INSPIRING TRUE STORY! Edge of America | FULL MOVIE | High School Drama, Girls Basketball

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the fire that burns inside don't deny our flesh and blood safe [Music] our sons and daughters [Music] I think we all running we're thinking that we can hide I think we're running trying to get away sooner or later we're going to realize we're gonna meet up with the truth okay [Music] yeah you can't stop running water can't kill you [Music] [Music] don't foresee don't forsake our sons and dogs [Music] foreign can I do for you yeah um kind of lost I guess so looking for three nations high school well you are lost and then you know what are they thanks hard bargain it's bus drive [Music] hello res this is your sweet honeybee on ktnh all res all the time today's forecast is dry the five-day forecast is dry dry and dry hey with winter on the wave remember to bring your little ones to IHS for free flu shots that's right Monday and Tuesday from 3 to 5 P.M excuse me you know I can find principal Horton yeah he's in there come on Franklin what you step the bullshits running a little deep today somebody see the boss I'm Henrietta Kenneth Williams this is going to be good Homer how can I help you Homer Horton you're looking at Double H in the flesh or malignant your new teacher okay Williams yeah of course you are come on I'll give you the nickel tour [Music] and last night the lady Warriors basketball team kept their losing streak alive with a 27-89 squeaker against Fort Briggs hey our girl's finally broken the double digits there it is home sweet home I'm sure glad we found you on such short notice you didn't mention a home with wheels yeah it sort of seems to fit in with the life on the Reds you live on the reservation now we got a little three-bedroom Ranch over in Zion uh Mr Horton strictly first name basis please I was wondering that's we talked on the phone what you expected I expect you'd come out here and be one hell of an English teacher well actually I'm famous special education all education is special that's my philosophy did I answer your question good first Bell's at 7am looks like you need a lift gotta drop her off then I'm headed to the high school hi hi I teach too I'm Annie shorty Kenny Williams Indian Grapevine this little one is mine her name is dong she said Black Sheep she thinks her hair feels like sheep's wool morning okay my name is Mr Williams I'll be your English composition teacher for the rest of the year I don't tend to give out too much homework but when I do I expect to be legible and on time you're late what's your name Franklin I uh had car problems no me too but I still managed to get here on time what's your name your name she's Carla I'm Charlene good it wasn't so hard now was it I don't know how the last teacher was about punctuality Mr Anderson hardly ever showed up yes sober yeah yeah well I came here to teach so as long as you come to learn we'll get along just fine any questions yeah I got a question is your first name Karine yeah writing it's a basis for all civilized communication it's the way that we convey essential information so why don't you all take out a sheet of paper and compose a letter about why Franklin thinks it's so funny to ask me if my name is Kareem hey hey well I already collected my first assignment time Kenny most of these kids have never met an African-American before well I met my first Native American yesterday Indian black the song says first days are always the hardest days coach wanted me to do that too touch yeah there's some work around here plus he's a little candle but Indian Grapevine yep I know I'm not paranoid by nature but um you'll get used to it it's just cut you honest let me put it this way a lot of holy man on the reservation I just wouldn't go looking for him in a church it's just at 140 bucks 140 bucks maybe I can help out a little bit extracurricular space faculty 200 a semesters so you tell me when to stop so I got detention Pottery 4-H basketball stop do you want me to coach that basketball team this team so we're all good at basketball right now put it on your resume as a player and basketball never did a damn thing for me that a book didn't do better this is your sweet honeybee and you're listening to Kate cnh the voice of three nations come on hey now that Mr Anderson's walking the holy roads we want to send out our condolences to his family for all you Hellraisers out there better watch out because old double A torque has taken over after school detention so you're a mechanic too old I thought about a more traditional line of work like bingo but uh I didn't like the hours I I got your bill you got carburetor problems yeah so um about this bill somebody told me you're gonna take over the girls basketball team somebody told you wrong that's Marissa my niece her best friend's Francie good kids yeah I'm sure they are so I'll go back to this building don't you think 140 is a little steep forget it no that's that's not what I meant I pay my way I'll tell you what you look out for those girls I look out for your car okay so the five parts of the letter are the heading the address the salutation the body and the closing so let's start with the body okay how about Charlene's body next wisecrack washed my car for a