Tested by Tears | Pastor Keion Henderson

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to the book of Genesis chapter number 12 Genesis chapter number 12 [Music] Genesis chapter 12 verse number one here's what the Bible says now the Lord has said to Abram remember let me stop there if you see Abram and survived this is before their names were changed but this is actually Abraham and said so I'll use those names just for the sake of conjecture now the Lord said to Abraham get thee out of that country and from around your family and from your father's house unto a land that I will show you and I will make thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make your name great and thou shalt be a blessing notice God doesn't bless him without giving him the orders to also be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth II God doesn't bless them that bless him and curse them that curse him because he's better than anybody else he blesses them that blesses him and curses them that curses him because he is a blessing getting a blessing protects you from poverty being a blessing protection for people does that make sense to everybody okay not only will I bless you watch this and in these shall all the families of the earth be blessed did you know that God can bless your whole family because you decided to be a blessing just touch somebody I don't know about anybody else but I'm gonna be a blessing I'm gonna be a blessing all right now we got the blessing part right all right now here it is so Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken unto him and lot went with him and Abraham was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran and Abraham took Sarah his wife and lot his brother's son and all their substance watch this and all that they gathered and the souls that they had gathered and got in Iran and they went forth to go into Canaan I am I am so confused right now okay let's go back and hear what God says Abraham leave the country and leave your kinfolk okay verse five and Abraham took his wife his is his [Music] he took everybody and God had just said see the mark of a blessing is not what you're willing to go to but it's what you're willing to leave behind I want to talk on this subject it'll make sense in a moment this is what I want to talk about tested by Tears I want you to touch everybody you can touch on your way down city have you been crying lately God is testing you my tears you may be seated in the presence of the Lord how many of y'all feel like this word is for you already like a punctuation mark to a sentence lots name is inserted periodically to break up the monotony of a story a text that starts in Chapter number 11 and does not reach its conclusion until chapter 13 without punctuation marks a sentence is nothing more than a run-on and without the insertion of lot this story would get away from us if Abraham's life is the sentence then Lots life is the comma causing us to Paul circumspectly to observe exactly what it is God is saying and what God is doing every once in a while God will ask you to pause or he will send a period not because he wants us to stop you but because he wants you still enough to listen for it is only in darkness that men stand still if you were walking in this room right now you will walk freely if the lights cut off you would duck and stop and every once in a while God will cut the lights off on your life not so that you would have an accident but so that you will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord see in the natural in the dark we cannot see in the spirit it is darkness that is necessary for sight so in the spirit sometimes God will turn the light off so that you can see this is exactly what happens in our text and without warning we get an opportunity to see a little boy named lot grow up right before our eyes right in this text we get a chance to see a little lad developed in front of our eyes and if this story was a movie it would be rated for mature audiences only because lot goes from a boy to a man all of his mistakes are on Front Street we get a chance to see him turn back and and we get a chance to see his wife turn back and become a pillar of salt we see all of these things happening in his life and if this was a movie it would have to be rated R for mature audiences only because there are a few people in the world who can witness your development and still treat you with dignity there are a lot of us in here right now we lost friends and and and they lost respect for us because they were with us for who they thought we were and once they found out that we were not who they assumed us to be marriages have ended because people wanted perfect people and not partners relationships have ended because people have made mistakes the problem was not the person's mistake the problem is your assumption that they would never make one and so now we are here looking at a man developed before our eyes and most of us are not able to see people develop and still treat them with dignity most of us cannot hear preachers preach and know they're not perfect most of us cannot follow deacons and not know that they still have issues most of us will marry people and as long as we're dating and as long as we're drinking mimosas and as long as we have steaks and chicken everything is fine but the moment you go through the valley of the shadow of death all of a sudden you