Champion | Inspirational Family movie

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[man narrating] It's funny the things that stick with you. Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated with lists. Specifically top ten lists. Top ten restaurants. Top ten island getaways. Top ten stock investments. Recently, I read a list of things most people regret at the end of their lives. At the top, "Not spending enough time with family and friends." ...were up 19%. This is due primarily to the increase in assets across the board. Mr. Reed. Oh. That's when I got the message. Feels loose again in the corners. Might need to change that right rear spring, maybe take out some wedge. And check the brakes. The calipers seem to be sticking. You got it. You know, Sam's gonna make those adjustments, but if you don't slow your entry, you're never getting off that corner. If I slow down anymore, I won't even make the show. Sean. It takes guts to crawl through that window, but it takes brains to win a race. -If you just wanna muscle your way around this track-- -Rex! With, uh, arms like these, I could drive this thing with one finger. What you're lookin' at-- number one. Relax. Fix her up, Sam! The gates open at 5:00. I texted you the directions. I got it. I don't know what to say when I see him. "Hi" would be a good start. He reached out to you, so take the next step. [elevator beeping] Hey, Daddy. [engine revving on TV] Wanna play? Bet I can take ya. Pfft. [chuckles] You think you can take down a pro? Sit down. You might learn something. Okay. All right. Challenge accepted. Just promise me not to, like, get all misty-eyed when I totally smoke you. If you're scared, just say so. Scared? You-- [laughs] Now I can show you how the big-timers do it. Okay. You got a pen and paper handy? 'Cause class is about to begin. Uh, wha-- Which one's the "go" button again? [snickers] Time to suit up. To be continued. [man] Good glorious evening, race fans! This is your announcer, Johnny Clark, and it's my pure pleasure to welcome you all to what should be a fantastic day of racing. One, please. All right. One. And Scott Hyland easily takes the checkered flag in the Great Late Model feature, followed by Jake Crowder and John Stales in two and three. Hey, you made it. Hey, Ray. Glad you invited me. I figured it's about time you saw me in action, right? Yes, yes, yes. Thanks for inviting me. Yeah. Uh, listen, Ray, I just wanted to say that-- Hey, relax, Dad. It means a lot you're here. It really does. Hey, look who made it. Dad, this is Logan, one of my friends from Jasper. Logan. Mr. Reed. Jack. Well, good to finally meet you. Um, first time? Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] Well, you're in for a treat. And you, my friend, uh, you got a jumbo pretzel coming at the finish line. Yeah. Extra mustard too. Yeah. I bet him you'd wear a tie, so... Hey, Ray, you gotta go. All right. Okay, showtime. Grab some food. Find a place by the fence. Let's do it. You're gonna love it. Okay. You get her runnin' right? I think she's good now. I stuck a 250 on the right rear, raised the J-bar and bled the brakes. Don't worry. I watched a how-to video. Perfect. I feel much better about this. [laughs] Go get 'em. Listen. That track is a lot slicker right now, all right? Watch your right foot. You don't wanna be slipping all over the place. Drive smart. [engine starting] Say what? I said drive-- [engine revving] Go get 'em. [man] ♪ When you walked up to me ♪ ♪ I could see You were a sledgehammer ♪ He's gonna break my car, isn't he? [blusters] Yeah. [man] ♪ I crumbled like a wall ♪ ♪ You really rock my world ♪ ♪ Oh, I have the questions ♪ ♪ You have the answers ♪ ♪ Swingin' those hips, girl ♪ ♪ Just like a sledgehammer ♪ Hey. Hey, mister. A little help, please? Sure. Dad doesn't let me wear my good shoes to the track. [chuckles] He sounds like a smart man. I like sitting close to the action. But there's a lot of dirt, so you have to scrub a little bit more in the bath. That's good to know. Oh. I'm Gracie. Gracie. I'm Jack. Pleased to me you. Me too. My daddy's number 16. That's how old I have to be before I can start driving. Your daddy's a racer? Well, maybe he knows my son, number 73? [Clark] We're just moments away from race time, folks. The field is stacked with talent, with our own Sean Weathers sitting in the first position. But he's got to feel the breath of Michael Barrett, Andrew Raffert and Ray Reed in the blue 73 car, your current points leader. Your gauge is good. Gettin' ready to go green. [Ray] Copy that. [Clark] And there it is, folks. The green flag flies, and it's game on! [engines revving] Did you bring your earmuffs? Uh, no. You're a rookie, aren't you? [laughs] Yeah. [Clark] Fifty-five laps. $10,000 to the winner. At 650 horsepower, these cars are screamin'. Sean Weathers in the 16 car surges ahead of the pack. -That's it! -Whoa! Reed's right on your tail now. Look who's making it a race. You got plenty of room. Use it. Twenty-five to go. He's eatin' your lunch gettin' off the corner. [Clark] Here comes Ray Reed, who already has three huge wins in this series. Looking for a fourth here today. -Top's really fast right now. -Rex, I got him this time. Oh, no, you don't, not here. Sean, you gotta run the high line, all right? That way you don't have to back the car in as hard. Get speed off the corner. Settle down, Rex. I got this. He's got this. He's got this. [Clark] Ten laps to go, and there's a battle for first. -That's it! -Hold that line! Coming up on the white flag. Got a good spot. Don't give it up. [Clark] Final lap here, and Sean Weathers still clinging to a slim lead. Here they come out of the first turn heading down the final stretch. Still anybody's race. No, no, no, no, no, no! That's it! That's it! Whoo! Yeah! I knew it! I knew it! [Clark] And the winner of Saturday's main event, finally makin' his way back to the winner's circle, Sean Weathers in the Capital 16. Ray Reed is second. [grunts] -[Logan] What did you think? -Oh! Man, this was fun. You kidding? Head up, kid. That could've gone either way. Yeah, I'll take a rain check on the pretzel though. You guys take it easy. Good meeting you. Good to