Dating a Sociopath | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[soft piano music] [piano music fades to ominous music] -[Paul] Sorry it's-- -[Sam] You have to call back. [Paul] Enough already, Okay? I'm not taking advice from some guy after he-- He's a friend and he's right. You can't just walk away from me. We're not done talking about this. Jane has been waiting half an hour. We'll talk later. Let her wait. This is a lot more important. And besides you can't drive, you're drunk. Do you want to drive? My one beer versus your half bottle of wine. Who should go? That's what I thought. Why don't you go back in and cool off. [tense music] [Karli] One hour late and counting. Wanna go back in and have a drink? Alright, I think they know how old we are in there. Well, I'll buy for the both of us. You are a terrible influence. -But it does look pretty good. -Yeah, I have the coolest cousin. -He'll probably hook you up. -I'll keep that in mind. Hey, sweethearts, sorry I'm late. Uh-hu. -Traffic? -Not tonight, Karli. -Good night. -[Paul] Good night. -Hi, dad. -Hi. Our set was pretty killer but the guys after us were so good. There was a guy with a cello... Dad? -Yeah, what's that? -Was everything OK? Just your mother, you know. She keeps telling me... Listen, sweetheart, I'm sorry. I really shouldn't bring you into this. [phone rings] Damn it. I've got to take this, sorry. Jim, what's up? No, listen, I'm telling you the figures are there. I don't know what you are looking at but I proofed everything before I left. Dad? -Just let me get this, the minute I get home I will look-- -Dad, look! [tires screeching and car crashes] [girl] Jane! Oh, hi, Till. Are you ready to get out of here? -Mom, I can get around on these just fine. -I know, but... You can let me help you. Besides, I think it's hospital policy. -Come on. -Okay. -Thanks. -There you go. -Can I hug you? -Of course you can. Come here. Your bugs are my bugs, remember? -Hold these. -Yeah. -Can I push you. -Yeah. [Sam] Just be careful. [Jane] Great, I'm an invalid at 17. Your doctor said your infection is under control. You need to make sure you take your full course of antibiotics. I know, I was there. Also the painkillers you are on are a class two narcotic. We'll have to monitor your intake. -Really, Mom? -What? Apparently they cause constipation. We don't want that, do we? [sighs] -Are you OK? -Yeah, I can... I'm fine. I spoke to the superintendent and he said that as long as you pass your exams, it is not going to affect your college acceptance. Awesome, thanks. Also, I was thinking if you want it I could move your bed downstairs to make it easier for you. I can do stairs, mom. Look, I'm sorry. I'm just... Thank you. Can we just get going, please? Of course. -[mom] Hi! -[man] Hey. -Did you get it fixed? -Good to go. -Thanks. -Hi, Brian. Hey, Till! -[Brian] Listen, I have to jet. -Will I see you soon? [Brian] See ya. -Who is Brian? -He's a friend. -A friend? -What? I have friends. -[Jane] So you just decided to kick Dad out of the house? -[Sam] He left. And now you are dating. It's been two months, right? He's been a really big help since you've been gone. And you're only deciding to tell me this now? -I did not want to confuse you. -Confuse me, really? You don't know how hard it's been taking care of you and trying to keep life normal for your little sister. Mom, I'm the one who almost died, remember? I know that, sweetheart, but you are not the only one who's been affected. [exhales deeply] What! [sighs] [dialing] [dial tone] <i> Hi, this is Paul. I can't take you call right now, so please leave a message.</i> [exhales heavily] [footsteps] Oh, sweetheart. I know, this is hard, but I think in time-- Can you get my prescriptions? My leg hurts really bad. It does? Yeah, of course I can. -But we're gonna talk when I come back. -Sure. I love you. [typing text on cell] -[Sam] How is the Portobello? -[Jane] It's actually pretty good. -The vegetarian options of the hospital are lacking. -You mean it sucked? Till? [giggling] Well, this makes me happy. All of us back around the table together. All of us? Look, your father and I we spoke and we decided that it would be best if he wasn't here when you got home. Just to avoid making things... difficult for everyone. Mission accomplished. -Till, you are about done. -Uh-huh. -Remember that game you were telling me about? -Uh-huh. Do you want to go inside and set it up? -Why isn't Dad here? -Honestly, he still cannot deal with the accident. He didn't wanna make things harder for you. He's going through a very hard time right now. That's bull. You didn't want him here and you're using me as an excuse. Is that what he told you? No. Has he been returning your phone calls? Till is waiting for me. [crutches thud on floor] -I'll get those. -No, I