Sex in Marriage...

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tell your penis your vagina your clitoris and that clitoris has no other business exact sexual pleasure God wants you to enjoy sex period most people have two children or three children or for children or five or six even if you have ten children does it mean you only have six ten times if sex was only for children then those people with ten children have sex only ten times oh yes sex was meant primarily for sexual pleasure the central reason for marriage was sexual intimacy you can do business with anyone else you can pray with anyone else and you can play with anyone else you can work with anyone else you can Puttnam ministry in business in work with anyone else male or female what makes it unique between you and your partner is your sexual intimacy and God wants you to explore each other God is telling you hey I'm giving you this garden walk around the garden this is not the Garden of Eden is the garden of Mercy the garden of Rose the garden of Judy the garden of Lillian the garden of Mary whatever you and the bright your bright ace whatever your wife is called the Garden of Eden are you know the garden of on the garden of whatever name whatever is her name God is telling you hey walk around explore the garden find out whether there are some rivers go down the streams go searching for the fountains and by the way I've hidden some bouncing castles right there bounce bounce bounce a lot only one thing don't get out of the fence don't get out of the fence just go around your garden and enjoy this garden go up the mountains go dip into the holes there are some caves of hidden right in your garden such for the caves even the holes getting there only one thing only one thing don't get out of the fence don't get out of the fence for your own good for your own sake the offense is for your defense if you get out of wedlock you are going to encounter many dangers this fence is for your personal defense several years ago there was a couple in London and they went on each of them separately went on a sex site to look for someone to move with to look for a sex partner so they were using different names so that they cannot be identified so that they cannot be caught so in this sex site we had false identity they didn't use their pictures and they didn't use their true names so the woman and the man were dating each other without knowing they were actually dating with each other the husband and a wife were cheating on each other online but they didn't know they were using fake pictures and fake names know their real names so on the material day when they were to meet in a particular hotel a certain room nobody had really agreed the man had set up some wine some roses candlelit dinner with his hot date in Laden behold he was secretly dating his wife and they divorced immediately because he was shocked the wife was cheating on him she was she was shocked the husband was cheating on him was the message these guys who they were looking for is communication they were communicating with each other online but they did not communicate one-on-one face-to-face and that's why a last week when I was talking to single men I want them avoid ghosts in each other avoid going other grout going other growth is for cowards dating a girl and then going other grout is for cowards brave people don't hide they come out they want to be seen and they don't allow social media to replace their physical presence so God wants you to have fun I want that to sink in your system accept each other's flows and quirks no one is perfect don't be disturbed your wife may be having a big bust and then you're thinking you know small Bera because i can kiss them these big ones I don't know where to start when I try my tongue it's I can't even touch a quarter of it you'll be sure this a man whose wife a small dress and he wishes he had bigger ones maybe your wife has big butts and enjoyed them God intended you to have a big bouncing castle if your wife has small ones and enjoy them God wanted it to have deep Khan's deep penetration the thing is none of us is perfect none of us is flawless we all have defects you don't move from one person to another because of the effects the effects and flaws make us unique we are tailor-made with unique flows that make us unique you know people write to me a lot of sex questions some tell me especially singles I need to know about a size you don't need to know about a size if you test men of different sizes you will be confused you might even be admitted in hospital you will not even know who to go for it's not about the size it's about how you make love together hey you've got to know this ad if it's about the size I did statistics in my first degree I will tell you something if you're thinking about size then answer me this question what sample is large enough for you to make a scientific conclusion that this is my right size we are seven point eight billion people so roughly we are about 3.8 billion men 3.8 billion men - what sample size do you need for you to be sure that I have known how the Sudanese size ace and the Indian size and the Chinese says the British says the American size the Korean church says the Cameroonian says the Syrian size that you garden says what sample size do you need and where will you get their sample size from where will you get a data from which men will come to you for you to validate the data and to test your nomura t hey use common sense you don't need to test drive if you're single and you can hear my voice is not about sales however take care of your body woman take care of your body man yes there are things that strain your sex life like obesity and overweight there are things you can do to spice up your sex life every time you overweight number one you get too tired for your sex life it is taxing what you eat before you sleep can affect your sex life what you drink before you sleep Kenneth can affect your sex life on the minimum we are compromises your capacity to deliver optimally on the minimum obesity over eating at night some people are so many rest they eat so heavily they eat so much before bed night and then they are just they are just breathing like a horse come on come on there are things you need to work on Dina needs to be the least meal in the evening take your chicken take your beef in the morning and lunch hour in the evening typical like me be ready for the game keep your body feet exercise out there don't bring a lazy bear body to bed some of these things don't require prayer and fasting they require you to work on yourself you can be a bishop and lazy in bed yes you can be a billionaire and lose your wife and lose your husband because the central issue about say about Marga sex that's what God placed the main sex organs in the middle in the central part of your body sex is not a side issue it is the central issue let this sink in your system today yes you're hearing it from a pasta let it sink in your system there was no accident why God didn't put the pennies on our forehead there was no accident he needed the whole body of a man and a woman to lock lock completely that's the deal so I wanted to know this God wants you to have fun he really enjoys when you have fun the same way you enjoy when you see your children swimming playing soccer cat Scottie or anything else God enjoys and you have fun a lot of Christians think God only enjoys on your brain when you're fasting when you're reading the Bible when you ever july's into the Lord come on come on God created you to enjoy this life God loves it when you enjoy your sex life when you go hiking when you go cruising when you jog when you cook together when you go for road drives when you go to the national parks when you're walking on your desktop when you're providing solutions to the community whether you're providing water or ICT solutions or solar solutions whether you're running a restaurant God enjoys when we make the most of what he created us to be yes he expects us to be fruitful point number three I have eight points I want to share with you about sex in marriage so number one marriage is a sex covenant number two God wants you to have fun sex is God's idea number three who should initiate