobody knows harder work than me, plus my mother. But there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, Austin. - Thank you, Mr. Davino. (rock music) - Welcome to opening night with FNCW, I'm Rachel Hamilton. - And I'm Alan Miller. - [Rachel] We have a lot of high expectations at the Lumberton Pirates Stadium. - Take a knee, guys. Guys, just the first game of the season. Nobody comes to our house and gets their way. You know how we play. No prisoners! - [Team] No mercy! Pirates, Pirates, Pirates, Pirates Pirates, Pirates, Pirates, Pirates Pirates, Pirates, Pirates, Pirates Pirates, Pirates, Pirates, Pirates! (team shouting) - [Alan] The Pirates, coming off a good season last year hoping to improve on it this year have high hopes and big expectation. - [Rachel] Can we expect to see Austin, number 15, the defensive back out there on the field tonight? - [Alan] He's a guy that will anchor the defense for the Pirates. However, there's been a little bit of issue between him and Coach Warren. And there's a possibility he might not start this evening. - How do we eat? - [Team] Hard! - How do we study? - [Team] Harder! - How do we play? - [Team] Hardest! - Let's get the win on three, get the win on three, one, two, three! - [Team] Get the win! - Let's go baby, let's go. - All right, all right guys, let's do this, let's do this. All right, it's all you, it's all you. All right. One on one, one on one. Ready, fight! (whistle blowing) Blue, 319! Set, hut! (rock music) - [Alan] Banks hands off up the middle. Troy Missile, the ball carried for the Pirates. That brings up fourth down. (cheerleaders chanting) Intercepted by Austin! Touchdown Pirates! Arr! (cheerleaders cheering) (inspiring music) Great throw by Banks, touchdown! - [Rachel] Oh, it looks like Rooney might be down. - Coach! - [Ref] Take it in guys, take it in. - [Alan] He's down on the ground and he's not moving at this point, Rachel. - [Man] Hurry up. - Rooney. Get the medic, get the medic! - [Rachel] Oh let's hope this is not a serious injury. - [Medic] Excuse me. (siren blaring) (somber music) - Mr. And Mrs. Rooney, I'm Dr. Campbell. Your son took a major jolt to the head. But good news is that the swelling is going down so that means that that's relieving some pressure on his brain. A few days here in the hospital and I think he's gonna walk out of here just fine. - Thank you, Doctor. - Guys, football's not a sissy game. We all have injuries. We must move on. We must be strong here, here, there's no room for weaknesses. Garcia, what are you doing here? You know to crack back in. Son, you look slower than creek water. Austin, how you blow that coverage? - Oh come on, Coach. You know I can get some more help from you out there if you just communicate once in a while. - You're on second team. You can sit the bench for all I care. - Coach, you can't do that! - You wanna join him? You guys gon' to me, I'm the head coach! What I say goes! You got a problem with that, you ain't even lookin' at me right! And you got a problem, you can hit the highway! You understand? (doorbell ringing) - Oh hi, Austin. - Hey Chelsea. Is your sister ready yet? - No, she's never ready. Oh, by the way, my dad wants to talk to you. - Hi, Mrs. Moore. - Hello, Austin. - [Chelsea] Dad, Austin's here. - Ain't this a good looking truck? This was my daddy's truck. Son I want a talk with you. Austin, me and my family we visited some mighty fine colleges over the summer. Heather's gonna attend one of these fine institutions. And you know how I feel about my family. - Yes, sir. - Son, I know you know what I mean. I want you to have fun but I want you to take care of my daughter. - Yes, sir. You look beautiful. (gentle music) - Thank you. (crowd chattering) Where are we going? - I have a surprise for you. (airy music) How do you like your ring by the way? - I love it, it's beautiful. - Good. By the way I got something I gotta tell you. - What? - Coach actually let me off first team. - What? Coach can't do that, they need you. - Yeah well, you know what kind of guy he is. He's a guy who's got way too much pride and no heart. He didn't even go see Rooney at the hospital. - I'm sorry, baby. - Well. After the whole thing, it just makes me, makes me wonder sometimes. You know I feel like, I just feel like I'm missing something. Something in my life. You know I try hard, I work hard. I give everything I got, but, I just, I don't know. But either way, you know, I still got you. I love you. (rock music) - [Announcer] Welcome to tonight's game at Allison Brooks Stadium, the home of your Lumberton Pirates. - Code left, code left! Ready, cross the view! Watch out! Go! (whistle blowing) - [Alan] Flag on the play. - Coach, you got to put Austin in. - Put him in. - Austin, get in. (cheerleaders cheering) (whistle