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ladies and gentlemen today the siden are surviving 24 hours in the forest they are going to have to build a shelter complete task and also build a ra the six boys will work as a team and I am your Camp leader first things first we need to find a place to build a shelter into the forest go Toby you can leave I don't know if we should have the black guy go first even sure I'll be at the back just in case anything happens you know what I mean JJ have you ever camp yeah I did DV oh jeez overnight and stayed yep oh let's go this is right at home bro it's wet and muddy yeah Drive drve flat ground what are you looking for like a meter Square oh no no no I was we a [ __ ] fly by the way this is that's already fallen so you just rest stuff against it and build a massive like is it dry no it doesn't matter if it's dry it's you can like go out like a like a [ __ ] tee you know's in his element do we not have to go further in than I feel we might have to yeah I we can't do that oh out here in the wilderness out here in the wild Sid men enjoying the thicker things what we got a well oh we got a well that could be a hot tub look at that this is what you want to use yeah but then so what you do is you you rest all your [ __ ] your [ __ ] B long thing we can dry our clothes on that's the hot tub that's the hot tub yeah you have Al though fantastic we can go further should we go further in I say we go further in but it's a backup if we need it so are we going to have to make our own fire and stuff yeah everything wow yeah I've just realized JJ's going to be around bugs for the next yeah no honestly this is going to be like my worst [ __ ] nightmare man oh wow a nice stream we could do it next to the lake yeah mcra game Always by a lake there is more bugs by the lake that's the only thing true also bear these in mind for later these are going be perfect you going to carry them with you we actually should probably start taking these yeah I feel like we're relying on Harry today I feel like this is his natural habitat guys there's a river yeah we we've been new we're going to build by a river but there's more bugs there by the way okay let's not do that but running water water source what why does this brother have [ __ ] steaks it's of n it's for our shelter for our house you get like [ __ ] 50 of these this looks like a another Effigy it's not very strong well is pretty good it's nice clearing open ground B open flat bit oh this is a spot if you Minecraft you'd pick here yeah but we can build a house my this one this yeah you could build up against that let's test it yeah that that's 120 kg crazy and it was swinging around it yeah you know what it actually probably would work it probably would you know there's a whole Camp here look big camp this this is where we set this does feel like a nice area yeah and it's flat I don't hate it can we get a lawn mode to no you can do it just do it yourself if if we just walk over it it will flatten let's all walk in a line in a circle and flatten it I like it VI the middle point we're going to rotate around VI this way a little bit wait I want to stand next to Vic cuz that's less walk in go for it go so lead at outside lead the outside change you I got the easiest job make S more you need to get down there's a big bush there you can get yeah don't worry that's just no match for me we've missing lots of areas I think second lo I do look at the one of the special things change angle out slightly he's moving out he's moving there you're not helping Ty no I can this is this human lawn mother look at that L are flat Yeah we actually [ __ ] smashy boys I lie that's actually quite impr well there is food in the forest somewhere oh okay but we're going to need three of you to go get it and three of you to build a shelter shot shelter sh food I'll get food I'll get food I'll all right you're going hereat all right wait what's going I'm in oreo what's going on all right let's build boys so we need any log that is the length of this tree up to here yeah but remember you want to start here so little ones will go here yeah yeah yeah little ones will go here and then they'll go up nice it's crazy what you can find in nature I'm just just anything yeah we'll figure it out in a bit the food is it's about 280° from 280° in what direction that's a little bit hot 280 look at that in C the call 28 28 is crack need he's crack you're upside down mate there is this is coming with slugs also that's fine well done into lck that [ __ ] see that I put it in between those two branches you're a great man two8 we go you have backpacks and stuff here let's see our backpack here I hope it's Chinese oh my God imagine yo we might get Chinese it's a bit rot on this one yeah [ __ ] that that's too rotten [ __ ] sake I wish I had left those one back there now yeah we'll go get them he we're going to have to get loads anyway oh [ __ ] off oh he boys I've got an idea oh God this one is so long yeah that we put it like this we can start putting down we can get a bit more well we want to do both sides of it anyway so yeah yeah now I have sent you a list of things to do if you complete any of them you'll get a token which you can exchange at the shop later there's a shop there is a jungle shop well it's a forest shop but that would have to Chin ease in it good luck like Uber Eats it you know what I mean go get food right oh my God come on come on pet out you come at this point is just F new [ __ ] log but look like I'm locked into this Jesus finid bees nest where actually be yeah on the [ __ ] where where's the bees nest Fu sake that's so cool can we hit it all right guys let's go round if you hit it it would be very bad very very bad let's definitely not do that guys please why did you put this one diagonal uh cuz it was really long but it means we can put other branches against it and it gives us more space no I was going to say you want so that one's yeah you should all just go like cuz it' be more strong if it's all like this sure right what do you want me to do you going to help if you want yeah yeah what do you want long logs find some nice thick nice thick logs and bring them back and then we'll get buy that's a pathway it's quite nice actually all right 28 through that let me let me there ain't no way bro well the road is easier to walk on let's do that yeah so is it still the same way two ways there but all right let's follow the path down let's follow the path the path does look like it goes around to be fair yeah there a running water a stream ooh there a waterfall I've got a stone my leg's itching there something does that mean something that's the issue right when you wear shoes too big for you I like my space Also right let's say we find food find like squashies or something right it's Aid men shoot sash oh my [ __ ] what if we just take don't take them all back are you on that snake in your teamship yeah oh here working this is Beautiful by the way what what what if the food is in center of there you have to dive down and get it yeah impossible impossible the team is il equipped it says there so I imagine it's probably up here who do you think is the alpha M of your current group right now the I I think Ethan he's the far figure in this one I think he'll keep us levelheaded here Vic maybe not so much good stick Vic oh good stick Vic that is a good stick that is a good stick so yeah no I think you know I think together we'll be fine I think we're a good old team here so is it still 280 where we going now yeah not even looking at the it's it's the he's not even looking at you don't even bro look at it oh I've looked at it I see it I see what else would it be man even it who it's over there other side of us all right why don't you walk walk in the other side of it oh [ __ ] there you go I'll leave the way for you yeah appreciate it bro BR why do you think you will find quick sand here quick sand what's quick sand quick sand we mature guys do do we have that task that we have to do does Simon not oh want me a task for you also Simon sent a list and there's loads of things on there that we can get a token for that we can spend in the shop um we got a crafted wooden Tool uh tie five different knots oh [ __ ] that identify five trees carve a message into a tree KSI was ear get fre meters off the ground uh find a very good stick what is very good stick mean let me see no cuz you're trying to take away my power don't put me down you can have it back Toby's now the alpha it's not there no shot you broke my stick I was testing out every time I get in videos I won balloon in amdam and they stole my balloon and they made it die I swear I put nothing in that this is a [ __ ] stick uh camouflage yourself Simon will try and spot you in a photo oh I like that we're just not in the photo taking a photo of this we're just not we have to point out where we are uh make up a chant you could use to keep up morale while camping I found a stick oh good M Oh that's oh that's incredible stick that's that's a raw perfect that's a perfect stick you've got the just he come back straight away we snap this little bit off yeah get no get I think just snap that in half Yeah we actually do need a massive influx of sticks here bury some treasure and Simon will decide if your treasure is worthy take a photo s Simon will find interesting get your ass out yeah sure he would find it oh my God and just spread it CH bro I didn't say spread it he would find it interesting too fast he would find it interesting this is collect 25 leaves we can do this on the way back to for that one craft a stone tool [ __ ] it literally is Minecraft it work on the upgrades wooden tool into a stone uh hold five different animals and they can be bugs got to hold them catch something dropped by someone else on the top of a tree so we can do we going the way through we get diamond soon we can do that at 3 m when someone's at 3 m how are we going to craft a metal tool bring s a new pet and draw an equal triangle on straa without looking at your phone all I didn't know there was going to be this many times there's a lot more is that for the whole team yeah okay cool guys we're losing light are we we actually lowkey are right let's get food then and worst case scenario we just eat all the food oh yes son this might be too big nothing such thing we can oh my God Jesus Christ that's a that's World winning log oh no is that a very good stick it's more than a stick my camping experience well I'll tell you what my camping experience is very little but my childhood was like filled with this tort of [ __ ] so we used to go over the parks and like build like dens and [ __ ] out of just like materials you find over the par I've built like two tree houses in my time I think we'll get the job done this sort of [ __ ] gets my dick hard like this is great this is really great the [ __ ] is that what's that black thing you reck that's our food oh no woo what I'm live JJ 280 well technically 280 is like there okay that's our food JJ well 350 is about JJ food look there's a whole box it's got to be JJ there's a whole oh okay fine hey you reckon I could do a jump across this thing you got get you have to get back of it though I'll throw it back whoa whoo whoo pause pause pause paow it back for us pause pause pa pa J you get lucky why is he doing that I'm not ready let me get my dick out what can I pull against this tree enough let me yeah let me join you on yeah we we can do that get it break do we have a we have a SW do we heard something we might be able to unlock one Simon yeah is there unlockable Sal yes oh all right we got to do a challenge yeah we got to do a challenge what's the easiest One D get 3 m high for you probably very easy I'll just go up somewhere that tree looks good yeah all right bear hug it all the way up I don't know how possible it is no it's going to slide it's all the B's coming off yeah oh this one this one this one this one this one go on get out that tree and get us a saw how high is 3 m I think if you just get can you get to that next bit in here yeah yeah I'll grab a picture of you right give us a pose this side sweet that's fre me that's way more than fre me we'd like to redeem a s it's a lot easier getting up and down on these [ __ ] things oh I'm going to regret this oh my God I'm not ready for this want to countdown no three no two one work and he even caught his hat afterward as well let [ __ ] go what G that's my brother oh J you would hate this it's F Galore do there the food in it the [ __ ] is that are you sure it's food there a live animal in there sh froz in case there's live animal in there t wait yeah it's fine it's not it's not animal oh it's heavy what's in there [ __ ] me That's Heavy hey you know bring it over first you need a hole I am not