sex ideal if the man the man should initiate sex 80% of the time however every man wants to see the woman make effort once in a while when a woman makes effort to initiate sex the man feels respected honored and needed when a man is not available to offer sex to the husband he feels rejected if he initiates sex every single day the entire year he doesn't necessarily feel loved so here's 80 percent of the time the man should initiate sex that's how God intended it to be but hey come on woman once in a while surprise him be crazy about it go for it he feels good to know you need it disclaimer 20% of the women on earth are more sexual than men on average men are more sexual than we remember for men sex can only compete with oxygen while women want sex men need sex follow this women want sex men need sex hey I'm saying this you need oxygen you need oxygen you get it in other words you can't live without oxygen so men need sex it's a need it's a need it's a need a basic need in fact in Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs sex was right there rated at the same same level with food clothing and shelter but the truth is of all marriages 20% of marriages women are more interested with sex than men so if your wife is much more horny is more interested is more aggressive sexual she's not abnormal I don't say your woman has a problem no there are some women who are more sexual than men about 20% of them and that's already researched and is settled there are so many questions people ask me about sex so I've written them in this book 60 sex questions the reason I wrote this book is because you know how I almost wrote 60 books about sex because sex is a human pain point number one the human pain point number two is money the human pain point number one is sex I received hundreds of emails from people from all over the world hundreds of messages in my inbox and please my friends my friends my followers on Facebook if you send me an email or a message in my inbox and I don't reply it don't take offense some of you are getting very offended why I'm not surprised you are not the only fish in the pod I am receiving hundreds and hundreds of them every day so I only reply about 10 percent I just pick a sample that's the truth that's the truth that's the truth don't be offended no human being can keep up with the number of emails I receive every day and with a number the number of texts in my inbox that's why sometimes I people my number to call and book a coaching session and I can give you my number it's it's in the open plus one six seven eight eight one five three four zero two plus one six seven eight eight one five three four zero two you can set a hot subject and book a session because sometimes it's too crazy so many people are writing to me so so many questions people asking me about sex I thought of writing sistex then on a second note I said why can't I just and categorize all the questions classify them and then answer them that's how I came up with this book it's a powerful book and this book is available in Amazon it's available in Amazon it's a powerful book it's available in Amazon so yes so number three God wants you to number two God wants you to have a number three initiate sex in your marriage and don't just do sex talk about sex talk about it most people don't talk about sex they just do it if you are unable to discuss if you are unable to talk then you can come up with a creative way as a couple to suggest your partner when you need sex come up with a way to suggest this at the time I need sex for example you can decide when I switch on the pink lights in our bedroom I need sex or you can decide when I put a certain lubricant that we use maybe there are some people who use lubricant like his and hers okay whatever lubricant to use when I put it there then I'm suggesting we need some milk to make club or when I put some inner ears then I'm suggesting we need some lovemaking come up with a way to talk about that don't just do it and by the way I have a request if you have been blessed by me by my messages by my FB life my my messages we are using some very outdated equipment for our Facebook and YouTube life I don't invite my friends my fans in facebook a duty you to help me raise some 10k $10,000 to buy some modern equipment to make our facebook life better especially for our Sunday services this coming Sunday I'll be teaching about the working on the poor I'll be answering a very delicate question how is it that people can work for 10 years 15 years 20 years and we are still struggling to make ends meet they still struggle to pay the bills they can't take their children to the school they want they can go for a good holiday they can't go for a cruise in the high seas they still have not cleared their mortgage or they have not build their own house how come I want to talk about that because most of you are told by your teachers and parents work very hard in school get a good grade so that you get a good job and now you've got a good job you have a university degree but is still not satisfied you're still not fulfilled you are heavily at the paid I'll be discussing this on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. our church is only one hour 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. but I go live on Facebook at YouTube at 10:30 a.m. ET 10:00 that am Atlanta time the gadgets we are using are frustrating me a lot our Facebook equipment is failing me a lot and it's unable to support life streaming for Facebook and YouTube at the same time so I invite you my friends I I need your help if I blessed you on Facebook I need your help there's a link I have shared with you I'm trying to read some 10k to get some equipment to reach you more of our hundred countries are following me right now on Facebook help me to reach you in a better way I say this project will not be done by anyone else I will give this project to my Facebook and my YouTube fans on up this project said $20 $50 $10 $100 help us buy equipment we are raising 10k 10k $10 dollars for this equipment click that link help us to fight and we will come to in a better way especially our Sunday services all right number for one of the other questions people keep asking me is about sexual arose so and this is a serious question that people need to know because sex stimulates emotions that's the truth about men for men sex stimulates emotions for women emotions stimulate sex let the sink for men sec stimulate emotions for women emotions stimulate sex hey dude it means call hot during the day said attacks during the day and not just a text of where are you what are you doing and not just a text to find out where she is but text to suggest hey I liked the game last night I love your boobs baby hey I love you a jelly cows girl you took me nuts last night said such a text one of the things with purpose with mercy you know a 17 years and counting marriage every single week we go out for dinner as a couple and then we go out with our kids once a week a different date from the one I do it mercy so we purposed my mercy and I every single week we must go out for dinner just the two of us and once a week we go out with our kids so I suggest come up with ways to spice up your marriage some date night matter sex men don't use logic we are driven by testosterone testosterone it's a hormone that tells us something needs to be released and matter sex would behave like toddlers is it toddler two-year-olds don't have patience kids don't have patience if they need it they pass to be changed they need to be changed right now they need a milk bottle they need it right now matter sex men behave like toddlers guess what we get up in the morning we are no thinking about anybody we are not thinking about sex and we get up in the morning we in a prayerful mood we want to worship but the gadgets are telling us attention ready to hoist the flag oh my god no seam nor devil no evil imagination but utter and Shawn that's how we were wired get over it don't try to think your husband is so obsessed all processed your husband is a hundred percent normal if he wakes up in the morning and the gadget is still asleep be very very very very concerned you might need to seek gynecological advice immediately