Personalities in 4 Colors - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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hi I am dr. K and Jacob and in this session I will teach you about personalities in four colors I started the first session by talking about the rare people session to the blue people session 3 the yellow people and fashion for the green people in this particular session I want to compare and contrast all four personality colors this is going to be very exciting in your marriage in your relationships in your place of work in whatever you do because life is about people for people through people by people if you do not understand people you do not understand life you cannot get along with others until you learn how to get along with yourself first this session is to help you enhance yourself awareness and be able to understand other people and to stop trying to change other people and become flexible living together is not about compatibility it's about flexibility every personality color has strengths and weaknesses you cannot change any personality you can't change your personality or your partner's personality it is like a marble but you can mold the mobile you can shape the marble but you can't change the material form that's what this session is all about and I want us to look at the natural dispositions of these four colors just to compare we are natural demeanor inclination leanings natural dispositions how do they mix how do they compare where do you need to adjust to make the most of the people in your life in terms of the motto the motto of red people obey the highway shaping or ship out just to be blue people please understand at the start of given my best understand people the Amato is understood yellow people the motor is fun everything that Ted is fun they will continue watching this video so long as they get fun every event where Ted fun they pick careers where they think they will get fun they marry for fun very red for fun they go to a church where there is fun the motive for yellow people fun that's what they look for that's what they pay for green people they are motto friendly they are friendly people they prefer being part of a team and they don't want anyone to be nervous they are friendly in terms of work the red people alcoholic they have high capacity they push themselves to the limits they stretch the limits they go the extra mile in terms of work the blue people are detailed they don't they don't like doing anything half-heartedly they either in or out they go into details the reporting details they are men and women of powerpoints notebooks Diaries they are everything in terms of work yellow people are last minute us they work the last minute if it's a student we will do the assignment their schoolwork the last minute in the marketplace in the office in the corporate world they will read the report the last minute in terms of relationships in terms of Vasari work the green people are reluctant they don't easily take initiatives so they work best in an environment that is structured where rewards and reprimands teams are clear the carrot and the stick are clear those are the circumstances green people under start and only the circumstances under which they deliver in terms of relationships red people use people they value money they use people they want to reach the top of the career they are alpha males alpha females they want to lead the pack they don't care who gets crushed along the way they are understudying of life the edge justifies the means they don't care the process it's about reaching the top red people I crush on you right now learn to value people and to use money your natural disposition is to use people to achieve your ads you value money you prestige your fame reaching the top at the expense of others I challenge you to change put people first for blue people in terms of relationships they are controversial they can draw people of God even in the midst of a party they can draw a statement that draws everyone of God for example it's too late it's time to go home don't you remember tomorrow we have some assignment to do you think he drew this fatty what is likely to come out of it guys let's slow down that's blue people for you they are very calculated in terms of relationships yellow people are populates they are stage oriented personified they do everything for praise recognition to be noticed to be appraised to be awarded to be rewarded to be noticed they want to be celebs let me tell you guys you gotta craved to be a legendary rather than a celeb celebrities appear on the scene for a few weeks and then they fade away legendary stay generation after another in terms of relationships green people are accommodated they are the best team players they are the best players in a team they don't mate played support role in terms of communication red people dominate they said the agenda it is the topic or the choice that gets discussed blue people are listeners they are good at listening to everything going on they don't miss every statement late they'll read between the lines yellow people are compulsory talkers they'll speak every topic from engineering to law to medicine to geology to astronomy they will even say things that they do not know they have an answer even for a question they never understood there is a compulsory needing them to speak yeah tongue grows faster than their brain green people matters communication they just flow with the tide will flow with the mood and that's why they easily compromised because whatever thing they fight others discussing they just fit in this shipping in terms of time management now red people are late night or blue people are dating yellow people are