jumping back with this all of our food is indeed at risk J can you catch [ __ ] or should I catch it uh ready [ __ ] JJ should I catch it or you ready JJ which one do you want this is all our food JJ should I catch you I don't know [ __ ] confidence yeah I did it right you know what toy come back over bro that takeoff Point fell down a little bit that's what done you I know but that's what I was saying yeah yeah I know smashed it though let's go [ __ ] it H real black man this summer sides is also launching in Iceland we a full range of freezer products and sources you can have at home besides just keeps getting better and better check out the socials for more details lad uh yeah I think I'm in the wrong Iceland I do have to say Harry yeah we are putting all of our survival hopes in this one tree if this tree falls yeah we we will be crushed under it looks fairly stable if if Harry can swing off it it's fine yeah yeah I got a big one oh bre that one in half actually whenever you want to go to the shop just tell me by the way Harry do you want to go shop yeah I'll go shop I'll go shop okay wait let me just break this first s where are you getting these [ __ ] indestructible logs from know right just walking around well right where's Vic he's off find him log somewhere he's just going about his day you know the slight problem we're facing is the more logs we take from our campsite the further we have to go to get the logs and then the further we have to bring them back yeah we started off very fast but we're slowing down now sorry sorry Mother Nature we need your things oh yes VI he went that far for that no it's a Whopper look at that is a Whopper but he's been he's been away for so long I was looking for the right one all right took him Get It Go Get It nice one I can't promise I don't see something better I won't come back with it but I I'll try I did Juke of Edinburgh back in the day so uh I spent my fair share of time in Wilderness although we had we had tents and it did make me realize you know you can really carry everything you need on your back but we were taking a more childlike approach and resting sticks against each other yeah hopefully it's not going to rain today but there are clouds above so we best crack on oh mate this is sick welcome this is Simon's Forest shop oh mate there's everything here so you have a token yes you may exchange it for something is it just one thing for token yeah uh it depends what it is you know if you take like a prime you could probably have a couple yeah yeah yeah you right I came here for this right okay but I'm I genuinely think an axe might do as good a job and it's just more fun okay so I think I might be not a sledgehammer nah I think I think this is way more I think there gas if I go out with this than if I a sore hand over the token okay can I what else you got you got Foods got loads hot noodles you sure you don't want to swap it not this time of day I think I think once we've got the Sher built then I'll tuck into that techy tea coffee oh yeah mate digested biscuits this get Ram sack later get Ram I'm kind of worried I'm just going to get rushed yeah I think you will all right well thank you very much that's all right see you in a bit this is what Mother Nature wanted us to do vixa what stop we're not stealing from the earth okay the Earth gave us this okay and we are just making we're recycling into better things that died so we could live in it but the the floor was eating it GES going man they can come back and eat once we're done with it you come back with an axe I have right what there was a sword but I figured an axe would do the same job and it's more entertaining it's cooler yeah it's just more effort we got the food so we get first Chinese Chinese Chinese that's a lot of bread right okay nothing we can eat now oh [ __ ] well played Simon well played well played okay it's literally all Burgers nothing but Burgers [ __ ] you want bread no I kind of need it would do you want baked beans well let's cover it up take the food back to S like not even like sweets or anything let's see does this work yeah can we can deal with that yes is it working like a dream mate whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why are we bringing the leafy section we'll figure that out in another life you were a lumberjack I think Harry look at it yeah I'm liking this come in I'm liking this Ethan is this going to be your side down here I'm just [ __ ] mate I'll go wherever should just cannot wait to see the [ __ ] fan edits of this in fact I might just get my knob out now two people you get look at that wow teamw work Makes the Dream workor look at I'm Shar how I do one with like good ideas very I'm normally the stupid one yeah but sometimes you have to let St on have the best idea you know yeah sometimes you have to make you feel like you're doing something otherwise I go oh J you do hold this as well and you're like for [ __ ] sake CU it's your idea you're willing to do it right now oh yeah Fair really is manipulating me [ __ ] come and watch this for a minute s actually let him go to town on that log and then let's get our knob out let me get it to you first logman who drop it now watch this no but the thing is now I'm not going to be to go on mate go on this is one you might need have saw for it though that's the issue all right we'll go head movement head movement with the chipping head movement head movement so hot oh my god oh yeah I wish you would wreck me like that yeah me too can you stand on that bit there course if meit yeah yeah and if we should be a to lift oh if you know keep yeah do you not need to there we go oh doesn't even need me no look here a you treat me like that bit of w Jack and I can like launch this into a tree yeah I do it from quite far back though this is why I am the camp leader I'm terrified it's not working Harry I bet he comes and does it first no no no it's scar you need like a dead bit of tree right you'll be able to do that I was going to say it chipped it we didn't get stuck I think you do it first time I reckon he does as well I'm not following that JJ and Josh they carry the f I hold the camera and I live the mood oh then that's it all wa do it again JJ you and Josh they carry the food I hold the camera wait no is I hold the camera and I the mood right yeah I have the camera I hold the camera I hold the camera okay we we went through that little opening over there okay let me go find another log who are you most proud of right now right now I mean I have no idea what the other team are doing I mean Harry realistically he did give it like a quite a big one yesterday saying like I backed myself I could definitely build this and I'm not going to lie I doubted him a little bit I'm still yet to see full shelter like if I sleep in that I think I we all die but I believe in him yeah you bastard I can hear more people you can hear them coming I hope they're not expecting a shelter anytime soon if they if they disrespect this what we've done so far by the way we we axe them I'll get the right on we should throw the ax do you Reon they're going to be happy with this yeah I think they'll be impressed K is going to say I'm [ __ ] Rich bro my boys hi oh they're working we come with food oh you know what maybe we should have took longer theyit working should we have taken longer less work to do we get there how was it yeah we jumped over you jumped it Journey yeah jumped over a stream what is it we have burgers and hot dogs wow and burger sauce and burger sauce where the food guys in the middle of Camp are you are working working Jesus have you done tasks we we did the CH what was the chant are you ready no wait wait wait no no three two one andos we carry the food the camera and I LIF the mood and again J and we carry [Music] the we like I like it Jesus Christ where's the shop down there come with me the shop is so cool by the way there some good stuff can we just Rob the shop that is also feasel like who's who's the shopkeeper you know what I me wait Simon's the shopkeeper Camp leader how did he get oh my God actually like there's actually a lot in the shop oh [ __ ] welcome the forest shop oh my God a guitar we bu the guitar J our sweets and food haggling is available so you have one token and everything in this store is one token it depends you know like beef jerky might give you a couple of them for one token marshmallows that's a good evening thing though yeah to be fair mate this little section here it's coming along is it it's already looking pretty C light I'd happily sit there yeah I'd have a little sesy in there oh my God what I will say the the foundation we're built off is just crumbled in front of me yeah it is that's the risk you take be fine this is actually really satisfying it's just something basic about it I mean it's not going to rain is it so we'll probably be fine n definitely not no I don't think it's going to rain cable tires so we can tie something together to make a to yeah Stone to wooden tool first get a wooden toll come back get a stone toall go again what if we get a saw could we get some chicken strips on the side one token you said it's ha hack is available yeah but you can only buy one item just multiple things of them let's do chicken syrips but maybe if we get enough chicken strips for the group we can lift them around and then further boost performance there is three people building a TP for seven it's quite hard work isn't it I I'm I'm not going to lie to you I don't think everyone's fitting this thing no they won't I imagine JJ's going to use the token to uh by 10 Sor fireworks oh my do that to me why don't do that to fireworks don't do that why oh my God it's fireworks do come for lighter would you throw in the L we look why are we buying JJ he's gonna purchase fireworks no we're not buying it you wanted to buy the fireworks don't you let's go the firewor how you going to light them yeah but Jos we could do that after that's a oh it's raining you see you see now we have no steak strips do you have umbrellas here we have we have waterproofs [ __ ] what's waterproof is it a jacket will you give us three for the price of one token I can't be [ __ ] with us anymore to be honest it's really raining it's really raining now we need to like how we're doing here lad I'm getting chicken strips we like all the strips not the chicken strips I know steak strips chicken strips you know what I'll give you three yeah I say oh it's proper raining should we go in our shelter get the other boys to do it now let's see what it's like on the inside if we just eat they they saw us get the token they saw us sing the song his sign wasn't there it was close sorry guys it was close I'm Camp leader I'm just here to I'm just here to make sure everyone that hard I'm going to share mine with them we have to we have got go not ni act we are we are inside I hold the camera and I lift the mood so I have to share JJ and Josh we eat the food I hold the camera and I'll share my food no if you do that you st us oh that's worse that is worse so either eat them yourselves or me and J eat them I'm so hungry eat them man drop the nice gu come on what do you mean act I mean don't act nice now JJ look I can't believe you done this to me nice welcome oh that's so good tast of guilt so what are you going to tell the others we're not I have to tell them Josh if we're going to snake then we have to do it with chest bro you have to do it with chest could turn bad it's fine as in we turned into teams just battling out head rooms designed for me as well don't know how the other boys will do down down this end now there's definitely some rain coming through [ __ ] at this point in time it's feeling almost a little bit pointless [ __ ] [ __ ] oh right thanks Mr shopman thank you Mr shopman appreciate your custom all right custom three the other team went for a all to be fair but no one picking up on like blankets stuff for the floor food for later ways to light the how how are they going to cook hamburgers Josh how many leaves you got two you've only got two leaves Josh they're all over the floor but I'm getting good ones I have five oh it's getting really wet now this was so nice in the Sun a lot more enjoyable than this now feels like I'm actually surviving out we need more hands on there we need you know what we need see these little fern plants that just laid about yeah we need everyone to start Gathering those up so we can lay them over true 23 24 that's not to leave what you failed no I Dro I dropped this one I Dro this one one I that one oh feel like we should have all built the shelter together and then it might be somewhat done by now productivity has slowed tremendously there you go so we go back we put water us it's start raining yeah yeah that's it yep I don't know why it took us this