when we get up in the morning we are reminded of your sex beans and the reason God wired men and women differently is to make sex fun so that the man can hunt for the God the entire day so look you got to get this this was God's original intent let the man hunt for the garden tired a cold heart trickster said that truth flower once in a while let a feel needed for the woman even when you're cooking together tidying up the sitting room doing the homework with a kid that is still part of Audrey a lot of men think foreplay is when we read the bed foreplay begins the moment you get up even as you see her off to the car and Suki's our goodbyes when you're going to work that is to prepare in your evening and God did it so differently for us to know we need each other I will still together I don't know who is on board Wow I can see more than 1.6 k people watching this is exciting so matter sex mental is logic we are driven by a hormone testosterone women aroused by a sacrificial man the more you sacrifice for the woman the moss is a route that's the primary reason why women end up in affairs if a man in the workplace end up sacrificing for her he opens her though he carries a head bag he takes her a route for shopping pick the shopping from the trolley or the cart and puts it in a boot we call it trunk here in the u.s. immediately the woman gets a row so women are aroused by a sacrificial man every time you sacrifice for a woman she gets aroused that's their love language you've got to learn your woman's love luggage does the truth men are roused by a woman who honors them who respects them who celebrates them who doesn't compare them with others that's the difference women aroused by a woman by a man who does stuff for them we made a route sexually where a man who sacrifices for them when a man sacrifices for a woman she'd get emotionally attached but men are aroused by the woman who respects them if you want your man to be aroused and the gadget has been asleep for so long trust me just respect him honor him celebrate him men their right identity from what they do women derive a identity from who they love men are defined by their work you can separate a man from his mission if you just respect what he brings at home what he brings on the table if we if you celebrate his effort if you celebrate the fact that he's trying oh my god a guy will be all out for you that's the thing when aroused by respect and honor and never compare them with anyone else if you are engaged in sex before you got married never ever ever talk about how you used to do sex with your ex never ever mention it buried in the sea of forgetfulness open a new chapter refuse to reread an old chapter start afresh page does the truth even if you love them and they have since passed on to be with the Lord close that chapter don't tell your partner right now how you are late wife how your late husband was engaging in sex every day this is a different human being and you've got to start a new page all together well I came across a book called intimate issues by leader dill ooh and Lorraine Pinter's and our surprised they said 90% of Christian women have been attracted by someone else apart from the husband hey listen 90% of Christian women have been attracted to someone else apart from the husband what is a hundred percent of men a hundred percent of men have been attracted to another woman hey I know there is a pastor watching me with a holier-than-thou attitude now stop speaking in tongues right now we are speaking the truth and we are not gonna speak it in tongues look at my eye I have been attracted to other women my Macias yes he's right here she's the one doing this production for you she can hear me she's the one shooting this herbalife and I'm telling you right now I have been attracted to other women and she has been attracted to other men but she has never told me she cannot admit it she has never told me but I know that truth my Massey is a hundred percent normal and normal women are attracted to other men no more men are treated to another women but here is the deal we are human beings we can't behave like animals animals can meet anywhere a lion can sleep with his mother his cousin his sister his grandmother his great-grandmother so you don't just obey your feelings we don't go by sight we walk by faith we walk by values God honors men and women of character men and women of character enjoy sex when you fail in your character you don't enjoy sex for example if you get a prostitute to sleep with you we'll have a lot of reservations you will be asking yourself many questions you won of course you want to use a condom because you don't own today of hiv/aids and that car don't compromise the sexual pleasure is just a fact so of course number one you compromise the physical pleasure emotionally you are concerned where your money is where your wallet is because you don't know whether she can steal or poison you Oster beYOU so there are minute thoughts going in your head emotionally the deal is clear to both of you it's a money deal she's here in business so she's not interested in being satisfied by you she only wants your money and the truth is men are more fulfilled sexually when the woman enjoys men feel good they feel their man when the woman is enjoying the emotions so every time you try sex outside of your marriage you compromise your own pleasure that's just a fact sexual pleasure is maximum where emotions are safeguarded where emotions emotional safety and security is guaranteed so let me put it this way every man every woman gets at rotted ever somewhere else but you don't have to obey that feeling now so the Bible says we bring down strong roots and every imagination that exerts itself above the Word of God above the true knowledge of the truth so when that thought comes to your head bring it down whatever you focus on experts if you keep on focusing on another woman you will develop interest if you keep on focusing on another man you will develop interest so while it's natural for you to be attracted to someone else you don't have to pursue those instincts you are not an animal for mating you are a human being with self-control self-control is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit well my point number five is sex frequency one of the things people keep asking me how often should we do sex I've talked about that in this book sixty-six questions gay this book in I tell you it addresses most of the sex pains on this planet there is no rule about how often you should do sex but let me tell you the truth in a sexless couple is headed for breaking point or divorce trust me on this there are many subjects people never agree for example when it comes to health matters we never agree how much you should exercise some studies suggest you should not over exercise when it comes to what we should eat most people believe we should eat fruits and vegetables more and reduce sugars and starch but let me tell you there has never been consensus on what food is better than the other many people will tell you avoid red meat but some people will say eat red meat in the morning I have checked different studies and we have never agreed where the white meat is necessarily better than red meat where the fruits and veg it was unnecessarily the best this is one area we agree all studies agree people who engage couples married couples who engage in sex frequently have less stress they are happier the a more fulfilled and they are less sick I can't remember the last time I got sick it was about five years ago and for my mercy it's more than seven years ago I can't remember the last time any of us even took an antibiotic because there was some flu or common core or many opportunistic diseases yeah I mean exactly that we are sexually active if you are doubting I mean exactly that and I'm telling you this with integrity the one thing that Auster disagree when couples are active sexually they never separate don't be cheated that these guys were active sexually and the divorce don't be cheated don't be cheated sexual intimacy releases oxytocin the body hormone it makes people to bond together and when Cup was played together they go out to play soccer or just a mere game like chess monopoly scrub