knocked on oh well green people they are just let me explain red people they can either be late night or alimony it depends whether they are early risers are nocturnal hours for those who work late they will walk past midnight for those who wake up early they'll wake up slightly after midnight they go either extreme now for blue people they are Dayton guys so they walk during the day they sleep early and break up early most blue people they are ready to sleep by 9:00 o'clock and you would want to wake up I failed at elated they have a clear routine yellow people sleep late threw out very late talking watching movies catching up on social media they just can't go to bed early green people they are just it depends on who is in their life if they get married to a yellow person they will stay with him or harlot if they get married to a blue they will sleep away the flow they adjust with the people with the host if if the hosting guests in the house and this type of guests stay late they'll stay light in terms of conflicts red people are defensive they will al you they drain better in arguments the last full stop must come from a repressor so in a conflict avoid an argument with a red person because you will never win in an argument with the repressor red people can easily contradict themselves they will take a very strong stirred but they will not accept defeat they will fight to the last bit in terms of conflicts blue people keep grudges for a lifetime they never learn how to forgive they have a heavy heart in terms of conflicts yellow people shout they raise their voice neighbors who come to know what you are doing neighbors who pick every argument in that whole yellow people please understand it is rain and showers the girl flowers not vergis it is the substance not the shouting yellow preachers shout what brings transformation is not your show T it is a Content it is a substance is that point you're sharing green people in terms of conflict they avoid conflict like playing with they hate fights they fight fights they don't like be near a fight there avoid a person person in a hostile situation they don't like any tension near them in terms of money red people are investors every coin despaired they are concerned with what they will get back at an investment even when they take you out for lunch they have already calculated how much you're going to pay them back we are looking for a project or a there's no free lunch from red people blue people are naturally mean they feel the pain of spending they can hardly buy you a cup of coffee they're even mean with themselves they are always saving for a rainy day because they are always suspicious about tomorrow now yellow people are compulsory spared us this pet as soon as they get they live beyond their means they buy be owed how they can afford they are broke two days after they receive yes subtly green people are modest in how they spend money they will not deny themselves and they will not overdo it they are modest they believe in moderation in terms of their sex life red people are manipulators you if it's a man he will threaten the wife if you're not available there are many other women if it's a woman she will intimidate manipulate control the hospital said to err to stop smoking to stop drinking to start going to church or to pay for a certain project they are manipulative blue people in terms of sex they asked a dude they want to know are we going to get intimate on Fridays only or is it three times a week have you checked what is the average intimacy levels of people per week and if it's Friday is it 10:00 to 10:30 is it half an hour they are secured yellow people in terms of their sex life they are unconscious you wanna try different places oh let's try the fireplace it let's go to the garage let's try at a trick top let's try inside the seawaters let's see how it can work let's see how the barbers will come out oh my goodness let's try in the jungle let's carry the kangaroos oh let's try different styles yellow people are adventurous they are born went in now green people in terms of their sex life they routine people they will stick to on style from January to December until the kingdom comes so if there are missionary people they stick to missionary that is their alter hallelujah now in terms of your holiday red people are purposeful they go on purpose they will go to holiday because they feel they have deserved it they have earned it they have worked hard they need to relax in terms of holiday blue people plan for holiday they do because there is they plan for a holiday say every year we are doing it because it's a routine this caddy for it now a yellow people are explorers they want to go to different places and they don't want to plan for it you can tell them tomorrow hey let's go to Hawaii hey let's go then they realize they have no budget and they will borrow money from anywhere to go for that holiday life is for the drill of the moment for yellow people details later we have today tomorrow is a promise that the way yellow people look at life that their worldview green people matter solid area casual they don't made holiday but they don't have to plant two years in advance it can be planned three months to time they don't have a major reason to go they just want to go to connect as a family we want to go not to look odd because people go for holiday why are we not going for holiday as a family they don't have a deep conviction for doing it but they think it's cool it's human it's natural to go for holiday in terms of driving red people are aggressive you see they see the end from the beginning of their journey anything else in between is a destruction for something that they need to do they walk with a sense