Shadow Man Encounter at Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

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trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum now it's been rated the most haunted place in America getting our steps into net WoW are the ghost cats nice cats hey what's up guys are Sam and Colby today we are here for the hell week video and today we got a special one one of the largest and most well-known paranormal locations in the world trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum we've been wanting to go here for so long for 130 years this was a hospital to treat mentally ill patients but they did a lot of bad things like lobotomies literally an ice pick jammed through your eye to hit your brain just like Waverly Hills which we went to for last year's hell week this has a ton of shadow people and we're here to figure out why what is a shadow person today we have a new guest on the Channel I want Michelle yeah Daredevil probably has more balls than us and as you guys know haunted nice on my channel I do a series called challenge accepted and it's about me pursuing the world's most difficult professions and Lifestyles so I've trained with the Marines I've passed the Navy SEAL entrance exam but this this is gonna be scary I struggled to get up at 9am obviously in today's Times lunatic isn't a very accepted word but we're just using the historic name that just goes to show you how they treated people here it was dark by the end this Asylum had 10 times the capacity that it was originally meant to be at they had horrible treatments here that would in today's Times be considered inhumane or torturous we're talking electroshock therapy water treatment where they literally throw you in ice bath in a straight jacket so you have to endure like freezing cold temperature even they would induce people into like fake Comas sometimes killing people so this is the back of it there's like multiple buildings of this place thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen buildings on 666 acres of land oh no way six six it's almost like they wanted it to be haunted or something speaking of the devil um how do you feel about ghosts do you believe in them I'm definitely a ghost skeptic but I had a paranormal experience last year I'm definitely questioning all right scale to one to ten oh God oh my [ __ ] they say that you know only like what 10 at the ocean has been explored I guess we could say the same about the rest of Earth the universe that's true yeah what's that say oh yeah explore we're gonna explore the other nine percent paranormal world that's what I'm saying dude buy the merch link down below yeah just wait till later in this video when she's crying no I think the most messed up part about this entire place is that people could be admitted especially women for absolutely like no reason at all she's too lazy she reads a lot of books she's epileptic she's too religious things like that or very simple things like being jealous or like even getting in here because you masturbate like the [ __ ] I do that so much too seriously like every day and once the overcrowding happened that's when everything went dark there was murders there was horrible treatment lack of rooms people were being put in cages outside in the hallways and over 20 000 people died around these crowds [Music] hi my name is Brandi butcher my name is Gwen Urbana I've been here eight years and I still have my wow moments I have felt my Airway be choked out I noticed a big red mark around my neck wow we still choose to come back here for work Sam you like getting choked right hey let's go all right explore Club lights off [Music] [Music] outside of paranormal one of the darkest things that happened here were the lobotomies basically severs parts of your brain pretty much immobilizing someone or getting rid of their entire personality or sometimes killing people we gotta have to learn this album oh my God wait yo oh my God is he like 10 yep they would take the ice pick and tap it to the orbit of the eye to get behind the frontal lobe of the brain to stutter the connection that's your personality your emotions basically everything that makes you who you are a lot of people considered it a soul stealer they believe that they could make a more compliant Child by giving them a nice pickle bottoming a successful lobotomy would be someone that could still wash their hair or do dishes they just had no emotion they no longer got mad or sad no more happiness that is horrible horrible dude I thought like getting a covet test was bad you know the man behind all the cruel lobotomies was water performed over 3 000 lobotomies some even on children as young as four years old he performed many of them right here in this building it feels like they were just taking advantage of these patients that's basically what Freeman did he was not a doctor he was not a surgeon he wanted to notoriety you were lucky if you wiped that ice pick on his Smock before he did the national lottery yo no wonder there's so much stored trauma here with all that going on [Music] so if you have to rate your current like pbgb level if you guys have been to billions of these places where are you at I'm feeling 9.5 TVs out of 10. well I'm you know at a sensible 15 out of 10 right dude I do not do well with blood so seeing the pictures of the lobotomies like actually chilled me to the core like like can't do that [ __ ] that's gonna give me nightmares alone not even the ghost done oh my God what the okay they purposely made that look so terrifying like