SESSION 1 : The Mega Church Vision

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[Music] you walk around down and a healthy kind of daddy show every day will help someone I know girl way Oh we'll try a little brightness you better show for every 100 for every time them ever mine ever mine he asked you to ride a little - a little time for everyone to see and if you tried a little - then you will overlook the blindness a narrow line of people narrow my best you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey every one will ever [Music] if not in you I wonder where will they ever see the one who really loved you how will they find one who heals the broken and your dumb a everything and you the one who will never so let him stop hello [Music] and you're the only one I ever bring you the one and hotel a burning Dom may ever and yours he only sees us some will ever see and you're the only war of life some may every go let them sing and you the one at home is oh fail Everly [Music] yep you're dumb [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] whether you're maybe I love the Lord he doesn't want to miss his quiet time he doesn't want to miss his time with the Lord and he doesn't want to miss the sprayer he doesn't want to miss his lovely fellowship he doesn't want to miss a word from the Lord and when I love the low horn he'll do anything for the Lord and he will go anywhere for the Lord and he doesn't want to miss it doesn't want to miss the mission and he don't wanna miss his calling he doesn't wanna miss will of God when a man he won't give him his hollow [Music] he will give him all his life and his you cold day he will trust and know when our young men love Aloha you'll never give any excuse he'll never give any delay to go Allah and he'll never steal making up stories you'll never keep hiding he'll come to the Lord and say Here I am [Music] when a man he will give before his heart the best art in life and with you all day he will trust and believe and he will when a young girl loved the Lord she was serving when she's beautiful dressed like a lily sweet like a Rojo oh she's a beautiful beautiful flower and everybody everybody wants that flower but you said and say I am the law [Music] winner walnut and when I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] when a young man and a young boy like you [Music] to see I am the ministration why don't you put your hands together let's welcome cross fire [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] Lord I have no words to say for how much you mean to me I know it sounds cliche for what else can I say Lord I have nothing horse to do then lift my hand to you and give all praise Lord you're my everything I have nothing else I've ever made for me so all the world the sacrifice that you made [Music] Oh Oh [Music] oh crap [Music] [Music] I wanna be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm liking equation hassle like a box o and no but of my life won't make no sense at all without you I'm like you play around with doll swings like an ego even knowing I'm like a song that couldn't be sang without you you come see [Music] me you love me [Music] without you my life is what nothing nobody until you come and I see without you I'm like gufu is no supers I'm like a wounded wouldn't know who I'm like you're not without all you but you and if I try too hard I try nothing greater that your love define you're the one who told by my yeah you come me oh you see [Music] nobody I'm not giving you my heart and everything I am I oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] without you my site is what nothing nobody on - you come and fill me you come me oh you come me without you my life is what nothing nobody until you come and fill me and thought I'm not you without you maybe still ma'am nobody thought of not to help you every second ugly have you back Jesus jump nothing without you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you need someone to then go anywhere do anything whatever the hot I'll be there you need someone to be the Sheep you need someone to show them love what you care I'll be there [Music] I'll be there when you call for me he'll be home ordination movie no excuse it we say - then we send me let me go you need someone to talk to them you need someone to counsel their somewhat - I'll be if you need someone to pray if you need someone to bear what to stand and look out I'll be late [Music] leave them want to pray for the say you need someone to care for the thing [Music] someone [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] call my name I'll be there [Music] call my name Lord I'll be there [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] father thank you for the opportunity we have to build the church in Jesus name Amen you may be seated glory to God great great are you excited to be here something new every time isn't it the first time in this hall so we are blessed we are trying out all the places first time we had a camp we try it out can somebody give me a chance two chairs and some water ponding water a gun you got a gun okay yeah that chairs at the back sweet beautiful now I want to share with you about the mega church we want to have 10,000 members Wescott kalenna our general coordinator how many members do we have generally all around about 4,500 when school is in session okay so in our first love community we have about 4,500 people children and we want to have 10,000 amen is it a good idea is it a very good idea now most people do not know the important and the advantage of building a big church that people don't know if they knew they wouldn't do anything else but to build a big bigger biggest reg yes most people don't know most process amazingly don't even know the advantage that there is in building a mega church amen this is one of the biggest surprises there's nothing to write just keep watching me want to write something check on the internet if people knew what it meant and what the advantages were and ah people would give themselves to this one hack of building a bigger and bigger and bigger church if people knew what it was oh yeah I'm telling you many years ago in we had a camp meeting and the company was held in the Commonwealth Hall lecture theatre at the top they're up there and I shared they're 25 reasons why you should have a megachurch and then one time on a 30 first night I said the theme was church growth by the way all of you musicians you are doing very well if each time missing is an experience to help you that's what we are practicing here if you want to improve you can improve amen all right now listen are you there what I am saying is that I was preaching about church crew the mega church and then they came on the radio radio and they summarized all the pastor's in a crown the recessed message yes including some of the pastors who are not in a crowd like leaven is true than some of the other men of God and they summarized and they said all these ones that this was the theme this was the theme that was a theme and Bishop died as usual on the church mega church whatever I had it I had it as usual check that what I would tell you is that if you knew what it was what it is you would only give yourself to the building of the church are you listening to me or you are not listening to me turn with me to Matthew chapter number one five one six clover the God you guys are doing a great job are you with me okay now Mitch you chapter 16 and I said did actually diverse okay that's 13 when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi the difference is arrears seize it the real is the name of a place a name after Fiza the Caesarea was named after design on our Caesar like how we have danced woman in the name after dance woman women Kamin named after Tay he's a wreck and they said some say that our John the Baptist some Elias others Jeremiah or one of the prophets and he said unto them who do you say I am Simon Peter said our cries the son of God jesus answered and said unto Him blessed are thou Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven now and I say unto you that our Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven okay now Jesus said here I will build my church this is the only project that Jesus is doing on earth is the only project is building a church it's not building a singing group that is life singing groups disappear and the churches say if you want after church I don't want to say it in a microphone but if you like after just come and see me privately and I'll tell you singing groups that used to be you guys don't know about I'll tell you about bass guitars we used to have in this church and people who felt so good and pompous in the church you so we are doing this as different names of groups that they've formed you know and then so all those girls don't exist anymore oh yeah but a church is what Jesus is building all right parachurch ministries organizations all kinds of things none of them are what Jesus is building he's building his church if you are part of the church great that's why it's better to be a church baby and catch things to do check things like what you are doing is part of the church not a size thing like you're kind of separate thing that you are doing all these ministries and all these other things just remember don't don't invent don't don't grow old to find out things are cute that nobody is happy to find out that is she was right there's not a competition just believe the word of God le and then your life is going to be so different he is building his check not your companies your business you are trying to build your company you are trying to build he's not trying to build that company your law firm your doctor's clinic your whatever your this and that all the things you are planning to do is not building any of them it's building a church he said I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it that's why I can mention a whole lot of companies I don't want you want me to mention Kings we're UTC I mean we have so many supermarket GNTC body technique SEC what have you all of them just don't exist oh yeah oh yeah lawyers chain best doctors clinic different strong finish but people don't believe it in political parties UNC my father was a member of UNC he stood for elections at the UNC I said okay take a constituency yeah Powell II was the presidential candidate Powell area clean that was a local college that was how and yet clean yes yes clean that was a thing that's the motto PNP UNC about their knowledge I think political party PP huh well the Methodist Church is still there Presbyterian Church is still there Catholic Church is still there so he said I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it a lot of people don't know how great and how important the churches it is knew they were product giving their time and their energy to building the church yeah are you listening to me now the other thing is that to build a big church right involves a number of things can we be the Romans 8 Romans chapter 8 verse 28 it says and we know we know okay that all things work together for good to them that love God and to them that are called according to his purpose now in order to build a big church or to build a church all things must work together you can have only one thing that is working a number of things work at the same time yeah a number of things work at the same time that's that's what has to work for you to build a big church are you listening to me I think for the time that we are preaching the guy who is cutting the stones is going to have to turn it off for while we are for this because it's just another we are going to pray so when we pray he can continue his work alright is that Alright acceptable great are you are you listening this this camp this meeting this discussion is more important than their profession you are learning in your school I'm telling you why why because because because I did go to school I did go to university I did go I did I did go to medical it was seven years I did qualify I never failed any exam that I've been repaired before ever I've never had a reset ever every exam yes I did school and and look at the work I'm doing now yeah look at the work I'm doing now this is what I'm trying to explain this is what people have despised they they don't know that the work of building a church is far higher it requires far more intelligence far more intelligence far more skill far more leadership abilities far more IQ far more diligence far more of your life far more of your youthfulness than any other thing you see why do I say that because selling jobs if you are offered certain jobs they will ask you how old are you if you are beyond a certain age they'll say you know what you are too old for us here we cannot teach you now if you look at the people thing is the difference between the people thinking and Ida is not that they cannot say an IRA can sing is the tuition and a lot of input and changes because after we finish thinking it's going to be a meeting it's going to be a little by all means and over and over and over and over a thousand meetings