Our Demonic Encounter with World's Most Haunted Doll

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tonight we are investigating the most haunted doll in the world more haunted than Annabelle from The Conjuring movies and he inspired Chucky not only that but this doll is known to curse people right around 10 000 have sent in letters of apology to Robert trying to exercise curses such as cancer direct businesses and relationships schizophrenia and even death what caused the curse in the first place taking a picture without asking his permission so that's exactly what we're about to do ready guys three two foreign [Music] but we did that at the beginning of the night to see if the curse is real and you guys will have a chance to see and maybe take a picture of Robert later on if you dare what's crazy is we're actually at a giant Museum full of other haunted objects yeah dude there's like 42 Spirits haunting this place we're at four East mortello Museum in the Keys in Florida and it has these dark Vibes like no other yeah in fact what was that yeah you heard that is that not just a footstep right behind you or a click of some sort yeah I was like it also just got hot as hell maybe it wasn't a good idea to take something in this exact area people get choked up feel nauseous high like they're just crawling out of their skin right here used to be a giant fireplace and people get attachments by standing in it who wants to stand in it right now [ __ ] okay I also heard that this was the Harry Potter portal you know what I'm talking about I'm pretty sure guys and speaking of dolls this is a little doll house that apparently has 12 child Spirits inside of it should we try to go inside uh yeah you don't want anyone whoa why is it like little mini doors because it's the size of Robert Robert is like a child-sized doll he's like three and a half feet tall and he's as big as my little cousin maybe he is your little cousin Steven this is like Toy Story but [ __ ] up and demonic again oh my God why is that those eyes so tall on that doll isn't it like that a dog can serve as like a universal vessel for a spirit I think it's because Spirits they attach themselves to dolls because they think it's a human they were like resembles a human right they want to take as much of a human form as they can sure there's theories that there's a portal within Robert and that Roberts not just one not just two dozens maybe hundreds if you think about the curse and how many people are cursed at one time it makes a lot of sense how does someone get cursed by Robert when people are disrespectful to Robert the Doll they go through hell don't disrespect The Doll People joke about it and they regret it I can't tell you how many people I talked to who regret it people have been scratched to clothes have been tugged on incidents of bad luck disease car crashes lives spiraled out of control people find dead gear on their yard I did a tour back in July three of them were like these local kids down here and when we got in the room with Robert they laughed at him and they called him ugly and then the next night they came back to say sorry for him they told me that it went on a little boat trip that morning their boat sink and the Coast Guard had to come out and rescue mom says people are summoning Spirits every night whenever there's a new spirit they want to challenge the humans so some nights we come in and the energy changes you know summoning stuff in the mirrors using the Ouija boards there's stuff going around and something that doesn't like us apparently this is a giant Hospital yeah I guess during yellow fever they just had everyone quarantined here and tons of people died and they say that in the basement of this place there's a lot of demonic stuff that happens but we're gonna explore it later that is the creepiest door I've ever seen in my life they're cursed dude okay so this Museum was actually created during the Civil War as a fort sadly also during the times of the yellow fever so when everyone died they would store them in that hallway what right there yeah to give you an idea of how many people died bro they literally had to stop Carpenters from making buildings in Key West so they could build caskets that's a lot of people our guy told us that that hallway right there is the second most active spot besides Robert the doll so I have to investigate that later before we start the investigation we're actually going to go down the street to Robert the doll's Original House suppose like a super hot as well foreign this looks like it's supposed to be haunted this is the most popping house on the street it kind of looks like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends it does which makes a lot of sense dude that light just [ __ ] turned on behind you when you said that oh my god dude so Robert the Doll used to be in here oh yeah there's a book right there so Robert the doll was originally owned by the Otto family specifically the little boy named Gene Otto and he lived here he grew up in this home and so Robert originated out right here pretty sure this house was built in the late 1800s too so like that's a lot of history to it not only was Gene from here after his family went bankrupt and he moved away to go to school he came back here we started his life and ended his life in this house where is everybody I don't know I hope there's a bunch of other people here but it's just a bunch of pugs yeah what's up with all the bug pictures what what's going on guys this place is like super creepy but at the same time it looks like it was designed or decorated by a pug fanatic who works at Yankee Candle there's two main hot spots the attic is one and that's actually where Robert's