got to get a divorce and go back and live with you mama and and all of a sudden you don't want to be with him anymore I wanted to talk to people today because let me tell you something it takes a mature person to see somebody develop and sit still Oh [Applause] God I I can really just stop preaching this sermon right now because this is where most of y'all will get off at the bus stop because the bus ain't going any further because the truth is as most of us can handle people when they are developed but we struggle to be with them while they are developing so this is what I urge you to do just do me a favor like I do every Sun just look at your name say neighbor please be patient with me that's God ain't through with me yet I ain't done cussing I still do it sometime I don't clean up I don't make up my bed every time I wake up in the morning I don't wash the dishes every time I go to bed and sometimes I take my shoes off and leave them at the door sometimes I Drive the car and don't put gas in it I might not stop by the car wash into the next year I might not wash it but but but but I'm working on it just touch I'm working on it I I'm doing the best I can I know I told you I'm gonna go yell at you no mo but I'm sorry I did it again very few people can stay with people and treat them with dignity while they are developing but I'm gonna tell you I need somebody to stay with me because I'm still developing up I'm not where I want to be I'm not where I should be I'm not I'm not well I'm still being worked on is there anybody in the lighthouse and watching online that can just go ahead and tell everybody put your halo down check it off of my head get your expectations from around me I might disappoint you stop lying to people somebody ain't never gonna hurt you that's a lie tell them I ain't gonna hurt your purpose ain't no telling what I might do I I don't know what I might do what I ain't gonna do it intentionally but if I do please forgive me this sermon is rated R because this boils developing right in front of us and God is showing us that you gotta treat people with dignity even though they're still developing and here we are we got lot right in front of our face in and in lots of life and he can't even really get into the landscape of the scripture before pain has already exposed the Bible lets us know that as soon as he is revealed we have never even heard his name before all of a sudden he comes into the scene in shop D 11 and his father dies you know I've never seen anybody do anything great without crying I can drop the mic and give you a pen and pop the balloon and we can go home right there I've never seen anybody doing the thing great without tears if you ever gonna do anything great you got a cry if you ever gonna get a baby into the world you gotta stretch and cry if you're ever gonna do anything great you gotta cry if you ever do anything worth talking about it's gonna cost you some tears if you're gonna have a mayor's you gonna cry sometime if you're gonna have a relationship you're gonna cry sometime if you're gonna raise children they're gonna have you up there also saying father I'll take these shows are not giving back if you're gonna do anything worth doing I wish I had a church in here today don't y'all make me yell just get the lesson if you're gonna do anything worth doing it's gonna make you cry if you ever gonna really love somebody you're gonna have to try to do it Oh God help me in there and if you're ever gonna love somebody gonna have to cry and in order for them to love you they're gonna have to cry you don't escape this world without tears if you're ever gonna do it they're ever gonna make it to the next level you're gonna cry I don't care if you're a man or a woman everybody in here cries more so than others some more than others but but but it doesn't matter if you do it a lot of do it a little when you do it it's worth it if everybody in here cries women may cry openly and women don't think men don't cry we just don't cry around you we go in the car and drive around the street and then we cry and then put Visine in our eyes and then come to the house and act like everything is all right we cry and we don't always cry what I tear sometimes we cry what a bad upside of garbage can sometimes we cry by punching a hole in the wall I got a hole in your wall right now I was fixed in the back of the door everybody had got a minute and put his fist through a door and didn't have enough sense to measure 14 inches to make sure it went through two two by fours and then he went knuckle to knuckle with a piece of wood not rounded telling everybody he got hurt at work and when you loved a man you were covering me up he did knowing he ain't telling the truth everybody here cries babies cry adults cry dogs cry everything cries because you can't do anything great without crying you can't live long without shedding the tear oh I wish I had a witness in here today lot is crying he's crying because his father has just died his his life is in shambles because his house is now fatherless his father has died and let me tell you in his day they were not used to not having fathers in their house like us we have become enesta sighs we have become we have become numb to not having fathers in the home it ain't even is just a common thing but in that day it was not common all homes have fossils in them and whenever a father did not have or was not in