if you step in does it a thousand meetings about so many things you just come in and those are other meetings you haven't had the privilege of having those thousand meetings and that's the difference are you listening so you think look natural but there's a whole lot of things that's work and that need to work I don't know how I got into that but I'm sure it's important amen are you listening to me and it takes far more inputting than it looks that it looks for us to be able to build the church must be able to do what we have to do as a certain job when you go to sell you know what you are to offer us make an input please find another job seven jobs you go to check your IQ so no you can do this job seven jobs ego the center you cannot be this in Switzerland and in certain European countries they just divide you from a certain age in fact it's written under many people who live there Kenyans who live there take their children out of Switzerland by a certain age because they decide for you at a certain a that you cannot go to university yeah you cannot that you cannot sorry your IQ and your intelligence not up to it oh yeah yeah I mean the oh yes they did they decide I like something like from three when you're around from some stuff at that kind of age they'll tell you you can be a hairdresser you can be I know somebody was told you can you can if you wanted to be a fashion is that you can be passionate even that you cannot be a certain type you ask this another type of had a seamstress you can beat this type so they have to take that you're out of Switzerland because they take decisions much earlier are you listening to me yeah they said decisions about you because there's a whole lot of things or you need this IQ you need to have this great you need math unique physics you need this you need that you don't have it I'm sorry and I'm saying that people don't know that when it comes to church growth all those things that you need for that high job you need a heroine higher IQ high of this miles and higher power know that's explain it to them they don't know how your IQ amen to build a church it's a very very very very complex thing yeah a church is not it is different from being in PUC or being a member of a parts of folk supporters club yeah you see a check it's a very special thing how do we know it's a special because Jesus wake is building a church not Mandela's wet or Clinton's wake or President Kennedy's I mean if Jesus is doing something then it might be the highest type of work yes it might be the highest type of work amen fantastic so are you listening some of you want to be doctor they say you can be you can be biology teacher become the chemistry teacher in secondary school you can seach primary school you can see secondary school you can teach university through not true and i'm explaining that maybe higher things are needed and obsess on the even spiritual which is not required you take politics you need so much to be a politician but all these jobs to be a doctor a politician a banker you don't need morals you don't need moral is that you don't need you don't need relationships you don't need so many things which you need as well in a church it's far more difficult and far higher a job to be a minister yeah to build a church what people don't know they think is like they're dark people the people who couldn't make it in school they are the ones who I've noticed like not in our church me we don't employ non-graduates oh yeah if you another graduate you don't employ you it's really very rare that would employ you there are some people being employed or not known Guardian that was some time ago now we don't know if you have been leading universities like it you haven't done the basic you have to go to university yeah it's basic I mean for the ministry almost everything we send you to do you know you you are the problem with it you don't go oh yeah even even somebody was going to drive a car you need you need you need you need to have been to school yes I'm sorry sorry if it offends you it's important yeah are you there so the church is the most yet job you can do is to build a church and you need many things to be able to do the check and he says all things work together this this this this is all our working your leadership is working your morality is working your anointing is working your decision-making is working your music is working your relationships are working your family's working your prayer is working I mean your finances are working your building is working your construction is what I mean is wet at the same time this is not working then it doesn't work take an aeroplane you wouldn't know how many things in a plane have to work other things that they have so many computers on board recently I was flying and I was going on board and they said you know we can't go just in Accra here something wasn't working in the wing one of the wings what I was doing on a plane there was no toilet the toilet wasn't working one of the toilet wasn't working and they said the maximum we can take it 50 people to one toilet and I think only one toilet was working to the taking 50 of us and if you are not chosen in the first 50 you cannot go but only 50 people to one toilet like it all needs to work before the plane can go you cannot have a plane with a hundred people on board who need to go to the toilet and there is only one toilet or no toilet because even I don't know people on themselves and it can be something fantastic are you listening to me so what I'm trying to say is that if you knew what the church was you would you would you would you would you would never look at it likely yes so a number of things have to work for you to be able to build a big church which is I mean if you knew what it was it's better than your job the job that you carry the law is in law is it medicine is it what political science politics this work I'm doing is better than the work you are study and glad I went too slow if I didn't visit school I couldn't you be sitting there saying to yourself because you didn't go and we call you where you are sitting and you got us and because our a lot is right I said that your job is better not learning you can't do it understand what it is to go to university by thank God I went to university and I thank God when I went to university there was only one medical school in Ghana yeah and there were only 50 people in a class now we have you Medical School in Ghana in Legon in tech that's all there's no Medical School in check there was no medical school in in in use UCC UDS you know there's nothing like that there's only 60 people and now a medical school is in Accra I think they got like 150 people in a class like 200 people 150 but we got only 50 1 2 3 4 5 up to 60 the whole country and I was chosen I was number 5 yeah for interview including the whole country the whole country I already know I've been there you know it's in school up in there I've been there you need someone who's fast it's a level I'll be there you need someone who passes to level I'll be there I'll be there it's not a pole it's not up for whatever you are having now there's nothing like that but I'm telling you that there is something more higher and more difficult and more complex than medical school or qualifying for the medical school and that is to build a church with more rewards more oh I am Troy at least between 20 to 30 full-time graduates of the medical school doctors doctors full-time for that measure every time I open my eyes I see one one of the graduates of medical school that's one sitting right here yeah yeah if I open as I see them oh yeah although some are Bischoff some are these are books they do different things oh yeah attached is far superior to and we happened the wet effects of God be compared to websites human beings have invented I mean please work that God has created and the work that a man and me a man has put together cannot be so to build a church need anomaly so in this in the time that we'll be sharing okay I want to share with you the things that are needed to work together at the same time together that make a church can make a church base and grow which is the best thing you can ever be involved with even I tell you if you are not even in lighthouse take it from me the best job is to build a church not in the neck full time ministry but to build a chest why Jesus's work is to build the church join him and things will work out for you don't join him and discover the end of the life I should have joined no problem you can live your whole life as an experiment but I'm not the Lamb of God the Lamb of God has already been sacrificed do you want to be the new lamp of God to sacrifice your life to use as an experiment and a sacrifice I don't think so can I have an amen so the first thing that needs to work alright is a mega church vision yes a vision and mega church painting vision in your heart yes that's the first thing that you need to have bearing in in your heart amen are you listening to me are you understanding what I am talking about the first thing that needs to really really work is a burning vision in your heart about the church amen iris you understand me like a posture must have a burning vision to have a big church all of us must have a vision do not be happy with a few people now why do I say you must have a burning vision because that is the best vision and because your vision makes you you don't make your vision your vision will make you become something so when that is in your heart that's what you become you become what you dream to be without knowing that you are becoming what you dream to be are you listening so that's the vision I want you to have iris all right you must you must it must be burning in your heart I wonder we want we want to have more like the ten thousand people I'm talking about there are all many of them are unbelievers today be 10,000 people they are all there with name their labels and the number up to ten thousand yeah and those are people that we are praying for now yeah they're all out just like you were out there let L if fidella have not been in the church now she be grooving somewhere some Lebanese month [Applause] [Music] she had a lot of Lebanese friends yes she be grooving somewhere sitting the answer motorcycle behind a Lebanese boy going somewhere yes so the priors that are being prayed in this church included her before she came around and now the prayers we appraise are concerning some people work there's somebody number six thousand five hundred and eighty hey we are praying for helper he doesn't know that he's part of our prayers for the ten thousand children of God that we need in the church amen so I want you to have this great painting vision Bill Clinton any time I talk about this I was remember Bill Clinton when he was a young he wanted to be the president of America and because of that he went to Oxford University you know an American doesn't go to also also this in England the American versus a Harvard MIT Princeton and what-have-you Oxford is the big University in England if for instance you want to become a lawyer all right they rank all the universities in England they have used ratio of London University of Nottingham Vesey of lead how University of this and then from one to about 100 and something universities the reasons you want to become a lawyer that the highest the best school they have the rank then number one is Oxford and then Cambridge yeah one oh sport Cambridge always and then number two will be this and by three this for the cost of going there changes as you come down so the university number 64 and there are more than hundred of them so university number 17 with a number man about 40 but Oxford is the number one not because of his vision if he your vision makes you do certain things and the other of his vision to be the president got to be a president gonna ask you things about yourself and because of his vision all right he went to Oxford University place to be yeah if you're going to be at a certain level in life and he went there so your vision makes you do certain things and because you have a vision to have a big church it will make you do things to make us behave in us anyway we will not behave in a clannish way which is only saying to ourselves and not making new friends not allowing new people to come in from it because that is how we are lighthouse people you know that's how we are first love you know that we are like that we behave like Airways I tell you just for ourselves yes it's like it's not easy to join us do you know that people find it difficult to join like when they're coming from us or when they hear when they see you then you make a we're eight and on a post so what is that other here you say something's you some ways it's been sharing and set in words you know it's like it's like we have a language forgive st yeah you get it so when people come here at the idea they are not sure whether they are they're welcome you know and it's it's not a good thing because we want 10,000 we are not enough are you with me yeah so we gotta be more open be able to join it's not easy