room was they actually made a room for Robert and then we have Anne's room so Jean Otto you married Anne and moved back into this house so we have the wife and the wife who hated Robert she actually forced Robert to be locked in the Attic where Gene created a two-scale room for the doll so let's go check out her room and then maybe Robert's room next also I just want to say really quick for this being late 1800s this had to be a rich family Mansion huge oh it's so wait this is the attic right here white yeah yeah and it's unlocked Perfect Dude oh for sure we have to wait and that's Andrew that's our room Gene Otto's wife she despised Robert meaning Robert probably despised her oh for sure not only that but towards him for life she despised Gene it's actually rumored the gene married her for money forced her to move back here with him she was a gifted pianist A Gifted penis she had me and if she could do anything with it anyway Gene would never let her perform as he wanted to be the center of attention so like you can think of her as like the spirit that was just stifled like an angel who's had his wings clipped basically Ann is still here haunting this house protecting people from the curses of robbers yeah she's a nice ghost apparently you ready to see it is a nice room oh my God yeah you're right it does feel good and it smells good too do you think it could be because the AC is on and that's probably a good part a clean AC on instead of a jack Fork and we're in your room we set up a bunch of different pieces of equipment so that we can talk to you if you're here can you give us a clear and obvious sign you walk up to any three the objects here on the bed on a stool or by the door well now you're here that's it yes yes no yes again three yes dude yes yes yes does that mean there's three Spirits or she's just confirming that she's here three times this is just Anne can you say yes yes it's just Dan no way okay whoa It's so that you're here to protect this house specifically from Robert is that is that true no no that goes with the theory of what David was saying there's multiple Spirits yes oh my God whistle let's explain that there's a theory that there's multiple Spirits attached to Robert yes the theory is that Robert is a portal and it's not just the spirit of gene or Robert but there's shadow figures attached they're spirits that come through yes this is just like yeah that will like curse or you know carry out the curses on people who disrespect Robert yes and is that true do you believe that there can be multiple Spirits in one doll is he a form of a vessel or maybe it's not true and maybe there's just a couple of spirits attached to Robert is that true I just want to know if is Robert malicious see some people say he's a nicer spirit and some people say he just curses people I think it depends it's tagine Otto he was his best friend they grew up together he even gave him his own name the original name of Jean Otto was Robert and he was like no I'm gonna give that name to my doll and give him my clothes like they were literally best friends growing up together that's so weird especially because he's like three foot tall they're probably like the same height actually one of the theories about Robert is that he's what's called a spirit mirror whenever Jean was like doing something bad he'd blame it on Robert which is like where you get the blame it on Robert thing and that like cemented or calcified that energy in the doll one story of him like breaking a vase the parents rushed into the room he's like no it was Robert I swear I swear like every single time it was like directing that negativity towards him Robert the doll was known for a lot of poltergeist activity mainly throwing around furniture and did you ever see Robert move or or throw things around especially in this house if so come up to any one of these pieces of equipment we have some stuff over here no way did you get close to that no dude where are you right here what wait Wave Your Hand by your foot right now [Music] what okay confirmed it you asked if he she never experienced like Furniture being thrown around wait and if you believe the spirit of Robert is still here could you move a piece of furniture could you give us a actual physical sign to show us what he did to this house foreign just doesn't have the power to do that maybe Robert had more power I mean if it's true that Robert had multiple entities attached to him as well probably has a lot of energy that's why he's able to curse people so Ann are you scared of Robert can you give us a sign did you dislike Robert tap this and we'll know yes or no Gene and Anne did not have a good relationship especially towards the end most of Gene's time it was actually spent up in yes yes as soon as I said that she confirmed it yeah and dude it didn't answer for so long she wants to be it's interesting she wanted to be more clear about the contention between her and Jean than about her opinion of Robert dude this might sound I don't want to offend anything here but I wonder if she's scared of Robert still Jean towards the end of his life spent the majority of his final 10 years in the Attic talking directly to Robert the Doll many people report hearing the voice of two people even though Jean was the only one up there with the dog it wasn't like the other one like a raspy old voice so imagine like a little toddler and then right next to him it's like hey this is like when he was 60 years old 70 years old so a 60 year old man that still talks to the doll for 10 years of his life dude that's like it's terrifying to think of like an old man riddled with Parkinson's hanging in the Attic talking to a doll right there maybe we can turn the envoy