meet you. We'll get it next week. You know. I gotta hit the road though. Thanks again for coming. Yeah. This-- This was great. You-- You were really good. Thanks, Dad. I'll give you a call this week, okay? Yeah. Okay. All right. Okay. But I won today, Owen. What more do you need? You won one at your home track. Big deal. We're still fifth in points, and you barely pulled this one out. We gotta start runnin' better. Our fans are expectin' another championship. What do you think we're tryin' to do? Look, I've always supported you, but if you don't keep on winning, I may have to find a new name to put on that car. I can't keep this team together without a sponsor. I'm gonna go celebrate. We won, Owen. Hey, Rex, hand me the 5/8ths wrench, will ya? Yeah. Rex. Comin' right up, baby. There you go. No, the 5/8ths. Oh, right. Yeah, I'm sorry. It's, uh, smaller one, right? Rex. The 5/8ths. -[tool clattering] -Oh! The wrench. Sorry about that. Here you go. Are you kidding me? Okay. Uh... I'm sorry, baby. Was that not the right tool? I was-- I was looking for it. [scoffs] [laughs] Come on, babe. Give me a little love peck. You think you're so adorable. You know you love me. Hey. You raced great today, Daddy. Thank you, sweetheart. I gotta go check on the car before Miss Sam and Mr. Rex go home. We got a lot of work to do. You should be asleep by now, young lady. Can I help? Good night. That sweet little girl of yours is gonna outgrow that couch before you know it. You're gettin' old, man. Yeah, you and me both. Can I give you a hand with the car? No. You know how Sam feels about touching her car. Just go home. We'll pick it up in the morning. Got an earful from Owen. Again? I've been doing this way too long for some rookie to come out of nowhere and take the championship from me. We've worked too hard. We're working hard. Look, Sean, I need you to get your head straight, buddy. I need you to stop worrying about the things you can't control... and start worrying about the ones you can. Look, take her home. You're all she's got. All right. I'll head out soon. [sighs] Hey, Rex, kind of tough to take you seriously with all that stuff on your face. [Ray on phone] Yeah, the cabin, Dad. Come up tomorrow. I might have some downtime after I get done in Rome. We could hang out, maybe do some fishing. Sure. I think I can do that. Um, actually, I could head up there tonight. I can stock up on food and bait while you finish up in Rome. Yeah. That sounds good. You remember where we used to keep the key? Yeah. Yeah. I think so. I'm, uh-- I've been working on something special. I can't wait to share it with you. Sounds good, Ray. Looking forward to spending some time together. Me too, Dad. Can't wait to finally catch up. Well, uh, good luck in your race. And see you soon. Love you, Dad. See you soon. [man on TV] We're here at Rome Motor Speedway where Ray Reed, a relative newcomer, clearly making his mark, and Sean Weathers, last year's points champion who's had a less than stellar year, Hey. are going head to head again tonight. Weathers just beat Reed at Dixie. Reed was right on his tail at the flag. Reed's lucky he got as close as he did. "Nice to see you, Sam. Thanks for killing yourself getting the car ready." I'm gonna put that rookie in his place tonight. If he even tries-- Sean. Hey, sweetie, Rex said he needs your help outside real quick. sure to involve these two competitors. With Reed leading in points, Weathers is gonna be looking to show him who's boss on the track, and that's definitely gonna lead to some fireworks. [door closes] We spoke to crews from Weathers's and Reed's teams-- Look, I know this is important. Maybe just a little too important. Last I checked, it's our job to be winning races. What? Right. So why are you making it personal? It's just a good old-fashioned rivalry, that's all. It's healthy. Sean, we've known you a long time, and we've had a lot of rivalries. But Rex is starting to notice it too. You've got some sort of vendetta against this guy. Weathers had the points to be champ last year, but Reed's the talk of the track this year. They talk him up like he's the next big thing. He's needs to be taken down a notch. -That's what I intend to do. -You can't-- Look, Sam... worry about the car. Let me worry about Reed. [sighs] This is a big event tonight. With the points race heating up, this race is primed to be one of the best of the season. And the winner will surely take his place in local racing-- Oh, hush. [TV off] Hey, june bug. Just in time for our good-luck ritual. Okay, Millie, you ready for this? Your whole life has brought you to this very moment. So run fast. Don't let us down tonight. She won't. That's right. Five to go, bro. If you don't do anything stupid, you might win. Thanks for the confidence, Rex. Keepin' you humble. Come on, come on! You got him! You got him! Car's loose. Straighten out the back. He's gaining on you. Block the inside on the turn. No, I'm stayin' outside. No. Inside! Inside! -That was stupid. -But it worked. [announcer] With four remaining, Sean Weathers out in front in the number 16. Ray Reed holding down that second spot. She don't wanna turn. Put some rear brake in it. [announcer] Into the turn, it's Reed coming up quick on the top side. Look out. We got contact. Come on, man. Don't let him run you over. [announcer] There's the white flag. One to go. The front five: Weathers, Reed, Bradford, Hyland and Barrett. Put the smoke on 'em! Whoa. He's slidin'. Ease up. Ease up. Ease up! Ray! [man on radio] You're back with Kevin and Taylor in the Morning. We've been talking about what happened at Rome Motor Speedway last night. [woman] It's hard to find words. I think we're all just in shock, especially the racing community. I mean, it's not only a horrible tragedy, but our own local champion, Sean Weathers, was involved. I think everybody's still confused and upset. It's kind of like-- You just want some answers. Right. But I think you'll agree the last thing we wanna do is start pointing fingers. We just wanna be praying for everyone involved. Yeah. Man, especially the family. I can't imagine the pain-- I've been trying to reach you all night. Your office said I could find you