of urgency and they can't allow anyone to cut them through the ether a crush with cops because when they are taught back cups they can scream at cops excuse me what's my church what the bill write it very fast yes waited very fast that's right people for you blue people are ordering they are never arrested they don't need cops to drag in another Romana they just believe in order yellow people are the fastest drivers why they are always late they start their journey late we are somehow late for appointments because they don't know how to conclude the last meeting the link alone they even conclude the meeting and catch up with people after the meeting I'll take the whole that just the few moments of sin bye bye can take two more hours so then they have to drink very fast in an attempt to compensate for time wasted but the good thing is this they never get arrested by cops because when cops stop them they manage them from a distance with a huge smile they discount them with us well hey mister how I add to it then isn't it a good day it's a good day or do you think and I've never seen this cop another same thing they do even at work they manage the boss they group greeting everyone on Monday morning at 10 o'clock yet was supposed to be in the office by 8:00 they paralyze and this arm anyone who wanted to copy them the funny thing with yellow people they never get fired they never lose the job and most of them actually don't deliver what they do is managing relationships green people in terms of driving they are considerate they are considerate of other road users they give other people the first priority in terms of parenting red people are authoritarian they give the rules and they don't explain do the dishes why I am the mother I said not coming here past 6:00 p.m. why I am their father that's what I said bring woman a I don't want anything less even either child is not necessarily a material they are slaves or the red parent they offer it avian blue parents they are principled so they are predictable the easiest person to predict is a blue person when they are going for shopping you know their schedule from point A to point B they follow the same routine year in year out so kids know I'm supposed to do home choice up to 8:30 we'll read the Bible and three say the words of grace 9 o'clock I'm in the bed they follow a clear schedule blue parrots are very principled yellow parents are very uninvolved and the reason is they have to catch up with many people in the office even though they are cleared off from the office are 2:00 in the afternoon they will still reach home past 8:00 in the evening they have to cut up with someone else over coffee or over a drink and even neither at home they will be at home on their cell phone or on TV and especially on cell phone chatting with others they have a compulsory need to engage with the outside world they are very uninvolved parents they need to be deliberate intentional parents green people they are permissive parents because they don't like hurting anyone they almost allow kids to choose their fate to do what they feel like Lisa fear leadership style and this can destroy kids because green people hardly enforce discipline they feel like this is too much pain for a child they upon missive parents in terms of their marriage red people are either devoted or the divorce they have not in between when they commit their marriage they commit a hundred percent and they give leadership it doesn't work they cut it immediately they don't wait for 20 years to divorce they normally call it'll quit within three months or one year or two years blue people in terms of their marriage they are faithful they just believe in being faithful it been honest they are trustworthy individuals you can depend on them you can count on them and one primary reason they count the costs of misconduct they count the cost of extramarital affairs they count the cost of divorce and they decide to hold on they can bury pain for decades Rickett we can absorb a lot of pressure yellow people in terms of marriage they are drama guys they are dramatic in every way if the marriage is working well they're dramatic they will post pictures about their lunch about the holiday about your bedtime they'll update the entire world about your family life minute by minute in minut details if the marriage is not working there is to drama they licked me all the neighbors and the cops will come for their rescue because they fight before thinking toys and they fight shouting and we fight in a dramatic way they will spoil anything you crush the phone they will crush the TV they are dramatic green people they are very cooperative in marriage they almost always from the most stable relationships why they don't might following the other person so even if the partner is aggressive and contrary they become passive and retreats to themselves just like blue people they can also absorb a lot of pressure but when grilling people when they pressure they can't bear it anymore and they feel like exploding once they leave it's over over over they will not give you a second chance because they walk the harder they can to ensure the relationship works once you exhaust their patience it's done in terms of dating read people are control freaks they are to control the relationship they wanna know exactly where you are doing what with who and you're not yet married they will control you even before you make any commitment blue people are cautious in terms of dating they take too long to commit they take the longest to commit because they hear being hard they avoid being taken advantage of they are too cautious with life in terms of dating yellow people are fire you want to speed it up white day for three