for a non ever to go to the bottle region to have a church no no no no no no you've got to come from there man I have a bear it's a piece of Economy Abednego with my egg blah blah blah blah you gotta speak it man you gotta flow you don't speak it it all flow you don't belong here now if you want to grow you can't do that so I know some pastors of our pastors because it was behave like that they tried to quiet in the air where members don't speak the language here because it makes others not join don't speak no speaker and sometimes you have been everywhere but I got to be Sonny Bono excuse me use me I say something oh sure I know some pastors who really struggle they don't like it at all they don't like it because it will let people not join because the people will say oh this time it's only for these people and it is not the case are you still around are you afraid when I see such things I'm not afraid of you let's see me after church we'll talk about it I am saying that when you have a vision to grow there are because of your vision to make you change your ways you change you you will you you not do things that drive people are we all don't let people join you and I'm saying yes we have our language that we speak but we gotta terms of somebody's news come come on join us man we want you to be part about then we're having fun in the church it means sharing by the way dementia means this is the whatever it means sure you explained it so the person oh okay I see I thought you were calling God or yourself [Applause] hey are you listening is what I'm saying true on earth all right baby you can see now so if you want to have a megachurch alright you it's a very important banning vision in us because it is the most appropriate vision and it will make you do certain things that is it and those certain things you can never do them unless you have a vision you know why I went to Korea do you know where Korea's people don't have any idea how difficult it is to go to a country you don't know nobody knows you I took I bought a ticket I told my wife we are going to Korea we didn't have much money we gathered all that we could sat on an aeroplane flew to Korea undergirded Korea I had a paper which said where the church is so we had to gather a bus so we stood outside and I was shocked because there was no VW there was no Datsun there was no Toyota there was no German can no only Korean cars we got on the bus we got on a bus and when on a bus for about 1 hour to the city where the church area was we went around walking and found a hotel called yo-yo hotel yeah and I checked in to the hotel with my wife and I said this is it I have come to the place and the church was just nearby and they chose call URI tofu Gospel Church so we stayed in that hotel has now been Reno but it was a much older dingy hotel at that time but I was so I was so amazed and so happy to be there so that shed is a big catch what a wonderful thing oh I was deaf he Wednesday or Thursday Friday Saturday than Sundays and the accident services it was my best day that day was my best day I told my wife I'm going for all the services yeah so that I'm going for all the services you know when you marry there's a point you must be linked and move independently yeah so I thought that you know I'm going for all the services so you can come for the one okay I got up early 6:30 I was there I catch was four I said this is why I came I came to see something wonderful yes six thirty nine o'clock tests were up to the ethnic kept going when it said it I would go back go back open open again yeah to the night I was my have no see something like that before I wanted to see when we went up in between the service I will be roaming round I'm go downstairs it's not part of the your palate official phase right so let me go see what is at the back here I wanted to see I will go around the offices is it the man had a vision to have a big head and I've seen one that's what I admire what you admires your vision if you had my Michael Jackson that's your vision if you are ma'am John Muhammad that's your vision if you admire ku father that's your vision so what you admire is your vision you have magical you like to be like that so don't tell me you admire this world you are pursuing that don't tell me that you admire this wealth in reality you are pursuing that you don't really admire that do you do you yeah so I was roaming through the church I counted all the chairs myself yeah I counted it I counted all the chairs in the church but he sees it in numbers and I went to the different meeting places they had frocks offices and that round they saw past Arabs or things yeah my dream to have a megachurch it was a burning busy that took me to career my wife joined me for some of the services at the point 9 o'clock and some of the other normal times yes and I continued my exploration continue searching looking standing on the stairs coming here what is this what I've been waiting there for more than 20 years now here you see a man who can call for a meeting of shepherds this because I have a cell it is on Monday morning and go to the World Cup soccer stadium where they play the World Cup and the whole stadium is full at 9 o'clock in the morning not in a city of four countries of four like where people don't go to exact that is one just by the church is LG headquarters as you know LG what is it like life life's good that used to be ghost I think yeah yeah but LG just by the chest LG Samsung others there all day that's where we make it does the country some Susan died Kia auto status where they make it nine o'clock in the morning the stadium is full from the ground to the love chair at the top of the stadium in the morning on Monday suffice because I separate the shippers are just the Shepherd's are just about 100,000 yes that that's about hundred thousand the members are over 700,000 yes you be in Korea the professor you believe is the property that what happened yes are you there yeah what I'm saying is that people have dreams but that was my dream to have a big church - yeah - get it I remember one of the pastor's preached so powerfully he comes from the Philippines and after when I went to talk to him that was when I that's why I learnt a lot of things on my visitation oh yeah he talked about visiting he's an American it's a physically he said you he talked to his people in the Philippines are you people you live your goes up you don't want to go into the road and to the cornice it's a web you come from where did you awake where did you go up with not Manila how come now you don't want to go to the connects to the people's houses and their rooms - well follow the people there oh he taught them gave the point about visitation ice up there and tilted yeah one of the days I went to him and I said please pray for me I want to have a big church yeah I said please pray for me he put aside I love you have a picture don't worry about para being close to God as I told as you have it whether you be forced to go and I wanted to tell him you don't know what it's like I do not have a picture I want to have a big church you see when you have a dream is when you have a vision it takes you on a journey like you don't know that you are doing this and you are doing this energies but it because of the vision in you you keep doing here doing this do it that people you even be close to the friends you have you know and that made me fly to Korea let me fly the career and can you believe my dream started to come back up unofficially I mean the angel of the Lord was with me the Holy Spirit was working when I when I got there you know they have special dinners for their board members and I'm I was not I'm not a bomber or nothing at this a canyon from Ghana visiting I don't know how it happened but somebody told them that I was there she didn't invite me and I was there when the secretary came to me gave me a card Senate you have been invited to a special dinner doctor - don't get you on my first time visiting yeah I said really when they gave the hotel the Hilton Hotel which is very far from my Yahoo my other hotel lobby you can imagine and maybe somewhere like our abraca or somewhere in a coq au blini somewhere kind of hotel so I was invited to this hotel at a Hilton Hotel yeah I told my wife this is the day that the Lord has me so we put on our best clothes and arrived for the dinner yes I think I was wearing black and my wife was beautifully dressed so when we got there I remember clearly somebody pointed I don't know exactly I was standing there with my wife is like a cocktail you start is bad with the cocktail to give you you know how to develop detector we're all standing around that's that you stand outside in the lobby space and then they'll be having their cocktails seven your drinks and nobody's sitting out then when it's time for the dinner then they say you should come in then it's like their tables round tables and it's like you don't know where to sit so then somebody pointed to me they called because Kim committees you're sitting here when I sat down then who can t sit by me was made to sit by me doctor yogi to him [Applause] yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I'm telling you I say the Lord was just I mean I couldn't believe my I couldn't believe in an hour and I look like I find it even more fantastic because up so now where we go we go for dinner we stand around and they will always choose some people to sit at this table yeah and it's not it's not always so there are different people they would always choose somewhere somebody else first time I was not a burden boss nothing then he said oh you IV I said no how did I become it I don't know what happened here I remember sitting at the table sent by a witch we're bringing all this food and dr. Cho had said that if Adam and Eve had been Koreans there would have been no problem because they would have eaten the snake go to eat snakes when the serpent cables are just cooking for lunch so the food that they brought was Korean food most most more things to move a lot of things hey I fell lot because I did that grace Lord helped me to find something I can eat but I was sitting right by him and he was a timid very vivacious leave an exam it said I'm ask me do you have children I said yes how many I said two and a half - my wife was pregnant we had two children she was pregnant you can imagine how many years ago are you listening to me I am explaining that your vision drives you around makes you go here makes you go here makes you take this decision makes you have these friends makes you join a church makes you belong to this group makes you get closer makes you humble to forskin yourself it your vision is what keeps you going that is what people don't realize a vision for what you want to be how you want your life to be if the main driving force is the inner vision and most part I don't have any vision two other big change I'm such a DD have somehow a vision to be in America some have a vision to get a big car some have a vision to build a house some have a vision to to to to to to to to to for their children to go to America some have a vision for their children to go to making school some have a vision for the idea is going to show so Montessori so everybody has a vision you wouldn't you be surprised if you go deep in your heart and bring out that this is Earth isn't your vision I didn't know this what you are following this what you are after but only God knows life as I said God fetches the heart because the heart is so deep that you need to actually do a search with ask and before you actually find what is in the heart of the people as we are all sitting here we will also be our first lab we are several about when we put deep in your heart you'll be surprised what is found in the highest of people your vision makes you makes you and after that I started to go back again and again and again and again now I'm a member of the body then I'm in became a member of the board yeah I was never asked to speak I'll just quietly just looking at this when they mention so now we have 10,000 members 10,000 25,000 what I post process are these at big booty and I would say youngest by size nobody sit at the tables having children it is a deaf grandchildren yeah I need a solo block was two and a half children burning vision one day I will stand the same way that they call me for the dinner the Secretary of this era also learn I know if you want to get to somebody enough to know the way oh yeah there's a road to everywhere you see you just don't know the route but they say route to everywhere yeah you are the one who doesn't know the route but they say route to everywhere there's a route you're the one doesn't know that's why I say you can't go there yeah there's a route the high-mounted is a route you don't know the route that way a complainer is there's no way to go there is a way but you don't know that way anyway I was there when this lady came to me her name was Miss Lee yeah that's his second sis I've been doing the same person she said listen the man who is supposed to speak I've got kidney stones and so he cannot speak can