to emotions and ask and these same questions and let her passively respond with emotions rather than actively with yes or no and you can just come up here and tap this let us know how you felt about Robert oh say sin twice in a row what and it's sad wait dude out of all the emotions what are the odds that it just scared twice in a row and then sad like what if Robert was just stealing her husband away from her oh she didn't like them the entire time like she's probably scared of Robert and sad that he even lived there Gene was best friends with Robert yeah his only friend scared again scared again wait that just answers 100 like Anne was terrified of Robert scared again dude three times that's four the odds of that alone even if it is Rando are insane your weakness I just have credible and should we also feel scared if we're scared [Music] oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that thing moving the broom thing whatever that is what is it this thing just moved it wasn't because we probably all just like freaked out and then it wasn't that though it was this that just hit the wall where was it before like up here but I heard it it was like that oh it was like that dude there's no way there is no way we caused that because like we were just like that yes or no was that you that just pushed that stick or whatever against the wall we should feel scared and then a poltergeist activity no [Music] ask what I mean was it us moving yo was that our fault yeah did we cause that no hold on what the [ __ ] was it dude well it said no to Robert but that doesn't mean it's a no to the hundreds of other entities possibly attached to it so Robert was taken from this house in 1980 and then put in the museum in 1994 maybe when he left some of the negative energy was still up in the attic thank you so much Anne if you want to follow us help us protect us anyway you're welcome too if you do feel comfortable we would love to have you follow us up to the attic what's wrong I just got like a really weird chest pain the guy I'm actually legitimately like a nervous feeling are you no is there no it's a pain that's kind of scary thank you so much to Monster Legends for sponsoring this video Monster Legends is an awesome free-to-play mobile game available on all devices you can collect over 900 monsters with different elements and Rarities and start your own monster Empire plus there's new monsters every week one of the unique features of the game is you can you can find monsters of your favorite YouTubers including ours Yes you heard that right starting today Monster Legends is bringing back our very own monster the spookiest monster of them all so in order to grow your Empire you can breed monsters together to get new monster eggs that means you can breed with us well the Samo Colby monster and once your baby monsters are hatched you can feed them to evolve them and boost their powers with runes relics and talents you can create the best team and challenge your friends or other monster Masters in battle so that way you can conquer trophies win rewards and even get to the top leagues you can become part of an alliance interact with other monster Masters or join exclusive events to unlock chess with awesome rewards speaking of rewards if you download the game using our Link in the description or the QR code on his face you are going to get all of these rewards including 10 salmon Colby monster cells which you can use to create our Bots so be sure to download Monster Legends right now back to the video you have to understand at the time nobody knew anything about Robert's true Origins we didn't know he was a stiped off all people knew was hey it's a doll that's possessed and they said that it was an angry servant who had made the doll and I had uncovered information I was able to trace him back to Germany as a stiff I was able to find the angry servant and tied in what the truth was about that part to live I thought identifying Robert's true Spirit as a child would be a good thing and that Robert would be very happy I didn't take into consideration that there were multiple entities and there are several dark entities who feed on the negativity people bring up here they didn't want the truth out so objects start moving around my house I lost four hard drives strong bolts of electricity started coming out of my hands and I'm not talking a little static shot I'm talking like almost dislocating my shoulder because you have a lot of other reactions no no because of the electricity I remember what's on the side of my truck I just you know a little bit of music playing and going like that and so much electricity out almost dislocated my shoulder huge I mean like a vault that you think would kill you and then this this Palm from is walking my dog giant 20-foot palm frond that's wet picks up charges towards us drops the dog freaks out and runs back we go back here I go back with the dog it picks up a second time flies at me and drops something was very clearly challenging me and it culminated with yeah so I believe it's the dark entities with Robert when you get yanked it's not scary you'd think it would be but your brain's trying to figure out what's going on what's happening what's happening it woke my wife up she says what's wrong and I couldn't feel below me so I told her I said I'm falling out of bed and then I look up I was like that far from the ceiling what so and I absolutely freaked I'm like oh God help me and when I shouted that I dropped I wasn't even over my bed I was about six feet to the left of it I slammed the tile floor so hard and I went straight on Facebook and I said I'm dealing with an entity I can't handle and I desperately need help don't comment if you