can do it, Mom. Honey, I'm your mother. I can help you. Here. [exhales ] -I've got you. -Thanks. Thank you. I'm fine. [soft music] -Good morning. -Morning. I booked you a training session at the gym this afternoon with the trainer. So that we can strengthen your leg like the physiotherapist told us to. I thought we could do those exercises at home. I know, but why not get a professional's help if we can? -Hi. -Hey. We have the whole day to ourselves, what do you wanna do? I probably should be studying. Come on, you have been locked in your room for months. You should get out, you're free. -I guess I could use some new clothes. -Aha, now we're talking. -Mom, I can't pull off hats. -Of course you can. You just have to know which one to buy. Oh, my God! -What? -I had a hat just like this in college and it went with absolutely everything. The advantage of getting older is that all your styles come back. What do you think? -Uh... -Really? I have to work on a new style. -Are you and Dad talking? -Yeah, most days. -What are you guys gonna try, like, therapy or...? -Uh... You have to know this has been coming for some time. And then with the added stress of the accident we... Mom things get put back together all the time. Look, all that you need to understand is how much we love you and that all we want is for you to get better. How about this? -Maybe... -Yeah. -Is that new? -Yeah, it was a gift. From Dad? Do you want to try this on? [sighs] Thanks. [woman] Yeah, you've got it. -[Sam] This way. -Welcome, welcome, ladies. What can I possibly do to improve your perfection? Well, sir, my daughter has an appointment for a training session, for some rehab on her knee. She was in head surgery. So, you're Brian? -Yes. I am Brian McGavin. You must be Jane. -Yeah. I thought it would be a nice way to introduce you. He helped me to get into great shape. -Right. -Yeah, everybody loves a good ambush, right? It's funny. Since you are here, why don't you let me help you rehab your knee? -It sounds good. It's just that I need to return a text. -No worries. Alright. That's good? [energetic music] -[Brian] You did great. -Thanks. Oh, please, Sam don't insult me like that. What? No, I don't want you to... I want to. Presto, it's like you were never here. Is there time again now though, can I take you to lunch? We would love that, wouldn't we? -I can't see why not. -Great. I'll get my things and meet you out front? -Sure. -Cool. Thanks for being so good about this. Yeah, well, I believe in putting in the work. -Karli! -Hi, I was just walking past when I saw you guys. -I should have called you but... things, you know? -Yeah, things are the worst. What are you doing right this second? -Oh, uh... -Brian is taking us to lunch. -And Brian is...? -That would be me. -Yep. Karli meet Brian and vice versa. -Very nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you too. -So, four for lunch? Actually I was kind of hoping I could steal Jane away from you. We haven't seen each other in weeks. -Oh, no, because we really wanted to... -Sorry, mom. I'll tell you what. Why don't I come back later on today, make my famous risotto for you and we can get to know each other then. That sounds great to me. Mom? -OK, sure, fine. Just be home by seven, thank you. -Double for me please. -Thank you. -You're welcome. -Shall we? -Yeah. I don't know why you called for a rescue. He seems pretty awesome. -What were you basing that on? -I've heard he has a famous risotto. It's pretty famous. This isn't a great time for jokes, Karli. This is the perfect time for jokes, OK? Your mother is cougering her way into the heart and pants of a male model. -What? -Embrace the absurd. -Has everyone gone insane except for me? -Maybe. But if we all have gone crazy in the exact same way, maybe you're the crazy one. -It's really reassuring. Thank you. -So, where are we headed? -Jane, you're looking great. -Yeah, I'm a medical marvel. -So is my Dad in? -He's actually out, I'm sorry. Well, can I wait in his office until he gets back? Yeah, that would be fine but he's got meetings all day so he probably won't be back. Oh, OK. Thanks anyways. Sorry, I forgot, what hotel is he staying in, again? -Are you sure you don't want me to stay? -I'll be fine. Thank you for the rescue and the ride. -No problem. Call if you need anything, OK? -Will do. Hi there. How can I help you? [instrumental music] Jane. What are you doing here? -Hey. -Hey, Dad. Listen. I know I should have called and come by more and... Or answered your phone. I'm sorry about that. I don't have a good excuse. There's been a lot going on and I don't... I don't want my problems to become your problems. Dad, you disappearing is my problem. -Janie-- -No, just wait for a second. You feeling guilty and being gone, it's just making all this worse. Did you even