or they go out for the park for hiking they release endorphins they feel good hormones and then they engage in sex there it is oxytocin these two hormones do away they they inhibit the release of cortisol the stress hormone so try this if there has been a kuru in that marriage a struggle in that marriage do this experiment for me please do this experiment for me do this experiment for me for the next 30 days decide you're going to do sex every day not some days aah aah every day for the next 30 days just do the experiment for me and give me feedback just do the experiment and give me the feedback you will be shocked if she is dry try some lubricants like Hayes and Haas or KY or any other lubricant yeah there's some women who don't easily wet try some lubricant try some sex every day every time you engage in sex as a married couple ages are klapping God is coming to order show to see the viateur all some of you got sex is the devil's idea sex is dirty you are totally of growing up avoid sex avoid boys avoid girls sex is God's idea that devil wants to speak you out of sex this is the enemy's tactic before marriage that Devils peak singles into sex after marriage that divorce Peaks married couples out of sex a couple that is sexless is hiding over the key of your marriage to sit on don't be ignorant of the devil devices so many women write to me emails dark pray for my memory pray for my marriage come on come on stop being stupid and foolish you have a sexless marriage and your print for your marriage you are wasting time you are wasting time it's just like the guys who tell me pray for my finances pray for financial breakthrough but they never give you don't give you will always live in luck you will earn money it will go with the Devourer your call be breaking down your house will go on fire you take your money to hospital your children will be hospitalized there the voter will attack you period you've got to learn God operate with principles whether you are the sternum or not you've got to obey them sex in marriage can never be substituted by prayers we have a lot of foolish women who have formed groups of praying for their marriages but they are denying there has brought sex here they are praying and fasting for their marriage you are foolish and stupid get out of that prayer closet and open your legs for your husband some of the things you're praying for will just be solved by sexual intimacy how come we have Muslims with stable marriages a list with stable marriages Hindus with stable marriages Jews with stable marriages Gnostics with stable marriages people don't go to church with table marriages use your common sense all God's principles of conditions you receive Jesus you have eternal life period and you can go to heaven poor you learn to give and to identify a business idea and to pursue that purpose with the goodness of heart you will make money but you can make money and have a terrible marriage you learn to give sex and to receive sex you spice up your marriage you have a stable marriage there are many things about marriage I have taught many things but the central issue the fundamental issue is sex it's not even prayer hey hey you think I'm teaching heresy use your common sense there to become one flesh only then can you start clean for your marriage only thang can you start praying for your mortgage even is no sex in your marriage fast these first top discontinued that that prayer meeting you're having and first engage your husband this is a command it's not a request conjugal rights are guaranteed by law and it's a divine command by God your body woman belongs to your husband and gentlemen your body belongs to your wife 1st Corinthians 7:5 it is not a license for misuse and abuse but it is a license for use it's a license to use her body it's a license to use his body it's not a license to abuse or misuse her body it's not a license to use or misuse his body denying your husband sex is witchcraft witchcraft is any form of control witchcraft is controlling someone again is the wheel sexual manipulation aids which crowd no man who's tired sexual manipulation by his wife he didn't expect that the primary reason the number one reason he married you is sex let us think these things people are never taught by pastors I wanted to hear me write of God through that Holy Word from Genesis to Revelation and there are many couples who will never get children and there is no accident in this life there are no accidents everything is by divine order Abraham and Sarah God Isaac when Abraham was celebrating his 100th birthday 100 years is when he got a baby boy Isaac but were married it was a couple kids don't make your marriage hey come to terms with that so matters frequency I give you a simple this is the rule I give all couples when either once hey sexy marriage when either want not when both want if you can hear me and you're there with your husband say this out to me say this out to me sex in marriage when either once what does that mean if the man wants and the woman is not ready both must want if the man if the woman in the man wants and the woman is not ready both must want if the woman wants and the husband is not ready both must want the ruin marriage is not when both want it's when either wants both must want when I don't want both must want that's the thing when I dupatta want both must want check it out first Corinthians 7:5 don't deprive each other and start from verse 4 woman your body belongs to your husband husband your body belongs to your wife the body you are seen is not you you are a spirit living in a body sex is physical there to become one flesh not one spirit not one soul I know there are many pastors who teach about soul ties and spirit eyes hey sex is flesh not soul ties not spirit eyes it is flesh tie there to become one flesh that's what Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 I will not unite the body of Christ with a prostitute verse 15 and 16 and 17 I will not unite the body of Christ to a prostitute the body the body so come to terms with that when either wants it doesn't matter how often whether it's once a day or twice a day or three times a day a sexless Kappa has had the kiss of a marriage the devil that you must understand in fact I have done across an online course dubbed Winnie in marriage it are discussed seven modules the first module is love respect because men are always looking for respect women are looking for love I've discussed about personalities in marriage I've discussed about communication in marriage money in marriage sex in marriage expectations in marriage resolving conflicts in marriage by the way now this this online course is just 20 bucks 20 dollars now in the u.s. out of soda to $1 dollars but because of the many guys in Africa in Southeast Asia in Latin America in the Caribbean I decided this course would be affordable but it's funny some people tell me 20 dollars is a lot the question is how much is your marriage worth what's the work of your mortgage if you interested with this marriage cause I've given you a link in this Facebook clave click that link give me your email address I will write back to you and tell you where to get a course it's just 20 bucks if you write to me if you give me the details I'll send you an email on how to access this course you're gonna study about how to love your wife how to respect your husband you're gonna learn about communication in marriage including how to speak about sex you're gonna learn about sex in marriage expectations in marriage resolving conflicts in marriage money in marriage your personality type and your partner's personality type how do we become compatible how do we get attracted by our differences because before marriage differences attract after marriage differences attack so I have explained how to make the most out of your differences because believe me you don't wanna marry someone he's like you the online course is just 20 bucks click this link give me your details ask yourself how much is your marriage worth people don't like paying for 20 bucks for a marriage course but they will go and pay much more to a lawyer there will be much more pain when their children live in different homes they will pay much when they have to