God damn this is Grandma like that Grandma did not look like that during a life do not make her look like a sorry doesn't it get more and more haunted as we go up basically yeah yeah it's like a good leveling yourself the biggest thing this place is known for are the shadow figures around here and there's been Creepers the tall shadow figure with the top hat on everything you can imagine is here also random fact when Ghost Hunters were here filming for their TV show they caught undeniable proof of a shadow figure and this door right here it was very small misshapen very black shadow figure of some kind it didn't necessarily look like a child like I've often seen it made my stomach drop to my toes you'll find at least one shadow figure well you may not find them but there will be at least one shadow figure in every Ward I would say you get so used to it you stop counting you get used to shadow figures because I've not seen my own um have you seen yourself I haven't seen mine but we've had our guide to report that they've seen us when we're not here they hear us when we're not here oh my god dude pretty much every single hallway has shadow figures or some haunting but the one we're gonna focus on on the first floor is Lily's room allegedly she is a girl that died Here and Now people have been able to capture her voice and talk to her a lot of people say that they feel a male presence like a darker man in the same room as Lily's room so a lot of people are trying to figure out who is Lily is there multiple people involved in her story or is she just a little girl wanted to have some fun another little girl following you around no dude there's always a little girl at every single scary place it can't be like the most haunted in America unless a little girl there and it's usually not the little girl it's usually something more evil controlling it I'm sick of it this is Lily's room right here oh my God the most famous ghost dude multiple people employees volunteers yes come to this room and investigate we have multiple copy named Lily out in this room she has been seen and is typically seen in a long white dress with long dark hair Shadow being cast on this wall here speak to her like you would any child you know um I used to have really phenomenal in here with the link and we often get activity from a male Spirit out behind this guy just work right outside oh great I was in here one night like a Thousand Mile session by myself and the activity wasn't lining up with what I typically got from the building and I kind of questioned it and since I was alone and didn't have anybody with me I said this isn't really this is the dude behind class we're trying to get free candy about that time thousand run stuff I got nothing else I have not got anything [Music] so uh Lily might not be a little girl second floor this is where we get the peekaboo Shadows I talked about I've had very intelligent flashlight sessions lining the entire hallway with them and having them turn certain colors on and certain ones in order very very intelligent activity in this Ward moving on to the second floor things just get progressively scarier and more dark each time you go higher yeah dang it but strangely enough the most paranormal spot of the entire floor is in the bathroom this bathroom this one is extremely popular and this is probably my favorite room in the entire building to investigate I consider these guys my best friends definitely recommend dowsing rods in there flashlights k2s write it all in there um thank you stabbing rope God basically what we research is one patient made a homosexual Advance towards another resulting into the other patient going and grabbing a butter knife and stabbing the dude 17 times leaving him to die in the bathroom he crawled out into the hallway didn't make it to like a nurse or doctor's room and just died in the hallway floor that goes with this bathroom these guys do not like to talk about it during a session do you think if you ask Charlie and John is it to come and hang out with us tonight they would come out hey John and Charlie I got new friends here with me tonight they're really really cool I've really enjoyed walking them around when they come back here later will you guys talk to them a little bit for me I will bring you some cigars on Sunday when I'm back for the photo tour if you'll do that for me thank you okay where's Sam there's a patient here that wrote a very terrifying poem about what's called The Sly man I found people did not have any Souls I couldn't get them back in class I went to the sly man he bought me coffee and told me of synchronicity he said I can be a two three or more places at the same he also said if it is proof of one or two things that he would be back this guy got in contact with one of the shadow figures or the sly man and it told him one single figure one single entity can be at multiple places at once that kind of proves what we've been talking about this whole year one shadow figure through portals can be at multiple places at the same time and or if there's no portals they can just manifest themselves into multiple different things like it's all connected seclusion cells down here this one you can see the bangs and the doors these were originally outfitted with five books that would harness your hands feet into place so you couldn't lunge back and forth I think this one if you can point a light at the wall there's still a hook on the wall oh there is a little hook this place had such good intentions and was founded on such good principles but it became literally a prison for