week so what are some of the reasons for writing a letter anybody well you better come up with some because nobody passes this class until they write three letters hello okay look think of it this way every letter tells uh story go and use your imagination people we got VCRs we don't need no imagination try Imagining the letter f Carla I got a story very good let's hear it these three kids are on top of a mountain the first kid the Lakota kid he runs off the edge and he shouts Buffalo and he hits the ground at a gallop the Apache kid he runs off the edge of the mountain and he shouts eagle and he soars into the sky than the three Nation kid he runs off the edge and he shouts [Applause] [Music] I had to fly so so unfair truth is we can't hold each other up we can't keep each other down and maybe mama had to fly away hard day we're gonna sit here all night I can't wear these anymore it's embarrassing okay 50. you got money for that Carla go home let's go [Applause] so what do you think white man's disease spread [Applause] I'll see you later [Music] [Applause] surely so will it be what's good um the combination plate won't kill you okay um one combination plate with green chili one combo and kick it that's pretty hot I'm from Texas we invented hot would you like anything to drink yeah I have a bud to start oh Budweiser I don't care whatever big you got um we don't have any beer our resin's dry [Music] nobody told him okay y'all have an iced tea nice tea here's your iced tea I bet Miss shorty could use you as a power forward how come bad grades and stuff besides to play like a bunch of girls it's all dribble shoot dribble shoot they don't run they don't press they don't pick and roll one combo with green chili is it hot enough for you shot me I can't ever understand what rappers are saying he's saying are you my woman since before we knew which was which are you my man gotta get out of here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bad concussion you're fortunate to be here have you got any family around anybody I can call to come help you out no you're gonna have to fend for yourself for a week then I want you to rest you experience any nausea any dizziness just give me a call otherwise just take whatever you would normally take for headaches hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] combo plate power cord I'm a new head coach you you must have hit your head pretty hard in that accident all right put it to you another way you ever think about going away to college Williams my only chance at a continuing education is to repeat the 12th grade maybe not a lot of college coaches looking for talent Michael writes some letters but you'd have to crack a book I mean like every night deal hi come on nuke I might tell you didn't know junk it no no no no no don't get ahead of yourself I can fix this button new York Maria what he wants to know about my insurance no he says you should use his own defense [Laughter] about time these Girl Scouts have been driving me crazy shoot I haven't played since last year relax it's the same shitty team you coach or not okay I guess that's where the coach makes a speech defense that's my speech play tight man-to-man everything will come out just fine let's see those hands okay ladies good better bets [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't worry about it let's get back [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good game coach [Music] Igor Marissa how are you hi tonight [Music] the pain am I starting to see good morning res it's back to school Monday last Friday the girls basketball team played another game and it was a real nail biter folks but the lady Warriors kept their losing streak alive under new head coach Kenny Williams giving up a season-high 101 points and their most pathetic performance of the year it was an all-around team effort as our girls LED an unforced turnovers Miss free throws and halftime fan departures oh well thank God for the band this is the home of the lady Warriors oh losers all the time okay don't forget to come to the powwow this weekend and get your fry bread oh uh I'm gonna take a break I'll be right back ktna you're the sweet honeybee yeah magic of radio always all the time wait a second you put out that crap about the basketball team yeah don't move kill that okay boys and girls come on in dead air is Bad Medicine shut up all right don't be afraid to sit right down front come on in take a seat okay class starting the day your report here we are going to spend some vinyl nope we're gonna spin stories now whether you do it with a pencil and paper on tape or live on the radio is up to you no writing right on yeah hey wait what's the catch well the catch is you get graded the catch is everybody participates so it's no deal well I still have dead air Mr Williams Count Me In no more trash talk out of you about the basketball team all right we all in let me see your short hands well all right let's hear those call letters Dwayne this is ktnh the voice of three nations high and we are definitely on the air come over now [Music] [Music] come on ladies bring it in come on hot luck excuse me do I know you I'm a Vine associate they call me baby Frankie's my friend she said you know what you're doing with your team I certainly hope so