can't help me in touch with the Santeria priest when he gets to the bedroom he says I can't deal with this on my own he ended up bringing five more of a Santeria family from Miami and they did a Misa a spiritual Spirit mess I saw Spirits as clearly as I see each of you now they removed the spirits possessing me and it wasn't just one it was dozens it was tall creatures that are the main dark ones around Robin the eight foot tall preachers those seem to be the ones that are that thrive on the negativity I warn other people because careful because you might not be as protected and you're not just dealing with one entity at one point on the lease it was stated that Robert had to remain in the Attic room and no one else could occupied it that's probably why Ann was saying that we should be scared coming up here so much negativity in one spot once they moved out every renter that came into the house said they heard things coming from upstairs there's been an instance where a repairman went upstairs saw things moving around Robert and immediately quit his job and never came back to this house so let's go check it out you wanna go first night these are the steepest steps I've ever stabbed oh dude is snowing there's just [ __ ] scattered everywhere everything's collapsed there's wood against that camera oh yeah here you go like it seriously it just looks like a hurricane hit it I don't see anything like what was described what it goes so far he would probably be in like the middle of this in a case or I think he was stuffed in the trunk dude it's hot it's so hot what is that oh my gosh oh I just bumped into that by accident it's like a bunch of just a big Rosary you think that's to keep like evil out I hope so I thought this is probably dangerous to walk on in an attic of a 1900 house a doll for like 70 years lived in this attic and dude I don't think we even said why he was like packed up here in the first place but when Gene turned 18 he moved out to become an artist he's an artsy guy this house is actually called the artist's house because it's Jean Otto's house but that is such a chilling picture that old man sitting just alone up here no friends talking to a doll with a horrible crazy Poltergeist activity sickness like Parkinson's so he was like just like shaking back and forth talking to what seems to be an anime object or maybe it's not and if you followed us up here or if there's any other Spirits or energy I want to talk to us now's the chance now's your time that was a scream it's like the empty space in this attic is expanding Beyond The Attic are you ready again please use our energy move this plant shed that we're all touching can you draw out some sort of symbol or something that tells us a little bit about who you are and Robert anything that's up here in the Attic we just want to know who you are what still lives here in the artist house [Music] a singing or a cry I think it needs something right there what uh what could that be almost looks like a head wearing a hat to me oh was Robert wearing any hat and if you're up here you said we should be scared coming up here why dude that kind of looks like the same thing like a a human head wearing a hat what could that possibly be final try this is your last chance again use our energy and why should we be scared up here ever think that maybe the circle is a portal Myrtle's episode Amanda drawing a circle over and over and over and that representative you're right [Music] we just want one clear obvious sign dude no I can already see it's making the same [ __ ] thing oh dude every single one has been really bad drawings but it's like a circle and then a hat or something it's a circle with some sort of square thing on top of it I did each one is just like an abstract Mr Potato Head guys we're back at the Fort and in just a second we're gonna let you guys take a picture of Robert if you so please but before that we're gonna actually explore this haunted hospital with yeah but so the latch on the left just to pull that out and then push it on Open and go immediately to your right oh God whoa oh my God and you can probably feel any of this in here 100 it's where people freak out on the tour we have a lot of people who throw up in here become physical ill this is where a lot of people have been scratched there's something that moves around down below one thing that roams around before it is a ghost cat I actually have somebody captured I'm feeling like something like ever since we walked in I don't know if you've ever seen that or seen that but something like really feels like I'm being held up like this dude you literally at Anne's room we're feeling a heart pain like that's right literally right there I feel like there's no pressure right here like someone's like holding me like this I don't know if that's a muscle ache or it's like something like a phantom pain you're feeling one of the symptoms of someone in here and think about this so does it feel like a crutch yeah holy [ __ ] yes it's like pressure right here in the center so you've probably got someone who was here who had a crush that was holding them up and they're trying to sap your energy from you they're trying to share your energy with you type of thing could be that would make sense check it out you can still see the scars on my arms oh that's on you yeah and that happened here in this room what happened here I've been scratched in here twice so badly that it scarred you it actually scarred you now did you watch that happen or did you just look it was when I was setting up and listen I'm usually good with the spirits in here everything was going wrong wrong wrong Gates weren't unlocking stuff wasn't where it was supposed to be everything was