you speak I want you to scan you speak are they dr. Cho wants to know whether you can speak at this because he has not been able to come yet I said well I can okay so now you are the speaker so keep good same the third person our the common come as it same thing and I went to yeah I went to I went to I was speaking at a place called prayer mountain when I went I was thinking Lord what shall I speak about and I felt the Holy Spirit said speech about a megachurch I had just have the camp in the the problem lecture I preach about magnetic as I'll just preach to so I didn't even have my notes I said no this we don't know iPads and other so I just wrote down some of the points that I remembered and put on a piece of paper I said let me go I've got about 45 minutes to an hour to speak so I just wrote it down quickly okay let's go I went a heart was beating I see I was I was advancing are you listening to me that I was advancing my vision have made me take Kenny go to places yes and there was then I did the most international congregation I've ever spoken to so large but really good crowd if that country's I don't know what was I do a while I was speaking to so I got up and I said I want to talk about the megachurch why we should have that baggage and I started number one number two number three number four number five number six I had about twenty I took about twenty on the point out of my twenty five point I put this particular measure has twenty-five points if you want to be have a mega that you know all the 25 points I went through all the points then after I said let me just pray for the people you want to have a mega chest I was gonna be this gonna man you've come from whatever I mean all everybody is white white people throughout why Chinese dude miss you're Indian all I said look I want to pray for you whenever like be lined up lining hey yeah I am a circle gonna support a funk you [Applause] I said I'm on a journey and I was on the journey right there yes I laid hands upon them and I closed I went back to a hotel yeah after that after that when I was walking around and a man came to me I was in a lift myself and whoever the people from I didn't know who there was a white people the man said I want to invite you to come to my country what is it then he took up complimentary car I've not seen that type of copper medical before it's a complimentary card with a photograph like the complimentary card had the photograph at the back and on the front it has day that yes and I think it's foods like a like a book so any open you see and the photograph was a huge church he said yeah one event I said oh okay later on you know they became my friend they were saying are you when we saw you this you were very like a very wise of me I'm big buddy but is it my small megachurch Britain has elevated me to ascetic oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah your vision is to cover you another way to take you to yeah so then I was invited to South America that was the beginning to that I've been to every country that you can think about what's one or two ever been to Bolivia Colombia Paraguay except in Buenos Aires good job um a majestic yeah my vision to have a megachurch my dream to have a mega people don't a lot I expect people that if you knew what it was you would you would know that it is the highest because you are dreaming God's parents dreams and current project is on yes his current project is on his building that yeah that's what is on now if you like we can join you you guys can be there I thought this man who invited me I thought he was joking I was in my office when I got a call in colleague oh no we gotta go well you don't telephone haha I thought we answered so this month of South America so you know we want you to come who taught you to customize your aware and based know anything about me you know oh yes yes then I was same office when I had a letter email I don't know what was like a from Malaysia say that you have been invited to an island we are we would pay for your ticket for you for your wife everything come to this island in Malaysia at about a malicious Islands since you come that was my exactly 10 years after gotten married I married in my 20s - exactly ten years I flew to Malaysia yeah when I arrived the man picked me from the airport I said to him say the pastor who pick me why did you invite me he sent a message to the person he's asking why I did it it was as a private thing I wasn't expecting to work why he was a loyal guy so he had to say so why did you invite me so it was the beginning she got a fella to open doors I've been to Malaysia I mean now that I thought takes me as a son the other day I went to his church I preached he said his his son the biological son is going somewhere and I said in my spiritual son is also here I want to pray for both of them the blessing so people don't realize it keeps moving you around it keeps you going doing things one day I took my process I said the biggest Church in the world is now in Nigeria so I said find a bath a bath in Accra a bath and I said all my pastors and bishops I thought I might be only two or three that we were in Bishop's then yeah everybody wish you guys took about 45 people all the pastor's all of us we're together we are going to Nigeria to see the big churches as I told them I am taking you to Nigeria to NZ there are big churches there we are going to learn they are ahead of us humble yourself and land let's go and I carried all of them to Nigeria oh yeah took them around as I've been you have seen it for myself big proper churches come in Lane something you see your vision makes you even humble do you know you know what you are after you know what you want you know what you are after so this vision to have a mega church I'm telling you I pity you if you don't have that dream that in your lifetime as a young man when generally that you be part of either a pasta off or part of the kinder has built Omega my life we shall sake Bishop Eddie my wife and the people that have been with me they a part of my life that has been involved in building a mega church Bishop Vogel was just telling me that now in his church they have canopies outside they have canopies outside here it's just about to move to another a new cathedral it's fantastic you know you don't you run you don't understand it it's a wonder a wonderful dream oh yes is this dream us taking me everywhere so many places all my friends are pastors now oh yes my friends is it when I said friends like people that are international South Africans Malaysians Koreans even the other day I was having dinner sitting by the one who's taking over from dr. Cho here we're sitting by each other and I was asked him as what qualifications the doctor to used to choose you as his successor I asked for what for the dishes yes the people that I relate with yeah what did they use is that our big lecture so tell you something yes I don't know what other quality I have been here and everywhere they sent me I went that's all so I should go to Japan I wish I should come back I came to school to America went says come back I can everywhere decide yeah as a fantastic megachurch the third important aspect of this megachurch vision okay is that it is a very wonderful vision because prophetically is - by all means happen it will by all means happen yes because Bible says in job eight seven die later and should greatly increase job eight verse seven your latter end should greatly increase and my latter end has greatly increased compared to my my my beginning because my beginning when we have to used a service let me let me do a Tuesday service those of you here come choose the you be my Tuesday service come sit here this might choose day weekday service come from it bring your chest from it from a circle like the whole church has come to church this queues it give space for the other members this is this the food change like we've come unless you can join and join them lighthouse chaplain holidays a full church weekday service Tuesday evening yes like this and I remember one day I was he be sharing something about mind and a guy was sitting there say hey I would like to see what will happen when you get married yeah I remember that comment that he made I was I was talking about just a young guy trying to do the work of God and this is lighthouse these are with this service Tuesday evening service full attendance [Music] at School of Hygiene we used to meet at the veranda outside the class we couldn't get access to the classroom so we sit outside bring the chairs and we sit in the veranda like the corridor see the cheese listen so when it is at your locker and should quickly increase it's true your latter end will be Prince I thought your latter end will be very great yeah now when musta been I wasn't married I was a student I finished school 1989 it was not my teaching I was it was not 1988 was not 1987 mother 87 86 how many years ago that 29 years 29 years ago yeah it's a process expanding property you know recently somebody called me another have you kissed my husband I said who is it there are some things you don't have to even is I've know I kissed him there are some cases that are there already if you provoked or activate them they will affect you what I'm saying and I thought alike the person had to say I catch you and I'm saying that there are some prophecies that are standing you don't need like just raise the law there shall be a great a Greece is standing the latter and will greatly increase it's a prophecy for us so I don't need to this Fraga see the lotto and shudrak know it's there the standing prophecy Lhasa and sow greatly Catholic Church haha I don't know if you'll be around instances but the lots of em the latter end the latter end the latter end some of you so much will not be like this much more so much so somehow to be wrong like this when you look down you will not see down here it will be the summer that you see in those days Lata and stomach and church all visitor can you imagine this young man with greater your latter end we are talking about your life and you have been a ministry for so many years it has creatures so many people so many places you wouldn't have even thought you would ever go to those places yes practically most of you be married to ministers your aunt is going to be so much bigger and different yeah that's why I'm trying to put the best vision in your hand if you have the best vision in your heart you get the best job and you'll be involved in the best thing and the vision will guide you to the best places your whole life approaching I promise you your latter don't write to that am i blessed but each day you you have you know as did you say that did you professor I to grow it is in the prophecy already the last inch of it it's written rebels it's like witchcraft you don't have to check whether somebody's chasing you or stealing it's already the case yeah reaching so I guess the people came to my house he's already Acastus this case of the amra bizarre case yeah can Ortiz a case those who still offer in my case those who sit from the church okay I don't know yes yes without any what I therefore declare abuse shall be no there's no need read your Bible is a standing case carry your chairs back to your own [Applause] the next very important point is that many people think that the West is done when it is not being done that's why we must have this vision people think that the work is themed and when it is not being done so have you had parents quarrel issues I thought Kojo said he was going to do I thought Roger was doing it I thought John was doing it isn't it if I said she was doing it but I thought she had going to buy it and I thought and I thought he said and he said I thought and I thought he said and like that so we are all thinking that those in the north are doing it those are noting that those in the south are doing it American things that we are doing we think that Americans are the wants to reach there well everybody thinks somebody else is doing it when in reality nobody is doing it so when it comes to the church work we have to wisely decide that no one else is doing it except me and I'll just do what I can do always have the mind that the work will be done by me whether you do it or not that has always been my man I don't care what are you join or if not notice I don't care if you easy join that was waiting for you yeah now we must have a megachurch vision because God's wish is that my house may be filled amen you wrote a story that lost 37 go out into the highways and hedges compel them to come in that my house may be filled amen all the check buildings we build must be filled and they can be filled seven times a day they can be filled in the afternoons because we've had church service in the afternoons and we see that is for many churches are empty many churches have room his room a lot of room all our small small churches that we've started is there not room in these churches and Jesus said go out and bring them in that my house may be failed that's what we are praying about my house may be filled filled with who filled with