the home whenever there was not a father in the home the family was in dire straits because then women were not allowed to work so today if there's not a father in the house women can pick up the piece and say you know what that's all right at a ain't he made it got this baby here but I can take it from here and and there's some women here they'll go back to school and get a degree and range those truljin and and come out and graduate and and do uh do I have any women who have to do all of that thank God you lived in the 1900s and the 2000s because if you lived back in the days of Jesus you would have had a desire to work but nowhere to work because they wouldn't hire you because women were only good for one thing in that day and that was having babies and making the house that's why if you go back and read proverbs 31 all you women who want to be proverbs 31 women and be virtuous it's a couple of things you missing like making your own clothes and making your food from scratch hollaback it's a boy the virtuous woman she made her the blankets on the bed and all that kind of stuff see what y'all go to Macy's you are victorious women I'm not sure about virtuous hollaback now so women could not work so when when when his father died his house was in dire straits because his mother would have wanted to take care of him but she would not have been able to take care of him because she would not have been hired by anybody which means she would not have have had an income and and so now their house is in turmoil that's why when when when Onan died the Bible says that his father told him to go into Tamar and get her to go in there get his wife pregnant why because without a father the house would be empty and without a father they would not have a son so in those days that even if a brother died his brother went into his brother's house and got his wife's pregnant because that's how important it was to have a man in the house in that day on your hand with me and so so so that that that's why Judah told man to get his other son's wife pregnant and and and it would have been it would have been alright in those days it is not alright now and I'm not being facetious nor am I being dogmatic not so Venus Turk I'm telling you the context and culture of that day when his father died everybody's world fell apart lot is confused and he is crying and he's got tears in his eyes and just as he recovers from losing his father his grandfather Torah takes him in into the house and the Bible says then he dies can you see the tears coming from his eyes can you see him crying at the loss of his father his grandfather picks him up and now he's like alright I'm gonna make it and then the only man to care about him after his father dies then he dies what he does not know is that God has a plan but he cannot see God's plan because all he feels is pain is there anybody in here that will admit sometimes you miss God's plan because all you feel is pain pain has a way of making you forget about what's actually happening come on talk to me pain pain will make you you can be in Maui Hawaii and get a headache and not enjoy it because whenever pain shows up it makes you forget about your environment whenever pain shows up it makes you forget that you got a $60,000 car in your garage whenever pain shows up it makes you forget that you've got $100,000 worth of clothes in your closet whenever pain shows up it makes you forget that you've had 17 19 20 30 50 good days in a row when pain comes the only day you care about is the day you feel it I'm trying to get in this house the day before two bricks and strongholds but anybody in here ever really been in pain and will admit that pain makes you forget about every good day you had before it nobody says well god I'll take this headache because I haven't had one all month whenever the headache comes you giving it 30 minutes this stuff don't work you take the advil at 12 noon if it ain't working about 12:01 you take a leave if that don't work then you go to mock Sicilian if that don't work then you got a vicodin now you're really good are y'all with me today am i helping anybody so far he has no idea at this time that God has a plan because all he feels his pain that's what job said in job 16 and 16 he said my face is red because of my tears and I've got dark shadows around my eyelids he's crying he's crying he's crying that's a man crying that's a man's man crying a rich man crying he's got more money than anybody in the east but all he can focus on is his tears tears tears he's crying tears he's crying tears tears tears but he doesn't recognize that after his father dies after his grandfather dies the next person that were walking to his life is Abraham then look at God takes his father and his grandfather to introduce him to the Father who fathered his grandfather and father because Abraham is the father of the faith so he loses a father and loses a grandfather to get the father of all father's not recognising that God was trying to get him to another place of which I will explain to you later because Abraham is the father of the faithful and his father and grandfather were idolaters the ultimate goal for God is to get not saved understanding that he cannot get him saved through his father and grandfather so he has to take his natural father to put him in the hands of his spiritual father so that his spiritual father can give him what his natural