wrong and they were messing with me hard when it came in here was more the same and I got really angry and I never get angry I just wanna and when I when I had that moment of rage it's as if they manifested that power and I felt it I was already late getting everything set up only time that's happened and then I had to go out front and say it's going to be another 10 minutes guys because I had to stop it from home did you show them did you show them yeah I said I'm sorry this is going to take a little bit of time oh do you think you did something disrespectful beforehand but no it was yelling at them and they were able to manifest my rage because they were they don't have their own energy they have to use our energy just like you were just feeling feeling the crutch to get energy they need us they were just tapping into you to get yours and when I had that moment they were already with me and then when I had that moment of rage that's like super power to them and that's what gave them the ability to do that in fact there's that people summon stuff embarrassment after this stop being a four kids used to come up here when it was abandoned and they do mirror scrying which is so nice it just went off to red when you're subscribe and that's probably this just like turned off what this just turned off is it still so spiking I don't know as soon as she subscribed it went to Red yeah how did wait you just said that it's fighting again right now and this [ __ ] just turned off it's electric do you want us to summon you in the mirror do you want us to try to contact you through the mirror wait what the oh my God it was only on great like the entire conversation was all great wait feel my heartbeat right now holy [ __ ] dude it's racing it's like racing racing holy [ __ ] off camera when we were gone at the artist house you were saying you felt the energy Rising here correct incredible change we're here every night it's the most intense that it's been in months I told you about the shadow creature looking around yeah somebody captured a photograph of it oh my God a face holy [ __ ] what is this captured on as an iPhone yeah it was on it was on a phone I don't know if it was an iPhone or not it's like vaguely childlike yes dude some people say it looks like Robert the Doll yeah I was gonna say it looks like a doll too he's like what the heck can you see the little horns right there yes oh my gosh that thing's seen around the fort because something in the mirror yeah wait what wait is it what there's a mirror over here to try to replicate what the kids did the one that they saw me was Colonel Morgan he tried to deport a third of the population come through what we call the natives here and he tried to deport them because of their Confederate ties when you summoned stuff in mirrors you never know what you're gonna get it oh oh god dude that looks like a freaking altar you walk up to the mirror you say I summon the spirit of Colonel Morgan and say his name three times as you turn a circle and then take your photograph I summon the spirit of Colonel Morgan Colonel Morgan Colonel Morgan Colonel Morgan she's in here by her by her silhouette she was wearing blue that's not what the [ __ ] is this that's not her hand oh my God this is what it turned out to be what's that up in the corner I don't know it almost looks like something's starting to form up there sometimes people see something that looks just like Robert the Doll my son in the spirit of Colonel Morgan Colonel Morgan Colonel Morgan Colonel Morgan what the [ __ ] were you guys standing right behind us where were you guys standing wait no if that's a mirrored photo that would be on this side that was on that side it's not even in mind you guys were standing in the exact same spot wait what the [ __ ] is that actually yeah yeah yeah dude that's not all mine wait what dude this place has a dark dark energy yeah I mean I've not been in a place where you go in and you immediately feel like you're on a planet with increased gravity yeah just weighty you know what I remember too is we left those Polaroids in our camera next to Robert should we go look at the pictures yeah dude that means they developed like sitting in front of Robert oh what if he just isn't there I'm so stoked to see this could you imagine they were just all over the floor right now it was so scary all right good news is they weren't flown everywhere we showed there at the beginning but we took an extra just for safety oh God yeah it's super foggy it's had like an hour number two no weird like firework thing up there I can't even tell what that is yeah it's over there but not on this one number three that one seems like a clean photo that's a good one damn that's sexy you're welcome and the last one the firework thing happened again we'll put high definition photos of these but it looks kind of normal to me we're fine for now look by the looks of these photos we have not been cursed interesting fact is that Gene died of Parkinson's somebody else who has Parkinson's right now is Ozzy Osbourne because he came here at one point and claimed that Robert did it to him Ozzy Osbourne like took one of those little dolls tried to blow it up on the beach and put in a microwave microwaved it like got ill broke his foot or some crazy thing like that yeah and now he's got Parkinson's yeah attributes it all to blames Robert for all of that again this is like culture Geist activity that Robert does like people will hear Furniture flying around the room but I think the scariest part is some people say they can see him swallowing and his expression changing in front of their eyes gosh yeah or breathing there was a lady who saw Robert swallowing what oh yeah she's she saw