people who are going to come and stand and give testimonies and say look my life was like this I was like this I was like this until you came along started a church thank you thank you thank you for coming I met some Jamaicans the other day they were saying thank you for coming to Jamaica we needed so much what a blessing huh all over the world you think the work of God is going on what judges I've been closing down the Presbyterian Church America they are revising their constitution to add gay marriages and what have you many teachers are getting smaller closing down one day I went to Switzerland Zurich we were looking for a church building and I went to this huge church and the pastor said we have checked service we have only eight members I mean I counted the six thousand five hundred thousand five hundred for those days Swiss so we have only eight old ladies who come to church here and so they ne and then we were standing in front of the chest and there were some steps and he said but they find it difficult to climb the stairs to come to the church so we are now producing the chat service to once every two weeks it's over now you go to Switzerland there are more witches and wizards aquatic organisations and witches and wizards than ever before is the headquarters of the world witches organization is in Geneva what is it called WIC a which is something Association Oh huh you have a group like that Wicca yeah huh so we're going to fill our church number 6 you must have a mega church because the harvest field is the world the world where are we going fishing where are we going preaching we are going to the world the whole world not just some little section the whole world is for us and we are going to stand and now we've sent people look Caribbean islands they are sending people more the island there are three big islands that we are targeted Cuba Haiti Dominican Republic these are the big ones yes we are we are we are we are storming the island we are not living in the island for any devil because our Commission is going into other with is they go into the southern part of the world go into the northern part go into the smallest part go into whatever go ye into all the world and when we were boys I saw that oh they don't listen Caribbean people they don't listen to African this go to Jamaica and see the past ever go to Guyana virgin go to Trinidad you see the members real members if you only have patience and time and if only you start as a young person I don't wait till you are your mind a software grub gray hair with all kinds of deficiencies you can't even have your actions and now you want to go for you want to go on the mission field [Music] God wants young men with strong erections who are going to say Here I am technique use they are strong and song [Applause] yes listen the strong erections you are having as a young man it's an indication of more than one thing it is a bit an indication of your sexual needs or desires but it is also an indication of your friends and it's also an indication of your youth that is why dogs are castrated it's not to reduce them sexually but sometimes to make them less aggressive and then they just grow bigger like fat black women it just become big top yes so those erection what you don't realize is that it's a sign of some aggression some strands some ability it's not a negative thing as some of you see some brothers recovery mode I rebuke you fortify did you learn that are you rebuking your strength [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] your strength will never go down in Jesus name number seven you must have a megachurch vision because the biblical example of a change there's only one or two biblical examples of the church have thousands of members not kings not 10 not 20 you get it they had thousands so your ministry will produce thousands of fruit amen and I was as well those who had believed were added to the church about 3,000 in all 3,000 Acts chapter 2 verse 41 3,000 members oh you will have 3,000 members you see when you are pasa there is a sense you are like a presidental yes but what is what people don't realize it being a part a lot of people don't realize how great it is that although 3,000 people they are all your subjects true yeah your sheep they follow you you lead them we have more control over their people than the President does yes our people will do more for us and they will do for the President or the political parties yes you may not realize so when if a day comes you have 3000 such people people who like you people who believe in you people will listen to what you are saying people follow you I am more than even a president yes Wow yes it's marvelous yeah III don't know why you would not want to rather give yourself or something like that it takes time its expansion it takes hard work it takes many things working together but it's worth it with time yes with time with time and you see God brought you to me at a certain point in your life where that time is important you see what are the three steps to get in marriage humility step number one step number two what step number three humility now many people don't get married just because they are not humble enough sometimes you need to go to your pastor and say pasta helped me to get married help me to get marriage help me I want you to help me it is humility others are all I'm pretty people come the boys who come my butterflies Wow but it may not be like that now I know two sisters both of them humble themselves and said help me a one humbled herself Elia never humbled herself later the control you see there you see the two outcomes have two different ways of working out yes so what I'm trying to say is that God has brought some of you to me Elia then some other people would have yes so that that means something the Bible says who know what the interpretation of a thing like when you see something happening you have to ask it what is the interpretation what's going on what's going on here what's happening what is happening is that your calling is being cemented what is what is happening is that what is happening that your unbelief accord is being developed your spiritual and be like accord is being developed what it means is that certain nutrients are passing through that the river and the life or and thereby sour points of your life that's what it means who knows the interpretation of a thing so as you find yourself here ah found yourself here the particular time now there's no bouncing in your life you're not dying of cancer you are not in a financial crisis where they are written letter to you with red ink are you in such a financial crisis there's no a luta against you nothing bad has happened to you when you choose God at this stage the outcome is completely different you will be a wise man choosing god additives amen are you listening so now that you've come at this stage yeah you start setting yes you are 32 H some of you be men of you baby or you are first and of course by far you don't pass menopause your 30s your children will be some of your trophy University or it didn't beyond yes the on some of you may be grandmother's godparents suspect yes so can you imagine can you imagine giving yourself consistently for the next thirty years to build it Omega the average using it will not work in 30 years ah God is merciful it will grow it will grow sit down you must have a megachurch vision because the megachurch vision is a vision for more souls to be saved registered salvations huh why would you be if it wasn't if Christ hadn't saved you would you like to think about it can you imagine I don't want to think about it it would be really really really really really really really some way cause some of you know how you are like you are really some weight you know what I'm saying like even in Christ you are some weight so like without Christ yet tally number nine you must have the megachurch vision because this vision will cause more workers and laborers to be released workers and laborers now why is it important to have work as a laborer disease when I said yogi toasted I see the World Cup Stadium it's only 100 thousand and the members about seven hundred so it means that there's about one Shepherd - about seven people yeah something like that because you you can look only after a certain number of people in a certain way isn't it I mean even in this church you see that there are so many Shepherds pass test so sometimes we didn't find it easier to see this posture than this other one is it not true yeah because you need more people so we want more passes more Shepherds so that as we go along the issues you have more people who can talk to somebody because you will not you will not even find access you wouldn't see that people you need so people need more chef you remember we have a chat service at Independence Square do you think I know all those people somebody knows the people so many those are people so many people so many people so when you have a megachurch there have been so many process being released and we need to have this great vision to release more process why do you think we are doing the ABS I'm training more process I wish all of you a pastors sometimes I do you want everybody to be a faster than sighs yes I'm sorry this is a problem to you the answer is yes if you don't like you confront join another Church yeah I see my pastoral work in your life as complete when I've been able to help you to rise before where you are now at blessing to other people if that is a problem to you as soon as we close bring your resignation letter and go to well there's too much pressure in the church I can show you a thousand other churches whether you not have that pressure and go there and be pressure less but when you go you mrs. you say you know I've known mr. pressure I want to go past what I'd I when a pressure was the eyes I was I was complaining but I realized that it's nice to have that pressure I like the pressure it's a known opposed explained on opposes he try to not we have to break that the same explained unopposed means this and that is that I don't want you to feel like a stranger on oppose it means this or that how many are getting this vision define in your heart the next one more when you have a megachurch vision then going to be more Shepherd they're going to be more full-time pastors and bishops Wow full-time pastors and bishops think about it if we have a thousand passes 900 of them will be lay pastors 90% of the people are later yeah because it takes time for the West to develop where you need a full-timer like somebody is there all the time it takes time you get it so like if we had a thousand four time passes it will mean that we have nine thousand lay office yes I wish the tattoo grow so big that a thousand people are employed like says so much so many people but there's one thousand full-time process Wow that'll be that'll be a massive organization yeah and I mean the people who are in full-time ministry I mean I don't know how many we are but I'm sure it's about 100 or 200 I don't know but I mean if we had a housing people like every when they wake up on Tuesday morning they they are working for God from the morning to the evening housing people like that oh I met a man who said his vision is to build nightclubs his mission is to build nightclubs huh that is his vision to build night clubs I went to so I saw a nightclub he has built one I went to tell my so nice laugh he has built branches of his nightclub that it is vision do you know people have sex in nightclubs yes they have sex dance train take drugs up stag to things that's why I wouldn't expect you to go to a nightclub if you go to give you a drink when they see that you are innocent inna they'll give you a drink and you'll be drinking ah I'm so tired when you go down and he'll carry you five boys by the time you wake up you wouldn't know the number of people that have slept with you I can solve people in this church who have done all these things will tell you yeah you want to play around with the world you wouldn't even know so if you became pregnant from that your childhood we asked you mummy Maddie poufy who is happy and you say daddy I don't know who that is that he has traveled I don't know who that is and you have to tell your baby you are the son of a thousand fathers you are the son of one thousand people I don't know which of them is your real father I have some people quarreling one day as they were quarreling one of the insults you know we're abdicating so you're just you're mad your leg you're here you're here you're this you're that then one of the insult was you are a son of a thousand funders that was one of the insults in the fire somebody's vision is to build places like this is it a bad thing if I'm spending my time telling you that you should have a vision to build places where they would teach them the Word of God pray with them teach them songs help them to play piano help them to go to church to be baptized to know about God to serve God as I said something wrong this is not a good thing I'm gonna keep saying it I'm gonna keep doing it stop somebody keep