these people and there's it's awful I can't tell if they had good intentions or it was a mask of Good Intentions come here and you get extra space in this and then become these test subjects the original plan for Dr Thomas story kirkbride was The Man Behind the design of the building was to give these patients a place that felt like home the intentions were great it just didn't happen that way because of the upper crowding and understanding as much as they tried it just wasn't there the main spot we're going to be investigating tonight on the third floor is Dean's room now this is a very very tragic story history says that Dean was a really really nice guy he was actually a childlike figure super happy love playing games just a really like nice dude at the end of the hall on the third floor they house multiple violent criminally insane patients all in the same room we did have an incident with a patient that was staying here he was in his teen years when he was brought here I think he was 14. he was killing farm animals his family brought him here to get help they were put in a room with two very very dark people they took one of the poles of the bed and put it on his Temple and they jumped repeatedly on the bed killing Dean himself some people believe that the murderer is named Big Jim who's often sighted around the third floor and what's really creepy about him is he's known to melt flashlights oh my God I can melt your flashlight I don't want unreal my flashlight me neither he definitely has been seen many many times who's he uh Jim Big Jim is what he goes by Big Jim apparently you just love big Jim dude what the [ __ ] dude I I heard that what was that was that not you it's so no something touched my like uh I heard like my shoulder I heard something between us I thought you literally like tapped me on the shoulder like haha you dropped something because maybe it was Big Jim [Music] wait what the I just thought Michelle was right here I don't know yeah this uh this place is [ __ ] tripping me out when we were standing there and I was filming I thought one of you guys made a joke so I thought I felt something like a little bit of tug but I didn't do any about it I was just like oh that's weird I turned her here you have big gem I zoomed into the camera or whatever and then I thought she like hit me right here that hard too it's kind of like like somebody that is your friend being like ah yeah I don't know this one's weird dude like it's getting worse as we go up foreign [Music] of them all the fourth floor the most demonic floor the one with the highest frequency of shadow figure sightings in the entire Asylum but there's a specific one that oddly enough we've heard about before visiting other locations called The Creeper I'm not talking about Minecraft this thing is a daddy long leg tall shadow figure it can crawl up walls and ceilings and I think I just think it's the scariest shadow figure of them all there's nothing that beats that we've heard other places describe this figure as well and so we have no idea how this is getting between the two or if they're completely different but what we do know is they've been captured multiple times even on Ghost Adventures they caught a slithering shadow figure in the back of their footage at this floor if we were ever to figure out what a shadow person is we'd figure it out on the fourth floor of this building for sure we have a really nice surprise for our guest Michelle today she's gonna love she's gonna hate us so before we go to the most haunted floor we want to say thank you to our sponsor today Dragon Center Dragon City is a free to play mobile game available on a magical place where you can collect thousands of dragons and create your room Empire you're gonna need to grow food earn gold and find gyms while you're advancing your City to new levels and if you guys like the little cute baby dragons you can take your dragons and bring them together you can train them to teach them new attacks and battle them to make them more powerful you can even bring friends either challenge them in the master Arena or team up with them and Alliance to get awesome rewards you can also compete in new weekly mini-games where you can get daily prizes and catch new dragons there's also Divine pass if you want to complete extra goals for more rewards best part is you can get the dragons of your favorite YouTubers Mr B stream George not found who wouldn't want their dragons so if you're trying to build this Empire scan the QR code on his face or click the link in our description to download Dragon City and if you do that you're going to get a free starter pack with everything here on the screen that's with that being said let's get back to the video this is Ward R I like to call this the rated R Ward this is the Fear Factor award wow probably one of my favorite different words honestly this is where we encounter make it make it worse I have a guide that has been here as long as I have eight years she will not walk this Ward by herself that almost like an interesting challenge hey guys don't get any freaking ideas she's gonna regret that here in a few seconds can I add a story now since you've accepted this and it was me one of the trainers one of the other tour guides we're walking side by side we go all the way to the end of the hallway we're walking back the one tour guide goes oh my gosh something just bit me and grabbed her face it yeah like a bug daughter or something so we're getting flashlights out we literally watched Hallmark's form down her face oh my God that's his goal is to do exactly