here. It's, uh-- It's Ray. [man] As Ray's closest friends, we're thankful for his intense passion for racing but also his love for Jesus Christ. And that's why we gather here today. Would you please bow with me in prayer. And we thank you, Lord, for the time you gave us with Ray. Please comfort his family, friends and loved ones as we mourn the loss of this young man. Though we grieve in his passing, we're thankful he is with you. And as believers, we celebrate that one day we will see him again. In Jesus' name. Amen. Pastor, thank you. You're welcome. My pleasure. I'll be praying for you. Thank you. He try to talk to you? [engine starts] I haven't been taking any calls. I don't feel like talking to family I haven't heard from in years, I don't feel like talking to any lawyers, and he's the last person I wanna talk to. Yeah, I understand. I imagine you're aware. I-- I didn't really know my son all that well. We hadn't spoken to each other for years. And then when we were trying to be in each other's lives, this-- Just know you're not alone. A father should know his son. Ray loved you, Jack. He always did. Look, we may not be able to understand it now, but God has a plan through the pain. I appreciate it. I do. But-But I-I-I need more time. Let me give you my number. Thanks. If you ever wanna talk. There's not much I can do but just come right out with it. Our biggest sponsor's pulling their support. And as much as I'd like to keep this team together, I just can't do it without a major sponsor. Just tell 'em you'll find another driver. I know that's what you're thinking. No one's blaming you for this, Sean. Oh, they're not? Really? I see their faces, Owen. I hear what they're saying. Of course they blame me. Sean. No, I get it. I get it. Never mind the problems with the car. Never mind that he messed up too. Never mind that it was an accident. But I'm a murderer, right? 'Cause I'm outta control behind the wheel? I just don't know when to slow down. I'm not saying that. Yeah, you've been real supportive. You've been lookin' for an excuse to get rid of me. You have no right to talk to me like that. No right whatsoever. I've been puttin' up with your headstrong attitude for years. You get to keep on racin' like nothin' ever happened. I'm the one takin' the fall for this, and you're not gonna do a thing about it, are you? Sean, I wasn't the one drivin' the car. You could've slowed-- You need help. Sean. You know we're here for you, right? Ahhh. [knocking] Oh. Hi, Mr. Rex. Hey, june bug. Is your daddy home? Yeah, yeah. He's, um... Go to your room, Gracie. Sean. [door closes] Ten years, Rex. Ten years I've been with this team. I'm dropped like it's nothing? Yeah, but without a sponsor, you can't have a team. What about me, huh? What am I supposed to do? I don't know, Sean. It doesn't have to be a bad thing though. Maybe you can get your priorities straight. Look, there's a little girl in there that loves her daddy. And she loves saying that he's a hotshot driver. But you know what? She needs more than that. More? Angie walked out on us. I've been doing the best I ca-- I'm a good father to her. Yeah, sometimes. It's a good thing she's young that she can't even tell when you're not. I didn't mean it like that, all right? Look, I-- I'm just saying you should think about your future. Maybe a good driver, he wouldn't hang it up. But a good dad? Remember those field day races we had when we were kids? [chuckles] Yeah. It was just a mile, but I ran so fast it felt like my heart was gonna burst out of my chest. And I won. First place. First time I ever won anything. When I got home, I was so excited to tell my parents, and my mom, she-- she gave me this big hug. My dad, he just... sat there. I was pretty much always a disappointment to him, I think. But that night... [sighs] he calls me over to him and tells me to put out my hand. He takes the bottle cap from his beer, places it right here. He looks me in the eye and he says, "Son, most days I am fed up with you... but I am proud of you today. That's more than just a bottle cap right there. That's a medal. So you appreciate that." To me, that bottle cap was like gold. Put a nail through it. Wore it around my neck on a string. Spent years trying to get as many as I could. How many did you get? Four. I got four. It's over, Rex. Just go home. Look, Sean, I'm just trying to help, all right? -I mean, we're still on the same team. -No, we're not. Not anymore. -Come on, Sean-- -You know where the door is. Go! Dad, we need more bread. It's only end pieces. Can you go and get some? Dad. I'll get some later. Daddy, my ballet recital is tonight. Miss Jenny says I can still be in it even though I've missed a lot. I'm sure you'll do great, honey. Thanks. Dad. You have to take me. What time? I need to be there at 5:00. I don't want to be late, 'cause if you're late, Miss Jenny puts you in the back, and I want to be in the front so you can see me. Sure. We're gonna have to leave early. For real. Okay. We'll leave at 5:00. No, Dad, I need to be there at 5:00. We'll leave at 4:30 then. Okay. But-But promise. I promise. I-- I mean really promise. Gracie! Go on. You'll miss the bus. Well, the first thing we're gonna need to do is to try to make this place feel bigger. So all this clutter and personal items, like family photos, will need to be removed. Looks like you've had some water damage, so the roof is gonna need to be fixed and the ceilings patched. And the floors are not in very good shape either. The market for lake property is very valuable. But like I said, there's still an extensive amount of repairs that still need to be done. Now, I'd be happy to recommend some contractors for you. Oh, I'm gonna do it myself. Oh. I'll call you when I'm done. Okay. Whatever you want. [squeaking] And curb appeal. A little cleanup of all of this might not be a bad idea either. And landscaping! Thanks. Doug, you-- you know me, man. I mean, you're telling me you can't find something? Anything. I'll see what I can do, but, uh, I can't make any promises. [thunder rumbling] [dialing] [line ringing] [chiming] This is Sean Weathers. Dad! Leave a message and I'll call you back. [thunder rumbling] [Sean] Those