him go back and people talk about him breathing where they see his chest going back and forth she saw she said she's all like a little swallow oh god dude there's something like primitively disturbing about that I talked to a lady several months ago her husband had his toe cut off by a lawn mower after he was disrespectful there's some pretty dark stuff we've had deaths blamed on Robert the Doll a couple of guys from California were here and one of them was respectful the other was completely disrespectful when they got home the one died we got we got the apology letter he said I'm sorry for my friend he died I like explain that oh yeah people are well right to Robert asking him for forgiveness asking him to lift the curse off of him his whole room used to be covered floor to ceiling in the letters and then eventually they got too many of them it's like over a thousand thousands and thousand dollars [Music] apologized about Robert so people make flights back yeah a person is that serious just the fact that there's ten thousand letters apologizing says everything you need to know yeah whatever you believe how do you think 10 000 people are experiencing all the same stuff that's what gets me so with that being said I think we should choose someone to stand alone with Robert tonight no come on these truth you guys oh dude Robert's right behind me no he knows man this this guy he's been sitting here a long time just kidding we do we do the nose goes all the time it's not fair you can't see behind the light how about we do something and even worse my favorite scissors or how about a staring contest staring contest like with with Robert whoever goes stare into his eyes sorry let's scare the [ __ ] out of me [Music] three two one don't you dare blink or you're standing here alone it's what 1 am so my eyes are so tired oh I already feel like I'm gonna blend guys oh [ __ ] now like just looking straight into his eyes you can see things moving around him it's like the psychomantium because I'm almost looking into a glass mirror his face is just completely black now oh there's something behind you and you're killing it holy [ __ ] thanks man I don't need a plane you look like you just ate Taco though I did holy [ __ ] you're pulling all of it oh there it is 108. good guy that's actually really good [Applause] you're really you're really getting into the character if that happens all right Nate what you got three two one two [ __ ] oh no no no no was that on [ __ ] purpose dude no it wasn't a dead ass oh my god dude that was ass I did a full minute more than you were like beat me by 60 seconds three two one Sam looks like he's about to suck Squidward's nose dude you already beat Nate okay all right guys that means Nate is going alone right after this but we thought why not since we just stared at him I'll finally give you guys a chance to if you think the curse is real take a picture of Robert via this we did this if you watch the Zach Bagans hockey Museum episode with Peggy the doll and so many people commented that they were actually haunted and affected from it please do this with caution we're not we're not advising it and we're not condoning any of this this is up to you guys if you want to take this chances through the screen tens of thousands of people said electrical anomalies were happening yes through the screen it's only making eye contact with Peggy this has sent people to the hospital it's given people like cancer it's gotten people in car crashes so do not do this if you believe in the curse yeah we do not recommend this [Music] if you don't want to see this and you don't want to risk it close your eyes or you know fast forward through this part but we're about to give you 10 unadulterated seconds with the most haunted doll in the world [Music] foreign [Music] before we split up to do our loan investigations because Gene was an artist we decided what if we try to draw Robin ourselves but the catch is we only have one minute to do it we're trying to like trigger our own investigations with these portraits yes we can bring these to each of our individual investigations so it's like we're taking a piece of Robert with us because there's 42 Spirits here at the Fort Robert is said to be able to travel and his entities are on the entire place so if we take a piece of rubber AKA drawings maybe we can kind of trap his energy three two one go 10 seconds oh God oh hold on okay all right guys this is my drawing here we go see that looks like an inbred Pillsbury Doughboy why does he have a dick on his chest dick he's holding a [ __ ] stuffed animal what that is definitely a [ __ ] that's not a case man where's this there are two x marks on his head he's got a huge ass what's his hat so fat yo dude I just wanted to have a big hat then you drew a [ __ ] but it has two [ __ ] wiener holes you know what two wiener old [ __ ] is kind of cool here's my Robbie it's good I have a body in this endless box looks like an old man it just looks like a dad who's like drunk sitting on his couch or something Robert we are not roasting you we are roasting our drawings of you trust us before we do the final investigation guys if you're enjoying this type of content leave a like And subscribe it's free it helps us out takes two seconds as well please do it and I hope you enjoy the rest of the video I can hear uh Sam McCoy's voices and footsteps fading away Robert is across from me right now hey Robert uh thanks for uh you know letting me be oh my gosh dude I start talking to him in just a flashlight okay uh thanks Robert um look I uh I have this drawing that uh we did of you earlier I'm gonna set it over here you can let me know if you like it or if it resonates with you you can