father could not offer I'm getting ready to help somebody in this place today because there are some of you all who have been grow up without fathers in your home and you're wondering what your life would have been like if you would have had them in your life but the blessing is is that although you may not have had a father you got a spiritual father who repeats who keeps giving you the word over and over and over and over again and encouraging you over and over and over again the difference is is a natural father is in your house a spiritual father you have to go to the house and the reason why some of us are behind is because if your pastor was in your house you develop but the problem is is you have a choice when you will eat from his table are y'all gonna say man in this place today I'm trying to help somebody somebody say this is the year of elevation what you don't understand is that sometimes crying is transportation that's why they say cry a river see sometimes you got to cry enough so that God can take you the reason why some of y'all having rich destiny yet is because you ain't cried enough after you suffered a while god help in this church then God will establish you is there anybody in here that's in a season of tears I came to speak to everybody who's in a season of tears be not weary in well-doing those tears are about to lead you to the next level touch the neighbors say cry just tell them just say cry just cry just cry matter of fact some of y'all say those are not real - ain't no such thing as a fake tear because you got to understand that tears are transportation sometimes God uses tears to get you to the next level that means sometimes you're gonna hurt all the way to the next level sometimes you're gonna lip all the way to the next level sometimes you're gonna be depressed all the way to the next level sometimes you're gonna be frustrated all the way to the next level stop trying to hide your tears stop trying to act like you're not hurting when somebody asks you what's wrong stop lying talking about nothing and break down and cry and say everything I feel like I'm gonna die I feel like I'm gonna give up I feel like God doesn't love me I'm tired of this I'm tired of it why because the more you cry the more God can do the Bible says David cried out unto the Lord you've got to start crying it wasn't until Jonah start crying until the fish released him it wasn't until David start crying that he got out of the valley of the shadow of death you can stand there and try to be tough if you won't and sit in church with your arms folded like you already know the Bible but all I need is 50 people that crowd and say just as I am I come I don't know what I'm doing I don't know where I'm going I don't know I act like this I don't know why I respond like this but Here I am Lord standing in the need of prayer the reason why most people don't get a lot out of churches because they don't cry out all they do is come in here and sit down and act like God owes them something and sit here and act like God ain't been good and sit here and act like you just deserve to be alive but I'm thinking God for those of y'all who is standing knowing that you ought to be dead somewhere sleeping in your grade and you don't mind crying out there saying hallelujah you don't mind throwing your hands in the air and saying thank you Jesus somebody oughta crowd unto the Lord he cried he cried out tears of Transportation if you don't cry you gonna break help me in this church Lord your tears are taking you somewhere you can't be too macho to cry come on brothers you can't be too my sort of cry you be surprised what your spouse would feel if they will see a tear come down your eye they sent up here telling you how they feel and you sitting up his stone-faced that translate oh you don't care oh ha Lord I know I'm preaching in here today and you're looking at her timeout you're too emotional all you do is cry that's why women live longer that's why women live longer because they get it out whenever it happens they cry whenever something happens they cry and we sit in here we hold it in and we have a heart attack at 55 is she too tough to stay alive [Applause] somebody say cry you got to cry it may hurt the entire way but you got it you got it you got to keep going and it wasn't until Oh as a matter of fact that Bible says when Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus this is the only time we see the Bible said Jesus cry it's the shortest verse in the whole Bible Jesus wept when something hurts admit it this is the best sermon you heard this week when something hurts admitted stop talking it aint bother me I'm good yes it is and we can't see it you don't live with anybody 20 years and they can tell you ain't nothing wrong and you believe them what's wrong I'm being overworked and underpaid what's wrong I need a new car what's wrong Marin is too high let me tell you the truth I got in over my head tell the truth why are you stressed out cuz I shop with my bill money what's wrong I'm tired of being single I got lucky friends and they already marry what's wrong with me [Applause] yawning go tell us who y'all wanna talk about what's real don't act like you don't be looking I'm like I'm finding it her my hair better than her I'm cutie to her I see you got our name [Applause] got a crap [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sometimes crying is the only way