blowing) - [Announcer] 10! And Austin with the stop! Tarnation, let's hear it for that defense. (whistle blowing) That's Austin coming up big. The Pirate defense staying strong. (team cheering) - [Coach] Hey look, I'm the head coach. - [Assistant Coach] It's a team effort. - [Coach] A bad clock is right twice a day. It was luck, he's not a good player. - [Assistant Coach] If you just open your eyes you'd see that he's the best defensive back we've ever had. - [Coach] I don't have to explain it to you, I don't like him. He will not play, end of story! - Austin, can I see you? Great game, kid. - Thanks, Coach. - Look, Coach Warren's already told me that you're not gonna be starting next game. - Coach, we just won a game. - He doesn't care. You stand up to him all the time, Austin. You stand up to him, and he is your coach. - He's not my coach. - He said, you're never gonna play for him. I'm sorry. (Austin sighing) No matter what, I think there's some good junior colleges you can still get a scholarship for. And then after two years, maybe you can go to some university. - And what kind of college is gonna take me if I sit the bench all year? - Hey, never give up, kid. You never know what the big man upstairs has planned for you. (somber music) - Hey. The Robertsonian calls my son defensive player of the week. Very nice. Do I hear universities calling? - Thank you, thank you, thank you. All right I accept this trophy on behalf of all the players out there. - (laughing) So what's up for you today? - I gotta go see Uncle Kenny. Then I gotta go to work. Work, work, work, I tell you what. That's all I ever do. - Thank you missed your calling, you're really a ham. - I love you, Mom. - Love you. - Uncle Kenny, guys. - [Man] Hey, what's going on? - Time for the strongman competition or what? (all clapping) - All right guys, as you know every month we have a strongman, excuse me, strong person competition. Last month's winner was Tony. Do I have any challengers for this month? - [Everyone] Ooh. - Y'all get to the starting position. - I hope you're ready for this. - Oh yeah, bring it on. - On your mark, get set, go! (rock music) - [Man] Slow, make it slow! - Put your net, come on now! (firefighters shouting) - How's your mother? - Oh, she's doing fine. Becoming quite the queen of desserts, I can tell you that. - So what's up, son? - You know Mom always said you were the best. I think my mouth finally got me in trouble. The coach isn't gonna start me ever again. - Are you sure? - Oh yeah. Yeah, I think we've hit heads for the last time. What do you think I should do? - Well when I was your age, everything mattered. What my hair looked like, what clothes. Did I date the right girl? And for some reason it all worked out. All that matters is that you're loved. Are you loved, son? (gentle music) (bell ringing) (siren blaring) - [Announcer] Squad 51, person injured. 216 Ranch Road, 216 Ranch Road cross street Gailey and (indistinct) - Joey. You know, if you worked as much as you talk, you could be running this place one day. - Yeah, Joey boy. - You know, it's all going your way now, my friend. You know at first, Coach Knucklehead tries sitting a few games out, then he got to play by default and then you guys win. You know he has to play you now, right? He has no choice. - Yeah, not true unfortunately. Coach is not gonna start me next game. And probably not ever. - What, how do you know that? - He just told Coach Baker after the game. - What, shit are you kidding me? What you gonna do about it? Football's everything to you. - I have no idea. - Why don't you come play with us? Come live with me. - What? Oh come on now. My mom would never allow that. - Your mother loves our family. Plus you're only doing it to play out the rest of the season. Look, you'll be back at your school by Christmas. It's only like a couple months. What, you gonna sit the bench for the rest of the year? - Hey guys, we need more glasses. (light music) (Mom knocking) - Hey tiger. How you doing? - I was just looking through Jake's scrapbook. Man, he was so fast. I just remember watching him from the stands. Yeah, nobody could catch him. He was always the one who would toss the football with me. You remember when he gave me his game ball? - Yup. - Yeah, I still have it. (kid laughing) Yeah, Mom, really, I am excited. And for real, thanks again for supporting me in all this. I really appreciate it. Yeah, I'll see you next weekend, I promise. Okay. Call me if you need anything, okay? All right, bye. (talking over each other) - Have a good day. - All right guys, be good, listen to your grandfather, have a good day at school. See you guys later. - Take care. Ah, we say grace first. Heavenly father, we thank you for this food and all of your blessings. And we also thank you for