doing it keep doing it keep doing it my level you must have a megachurch vision because more people are involved in prayer against the power of the Prince of the air the Prince of the power of the air yeah yeah Prince of the power of the air when you have a big church more people pray Zinzendorf started at prayer meeting do you remember Zinzendorf the right did I read you his life story yeah pray I can with another one to you this time then send off he started a prayer meeting and he started a prayer meeting and he wanted I think got seven people ten people eleven then he has twenty-four people and they had a 24-hour prayer meeting and the prayer meetings continued for about a hundred years before I stopped every hour there was somebody praying interceding interceding there is nothing that's gonna work without freeing yeah so when we have more people we can have a prayer chain right now we have a prayer chain rather prayer but it's not complete it doesn't cover 24 hours it covers a large part of 24 hour but doesn't cover the whole 24 hours but we need a prayer chain that is amines 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. covered they son today some intercession to the two days ago was I was I was it was in the afternoon I was just in my house then I was lying on the sitting on a chair and I thought that I was lying and then I fell asleep but you know I woke up and the alarm that woke me up was my prayers yes I started praying and so the prayers that were coming out of me in terms that woke me up you know because your spirit is awake your spirit is our legs your spirit has been spoken to by the Holy Spirit but you are not aware of it in your mind so your spirit but when I pray in an on my street prayer so there are times I the spirit wakes up and begins praying you get it yeah and it's happened to me before and I noticed it because I just didn't I ever an animal I was I was completely rested I was watching telly I was even watching a tornado a slapping it was like I was not praying that's all of the prayers were coming up oh yeah prayer is very important prayer is very important very very you never know you don't you know absolutely I'm not so sure what I was praying about but something happened in the evening and I think could have been this I was praying about then I had a call as we have called me the next day and he told me something had happened and I say a good is it I don't have no idea but I just noticed you know prayer it's very important because evil bubbles is that a man is taken in a snare when it's fallen suddenly upon him you see that is what we call surprises like it Follett's suddenly upon him as a fish that is taking in a net when it's falling suddenly upon him so a lot of things wouldn't happen unless they happen suddenly and you'll not be taking it in an evil day or in an evil time or snagging a net like a fish is caught in a net when it Follett's suddenly upon you a lot of sudden things a lot of sudden things all these September 11 sudden you are just there then a plane is flying into or this Tunisia they came and started shooting them or this school in a in Kenya where the people enter le the morning start to shoot and that's what the Bible talks about like the a man is not taken in an evil time and let his net like a fish in a net when it's falling suddenly upon him so there's something we call falling suddenly upon you and it is when things happen funny and unexpectedly that it changes your life and it can really take you down yeah and so that is why it is necessary for that to be intercessions and begings and praise and pleadings hey all the time and without a huge Church you can never achieve a 24-hour begging like you are begging the Lord and calling upon the Lord 24 hours yeah you cannot you cannot accomplish that are you listening to me Wow how many one achieved 24 hours how many one else to achieve 24 hours or most of you want that what a fantastic thing amen number 12 you must have a megachurch vision beacuse a megachurch generates large crowds and great expectations Bible says that people were in expectation all men muse in their hearts of John whether he were the Christ or not amen you see there's expectation when there's a larger crowd amen number 14 must have a megachurch vision because more evangelism evangelism everybody say evangelism evangelism evangelism evangelism is possible through a megachurch what is an evangelist and if Vangelis is a faithful ambassador and the rubbles is a faithful ambassador is health that's one of the blessings of being an evangelist a faithful ambassador is health you see so if you don't have a big church you cannot have enough ambassadors it's like a nation is small country you don't have an ambassador most of the place if you're going to start a mega from Ghana you can be very difficult they don't have embassies in Ghana you don't know if you don't have you don't have a Bolivian embassy here you don't have any they don't have ambassadors Ghana doesn't have ambassador in so many places we don't have ambassadors in so many countries you know but almost everywhere you go you see United States I mean even in Guinea you see and it stands there like I mean a mighty fortress every country every nation because when there's a big nation it sends out mighty ambassadors and mighty embassies so without a huge and a mighty church you can't send out a buffer this my city fun tell it's worth going out there faithful ambassadors of the gospel of Jesus Christ you can't have it because you don't have a big backing behind you recently I was in one of the countries one of the countries in West Africa I don't want to mention the country and I was speaking to the embassy staff Ghana embassy you know and I was asking is this doesn't for you say no we have rented it I said wow never entered it you can imagine and I saw number of people there oh they have to pay all of them in dollars yes it's not a small thing to have an embassy and in that in the government doesn't have the mind to own the buildings and reduce the staff it you cannot even imagine how expensive it is to keep ambassadors there in all these nations very expensive I once went to New York and I saw one of the tall buildings in your head belongs to Ghana come Nkrumah bought it ambassador to the United States yes fantastic huh are you there you're going home are you tired you sure you're not side you're ready to listen about a megachurch oh yeah yeah that's the best job I'm telling you I can't I can't understand for the life of me why you want to be an accountant instead of instead of being a megachurch pastor and I don't understand why I'm struggling to understand why you want to be an accountant instead of a megachurch pastor it's like a mini president true or mega jet passes wife [Applause] Jeremy what do you think as a powerful fantastic is it amazing how can you send out us an ambassador if you have a little small church who are struggling to even have numbers coming last week 73 came district 43 where will you get enough money to pay the pasta to even stay there huh hard candy is another class will be instead of coming with a car he's moving around with the hunka keep wiping him sweating and wiping and there are some people they do wipe [Music] now no no no not fit your precise swiping in ichika every person is Rebecca and it was always listening to me who does oh how the COS receive it now a pasta pasta s is easy Caesar Minister is a seven he's saving food and he shouldn't be sweating when he's seven I once went to a restaurant and the waiter was sweat when he when he comes he presented menu like this and then he sucked he had a handkerchief locator I don't know where it was located in cap Coast a restaurant in kept cool yes sir what would you like me I said I wouldn't like I wouldn't like again I'm okay I wouldn't like what would you like I wouldn't like are you listening to me yeah so brothers and sisters I tell you a faithful ambassador is an evangelist pasta and without a better catch with money and power cannot do evangelism remember I told you it's like an embassy you have to be a powerful nation hmm the next one you must have a megachurch vision because a mega church has larger and greater income money that can be used for God acts 434 neither was there any of them among them that lacked press many as well possessors of lands saw them and brought the prices of the things I was sold and later dollar the birth of faith and distribution was made to every man when I said mega J there's more money there's more money but that's that that's that's something that happens people don't understand mega church has normal look it's a better job than the one you're planning to do there's more money in that work than the website you apply you may not know I'm sorry but it's a secret you don't have to tell people when you go out this is just we're having a car meanie and I'm telling you one of the points in my book I don't tell anyone yeah just keep it to yourself yeah if you do that Church work I mean think about me what what what would I need I mean if we can build this why can't you buy me a car why not why not I mean there are more than a hundred people who came to work after me if there's even a meet I can ask some of them to leave so that I can enjoy more what do you think true or not true people don't understand it huh what just what what are you planning what what what what what are you what is doing in school Swahili you planning to be a teacher why don't you plan to teach the Word of God and through the kitchen of the Word of God you build a mega church you'd be better off you'd be better off there's there is more mega church better I don't know the job you're doing or planning to do amen is he in terms of professions I mean you ask yourself why do you think a radiologist or just a normal general practitioner like myself would even come into the ministry we are not coming for money we are not here for money is it people don't realize two things one job satisfaction number one is the first motivation for people to work in the world second is money money is not the first people think manager fastest job and there's against mind all of our statistics is done in the world those of you who did you know I don't know what cause did you do administration and what is this animal dragonfly sure somebody should catch it all right amen there is more money in catch work than the work you are doing their planet you may not know I just want you to do any work that have collection of small small amounts of money had a lot of money banks insurance companies churches mobile phones whether if it collects small amounts of money from a lot of people pure water those type of jobs have more money associated with it banks the tick's much more from a lots of people the insurance company everybody shot and they will never pay when their cash flows and then pure water and mobile phones small you need small credits from everybody that's why it's more MTL it's obviously ten million members every 10 million by just one city credit that is ten million a day that's a lot of money yeah now I'm sick I'm saying this because do you know what I'm saying what I'm saying I know I've never said what I'm saying before I'm saying this because there are some people who was sitting here and maybe who listening to me who think you are wise in this world but you do not I don't know wise to feel that you're wise but you are not wise and always I thank God God's work is one of the WAGs that has that characteristic of being able to attract a lot of money it's one of the jobs like that true I mean you you think you have what you call conventional wisdom or you are wise you are into what smart goals and days and whatever you are doing motivational preaching and what-have-you what you don't know is that that church is in a different line of where our aim is not the money but the nature of the web is that that it generates much if we don't have money I can we do this upstart from leg on tech and UCC which campuses like this that's not campus like this is obscure from Lagos Tech UCC there's no campus like this if you like go around I've been to all these schools yeah nice what you don't know is that God has created a job which has a particular characteristic which it works is one of the top things who is yes access you see these bankers and so they didn't they didn't recognize when we started a church I went to the church to ask for a loan to help to build colleague or not I jettisoned no no we can't give a loan to the church and so on as the kitchens growing we became a lot of people you know with most more boys and girls and all our people don't even give like in this church we you can't point to anybody I don't have anybody like that this person gives like a lot of money there's nothing like that I don't have and if I have our should I lie to you I'm just telling you the truth it's just small small boys and girls all of us together one city once when we are taking often we say ok one city then you see them lots of people coming so what you don't know is that like this work is actually a work in that category you