years we can do it into it and get married they come in bright colors they already have the agenda and they speak everything on date number one how many kids shall we get where shall we leave what career how is your mom by the way what do you think about the house how many bedrooms what do you think would be the name of our child they discussed everything date number one green people go it easy you hardly get to know who they are they share very little information it takes so long to know them they just take it easy calmly what's the hurry for we have a lifetime together we have a lifetime to explore each other in terms of divorce when they are divorcing red people are malicious they will destroy their ex they will destroy their means of earning income they will insure this person Lance a lesson that they can't do away without me let people behave like they are gods like you're holding your breath they almost want to switch the life when you walk out on them when going through divorce blue people get so broken than any other color they had so bad because they are faithful and committed they get broken into pieces almost beyond repair ten years later they will be remembering how someone took her Vantage of them it is the same story and when they share it ten years later they share it in tears yellow people divorce in public the entire world will know what they are going through they will call you names of all domestic animals instantly but they heal immediately we heal quickest we can reverse today and next month they remove a yellow people you can fight them with a third with a dad husband with a third wife and this speak about it very casually as if nothing happened oh you know what I'm reading this and I'm seeing someone and this is the fourth guy the funny thing about yellow people they easily get another partner because there is a going green people they divorce quietly they don't want anyone to know often the not even their parents and siblings will learn three months later they will learn through other people they may not even tell them directly they don't go announcing it they allow people they allow what we call natural attrition in divorce they will allow people to learn through third parties they walk out quietly they will never embarrass you they will not good clearly new emotionally they may cry over their shoulders or someone who is so close to them and does it in terms of wealth when red people are rich they intimidate they make a statement they want everyone to know Armagh the top and you are in family so they will buy a motorbike that makes noise a talbo aging that makes noise the entire estate no one can sleep and they ensure they come exactly at an hour everybody notices they ensure the CC of that motorbike or that car is nowhere else in the estatal in the neighborhood or in the offender II now blue people when they are working when they reach they conceal they don't like people know in their reach many blue people who are rich people don't even get to know them yellow people they are showing everybody on this planet will look everything they have they tend to exaggerate the value of holy health if they buy a vehicle worth $10,000 they will let everyone know this car is worth 1 million dollars unknowing lies that to make you feel like slapping them like slapping cents into their heads great people are conservative when they are wealthy they were not going showing out they will make use of your money they don't mind if you see it but they will not go out of their way to show you if you see it fine if you don't see it no problem if I want to describe red people in one word one word focused if I were to describe blue people in one word form or if I were to describe yellow people in one word one F word fun if I were to describe grim people in one word one F word friendly yes red people are focused and they don't allow destructions to come along the way blue people form oh and they take everything seriously they take life seriously everything is serious for them when it's cooking when I thwarted when it's worship when ice driving everything is serious yellow people fun everything is fun what has to be fun driving has to be fun dressing has to be fun holiday has to be fun everything in life is fun great people one word friendly whatever we do let's take care of relationships anything and in person does they take into recognition into account those around them so they are friendly so they will not cook anything that will affect others they will not dress in a manner that will feed their father when they are visiting the appearance even though they dress in a certain manner where they live they like just for the sake of the appearance when they go on holiday they will not dress down too much to annoy someone or to affect someone who is a minor they will be considerate of - around them they are friendly red people-focused Lydia don't care so much about your feelings it's immaterial it's about their agenda there are gender-based we are goal oriented personified red people see life in terms of projects this need to be done and it has to be done right now who gets kicked out who gets shipped out who gets offended whose spirit gets crushed as immaterial for red people they see life in terms of products marriage is a project a this woman is not ready I picked the nest business is a project this guy's not ready to be my business out of it I look for the next they see everything as a project and that's why they easily hurt others red people hurt people almost all the time blue people are formal they are rigid to change yellow people fun they have high energy they are admired by all other colors and green people are friendly they are the greatest team players in