Austin. Please be with him on his first day in his new school. Amen. - [Everyone] Amen. (speaking in foreign language) - So you pumped? - Hey hey, what did your father tell you about stealing your brother's food? - But Grandpa! - Uh, what did your mother just say? - Yeah, man, I'm super excited. You know, as long as I play though, all will be fine. - When do you find out? - Actually, I already met with head coach. And I actually start playing the practice this week. He said it's a good team but even though, he still might be able to fit me in by next game. - Mm, go team! (laughing) - Stop! - Hey, hey, knock it off. - This is so good! - Don't be disgusting, Joey! Oh my god. Are you kidding me? (bell ringing) (tense music) - Hey watch it, dummy. - Who you calling dummy? - Hey. Come here. What did you say? - That's a long drop, pretty boy. - Yeah, whatever. Can I sit here, is that all right? - Yeah, go ahead. - Name is Austin by the way. - Teresa. Teresa Waldemore. Nice to meet you. Are you new to town? - No, no, I transferred from Lumberton high school. Did you say Waldemore? - Yeah. - As in Mr. Waldemore, the English teacher's daughter? - Yeah, that's my dad. Did you take his class when you were there? - Yeah, I did. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was failing me before I left. Actually said it'd be good for me. - That's my dad. - So class, you know I love you. But pop quiz. (sighing) - First day? Well a great school you have here. - What? - Get this. First, I have thugs who want to throw me off the second story of the staircase. Then, I meet the one person that I don't wanna meet at all. Mr. Waldemore's daughter, my old English teacher. I don't think it could get any worse. - Are they here? - Who? - The thugs. - There. - Oh boy. That my friend, are your new teammates. - Well. I think it's officially the worst day of my life then. - Hey Joey. - Hey Camden. - Is this your brother? Another one of your dudes from your beloved Jersey? - Him, no. Meet Austin, your new teammate. - Austin? From Lumberton High? Well looky here. We have a little Pirate amongst us. Look, why don't you climb back from whatever rock you came from? We don't need you on our team. - [Thug] You better watch yourself, boy. - We'll see you on the field, chump. - Well. This school just got a lot more interesting. (doorbell ringing) (insects chirping) - Hey. I haven't seen you in a while. How've you been doing? - (sighs) Just tired. - How's the new school? Have you met the football team yet? - Yeah. Yeah I met the football team all right. Or as many as I've wanted to anyway. - What does that mean? - I don't know. I just can't catch a break, Heather. No matter what I do, I'm always going in the wrong direction. - Look, I have to tell you something. My dad wants me to start really knuckling down and taking extra classes. He's serious about this college thing. So with you at another school and not really playing ball at Lumbertown anymore, I just don't see what we have in common. I don't think this is gonna work. - Really? When things just couldn't get any worse for me you're just dumping me? Of all people in the world, I figured you'd be the one there for me. (somber music) (kids chattering) - Hey bro, have a nice class. - Hey. You might not want to have that sign on your back. (keyboards clacking) (light piano music) - Man. I still can't believe I walked around class with a sign on my back that said kick me, I'm stupid. Can you believe some people? I should just quit school, go get a job. At least that way I could go earn some money. - Sometimes life isn't fair. You have to bend a little. Don't let everything bother you so much. And remember, sticks and stones might break your bones but words will never hurt you. - Easy for you to say, Elisio. You're only nine. - Well if I was a dog, I would be 63. - Hey! Who forgot to feed the goldfish again? Here, I can't deal with this right now. I'm already late. - Uh. (students chattering) (light music) (bell ringing) (tense music) - It's over, bro. Time for (indistinct). - You mess with our friend, you mess with us. - He's your friend? - Yes. He's my friend. I'm Terrence. - I'm Dan. - Austin. Listen, thank you, guys. - Hey, what are you doing this Sunday? - Nothing. - You wanna go to church with us? (bell dinging) Hey, you made it. - Yeah, man, it's the least I could do after you guys saved me. - No problem. Hey, I wanna introduce you here to Miss Jacobs. Miss Jacobs, this is Austin. - Hey Austin, nice to meet you but you can just call me Kelly. - Mmm, Kelly. - Kelly, hi Kelly. - Well I hope to see you around some of our group functions. - Well, church time. - Well it was nice to meet you. (people chattering) - Hey guys. I'd like to introduce you to our newest friend, Austin. - [Everyone] Hey