but aren't you a little late see I had to convince my mom that it was a good idea that I go back to school and play some basketball well I'm glad you did I didn't ladies you just saw the future two weeks from now some of you will be able to do that a month from now anyone who wants to suit up will have to do that coming in Albina I would think of cutting that hair for traditionals it's like cutting up your thoughts okay okay losing it's a habit like any bad habit it can only be broken with a promise to do better this is a contract so all here in black and white no small print you smoke off the team you miss a practice off the team you drop below a c average of the team you drink off the team but like any contract it's a two-way agreement so you having trouble in class I'll see what you get help you having trouble at home I'm there for you but most of all I'll give you what you need to win because winning is is fun so those are my terms anyone that can't live with that there's a door they outlawed slavery eh ain't no none get out of here what's it going to be Shirley okay if I choose dribble and defend scope I'm giving you my trust how about getting us some new uniforms [Music] looks like it's not quite ready well you know Kenny resurrecting wrecked cars is a great old native folk art see you look at this car and you see a red Chevy I look at this car I see a blank canvas you wouldn't rush Picasso would you okay Picasso when not today hey ladies how's the truck running Carla I do where I'm going you wouldn't happen to be going to town I guess give me a lift so you like to shoot oops well I figured you'd try out for the team but I assume you don't have the grades I can get whatever grades I want yeah I'll play any girl on your team you're probably not playing you let's go hey fellas we get next oh yeah together go ahead we got winners games two on two homes that's my team that's you all right man come on here we go [Music] I've played that hard since I was in Houston I thought I was gonna have a heart attack [Laughter] I want to play I already got my team your team sucks but why don't you try bringing the brain to class for James first I just want to play all right scrape bees will talk [Music] everybody else hasn't been playing a fool to impress their friends either peace thanks for listening okay there it is let you shot take it oh somebody blow a whistle she heard a raincoat she heard her ankle because she's sleep walking out here just like the rest of you so now we run now run Runners are gay wear glasses wear them on the court you might actually see what you're doing pressure pressure pressure [Music] put it inside let's go let's go let's go pressure get your hands up hands up very nice back down come on let's keep running hands up let that pig [Applause] dick what do you do to those girls I'm teaching them to succeed by running them into the ground well it beats running off a mountain and yelling ah so you know all about Indians now you know about the wiga nanama do what Unity Harmony all of us together look what is this multiple choice I don't get it it's almost game time hey thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought that was us nope we're gonna run them off the floor because you girls are born Runners and we're running team then you will function as one harmonious unit until the ball drops through the hoop and our end of the floor and we're all back in the locker room celebrating I I don't get such a word for that um Manama okay and then now [Applause] you really came true for me baby they call you baby because I'm the youngest the youngest is always called Baby albino is a pretty name though it's not my Indian name what's your Indian name a hinoba it means she went to war in a circle foreign coach I got him a school tomorrow but you don't want to lose your eligibility what could be so important well butchering sheep you need a ride thanks I'll walk over they took your license [Applause] thank you I'll fix you something to eat I ain't hungry you gotta eat I said I ain't hungry I'm sorry if I was a little late 40 goddamn minutes Carla I worked for double shift today and how are you I was at a basketball game don't lie to me come on Daddy this only takes five minutes put you here girl who can hear anything with this TV going can you hear me now I've got to sit here and I'm gonna watch my show you want to drink your dinner here let me help I miss her too you know [Music] Leroy's gonna have a big night overnight's a big night you know some skins in L.A and go dancing every night I'm your woman and your woman's got homework I'm trying to get on that team what's going on everything's all up don't forget your Christmas presents yeah see you next year get out of here all right Merry Christmas thank you I love stress oh how's that looks great on you all righty Merry Christmas Happy Christmas thank you you gonna open it or not bees A's oh yes very good come on cool retro thank you so will I be seeing you at catch us for Christmas oh the fried bread do you can eat yeah maybe okay Don made this for you well I like that she said your name had too many letters look you give her a hug for me you have a Merry Christmas [Music] [Music] thank you hey coach over here me and you got unfinished buildings paycheck I promise