separate and debate oh they're odd they have worked for all their property divided and the bitterness but few people won't work in your marriage marriage does not work marriage is caught to work you've got to be intentional you've got to be deliberate you've got to be purposeful don't tell out the river to take its natural course if you do that if you allow the river of your life to take its natural course guess what it will be crooked taking the path of the least resistance time will never fix your marriage time will never fix your sex life time will never fix money in your marriage you've got to fix issues in your marriage marriage doesn't naturally sort itself out that's been Eve and Sydney unless you identify the missing link the passing of time you'll never alter your outcomes stupidity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results you can be married for 20 years and get it all wrong you can be married for 30 years and get it all wrong experience doesn't qualify you to advise anyone about marriage because you can have a long wrong experience you had a wrong foundation you have many years of a very very wrong experience in your marriage because you have never identified the missing link don't allow anyone just to speak into your life some are serious failures and they are going to speak out of their failures out of their bitterness out of their misery misery loves company you've got to be careful if somebody's marriage is not working they are not the bear to advise you about marriage be careful if it didn't work for them what makes you think it will work for you the most effective way of teaching others the most effective way of mentoring others the most effective way of inspiring others is bringing out the out of your own life the best way to model other couples bring out the best out of your own marriage bring out the best out of your own marriage and then you can speak and train and teach out of your other fools out of the abundance of you of your heart out of what you practice on a day-to-day basis you can only effectively teach what you consistently model that's what I believe and that's why I only teach what I practice if I don't practice it I don't teach it so let me say this I encourage you right now look for that course point number six our eighth point for you guys I hope you enjoyed I hope you're learning something oh my god thank you so much thank you number six enjoy sex and enjoy sex lady don't just go through sex motions enjoy every single bit of your sex life don't be half-heartedly in your bed be fully present in the game why waste your time and you still being done anyway if you're going to be done you'd rather enjoy it da time you still passing this habit of telling him you go ahead and when you're done switch of the light is its foolishness if you're going to be done anyway you'd rather enjoy the game Dada don't be dead in bed who wants a lazy body between the sheets when something is dead check it out animals and plants they are brittle and dry every dead thing where there's a tree or the grass in the field or it's a dog or a lion or a cat or a warm when they are dry they're brittle when they are dead they are brittle dry all living things are pliable if blood is flowing through you in a blood of life flow through you you're pliable and flexible you can make motion only then things don't make motion we're cops in the bed be alive be alive in your kitchen be alive in the moment hey joy every single part hey woman we're hot perfumes and honey no jury in a miracle cartridge array be wildly the love of your life hey gentlemen never leave your wife hanging you have enough clothes and other things to hang don't ever leave your wife hanging that's manners you cannot be excused for such selfish behavior unless you're two weeks old in your marriage you are learning but you can't be married for a year or two or five or ten or 20 and you go there and do your wife and then you live in snow you need to be slapped you need to be mature stop behaving like a kid infants don't care whether the mother needs to sleep or not six months old baby six-month-old baby when you want to be Jade it's now whether it's midnight or 3:00 a.m. when they need to breastfeed it's now they don't care whether the mother is tired under the father is tired you are an adult don't behave like a child living in an old adult male body woman on the other heart don't make it difficult for your husband to help you to come don't make it difficult for your husband to bring you to orgasm there are some women it's difficult for them to reach orgasm because during sex she's thinking about money during sex she's thinking about her work during sex she's thinking about another man her body is in the bed her head will he buy me a car why did he come late yesterday and the guys they are just pumping and pumping and pumping but you know there are you far away the guy is sweating like a horse and Mama you are far away come on come on if you're never present in your sex life here eventually gave up man feel honored when you climax I want to no this woman when you climax I feel a man feels a man his manhood is established a man feels like he's not delivering he's not performing when he's not able to take you to climax you've got to make it easy for your man how be present be present in the game when you're emotionally disturbed and disconnected it becomes difficult for this dude working you you better change the game if your missionary guys hey come on top check anything check the scene go take a shower if you're lucky in your bathroom and you have a bathtub put all the phones or the soaps in the bathtub and begin it from scratch from beginning but don't ever go through a game when both of you have not come ah don't lower your standards refuse to sink to that level as a couple a loving couple seeks to do the other couple good they are always seeking the interest of the other couple they are always depositing in the life of their partner so that when their time of need comes they have a place to withdraw some grace to draw some mercy so never do it for yourself don't behave like a child think through your next move gentlemen be creative you are supposed to be the initiator think through what you're going to do tonight keep changing tact I repeat there is no other purpose for our creatorís it is there for sexual pleasure do anything possible to give a clitoral orgasm before vaginal orgasm do it don't treat sexual intimacy as an IED project many men had a sex as a project a project is a series of activities with a definite time frame cost and guess what scope scope is talents I did project management a lot of men treat women like a project hey we've got to finish this game in the next 15 minutes if you're not coming Oh too bad I am I want to sleep I'm waking up tomorrow for morning come on hey you can't behave like that she is not a project you're dealing your life partner the love of your life if your wife is the screaming type do her until she screams if she's the type of a woman who throws her legs into the air don't leave it until those legs in the ceiling if she's a soft one who tells you oh it's so nice go gather get alia get her there explore her body completely till she's ready to be entered yeah it is the Word of God by the way God gives you some suggestions on how to do your wife God has a great sense of humor God gives some men some ideas on how to do their wife Proverbs 1519 a love into a graceful deer may have braces fire you always may you may you ever be intoxicated with her love he's saying hey get into a dress don't just follow them they are not mangos kiss them kiss away the sweetness from those breasts be intoxicated with her love what causes intoxication alcoholic drinks drugs God is saying she should be a drug I think about that she should be a drug be intoxicated when you think about the game tonight you want to get out of the office quickly and drive home speedily hey proverbs 5:18 proverbs 5:18 may your fountain be blessed may you rejoice in the wife of your youth think about that gotta say there is a fountain hidden in her figure out where it's wet the most softest the most find out that g-spot let me give you another one songs of songs songs of Solomon