Austin. - Austin, Warriors for Christ. - [Woman] Welcome to the church. - Good morning everyone. What a beautiful day to praise Jesus. Do we have any new friends today? Thank you, thank you for being with us today. Glad you all could join us. Now could we have everyone else stand and welcome our neighbors? In the spirit of fellowship let's continue to worship this morning as we open up our scriptures. - So, what'd you think? - Yeah it was awesome. I had a great time. - You should join our youth group, Warriors for Christ. - Always room for one more, brother. Hey, Jessie, are we still on for the fundraiser for Wesley Pines? - Yes, we are. You should come too. Every hand helps. - Yeah, me? Yeah sure, when is it? - Next Saturday we're doing a car wash in the parking lot at the Lumberton Bowling Center. And then we get to bowl all we want afterwards. - Well great, count me in. - All right, bye. - [Woman] Bye, guys. - Oh, by the way, they go to our school too. - Yeah? You know I thought I saw her there. Mom, this is crazy. What are you gonna do with all this chocolate? - We're creating son, there is no time for reason. Can you hand me that baking dish? - Ooh. - Oh! You can lick the spoon after. - All right. Oh, yes. Oh. Oh Mom, that looks great. You're a total pro. They smell good too, can I taste them? - Yeah! So what do you think? - Mmm, this is awesome. Awesome. How many times have I told you you gotta open up your own shop? You know I'd buy them. - That's 'cause you're my son. You're the best. (pop rock music) - Just a donation, sir. - Soap it up a little bit, nice and soapy. Where's the hose? ♪ Why we hurting ♪ ♪ Why we hurting ♪ - Oh man, I'm digging this fruit loop. - All right I think we want more sun here. ♪ We got to love a little bit quicker ♪ ♪ Get a little bit bigger ♪ - Thank you. ♪ We gotta try a little bit harder ♪ ♪ Go a little bit farther ♪ ♪ Hey hey hey ♪ - Hey it's okay. The pins are that way. (all cheering) ♪ Don't you see the fire ♪ ♪ Can't you smell the smoke ♪ ♪ The days are getting hotter and the nights are cold ♪ ♪ It ain't easy ♪ - All right, show me how it's done now. Show me how it's done. Oh wait. It's hanging on! Nice, looking good. Not bad. (cheering) - [Woman] You guys having fun? - Yes. - [Woman] About ready to go home. - So Jessie. You still need a ride home? - I came here with Dixie. I mean, sure. - So you gotta get home right away, or? - No, it's Saturday. There's no school tomorrow. Are you coming to church tomorrow? - Maybe we can go get something to eat. - Hey. I know where we could go. (car starting) (light music) (birds chirping) I used to come here a lot when I was a kid. My grandfather built all this. He built a lot of things around here. He was a really proud man. He used to have all these little sayings. - Like what? - One of them was, if you're fishing for love use your brain as bait. My mother used to love painting out here. She'd set up her easel right down at the end of the dock and paint all day. - Does she still paint? - She passed away. A few years ago. - Sorry. - She's in Heaven. So. - So what? - Are you coming to church tomorrow? - Wouldn't miss it. (birds chirping) ♪ Oh, what peace we often forfeit ♪ ♪ Oh what needless pain we bear ♪ ♪ All because we do not carry ♪ ♪ Everything to God in prayer ♪ - [Crowd] Amen. - Thank you, choir, thank you. I think faith is like a spice rack. A lot of times we have a lot of options. You have the different kind of spices and flavors in the world. We have ginger and basil, oregano and rosemary, sage and parsley and cinnamon. I love cinnamon. All these different kind of spices are available right in front of us, sitting right there on our spice rack. But when we're cooking, half the time we forget that they're even there. Oh don't get me wrong, we're good at adding salt and pepper. It's always the salt and pepper. And like I said, the spices are like faith, and sometimes we forget that we have them and that we can use them. We have variations of faith that we believe in and that we can use in any opportunity. But like the spices on the rack, we forget about them. And when we're going into a tragedy like a death in the family or some situation that is sometimes hard to bear on our own, we forget about the spices that are on the rack. Let us pray. - So does anyone know how much we raised for Wesley Pines yesterday? - Uh, $300. - What? That's great. - That's a lot of cars. - I know. My arm still hurts. - I think we need to try something different this time. - What do you mean? - Pastor Wallace was telling my mom they still need to raise $10,000 to remodel the kitchen at Wesley Pines. That way they can serve more meals and handle more people in the dining room. - We're far away from that number. - What should we do? - How about we start landscaping for a