who said anything about money you're kidding me Merry Christmas coach it's beautiful Picasso I'm here with Francine we're bringing you exclusive coverage of our rug that's mother Saucy she's weaving she wants you all to know that the pattern of the road is never written down Spider-Woman taught the people how to weave like a spider web the rug must have opening in the design this imperfection is called the Spirit Outlet oh without the outlet Spider Woman will spin webs in your mind all day and leave you crazy blanket sickness oh Perfection is beauty [Applause] come out bring it in look at it get up let him sit okay run by that Carla you're in okay Clancy get the ball to Carla when the clock gets down to five I want you to fake this shot and hit baby on the back door screen you got that in the car that's just what I'm doing okay come on come on come on ladies [Applause] come back [Applause] where are you going game's on Coach it's not over till I say it's sober I want everyone on the court Kenny everybody on the Baseline Carla outside the paint let's go ladies what you gonna do half court down and back I made it everybody but Carla down and back Kenny people are watching what you gonna do half court and back passing scoring is a result of passing passing is a result of teamwork anyone who holds the ball for themselves is not a team player from now on anyone who runs and guns without my say so six now the game's over who does Williams think he is anyway our coach that's who why don't you shut up you don't even belong on this video oh yeah we all belong on this team go go go go foreign and treat our women like that you're women wait livestock you don't see brands on us check it out me Amigo didn't brainwash what's going on Franklin you think Indians come in white the rednecks come in red you're worried about his car but his car him up good Franklin yeah Mr Williams who is it it's Francis just second it's kind of late isn't it no this is the neighborhood so you just happen to be in a neighborhood yeah my mother's sister lived down the hill so you were in the neighborhood visiting your aunt no [Music] the car needs a whole new paint job hey coach should come see The Rook sometime we're just past the Trading Post remember tires on the roof got lots of Clan up there well never say plant to a black man anybody like some pop I'm a lot of people put tires on the roof it like helps keep the cold out tires you know the plastic under the tires I wonder where that could be a wild guess okay hey Williams what are you dead in town yeah that's because everybody's here a doll party coach happy chips somebody want to tell me what's going on oh they're probably all right you all right so you come all this way to lead us in the tomahawk chop why don't you get back on your bus old man not too old to kick your little butt you know they used to tell us that these things would stunt your growth maybe they were right hey what's up why is everybody so froze up look Zion is just another team but we've never even come close to beating him coach okay you don't want to suit up hey that's my uniform yeah it's not a uniform this is a uniform [Applause] fancy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bryce McKay welcome to Mustang country how you doing coach Williams I'm Dale bees this is my associate Boyd Ramsey how are you Dale boy all right here's the list of their starters of Larson Matthias and Mendenhall Ross and Newell Trading Post drilling company pawn shop car dealer pool plan they own everything not tonight they know we're gonna run them right off the floor all right run run yeah oh my God two shots what do you think come on give me a break with that home okay now the refs are on their side so what else is new I'll tell you what's new we stand and we fight no coach Jordan we love to run and just watch the fouls and play your game we run we fast rank them every chance we get [Applause] do you think [Applause] You're Gonna Go Go all right hold up everyone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on ladies good job pick your heads up all right you know what to do get in there and play hard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I've been telling you girls all along you're 20 points better than they are on a bad day [Music] nice try son oh well maybe if you'd have called off a little Frack meet out there hey don't tell me how to run my team hey girls we don't play jungle Ball in Zion hey you better be talking to me anything you say to my girls you say to me okay send me down now you better get your bird dog on a short leash Homer coach hey coach there you go some game last night I'll walk out with you Jenny I want you to make a written apology to normal the feeling you had that little exchange with game he called me I don't recall her in that particular word what do you think he meant by Jungle Book prayer Norville didn't say it this is what he's saying they gave it to me at church this morning it's an official Complaint about your behavior last night my behavior he says if he doesn't get his written apology he's going to refer the matter to the district superintendent let him why do you like provoking people look I just want respect for me and my girls that's all yeah well fighting novel knew is not a good way to get a