a marriage the most stable marriage relationship is between a red and a green and between a yellow and a blue these are the two most stable marriage relationships I read that green because the red ones to lead and the Green has no problem for him that's a stable relationship now a blue yellow are very stable while blue people of order yellow people disorderly the disorderliness of the yellow people complements with the orderliness or blue people so a yellow man can draw socks on the on the couch and the blue person will easily take them where they belong regrettably before marriage differences attract after marriage differences attack the same differences that are trotted as to each other make us attack each other if a red marries a blue the relationship would still be stable but the blue person may have a lot a lot of bitterness because the red person is too much too much pressure so they may live in a marriage but one person is crushed emotionally I yell at a green person we'll stay together but they are likely to compromise a lot in that relationship because a yellow person had the highest temptation of getting to affairs and a green person will have a crush them they will always accommodate easily understood and live in a relationship with affairs far too long if a blue and a green get married that relationship will be stable but they may never take any risk sometimes they will not talk to each other for long but they will not go out of their way to take even business risks but they will not like a good a good house a good car if I record a yellow person get married they will always be fighting that married you be kidding there will be a lot of conflict well or they will always need a support of a professional counselor if a rapist or marries a red person their only chance of surviving a severe house is located inside a police station but thanks be to God I read at the read on they are very fast it the relationship does not continue long before they get married because the red person wants to give direction and another red person is controlling they crush within a very fast date blue a tableau it becomes chaotic these are two people with grudges to people who are farm and rigid schedule is the most boring thing on this planet a greener that green can stick together but they hardly take initiatives and let me tell you this they'll be eating late then you hardly want to cook fresh food they may have to always eat food in a fridge a green and a green person will always find it hard to take any initiative moving is a problem they will stick in one place remember even a brute a brute cannot relocate and a green and a green would be friendly they will be in a relationship that there is has not a light passing a yellow and a yellow it's a miracle in the marriage service more than more than a month because they're both hyper the energy levels are too high it is uncontainable so god it is natural wisdom and should opposites attract we should not allow the same differences to make us attack each other remember this a red and the yellow are both extroverts these two colors are both act robots that's why I picked break colors to describe these two personalities but a red will pick on project to its logical conclusion a yellow with certain projects and never finished any a yellow picks anything that comes their way they hear of a holiday project designing they hear of an investment to buy home services they signing they hear people irrigating they look for the wishes they are always on the move but red people will stick to one thing they are extroverts that means they are going by nature but you follow one project to its logical conclusion one craft one colleague one purpose so red people don't keep changing a yellow person can start 10 different businesses in one year I read person who pick one and drive with it he's ready to prove to the world he's right he knew what he was doing from the one go now blues and greens are both introverts they are introverted people but good people focus on relationships while blue people focus on work blue people think they will win relationships by working a lot putting a lot of effort on work people will notice that's why ironically while red people are the most hardworking and the most industrious the people who end up becoming CEOs almost always are green people and then they bruise the yellows and the red complete our CEO looks is lazy our CEO doesn't work as hard as I do they begin to complain or they forget life is not so much about your hard work and determination and persistence all these things are good but life is primarily your ability to be a team player that's the number one asset and that's why green people crave up the Runk because they are very humble they are supportive the easily still that costs for many years and they creep up the rung to the top red people hardly sustain a job your best bet as a red person is to start your own business your best bet is to become your own boss because in any team you are always seen mistakes the best workers in any organization are blue people if you are a boss listening to me if you are an employer listening to me right now always ensure 60% of the staff members in your company are blue people they are the best workers 30% perhaps you mix between the yellows and the greens and sugar the Reds are few you need the Reds because they take initiative you need the rats because inspire hope you need the yellows because they bring the energy that drives that machine that company but the actual worker is the blue person and the actual team player who played that role of support the supportive law is the green person we need each other what about our children you'll fight the red child estaban