chapter 4 verse 11 your lips drops Fitness at the honeycomb a grind what's not deep Keys why it drops fitness as the honeycomb then the Bible continues to say milk and honey are under your tongue think about this God is giving you an idea on how to kiss get under her tongue the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon +12 you are a god and locked up my sister my bride you are a spring and closed a sealed fountain what did I do the fountain it's sealed I've got to open a seal after another I'm 17 years married of open 17 seals I trust God to open more seals it's not just about the human that you opened on your wedding night keep looking for the seals open more she's a fountain a living fountain that cannot be quenched and it's enclosed only for you only for you you know what I want to give you some four types of sex you've never heard me talk please I've never taught this in public before you have never heard me teach about this you know the reason I want to give you four types of sex I want to give you four types of sex by the way before I give you four types of sex if you have just join me and you have ever been blessed by my facebook life if I have ever blessed you through Facebook or YouTube I'm asking my facebook fans my youtube fans to help me by Facebook equipment the equipment amusing I've used it for like the last 10 years it's old outdated it's compromising my life streaming we are not able to extreme quality videos on YouTube and Facebook as I in Ted especially for our Sunday services so I want to raise 10 K and I want to give you a chance to be blessed it's more blessed to give them to receive you receive my messages free of charge you've been blessed by my messages you've been blessed by my ministry maybe you have even received Jesus Christ through my ministry maybe you have been in theory the Holy Spirit through my ministry I want to give you a chance maybe your marriage is better through my ministry maybe you are depressed and stressed but now you are happy and energetic through my ministry if I have blessed you I've made your day better brighter nicer if you're one of my facebook fans youtube fans I want to give you a chance to plant into my ministry I want to buy equipment for Facebook and YouTube live streaming i fuse these things for many years they are outdated and I want you my FB fans my youtube fans to be the people buying this as an appreciation to the ministry I have been giving you as a way to thank me and to thank God that I'm alive investing in your life investing in your ministry pour in my life my energy into your life if you want to bless me with $20 $50 $100 all the entire ten thousand dollars I'm looking for $10 dollars so that I can do proper life streaming on Facebook at YouTube that has been coming to you many times I have to record again after life streaming for you to enjoy the videos you enjoy so click that link send us your support of the Lord helps you Wow whoa types of sex I want to tell you some four types of sex as a married couple remember by the way this lesson today is for married people this is for married people and I'm talking of Kapos disclaimer where there is no abuse in moorage what I'm teaching today assumes your marriage has no physical emotional spiritual verb or financial abuse well four types of sex number one quickest quickest sometimes you need quickies as a couple let's be real you can't always engage in a long sex every night you get tired you get exhausted marriage is a real place for a little people sometimes you don't have time for the long foreplay sometimes you just want some quick Auto sex before you leave for work or heavy petting in the car when you're going for a theater somewhere or before you sleep sometimes you want a quickie before you sleep you can even give each other quickie in a car park when your party by the way one day Massey and I did a quickie in the airplane 40,000 feet above the crowd we were 12 traveling for 48 hours and man let me tell you the truth we just decided to do some quickie in the plane you can go for some quickie once in a while but don't make it the regular okay so far sex is quickie number two I call it sneaky sex sneaky sex also known as fantasy sex it's when you're seated in your sitting room with your kids and your few drinks are hot just get to your bedroom quickly and call your wife on phone or said our text come over here baby I feel things are too - ready or maybe you go back home where you grew up and you live your mom and your dad during Christmas or during Thanksgiving or get together and you want to be not a little bit of your wife and take him to the take her to the room where you grew up just for fun some fantasy or you're visiting a partner no our visit enum cup of red you visit some friends and you're gonna flip in the house and you know I have a friend of mine he doesn't know this he lives in California we were visiting him with mercy and we sneaked out into the room he gave us sometimes we need this sneaking out sex sneak out you know just sneak out and get in there or your husband works in an office exclusive office all by himself getting the office so pricing one lunch or lock that office getting that couch get those clothes off hey be wise don't go wearing a trouser go wearing a skirt it's easy for a sneaky a number three the dots exit I call it a makeup sex a makeup sex is also known as our reassurance X you've been fighting you've been going through some difficult situation as a couple you've not been talking for the last one week there's been a conflict in your marriage you had a sharp disagreement because of some money because of sex or because of in-laws whatever the case there are some conflict sometimes you need a heart make up sex even when you're not talking wife bring the tension and tell your husband even if you're not talking baby come and give you a quick one that make upset bricks or the attention trust me it breaks all the insecurities it deals with doing these securities especially if your marriage is going through a sex affair or an extramarital affair or an emotional affair you found the wrong text in his phone you for the wrong pictures in her phone you've been so upset for the last four days sometimes the only way to break the stalemate is not a lot of talking getting for a makeup sex it will open up your heart and you'll be able to engage in sex number followed there is what I call the romantic sex this is the full-blown variety candlelight dinner you go out there is very good for anniversaries or for Valentine's Day or for a big thing out there I have done some sick cruises with my wife one day we cruised from from from Aswan High Dam in Egypt all the way to Luxor in Egypt for a three days cruise one day we cruise with my mercy from Southampton in the UK in August 2018 we cruised all the way to Spain to Portugal telling you it was the hottest moment of my life sometimes you need those moments when you get out of your work get out of your house and go for the key or go for the key oh my goodness I want to believe you're learning I want to believe you're being blessed if you live in if you live in Georgia in the US don't just watch me online come to church come to family church Marietta Georgia two two three seven did I get a treat machine two two three seven early Springs Road yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if you live in Marietta Georgia if you live in Kennesaw in Alpharetta if you live in Dallas Georgia if you live in Hiram Georgia - Georgia all these places you can drive to our church - two three seven Oh leaf springs road - two three seven early Springs Road our church service is one hour one hour 10 in the morning 11:00 in the morning one hour every Sunday this place we teach about money we teach about sex we teach about the Holy Spirit I teach about the end of times I teach about parenting I teach about keeping feet and keeping well I teach about moorage in this place I teach about singles I teach about dating I teach about succeeding in your career life succeeding in your professional life I teach about public speaking I teach about personal branding I teach about choices I teach about emotional intelligence I teach about discovering and pursuing your purpose in life I