practice laps have been completed. Those engines finely tuned. Number 16, Sean Weathers, takes the track for what is sure to be another landslide victory. [applause] [thunder rumbling] Hey. Uh, which way is the dance studio? Um, I think it's that way. Thanks. -[tires screech] -[Gracie gasps] Wait! Is anybody with you? [doorknob rattling] [crying] Miss Jenny! Miss Jenny, I'm here! [crying] [crying continues] I'm here. [Sean] It's time to finish those corn dogs. Hold on to those little ones. It's time for the big dance to begin. Dance. [door opens] It's a mess... but I did find out they dropped the child endangerment charges. That's a good thing. When can I have her back? Mr. Weathers, this is by far the worst incident, but it's not the first time we've had cause for concern. We're aware that she goes home to an empty house and sometimes she can't get in at all. It's been a tough year for us. Okay. So let's work together so it doesn't get worse. You and I will go over the steps necessary to be reunited with your daughter. I can assure you that Gracie is in a safe home with good people. She'll stay there until we feel that you're ready to take care of her. I'll do whatever it takes. And so will I. A girl? Yes, a girl. And she's been through a lot, so we're all gonna be very sweet to her. Do we have to share our toys? What do you think? -Where are you going? -To hide my army men. [footsteps running] [man] We're home! Just right through here. Hello, everybody. This is Gracie. Gracie, this is my wife, Christine. It's nice to meet you. And this is Jeffrey. And we've got another one named Aaron around here somewhere. You know, Jeffrey's eight. Almost nine. -And you're nine, right? -Almost ten. Oh. Wow. Practically a young lady, huh? And this is your room. We can fix it up any way you like. So, the closet's right here, and the bathroom's at the end of the hall. It-- It's very nice. Why don't you put your stuff down on the desk over there. I could help you put your clothes away if you'd like. Thank you, but that's okay. I'm not staying long. [Gracie] No, you have to go slow to go fast. [Jeffrey] That doesn't make any sense. [woman] ♪ Now it's making me strong ♪ ♪ It's making me new ♪ ♪ I'm doing things I never thought I'd wanna do ♪ ♪ It's making me more like him Than I ever dreamed I'd be ♪ Hey, guys. Lunch. Where are your priorities? [doorbell rings] All right. Prayers first. And sandwiches before pudding. [laughs] Hi. Come on in. Hi. I'm a little early. That's okay. The kids just sat down for lunch. Can I get you something? No, I'm fine. How are things? Better, I think. Good. More eating, less laughing. [kids laughing] [sighs] You know, she really is a sweet girl. She still won't let me take the clothes out of her suitcase, but I think she's settling in. That's good. Now, I was curious about something. She's been asking to go to the track. So Wesley and I were thinking that we could take her to the church service that they have there before the race. It may actually be good for her to go places she's used to. Hey, can I keep that? Yeah. Thanks. The reality is that it may be some time before we're able to send her back home. What? [Christine] Oh, Gracie, honey. No. My dad is taking me home soon. Very soon! [door slams] -Hey, Jack, how you doing? -Hey, Jack, how are you? Fine. You? I was just out for lunch with Annabelle. Heard you were up here. Glad I caught you. Yeah. I have a box of Ray's things I've been wanting to bring to you. Oh, yeah, thanks. Thanks. You, uh, heading towards town? Yeah. I'm dropping this stuff off at the donation center. Want some company? Sure. Why not? Um, let me put this in the cabin and I'll lock up. Okay, great. Hey, babe. I'm gonna ride with Jack. I'll see you back at the house? Okay. I love you. I love you. [engine starts] All right, this is it. Thanks. [man] Thank you. You know, fixing up this cabin's turning out to be more work than I thought it'd be. Well, if you can use a hand, I know some guys who need the work. Well, I was gonna do it all myself, but to tell you the truth, I could use some extra help. And I know a guy in particular that you ought to consider. Who's that? Sean Weathers. Is this some sort of joke? No. Not at all. I'm just thinking, you're hurting. He's probably hurting too. And nobody's risking putting him back in a race car. You need help. He needs work. It seems like a golden opportunity to me. Right. Look, Jack, I'm just saying. Forgiveness, it doesn't erase our past, but it can help rewrite our future. Forgiveness? Look, maybe you're not there yet, but... The two of you, maybe you can find some closure. I don't know. Just-- Logan, I know you mean well, but that's never gonna happen. Never. Let's go. Thanks for the ride. No problem. Hey. Um, I'm speaking at the racetrack church this weekend. They're honoring Ray to start off the new season. I think it'd be great if you came. Maybe I will. All right. Did you tell him? Hey, Dad. Long time no see. It really has been a long time. Nine years now, I think. Look, when you left, Dad, I know you didn't mean everything you said. We both kind of lashed out at each other. And I was just a dumb kid, and I wanna tell you I'm sorry. You know, after Mom died, I, uh-- I needed you... and you weren't there for me. I figured it was only-- it was only gonna get worse. I promised myself I'd never forgive you for that. But, um... a few years ago, something amazing happened. Just... I don't know. I wanna tell you about it in person if you'll let me. But first I wanted to send you this message to let you know I don't hold a grudge against you anymore. I forgive you completely, and I hope someday you can forgive me too. The details are all in the e-mail. But I hope you can make it to the race this weekend. We've got a lot of catching up to do. ♪ Jesus showed the word ♪ ♪ And the word is living ♪ ♪ Jesus showed the word ♪ ♪ And the word is life ♪ ♪ Jesus showed the word ♪ ♪ And the word is living ♪ ♪ Jesus showed the word ♪ ♪ And the word is life ♪ ♪ Ohh ♪ ♪ Where else would I go ♪ ♪ If you and you alone ♪ ♪ Hold the words to life? ♪ ♪ And, Lord ♪ ♪ Where else would I run? ♪ ♪ I'm alive because ♪ ♪ Jesus Christ ♪ ♪ Your word's my life ♪ ♪ Your word's my life ♪ ♪ Your word is my life ♪ Hey, mister. A little help, please? Excuse me. Well, look who it is. [chuckles] Hi, Mr. Jack. Look at you all dressed up. I'm wearing my good shoes today. Today's for praying, not for racing, so it's okay. I've never been in an outside service like this before. I wonder if God likes it outside best. I hope he does. It's very important I catch him today. Yeah. Good morning, everyone. [all] Good morning! My name is Logan Evans. And, uh, as you all know, last season, the racing community lost a very promising young driver. But I lost a very dear friend. Ray Reed. Today, we honor his life as we celebrate the start of a new racing season. Let us pray. If you don't mind, I'm gonna pray out loud. I wanna make sure God hears me. Heavenly Father, we come to you grateful... -My dad's very busy being a race car driver. -...for a new racing season. But when he's not, he takes care of me pretty good. I know how to skip a rock six times in a row, and I know how to put air in my tires. He taught me that. protect each driver. The bad thing is he hurt someone, and I know he's sorry. We ask you to be with all of us. If you could forgive him, I know he wouldn't be so sad all the time. His name is Sean Weathers. W-E-A-T-H-E-R-S. That's my dad. Amen. Amen. I have to go. [engine idling] [engine stops] Hi. I'm Jack Reed, Ray Reed's father. I'd like to talk to you. May I come in? Sorry about the mess. I was wondering if you could use a job. It'd be temporary, but I'd pay a fair wage. Uh-- [clears throat] Maybe. What kind of work? I'm fixing up Ray's and my estate. Putting it up for sale soon. We need some repairs done, some stuff moved out. It'd probably be a couple of weeks' worth of work. It's too much for me to handle alone, so... And you want me to help you? Why? [chuckles] To be honest, I really don't know. [chuckles] Understand this, Sean. I don't think I like you, I don't know if I trust you, but the offer stands. Here's the address. You don't want to help out, fine. I'll call someone who will. Okay. I'll think about it. Okay. [man] ♪ Let your heart ♪ ♪ Lay to rest ♪ ♪ Let it rest Till you find home ♪ ♪ Let your tears ♪ ♪ Come racing down ♪ ♪ Let them race on down ♪ ♪ Till they're gone ♪ ♪ You can sing ♪ ♪ How did we get here? Oh ♪ ♪ How do we make it? ♪ ♪ I'm so glad we made it ♪ ♪ Together ♪ ♪ Fluff up your pillow ♪ ♪ Lay your head down ♪ ♪ Sleep with the angels Tonight ♪ ♪ Sing till you ♪ ♪ Can sing no more ♪ ♪ Sing till your heart is glad ♪ [knocking] I, uh-- I could use the work. But I can't afford the gas to get back and forth from here to my place, so... I'll need someplace around here to stay in my truck. Um... I think we can figure out something. Is there a truck stop nearby with a shower where I can get cleaned up? Uh... I have a room down the hall. You can stay here. No. [chuckles] No, no, I-- I can't stay here. It'd-- It'd be weird. And wrong. Do you want the job or not? Come on in. I'll show you the room. [sighs] Well, I guess we ought to get to it. Do you wanna-- you wanna start on the yard or the roof? [Sean] I'll take the roof. Okay. Guess I'll take the yard. All the tools you need, supplies, they're in the bucket. Let me know if you need anything else. [hammering] [exhales] [chuckles] [clears throat] I just, uh-- just needed to get some more nails. What's this about? Nails are on the shelf, not under the tarp. Come on now. She's beautiful. Does she run? What's the problem, man? I was just-- Just do your job and leave it alone! Listen, uh, about yesterday-- I'm gonna swim to the other end of the lake and back. Aren't you a little old for that? [sighs] I think it's farther than it looks. [panting] It is further than it looks. [chuckles] It's a good thing you followed. You know, I question your sanity, man. [chuckles] Well, sometimes you gotta do something outside your normal routine. Like swim across a lake. When Ray was young, it was something he wanted to do every summer. Made me promise I would. He did it tons of times. I-- I never did. I left before I even tried. So as it turns out, can't even do it now. [chuckles] You laugh? No, no, uh, not at you. [exhales] Just got me thinkin' about my father. His broken promises were a little more, uh-- [chuckles] Never mind. No. What? A man who swears he won't hit you when he comes home drunk and broke that promise every time. That kind of promise. [sighs] As bad as Ray may have had it, some people had it worse. [grunting] [panting] It is farther than it looks. I'm a big list person. Must've rubbed off on him. I was-- I was just-- I guess he... thought that we could make up for lost time. Sean, I think we've both been guilty of behaving poorly. It is what it is. [chuckles] Don't say that. That's my least favorite phrase ever. "It is what it is." What does that mean? Sounds like admitting defeat. That's what people say when they're not willing to make something better. Under the circumstances, we both have every right to be upset. I think we can do better. So I think we ought to make a pact. A pact? Yeah, an oath. To treat each other with respect. We've both got our problems to work on. Might as well help each other out rather than tear each other down, 'cause we're both pretty talented at doing that to ourselves. Deal? Deal. Okay. You know, uh, technically, you did one of these. You swam across that lake. I swam back, but, uh, I suppose it probably counts. Huh. I suppose you're right. Yeah. [chuckles] Who knows, uh, maybe I could help you knock out a couple more of those while I'm here. Yeah. Uh, let's try getting the work done first. All right? Okay. [engine cranking] [engine cranking] [cranking] [cranking] [exhales] [sighs] I bought this car off a widow. Said her husband worshipped it. [chuckles] When he died, it just sat rusting. Took her a lot of years... to get up the courage to sell it. Painful memories, I guess. Ray and I spent an entire summer up here fixing it up. Pulled the engine, replaced all the seals. Dropped it back in. [chuckles] Good father/son bonding when I made the time. Sure gave Ray a love of cars though. When, uh, Ray's mother passed... well, I just sort of... drowned myself deeper into my work. Every