from a tender age they will question the mother and the father even when they're three years old why don't you want me to swim in the deep end what's wrong with that he/she is just three years and they are testing boundaries they are pushing boundaries blue children they organize their toys they don't want anyone to touch the toys they organize their bedroom they organize their books and they keep giving warnings that don't touch my toys when you go to sleep I want to meet them exactly where I left them now Green Green kids they are not excited by anything they just float if you sell we go out for bouncing castle then we go big air let's go for ice cream let's go if you tell them let's be left behind at all no problem it's okay mama they easily understand yellow kids my god you can't keep them in the house they know everybody in the camp out the car they drive they know people you do not know yellow kids when they are going to Sunday school either a god they are always late because they have to change five times before they are comfortable with the clothes they are wearing they are always on the move when they are teenagers these are the kids who give parents the great ascetic and it's not because they loose but it's because they are always on the move they have energy you want to get in every sport every current extracurricular activity the one if it's a girl they get boyfriends very early blue teenagers they will not get into dating that's too risky Green depends on who approaches them if it's a red boy and is a green girl she'll easily fall tree because she doesn't want to affect the boyfriend they easily fall prey now let me remind you a few things I said when I was talking about the weaknesses and the strengths of the Reds the Blues the yellows and the greens in terms of strengths and weaknesses red people are officious but they are the muddy red people confident but they are very intimidating red people are daring they are dare there that they are irritable they have fury and rage and anger bread people are disciplined and they commit to the cause they die doing something they never give up the driver that discouraging remarks but they are very impatient we had to give people a chance to improve they had to bring people alongside them so read people I wanted to know this you are not the only fish in the pot red people have a tendency of thinking other people don't think let me caution you every other person thinks everyone doesn't have the same capacity like you know business was built by geniuses but by average people who are given an opportunity land to accommodate others now blue people in terms of their strengths and their weaknesses blue people are detailed but they are perfectionists so in terms of they will carry the notebook the way they won the PowerPoint they go to details doing a project but they are looking for the ideal situation blue people are accountable they will not steal your money they will account the last coin they will live in a county a time but they are inflexible don't judge goalposts with blue people don't check them from department to department that's very offensive blue people are deep thinkers they have the best points in a brainstorming session unfortunately most of the time they never give you points because of the shout of the yellows who are always burning to contribute but blue people are thinkers but they are indecisive they can take a lifetime to make a decision they can take long to decide which girl to marry they can take too long to decide when to relocate they can take too long to move from one job to another blue people are planners they are the best guys to give in planning your events and your questions but they are mean they work with a stringent budget they are always suspicious about things going wrong they are person mystic by nature they are always saving for a rainy day they always thinking what if something goes wrong but they are the best guys to give the department of managing risks then you calculate every risk yellow people in terms of strengths and weaknesses yellow people have energy energy that cannot be contained this energy then take it in the office they ticket in the kitchen they take it in a bedroom they take it in the church they take it in the highways in the beaches but sometimes because of this energy they lack discipline they can easily kiss anyone anywhere they are lively yellow people are lively they don't have been bored they speak with guest channels but they are very careless they can lose their smartphone they can lose their watch they never take anything seriously they misplace the car keys they are careless by Nature they take too many risks without calculating they can launch too many projects without thinking twice they jump into something and then think about it later and they easily concede defeat they will easily give up if a business doesn't work in six months they are out and they Israeli laugh it out oh my god I tried it didn't work oh my god I gave her my best ear she doesn't have it I'm moving on I'm looking for the next deal they is reconsider fate there is pyre hope they have charisma umph but they are stalkers they can easily hide in an organisation and you think they are delivering and performing three years later when you take stock when you take inventory that's when you realize these guys are just talk us if you want to test a yellow person add them to write a report that's when you will know truly who aiello person is when we are doing Graduate Studies yellow people almost always we retreat and look for someone to write a project report but you can't hide for long yellow guys green people in terms of their strengths and weaknesses Green to become passionate they are