teach about avoiding affairs in your marriage I think I do Bible studies intense Bible studies you're gonna learn here deep stuff about God deep stuff about God and about life about work about parenting about marriage yes I teach life skills and I teach spiritual matters in the month of July I will be teaching about hope in the month of August I'll be teaching you about how to establish a new project this month of June our been teaching about money financial literacy in church and this coming Sunday I will teach about the working on the poor how come some people have worked for 20 years 25 years and they can't make admit they are struggling to pay the bills that's my focus this coming Sunday guess what in the month of May I was teaching about the end of times the Antichrist they burn in hell the man of sin the rapture all these messages are available free of Church in my youtube channel dr. K and Jacob click to subscribe all these messages they are variable for your church for you but if you can make it to a church you'll be blessed I have two more points to share with you I used to there guys are two more points to share with you and then we close number seven erectile dysfunction there are people who write to me and they say hey my husband has a problem with erection we call it IDI erectile dysfunction now less than 5% of men experience this and they are usually about 70 years of age my god you guys I need some water her it's hot in here are you learning anything are you being blessed are You Gladys Real Talk I guess some guys who tell me you know my husband I don't know what's wrong with him he can't do it we stayin for three months let me tell you your husband is no more he's no more erectile dysfunction happens to less than 5% of men majority of them are 70 years and above majority of them that means even 95% of men in their seventies 95 percent of many of your 80s we perform properly properly hear me so for the sake of those who are going through that let me city sometimes erectile dysfunction can be caused by sexually transmitted illnesses it can also be caused by cardiovascular diseases heart diseases heart is the most critical thing it's the one that pumps blood into the penis you have to remember that number three it can be caused by diabetes it can be caused by prostate inflammation or low testosterone the count of testosterone in your blood it can also be caused by a by a sedentary lifestyle drinking alcohol drugs chewing miraa you know obesity can can can reduce your libido levels that's a fact in in a case when you are beasts you may not even be able to sustain Augustine regularly obese is so expensive for your sex life obese is expensive for your health and there is only one way to do it overweight diet and exercise check what you eat and exercise that's it you will never overcome obesity by taking pills because you never gain weight by taking pills you will never permanently deal with your overweight by taking pills stop being lazy get out there and exercise and reduce on your food intake it is not just about that type of food you eat but also the amount stop eating like a fool read use on the food you eat reduce on the quantity don't eat until you're fool eat until you're not fool eat just a little bit top over eating goddess again is gluttony and greed they are equivalent to alcoholism literal wine is good for your health alcoholism is a sin that to lead to hell it will lead to hell drunkenness will lead to hell every time you go extremes you are not doing the right thing don't over eat it's a sin glutton is just equivalent to drunkenness the other thing that can cause erectile dysfunction is press stress you need to seek medical advice from a gynecologist to first establish that you're not having an issue with your test tester on count you need to seek again advice so that you can eliminate that and by the way I've talked about that in this book if you're able to get this book it's available in finally number eight pray for your marriage pray for your marriage I want to pray for you guys right now I want to pray for you right now because even if your husband cheats on you even if you watch it on you don't go cheating on them report it to God if you cheat on your husband because they cheated on you you are digging deeper into the pit you're living you don't dig deeper into a pit you're living don't do that but let me tell you this cheating in marriage and extramarital affairs is a body I know it jesus said whoever sins is a slave to that scene there are some things you will never overcome until you surrender yourself to God the main sex organ is your head affair don't start on the bed they start in the mite before you sleep with a woman before you sleep with a man you pray the tip in your head over and over again you entertain that eye dear you encourage that idea and finally your body goes to complete the mental picture that is the truth your body goes to complete the mental picture so there are some addictions sex addictions you will not overcome until you have broken by the grace of God Jesus said he came to set the captives free I want to pray for your marriage right now I want you to open you up your heart as I pray for your marriage because the Lord Jesus want to bless your marriage learn to pray for your marriage don't do stuff that are bad because your husband did it or because your wife did it don't cheat on your partner because it cheated on you you will trust yourself more that digging deeper into the pit you living don't try to do that is foolishness two wrongs don't make a right there is no wisdom in doing that let me repeat don't cheat on your partner because they cheated on you that is foolishness you can't take poison and expect someone else to die think about it in somebody else commit suicide we do commit suicide if your husband takes poison you take poison so don't cheat on him because he cheated on you be the sensible one in that marriage be the sane one in that marriage if one couple has done the wrong thing we need one of you to be the voice of reason if both of you degenerate the marriage is over if you're going through issues in your marriage I want to pray for you right now I want to pray for you right now I have prayed for people our sin God heal the sick I've seen God restore marriages people have called me people have emailed me doc I'm renewing my marriage vows you prayed for us and God blessed our marriage I wanna bless your marriage right now and if you're addicted to sex outside marriage I wanna break that addiction right now in the name of Jesus God's gonna fill you with His Holy Spirit God gonna give you the strength to live a pure life until God blesses you with the life partner singles I'll come back for you today I was focusing on the married guys I will come back to you singles don't worry I have not forgotten you if you live in age area if you live in a Giri of this coming Sunday watch I will be live I will be co-hosting doctor Nietzsche in catching from Nigerian I will share I will share the link for you to come to my Instagram we're gonna have a hot hot discussion rock your girl look your man this come is Sunday look your girl rock your main you've got to do it this coming Sunday you don't want to miss it you don't want to miss it this come in solid check it out I'll share the link on my facebook live on my facebook life my goodness let me pray for you let me pray for you God is still in your marriage God is restoring your relationships father in the name of Jesus I thank you right now for every man for every woman watching me right now I speak the blessings of God in your marriage may you rest all every marriage right now may be experience the joy of marriage restore their sex life restore their joy Oh God in the name of Jesus forgive them their sins and give them the joy of God for the singles watching me right now I bless them before you bless that girl with a life partner in the name of Jesus bless this man with a life partner bless this man with a god-fearing girl a beautiful girl who fears the Lord in the name of Jesus bless them with our job bless them with money bless them with riches bless them with honour in the name of Jesus if anyone right now is living in a sex bondage we aren't able