known that Mom is dating some other guy? Yeah, I heard that. OK, so, do you have a plan to do something about that? There's nothing I can do about it. Can I take you out to dinner? I just need to get cleaned up. -Mom is expecting me home. -OK. Maybe we take the long way home. It gives us the chance to chat. -OK, I'd like that. -OK. This is new territory for all of us, Janie and-- I'm still learning how to cope. Is this helping? [exhales heavily] [ominous music] -You're OK? -Yep. -Hey, Mom. -Jane, we were getting worried. Is Karli gonna-- -Hello, Paul. -Hi. If you got problems you guys want me to fix for you... -You should have called, Paul. -He was just driving me home. Why don't you help me out in the kitchen and we give your parents a chance to talk. -Go on. -Yeah, okay. Let's talk outside. -Wait, is that on? -I'm helping. -No, that's not safe. -You have to keep stirring the risotto or it will lose its texture. [Sam]<i> You have to call--</i> Hey Till, you've got your headphones? Why don't you watch a movie while we finish up? Fine. [Sam yelling]<i> Unbelievable. I don't feel that way.</i> I'm sorry, Jane about all this. I never meant to cause your family any trouble. No, it wasn't you. It's them. They're just... constantly fighting. It's not uncommon nowadays unfortunately. [Sam yelling]<i> Wait, no, no.</i> I'm not gonna pry. [indistinct yelling in the background] I have company. You don't just come to my house-- -You don't get to decide that. -Yes, I do. It's my house. -Guys! -[Brian] Paul. Let's dial it down a notch, OK? There's a kid in here. Yeah, my kid. And who the hell are you, anyway? -He's my guest. -We're gonna cool off, take a breath and step down, yeah? -You don't get to tell me what to do. -Dad. -Paul you don't scream at my invited guest and any-- -Mom. -What! He started it. -No, I'm the one who started it, bringing me back. I'm sleeping with your wife and I'm gonna raise your kids as my own. [Sam] But to make this obviously-- [punch] -Paul! -Dad! Get your ass out of here. Dad! What is wrong with you? -I'm calling the police. -You don't have to call the-- Don't make this any worse. Janie. Jane! [Brian grunts] [Jane] He's gonna be okay. [Till] Is he... What happened, Jane? Nothing. It was just an accident. Accidents are okay. Mommy told me so. Yeah. You're gonna be okay, OK? [sighs] [Brian whispering]<i> Maybe we shouldn't...</i> see each other for a while, just until things around here settle. -That's the last thing I want. -Whatever you think is best. [Brian and Sam smooching] [Mitch] Good news is he's not pressing charges. -So, that's something. -That's good. Bad news is your wife has filed for a restraining order against you. -Can she do that? -I've seen the boy toy's face. Yes, she absolutely can. He said he was sleeping with my wife and was gonna raise my kids. There is a hearing in two days. Go and make your case to the judge. Preferably in something that doesn't smell of bourbon and cigarettes. Oh, I don't normally... You know, it was a work thing. -I'll check in with you tomorrow. -Yeah. Thanks. [Sam] I'm off to the gym. Jane, do you want me to make another appointment with Brian for your training? I can keep doing my exercises at home. Thanks. Sure. It's your choice. -Hey, have either of you seen my bracelet? -No. Jane? -What? -Have you seen my bracelet? -Your new one? -Yeah. Um, no. Okay, I'll keep an eye out. I'm going to the gym and I'm doing some errands. -Stay out of trouble. -Bye. So, who is ready for a day of watching me study? -Yay... -Okay. [exhales] She's never been this closed off before. No matter what happened we could always talk about it. I know she is very upset about the separation. I mean, I made Paul leave to protect the girls from him. Hey, it's okay. We're gonna get you through this. Just tell me how I can help -How can I help? -Just hold me. Okay. [Brian sighs] [Sam sobbing] Hi, how are my girls holding up? -We found your present. -We...? -What are you talking about? -Ta-dah! -Oh, thank you. -It was in my shoe. Ah! But tomorrow night we are gonna go the movies and you are gonna decide what we see. Tomorrow night, why not tonight? Because I have plans tonight. With Brian? After last night maybe you should, I don't know, maybe back off. I appreciate your concern, but I don't need your input when I'm-- Clasp is broken. I'll take it to the jewelers'. [laughter in the background] [laughing outside] [ominous music] [ominous music] [door creaks] [ominous music] Hi, sweetheart. Hey. Quick question: Is that what you are wearing today? To exercise, yeah. It's just that I was talking to Brian and he would really like to take you out to lunch today. You know, so you can get to know each other better. Why do you keep springing things on me, Mom? So you wouldn't have time to come up with excuses. When