kitty come on I've been looking at their grins were going on nine years now ten if you count shirt I saw you and I said now there's a man who can change all that first time you saw me you thought you saw the new janitor I have received no apology for his conduct and fear for their reprisals blackmail well this black male has had enough and I'm still going to teach I'm just not going to lay down for normal Newell and Homer Horton Norville Newell is using you to get at the girls he's afraid of you can't you see that look I know what it is to be used by rednecks I went to an all-white High School where I was all League my senior year my coach had a problem with my attitude so he kept me from getting a scholarship to college didn't seem to mind my attitude when I was winning games for him you think home is any different [Music] [Music] so so he wants a written apology too the big home was all right but I guess some things never change [Music] never tell you I went to Bia boarding school bye so I ran away and joined the Marines got sent to Vietnam they gave me some medals I never set out to be a hero or anything I was just running away okay clutch why'd you bring me all the way up here you're standing at the center of Two Worlds yeah well I thought I left that other World Behind well don't look through their eyes look through your eyes from here you can see forever the past the present the future see the Creator scattered us to the Four Winds so we could prove that we're human by finding our way home always trying to find your way home can make a man crazy sometimes you have to go all the way around the world to find your way and sometimes you got to put pride aside to get there me I'm home this is like what a sacred site or something this this is just a big rock thank you [Music] foreign I don't want to hear anything about witching all I want to hear about is Wit It bring it in one more win ladies one more win and we're going to the state championships well don't all shout out at once some of us have never been off the res coach I remember how scared I was when they first started busting me I didn't think I could make it in that new world but I made the team and we went all the way to the state finals that was my opportunity Salt Lake City is your opportunity and what are you gonna do about it win win put your hands in [Applause] get some sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] [Music] exactly [Music] smoke in this locker room this is Cedar it takes our prayers to the man upstairs what's going on a healing ceremony baby's thoughts are confused she's been witched and we're about to this sin okay Kenny look anybody who's been withstand over there the rest of us have basketball practice Now ladies let's go the Lagana your mind insulting an elder like that yeah but it's okay for her to call me whatever that is I haven't seen you in class lately I got better things to do yeah like driving up on people in the middle of the night when I make a real move on you you'll know it and if you're a real man we have no little girls around to protect your ass uming that's all they're doing a bit left some respect son you [Music] come on lady put your back into it so very nice all right go go go go go go go go go go and do I hear some talking okay I guess that means you want to run shuttle drill your success went to his head go go go go go go go go hit the spot hit him hard Harrison would like nothing better than to break your streak and keep you from going to stay go go go faster faster hold it no don't I'm okay I'm sick I'm pregnant no no Harley I'm okay just run you over to the hospital to be sick no I'm ready to practice how can you practice if you're pregnant how can you even be on this team that's cool I'll be the manager I thought we had a deal I mean we're talking about colleges and you let your boy take your opportunity no you broke your word to me we'll make it good you let down your team turn in your uniform English please heart mine is here where is yours on the line ladies we're still shuttling what are you doing how can I keep her on this team what kind of example would that say let's go ladies faster she is not an example she's a 17 year old girl come on keep it low keep it low keep it low let's go and give me one more oh Mr Williams yeah yeah I've gotten bad news baby's mother pulled her out of school [Music] whose blood will flow like water nourish prophets crop [Music] s edge of America foreign you like having things your way sorry if I insulted you in a locker room not against you mother Sophie I'm just before your daughter finished in school baby missed five days last December to go to my sister sing they threatened to suspend her then she gets two weeks for Christmas we don't celebrate Christmas baby reads and writes Works numbers what does she need with high school they can take her to college more school then what basketball takes her away from our traditions it's the women that keep the old ways alive the women keep the history sometimes you got to make history all I'm saying is every time she sets foot on a basketball court she has Perfection Within Reach I weave my whole life and soon I make mistake that I make it on purpose my spirit would be trapped in a perfect design a flaw lets it out flaws keep our feet