time he asked me to get my hands dirty with him, I made excuses. Finally just stopped asking. Then when he started talking about racing, well, I told him in no uncertain terms I thought it was foolish, stupid, dangerous. Ended up being just one more thing he could challenge me on. [chuckles, sniffles] Did everything he could to just do the opposite. Just kind of fell apart after that. When he turned 18, he moved up here. I-- I moved out. It's funny. The thing I bought for us to do together ended up being just the thing to tear us apart. [owl hooting] Hit me. [laughs] Come on, man. You do realize you go bust every single time. No, I don't. Okay, maybe I do. [laughing] It's the unknown that kills me. Ooh, deep. [chuckles] Or maybe I'm just not that good at cards. Just ask Gracie how many times she's whooped me at Go Fish. [laughs] [chuckles] Man, you've got treasure in that little girl. Yeah, I, uh-- I messed up. It's not easy raising a kid by yourself, especially a little girl. Hmm. I mean, racing, it's a full-time commitment by itself. Man to man, don't ever let your ambition become more important than raising your kid. Trust me on this. [animals howling] You hear that? [barking, howling] Sounds like a pack of coyotes. Hope they're not hungry. I don't know, but I'm not sticking around to find out. We went camping? Yes, that definitely counts as camping! [howling continues] You like eggs? Hit me. Hey, I got you a job interview next week. Really? Yeah, a client owes me a favor. Tell you about it later. Eat. We got a lots to do today. [water rushing] So which one is this? Do something crazy just for the thrill of it. [cackles] [scoffs] Don't think I like the sound of that. I don't like the looks of it either. It's on the list. We gotta do it. Butch and Sundance? Batman and Robin? Thelma and Louise? Why'd you ruin it, man? One. Two. Two. [together] Three! [woman] ♪ My life is like a story You are writing ♪ ♪ Even before I was born into this world ♪ ♪ The path I take Though I make mistakes It's a journey ♪ ♪ And you're revealing The purpose and plan You have for me ♪ ♪ And all along I'm trusting you ♪ ♪ Anticipating Waiting for you to move ♪ ♪ Hope that you will move ♪ ♪ You're not done ♪ ♪ With my story yet ♪ ♪ You're not done ♪ ♪ Revealing the road ahead ♪ ♪ I still believe ♪ ♪ In your promises ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're not done ♪ [chorus] ♪ You're not done ♪ ♪ With my story yet ♪ ♪ My story yet ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ Gracie. Phone. It's your dad. Hello? Hi, honey. Hi, Daddy. [chuckles] Uh-huh. Yes. Can I go home now? I wish you could, darlin'. Why can't I? Well, there's-- there are some things I need to do before I can take you home. Like what? Well, like-- like get a job, for one thing. Isn't your job racing? It's complicated, sweetheart. Um, but I promise you this. I'm working on it. We'll be back together before you know it. Okay. I love you, Daddy. I love you too. [exhales] Hey. [chuckles] Hey, not funny. I'll bring it back. [laughing] Someday! Jack! Jack? Let's see. Okay. Hey, Sundance. Set your clock to 5:00 a.m. [exhales] Oh. Don't make me drag you outta bed. [exhales] Wouldn't you rather do this one by yourself? Uh, no. Don't be a wuss. [chuckles] I'll see you bright and early. You mean, uh, dark and groggy? [alarm beeping] Ohhh... [alarm stops] [Jack] Come on out. Up and at 'em! [Sean] Please. Here we go. Oop. Not-Not-Not that. Come on. Trust me, you're gonna like this. You like mornings? [Jack laughs] I like mornings. You're gonna like 'em too. You're gonna like this. All right, I'm up. I'm here. Come on, Sundance. Here, we're just in time. Okay. Here, you stay right there. Oh, yeah. Here. Here. [slurps] Thanks for breakfast. My pleasure. [sighs] Well... here goes nothin'. [chuckles] Just relax. You'll do fine. Yeah. [door opens, closes] [phone ringing] Okay, Mr. Weathers. Sounds like everything's been cleared with my supervisor, and I have your start paperwork right here. You'll be driving as one of our locals. That's what you're looking for, right? Yeah, that'd be great. Good. Well, once the forms are completed, we'll just do a routine drug test and get you started right away. Today? [hammering] [door closes] [sighs] How'd it go? What, you didn't get the job? No. Wha-- Why? What was the issue? Look, I, uh-- I appreciate all you've done for me. I-I really do. Okay. Let's, uh-- Listen, we'll just keep trying something else. They didn't hire me for-- for good reason. I, uh-- I failed the test. Test? What test? The, uh-- The drug test. Drug test? What in the world-- It's just pain pills. It's gotten a little out of control, that's all. [inhales sharply] You've got so much on the line right now. What are you gonna tell Gracie, man? That-- That's not-- You knew I was a mess when you knocked on my door. You invited me up here. I never asked for anyone's help. You see potential in me? I'm not your son. I screwed up. I can't be someone I'm not. [inhales] Sean... Man, we're all broken. We're human. God's been showing me that in the last week. Stop it! Just stop. Okay? Enough of the God talk. Even if he does exist, he's more disappointed in me than you. Oh, come on. Let's not make this more than it is. You just met me! You think you know me? I'm nothing. No, no, I-- I'm less than nothing. And I'm sick of pretending like everything is gonna be fine, because it's not. [scoffs] It's all my fault. I have failed everyone. You... Gracie... Ray. Ray? Nah, that was an accident. I don't blame you for that anymore. You sure it was an accident? What? I meant to hit him. I was mad. I was-- I was jealous... and I meant to hit Ray. I just didn't-- I didn't... think-- Your son is gone because I'm... selfish. Stupid. [chuckles] God-- I know it's stupid. No, I'm stupid! For thinking this would ever work out! For trying to forgive you. [exhales] I had my son back, and you stole that from me! Get your stuff and get out of here. Now. Jack, I-I-- It is what it is. [man] ♪ They say forgive ♪ ♪ And just forget ♪ ♪ But what is broken ♪ ♪ It may never mend ♪ ♪ If I forget ♪ ♪ What will be learned? ♪ ♪ All I have lost ♪ ♪ Can never be returned ♪ I tried. I really did. I