is this lunch supposed to happen? Now-ish. Awesome. [sighs] Maybe wear the dress that we bought the other day. -Hi. -Already set? Yeah, other than a little grumbling. You're not wearing your bracelet. That's funny. You didn't notice I wasn't wearing it last night. -Last night I had more important things on my mind. -Yes, you did. It's no big deal, but the clasp broke, so I took it into Meyer's. Meyer's? It's where you bought it, right? They said I could pick it up today. -Why don't you let me pick it up? -You don't mind? No, honestly, it's right across the restaurant I'm taking Jane to. You are a lifesaver, thank you. -My pleasure. -Here is the ticket. -And they said it would cost-- -Whoa, put your money away. Seriously, if they are not gonna guarantee the work, then I will. What kind of gift would it be if I didn't? You are so sweet. -Ahem. -Oh. -What did I say? You look great. -Ready for lunch? As I'll ever be. Alright. Do you wanna go in and get us a table? I need a sec to pick up something for your mother in Meyer's. -Yeah, OK, I can do that. -I'll be two seconds. Oh, if a friend of yours incidentally just happens to turn up out of the blue to act as a conversational buffer, I won't be offended. Sure. Be right back. -Excuse me. -Oh, thank you. Hi there. -How can I help you today, sir? -I'm here to pick up a bracelet. -Of course. -It seems you were fixing the clasp? I have it right here. -It's a stunning piece. -That's the one. Girls certainly think so. How much do I owe you? -You don't remember me, do you? -Should I? Don't bother pretending. I was here three years ago when you bought this bracelet. -What are you talking about? -Fine. Let me tell you a story. About a handsome young man who came into a jewelry store a number of times. With an older wealthy woman, whom we're gonna call, Lady A. Then after a few months lo and behold he's been authorized to buy things on her account. Sure enough one day he comes in and he buys this bracelet. But for another woman, Lady B. Similarly, he'll heed this woman, but not too long after that, Lady A suddenly dies in an accident. And later that year, Lady B suddenly is not around anymore either. Hum. Now let's fast-forward a year. A new Lady C walks into this store holding the exact same bracelet. Now, let's talk about what you can do for me. Shut your mouth. I did date a lovely older woman and she was prone to buying me nice things. Then she died peacefully in her sleep. -And I loved her. -What about Lady B? Quit it with your algebra, man. This is my life that we're talking about. So, why don't we step back and game this out for a second. Your absolute best case scenario. You go to the police with your crazy story. They come back to me armed with a complete lack of evidence and after I have politely acquiesced and answered all their questions and they've gone, what am I gonna do then? If you like stories so much, do you care to offer a hypothetical? You're probably thinking that if you turn up dead in an alleyway, after going to the police they'll know it was me. Maybe, but here is the thing, there's an enormous difference between knowing something and actually being able to prove it. So, hypothetically... That's how you want this thing to end, dead in an alleyway? -I asked you a question. -No, no. Now, am I going to hear another word of your stupid little mouth? Good. It's a rhetorical question you saw right through it. I'm impressed. You'd better pray that the traffic cop doesn't so much as give me a second look at the red light, or I will be back. [ominous music] Ta-dah! I'm only 17. Don't worry about that, I told them you're 21. I hope you don't mind. That would be a nice icebreaker. I had my first drink at my parents' basement. This is way cooler. I had my first drink in a park and I threw up. So, you're saying this isn't your first? I'm saying I think alcohol tastes horrible. Ah, I bet you can't even taste it in this. [sighs] -It's not that bad. Yeah. -Right? Don't you think this is gonna interact with my painkillers? No. I'm sure you will be fine. Why, is your leg still hurting a lot? You wouldn't believe how bad. I can't imagine the strength and courage it takes to go through something like that. So, my mother, what's happening now? Maybe I should cut you off. -That's why we're here, isn't it? -Okay. Go. -Age difference. -Doesn't bother me. -Children? -I think they're great. Gold-digger. I'm doing fine on my own, thank you very much. -I don't get it. -You don't have to. Seriously, you don't have to like me. You don't even have to trust me. I don't expect anything from you except maybe, a chance. Watch me like hawk if you like, except don't judge me. But I do like your mother a lot. I'm gonna treat her right. So going forward, why don't you let me know if I'm up to your standards or