you can get over something Jesus said show me where you laid them they showed him where Lazarus world and he's wept because that's the only way he could get over it you better start crying you better let that stuff out around here trying to be tough all the time I'm gonna be good keep your head up dog better get down on your knees and say father I'll stretch my hand to thee no other help I know if thy withdraw thyself from me old weather shall I go David said Lord my enemies outnumber the hairs on my head I'm crying out God cuz I need your help he start crying he said lord I need you to do something to him because if I do something to them you gonna do something to me so Lord I'm crying out is there anybody that sits on crowd into the church right now I wish I could get five hundred people just start crying out Lord it's not my mother it's not my father it's me Oh Lord my husband yes he crazy but he also married a fool my wife crazy but she also married a fool somebody oughta just cried unto the Lord and say Lord changed my life changed my circumstances give me a raise on my job stop acting like everything is alright cast your cares on him because he cares for you somebody on a crowd unto the Lord [Applause] though he slay me that was him crying out yeah well I trust in him touched somebody to say you can trust God in your tears can trust God in your tears in women when your men cry don't you be getting on them you get to cry all the time we cry once now you want to call us weak we cry too and if we crown you the reason why men don't cry on women shoulders because y'all use it against us later or you ain't gonna say men oh [Applause] now you want to be a pop now you crying what's a crying phone now when y'all get hard and all of a sudden you stop crying and we start crying now you got something to say about it when that man cry puts your lips on his face and wipe those tears away when that man cry dig in his eye and get to eye booger out and wipe it on your face all y'all in here what I'm saying I'm trying to get you to get that man to open up when he start crying and snot runs down his nose take your finger and wipe it off and see what he fall all the way apart and be like my baby love me my baby love me [Music] [Applause] when a woman fared up til them don't don't ain't nothing you can do woman be like you know when a woman fair that brothers you be Christ to be over like I'm done crying so whenever you get done I didn't cried the first ten years and now you want to share the tale all of a sudden [Applause] cry Jonah was in the fish the Bible say he cried out fish spit him out you could get out if you cry out tears are transportation they get you somewhere you get over it when you cry Bible calls it praying a praise you just got to open up your mouth Jesus got on the cross he never said a mumbling word gets on the cross he cries out seven times but he noticed he didn't cry until he was ready to go somewhere God told Abraham he said look man I need you to lead a country and I need you to leave you're kidding folk and some of y'all ain't gonna get to where God wants you to be until you put a little space between you and some of your family members and it's all kind of relationships that are wreaking havoc on your relationships like you know brothers if you married to a woman and and and therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife you can't be married to your mama and wife at the same time no woman's gonna compete with your mama she's gonna let you have your mama but your mama can't do what she can do and she gonna tell you that and ladies y'all start clapping sit down and be quiet because every time your man came by something you go to your mama to get it and so you get all arrogant talk about well I already know my mama gonna do it see how quiet see I can you see how they y'all some hypocritical women y'all just was up there shouting and shout when I was talking about to him and then when I say something out you all of a sudden yo hallelujah belongs to you not Jesus Oh y'all get on my nerves sometime you go to your daddy in black well whatever I'm whatever he won't buy my daddy will your daddy gave you away he gave your weight no seriously that is actually a symbolism when your hug when your daddy give you away he telling that dude you can take over from here bro that's the only part of my daughters getting married that I'm looking forward to is getting him off my bills other than that I want to keep him God told Abraham get out of the country and away from your Kendra come to the land I'll show you Abraham obeyed part of the instruction he left the country but he couldn't left he couldn't lead a kin bible says he took his wife but what she should have because she was in the household he took all of his possessions shitty of taking them maybe maybe not but then a Bible says he took all the people that he had gathered in her and and the reason why he took all the people that he had gathered in her ran is because he was taking anybody who was willing to go see that's the problem with most of us it's just because they are willing to go don't mean they should go [Music] there ought to be some people in your life they ought to be willing to go forward but you have already assessed the situation and recognized and said you are willing to go but this is where you get off because God told me there are somebody in here who knows that there is