long but I mean it rains slightly less in here that's good yes lad okay on sir you want to try to lift that up oh was all right that works yeah come on perfect rect to the log Let's Do It Go ont that yeah smack Bang there in that middle bit we're [ __ ] the fire by the way yeah big time oh it it's pissing it down oh [ __ ] is it not working it's not waterproof yet but it's we have waterproofs we got waterprof on the shop for everyone uh there's only three there's four you got four this is I own the shop so uh took out no worries don't wor don't worry about the manual workers yeah yeah yeah honestly as well like you'd be too hot if you wearing this yeah this is pretty [ __ ] ACC well now you're all here do you fancy getting some V we got some more tasks to do swap over we some more Tas we have the waterproof so we go and get the stuff we're the foragers we get tokens for you sure if yeah okay fine yeah nice we ready let me know You' done to all right that's gone tly got what shut the [ __ ] up this is horror yeah this isn't great this is horror go to the forest they said it will be fun they said we need so many more long halfway there [ __ ] I love this game man uh yeah so right now there's a bit of a divide but I'm here to help but also it's my shop I've got to keep a good economy of the forest so prices are prices at some point they'll need to see that there's no sleeping bags in there and it's because they're on the island in the middle of the lake so they're going to need to build a raft and then send someone out to get it oh my God it's getting heavier this is Relentless come on V you got to get out of and get some some logs actually quite heavy yeah like we're never going to dry kind of heavy this is really Grim we are not starting a this is uh this this is useless this is this is borderline torrential with a shelter it it's already wet on the floor so now we can't sleep there lad do something grab Fern leaves and Pat them over it you you want sticks or Fern or what standing here doing nothing it's pointless yeah we are standing here doing nothing oh [ __ ] how's it keep getting heavier how's it keep getting heavier this is actually [ __ ] has to pick up camera's nearly killed himself burn type leaves so we can them over [ __ ] yeah are are you putting them somewhere oh just over the shower this is this is not good this is bad this the heaviest rain I've ever experienced yeah same I'm soaking absolutely soaking do you guys want to let this pass like go over the go in the shop and just let it pass for 5 minutes 10 minutes yeah maybe to the shop boys I don't think it is just passing though I don't think it's going to pass that's what I'm saying like the for the forecast was like raining for a long time it's like 2 hours now long you don't got a jacket bu put a jacket I'm going to wait till like later on like cuz these These are [ __ ] anyway so I might as well let them get do you feel shed under there no all right how are we going to do this we still need more LS but how are we actually going to do this what you need most it just takes a lot of time oh my God by the way look how [ __ ] mudy it's getting yeah we're finished we're actually finished the floors already Wet Boys you may have noticed if you came to the shop there was no sleeping bags yeah it's because a rascal has placed them on the island in the middle of the lake what sweet I don't want to do that now we've got to build well you getting wet regardless everyone wanted to do it legit build a ra in this how safe is this raft say if you build it uh we we're thinking of building the raft oh I can I'm down for that yeah well I'm not going to do it but I'm down for you to build it yeah we can go build the RO we'll finish the shelter yeah yeah okay Josh hello come come we're going the ground is squ yeah this we're not going to be a to sleep on no we're not this no I don't even think an actual camper would do this no at this point they' be like yeah it's too dangerous yeah we just go home cuz you're not going to be able to set a fire you're not going to be able to like on the flat the floor [ __ ] uh they're working good as a team we're working we we're we're as a team not do the working part yet we need to help out cuz he's are doing a lot of work of all the days we R it was going really well you know look at it it was really going well there's a frog there's a frog let's eat it let's cook it Josh come pick up this frog wow look look at Jump what you are you going to you're actually going to try and pick it up a ah it counts as what oh five animals [ __ ] that's one that's one right does that count as one that is one animal did you pick up a frog yeah we that's one animal nice wow good job if you hold it I'll count it as another animal yeah JJ you can do it as well sure thing mate I'm also this going to see I'm genuinely going to back myself off I thought this I can't live like this say shirtless Harry in the wild that's a perk I I was going to suggest it to you earlier but I didn't know if you could you just do it to me see his y so nicely yeah I'm going to take this one off wait wait wait wait there you go two animals I can't he's really trying to avoid it yeah you go and then a second a second now lift slowly three his poor thing time Harry shotless yeah wait wait wait wait I've got an idea I've got an idea oh my goodness wait there are tops in the shop right yeah we have a frame we just buy as many tops we get as many tokens and we put tarps over the side we literally just spent the whole time talking about that we're going to need to put the tops and that on the floor Simon told us we need to pick up five animals but he said if five of us pick up the Frog he'll count it okay three of us have done it so two more is that frog not traumatized by now no well maybe but that's all we need we looked after it we were gentle you're going to ra dog it oh wow have you imprisoned this frog I you for the full and grab I thought can you pass it to me that's really cute yeah hey dude five why is this frog not run away okay put put down Dr a couple times give it to them give it to them we cooking that's cool we heard there's tarping in this shop to cover the sh if we can buy enough to our poin we can like build a makeshift we can whack it over done over this we've got we've got a structure it's going to go sitting in oh this doesn't even help this shelter doesn't even work the rain's coming through it genuinely I reckon if we had like another hour of just clear we would have been all right but we got this bonus over here yeah no it's raining man so what do you want to spend that on food where am I eating I'm [ __ ] freezing your things this is crazy more it's pointless now we got no [ __ ] tokens we have no token we got to frog no they've taken that I got it what do you want right now I I want to go home yeah so I want to go home sunlight can't buy that from the shop there's Blue Sky there blue sky talk to the big man up there please please Blue Sky come on please talk to the big man last man needs to sort us out big time John come with me and Josh let's go to clet Tre so I can drop something cuz that would have been another what's the what's the what's the challenge you have to drop something and someone else has to catch it from a tree why no one told me before I went went through all the challenges we did the climb of 3 m yeah I was saying that we could do that at the same time but then yeah yeah it's fine we'll get it um what do we do now build team half depression build team got rained you know Builders yeah they don't work in this so go on if we just run off into the forest Josh Josh come on Toby's climbing a tree he's going to die by the way he's going to die he's way too old to be climbing trees in the rain oh this is techy there's one big bigger Branch there's more solid behind you to sit on that's what I want and then you want to put your foot on the one your your right foot on the one next to you no this is good this is 3 m back go back more okay Shop's been really stocked you're on the top but the squashies we have restocked there is a bad squashies squashies actually yep my God this was a good purchase fantastic purchase L the things could I do to try and get a token you know what I'll do okay I'll throw in a pen knife just for you oh nice so you can say that that's what you got y That's not a useless buy yeah could I carve my name in to the tree and get a token you 3 m drop yeah easy token now how the [ __ ] do I get down yeah sign there it is have you done it yep there you go the jelly tots no I can't can you the jelly tots confirmed confirmed okay well they are coming just as a heads up I can't lie you it's not really done anything this is [ __ ] this is proper [ __ ] mate oh I was I was having so much fun yeah this was really good as well I thought we was cooking actually relative like my inner Lair is dry because I camped in our shelter you satat on the shelter but I'm I'm more dry than you you stop doing anything yeah but I'm try we we got a token well like an EXT some good news and bad news yeah the token that we got from the toad I bought a knife wait but I have the token yeah well I talked to the shopkeeper that's pretty good done what what task have you done I climbed the tree to 3 m in height and I dropped my phone and I recorded it okay you get a token yes we need to buy them waterproofs just [ __ ] off [ __ ] off what no I'm talking to the weather what would you like to buy I say we buy a football get them waterproofs man get them waterproofs there is a football look look so have like new socks got like blankets that's a picnic mat so we could like put on the floor but if you buy them now they'll get wet so we leave them in here we can buy the thing to cook food food there sweets over there now oh really there some there's some juicies and some Cola you got new stuff no even want a top they want the top I'll do you a deal you can have that top and I'll get you another top for later I've got the knife as well what does that have to do with the top I don't know do you know what we can do something with that uh yes we have some the top please sir okay just so you know you need to cut that there we go and bro I'm a [ __ ] genius bro I [ __ ] knew it so smart y thank you very much I don't think this place has got our FMS either look at we got a cover as well we're finished do you know what the problem is there's three people building a shelter for seven by the way why are we building a shelter for them they got back from finding the food it doesn't take that long to get anything in the Shu it started R we we the manual labor we stood they've done nothing so we take this back to them T secured we got carry of a knife we can do that later that now get us a token token yeah get bunch of tokens the pocket go there go shop be stuff let's take this and show them off that yeah we got this and we got that so we got yeah cool that's two pches that are good we can yeah we can we more Ts for you say what you want to get next cool sick we're we're on a good side yes yes why is it turned into like a reality show we watched a reality show for a week and hour like I found a megaphone plant what are you doing just chucking that on just Chu at this point yeah but what no no no no let's not lose our heads no head's gone mate I'm what you doing I'm chucking leaves on something that we I bought a knife why did you buy a knife and we got we got T what's what's the knife yeah yeah cut open without the knife got you you have to use a token for the knife for that yes we have an axe we have an axe you're going to use an axe to cut that we've been using an a for everything multipose I need took my hand off exactly why you need knif you might [ __ ] up the top we wasted we Haven we need to make holes in the top anyway cuz we'll spear it over a tree there and a tree there and it will cover one side what what do you want next on you're shopping this while maneuvering with the tops by the way make sure you only keep one side wet don't make both sides wet yeah I'm going to give this to you we're going to doing again are we yeah we're manual labor yeah yeah I doing it again no no top I got the top I got the top I've been waiting for the top I want to prove you wasted a token here boys if you looked at the [ __ ] list you would see there's other tasks that requireed this I feel that you've wasted it but no no there's other T the is we would never waste a token the knife is good we can cut little holes in the top and use it you use an axe for that do you want the knife no he's making a point can I use it to open my throat who no is happening sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry he with a GoPro sorry sorry never him the KNE you do that I'm so sorry there was a my thank God was a knife in his hand though