see like I said you are selling fish it's not in that cutting you letter use the red fish red fish is already calling educational stuff snapper rattles over to go you selfish it's not in that category honestly you sell tomatoes is what you don't collect money from and lot of defense most most more element from lot of it is our Tomatoes we sell rice backs of rice it is not like that but it is insurance all the cars in Ghana how many million every project has to pay SMO SMO SMO SMO SMO and you never you don't have to give them and we all supposed to buy they don't pay for things when you when you crash your car they don't pay anything or banks all of us granted are small we all open accounts tenancy disguises so some of the tips in the bank detect one city from everybody in the account yes this egg wants to be every month or every whatever the tip was with your two cities like that you you people want clever like you businessmen and those of you who are whatever what you don't realize do you see who think you're so smart is that God's work apparently also has the financial style or the financial the modes by which it works financially which is collecting of most most more drops and little drops of water is the strategy that creates wealth for these bigger wealth empty and this is that is the same most possible everybody just brings up this mob here that people don't realize it but I aim is not to get money so we don't we don't talk about those things we don't we don't belong we don't out it we don't show it off we are not we are not here to make money if we really wanted to end money so then we should have done some other things to do but it is such that a megachurch becomes a huge thing so when we say that we either follow this unknown today's all the banks they have what they call a cash desk the land managers checks is this one of the mail client they have attaches that is borrow they give them because they know detectives have money and campaign they've discovered that that not knowing that the church have that potential and have that ability if it were to grow but at first we were small much the colored mushroom churches one non pasta churches one-man church are with time it's grew and are they supposed to recognize us yes why do you think at a service like why do you think they have a this year last year we had a Thanksgiving service act bishop was speaking you know how the revisiting when he would just became a pastor Danka Williams it makes fun of him but when we have a mass now with a president whatever his book recently when the flood happened it was Reverend in student was asked to speak odd at diplomatic corps all the white people the I suppose when there's another and this in India invited they have to come so all of them are other battle white people though every country you sure as a members in Ghana they were all sitting there plus all the former presidents and the speaker was ready stood oh yeah oh yeah they call us machine together some family realize I got so much room as you are cited with are out to get some ice a cake is a muscle the banku the mushroom not so easy to discard that and throw us away yeah so the wax is a welcome I'm suggesting that you take up up your life I spend your time it's not something that is a positive streaking abandonments of whatever it is II it may look like that especially other bees but which work does it look like that at the beginning when you start selling on a table studies and milk in front of your house at the beginning before you go to a table by Piazza for a container before I shop before a supermarket before you become an importer of right Oh it's a non oppose you not even get such a job to do a job up in the church church work done on oppose so when you see a young missionary coming to propose to answer alone my name is John I'm here on something called proposal [Applause] and he says I am a man of a vision to have a catch megachurch but I have nothing I would like you to stay with me for the rest of my life if you have a chicken brain with a small vision you will not know that that vision to have a church is something that if it works if it works and you can help make it work rather than help to destroy because some wives have to tear down their husband not knowing I do have them also become the megachurch pastor intervene also giving good for you baby you think my wife hasn't enjoyed traveling all over the world with me I've been with her to Singapore to Malaysia to cook Yokohama Korea so Korea all over the world United States England yes Switzerland many places France yeah if it works it's not bad it is all scratch it down and pull it down and tell him when it comes from and nobody knows how you are the only one who knows how you are like when you talk that way you are bringing the peasant down it's not going to happen to be anything good you also enjoy it it works if he's successful set of say such things in the house and only one what do you mean by Q what it'd be my chilled again nice visit you so brothers and sisters it is a wonderful thing to have a megachurch it is a superior if you want to cultivate as a business it is a superior thing once I'm a businessman I invited me to come and speak in a university the businessman business tycoon in size wise men come and give a lecture we introduce this a look if this was a business they started here the stunning candy I become a multinational he identified the elements I look in terms of they have their water in terms of like what can be achieved and what these people have done it's fantastic that's why I've invited him to come and speak to us businessmen yes so some businessmen recognize that this is not a small thing that it was they were the banks at the beginning I couldn't recognize sorry we don't have any of you cannot either you know that's always sorry about that so ray so really you know how backlights Bank they said sorry because it op I know you cannot baclofen said no go it's an honor to speak we are have us as the clients you know those of you who are wise going to business finance this [Laughter] [Applause] fantastic you must have a megachurch vision because special ministries are going to take rise up special things are going to come alike orphanages I mean who would have thought you'd ever be involved with an orphanage number 17 we must have a mega cheese what is that is it a gunshot okay miss have a megachurch because it shows that you made full proof of your ministry amen second Timothy 4 verse 5 it says but you keep your eye on what you are doing ok except the hard times along with the good keep the message alive do a thorough job as God's Evans do or what furro furro furro furro furro for a job ok follow that is complete exhausting final comprehensive do it and if you take this church work and you do a thorough job you will see things you never thought you see if you take it to its conclusion yes if you follow its own to what it can be how you see is it Cass look at me I Drive my pickup but I tried it not because I'm forced to drive a pickup I'm not forced I'm not forced it is my choice many people drive what they are forced to drive I'm not driving what I'm forced to try and driving what I've chosen to drive Wow this is not like a habit dream to have lessee and Mercedes and then I cannot have it I can't have it rather one day somebody bother my says I didn't even sit in it when they passed it I give me a sec please I cannot use this class they gave me the key that they perceive as I please I cannot I know I don't I didn't even open it I guess away haha you have look so we'll still a local foodies Mak look maggots as you have options and I got such a hot option have options I never even open the door brand new I never open the door oh no no no no I did I said no no no this is not I I cannot use this card it's not my I'm not into this it's nothing I can just have one too I just take send a text and I'll get it we'll get one just now oh yeah both of you with wisdom keys from whatever Financial Accounting banking business politics what happy I'm watching you I'm watching you for me my work I've chosen stretch work all my books offered I don't write book for businessmen oh yes it's Antonin opposed if you want if you want you can use the book and learn about ministry but it's up to you about business if you want you can see the principles that are being that the Holy Spirit leads us in and uses you know your work if you think it will help you that is for my assessment know my lookout just you are struggling a lot of people said they are going to do business that's why some other you become rebellious because after years of trying things instead of see like that chill when we gossip I was i I chose check as my line of work somebody chose medicine somebody chose loss somebody chose accounting somebody chose nursing summary chose business somebody chose politics some we chose engineering some burritos are coming somebody just agriculture somebody just lecturing somebody chose international somebody chose traveling I chose check so stretch and I'm telling you today that you see what people don't realize is that the churches the church also has even in finances it has a certain elements which people don't realize that the type of businesses that always generate a lot of money as those that collect small amounts from a lot of people not knowing that the church was in that group if you were to consider as a business we use like it's an agency it others only you wouldn't know anybody who doesn't listen to this but you will not know this reality it's in the same category as a mobile phone company or a insurance company bath and so on or coca-cola even a lot of people small not much when you buy a cookie don't spend much once we do two cities that reduce the price one city yeah to another as coca-cola with the cans and they finish everything what I'm abusing is their profit 35 CDs by five SS then Laura people would drink it so that element not is it you've chosen your life I've chosen text and I are becoming a specialist specializing in jetties yes exchange specialists like my specialization is Texas Tech group megachurch pastoral ministry transforming the per serving Greek West casting of devil's prayers transform any office to do with texting ha that's what uh that's what I'm specializing oh yeah oh yeah that's why I can't choose to drive a pickup because I can't choose to drive whatever I feel like right it is by choice that's what somebody can give me a can and I just give it a twice it has happened three times the number of times eating but I said please say my work is not compatible with this kind of screen at this stage yeah Wow you say you want to be on a Content PC he beat me to church is it one when doctor doctor ago came to the ministry he came kids came into the ministry it was a track where I get up I should have let him stay on our Hospital to reach Kern's everyday and it's a radiology Delta with a radiologist they read x-rays and scans and MRIs photograph this they read it and in the right okay this person had this disease is going to because it is an early sign their name on it this with their signature line is answer diagnosis so this one is this then decide producers and that when you sign that's not the work of a good you know but at a point I said you know there's something high heaven reading x-rays I would like to be a specialist of a church let activities Hey mmm and he himself realized that is being called to a higher elevation yes somebody saw him and said he has lost respect is it not true yes please be fair he respected me so mightily head that I was following document male and he lost all respect for me yes most respected so when you share things like that the people talk in a certain way then you can see me like this like church is like the lowest kind of activity and the lowest values is as I am save it in this Restless catcher if it works like a bussiness politics if it works [Laughter] yes it attract quality editors only that it doesn't work for a lot of it but if it way is well your business if it works a lot of things if it works and the same we attach a quack it's a known opposed it's an owner toes and I tell you God has that vision and plant but is it people don't respect the church enough to give themselves give attention to that let's let me focus on this this group and let me what Heights and feed it and put seeds into it and man your age and let it grow and let me give myself to this they they look as if this is nothing West giving yourself for most of my lettuces will of my agent added editing feet are something that is worth giving yourself freely left and I was out all alone now I want you to keep your eyelids open and keep your eyes wide open to look carefully and see what you choose yeah because I can tell you at this stage our church is far superior to traveling to America England Flagstaff now what whatever you say we are going to do keep watching if you like videos keep watching number 18 you must have the Begich edge vision because in the megachurch vision there are more beloved available at 4:33 for there was not a needy person