not. Okay. Provisionally. Okay. Excuse me. Can you check this? -Of course. -Thanks. All business? I'm sure you'd rather be hanging out with your friends. I'm just happy that we had the chance to talk. Yeah, that's cool, ha. What do you say we drink up and get out of here. [soft music] Hey! Don't be mad. It's nothing bad. -Why would you say that? -Just need to run something by you. -Today at lunch... -Aha. Jane wanted to have a drink. She told me that sometimes on special occasions you would let her have a little bit of alcohol. I didn't think it was very trust building if I were to call you and ask, especially in front of her. So, I kinda, sort of went along with it, I hope you're cool with that. I'm a little surprised. But it is true, I do let her have a sip from time to time. It's just... She is in pain medication right now. I'm sorry, Sam, I totally forgot. Where is she? Is she okay? Ah, yeah, she's at Karli's. I dropped her off, she's great. -I'm gonna give her a call. -Why? I mean, it was diluted, she had a few sips. I had my first drink a lot younger and look at me, the picture of health, a physiotherapist. Alright? -Are you sure? -A hundred percent sure. -I brought you something. -You did? Yeah. -Ta-dah. -Ah. You are so beautiful. And you worry too much, you are a terrific mother. [Jane] I still don't know how are you supposed to spend two hours with someone and still not have an impression of them. Well, it helps if you are not sauced. I knew I shouldn't have told you. I'm gonna hold that one for a while. Seriously though, your mom seems happy and he seems nice enough. What's eating you? It's just... I thought we were a family, you know? Like... through all the crap and all that fighting, we were in this together. But I guess it is just every man for himself. It sucks, but tough it out for three more months. Then you're in college and all of this seems like petty nonsense. Yeah, if I pass my exam on Wednesday. Well, what are you doing talking to me? Go hit those books, girl. If you are not too wasted. Yeah, you're probably right. -Love you, Jane. -Love you too. [phone buzzing] [soft music] How is your leg feeling? -Not better. -Wow. You have been pushing yourself a lot lately. Maybe you should see Brian again. I think we see enough of him already. He said you had a really fun lunch. We did. I'm just saying. [tense music] Okay. Then it turns out he has the one the whole time. I did not see that coming. I didn't. Are you back on the crutches? Yeah. Samantha, how many pills is she taking every day? I don't know. The doctor says that we should monitor them but... What does that mean? If she is in pain -she has to take them, right? -Right. I got something in my car. I'll be right back. [ominous music] -Hey, Paul. -Hi. Listen, I've got this app, OK? Fancy new stuff. Now you can press start anywhere, anytime and it tells you exactly how far you've travelled. So, for example I was over there in the driveway, which, as you well know, is on the property then I came all the way over here and would you look at that, ha? 220 hard feet. Very naughty, Paul. It's just I wanted you to know that I know. It's also important to know that I have a record of how you feel about judicial rulings. Understand? Cool. I knew you would. [ominous music] [car revving] What, you're gonna run me over, Paul? Hm, it's a risky move. I'm very impressed. It's not exactly gonna win you any friends around here. What the hell do I care, right? C'mon. What? Take your shot. [car revving] Yay! -Well, good luck in there. -Will do. Pen is in there, my calculator. And my pills? I figured you wouldn't be taking them for the next two hours. It's a three hours exam, mom. Give. Now! Please. Okay. Thank you. See you at noon, OK? [sighs] [tense music] [woman] Are you okay? I'm fine. I'm okay. I'll deal with it. -How did it go? -We'll see. [indistinct chatter on TV] [soft music] -Brian. -Yeah. Do you think things are going to be normal again? Well, sweetie, I think normal is overrated. Your mother and your sister are just going through a hard time right now. -But you can help them. -I can? Yes, absolutely. I mean, once they see how strong you can be, that inspires them to be even stronger. Do you understand? Yeah, but... I'm scared. -You don't have to be. Guess what? -What? I am not going anywhere. Get some sleep, hm? [tense music] [groans] Love it. Jane, are you feeling alright? What? Yeah, just a little weird. You're probably just hungry. Skip dinner like that. Here. Have another pancake. -[Till] They are great. -You're making them. [ominous music] [Sam and Till] Jane! [dramatic music] It's very good. Now I just need to ask you a few questions about what happened and then I can bring your family over. -Okay. -Can you tell me what day it is? It's, ah... -It's Thursday. Thursday. -Great. [Sam] I'm