my God God all right here we go this it's already got holes in it yeah okay let's yeah you wait go and get refund for the knife please you look yeah yeah go trade it back the list back there's no there's nothing that this knife can do that my axe can't do there's no refunds get a [ __ ] stab him knife I Toby you buying that knife is ruin my day by the way man I didn't buy the knife he bought a knife I was in good spirits he bought that [ __ ] knife what would get you in good spirits if what I did I climbed the [ __ ] tree I climbed the tree climbed the tree I climbed the tree to do the task that you should have done in the first place you climbed up the tree you didn't drop you didn't drop something from the tree well hopefully uh get them some alcohol yeah maybe I should guys you want some alcohol got it yeah I've done it I've done it yeah yay 50% 50% dry wow yes build team I actually W play play guys build does so much [ __ ] it right two more TPS and we're done I can't believe I'm getting blamed for buying the knife while this knife was purchased I was up a tree doing a task that Harry should have done if he read the [ __ ] list I can't complain to him because they have actually put in work but don't blame me for JJ's actions when I'm trying to contribute to the team as well it's so dry yes yes now we now [ __ ] hell this is sick so yeah what like the other side we just need we wait for them to restock to so [ __ ] oh wait do they have a string or rope in the shop no well we need to we need to like tie this over get get to's and repurpose Toby we need a knife mate can you we can repurpose this yeah that was easy shut up you don't need to do that you really don't need to do that [ __ ] sake a you know what we need do we need like a step or something I get on my shoulders uh yeah sure all right let's go is it the other side all right now so yeah yeah yeah get it all the way over and then lock it in hold um I'm going to need it's falling it's falling it's falling here yeah yeah okay and we can like bar lock yeah yeah yeah I need a the cable tie I'm going to Cable tie here oh God you you it too far open again it's fine it's gone freezing [ __ ] cold very my [ __ ] is soaking [ __ ] like my thighs I'm chafing this is bad why have we done this TR can you make yourself useful yeah I'm holding this do he pulls it down so back up what what what's happening now what are they doing we do this are you doing lad what's happening I know I'm trying to Cable tie this here but it's not really working it's not worse I don't know what's going on sense just we're getting there we're getting there where you going to buy something can I give them this first I'll will take it to them but can I just check it with you going to take it to them is a very quick one XX in the tree sadly that has been done already I'm going to go give them this top did you know this information you did didn't you Toby's gone to the shop [ __ ] hell he's done nothing going buy another knife is he what do you mean by that oh we have more too W crazy we've just [ __ ] Whi that out of nowhere well it came with the too that we bought with the did it yeah buy one get why didn't he call it [ __ ] tarle what's wrong with to is there any uh string or ropes oh no in no no no no I'm not this it's dry here on the other side yeah let's yeah we should to be fair Harry's accused you of buying more knives I didn't buy the first one you what come here what was you wasn't it what do you mean what come help us out just keep going just keep going and if we just do that as as all the way along and across we do have a knife you know what Dad it's actually not it's actually not bad at all the ferns have done fantastic yeah it looks nice does does it it needs more knife you want to buy another knife you bought the first one what yeah I you buy a knife huh I bought the knife a knife no who has carv something into a tree I watch you try to do it earlier I saw you doing it no but already we haven't done it someone I tried to carve something into a tree and Simon said that task has already been done we didn't it did you carve something into a tree with a knife when would I have done it when you B the knife F that would have been a good idea yeah nice it's fine we sleep on the sides yeah state of it is falling down a little bit though it's impressive [ __ ] there it's kind of like big watery openings here we just need one one bit more cloth she want to stop filming me get me in this I don't know how do you sleep oh she's coming she's coming she's coming oh wait look I'm locked look I'm getting wet you just stay on the sides all right so though is it this is horror get something on the floor then I think it'll be all right we just need a bit of strength to like tie that like tie those together we need one more bit of cloth oh we have that I have the top I took off we could like tear oh we can make string out of the top KN we have a knife we have a knife we have a knife top you see the knife made oh now you want to claim buying it thank you now you want to CLA good point and if you pull all of those if you pull all the ties together it will come together yeah yeah let's do it I'm both amazed and ashamed at the same time like you've done amazingly but I'm also want to be that needs to come off a bit I didn't the would have it wasn't me that's fine like if we can get it like that the whole way it will D oh this Lads look at that like it's raining in here lad water source there a shower built a shower this is the bathroom hwe the water pressure is a bit low pay my bill I don't want to alarm anyone either but the sleeping bags are still on the island I'm not going I'm they build the RA in the end or not what we had time to that what have you not been doing then what have you not been doing by the way you went and got a [ __ ] Food Bag what have you done we climb the tree I knew you not doing this we you you bought a knife you ran off and bought knif the knif was a good idea he fought the knife I was in the tree getting another you time you come back with that bag to the time that we saw you was crazy or to just get all I'm going toess off have wait you C into the tree I've got some squishies into the tree he CED into the tree and got squishies no you see you're blaming me no I'll be honest that was actually for the animals and I threw in the knife oh what do you mean what was for the animals for holding the animals the token that he got so someone else carved into the tree who carved into the [ __ ] tree no one here carved into a tree we didn't have anything to carve into a tree who cared into the tree cuz he told me it's already done he I went to told me I saw you doing it wait are you trying to scam us said your te do it no because Tommy was the only one where did you get this come out of do you have time tell you a dream I telling you now your heart are so moist every deal I Do I Do Is is private between me and the person someone is lying it's [ __ ] him I know it's him it's got to be him oh my God you I can explain oh my what did you do how much have you got in there I I'm so sorry I'm so sorry we were doing act you I did the frog you have to go across the lake the you betrayed the boys biggest scandals 2024 all right let's go build the [ __ ] R man all right right I'm going to go help put ra J and Toby which will be interesting make it make it sink make it a ra sink please Justus is the only one that can make it float listen here right who's going to [ __ ] stop me I'm going to go and get us some [ __ ] zip ties I don't need no [ __ ] go token off Amazon I'm going to go [ __ ] shake them sound [ __ ] right I we did this we're in and out quick by the way so be prepared where's the knife it's by one of the trees why which tree I left it on the floor one of the prime or what describe where this tree is maybe by the prime can maybe you need to go find the knif come and find the knife we need it I'm making the RO I've come around the corner and you stood still again imagine imagine my shot we're checking out his [ __ ] great uh carving look at this carving he could have he could have done that with his fingernail bro that is my hands fing we we're just coming to look at what's in the shop to be honest we want to see CL hard workers have even seen the shop as like a housewarming gift could we be gifted one piece of furniture a chair for our house no I mean if you get a task done then maybe I'll be nice and throw in things sure I have a what percent okay what okay right what percent is the tequila right well I'm knocking the house down if they're not rep if they're not returned it's up to you it's not to me I'll go and get them I'll bring them back I'll bring them back I want every single one the house is about to go boys oh [ __ ] no no Simon no take it back take it back JJ no no both come here let's just do this rules are rules let's just do this let's just do this guys no Josh Josh Jos put it back put it back we already have no house we're going to have no [ __ ] raft at this race you you state the group fcking you sneak to the stinks BR is he coming I think so oh no oh no right let's let's oh no no no one bo bo bo bo bo hide four hide four he's not being he's not being subtle not obvious quick he can see us he can literally see us Ethan Ethan Ethan give me the rest put me in your pocket or something I can literally see them I've got them yeah oh no thank you very much no no he no peace no no oh no it sounds like oh that's funny house is being destroyed my house is gone the house is gone all right well need that's see repercussions Ste it makes sense no that's a Vic lying oh no no anymore no [ __ ] he's found them oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please please anything else you want to fess up do you got stay here as well this is for you you want to fess up to anything else we haven't done anything else this doesn't feel like all of them we actually we actually anymore that is everything a tree fell off and hit my head Vic next time talk quieter when you want to lie if I see any of these we could have just done a challenge why' you steal was we rolled the dice we rolled the dice and we lost you know know I feel like I gave it to them fairly you know if they want to do if they want stuff they do a small task they can get things however lying and stealing I had to hit the house with this no he did not let us off kindly he bludgeoned our our precious house that we spent the last few hours working on um I don't know why my my fellow Builders decided to steal we've always had an honest kind of trade but it's okay we will rebuild if we can find the knife that JJ left here somewhere we can make our own our own cables out of Harry's t-shirt so we just need to find the knife it was a genius play Harry SL sent him shops quite literally with the tequila how s teila BOS gone we'll run up giggling like the old girls and then he abolished our Treehouse do you think the punishment could the crime no this is really mean hash mean Min he went too far yeah I I'm hurting and especially Harry Harry is really upset Harry how upset are you oh not happy mate see exactly now who wants that no one want un Happy Harry do that does anyone on the crew know where JJ dropped this knife can I just say I found it yes I found it okay let's get to work so you can either pull the panks across and then you rope afterwards and then you tie underneath the barrels and up top along balance and equilibrium but to do that they need to be the other way now I know what he's talking about no I get it how do we connect them you got to be touching the barrels already what if we put do double ler long ones underneath this way so then you have like a stable level thing okay that works but but if these two roll the whole thing rolls craft a stone tool not going to happen we did the animals c/ Wht make a piece of jewelry do anyone need a [ __ ] no no bring Simon something hairy F can we give me your ass we don't have to film it we have to film it top of your why not to him not to the camp Leader wait isn't there find a nice stick that's in there yeah but we have to present him he's not our biggest fan right now no we're going to have I think I think honestly you're hairy B up if I had a hairy bom if my bom look like yours I'd have it out over there already I might even put mud on it just hear me out with this idea this floats right you on it sit on it get in it in it you lift the lid off get in it no but what if you do get over [ __ ] go Let's do let's do St right come on is it better to build the wooden structure first and then attach the wooden structure to the W the barrels outside hand Vibes let's put on the floor I feel like Simon knows what he talking about so that's can't believe it for a reason boys there we go look who needs cable ties when you've