thought I was finally doing something that Ray wanted... something that you wanted. ♪ How do I forgive? ♪ But not this. ♪ And how do I let go? ♪ [sobs] Not this. I can't. I just can't. [crying] ♪ Teach me your ways ♪ ♪ My forgiving Lord ♪ [exhales] [garbage disposal whirring] [ringtone: chiming] [disposal stops] [chuckles] Hello? Well, hey there, june bug. How's my girl? [laughs] That's what I like to hear. No, I, uh-- I didn't get the job. But you know what? It's-- It's okay. Because I'm gonna find something even better. [Annabelle] I'm back here. Oh, hey, Jack. How are you? I'm all right. I-I know it's early, but is Logan around? He's out running errands. Should be back in a few minutes. You're welcome to come in and wait. Oh, I-I-I don't want to be a bother. Don't be silly. Come on in. Thank you. It's very good. So, how's the cabin comin'? It's almost finished. Did you just have surgery recently or... Uh-- I'm sorry. [stammering] I'm being rude. No, no, that-- that's okay. I think Logan wanted to tell you. He just didn't know how. What do you mean? Well, I was in an accident a few years ago. It was very traumatic at the time, but God has used it in so many ways. Was-- Was Logan driving? No, not that kind of accident. We were, uh, out to dinner late one night. And on the way back to the car, this guy moved in on us with a gun. [sighs] He looked so scared. And Logan went into protective mode. It all happened so quickly. He was able to get the gun, but not before it went off. You got shot? It could've been a lot worse. [exhales] Wow. Well, I hope the lowlife who did it is rotting in a jail somewhere. No. He isn't. No? Wha-- Don't tell me they let him go. No, it didn't quite go down that way. Logan and I, we actually pled with the judge to get him a shorter sentence. You what? but we got to know the boy. God moved us to use this horrible circumstance as an opportunity to invest in a life. Oh, wow. Uh, I don't think I'd be able to even look at him. [chuckles] I didn't say it was easy. Logan even took a bit longer to come around, but... we eventually grew to love him. And he started coming to church with us. He even served his community hours at the rehab center I was at. Wow. Here. Let me show you something. [Logan] All right, honey. This is the big day. [exhales] One small step for Annabelle, one giant leap for mankind. [Logan chuckles] [chuckles] There you go. That's a step, babe. That's a whole step. Oh. [gasps] I got you. It's okay, it's okay. -I've got her, Logan. I got you. -Thanks, man. It's all right. Just keep stepping. [Annabelle] Thank you, Ray. You're doing great. [Logan] It's all good, babe. You're doing good. [Annabelle exhales] [Ray] Awesome. [Logan] Yeah. Ah. You good? Wanna turn around? Yes. All right. You're doing good. He didn't get a chance to tell you how we met. [Ray] Nice and easy. Nice and easy. You're doing good. That's Ray. That's my son! [Ray] A few more. He-- He shot you? [Ray] There you go. He did that? [Logan] Yeah. But if that's the part of the story you're focusing on... you're missing the point. Don't you see the beauty of what's happened? When we forgave Ray, God used it for good. [Annabelle grunts] [Ray] I got you. [Ray] How do you feel? You got it. Great. Later. [Ray] Just a few more. Just a few more. Okay. [Ray] Almost there. He didn't deserve it. Well, neither did we when Christ died for us. Please! Just be real for me! This is my son you're talking about. So that's not real? [Ray] There you go. [grunts] There we go. [exhales] Made it. Yes. [laughs] That's great. [Logan] Ray didn't deserve our forgiveness. You didn't deserve his forgiveness. And we didn't deserve God's forgiveness. Are you starting to see a pattern here? I couldn't do that. I could never do that. We're sinners separated from a holy God. And there's nothing we can do by ourselves to fix that. And yet he provided a way for us... through his son on the cross. That's right. [Logan] Not because we deserve it. Not because we're good. But because he loves us. It's tough. But when you understand what you've been forgiven of, you can't help but follow his example. We reached out to Ray. And God turned around and gave us a best friend. And that let Ray know that he was holding unforgiveness against his father. [sobbing] Forgiveness didn't erase his past... but it helped us rewrite our future. [sobs] Thank you, Ray. [footsteps approaching] He's ready for you. Thanks, Michelle. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me. Where is everyone? Oh, I gave them the day off. They were due. Look, Jack, I, uh-- I just want you to know that... I'm sorry. About everything. I-- I had my attorneys draw up these papers yesterday. What's this? It's the deed to the cabin. It's yours now. I figure you and Gracie can use it more than I. But I'm-- Why? I mean, af-- after everything I've done. That's-- That's all in the past. We both had a pretty rough year. And I apologize for reacting the way I did. You're apologizing to me? Yes. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. Are you on drugs? [laughing] Not unless caffeine counts. [laughing] You know, you and I, we're not so different. I-- I built a career... taking risks with other people's money. Some days I make 'em rich, some days not so much, but that's the job. I don't beat myself up at every drop on the market. Life wasn't meant to be lived that way. Sean, you worked so hard to become a champion... believing that you're only as good as your last performance. Well, just think about what it might be like to... let go of that control, let someone else carry your burdens. I found out that that's all it took-- surrender. Just giving it up to God. God loves you. He will forgive you no matter how many times you fail. All you have to do is ask. That's what a good father does. You'll never know how much this means to me. You've given me a chance to be a better man. A better father. Thank you, Jack. You know, I was thinking, uh... there's still one thing left on that list. [laughing] [chuckles] Yeah. [car engine revving] [Sean] Whoo! [man] ♪ I'm further down the road ♪ ♪ The more and more I know ♪ ♪ I do not deserve it ♪ ♪ But I receive it ♪ ♪ Life is a gift ♪ ♪ When the rain falls down I can feel it ♪ ♪ When the sun shines bright I believe it ♪ ♪ Oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Life is a gift Yeah ♪ ♪ I'm further down the road ♪ ♪ The more I live The more I know ♪ ♪ I do not deserve it ♪ ♪ But I receive it ♪ ♪ Life is a gift ♪ Hey, Sam. Rex. I'm sorry. Garage is closed. Team members only. Can we talk? Uh, that's fine. Look, just-- [clears throat] Just let me get this out. I messed up. I know you two were just looking out for me. I never appreciated your hard work and I-- I definitely didn't listen to your advice... on or off the track. Maybe that's too little too late, and if that's the case, I wouldn't blame you. I needed to say it just the same. Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. [laughing] Did you actually say anything? Sam, did you hear something? 'Cause I don't think I heard what I thought I was gonna hear, but-- I didn't actually say it. I'm really, really sorry. I was a lousy friend. Spending the last few weeks with Ray Reed's dad has changed my perspective on... just about everything. Just trying to make things right with the people I've hurt. [Sam] So how's Gracie? I get her back today. Sean, that's so wonderful. We're so happy for both of you. That's-That's great, man. Well, I guess I better take off. It's good to see you. Both of you. Hey, Sean. I can't take you seriously with all that mushy, emotional stuff on your face, buddy. I'll see you at the track with june bug? Yeah. Are you ready, sweetie? Hey, what's the matter? Just a little nervous? No. I'm so excited Daddy's taking me home. I've missed him a lot. [sighs] But now-- now I'm gonna miss you. Hey, look at me. You've just been an absolute joy and blessing to our whole family. [chuckles] I mean to all of us. You know, I believe that God has got great big plans for you. He carved a special place just for you right here in our family. So I am not going to let you walk out that door without knowing just how much we love you. We always will. [Aaron] He's here! Gracie's dad's here! Do you hear that? [chuckles] Yeah. Let's go say hey to your daddy. Yeah. [doorbell rings] Hi, Daddy. Hey, darlin'. These, uh-- These flowers are for you. [chuckles] Daddy? Yes, baby. -I've been talking with God a lot lately. -Yeah? I asked him to help you get better and not be so sad anymore. Are you still sad? No. No, I'm-- I'm really, really happy. I'm just so thankful for you. And I've missed my little girl a whole bunch. Do you think that... you could forgive me? Yes. I've missed you so much. I missed you too. Thank you for everything. My pleasure. She's a beautiful girl. Thanks, man. Thank you for everything. All right. Y'all have a good one. Bye, sweetie. [Christine] Bye, sweetie. Whatcha think, sweetheart? You ready to go home? [chuckles] Yeah. [engine starts] Wait, wait, wait. Don't go yet. Just one more little thing before you go. We just want to let you know that Gracie and my family have been praying for you every day. And she's also told me and Wesley stories about you. [giggles] Oh. Boy. So she asked if we would pitch in and help deliver a message to you. Okay. What message? Now, boys! [Wesley, Christine laughing] You deserve all the medals in the world. I'm really proud of you, Daddy. -Thank you. -[giggles] You guys are gonna help me clean this up, right? [laughing] [together] Yes! [laughing] Any calls? Yes. Summers called. The group from Argentina will be here a week from Tuesday. And the new portfolio manager called twice to remind you that he'll be in on Monday. Okay. And Gracie Weathers called seven times to remind you you better not be late. [laughs] [laughing] June bug! Ready for our good-luck ritual? I wouldn't call it luck, but let's go for it. Let 'em run fast. Let 'em run true. Let my girl stay safe and sound. Let me be a light to those who watch. Oh, and if I could win, that would be fine by me. [laughs] [Sam] Thanks, God, for this opportunity. [together] Amen! Okay. Okay. Hey, Dad? All right. Yeah? Are they here? Yeah. Everyone's here for you. [chuckles] Okay. Just remember that-- I know, Dad. I'm already a champion. That's right. [laughs] [Jack narrating] It's funny, the things that stick with you. Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated with top ten lists. The top ten countries to visit. Top ten roller coasters. But there's one list that changed my life forever. Only God knew what it would teach me. [cheering, applause] The importance of sacrificing for others. That real peace is found through surrender. And that nothing can change a life more than forgiveness. [man] ♪ They say forgive ♪ ♪ And just forget ♪ ♪ But what is broken ♪ ♪ It may never mend ♪ ♪ If I forget ♪ ♪ What will be learned? ♪ ♪ All I have lost ♪ ♪ Can never be returned ♪ ♪ The sun is slowly falling ♪ ♪ And my heart It isn't ready ♪ ♪ So desperately I'm calling ♪ ♪ Father, will you hear me? ♪ ♪ How do I forgive? ♪ ♪ And how do I let go? ♪ ♪ Teach me your ways ♪ ♪ My forgiving Lord ♪ ♪ Through the dark ♪ ♪ Past the den ♪ ♪ Your truth is slowly ♪ ♪ Surely sinking in ♪ ♪ I've worked so hard ♪ ♪ To build this wall ♪ ♪ But I know it's time for me To let it fall ♪ ♪ The sun's No longer shining ♪ ♪ So here's my heart Make it ready ♪ ♪ I'm desperate I am cryin' ♪ ♪ Father, will you hear me? ♪ ♪ How do I forgive? ♪ ♪ And how do I let go? ♪ ♪ Teach me your ways ♪ ♪ My forgiving Lord ♪ ♪ No easy path is paved ♪ ♪ 'Cause it feels Like I am losing ♪ ♪ My ways are not your ways ♪ ♪ Lord, please show me ♪ ♪ How do I forgive? ♪ ♪ And how do I let go? ♪ ♪ Teach me your ways ♪ ♪ My forgiving Lord ♪ ♪ How do I forgive? ♪ ♪ How do I let go? ♪ ♪ Teach me your ways ♪ ♪ My forgiving Lord ♪ ♪ Teach me your ways ♪ ♪ My forgiving Lord ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 3,165,468
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Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Movie Trailer, Film, christian movie, christian movies, christian movies full movies, christian movies 2021, christian movies free
Id: Bqd1zaA5SN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 17sec (6977 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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