somebody you've been walking with and God told you to walk away from him and you have turned your future into your past by bringing them with you now let me help you understand something what Abraham does not know is that there was a famine coming he goes from Earth or Iran and from her ran to Canaan and when he gets to Canaan the Bible says there was a famine that comes what he does not know is that God actually gave him good advice he says don't bring your kid and folk with you why not because he's mean but because where you are going there isn't enough to feed everybody you're going to take [Applause] what you're going I'm going to provide daily bread for you in your household there's a famine coming rations are going to be short there's not going to be a surplus Abraham I know you're rich but it doesn't matter because when the land dries up so we're your wealth I'm going to take you somewhere where I can only feed what's in your house and you're trying to bring everybody that's in your life and I am NOT going to provide for your entire circle so Abraham tell the people at the Lighthouse Church that they've got a choice either shrink your circle or I will starve it [Applause] the word of the Lord is strength your circle or I will starve it there are some people in your life right now you have cried enough to know what decision to make and yet you're trying to take them to Canaan with you they have betrayed you enough and you still time about well I must see they're proving themselves but you won't believe them God has already showed you the warning signs but you won't adhere to him so you run the stop sign and then ask God to forgive you for the accident God already told you that ain't gonna work you heard him did you you knew it matter of fact let's take God out of it you told yourself the whole time he was like I don't know why I'm in this but it is what Napoleon Hill calls in the book outwitting the devil because it hypnotic rhythm that the devil will get us hypnotized into our rhythm and we will become victims of our own habits most people are in habit not in relationship you just friends with them because I'll know it's nothing you just in the relationship because you scared to me somebody new you just don't want to start over and so you're in the hypnotic rhythm and God says I'm calling you to step out of that place and away from those people because we're and when they go you have to release them because in the year of elevation with your heart as sincere as it is I'm afraid that most of us will try to save relationships and breathe CPR into moments that God killed anybody who can walk away from you I don't want you begging anybody else to stay because there was a famine coming if you let them go they'll die out of your sight if you take them with you they're gonna die in your house Abraham I didn't just tell you to leave where you were I told you to leave them you overpacked and you overrate any over packers in here I just rebuke people who have to check luggage for two days you are slowing us all up we got to wait at the conveyor belt for overnight shift and you check the bag I gotta have options you never know the option is to not have options we might go out at night and then it might be cold in a day and then in my mouth function and my safety pan won't work I got to have options you know how much it cost to overpack because caramels are free you pay $50 extra not to wear an outfit now that certain things you need to take a lot it you need a lot of underwear take a whole lot of em every time you gotta have it because you never know what nature might do you know but you didn't need 9 pair of shoes for two days I'm trying to get you understand that you've misdiagnosed that it was not options it was the lack of the ability to make a choice so since you couldn't make a choice you brought all your choices there are some things you got to make a choice to leave god help Minister today do you all understand the words that are coming out of my mouth it's about making a decision who what should I leave behind because it cannot go with me it is too expensive to bring all of your options when Jesus went up to the mountain of Transfiguration he brought all 12 disciples when he went up higher he left 9 behind and only took 3 it was too expensive to take 12 because all of them would not understand glory some people can understand the bottom only a few can understand the top and the higher you go the more opinions you will have that's why you got to leave somebody at the foot of the mountain so that they won't put your foot in their mouth as you go higher you got to decide who you're gonna leave behind like I know this is an uncomfortable sermon because you just want to be nice to everybody come on I want to take everybody Abraham leave your country and leave some of them kidding folk behind now most people say well then how did he get to take lot no that's not true because he adopted lot because a lot was in his household remember he took over for his father and his grandfather so now lot is a part of the house la doesn't count lot can go if you go through the adoption process then it can go you you got it you you can't you can't date God you gotta marry him are y'all with me today you got to make it official he goes and he takes him with him and God says go to a place everybody said go to a place he says go to a place and I will show you this is gonna