got this and put that around and tight in a KN so there that's one is that enough yeah don't jump on it get on my old boy just might work [ __ ] hope so it's all it's all we've got done it's all we've got can we go a little way oh my goding in yeah yeah you tell me what you tell me and look at this you see how that's together see a not that's see Bob is your Uncle B why don't we use this guys uh they're going to go on the outside in a second I think there fun you put a barrel here a barrel here a barrel there and a barrel no no I'm saying like you can put a plank here and a barrel sit the barrel sits there you can but it needs to attach to a yeah but it needs to attach and the barrel sit well you don't want to attach it to it no attach it still okay I me yeah you attach do you want moing of all the things I've done in my life this is the thing I'm the most proud day started so well now it's going so well look we're making string it's so dark and [ __ ] and damp in here we can cut Windows put some cling film on it [ __ ] that would be a shout you know you're you're on to something can we get p specs for Windows what this way again okay this is inside oh I do not trust this rft Josh what the [ __ ] happened uncoiled it so it's [ __ ] it yeah no we have the end but look there's now torch because it's wrapped the other side I'm sure there's a not proper not to do this we doing his laces all right that's a corner done maybe one more just for good measure now look imagine right Little Wave comes in how much does the plank move that's pretty solid though no that's that's not a good KN that's not going to last succulent knot but don't do it the whole way then you create another soft succulent knot and then with the top little titty you create another little knot and here ladies and gentlemen you have a knot with an Infinity knot in it it's actually really quite cute that's figure eight look so now that's a Babushka have you me not yeah yeah and this was the fifth one I'm invested tell you are Faith Olive I'm not coming home actually spending the weekend lucky there's a golf course nearby there actually is by pop out play around come back to the den get on the [ __ ] gear again this needs to be a long a long string by the way this will be the longest string that I've ever cut there we go Well's longest string long string forness world record Camp string mate thank man and then just hang that back up it might be finally time to get changed yeah yeah boys boys hang on a minute give me a c I think we've actually I think we've actually really cooked it we've survived adversity we've built a home for the team sometimes in life you got to take a step back let's go a bit further let's get the bigger picture Lads oh wow would you look at that sometimes you just have to take a step back just to admire what you've what you've done what you've achieved oh man yeah that little corner there is an issue no it's ventilation it's fine it's good to have ventilation it's going to be [ __ ] freezing in there can you remind me of the other part team have done no we'll go find out let's go and find out let's go and also we're going to get a coin right so we got our base initial base but we need to stop these from moving so to you make a little train track TR me right that sits in there like that right so now we need to tie those exact same way we TI those ones go in there then we have to tie the barrels to that massively FP this upside down we have a base and then we can just tie the rest we do the rest of the bits of wood that one and hope he doesn't sink he'll be fine he'll be fine I'm not going in it's going in so I would not go on this I would I would go on it but JJ's been nominated for his actions though we also did some actions ourselves though no but we did that as a team he went selfishly to act our team against our team yeah he snake the snakes that's crazy KN oh my God different knots all kinds we're waterproof yeah then you can have it no you deserve it yeah thank you should we go should we investigate the shop let's have a look you for a treat with this boat by the way oh no right we've got a token but we don't know if we're going to spend it yet what do you want I I don't the the well listen let's not do want let's do needs so we need to bank tokens for that later we need a top for the floor once we need to make food at some point so will need we will need that we do need to cook at some point I can't be asking that are you hungry now not right now no but it's just like let's not waste tokens now something stupid come just save it save it let's let's be frugal is there a bank is there a Bank Forest Bank where you can get your pocket can we bet on the ring are you paying I'll give you I'll give you no I'll give you two to one odds either way two to one odds this token now oh [ __ ] yeah we got the side yeah this is big so just before they set off you pick are they going to make it or not what we'll get three back if we get it right yeah yeah this could either be gigantic or really bad I'm we're all betting men here yeah we got do it man lock it in you have until until it touches any water okay cool turn around th [ __ ] out has he got it on the wrong way around does the zip not go the back the zip goes at the back the zip goes at the back yeah the zip goes at the back why rock it it works it works it's going to keep you sort wait turn around it's the wrong way look look it goes down to go down his that's going to be down his [ __ ] not on his dick he's that's why he looks so funny leave cuz he ain't getting back in it that's why it's so difficult cuz the arms are supposed to be back here no stood I'm literally struggling to breathe oh I'll leave him do you a deal okay I'm here for deals I'll give you all the cooking stuff oh for one token for one token yeah and Ean gets to spank you with one of those pleas mate got you got let me have I'll take that [ __ ] we haven't got token to spend though what what is that for just yeah yeah but but hit don't hit hit me let me do some practic on yeah [ __ ] prce yeah yeah just hit me with that don't hit me with the [ __ ] metal spikes please well I'm not going to hit him with the spikes but I want to get like a that's going to kill I think they are by the way just so you know what I think they are trying to get a token so that they can buy this well you's got to swim though he can swim with his arms is fny if they got no [ __ ] thing are we telling them about the bet or if the BET doesn't come in no one knows no cuz they'll be really upset with us let's go find a woodl let's go [ __ ] pet have you got like container that we can put your pet in by the time we come back make a little habitat for it yeah what it won't be big we're going to have to lift up bits of wood light cuz I found there was wood light on some of the sticks we used earlier oh it's slug a slug I've seen a slug or a wood louse any sort of little [ __ ] inser bastard get your fingers in there's run away give him some his [ __ ] house has been this is dday for yeah grab that wor we need to name him what should we name maybe name him after a lead player oh I like it oh yeah what's uh Willy nonto willly worm he's freaking out no no no I I don't know worm could move create a cup just like that yeah there you go he Ain climbing is he I introduce you to willly nonto the worm oh that's actually a really nice habitat for I gave him every kind of there we go look at him hey that's good will he not bro's happy will he not yeah right bend over take that off you yeah we will we will leave that in the shop cuz we're getting cooking equipment you're taking the cooking just so you boys know they have just done another task and they have taken the cooking equipment nice all of it for one token and Harry gets spanked by Ethan with that wait why then we get all the cooking equipment together all of the cooking equipment in one I want an Allstar performance from Team build here here we go the F you missed I [ __ ] die ow ow ow one more this is what happens when you ask me to W you oh ow all accuracy go ACC the bomb's got the [ __ ] cushion this does all the accuracy window we get cooking well done so what what what is full cooking equip everything the whole kit so you get a portable tabletop gas cooker you get this WOW whatever dou St a double St two Burg same time do we not have to plug that in though this is portable CS oh okay cool cool cool cups kitchen foil thank you wow youan oh oh we'll need that for the fire yeah hands nice trying to figure that out eating trays trays nice do you know what we'll collect it when we want to yeah so we want to clarify our bet okay is the BET do they complete the task and get back with sleeping beds or is the bed does one of them fo in only J's going yeah so is the be it's up to you all right oh Harry I think he's going to fo in should we just do fo in if you do you can just bet him fall in I don't think he's going to fall in I don't think he wants to fall in at that water he doesn't want to fall in I think he completes the mission I think he does it yeah I think we without external help he completes a mission I'm going to look at it I don't as I said you have until it touches the water yeah yeah yeah we're just coming over to why is it so you know what it's pretty solid yeah can you not why is it so JJ you're tying that to nothing [Laughter] bro said my tying was B he was about to tie it round the middle can we show you something Airy uh is it an [ __ ] it's his armpit doesn't count guys boys I need [ __ ] get that [ __ ] hell why is this so hard CU your [ __ ] toys out Josh you're hair take your trousers down tokens take your down yeah bu a house today as well I will not I will not degrade myself I will not losing light guys I think we build him a paddle we just zip TI the end of the I'm dead why are you dead we build you a paddle oh why don't you know why don't you use the um the thing that we CL the thing that I got hit with on the bum we can use that as a paddle today get your bum out for yeah get your bum out for him also all right Let's Make a Deal what's the deal I will get my assle no cuz you was going to do it anyway and you have to do this oh anyway pick one you're doing this then you what the hell I have to show my ass I do this I do that's is it was his idea for the AR so far I've seen you stand with drink and jelly TOS get your ass out do you want to do get your out see your do you want to do this no no no no one has seen your bumb apart from us no one's seen it no one's seen your bum and it's just the top of it you know the top of it where it like spurts out a little bit come on look we just need one token someone do something I'll just stand here and we just see what happens drink water has been filed for your sock hot dinner hot dinner that's bad Josh just show me your ass K you sent this man to Bar death I didn't s there you at the water look at the water look at that it's lovely raining as well it's lovely oh let me take this off and you can wear and then I'll show him my [ __ ] I'm gladly I'm sure there's some hair is there just pull it down a little bit and swe it so to clear this up this is something interesting and something hairy double two tokens can someone else look with me no I'm very yeah he's very because if it's just me I feel like I'm verifying the interestingness of the B you know I have to say to Camp lead is interested in some interesting stuff really through the Tren clean rain on that ass I'm getting sweets no wait no buy or can I buy fireworks please get one or you can spend one token whatever you want you have two tokens sir I would like to buy a fireworks please any fireworks multiple fireworks we've grown closer in this moment Josh so you can leave them here but you can have the whole box oh yeah get a lighter with it can be a lighter in there that's a separate token I'm sorry got JJ uh to get the fireworks there's no lighter but the lighter is another token nah just get him an all get get why you just get me an all you don't want to be in this camp tonight if you don't buy the O you don't want to be here but fireworks no we need sleeping bags we need to get him there we need Josh Josh wait I've got an idea we've got propane and we've got a lighting unit so we can launch the fireworks from the stove it's fine it'll be great fine don't worry it's solution that could work thank God the light is easier the stove might be dangerous no stove fireworks is fun don't we a [ __ ] oh or fireworks or or fireworks and a lighter we don't have enough coins no just or the word or not an or no he wants he wants me it's over what would you do for an or bro we're a team I made a mistake he's going on the water I'm just [ __ ] with him it's quite fun is it really what is going on F appe what did you buy thank you did you actually