what to make you react exactly like you just did he isn't necessarily malice he likes to scare people I've had him that did this to me during sessions kind of like built a relationship a friendship with this guy because there was another guy that didn't like this Ward did not like this particular room there's like a click like water dropping yeah I just heard that too but right before that like two seconds before that I heard like a whisper sound that way it was like a and then a click over here if you're standing at the beginning of this ward nine times out of ten you can see his shadow figure rocking back and forth in the window you will almost always see him the one down here at the very end wait so you keep referring to him who is him everybody does refer to him as the creeper oh my God don't you which is a little insulting wouldn't you want to mess with them too wouldn't you want to scare them out of your house creeper yeah I mean that's what everybody calls him because this is the award where they also captured the crawling shadow figure on this end [Music] [Music] this is the room and he closes the door and guess what the door number is [Music] 13. oh my God [Music] no no this area is also the first place I heard a disembodied voice I heard what I thought was like a gross or you know like a moon didn't think anything of it walked a few more feet hurt it again ignored it again and then about that time I heard a man in my ear go Brandy another time I was set up right inside this door with a group I heard my manager at the time call me I paused the session I was like hold on he's coming up here I don't know what he would need why would he be coming all the way up here when I finally get back down later I was like what did you need I heard you coming up and he's like I wasn't up there I was anywhere near the fourth floor I've been in this break room all night long and sure enough all of us like his voice coming up that stairwell this area is known for voices oh yeah yeah um definitely a lot of disembodied voices and you know mimicking voices in this area this Ward is phenomenal you guys Ward T is where it's at honestly this is where everybody would probably tell you this is their favorite spot this board is the Disneyland of the Paranormal okay this room right here here so these are our playful Guys these are our ones that like to have a good time I was just talking about this is Frank and Larry Frank and Larry what's up Frank and Larry titties oh that's really not the only way I can put it another thing a lot of time this board will do I don't know if I can get to do it now hey you guys can you finish this for me y'all gonna do it will you do it later for them maybe Kobe tries can't do it there's anybody down there could you finish this for me foreign all right guys it's investigation time but before we start how are you feeling initial thoughts terrified terrified excitedly nervous there's a lot of dark stories they don't tell you until you get here we didn't have any equipment we were just walking around we were already hearing things and now that we're bringing props and Equipment yeah but guys because this is hell week we have a very special surprise and a very special game it'll split us up a lot to maybe test her bravery of this whole challenge accepted the whole channel is about challenging her she's gonna get the biggest challenge of her life tonight [Music] oh my god dude yo this guy is definitely dead bro Michelle can protect us all right I will say behind her I scream like a baby seeing a mannequin yeah I wonder if this stuff being in here increases the activity because they recognize him yeah it does feel like we stepped back in time I just don't like how there's so many places yeah hello maybe something this is like the nicest song you can choose yeah here we go [Music] don't you dare [Music] we just came to show respect hear your story we have a lot of toys for you we brought you some candy as well oh my God that echoes in here it freaked me out Colby's gonna blow up a ball just for you that that means it heard something so you're gonna be wearing the nice Lily necklace I guess so all right Lily if you want the necklace come take it I'm kidding I'm kidding we'll give it to you this is an offering to show you that we're friends this is how we do it on the salmon Coley Channel got toys all around here got a candy circle and a foreign there should be nothing in between the questions that should just be rattled off they don't make these anymore they stop making these in the 90s for some reason whatever the mechanism is in here it picks up these three that we consider centers is way better than most common reporters right one two three is there a spirit named Lily here with us what do you mean let's play pretend do you like to sing and dance Lily Lily do you like my necklace Lily how many people are in the room right now one two three wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what the [ __ ] was that [Music] that's insane wait the first this is on camera has to be it literally was like Lily it was like you almost sounded like this the only thing that would mean is that it wasn't entree you've heard it out loud like that was the clearest thing I've ever ever like if that was not from the box that it's like can we try that one more time because that I swear that was right after you said oh my God that's gotta be on camera did you hear it I can't get over that like that's actually genuinely freaking me the [ __ ] out I really hope so too because that was a deep voice not a scrappy voice foreign [Music] we're out like And subscribe [ __ ] it's broke sounds like they're calling to it either way though it's a man it's not a little girl that is really crazy this is my second time doing something like this yeah [Music] like this is the first room in a giant place all right well I'm just excited [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] was that Lily who just tried to talk to us can you go up and tap this little device we'll know that you're here oh that says yes immediately wait wait wait wait that confirms the man voice was Lily so Lily yes oh my God it just confirmed that Lily are you actually a male spirit energy a shadow figure are you not human stops I said yes yes it does not like that person it doesn't like that that was the last one so I don't like that no no you just keep saying no no it doesn't like that question okay okay so I'll stay away from you no how the heck did you just go off three times and it didn't quit it didn't for like 30 seconds so do you want us to talk to Lily yes oh my God what the [ __ ] do you want us to leave [Music] Lily was that you in the hall knocking you wish you could leave [Music] it makes sense Lily or whoever is Lily would you mind accompanying us tonight to help us figure out the stories of this Asylum oh no lilies are something more negative or more darker that creeps around here he said no I don't want to go away Randy said that something to be asking the wrong thing they stop yeah but it did confirm yes that was me talking which means that is the man which means Brandy was right it is not a little girl it could be something like a shadow figure just using Lily to get energy we are on the second floor we are actually at what is called the stabbing room great man so we figured the best way to chat and you guys's favorite method we do is the Estus method IST uh yeah what's that this might be the first bathroom we've ever explored xpmr that bathroom get the merch down below all right should we be on a [ __ ] so it's gonna be going through a lot of frequencies and we'll send the most powerful ones through to her and she'll be able to answer our questions is that good Michelle you ready all right as soon as you guys walk away is that when we're starting I'll tap you on the shoulder here in like 10 seconds when we start and you just start spitting out every word that you everything you hear we're totally not gonna run back down the base and leave you over here there's anything here we invite you to speak with us or Michelle we just want to have a conversation describe it to me this little device right here and speak any word she'll be able to hear that and we can talk back and forth we heard you guys were pretty cool in here actually you're friends with the guide we just want to say hi and talk please don't oh I'm gonna talk to us yes I don't want to talk to you yes agreeing do you want us to leave you don't want us to talk to you you can just confirm extended time was that you that just made that large yeah okay okay you can come out of your room and come talk yes but oh is there something else you want to add on to that or tell us just like a breath like oh my God oh my God sorry I don't know if you guys are talking it's so loud here but literally it all cut out and I just heard a woman go okay did you hear that voice oh I have the worst shoes [Music] are you okay what happened oh my God no you were just like freaked out of yourself I thought something touched my leg no oh my God I'm so sorry he thought that was the best moment oh my God all right we just want to know who you are patient worker do you live here anything to describe Who You Are maybe are you still not sure if you want to talk to us do you want to get to know us first wait whoa just like the woman's voice when everything cut out and I heard a woman go the first time the second time it was it sounded like like everything cut out and sounded like a man was like running from something but it was amazing oh yeah okay maybe that's after the question every single question we're asking it's like coming back with terrifying yeah it sounds like area yes running towards us though but does that mean we still ask questions we're like do we figure anything out I don't know about most of those breasts that are like I'm going back in okay final try let's try one more time no don't introduce okay oh sorry all we really want to know is why the breathing are you running from something in Central in the center go home oh my God these two people do not like us at all or are they warning us oh is there something here respect respect like they don't want us they don't want us here okay just to confirm again 100 if you want us to leave say yes we just want to make sure that you want us to go is there something malevolent here that wishes to do us harm just put it down the [ __ ] camera they don't yeah dude I think we can stop oh [ __ ] I'm sorry they don't lose it and I think they just they just were being disrespectful for some reason they're just like they're not happy with us filming and they're like what is this because I'm filming in like a bathroom yeah you know what I'm saying yeah like go home or just put it down you said like the camera like stop filming us they just do not want us here oh my god dude it sucks because she said like they were like gonna be the nicest Spirit she even took her time to invite these guys out to us and like they were just like no we did spend time even though we didn't talk about what happened we said let's not talk about it right I feel we were being super respectful another thing to think