just see his reflection kind of echoing in every part of this box like almost like it's endless I like this there's so many different sides to him alright guys so it's time to start our solo investigations and from mine I went to the spot where I think this is literally the creepiest story of the entire Fort I got my rubber the doll drawing right here here's the spot I'm investigating but the story starts with Elena Milagro Hoyos I don't know if I said that right back in the early 1900s there was a German radiologist who lived here named count Carl Bond Cosell I believe this is a picture of him right there and here is Elena now count Carl had a weird obsession with Elena and ended up meeting her because she got tuberculosis and he was helping her treat it even though he had a wife and kids he would tell his close friends that he believed Elena was the girl from his dreams he did everything he possibly could to help her survive her sickness he bought her expensive gifts to try to cheer up and even bought the most expensive X-ray equipment they had back then to see if he could cure her but nothing worked and unfortunately she ended up dying also not to mention count Carl was in his 50s and Elena was 22 so they had this weird relationship where he was confessing his love to her all the time and she was not reciprocating any of it now while there's a cemetery right here is because after she died he would go to her grave every single night and sing her songs leave her gifts and just hang around where her dead body was two years later after she died he ended up exhuming the grave taking her body and bringing it back to his house and of course after two years of body is very badly decaying but he didn't care he ended up taking what was left of her human remains and dipping it in wax to form a skin layer and then took fake eyes to place on her face count Carl ended up sleeping with Elena's dead body for seven years but I think the creepiest part of the story is he was caught because he was seen dancing with Elena from a window by a neighbor so imagine him just dancing with the corpse in his room somebody sees it obviously thinks it's strange like why is he dancing with a stiff statue looking and they ended up calling the authorities he was taken to court but he was never put in prison because it was past the statute of limitations and even stranger the public saw him as this hopeless romantic figure instead of some creep who was dancing around with a corpse this final thing he wrote in his diary was this human jealousy has robbed me of the body of my Elena yet Divine happiness is flowing through me for she has survived death forever and ever she is with me Darkness earlier David told us that the scariest part of this entire place is the Soldier's tunnel he says the most active Robert will attach himself to people but this to receive the most shadow figures this is right where hundreds of bodies were stored when they had yellow fever they just shoved them in there while they were waiting for coffins to be made this is gonna be [ __ ] terrifying I know my drawing might not be perfect if this means anything to Robert or Jean Otto or any of the people down here please show yourself Robert if you're here and you can hear me I have a flashlight over here and another over here you can touch those and make them go off I also have two cat balls on the corners above you and an EMF reader there it's like it's like there's more silence in this room then this room should be able to hold I'm just staring at his face now Robert I'm here and so are you if there's something that you want to tell me please feel free we just want to tell your story and his reflection his face is starting to twirl oh my flashlight just went off Robert if it's just you and I turn that flashlight off Elena any other spirit that can hear me in here it's in the room with me you can come up to this device right here you can say anything you want put your energy in huge what's huge show it's a huge show 13. what do you mean by 13 is there 13 alter dark I'm putting a rim pod right there hello if someone's right here touching that photo you test that red light one more time there's things going off too this thing's going off oh nothing hello is this Robert is this a soldier I'm gonna come down there you mind if I pass you [Music] oh [ __ ] what the I just felt something touch my hand what the [ __ ] is right here oh my God there's so many haunted objects ready if anyone's down here I want you to show yourself holy [ __ ] dude seems like the childhood imagination is Evolution's tool for renewing the sense that this that the same world makes Robert I'm about to walk into your space if you will be there with me please let me know [Music] I just want to talk with you [Music] Robert I want to know if the curse is real [Music] do you curse people who disrespect you [Music] is it just you and me or are there many within you dude this thing is spiking holy [ __ ] wait wait is that someone here oh my God right here what the [ __ ] is happening right here there's nothing electrical around it this is one of the most haunted objects in the museum there's a stone taken from the grave of Marie lavauer oh my God that just went awful hello Marie did you hear me talking about you Marie Laveau is considered the queen of voodoo in New Orleans so I want to see if something still resides next to it here how did you ask actually feel about calcara murder oh my God I didn't say this when I was telling the story but what's crazy is that there's a rumor that how Carl even murdered her so he'd do all the things he wanted to say with her corpse a lot of people think that he was just trying to kill her sooner so that he can go then you