gonna watch you every second if that's what it takes. We've almost lost you once. I'm not going to let you throw your life away. Do you have any idea of what this is doing to your family? You're right. Okay. I've been blaming you. and Brian and myself. I've been trying everything to get Dad out of the hook and it's been killing me. I can't do it anymore. Oh, honey, I know this is so hard. But you've to know that this is the first step to you getting better. Can I see him? Oh, no, honey, I don't think that's a good idea. No, I have to. I have to tell him what he did, make him understand and then I'll never see him again. Okay? Okay. Thank you. [knocks on the door] Close the door. What's wrong? You need to listen to me very carefully. I don't have much time. -Brian tried to kill me yesterday. -What? For the past two weeks my pain has been getting worse. I've been taking more and more pills and they haven't done a thing. And then, I take five this morning and it hits me like a truck. I'm apparently lucky that my liver didn't shut down. The only possible explanation is that my pills were switched for placebos or something and then switched back. -That's crazy. -Maybe he's crazy. Maybe it's part of a bigger plan, I don't know but it happened, Dad. -Okay, did you tell your mother about this? -No. Okay, look... We should go to the police. This is exactly what I need to get the restraining order reversed. No, they're not going to believe me. I don't have any proof. And more importantly it's on my medical record that I'm addicted to painkillers and may have attempted suicide. So, if I do so much as frown they're gonna have me institutionalized in a heartbeat. Listen... Why don't you just stay here? No, she's not gonna let me, Dad. She thinks I'm disassociating with you right now. -Why would she think that? -This is what I need from you, you can't fly off the handle. Don't confront Mom or Brian. I need you to find out as much information as you can about him and then we'll figure it out from there, okay? Dad? -Okay. -Thank you. I love you, babe. I should go. She'll be waiting for me. [doorbell rings] It's Karli, I'll get it. [ominous music] -[Sam]<i> Hi, Karli.</i> -Hi, Sam. We're just gonna go up to my room for a bit. -Okay. -What is going on? -You got my meds? -Yeah, here. The pharmacist said three of these is as good as one of your painkillers, okay? -Just don't take more than three and drink lots of water. -Thanks. -And the other thing? -Yeah, I brought it. -It can still track all of your runs. -Yeah. -You know what to do with it? -Yes, and I'm so nervous I can't breathe. It's okay. I need you to get in contact too with your cousin for me. I assume you mean the shady one? I need that. Find out how much it will cost and I'll figure out how to get the money to you. OK, I'll cover you. Just get some later. You have to tell me what this is about. As soon as I can I promise you, just not in here. Okay. Thank you. -Good night, everyone. Thanks again. -[Sam]<i> Good night, Karli.</i> [sighs] Oops! [sinister music] [panting] [Brian]<i> Am I okay?</i> <i> Jane's health is more important.</i> <i> I'll be alright. Call me if you like.</i> <i> There is so much going on with Jane that...</i> <i> Of course, there's not much that I wouldn't do for you.</i> [Brian chuckles] [dramatic music] I've already got somebody looking into the status of your business. Sure you used your family money to start it, but we can make a good case-- No, no. You are not here about that. -Oh, social call? -No. -It's about the guy my wife is dating. -I don't do kneecaps. It's too bad. If he's gonna be spending a lot of time with my wife and my daughters I need to know more about him. Yeah, OK, I will make some calls and look into a few things. Right. [Brian]<i> M, E, E, G, O.</i> -Meego. -That's not a word. -Sure it is. -Use it in a sentence. -Err... Meego to the mall. -Put it back. Hey, does anyone want to go out tomorrow night? I'm feeling a little cooped up. -Dinner and a movie? -It sounds good to me. -Can I pick. -We'll see. 19... 20! [panting] Good job. Good job. I'm off to make the world more beautiful. Bye! [ominous music] [phone buzzing] [car engine revving] -Hey. -Hey. -That's good. -Thanks. -Where's your mom? -She is outside with Till. Fixing the garden or something. I can't keep track. You're back on your cane. Jane, that's great. All new and I am just stronger than ever. -Watch out. -Good things. -Yeah, I like it. -It's all that matters. -[Brian]<i> Hey, girls.</i> -[Sam]<i> Hey.