business? - That sounds like really hard work. - How about bingo, or a 50/50 raffle? - Isn't that a Catholic thing? (laughing) - Hey, you know how we do a Christmas show every year? - [Everyone] Yeah. - Why don't we put one on for the town? - That's not a bad idea. We can do it at the Carolina Civic Center. - Yeah. We can charge for admission and help raise money. - But what kind of show? - I think a show that we write, produce, and act in. - Is there singing? - I love singing. - Yeah, we could sing too. Hey Austin, what do you think? - Me? - Yeah, you're part of this group now too. - I am? - [Everyone] Yeah. - Well, I can't act and I can't sing, so. - What I would normally say is, that's future me's problem. (all laughing) - Well let's tell Kelly and Pastor Wallace and see what they think. - Aren't you gonna finish your lunch? - It's now a to go order. (all laughing) - How is everything going? - It's great, thank you. - You're gonna be doing a play wearing tights, doing Hamlet? (laughing) I can't see it. - Okay, no, no, all right? I'm just helping put it on. You know, building sets and painting walls. Behind the scenes kind of stuff. - I get it, it's all because of a girl. - No, okay. I admit, I do like her. Jessie's pretty cool, but, it's actually more than that, you know? I actually like hanging out with them. I don't know, it's good vibes. - What about football and the team? - Well, I know I'm not playing for the team this year. - Well, you know my family loves you and you could stay as long as you want. - You know you can come help in the show too if you want. - Who, me? Uh no. I have a lot of stuff going on. I don't have time for any of that. Besides, who would wanna leave this glorious job behind? - You know, you didn't have to walk me to class. - Sure I did. It's a big school. Don't want a pretty girl to get lost or anything. - Friends of yours? - Yeah I guess. - By the way, you're gonna be late for class. - Who me? No, I'm not gonna be late, never. (bell ringing) Ah, not again. (upbeat music) - Hey come on, you slowpokes! Let's get ready for school! Move it, move it, move it. What do you think this is? Come on, yeah you better run. Hey pretty boy, let's go. - I'm ready, I'm ready. - Hey, Dad, I'm fine, Dad. Hey, hey, hey, i packed you lunches! - Hey hey, thank you so much. - Oh, you're welcome so much. - Hey, did you cut off the crust? Yes, that's the best! - Come on guys, come on. - Wow, look at us. About to meet my mom. You think you're ready? She can be quite a character. - Sure. Uh, do you mind me asking you a personal question? You never talk about your dad. - Oh, the dad question. You know, there's not much to really talk about. They divorced when I was nine and, just didn't really work out. But I won't ever forget when my brother passed away, she reached out to me and she told me, "Son, you're the man of the house now." You know, but I have the best mom. She was always putting me first. She had to work three jobs back then just so we could make it. - Well let's go meet the most amazing mom in the world. - Hi! You must be Jessie. - Hi, Mrs. Smith, it's a pleasure to meet you. - Oh, call me Farleigh, come on in. - Wow, it smells good up in here. - That was delicious, Farleigh. - Thank you. Who's ready for some fudge? - Ooh, I am, Mom. You actually have to try my mom's fudge. It's made from scratch, her own recipe. You gotta try it. - [Mom] Austin? - Be right back. - Austin, will you grab that plate? She's pretty cute. - All right, easy. Take it easy. By the way, looks like I'm not gonna do football this year so I'll be moving back home soon. - Oh, okay. Well, son, you know your room is always ready for you. Here you go. - Thank you. - Oh. - These are incredible. - See, I knew you'd like them. - Farleigh, would you be willing to sell these at our show? - That's a great idea, Mom. - Sure, I'll be there. Here, sweetie, have another one. - Rooney, how's it going? - Everything's great. It took me a couple days to get the voices out of my head, but besides that, it's great. - So did you hear about Coach? - No. - They're letting him go. - No way. - Got the news last night. - Yeah you know how the school does things man. No wins, no job. - You reap what you sow. - Well listen guys. I really need your help on something. - Sure, you know we're there for you. What's up, buddy? - Well I just recently joined a church a few months ago. And I know what you're probably thinking. - Are you kidding? I love church. They were there for me and my family when I was in the hospital. - Yeah, church is awesome. You guys should come to my church. - Cool. - So what do you need? - Well. - Dude, spit it out. - Well I joined a youth group. A youth group called the Warriors for Christ. And they really need a lot of help putting on a show. And