on Mother Earth it's good you go foreign [Applause] ER [Applause] mother says he put her back in go check him minute adjustment [Applause] s [Applause] oh and Fred [Applause] Panther missed you the Warriors spread out on a break and the Panthers jump into score [Applause] I don't know man I'm gonna drive myself let me just take you back home oh man I gotta see my girl play maybe sometime when you're feeling better what are you talking about perfect tonight that's my girl huh [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] a game three pointers with five rebounds and two steals Stephen has a block shot what a game oh man oh on fire dude it really looks like they're ready to drive the last nail into Harrison's coffin [Music] and for the first time in history the lady Warriors are going to the state tournament [Music] I'm sorry what happened open container they were driving with beer in the back that's my fault it's my beer yeah but Franklin was driving where is he he's on the back there's no family to come fetch them I'm going to put him in the north suit and let them pick up trash for a week can I see him yeah if you want you're free to go Leroy Rhonda I heard you on the radio yeah it's all like huh they're going to Salt Lake some money for the mall it's okay I want you to have it I guess I could use a couple of bucks foreign [Music] just wanted to keep Leroy from making an idiot out of himself and I get arrested what is with the hip-hop attitude you an Indian man yeah and you're the guy who was going to kick my ass I never should have put my hands on you I'm sorry give me a break I'm I'm trying to do the right thing now I don't need your help why do you care go back in Texas I didn't give a damn about anybody than one night my car broke down on the highway got pulled over to give me a hand truck battled around the corner sliced the guy until the victim turned out to be a white dude I had the whole world worked out black and white exactly who my enemy was what are you doing here I just had to slow everything down in Franklin what I'm not the enemy [Music] foreign hey Williams hey fellas here we go one state ladies all right ladies come on look alive look alive come on Kyle all right cuts let's go [Music] thank you foreign they're taller than you jump higher than you for all I know they can shoot better which means you'll be smarter you'll be faster you will work harder and you will be relentless [Applause] full speed in the opener and never met up on Williams pushed them all the way to the final buzzer we've seen teams like this before but I guarantee you 've never seen anything like us [Applause] this is history in the making the only question is whether our lawyers can keep up this intentions What A Cinderella Story nobody ever expected three nations to get to State they've knocked off the number two and number four seeds to reach the semifinals stand between the lady Warriors and the rematch against their rival The Undefeated lady Mustangs of Zion thank you [Applause] all right we're up 11-8 but you girls are pathetic you're playing some kids who want Zion as bad as you do maybe more they're trying their best out there who's coaching this team near you you're playing with no heart out there you don't deserve to win you don't want it bad enough but I'll tell you what you are going to win because that's how bad I want it [Music] [Applause] okay ladies run run run [Applause] you keep signs what's good brother [Applause] it's past 10 30 ladies it's one big curfew violation it's more like a team meeting I didn't call a meeting we did all right what's up what do you want respect you wouldn't respect on the court why do we feel like losers look in the state finals this is the opportunity of a lifetime you should feel like you're on top of the world then why are you always saying that we're not good enough why are you so hard on us I'm no hard on you than I am on myself we're not you coach we're not having fun you broke your contract with us are you saying you want a different coach we want you we just want you to be one of us is all does anybody have anything else to say good and this meeting's over good night ladies in bed now some guys just have a knack with women I guess what you think I messed up too oh big time what the hell is going on they don't understand why you're pissed off all the time look I've had to deal with normal Homer Charlene Charlene yeah she went out and got herself pregnant she's not perfect she made a mistake but to you she's just another dark-skinned girl dragging down the race I didn't say that you thought it oh so now you can read my thoughts those girls do everything you ask them to do they practice hard they get good grades they win then you tell me why I'm pissed off cause you're a black man in America I'm good and pissed off well then get over it you're talking to Indian people here get over it get on with it or get the hell out nobody's seen him he left this time he really left come on girls we've got five minutes to warm up here's the starting lineup Francie Marissa Carla I broke curfew car my bench pens how good is your excuse I don't know why don't you ask your new manager [Applause] you drove down and got her I'll be in my Posse all right ladies come on let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] state