</i> -We can just go some other night. It's not a problem. -No, you said. -I know. -What's going on? -Jane is in too much pain to come. -Oh. -But, we're still going? You promised. -Shh... [exhales] You think you'll be alright? I don't wanna cause any problems. I think I just pushed it too hard. I'll take a nap and then when you guys get home we can go out for a walk. I can show you how much better I'm doing. That sounds like a plan. You can take one of these in an hour, okay? Thank you. Come on! We're gonna miss it. -Enjoy the movie, though. -I love you. I love you too. Hi, I need your help. Hi, three for<i> Crook</i> , please. Hi. -Jane Carlin? -Yeah, that's me. I lost my keys when I went to physio and my sister has spare ones and she's out of town at the moment. -Mhm, do you have any ID? -Of course, yeah. Can you hold that? OK, it takes about 20 minutes. Pay in cash, 10 per cent discount. That's great. [male voice]<i> Freeze!</i> [laughing] [dramatic music] -Maybe we should record all this. -Yeah. Just to be clear, you know we're documenting a crime, right? Yeah, let's make it count. Hey. [Karli] Over here. It's a cheap door. I mean, we can break it, but if we do, we can't pretend we weren't here. [clank] Which you're fine with. Apparently. Wow, my cousin would love this place. Who still has a fax machine? People who do business. Take pictures of everything. -[Karli] Jane? -What? This is your house. -You get it? -Uh-huh. Over here. It's full of something. OK, this is definitely a crime. Serious crime. I mean there is no reason for him to have this otherwise. Yeah. -Wait. I think this is my mother's. -We need to go. We're taking this. Okay. [dramatic music] Not so fast, Till. -[Karli] Oh, no, that's them. -[Jane] Pull over. -OK, what are you gonna do? -It's OK. I'll just walk home and say I went for a stroll. -What about this? -Take it home. Don't let it out of your sight. Come get me tomorrow morning and we'll go to my dad and the police probably. -OK, good luck. -Thanks. [sighs] [dramatic music] -Hey. -[Sam] Hey. We were about to go looking for you. I know, I should have texted you. I started feeling better about an hour ago, so I decided to stretch out my leg. Oh. Are you hungry? Ah, no, I think I'm just gonna go to bed. -Whatever you want. -Good night. Sweet dreams. -Hey, Jane. -Hey. -Sorry you missed the movie. -Yeah, me too. But Till explained it really well. -Sure. -Good night. Good night. [ominous music] [dramatic music] -Did you sleep badly? -Oh, a little. I think I should cut down to like half a pill. Anyway, Karli is gonna be here any second. So I'll just grab a bagel. What are you girls doing today? We're just looking for a new guitar for her. -She just wants some input on the sound. -It sounds cool. [phone buzz] -I'll be home before dinner. -[Sam] Bye. [tense music] Brian? Was it something important? A minor emergency at work. I've to head in right away. -What? I thought we were-- -I know, me too. But a trainer got hurt spotting somebody. I'll make this as quick as I can. I'll call you as soon as I'm on my way home. Okay. Bye. [tense music] whose stuff this is.know [Karli] Maybe your Dad will know what to do with it. I hope so or someone who will. I just would very much like to not go to jail. You and me both. I'll send it to my Dad. There is not much hard evidence of a direct crime but there is enough to be concerned about. With your permission I'd like to go to the police. -Yes, definitely, do it now. -Where are you going? You call the cops, alright? I'm not leaving this guy alone with my wife -and daughters for one more second. -Paul! -There's a restraining order. -Yeah, well, then they can -arrest both of us. -Paul! [dramatic music] Hey, baby. Jane is not there, is she? Great. Listen I just had some amazing news. So, why don't you plug up the hot tub pull out a bottle of the good stuff, make sure Tilly is watching a movie. I'll be right there. Absolutely. I love you too. [kissing sound] [dramatic music] Hi, Till. Hey. Guess what? I just convinced your mom, finally, to let you take a ride in my car. It's not too dangerous? Of course it is, sweetie. That's what makes it so much fun. Come on. Let's go. Leave your tablet. -Yeah! -Yeah. Alright. Lead the way. In you go. Don't forget to buckle up. Stay here a moment. I'm gonna say bye to your mom, OK? -OK. -OK. [door slides open] So... What's the good news? Some very exciting investments have matured. Looks like this guy is coming to some serious quit-his-job kind of money. -Oh. -Yeah. -That's amazing. -I know, right? Now we can get Jane the best-- [smack] Daddy! Sam! Jane, Tilly! Sam! Oh, God! Listen. Hold on. I've got you. [Brian sighs] -My Daddy is here. -I know. He wants to talk to your mom alone, so we can go for a ride. -Cool? Yeah. -Yeah. One, two, three... [phone rings] It's Brian. Should I answer? [phone keeps ringing] Huh? -Hi, Brian, what's up? -Not much. You are not with the police, are you? -What are you talking about? -I don't have time to play games, Jane. I want my jewelry and belongings back. And in exchange... I'm willing to