get F us yeah I got the whole I I respect let's [ __ ] do this oh look you got big arms finally finally putting some hard Graft in boys really nice to see you not even you're not breaking sweat yet have you really are graft and I know that you guys really built this all alone no I don't know it's up to you do we have faith in the boy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go on my God you're getting a [ __ ] you are getting over there dry yeah you are getting all them bags all all right right made and Voyage time made and Voyage name it touch water name it uh HMS touch water HMS touch water yeah uh HMS forhead HMS for HMS forhead that is a [ __ ] sketchy looking thing mate slowly in slowly in but you want to push down yeah we need to keep these barrels from scraping scraping yeah I can't I need to push down that GoPro down this down til this down okay wait you can actually put it like that go slowly get straight in the middle get straight in the middle of it yeah sit down slowly sit down slowly sit down like we showed you lock in bro lock in like we said right and then put your feet out the front the front get get ready you good push him in the right direction now go straight I'm going to push you ready St the [ __ ] KS he ain't moving by the way this is beautiful this is amazing get you know what I'm [ __ ] God look it's CL oh that's phenomenal oh this there's a long the thing he's got to get off he going the island me a while J JJ when you get off at the island make sure you like attach it to a tree or something like don't let it float away okay I'm doing it mom look at me are you proud oh [ __ ] me without telling him these three have placed a bet yes I heard so uh they have bet we went that he he doesn't fall in the water at any point nice a lot of work [ __ ] hell everywhere we go people want to know he's fying he's he's flying he can steer as well by the way he's steering it's not hard my issue isn't even getting off it's going to be him coming back getting back onto the boat I want to wake up every moment feeling better cuz I know you feeling [ __ ] I forgot my lyrics to the island on bags orange orange bag on the island JJ I'm right I think I'm try all right Jer you're a legend bro [ __ ] H it works I we're going to we're going to win the B he can come this way right wait don't say that Harry oh we can we can bring him this way now why is there so many [ __ ] things there okay to be fair yeah use those use those things to pull yourself in yeah yeah slly everything slow but he step to the front it's big problem he no if he step if he steps on that be oh no there's definitely fish guess at least you're worries right now drop the the island yeah no no no no no no take the all with you good man cuz you need both hands very contextual now try and rotate 90° why because he walk off you can walk along the beams at the moment you're stepping onto a be yeah you got it look at him here do it slow now you can Shuffle slowly off can you jump that no no cuz if he jumps the boat will [ __ ] off or or Jam just catch it real quick get one foot on land and and then grab the boat grab the boat the boat yeah pull with the other find a way to keep the boat there hold the boat the right you're good you're good run to get in the bags AJ i' zip tie all the bags together okay guys I get it the zip ties on the other side [ __ ] the [ __ ] it's fine you got a pathway to them though wait can you not rotate the boat can you not turn theat okay wait I'll just rotate it so much harder than I thought it' be you're killing it yeah oh there you go there's one on yes come on let's go okay [ __ ] 1 2 3 4 guys yeah yeah there's only six bags yeah yeah yeah I can there orange through there no so the back left there's one right there we can see it there one right in front of us we can see it all the southern yeah he wasn't even on to wind up it was going to wind up was that just him being ASI well done yeah good shift mate no don't you [ __ ] dare don't do it not worth it man it's not worth a wholesome video it's not worth it man we're all take that axe no no no no I will take that ax to your neck don't worry you got get back to lose that token cuz he's not coming back on the island I'm sleeping here boys in what what was the point in that what what have you achieved there well one of us doesn't have a sleeping bag we built you a house remember thank God we didn't bet on him bringing the all back away thank God do you want me to get it back if you can that be sick you're going to have to be quick though cuz it's going down stream so can't fine why do I do that why have I just made this harder for me I he's to change your heart he's not going to get back against the street he's he's not get back I think he will strong yeah he's a strong boy okay cold coldest moments yeah one Jesus Christ go on a boat if he goes is he not going for the violence speed momentum you're a good man JJ well done mate he turned himself into a hero [ __ ] [ __ ] that I have to do in these videos I swear to God there we go come on oh what a spot could have set up camp here that's is so you see what I'm saying J more stable oh he's going there look he's cooking I'm so [ __ ] tired so [ __ ] tired if it helps the way back's going to be harder he's going to have to really balance what on yes yes mate you're the best there doing but Turing the wrong way the wrong way way way no no use it all [ __ ] that's to beir this is working he's trying to slam on the bridge actually work the no no what you doing turning around the wrong way that way yeah there we go boss not yet he's never coming back but J every second you wait you're going further away long day he's moving he's moving great shift good man I'll save you this man is a billionaire that might be every time you stop you you the car just steady motion mate [ __ ] hell should we meet you back in the dog yeah [ __ ] off go we'll have you some do you want anything ready for you when you land you want something out the shop all give me more the chicken strips what you need more chicken strips I mean chicken strips it's fine it's fine we'll Overlook that one you big be we'll Overlook it we can Overlook that one he destroyed our house for trying to steal why is it so far away way in the [Laughter] water La Lamborghini La Lamborghini oh God damn it I can't even take a break because it literally takes me back to where I started he's actually made it got a round of applause yeah if I stand on this look go [Applause] on go listen to them JJ we uh got one token earlier and we bet it paying two to one odds that you wouldn't go in the water so we got three tokens yes yes he he just ain't good we believe in you we believed in you God there you go there you go please don't spend on chicken strips wait yeah chicken strips you said more chicken strips no no I was in chicken strips there's a there's a chicken strip missing there is did you who took the chicken strips well you said you want some more chicken strips who who took the chicken strips why are you looking at mej can we have our one token we gambled and you can keep the other two thank you I don't what was the point of [ __ ] gambling no no no no it's for the team he he he you should have two and he should have the one I never want to do that again your first t for today by the way could you get the barrel the the [ __ ] wood all you done so far is get your bu six wood over [Laughter] there said more chickens Boys Boys Boys leave these on the outside I was about to say do we want to it's muddy in there okay just leave them like here yeah just leave them like away from the mud like here on the palace no sure yeah sure let's take the barrels we've repurposed our Ro so we use this as tables take them up in a more of a strange way of doing it Camp side men just grow stronger we were the first the first men to settle this land we should call this s side land sidel land and put that on for spiners b b b beautiful I'm it'll do no no no no no move these cooking on it move these Barrel to the edge it'll be much more stable like move them to the corner are we cooking anyway having a fire we've got we've got a barbecue we bought a barbecue okay let's go to the shop let's go okay four tokens guys you have one with you and then you have the other three there token wood all first of all let me startop yeah okay two things I want well we said one thing for all of us can't buy me there's one thing he wants okay um I'm thinking we buy one guitar okay for campfire yeah sure sure and then I'm I'm open to haggles some pot noodles we can do better that he do better for two for two tokens what would you well if you perform for him later maybe like a of like Lamborghini for one token and and Acappella Lamborghini Lamborghini you will perform a song later I will perform a song yeah on there you go see no your worki yes done thank I'll give you that now and then all the pot you got perform perform you got perform with it deal well now we know what he's doing with it um well after we performed he can do should we should we pre purchase dry Flor dry flooring Dy flooring yeah floor dry flooring dry flooring yeah I'm practicing dry flooring so then no one goes in there no stop okay the do you deal this is first and cire chair have get chairs there's four wow and which one is the actual floor is this one isn't it do you have your dry floooring yes yes you have your tart you got your pot noodles is there chairs for everyone there there is enough can can I buy chairs please yeah thank you that's a good deal that one no that's a good deal you still have one more I believe we have food that was dramatic I like bug spray a it's fair enough you survived this long you surviv so far night time that's fair enough what take it back I'll take it back I take it back change your lights I've already been sprayed with it wait what do you mean lights to go we have lights from the cameraman JJ I'll give you these regardless how are we going to explore porn say porn wa Li Li fireworks Li we haven't even bought the fireworks yet can we can we just buy you as like a ban so you come with all the drinks behind primes all the waters all the and you can be a b man for like half hour get one more token oh and that's a deal and the water as well yeah boys can we F all our cooking equipment let's just take stuff back we need to work fast it's the sunlight is going quick quickly c a m p f i r e s o song where's that from SpongeBob gas Let's uh let's set up the chairs and let's put supplies on here cuz this is where our cooking equipment is going should we do a semicircle around this side yeah and the chef will go there oh oh mate I can't wait to sit down by the way oh that's so good oh I ain't sat down in [ __ ] hours you know when your mom said it were going out mate I sat down all day oh here we go oh oh mate I could come I can't wait to get drunk how does this work then I'll try not to blow up camp yeah please oh by the way willly nonto the worm escaped oh did he yeah he bust case yeah bust case oh by the way there's a massive pile of logs over here I mean there's these I don't know if they're sticks they're more like logs yeah look at that that's a very look at the top of it oh I think yeah look I I don't think we're beating that I don't think we're beating that that's that's a very cool stick now look at it that's that is a cool stick now and look it's straight you know what come on thank you so while you're away uh JJ has bought marshmallows and corn should not be allowed money he went up there and said can I get [ __ ] guitar and [ __ ] bot Nole no you bought a guitar today you bought a guitar pot noodle cornen strip chicken strips jelly tops squashies how many You' spent eight tokens what H now the guitars and the with one token together I said he can return these if he returns them and also get spanked what what what what are the other tasks there anything else we can do I'm happy to let his cuz we can toast the marshmallows well it's not the worst thing it's not a good we we get the bartender we seduce him our shots camouflage yourself Simon will try and spot you no we didn't do that when we didn't do that you said you didn't do that no we we what have you done come now we're going we're going to get this photo done yeah yeah sure legit guys I have bad news what how there can't be worse it needs power we need we need fire to light the gas surely goes no it does must to no I think we may need fire to light the gas where are you where am I oh what tree you behind we have fire we cooking we can cook hold up let me cook Vic you look like a DJ Dax yeah you cooking cooking something up Simon come come so look we have a lovely video a video and a photo this is a screenshot now so okay he he's in that scene so what I'm jumping and [ __ ] spread Eagles I think so