championship game is underway [Applause] drives the lane and answers for the lady Mustang the ball comes out to Sophie on the swing she drives around McKinney's pick it's up it's in Ross pushes the ball up to court to Larson who goes Baseline to Zion they can't beat us at their game so they're trying ours but I got news for nobody beats us at our own game so get out there and show them some three nations basketball okay hands in three nations congratulations I don't know about that one you will have the ball should drive right into McKinney she goes down [Applause] [Applause] trailing but two with time winding down over to FCD who fights bikini up to three foot line it's up it's gone let's go oh come on Stevie Wonder could have made that call Ray Charles could have made it Mr Magoo could have made it with his team already in the locker room coach Kenny Williams is still protesting that last call somebody say something we should wait for coach Williams he's not on that Court we are it's like we're going against seven out there with those reps stop if we lose we got nobody to blame but us hey Lewis what are you guys talking about score is tied you guys are playing great just listen to coach together there's no way we lose she's right together [Applause] thank you [Applause] friends he rolls off the screen drives the lane for the Leia just when it looks like son would put the game away three Nation storms back and look they gone back into their zone so we're gonna need a couple of Threes to ease them out and then post up again with Carla okay we got the one-two punch let's open a knockout hands in Fast Break God help me I want to beat that bastard tell me this is still about education yeah mine tied at 52 and 18-6 left on the clock Brian works the ball it's a new one she drives past McKinney she goes up for the two [Applause] screw play and Newell goes to the line trying to put this one Out Of Reach now I want you to push the ball up the court to Marissa now Marissa you drive the scene when they collapse on you kick it out to call up for the three you ready Carla piece of cake all right win-win lady Warriors [Applause] Marissa holds the ball he checks the clock take a dribble look for McKinney McKinney out for the three two hey come on that shot was late you suck you just screwed our team sign is up 62-59 three nations half to score maybe flips one up at your crowd [Music] relax [Applause] all right time is running out on the lady Warriors Season as Zion looks to kill the clock [Applause] what a defensive play by Carla McKinney and coach Williams is calling for a timeout bring it in the lady Warriors have the ball and they're down by one with only 23 seconds left on the clock all right I want you to slow it up that's right we're gonna slow it down and play for one we're gonna run the clock down to seven seconds then it goes like this okay I want you to weave at the top of the king and then work a double pick and isolate the shooter on the way and works the ball I do all right Carl is our shooter next time I see you ladies you'll be state champs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Here Comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] good game [Applause] nice job coach again yeah thanks [Applause] [Music] it's on me it's on me the girls didn't lose this game I lost it for you we ran all the way to the finals and then I made you walk I played it safe and I failed you I just hope you can forgive me [Music] foreign I got a confession to make yeah I could have done it faster than what fix your car that may not be the fastest wrench in the west but I could have done it faster than that I just wanted to keep you around for a while I haven't changed my mind [Music] hey coach [Music] giving you and the answer is no I don't blame you there's nothing to forgive I did lose that game for you maybe you should forgive yourself coach because we didn't lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] it's not trouble amigo now we gotta deal with mothers [Music] Williams do you know that the basketball is round like Mother Earth I'm beginning to get the idea will you make us proud [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] daddy will what is it sweetie I want to be a when I grow up I want to be ready to Warrior Two [Music] [Applause] [Music] eyes [Music] medicines everywhere and it's free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the sunrise [Music] medicine [Music] is everywhere and it's pretty [Music] good [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
Views: 356,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken soup for the soul, edge of america, edge of america movie, chicken soup for the soul movies, high school sports movie, high school drama, girls basketball, high school girls basketball, basketball drama, inspiring true story movies, inspiring true story full movie, James McDaniel, three nations reservation, three nations reservation movie, Chris Eyre, sports movies full movie, basketball movie, based on a true story, girls sports movie, native american movies
Id: XvInql5ZbgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 46sec (6346 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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