caring by the ether get exploited by others people easily take advantage of them and try to manipulate and control them green people are team player the ultimate team players they are good in support but they're sluggish we are naturally almost lazy we have to take initiative we are loyal people they will commit and never betray trust they keep friendship for a lifetime once you're their friend you are there Fred until the kingdom comes but they easily compromised values to accommodate their friends they easily compromise they are stunned green people easily comply with the written code and regulation they comply with the law they fear being arrested but they can be very stubborn they can resist what you say but they will do it so diplomatically you may never know let me tell you what's going on in your mind right now red people are thinking can I can I get these notes I can deliver far better than dr. KN now how what is this monetary model how does dr. K and make his money that is what is going on in a red might how can I use what we have to make money with it where can I deliver the same package some red people listening to me will deliver the same package where they work that's what's going on in the mind of a red person they want to look at when can I deliver it and number two does this guy make money out of what is doing why is he giving it for free what is his motivation that's what's going on in the mind of a red person what's going on in the mind of a blue person right now can I have the notes can I have this right blue people love presentations they like details now blue people are thinking what book can you recommit for me have you written a on the same I want to buy your book on personalities what test can you recommend me to do that was going on in the mind of a blue person what's going on in the mind of a yellow person so long as there is fun does it they don't care details so long as I keep this thing lively jovial details later don't judge me just keep it fun keep the humor coming does it with a yellow possum what's going in the red with the green people they don't care they don't care that I took all the time preparing this and they will miss 50% or more of what I thought they may not remember they will have the least retention of what they delivered I can you know they can listen to this whole package this whole talk and say okay toes okay does alright it was nice if you share this video with a green person expect them to tell you one thing it was okay but yellow people who throw some serious adjectives oh my god arrows life-transforming I wonder what goes on in the mind of that guy this that's what going on in the mind of a yellow person and speakers like me we love it when they're yellow people in the hall because they encourage us we love when we have green people in the hall because they don't make noise they're just listening we love when they're blue people in the hall because they are taking down notes they write a lot we love it when they are red people in the hall because they will ask questions no matter how many people are there they will ask and prent people will ask just for clarification sometimes they'll ask questions to charge the speaker to look like they know more than the speaker that the red might the yellow person will raise up their heart to be noticed so that you notice the address we are watch their phone we are via nails they are here they want to be noticed blue people are the people who ask questions with the rate of jetting for the sake of learning green people ask so that they know how best they can be team players how best can I now support my husband using what you have taught us today how can I be a better mother how can I be a better husband how can I be a better wife how can I be a better employee how can I be a better leader that is what goes on in the mind of the green person what are the most mature career for the red people in your thoughts what do you think is the best career for the Reds what do you think is the best career for the Blues what do you think is the best career for their loss what do you think is the best career for the Greens if you are nature where would you position these guys to make the most of them let me quickly say this for the Reds they are natural leaders give them a leadership position whether it's at the unit level department level or on a corporate level when the Reds don't lead you're killing them they feel like dying they were born to lead you are suffocating the oxygen out of them you're sucking the life out of them they don't know how to follow even if you are the ultimate boss make the rare people feel like they are leading red people are good in business and red people are also good in military tell them we need to kill this number of guys they're for it now blue people are good in planning they are very good detectives because they into details good in risk management they are great accountants attacks they go into details yellow people are outgoing please don't try to hold them behind the screens don't hold them on a laptop get them out there make the most of a yellow person in sales and marketing in church don't tell them to warm you up you invite them in praise they are the best guys in prayers make them ashes make them to receive the people give them a job in the front office there you lick every person coming to your company to your business to your restaurant smile they will give a smile to anyone coming there but accustomed for too long you have to continually check their shifts they get bored so easily now green people are team players whatever takes given administrative roles they are the best people in hich are because they the gel relationships they are able to reconcile