return your sister to you completely unharmed. -Say hi to Jane, Till. -Hi, Jane! Oh, don't worry. She has absolutely no idea what's going on. Now. As your only family member I assume her safety is your top priority. Wait. Only... What did you do? I didn't do anything. Your father showed up at the house and started screaming at your mother. Looks like it turned violent, something about a lot of money lost in bad investments. That was money that you stole. Even if that were true I imagine it would be nearly impossible to prove. Well I bet those jewels and photos I took they'd prove something, wouldn't they? I bet the police would love to see them. Maybe, but I think you're missing the point here, Jane. I'm gonna drive her to a secure location. I will then telephone you from a public place. Once you have relinquished all my property and I got far enough away so that I'm sure you didn't notify the authorities I promise I'll call you back and tell you where Till is. -How can I trust you? -I'm not asking you to trust me. I'm telling you what to do if you wanna see your sister alive again. Sorry about that. -You all set? -Uh-huh. Alright. Buckle up. Good girl, safety first, right? [Karli] We need to call the cops. We can't do that, Karli. He's going to kill her. What else can we do? Wait, wait... Wait, your watch. -Can't you still track him using your watch? -Oh my God, check it. There he is. We need to get on the highway and go north. Right now. [engine starts] -Wow, it's huge. -Hm. -It's pretty cool, isn't it? -So cool. -Do wizards live here? -They could. Hey, I'll race you upstairs. Go! -I win. -Yeah. [panting] You're so fast! Wanna see something cool? Let's go. Hey, Till, what's that over there? You see that? [door shuts] Brian? Brian? Brian, let me out! [Till]<i> Brian, why are you doing this? I'm scared.</i> -[Jane] Stop, OK? -[Karli] OK. The map says he's here. -Ok, great, so now we call the cops. -No, not yet. He's gonna call me and wanna meet up, right? So, we wait until he leaves and then once Till is safe we have the cops meet him wherever he wants to meet me. OK, what do I do? Drive away, but stay close. Once he's gone you're gonna come and pick us up. -Jane, are you sure? -Yes. OK, just be careful. [phone rings] -[Brian]<i> Hi Jane, are you hungry?</i> -Where is Tilly? I sure am. Meet me at the same restaurant that I took you to in exactly one hour. Don't make me repeat myself, OK? [radio voice]<i> Amber alert in effect.</i> <i> Local and state police are looking for Tilly Morgan.</i> <i>Age six, three foot five inches.</i> <i>Last seen with a 30 years old male driving in a Mustang.</i> [groans] Tilly! Tilly! Where are you? Till! Tilly! Tilly! Jane! I'm over here. Tilly, keep yelling for me! -Keep yelling for me. -Jane, please, come and help me! Till! Till! -Jane, I'm scared. -Tilly! Jane! [intense drumming music] [car revving] -Till! -Jane! I'm coming! [knocking on door] Jane! We have to go, OK? Pick up. Jane, pick up! Hey, I got her. Come and get us. Jane, listen to me. I'm calling the cops and I'm telling them about Tilly. OK, Brian turned around, he's on his way back -and he's only a couple of seconds out. -What! How? Just get out of the house. I'm coming for you. OK, hurry. Wait. Tilly. I need you to do something for me and exactly what I say, OK? -Okay. -Good. Now, listen to me. Jane. I know you're still here, Jane. Jane? [knife flicks open] Might as well just come out and say hi. I just wanna talk to you. You didn't have time to get away, did you? It doesn't have to end badly, Jane. If I get my stuff, you know I'd just take it and go. Trust me, little girl. It's your best option. I don't wanna hurt you or Tilly, Jane. You just put me in a really, really awkward position. You know? Jane. [Till] Jane. [screams] [loud thud] -Are we safe? -Yeah. [Sobbing and gasping] Okay, let's go. Oh, God. [police sirens] Hey, are you OK? Hi, Till. Hi. [sighs] Hi. [Paul] Hi. -You wanna go and say hi to mom? -Hi. How are you? Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine. How are you? I'm good. [Till giggles] ♪♪
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 929,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, mystery, true crime, full lifetime movie, lifetime movies, movies, Dating a Sociopath, dating a sociopath, dating a sociopath full movie, dating a sociopath trailer, 2019 lifetime movie, lifetime movie 2019, movie, full movie online, full lifetime movies, full movies online, full movies online free, Jessalyn Gilsig, Jon Cor, Hannah Vandenbygaart, new lifetime, lifetime moives online, dating a sociopath full movie lifetime, thriller
Id: 64GaXVnx6Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 40sec (5200 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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