help somebody because sometimes God will say go and then he will show most of us are asking God for proof before we move God let me notice this of you God let me know this is where you want me to go god if you want me to move here let me know god this is what you wanna do God says no I told you to go and when you get there I will show you that you have arrived God sometimes says go and then he shows and sometimes when God tells you to go one of the proofs that he told you to go is everybody behind you were saying where you going can you imagine everybody saying where you go because now he's leaving he's leaving her ran and now he's leaving Canaan and guess where he goes next Egypt Egypt bro you're going to Egypt or Egypt what Pharaoh a coked-out I'm about to helps this is gonna wear ya'll out right here y'all ready for this Canaan is where he was called Egypt was where he could be fed so he left where he was called to go where he could be fed and I just said a whole lot because there are a lot of us who will abort our destiny going where the food is not going where the calling is you were called to this relationship but you in network because you happy God didn't say go where you were happy he said go where you will call [Applause] y'all don't want to say y'all don't want to say nothin in here but I'm about to come through here like a mighty rushing wind the danger of leaving where you are called to go where you're happy God said I called you to Canaan not to Egypt and I know that there was a famine coming but did you not know that I had enough strength exhalation you don't trust me I sent Elijah to a desert and dried up the brook and he stayed there and because he was obedient I brought a raven to feed him in the desert and made a river in the dry place God says oh you've got it twisted you think that because you're in a dry place I can't feed you I came to tell you that God has enough strength to feed you where you're called stop jumping ship every time you feel uncomfortable where God called you stop leaving every time god oh god I wish I had a real Church I'm only this is only for about five of y'all stop leaving cuz you don't feel comfortable stop leaving because it ain't working out the way you want it to work out stop leaving because the sun is shining stop leaving because your boyfriend lost his job stop leaving where you've been called to go where you're comfortable touch three people say sit still I'm leaving Houston and I'm moving I'm going somewhere else I can find no opportunity if you can't find an opportunity in Houston you ain't looking for one you think going somewhere else is gonna change your life you think if you move to Florida everything it's gonna be better you think if you go to New York everything is gonna be better you think if you go to California go go but the problem is you gonna be there when you get there Abraham your problem was not that you ended up in Egypt your problem was is that you left the country where I called you you went where you are comfortable and not where you were cold lord help me in this church I know I'm when some of y'all good and out right now I can tell right now you've been talking to the Lord and the Lord been talking to you and I can look in your face right now I have messed up all y'all plans some of y'all had plans to do X Y & Z and I'm messing them up you're right your dog all right I'm on assignment to get you to the year of elevation God said sit show but still I caused you to Canaan and not Egypt oh and by the way the Bible says when he got to Egypt Pharaoh tried to take his wife so you're gonna end up where you're comfortable and lose what you brought with you oh [Applause] you went over there to get one thing and you're gonna lose what's your tuck oh you don't believe the Bible says that Pharaoh got a look at Abraham wife Sarah said I got to have huh Bob says he sent his service down there and she actually ended up in Pharaoh's house which was actually almost like an engagement Pharaoh was about to make it happen and the Pharaoh would have got his hands Oh Sarah ain't nothing Abraham could have did you leave where you're called to go where you're comfortable and you lose what you brought with you he ran from a family took his wife to eat you and now they got to start lying cuz when Pharaoh won't Sarah he says all right baby that's what we gonna do he says tell Pharaoh that we sisters and brothers because if he think we sisters and brothers then he won't he won't try to take you he won't he won't think that you ought to be mayor so let's let's just let's just look at look at how lies in turn when you leave calling to go to comfort are y'all listening to me his tears took him to Abraham they traveled to Egypt and now everything looked like it's about to go south family comes if Abraham would have stood still he would have knew he was serving a god who made men are far down in the desert do you know that when the chosen Israel in the wilderness and they couldn't find food whenever they got hungry bread start falling out of the sky don't you let a famine make you think it's time to move if you'll stay faithful God and make a river in the desert if you'll stay faithful he will let menopause down from heaven you can go to a new location and steal star you gotta go where you're called not where you're looking for comfort I sense that I'm speaking to somebody in today because some of y'all were just