people they are able to make people work together it's always important to position people where they belong God is all colors God is red blue yellow green God is all colors we all came out of God he has expressed himself through all colors we see all colors of God in Jesus it is a dream ministry let me tell you three things about the red Jesus number one Jesus was full of zeal in John 2:17 the zeal of your house has consumed me number two Jesus was the greatest leader of all times he wanted to lead and he was so secure that he wanted his disciples to outdo him he won't enough to do much better than he did he say greater works than these shall you do John 14 verse number 12 never free Jesus could get angry he was irritable he read those who are selling in the temple he made a quip and told them you have made my father's house a house of dancing group adenovirus and he he drew away them with their money their dogs he freed them they allowed their goats he drove a their coins from the tables Matthew 21:12 Jesus was decisive he was very red he did not wait for people's approval he was decisive in taking action and taken immediately but let me tell you about the blue Jesus Jesus also so very blue let me tell you three things about the blue Jesus number one Jesus was very scheduled mark 1:35 early in the morning as his custom was Jesus went into the solitary place and there he prayed Jesus had regular routines number two Jesus was very detailed during the Passover Feast in Luke 22 7 to the team he gives serious details how the disciples were to do the Passover for the master in Korean telling them how to array the table go up a room he was so detailed never free Jesus keeps record like blue people nothing passes him without records he even said if you confess me before me I will confess you before my father Matthew 10:32 he says he has a book called the Lamb's Book of Life he has a record for your good deeds let me tell you about the yellow Jesus Jesus oh so yellow number one he Lots people of what his father can do for him if you think he's weak he are not you hey be aware my father can set twelve legions of Ages right now for my rescue Matthew 26:53 Jesus was so yellow he promises big in my father's house are many mansions John 14:2 number three Jesus is pious confidence is pious hope he said in Matthew 28:20 I am with you always even to the end of the age Jesus was so yellow that when he was when he met elders in the church in the synagogue if you like he continued with the topic it was so exciting he forgot to leave the synagogue with his parents they lost the boy when he was just 12 they had to launch a such team to look for him after failing to see him all over their neighborhoods in the antis place and cos praise Jesus was just there with elder and forgot to go home with their parents he was so yellow but in the 30 days Jesus also green or let me tell you about the green Jesus I wanna tell you three things about their green Jesus number one Jesus forgives sins he forgave his tormentors he said Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing Luke 23:34 how do you forgive people who kill you and you never stole their wife you didn't steal their car you didn't offer them with anything you never took away their property we are driving nails in your hands in your legs they're driving drones in your head they are crushing you pulling your beard but Jesus oh so green he forgave his tormentors he tolerated so much pressure being misused abused crushed by his tormentas for nothing he ever did Jesus also green number two he was peaceable he was full of peace he avoided trouble like plague John 10:39 many instances Jesus avoided trouble many times he never wanted to prove that he is God when he was on the cross when Satan through the lips of the Romans so just tempted him come out of the cross if you are the son of God if Jesus was only yellow he could have come out and prove who is but Jesus decided to stay there until the mission was accomplished he was full of peace number three Jesus was so humble he was so humble he took the form of a servant Philippians 2 verse 6 to 8 if you understand the power Jesus head and he allowed people to kill him to splat on him you now can understand that you are so humble the Bible says in Philippians to order a 6 to 8 he was so humble so humble that he died the most shameful death even death on the cross so we can conclude Jesus what with all colors of people he worked with Peter he worked with Paul he watered but Romeo he want with all colors of people Jesus walk to the red we walk to the Blues walk with the yellows what are the greens irrespective of their weaknesses or their strengths I leave you with two passages of scripture Philippians 2 verse 3 Philippians 2 verse 3 do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others significant than yourself consider your wife better than you consider your husband better than you consider your colleague at work better than you consider that person in church better than you this is the best way of us to live together harmoniously Matthew 7 verse 2 do to others whatever you'd like them to do to you this is the essence of order is taught in the law and the prophets we call it the golden rules the golden rules sorry the golden rule do unto others as you'd wish them to do to you on asking what color do you think you are what color do you think your child is what color do you think your partner is thank you very much and God bless you [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 18,454
Rating: 4.9142089 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: 7f9td4OnjOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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