about is what if that wasn't them guys before we go any further it is hell week that means we got hell week exclusive merch is only available during hell week so don't wait on it click the link below to grab some also exclusively for how weak we were making explore Club only one dollar if you use this code right here so do not miss out gonna be the cheapest it's ever been if you want to see extra videos behind the scenes live streams anything like that join now now's your chance let's get back to the video however the person that might have murdered him Big Jim is a darker entity that's here as well he's known to literally melt flashlights [Music] um a growl how did no one else do that I just went crazy this is so active right here but speaking up we have a little surprise come on guys what are you doing it is we have a little game Dean if you're listening here are the rules this is a melmir new equipment for us and it tracks temperature wants to heal follow us and make the same noises I'll be the last one and if I swear if this goes off after the last person real [ __ ] we're running and they Jim's here we're gonna set two flashlights on either windowsill there were championships only in my elementary school [Music] what the [ __ ] if that is Dean can you go up and hit that light again for us just to show that it wasn't Colby ah I think it's just you know if that's working maybe we just run it right now with these flashlights right after you guys all want to try it yeah all right was that you it might oh my God because it's right in the same area all right [Music] just do what we did holy [ __ ] dude that is incredible yo thank you so much Dean oh my God it happened again holy [ __ ] oh my god dude if you want us to keep playing can you tap that one more time real quick for us tap it on the count of three one two three if this is Big Jim we got some flashlights you can go up to these touch them melt them whatever turn them off and on and we'll know you're here we're gonna play hopscotch with Dean one more time feel free to jump first [Music] is that about it oh my God Dean if this is you can you go back up to that red light tap it for us one time Jim if it's you could you go up to one of these flashlights and turn it off see over there on the bed or here on this windowsill you can just go up and tap it are you kidding me holy [ __ ] have you ever seen anything like that all right one two oh my God who are you kidding me you guys are haunted just like she said it was like super intelligent right Jim we want to clear your name we want to get things straight are you the man who murdered Dean okay how about this big Jim what's your real name James [Music] maybe they're different do you feel like you were wrongfully accused [Music] we want to respect you if you want us to leave turn that back on okay okay thank you thank you so sorry yeah we gotta respect that first sure he's a murderer and he just told us to get the [ __ ] out yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go hey Jim who's ever here that was talking with us thank you so much for the communication we want to respect you but goodbye you cannot follow us they are normal flashlights no remotes nothing you guys just said that yeah turning them on and off like that requires some pressure that requires kinetic energy not only that but timing yeah it was very deliberate on it didn't answer any questions related to the incident but every other question there was a response too yeah every single other one I think Dean was the one messing with rimp on it but it was big generals I can't find so now we're going to the fourth floor which I just wanted for no um not all of us do you remember what you agreed to during career do you remember the contract you signed before I'm just kidding electroshock therapy set her up dude you're thinking what if we play low hide and seek oh no no no no no no no we're thinking if we uh have four Seekers and one Hider Ed if you want to if not we can go on the fourth floor oh nose thing with no warning two creeper if you want to like give him a name and like yeah all right I'll go up and they'll start reading some baby games by the time we got up there she's like chilling at the creeper like And subscribe like subscribe we love you after this I don't know everything I've done I'm not even kidding like this is what I'm actually most scared for not jumping out of a plane not anything else like this is actually the scariest because when we were up there I don't like the dark I don't like horror films I don't like the dark no this is about to be pitch black the darkest the darkest floor like literally like I cannot watch a horror film well you're about to be I was like you're in one there's nothing to be afraid of right yeah not Big Jim that just said what's up yeah another creeper you want to be friends what was the thing that literally knocked back to me up there yeah don't worry about that we are at the door handles oh yeah yeah the lady got scratched in the face too right right the ghost probably aren't real yeah I'm literally terrified oh my God okay I can do this nothing we'll see up there good luck timer is started you got this oh my God I'm so scared right now good luck Michelle this is the part where I'm gonna start reading through all the Bible verses so please do that might help race [Music] [Music] caring I have never been in a crazy favorite place in my entire life I'm so scared oh my gosh all right Kobe and I are running through trans Allegheny lunatic asylum it doesn't just the Sam mccoby Channel like And subscribe comment