getting ready to leave Houston you have made up your mind we moving and you thought that when you got there was gonna be better God says if you'll be faithful and sit still I'll make it rain let me finish this up and let y'all go lot at this current point is on his way to hell did you know that and look at how good god is ma'am they take an element illegitimate trip and God still intervenes and make sure that Pharaoh doesn't get this man's wife look at how God will bless you where you going in the wrong direction is there anybody here to just want to spend about 30 seconds thanking God that he'll have grace when you go to wrong direction is there anybody in here that is just thank God say God I knew I had no business going over there but look won't he cover you Abraham is so blessed that God blesses him on the illegitimate trip and soon will bless him through an illegitimate child look at how God and make a crooked way straight how here smooth out of rough Mountain somebody oughta just praise God right now for all that he's done for you and let me show you how much God loves like light is on his way to hell because light is born in the house of idolaters look how much God loves a lot he makes sure that light ends up in the house where man believes in faith and if you read the Bible the Bible says that Moses had 318 servants and the Bible says that he had 318 trained servants which means that everything that ever went into Abraham's house Abraham trained it they were so trained that they were servants but then they came up against five kings and was able to defeat the army of five kings can you imagine having somebody go from flipping eggs to slicing the throat they were so trained that they could make biscuits from scratch and knock you out his servants were trained which means that God put locked in the house of somebody who would train him in the faith and Locke goes from being an idolater to being saved the Bible says that it would please God that all men be saved now lot is saved because he had to lose his father and he had to cry over his grandfather and did not recognize that his tears was transportation to the father of all father's and now lot is saved and he is on his way to heaven I am trying to tell you that everything you lost was God's Way of getting you to something better be not weary in well-doing for you will reap a harvest if you faint not I was talking to Steve yesterday and Steve said pastor did you know that tears are broken up into three parts he said number one your tears have minerals in it they have salt in them got that he said there was another part of your tear that makes sure that the tear doesn't evaporate he says but did you not know that in every tear there is oil the oil makes sure that the tear adheres to your eye which means every time you cry you increase your anointing I wish somebody in this place over the next 30 seconds would just start crying out unto the Lord and see what God will do in exchange for your worship that's all you need from God that's cool but I'm gonna give y'all about 30 more seconds to put what you need on your mind and begin a crowd until the Lord and say father I stretched my hands to thee no other help out no god it's me standing in the need of prayer I'm tired of being frustrated I'm tired of being angry I'm tired of being Delusion I want more grace many of you like light have grew up in the house where your parents didn't really take you to church like that and look at you now many all grew up in crack homes and grew up with alcoholics and grew up with parents that didn't get along you ought to be crazy somewhere statistically you ought to be on drugs somewhere statistically but thank God that he sent you Abraham thank God that he sent you somebody who's spoken to your life is there anybody here wanna say I don't look like what I came through I don't look like where I was raised I don't look is there anybody here that'll stop thanking God to say I don't look like what I've been through stand to your feet in this place Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth we didn't know that you were testing us through these tears we didn't recognize God that our tears with transportation and you were trying to get us somewhere all we knew is that we were crying and we didn't know that in the pain you had a plan thank you for not forgetting about us Oh God thank you that you haven't given up on the stature that you haven't thrown us by the wayside thank you for your grace in your mercy for our illegitimate decisions you still made grace abound Thank You Holy Ghost that we went into Egypt under our own power but we came out under your own power we thank you that you were with us the entire time and so we give you all glory we'll give
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 205,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, Tested by Tears, pastor keion henderson, power of success, elevation church, united states, Elevation, Pastor, Christian Church, church, Bishop, Latest Sermon Highlights, I Surrender All, faith, senior pastor, trust, Instant Inspiration, Winning Spirit, Latest Sermons, Lighthouse, jesus, God, Waking Faith, power of passion, Sun Stand Still, Power of Success, pastor, steven furtick, sermon, bible, forgiveness, bible verses about faith
Id: 2QY7SbQC6Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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