the show's gonna help raise money for Wesley Pines. Help them get a new kitchen so they can continue to help the community. - I like it. What kind of show? - Like a musical show. You know, something like that. - Cool. If you need a leading man, I'm in, brother. Listen to my voice. ♪ Amazing grace ♪ - Dude, we're here for you whatever you need, bro. Bring it in, guys. All for one, one for all! - [All] Pirates! (upbeat rock music) - Thanks for helping. - You're welcome. ♪ I'm waking up to see this beautiful sun ♪ ♪ And look around at all the great things you've done ♪ ♪ So you took my life and made it ♪ ♪ Exactly what it's mean to be ♪ - I never claimed to be a dancer. ♪ And there's an old me I just don't recognize ♪ ♪ Before you came and put your light in my eyes ♪ ♪ I'm so glad that you've created ♪ ♪ A world that you made just for me ♪ ♪ And I just wanna thank you, thank you ♪ ♪ I just wanna praise you, praise you ♪ ♪ And lift you up ♪ ♪ No one can love me like you do ♪ - So why'd you bring me here to study? - This is Wesley Pines, the place we're raising money for. Thought I'd show you around. - Oh hi Jessie, how are you? - I'm great. This is my friend Austin. - Hi, it's nice to meet you. - I thought I'd show him around the place. - Well you two have fun. - All right, we will. ♪ And I just wanna thank you, thank you ♪ ♪ I just wanna praise you, praise you ♪ ♪ And lift you up ♪ ♪ No one can love me like you do ♪ - What are the chemical elements that form most living biological matter? - Okay, you have oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen. - Correct. What are bipolymers? - Ooh. Starch, glycogen and cellulose. - Cellulose, not good. - What, I got it wrong? - No, I just don't like cellulose. (laughing) - Oh man, biology. When in the world am I ever gonna need to know biology? - You never know. - Well I'm gonna have to spice up my curriculum next year. 'Cause these classes are killing me. - I was looking into taking a Bible literature class. You can substitute it for English in some schools. - Really? They actually have a class where you can study the Bible for literature? Public schools? I don't think so. - Yeah. Not all but some do. - Well I'm in, then. As long as I can substitute it for English class, 'cause it's not exactly my strongest subject. - Here. I made this for you. - What's this? Austin. Cool Christian music for the soul. From Jessie. That's great. Oh and look, a nice cute little heart too. That's a nice little touch. What you trying to say, we're going steady now or what? Well thank you. (guitar music) ♪ We're all traveling down this lonely road ♪ ♪ We're all tumbling in the tides ♪ ♪ But I am here to simply let you know ♪ ♪ I'll be right by your side ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ Don't have to face this world alone ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh ♪ ♪ I'll be the place that you come home ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh ♪ ♪ The page is turning years go by ♪ ♪ And I'll be right by your side ♪ (banging) - Hey there, pretty boy. - We're gonna get you! Woo hoo, let's get him, come on! (rock music) - Come on, get him, get him, come on! Right on his tail. Faster, let's go, let's go, let's go! Woo! We got this. Stay on, stay on him! (tires screeching) (crashing) - Oh man, my truck! - We got him, punk! - Get him, get him! Go, go, go! Woo! - That should have scared him. - Really, dude. - We're coming for you, Austin! Punk! (piano music) - Kelly is our youth director. She has some very exciting news about our youth group, Warriors for Christ. - Amen! We are so excited to make a very important announcement. I'm sure most of you already know that our youth group, Warriors for Christ, have been busy putting on a production for you called "Shake Off the World". All proceeds will go to Wesley Pines, which as you know is very close to Pastor Wallace's heart. So we are hoping that you can join us and please take the opportunity to invite your friends that you think would enjoy it. Thank you, thank you. - Let us never forget what Jesus said. Yea, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone opens, I'll come in. Are you ready? Are you battling the things today that you don't see answers for? Are the walls too high that you can't see over them? Jesus loves you. And those who know Jesus and who love Jesus know that they don't have to handle their problems on their own. Do you have Jesus in your heart? Do you want to commit or recommit your life to god? If you are, Jesus is ready to take you in. A man in the Greek city of Philippi asked a similar question to Paul and Silas. We know three things about this man. He was a jailer, he was a pagan and he was desperate. He was on the verge of suicide when stopped by Paul and asked a question, what must I do to be saved? All you have to do is come down here and we'll pray with you. Let God help you and take your troubles to him. Come, come. Let us pray. God, I know that I have sinned against you. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve. So that through faith in him, I could be forgiven. I place my trust in you for salvation. Thank you for your wonderful grace and forgiveness. The gift of eternal life. And they all said, Amen. Welcome to the family of God. (birds chirping) - Oh, I'm so full. What was that that you made again? - Chicken salad. That was my first time making it. - It was good. So what are your plans this summer? - I'm going to Michigan. I do a vacation Bible school. I've been doing it since I was a freshman. The kids are great. We dance, sing songs, learn Bible stories, make a lot of noise. What are you doing? - Well I'm usually playing football in the summer time. Just to get ready for the season, but, I don't know it's funny. I've been in and out of football camps and leagues since I was nine. And this year, it's my senior year and I might not even play. - It's beautiful, isn't it? - Yeah. You know, I like it here. Thank you for inviting me. (upbeat music) I think you're putting down more popcorn, 'cause this is getting sick. - [Jessie] No. - You're just trying to make me do something while you're (indistinct) just to see me pick up popcorn. Clean up after you. - No, that's not what I'm doing at all. Maybe I just want you. - Is that what it is? (laughing) - That looks great. - It does? How'd those turn out? - Mm, perfect, very good. - I was worried about them. I thought they burnt. - No, they're great. - These are gonna turn out great. We're gonna raise so much money for Wesley Pines. - Oh, I hope so. - Tomorrow's the big night. - You think we're ready? - Well I don't think we're gonna win any awards. - As ready as we're ever gonna be. - I'm nervous. - We all are. - I'll be right back. - What is he doing? - Oh no, this is not gonna be good. - Hey guys. I just wanted to come by and let you know that we're putting on a show tomorrow night. It's gonna raise money for the elderly. - We don't need your stinking flier. - You guys are all invited anyway. - You okay, man? - Yeah I'm fine. Never better. - [Joey] Have a chip. Chip, you wanna get some chip? Have a chip, man. (crowd cheering) ♪ Good morning ♪ ♪ Good morning ♪ ♪ A new day has begun ♪ ♪ I could feel the sunlight ♪ ♪ Gleaming gently on my face ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah ♪ ♪ And even though the wind blows ♪ ♪ It's okay ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ I made it ♪ ♪ I made it from yesterday ♪ ♪ My plans can't break me ♪ ♪ Even though the sun came, it passed away ♪ ♪ I told the snow you have to flee ♪ ♪ It hurt for a little while ♪ ♪ But it couldn't stay ♪ ♪ It hurt but it was better at both ♪ ♪ I gave it to the lord and he said it's okay ♪ ♪ Oh I'm all right ♪ ♪ I made it from yesterday ♪ ♪ I'm okay ♪ ♪ I'm more than a conqueror ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Hurt for a little while ♪ ♪ No, but it couldn't stay 'cause ♪ ♪ I gave it to him ♪ ♪ Oh I gave it to the lord and he said ♪ ♪ All my burdens, all my pain ♪ ♪ I gave it to the lord and he said it's okay ♪ ♪ I gave it to the Lord ♪ ♪ I gave it to the lord and he said it's okay ♪ (crowd applauding) (piano music) ♪ Amazing grace ♪ ♪ How sweet the sound ♪ ♪ That saved a wretch ♪ ♪ Like me ♪ ♪ I once was lost ♪ ♪ But now I'm found ♪ ♪ Was blind ♪ ♪ But now I see ♪ ♪ 'Twas grace that taught ♪ ♪ My heart to fear ♪ ♪ And grace my fears relieved ♪ ♪ How precious did ♪ ♪ That grace appear ♪ ♪ The hour I first believed ♪ (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Brownies, fudge? Would you like some? - [Woman] I'll take two. - Great, thank you. - [Woman] Thank you so much for them. - I can't believe you sold so much fudge. - I know. - That's great. (electronic music) ♪ No ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ And I ain't never coming down ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ Top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ Please don't spread your negativity to me ♪ ♪ You can keep it, I don't want it ♪ ♪ 'Cause today I am stress free ♪ ♪ Just save your drama 'cause you're messing with my chi ♪ ♪ It's the first time in a long time ♪ ♪ That there's nothing wrong with me ♪ ♪ I'm much too blessed to be stressed ♪ ♪ I won't take it, not today no ♪ ♪ I won't huff it if you love it ♪ ♪ Top that and I'll ignore it ♪ ♪ I'm much too blessed to be stressed ♪ ♪ I won't take, not today no ♪ ♪ I won't huff it if you love it ♪ ♪ Top that and I'll ignore it ♪ ♪ I'm so high up in the sky ♪ ♪ Got me feeling like a cloud ♪ ♪ Stress just floating through the sky ♪ ♪ And I ain't never