yeah and just wrap around it I think you're I think you're overestimating how [ __ ] athletically gifted I am like you are you you're the map yes yes yes you're [ __ ] there come on no you done it he just jumped between two trees oh [ __ ] ow JJ it didn't get approved oh I I I could see you however we've jumped between two trees and Jun run that back while you're here yeah we've all done I we've done the nuts five for nuts doing told I just told you that when you come over no one said that to me no but when you I heard him go you just there we've already done that by the way it's been why didn't you tell him over there oh oh you well done mate put an in all you did it all on one they did it with t-shirts JJ stick your head out slightly forward more now go forward ever so slightly okay what else can we do but that this let's get this reviewed first I'm I guess that oh yeah you were in the photo and you didn't even know [ __ ] team build have secured more TPS so we're getting flooring down in the GFF is that all the tops we've got four of got two TPS we got four four tops four TPS is there all down there no they're there we want put these up the walls a little bit to create like a little bucket we want the shiny side down I think are they both they not the same on both Sid the same both sides it's the top right can you get right in there I get light light oh wa W he blinding in here get you on bosi you okay I'm good I'm good I'm good Thee the prime Branch it sounded worse than this cu the prime can rled I jumped up prob like a car yeah was go on vickar mate he's done it you should be Vick Star is for the blind Vick Star is for the be you're putting out the size to create a bucket aren't you yeah that's what I'm trying to do yeah Vick strikes me some like fail d what's the reason what's the reason for the bucket so so you're not man I'm taking my shoes off to so your bucket because it like keeps it all in yeah yeah I don't hate that it'll Shelter From the little wind at the bottom I I love it mate you the best and the bgs oh kind of Waits me we got a big Tech that's a man that he does that with his bedet 100% proper gets into it yeah 100% right that's a good shift mate right it's one in one in B now pass him another top do you want to open all the way or just we should yeah we should yeah now you pull it to the edge what a GFF I'm not going to lie in central London this cost you 800 Grand do you want these ones now yeah sure why not oh wait that's enough that's more than enough bro we're layering carpet this is this is beautiful n that a cold oh my God makes fire Boys Boys Boys Boys Ethan Ethan look what I have here you bring that over and use that to light the old um don't cook it for too long bro well I want it to catch fire properly so it doesn't go out when I bring it over in the rain where did you just get that from I found it on the floor I fored it wait he's bringing it he's bringing it you just singed it lad what you I did think that was quite silly I did it what a fire Harry's just putting his hand in the fire what are you what is that Harry why are you cooking that I don't know hey bartender hello I would like two of these please there you go thank don't have to do much for that I would please take sir tequila and strawberry watermelon Prime oh wow now do it as twice as strong as you think it should be and then double that and that's probably about as much as I'll having it we got 11 I'm happy with that we can share we also it'll keep us warm if all together true heat and you know what more Vibes together anyway who be t on their own JJ and J we carry the food I hold the camera and I lift the mood I was cold I was naked were you there were you there hopefully not it doesn't sound like a party the shop is unmanned look at what we I'm I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying can we this is the is there someone coming that way this is the time we get lighter in the firework but Oreos look good don't take anything cuz he will destroy our ship don't take the fireworks we bought them they're mine have you bought them ready yeah yeah where's the tent Josh no we let's take it back to Camp first fireworks you're going to set off now yeah camera stop oh s I'm just killing the Flies right you ready yep all right so Josh has decided he wants to um launch the firework now just one to surprise just one they're chilling in thingy it's quite fun isn't it oh [ __ ] we have to go he found it oh my [ __ ] God Jesus Christ what the who s fire is J just cers having it off instead of cooking our dinner your C that's our Chef that's our Chef blowing up fireworks by the way I did sell him the whole box what why did it why did it launch I don't know but do wait did we not do something was the instructions going straight up Josh do it then this time if you hear it look it's too buggy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh you pushed goes in the ground it is drop him in then it goes what the [ __ ] it's going on I said let's go back he said we were there and I've not seen a firework above 2 fet yeah right guys he's got putting him in the P he's been sticking him in the ground and been doing that and then exploding okay is he at least running away this time he is y oh that one was [ __ ] the other two was sick it was right there that's why it was it exped that was the same as the other one it was the same do it again a bug on my head I can feel it ah oh we hey Toby Toby sparklers hi Josh wait where's Josh here hey Toby firewor by the way he's it's not my first ever firework oh it's not he running I've have a little one we yeah sh but don't worry we got a bigger one I'm never lit one sh you want do you want to do it never ever lit one you want to they're so fast uh go go go further to left yeah about just to wait from the range R for a little bit that's all I'm scared okay run run run run run run run is so is this a good distance I haven't seen challeng oh oh noly [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh W [ __ ] oh [ __ ] J JJ that puddle is very deep look look sh yeah light it light it light it light it light it light it [ __ ] hell wait it's not working do it again there you go KSI KSI KSI here he goes run run run run run everyone runs like that run Jack run everyone does the same run oh my God both hiding behind me oh oh oh holy [ __ ] that was fun that was well worth a token yeah I it's the vender okay I want you to know we almost died who nearly got killed in the shop all of us I see who who launched it who fired it was it Jo circus I think that was me oh no but it was a square and it just came out sideways oh this is nice did it go into the shop no it went the other way it went towards it went towards him is Josh urer going to make us dinner now I don't think he knows we told him do it agreed to it he agreed to it uh it's been an experience I mean I've done it before done it back in school when I did DV also did it on a glacia in Iceland that was definitely an experience and now we're just doing it in good oldfashioned England yeah there been a lot of ticks a lot of mosquitoes uh some other random things that are just disgusting and a Frog but yeah it's been an experience I've enjoyed it didn't enjoy the rafting bit was a lot of work uh no I'm not looking forward to sleep in here because I think I'm just going to get eaten alive the mosquitoes are going to enjoy my black skin and then suck my blood you did did I just hear that you're cooking me a vegan no no def was a vegan okay myself is that you got there I've chopped my handy off I [ __ ] built a shelter and now I'm eating vegan sausage don't worry Ean there's more pork there's more pork there's chicken there's chip chicken chipas [ __ ] chicken chipas would go oh I I'll tell you what yeah I'll eat all of it yeah we'll just cook it all all right KSI it's time baby we ready yeah we're ready we're ready mate go rocks on my wrist that [ __ ] you can't resist okay cash flow greater than the haters in my gist oh riding in your face yeah okay feeling like I'm H I don't think that's how like a damn Genie even that's not the word you've absolutely bottled that that's not your own tune do something you know I do know it's just weird doing it at this Tempo go rocks on my wrist let she you can't resist cash flow greater than the hater my in your face looking like I found a damn Genie yeah in my Lamborghini La Lamborghini La Lamborghini [ __ ] I know you see me in my Lamborghini Lamborghini Lamborghini right so quick you would think I'm boom L on the track back I try holiday that would actually be if you if someone could actually play holiday on guitar sounds so good guitar but you do it you can play it oh okay here we go two one go I want to wake up every morning feeling better cuz I know you're sleeping by my side and every moment we're together I remember just to keep it all for you and I oh I see that body in the sunlight sunlight feeling in the Heat and it feels right feels right I want to do this for the rest of my life okay but come on J I know you the St you every night you and me underneath the lights I'm always good when you're by my side yeah I know you know you're on my mind what me my life I want to be here for the rest of my life looking for needing them good days Fly Me Away Away cool like the Ocean Lost in Emotion find me away away You're my holiday [Music] whenever the Moon who wronged you today with the corner problem who wronged you today who done you hey how you feeling right now man I'm feeling fantastic well lucky for you that's good got him pissing me offing Cricket he's in's in over got him if he misses by the way if it breaks he's going to hit okay burger sauce is phenomenal that sounded good hey hey that's the wrong tree he's worked out one trees above us oh you we survived drinks not on the drinks that's the drinks Make It Rain he's making it rain are you happy well done go you what you deserve on the fire [ __ ] fake was taking forever I need to the cutlery yeah yeah I need to St that 10 out of 10 hot dog by the way that was so good that two of them you beast but you had another hot dog I wish I had another one gave me his oh noodle chilling there is that for you how that's not balance who set fire to the well actually we can't cuz it's so wet no it will light it will he's not going to balance this oh my God oh God that was so rock and roll bro this poor little Mees table was not Built For This by the way got com [ __ ] toxic F what you think he's got strings on it yeah but look how he's aimed it oh to be fair the wind's been going that way the whole time at least it went up he's doing head mov he's covered it so it's now Harry just breathe man bre Just Breath Harry bro Harry just breathe out of it just breathe are you not breathing just laughing him creas him while the even it's not funny we were all laughing there when when Harry's in pain we have to think about him okay I'll tell you what the guitar's provided guar the heat is gorgeous bro do you know what that's KSI music it's just just straight heat that was so cringe I'm trying to Big you up it's getting a little bit scary no I like this now this is oh it is really nice yeah that's serious that's gorgeous [ __ ] this is prop got any more guitars going this is [ __ ] fantastic yeah energy crisis we've solved it just SP guitar I've had a great day he what it was pissing and Rain yeah i' yeah youed to that wasn't great it's because I was surrounded by energy where like we knew we knew it could have been sacked off but guess what we power to that's his third one that's his third sausage what the [ __ ] it's my [ __ ] going lose his [ __ ] scrap cuz he fed him a third sausage good if he loses scrap he might have [ __ ] do it again he only lost one yeah he lost his last one he pretend he didn't lose so he has actually fully lose hasn't want to fight in two years what heard Jesus no contest on loss on the McGregor K High McGregor next [ __ ] s a bunch of losers [Laughter] contest that was good that was really good first person to get a w challenge wait do we think uh McGregor's going he's get yeah I think he's [ __ ] he's going to win man he's going to win win the fan want to say he he's going to win man Side cast little poy right now I'll do a pod right now outside cast right now so guys what's the topic list there's burger sauce or no burger sauce I don't want to another sausage mate all right I do you had you had threee my eyes are actually [ __ ] by the way I can't I've been why you still s cuz it's nice and warm but like I think I'm getting the most of the heat but I'm also getting the most of the [ __ ] smoke as well anything else I can get you sir there's a chili one of those if you want it and now slightly drunk too this better any more food going I use's doing he's doing sausage for himself