down below we love you Michelle go subscribe to her yeah no she is a warrior it's one of these the fourth floor is like the darkest part of the entire building the knocks back to Colby like that's gonna be another thing she's got in the back of her mind what if she hears the door handle jiggle and she thinks it's us and we're not up there yet we still have another two minutes before we go right like she could think we're already coming down the hallway right now I'm Gonna Save her and someone else right horror movie [Music] don't see me we are in the talking boxes [Music] you want to stand behind me or are you good we're right here oh my God it looks like a goddamn shadow figure back there don't say that it does so she's like trying to hide itself her leg's gonna be off it's gonna be quiet because she jumps downstairs oh my God I forgot there's like a bunch of different wings too it's not just this hallway this is definitely one of the scariest things I've ever done my entire life what are the most haunted places in America and they sent me to the scariest floor by myself why was your voice so so compared to mine was asked no assume I'll look on this side but there's closets too I don't know like the doors that are closed she could have closed the door to make it look like oh dude she actually scared me oh my God I serve footsteps above us is that them down there hey guys wait guys it's awesome no wait what you guys found her I'm so scared oh my gosh I can't believe that I just went up onto that orange and hit by myself fear conquered give it up for Michelle oh my gosh [Music] if this gets 250 000 likes we will do other games like we will make another video for hell week no okay we're gonna go to the other side you're welcome to follow us over there to talk to us a little bit more oh my God wait that's one that's the only thing it tells us yeah literally like yeah you're right that was the only thing that they ever said every single spirit that we've talked to tonight if it's multiple is they yeah they all don't like us why though like what did we do yeah because they were saying that like the spirits here are generally more positive and less it's the same thing I'm gonna throw up it's been the same Spirit the entire time just taking different forms we're here right where Kobe knocked earlier and where she always was saying is the most active hallway oh it's Birds this is Larry and Frank's room apparently they are some of the most talkative Spirits here in the entire building these are ones that like to have a good time I was just talking about this see if they know anything about the creeper or see if the creeper followed us after Thomas to get out Larry and Frank I don't know if you remember us from earlier but the guide said to you guys were pretty cool we just start here to talk it's our final investigation for the night are you here with us can you tell us your name did you hear that too okay I thought I was going crazy big footsteps this is exactly yeah somebody's coming in here walking quickly down Frank Larry was that you or if that's somebody else feel free to come talk to us in here yeah me are you coming to talk to us I'm watching you now or I'm watching you guys I feel like it's like walk open the door and staying outside they've been watching us all night do you like us was that you walking can you walk down the hall again have you been following us all night are you aware of the thing called The Creeper what I'm with it I'm with something it did say both together [Music] telling me something specifically foreign [Music] why did you want Sam all by himself there's anybody over here show yourself I'm all alone this is your chance yo oh that was on there oh I thought it was sand I thought that was Sam too I just got like a weird pressure in my chest listening doesn't immature voice this thing we thought you said something he wants to stay we say stay if you want us to leave he said get out or leave or any of that [Music] give you yeah let's try leaving this room again because it sounded so much more clear [Music] ly most things are super friendly here and welcoming yeah nobody wanted to talk tonight every room every area no matter who we're trying to talk to out get out the biggest thing I took away was in the bathroom when it said put it down yeah like they're cool with the guys because the guys don't film everything all right there's cameras around here but like it's different and I think we should respect that yeah 100 more of a Believer now I think so honestly that was pretty crazy there's definitely stuff that happened tonight I don't know how to explain it and now thinking about it every single floor every single investigation something happens yeah yeah there's either equipment working or we heard stuff the thing that knocked back got the footsteps up there that same area the theme of telling us to leave and that's why I think it was one person masking itself that's multiple different beings which means you could shadow figures all be the same thing I'm not gonna be the one to find out thank you so much to Dragon City for sponsoring this video click the QR code or the link in the description to download
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 10,822,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, shadow figures, trans allegheny lunatic asylum, sam and colby trans allegheny, sam and colby asylum, sam and colby haunted, sam colby michelle khare, michelle khare haunted
Id: QDxYWs3tTl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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