gonna fall ♪ ♪ I'm so high up in the sky ♪ ♪ Got me feeling like a cloud ♪ ♪ Stress just floating through the sky ♪ ♪ And I aint never coming down ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ And I ain't never coming down ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ Top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ Down to the ground if by chance I fall ♪ ♪ I won't stay there long ♪ ♪ I'll rise up and never be lone ♪ ♪ Nothing you can say or do will ever bring me down ♪ ♪ I've got faith and it's strong ♪ ♪ And I know that my life will turn around ♪ ♪ Baby yeah ♪ ♪ No, no I won't stay down ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ And I ain't never coming down ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the ♪ ♪ Top of the world ♪ ♪ I'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ Wooo ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ I'm so high up in the sky ♪ ♪ And I'm feeling like a cloud ♪ ♪ Stress just flowing through the sky ♪ ♪ And I am never coming down ♪ (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Hey. What's up, man? Listen, you did a great job tonight. - Thank you. Catch you later, yeah? - Yeah, proud of you, man. - Great show, man. - Thanks. - Look. We didn't start off right. My name's Camden. - Austin. (light guitar music) - Great show tonight, guys. Broadway would be proud. - Everybody give it up for Pastor Wallace. (all clapping) - So, how much did we raise? - Well, with sponsors and donations and Farleigh's fudge, we've raised over $12,000! (all cheering) - Wow, what a night. - Dixie, I am so proud of you. Girl you can sing. - Well the future me is very happy now. (laughing) Thank you. So, what do you think of Austin? I think he likes you a lot. - He's a great guy. (laughing) - Come on, let's go. (crowd chattering) - I'm proud of you, son. - Thank you, Mom. I honestly could not have done this without you. - Your brother would be proud of you too. (car starting) - Love you, Mom. (light music) - I thought you left. - Me? No. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. - So what's next? - Well there's Michigan. - And what? - And this. (rock music) ♪ Oh how lovely ♪ ♪ Oh how precious ♪ ♪ Oh how beautiful ♪ ♪ You are to me ♪ ♪ How you move me ♪ ♪ You're so priceless ♪ ♪ Oh how wonderful ♪ ♪ You are to me ♪ ♪ Take my hands ♪ ♪ My feet, my life and ♪ ♪ Take this world but ♪ ♪ Give me you ♪ ♪ I am the one who sets you free ♪ ♪ I am the one who lives and breathes ♪ ♪ I am the one who never leaves ♪ ♪ I am the one 'cause I am the one ♪ ♪ I'll be your true and guiding light ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who always fights ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who's by your side ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪ ♪ Every part and ♪ ♪ All my being ♪ ♪ My unfailing love's before you ♪ ♪ Take my hands ♪ ♪ My feet, my life and ♪ ♪ Take this world but ♪ ♪ Give me you ♪ ♪ I am the one who sets you free ♪ ♪ I am the one who lives and breathes ♪ ♪ I am the one who never leaves ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪ ♪ I'll be your true and guiding light ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who always fights ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who's by your side ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪ ♪ You mean everything ♪ ♪ You mean everything ♪ ♪ You mean everything to me ♪ ♪ You are everything ♪ ♪ You are everything ♪ ♪ You are everything to me ♪ ♪ I am the one who sets you free ♪ ♪ I am the one who lives and breathes ♪ ♪ I am the one who never leaves ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪ ♪ I'll be your true and guiding light ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who always fights ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who's by your side ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪ ♪ I am the one who sets you free ♪ ♪ I am the one who lives and breathes ♪ ♪ I am the one who never leaves ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪ ♪ I'll be your true and guiding light ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who always fights ♪ ♪ I'll be the one who's by your side ♪ ♪ I am the one, yes I am the one ♪
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 2,863,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shake Off The World, God, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, trailers, Movie, Jesus, movies, Full Movie, Jessica Lynch, Brett Hargrave, Ethan Daniel Levy, Reba Fox, Aaron Mees, Sarah Beth Short, Chuck Williams, Shake Off The World Full Movie, Shake Off The World Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: x07OVxaTeB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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