know this is crazy fantasy day Elena are you trying to tell me that you were murdered by count Carl or any Spirits here if you know the story linger was she murdered fall around fall wait let me see when she died oh my God no way it said around fall and she died October 25th 1931. [Music] holy [ __ ] oh my God no what the [ __ ] dude look at all these [ __ ] Dolls Wait that looks like one of the robber doll come touch this little green light and I'll know you're here oh my god dude that's [ __ ] creepy human blood Handle With Care what the [ __ ] what is this from did Eugene used to talk to you in the Attic of the artist's house did it make you sad to see Eugene dying of Parkinson's Marie Laveau are you here with the stone come show yourself to me [Music] I know you're here [Music] oh my god dude no oh holy [ __ ] this just went off again holy [ __ ] I got a pain in my back I look back and noticed it hello is there anything you can do or say right now to confirm that I just want to make sure that I got the story right come in here let me know is that true bash Dash character she ended up dying in her bed of tuberculosis and he slept in his bed with her every single night maybe she was murdered in his bed did you get murdered in your bed is that what you're saying so I know we didn't get it confirmed yes but I think they told me and they made it so obvious he literally said she died in Fall I can't anyone over there permission to step behind me you make that Rim pod go off come up next to this device laughs [ __ ] I almost just throw up oh [ __ ] I've never had that happen in my life in the tunnel yeah I've actually never had that in my life that's why yeah actually I'm like [ __ ] shaking holy [ __ ] dude thank you oh have that ever happened to you all right I thought like sick uh not as much as it seems like you are right now but it's just like some people on the tour yeah really yeah right when you stepped out I could tell that you kind of perked up a little no yeah that that actually freaked the [ __ ] out I was like I just don't want to throw up in this this fort like make you guys clean it up oh [ __ ] I'm gonna take a second oh my God I don't [Applause] that's a new one [Applause] I don't think I've ever been like that close to actually I've never had that physical reaction we've got like Hot Heads or pains or something like that but I I don't know what it is I even like I think I left everything there left my backpack drawing holy [ __ ] are you good I had a new experience what's happening he just he just Dan went and got me I don't like Lizzie Miller like in the tunnel in the tunnel and then I started gagging and then I started walking away and I like ran to the front and as I was running I was gagging more uh-huh and then I was like by the time I saw Dan you can ask him we can like talk about it but I was like [ __ ] full-on shaking I actually thought I was getting sick [Music] I feel better right now but I've actually never never experienced anything like that like I felt hot flashes or whatever it goes away instantly that was like trembling like actually like about to play dry heave that was dry heaving oh my god dude REM powder was going off every once in a while when I hit the end I asked for everyone to do that and then all of a sudden out of nowhere it wasn't even like mid conversation or anything I just started like almost like puking oh [ __ ] this is [ __ ] man I don't even know like if we should do this last investigation did anything up to you foreign [Music] go home do you feel like we disrespected you in any way I ain't going back certainly so are you going to continue to curse people as long as they keep just disrespecting you silence yeah was that you trying to show me that you've tried to curse me yeah like a little kid we got so seriously what do we do it because like that just like confirmed everything like I said it was would curse people said you thought we disrespected it and now like you're thinking about back on it we were wearing sailor hats we were drawing pictures of him making jokes around him literally took a picture Polaroids yeah we basically did all the big nose literally in the that I've never seen you act like that before in my life maybe we should ask if Helix after our apology is the apology the only way you can cleanse from this when you get these attachments and some of them are tough the apology seemed to work for most people but I mean it can get really intense Robert in no way do we mean any harm or disrespect we're just trying to show the world your power we just wanted to show the viewers but your curse is real so hopefully you can accept our apology I'm sorry Robert if we went too far with some of the jokes our apologies Robert I guess we're just trying to get to the bottom of a mystery and the you know the economy thought of our here I'm sorry that we crossed the line foreign I hope you accept it I mean I mean the guys said that if you apologize we'll accept it maybe he just didn't want to tell us he accepted it maybe that's like our punishment for being disrespectful as we don't know if we're cursed or not but at least we apologize that's all we can do right I think we're about to find out real quick if he's lifted or not oh [Music] once again thank you to Monster Legends for sponsoring this video make sure to download the game right now using our link to get your free starter pack and get ahead of the game
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 9,829,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, robert the doll, annebelle doll, chucky doll, real haunted doll
Id: TE1EW3ek17c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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