to overcome sexual promiscuity they are by prostitution adultery fornication we are bound by sex toys masturbation name it God is setting you free in Jesus name in the name of Jesus receive it in Jesus name if you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior so that he can set you free from every body of sin and Satan jesus said whoever sins is a slave to that scene the Son of man came to set it free for whoever the Son of God says free he she is free and free indeed if you are not born again and you want to make this decision right now and live a holy life I'm going to reach out to you at inbox you or I need you to do pray this prayer with me right now and you are going to be born again you will be saved and God will give you the strength to live a holy life and God will bless with a marriage better than mine think about that these are the promises of God if you're not born again you want to get saved say this prayer after me Lord Jesus Christ I am a sinner I need you Jesus I need you Jesus come into my heart save me now forgive me my sins forgive me my sins fill me with your joy fill me with your Holy Spirit guide me dear Lord for the rest of my life I am now saved I am now born again in Jesus name Amen amen if you made the prayer are born again your sins are forgiven I'm going to write to you to inbox you and give you a word of encouragement do me only one favor right on this Facebook live right on this Facebook life that I have been born again when you are praying or I got saved on your parade just write to me when you are praying I prayed with you and I got saved I got saved then I will personally inbox you I will reach out to you and give you a word of encouragement just to coach you to mentor you to help you work in your Christian faith if your my fun in Facebook and you curate truly want your marriage to improve I encourage you right now I am called you get that module get that online cause we want to share with you that link we share with you that link right now get that marriage online cause go through it with your husband not once not twice it's very exciting you don't need what books you have videos you're going to listen their questions you're going to answer they're not academic the reflective question to help you discuss with your husband about sex in marriage love respecting marriage money in marriage communication in marriage knowing about your personalities and how they affect your marriage resolving conflicts in your marriage I've given you such a powerful way to help you resolve conflicts in your marriage how to manage your expectations in your marriage it's all available just for 20 bucks click that link give us your details and we are going to set you the cause we are going to sell you the cause marriage does not work marriage is caused to work marriage does not naturally work it's caused to work let me tell you this coming Sunday I want to teach about the working and the poor why do so many people working as bankers working in insurance companies working in telecommunication companies working in motor vehicle industry many people working for government many people working for Paris Tatas many people working for food industries horticultural companies they can't make ends meet they are struggling many lecturers many teachers they are struggling many engineers many doctors many lawyers many marketers many people who sales in HR in PR many people who have their own I mean they're struggling this coming Sunday I want to teach you how to make money we're going to talk about the working and the money I want to teach you how to undo to unlearn what the teachers told you they told you to work hard to get a good grid so that you get a good job my goodness join me 10:30 ET this coming Sunday 10:30 ET at Toronto time you need to conclude the time in your place wherever you come from that's 10:30 ET but if you live in Georgia in the US don't watch me online don't watch me on Facebook at formerly church giorgia 2 to 3 700 leaf springs road Marietta Georgia to 2 3 7 Ollie Springs Road Marietta Georgia if you want to support me to continue doing my facebook life if I blessed you on Facebook if I blessed you in YouTube their gadgets I'm using are outdated I've used them for more than 10 years they are compromising the quality of my life streaming especially on Sunday when I have my life audience I'm not able to show you the members of our church I'm not able to show you the entire music the entire worship I only need 10 K $10 dollars and I need you to support me if I bless your marriage I've blessed your life I've blessed your career your professional life have been a blessing to your life through my articles that I said every day through my videos through my life streaming I invite you today to bless me with your $10 $20 $50 $100 or the entire $10 dollars we want to buy equipment for YouTube light streaming and Facebook live streaming and I'm banking on you I have invested in your life I want to give you a chance to be blessed invert in my ministry invert in my life this ministry is reaching people I have shared with you a link I'll share with you a link on how to help me fundraise please just click that link help us for bread for our equipment can you do that if you love me if you be blessed by me don't just be blessed don't just be blessed by a pastor like me support my ministry support my ministry my goodness support my ministry ah how blessed your life how blessed your marriage I have blessed you you are doing between your career life you are doing better in your relational life you're doing better in your marriage in your parenting now this is the chance to graduate from being a fan to a supporter graduate from a fan to a supporter to a partner I want to buy equipment for Facebook life and I just want to buy it in the next two weeks I close this project so help me I need ten thousand dollars to do better in my life streaming in my recording in my production as I said I'm using very outdated graduate and I decided in my heart these gadgets will be bought by the people I have blessed online you guys are from over a hundred countries you are from over a hundred countries don't wait for someone to set the money many people never said trust me 90% who never said it's you I'm talking to you who belong to the 10% only 10% know it it takes money to bring you this message only 10% understand that the rest don't understand if you are mature enough to add a Strad it costs money to run ministry I invite you right now click that link sell me 100 bucks sell me 200 bucks send me 50 bucks lend me 20 bucks let's do this project in one week we get the equipment I'll come back and tell you I now have the equipment Wow are you glad you came have you been blessed remember if you got saved if you got born again please write on this Facebook life right to me I got saved or I got born again when you'e print I got saved I received Jesus when you are praying I am born again I will Inbox soon I will help you walk in your Christian faith I will send you a word of encouragement Wow hallelujah to the love of God give me feedback tell me what you have learnt give me a comment let me know what you have learnt invite people this coming Sunday to join us 10:30 a.m. ET what 10:30 what time is not in London ten eleven twelve one two three last three thirty in London three thirty in Lagos five thirty in aerobic six thirty in Dubai fantastic if you got saved like Cordelia please write to me I will reach out to you all those who got saved write to me you got saved you made a prayer when I was praying write to me I gots it when you're praying I'll reach out to you I will inbox you and you will be blessed if you live if you're able to buy this book in Amazon I've written all the questions people asked me about sex powerful questions thank you very very very much the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord bless you and be gracious to you the Lord bless you and turn his face toward you
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 36,815
Rating: 4.8565736 out of 5
Id: 4BWsq8L_QRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 50sec (5150 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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