quick J you not put no burgers in wait are you telling me Josh about sit down no no I'm going holy [ __ ] he just cooked like 12 sausages leave him alone no no man you should never bear F I've never seen you buy I would say cuz it's only him youe he's worse cuz he's our audience attack shoe that disgusting I'm Ill that's even worse you've never bit before man you get attacked you do wrong doings against Harry don't it true yeah yeah yeah I heard Simon made him cry it's like it's like you when you come and destroy that thing I was like Harry's crying in there oh [ __ ] it's not making edit yeah it's like um me and him eating challenge yeah we did the breakfast and I ate loads of it the whole time he's going eat more eat more and I got rinsed all week helped that Harry more he was really upset you didn't help him out [ __ ] attacked you're unstoppable yeah well you're there a clip where I think Toby did a patience test and he got whipped cream on him or something and I go one of us one of us and you see where he did it about his Migo yeah said mine was racist this was fny you didn't you crossed the line there to be mine was whipped cream yours was a skin condition as soon as you come in and Destroy I went wow Harry's really upset here comes vstar the fire lighter and twisted fire star let's get some fossil fuels on here time to get fossil youve just ped off the on the grass this side [ __ ] sake big side sick Bro I'm having the best day of my life this been so much what how do you do this you we're cooking where's all our backpacks and stuff all the wood from the you got to do a task to get it oh here it comes look at this yeah but we could like slowly feed no it's going to tilt it'll tilt it tilt it's going to tilt the thing bro will it yeah no it's good oh here we go two reckons they have the best mouth in the group oh do mouth I lob one of these oh I reckon I the one that Vic thinks is Eda drama big mouth I mean e has the best mouth that mouth is huge ready do you me I actually throw no that's disgusting are you ready is it yeah Y no that was insane yo that was incredible shut up shut put a stock in it this like I don't know just stuffed my P did you enjoy that 100% do it again that was so wide Vic's going to be in the comments saying it's edited do I believe it now to me twice before it that mouth disgusted that is so big let's see how the others are doing how's it going boys doing great man how are you that's quite good from YouTu that you know what that that that's that's a really good one yeah when JoJo says let's cut to what the other team's doing can we just get a stock footage of just of just random people just random men in the forest just on the we have to do that please you know what guys I've had a really good time today we did a lot you know I obviously went on the raft that was actually very good yeah Captain I also made the ra HED Miss forward went off you know I made I remember when I made this as well for you guys you remember when you made this it's like a group project you also threw the S bag in the water for no reason just go collected all right six Awards all right doesn't mean you're all going to get one there are six marshmallows left I bet one I bet Toby doesn't get a reward well if he doesn't it's because of you because it is a voting system wow so we're going to start off on a on a good mood yeah who is the best mood lifter of the camp can we vote ourselves is it is it a 3 to one point jobby yes okay can we vote ourselves if you genuinely think it sure LIF so who you who's been the best Vibe today who's kept Spirits high in the camp all right ready oh three two one go okay two for Josh I got Ethan I got Ethan two for Ethan two for Ethan Ethan and Josh it's Shar markm you've got that [Laughter] M at the last moment snatches the award for God's sake oh you seen him after today he's been down a shot we got our own team a bunch of bullies moving swiftly on from that who is the camp [ __ ] what way what way however you wish to take it in what way that's crazy I've got my who's been the bit three two [Laughter] one you change your second yeah how you partake you were just here you like floating about the logs oh yeah you didn't I carried more than him you didn't know to be fair you did he got forced into the lake J was for into the lake I a voal ag bit JJ come bit get the marshmallow give me the marshmallow sure bro the third award is is best cook you're in you are in going necessarily doesn't necessarily have to be food yeah who cooks up the best I don't like this three two one um he went me I think yeah we'll give you look underestimating Vic's [ __ ] ability to do the knots on that man we made string we made our own string we have the least effort I two [Music] things you can count as him whenever you're ready three two one hey I want a marshmallow I you didn't win you didn't win with a late charge J is going like messy bro us toay for the penultimate one is the biggest complainer oh oh mind three two one JJ's got for himself I for JJ Ethan yeah Ethan has been on Jos Harry I think Harry's on my ass balling Ethan will split this one yeah I'll take it you split with him though yeah was my split he's complaining and the final award is for the hardest worker wow sh up we finally Di moment we've been waiting hours this is the moment we've been waiting for we planned for that we Shuffle it up there we go Shuffle it up there we go so the final award who has put the most effort into this camp three two one oh okay I'll take but I Harry was destroying car and that concludes the awards I think it's time for bed yeah well done guys good shift but what if I don't want to go sleep you're going to bed all right it's like 2 a.m. look at this mate our Gap is so spacious we can set our Vlog cameras up on tripods and get ready for bed look at this little L by the way look ready there no light watch your F can I get this side can I get down there yeah cool I'm not going to lie boys this is me for the night yeah oh gy easy peasy this actually [ __ ] this is such a good [ __ ] Gap we've got like the uh indoor wood what do they call it um like exposed exposed wood beams no one sleep directly in the middle cuz if it does start raining rain this what I'm saying are you going further down I'll go to the very end are you going down no boys there's pudles of water here there's PS of water how what do you mean how how oh there's no TP there okay so no just just just St near the wall I'm not going to lie this is kind of cushy I think we have inflatable uh pillows too really yeah look this is VIP glamping oh bro this is the dream it's quite spacious in here did you take a shoes in there shoes are there quite a l room I wow why are we in night shot mod oh no top Hill is actually quite uncomfortable oh King of the castle King of the castle King of the castle you'll never get this you will never get this king of the castle see I should in the middle right cuz Oreo Vibes no what no that's not Aesthetics Double Stuffed no l got blanket KSI again actually when we're all together it'll keep us warm what is wrong with your face and night vision no it is right it's just black people no it's your eyebrows right look look look at Toby see eyebrows like Toby looks like really friendly and his eyebrows really come out do my eyebrows come out look at me oh yeah I look normal right my eyebrows are [ __ ] yeah look look look he just it's his eyes too look at look at the camera his eyes are creepy look look at your camera your eyes are creepy cuz like it was a starting difference in the haunted video I turned around I'm like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what is that what's wrong with me it's just that you know what is is you're different and that's what makes you you yay I'm tired surely people aren't watching that this point go on then go sleep mate all right good night guys get in the sleeping bag no why you on top of it because it's not comfortable why do you still have a soer under neck there literally there literally a stick wait like impaling my ribs please I'm trying to find a button I've stopped I'm trying to a button where's the botom [Music] JJ's still sleeping spider we have another eyes we have oh no what's he about to do no oh god oh no Harry's awake as well comes out Harry get out you're a lizard Harry lizard El lizard you're not lizard Harry there we go oh yeah get that in a Tik Tok look up at me like staring hello boys oh they're more mening like toothpaste or anything do they I got Polo really like I'll take a polo actually they they're water log though but honestly I I don't think I can even see shokes I sting there dark in I'm so [Laughter] pissed this this got some zoom on it [ __ ] hell there's no need to zoom into this sorry let me Zoom back out is annual camping trip yeah man this was vies it actually was Vibes it looks a lot like that was [ __ ] sound that was amazing was a was a big opening that B that the it was really was it warm as well [ __ ] I mean actually decided to go see I was out was actually that that is sick that is very sick did you have space yeah I need one of them I got I got like a little shelf from all my stuff and there little pockets on the side oh we had a window we could opened as well we could open our Windows got Windows over Prime I could do like an you was there it's a Vibe it's a Vibe is it a Vibe you got it it wasn't VI man that was VI car key secured and then reant is still here have a sleep for a bit Yeah JJ wake up out a wake up and then uh clean up crew will come and sort this out for us why you got helmet what's going on I F what we leave all of yesterday when it was raining you didn't care but now when I leaving you care might been dislodged in the night yeah fair you know what respect it sure it's like oh it's solid yeah and it matches your jumpo which is kind of cool and the I forget that don't PR that should walk she back to our uh face camp you [ __ ] stink you should have a shower you should have a shower no no got my helmet on now I won't get wet I'm [ __ ] drunk oh my God what are he good for bro this is hilarious three just often quite Smiley good yeah not bad actually not bad at all fair play to you Lance right let's it going you really diing those feet I'm drifting he's drifting slowly drifting drifting away wave wave after wave drif these [ __ ] left me these [ __ ] oh there's a little bug in here great all right well rise and shine sh L and boys the what your boy he's back morning boys hello that sounds like food he's already awake you're very alone yeah they [ __ ] left me man oh they did go yeah okay well they said they might leave early oh Vick's up your boys left yeah but our house is still here that's very impressive our house remains that's actually very impressive I bring eggs eggs I brought I brought them for everyone but it's only us three now have we got bacon uh no I you know I'll deal with the eggs okay I'm noticing a lack of cooking okay okay your eggs mate do we have an extra pan we can cook it in the kettle what I don't know I wake up and instantly there's camera in my [ __ ] face all right let's eat [ __ ] look at that shell how can I does have a that's your egg oh my goodness hold I've got an idea the first egg is a sacrifice it's absorbing all of the [ __ ] Char let this cook and then we scrape it off and eat the other eggs sick no no no no no no no I I want to I I understand why the other guys left I I understand why they you going to eat that yeah bro this it's literally got C look at yeah we're we're saying if you wait few minutes let cook scrape it off and then I'm cooking I'm cooking all right you eat the okay he can have that one what are you making I don't even know a coal omelette like you've actually got rid of most of it now yeah this is you know it's he cleaning the pan with an egg it's it's it's different do we have plates no [ __ ] just grab it in your hand no way we might have like you can put it in like a bun done I don't think flavor is the concern here I think survival will be the flavor keep it a bit less than that thanks well boys thank you very much k for cooking that thank you you know what the Chate add something good it that's a little crunch yeah I'm not mad at it yeah we hope you've enjoyed it's no zura sausage z a mad statement Zera sausage was good Simon love tow down on Zera sausage after I saw his [ __ ] bro this has been Sid men surviving the far for 24 hours next time if you want to see us survive somewhere else let us know leave a like please pleas
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,300,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: ke2HaIlG8z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 1sec (7261 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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