among them there were stop watch a needy person among them Wow what are the needs and I'm a nine three must have a megachurch vision because there'll be more weddings marriages yeah because of all the lava doses end up at marriages huh not all beloved end up as marriages and when you have a mega church vision like I'm encouraging you who like if we have 10,000 first love members now I don't know how old you are I don't know how your shape or your face or your body or whatever but I can assure you that your wedding and will be nice wedding will be nice because there would be somebody who would see you and say when I saw you [Applause] existence it began to have provocation when I saw you I couldn't speak English anymore and I began to speak Spanish and I said miss Carozza pal pizza 40 nice my English McCory so pal Peter 14 you don't return it before us on my heart I'll feed the big dings listen for you there will be somebody you when you look at your top number you know you are not the most beautiful but there will be somebody who said you are the most beautiful thing on this earth you miss somebody you say your neck is like a library tower you miss somebody who would say I've only seen your eyes in another place once before [Music] [Applause] only the megachurch will you have somebody who will like somebody like you just as you are and say I like you I like your family I like your background I like your nationality I like your height I like your your face I like your scarf I like your travel map I like oh I like your size is an a megachurch evaluate a small church some of you your beloved is number six thousand five hundred and eighteen hundred like we are four thousand five hundred so it's like two thousand members more before your beloved would be the time some of you your beloved is in seven thousand plus some of you your beloved is in five thousand one hundred and two Wow like it's so far away so when you are working for the church you're working for yourself I mean even as young as you are listen all those who have been in relationship before that broke up one of the things they are very sad I said what is wrong with me what is what is it about me he left me said I'm not this I'm like this I'm like this they came off is a why there is a person a that sees that somebody said that they like that is an $80 person like I said that is based on a customer take it from me take it from me take it from me take it from me yeah that's amazing other person like some of you your beloved left you because they said you are too strong like other at a woman who are too strong it's like I need something softer [Applause] the hawala is too much [Applause] listen I came to announce to you today there is a certain guy it's not your face you like you it's not your battery life it is your stress that is right that is what in life that is what you like that working like your face and your makeups and all those is that is so much it's like your stress like when it sees you moving and commanding and changing the box and all set yes that is my woman that is a woman that is my woman some of you some of you you are going to be like those somebody [Applause] you got a call and that caused that where is he from when you mentioned is from Ghana is from Nigeria is from Zimbabwe the president shot at what and the person said no way yes one lady she sent her daughter to school here from Nigeria and a brother I can name brother Academy proposed the mother said we're gonna mean for my Deadwood yes over my dead body because I've already married Agana she had married a Kenya said the tombola top-seeded phlegmatic Danny and as I'm married it doesn't move it's nothing gets up and boot the work and what won't bring any canyons boom oppa my my what but I have some news for you there is somebody coming the main thing the person likes about you is that you are what exile in mere some of you you went to propose somebody proposed and you you got a call said what is what is his name [Applause] what is his name when you mention the name the mother told you my daughter you cannot marry somebody I cannot pronounce his name [Applause] ladies and gentlemen I have some good news for you in a megachurch there will be somebody soon who when they hear that name they say oh this is your auntie's family they're all of the week I said they are all we're on the way some of them in 4900 300 new members away 300 new members away there is a prince I said there is a prince he's coming it's on the way it's looking for a princess some of you in the church when you are proposing when you are the church proposal you can't find somebody of a certain quality somebody as aristocratic as you are somebody with a finesse the upbringing the International cuisine adaptability [Applause] all the people you are missing only get banku everyday they are not having international students adaptability [Applause] tonight I have good news for you somebody's on the way that person is a prince and is going to find somebody of that caliber in this first life change are you excited about that there are some cool others coming for you I said there is the khulafa on his way a salad lava is coming your way against your love is coming around is it amazing as that fantastic is it wonderful is a megachurch a wonderful thing some of you you're going to get married the person you are going to marry when you start to discuss your life your past life you mention number one number two three four five six fourteen nineteen twenty eight thirty six 4359 by the time you reach them at sixty the father said listen there is no need to say more I'm okay I want to pray about something I'll see you on Friday when it comes on Friday and say listen when I was praying the large short I saw a flag in a pigeon and I wasn't sure the color our team I look again and I saw that was raped the loss is new red red flag loss is know but wait soon there is somebody who is coming away it recently met a certain lady when he proposed to the lady the lady said he was asking about her past she said and the badging when he had the web producer from where Wesley girls no no no no no you know hi Jenny my father told me anything except a virgin yeah I know somebody like that you [Music] before you think I'm joking excuse me you think I'm joking when I say that your beloved is on the way and I'm telling you the effect of a mega fast last check you think it's a joke when have you seen me joking have you ever seen me ask you crack a joke at the party before the other head and say which are column brother - to crack a talk today have you seen it before I will seen it before which part of what I'm saying is a joke and proper thing about your future some of you you think you are too fast to marry there is a man and it was something that is like to put [Applause] is not the five thousand two or six is on the way 26 lingers and no you are not a woman if you are slim you are not a girl you are not I mean like no no no no it sees you as a chicken with underfed under fat chicken [Applause] Wow how many are going to get involved in building a very mega church there will be nothing like it I am late in getting marriage oh no no no no mega child said something like I'm Lake your ages are all day oh yes no matter the age it's never late with the epiphysis mojit is list but in a megachurch is Neverland every age every queer strange quack one day brother chemical I want to marry a white lady this all that I want it's possible here is possible why is this you have a flat as the sands of the sea why some of you want to marry a white man is coming you must learn how to make salad at your vision for a white man you must learn how to make salad and sandwich IV I do want to marry a white man one by a white man do you know how to make sandwiches all right no problem not a problem tell your congratulate your neighbor say your wedding was nice I mean I love the compatibility of your your husband and your beloved you're wise it was it was nice was nice [Applause] all right how many are buying into the megachurch vision number 20 we must have a megachurch vision because there are more contact and connections through a megachurch Galician six percent as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially men who are of the household of faith Wow connections tell your neighbor connections connections connection how many know there are many places officially is closed but unofficially still open in a megachurch you don't have a problem the MD is a member the vice-chancellor is the members brother yes the head of department is this one day I travel to South America and I had a chance to test this principle I was on a flight on an American plane I don't want to mention the name of the airline that is an American not American Airlines but one of the they are not meaning one of the American planes and I was supposed to leave the next day to fly out I don't know what happened but when we were checking the ticket they said no way flight is full and you cannot come so I told my interpreter tell pasta of a huge change that they say I cannot go tomorrow when it sold up as I said oh leave it to me they the water bar is in the church yeah within a few minutes I got a cover you are confirmed for tomorrow it is in an American plane in South America yes you cannot go a dictator myself and where I was with round of life yes the famous forum we were home we put on is every face like that I'm sorry surprised while we get our video look at other things I you cannot this you cannot look one day I saw that in brother it was a pasta he does either even though he didn't live in a crowd if he was even in a crowd I be near at the airport but he wasn't far away forever stay far away yeah and one day I was chatting with some people and some money to me do you know this pastor speaks as a machinist alien language common language that you can learn in school a lot of countries speak I said where did you know so when I saw him I said Brava how are you in fact I think I didn't even see him I made a call okay tell brother sensing what he liked to wear kingly United Nations yet your brother was even a crier to that being era they're poor but he was not anything outside far away would you like to work in animation oh I like to work in animations of course my job I have here Kumasi is not say it but not certainly much are you sure they said I would love to I made a call today he was in I donations I need is even forgotten he didn't forgotten how he got there he's one of what we caught those who forget oh yeah one of the party caught those who forget is one of the none of those he doesn't know how he got there he was still been in Oh sacrum Garden City had I not be the full call organize him out that's what we caught those who forget I'll help you are laughs like choices that you forget about it and you choose to block it out of your mind and become a rebellious person yeah that's why people stop helping people you pick your phone and you make a call you risk your name your reputation your whatever you call can you help this person and I want you to do this for me oh no problem if you ask if you say I will if you will see a new connection megachurch when you are when you are in a small church you not even load Assemblyman when you are in a mega chat there will always be somebody who can who would take you to even to the president you just tell the person remember so the president oh it's my father is my uncle is my base is my banjo the next thing you get a phone call within within live in an hour will be where you cannot lose it there is a route to everywhere well you do know the route so why you are not there is a waiver only that you don't know the with it and after five everything works like that so I love building a mega JJ you are building your connections to I mean so many places and I don't you know because I'm pitching it's a microphone I can sit so many connections to different places and things true true true yes you see even a time I can't see the very high fashion the pasta you call it my son my son I've seen it before it was called my son is it this is the vice president calling my son my son come and the person whose great offense Peter said the poly papa so this multi that would be your story in the future [Applause] Wow are you living still around 21 you must have a megachurch because when there's a megachurch vision because we are gonna have employers for your Mendez yeah many of you don't know that the church is even this sauce event planner my wife has run she was once running it was cop I forget the name of the ministry I have been people to / huh yeah membership assist I'm happy so many people to get jobs oh yeah just have so many people all the time all the time you just make a call but I cannot say no you cannot say oh it's been so many years the pleasure of the antilog Natasha's I've been in this house for so many issues and if I so called you want it please can you take my little baby yes I want her to have us all really oh no poor letter to come on Monday that's the end of it you apply with the thousand you say they saw they saw the car feel sorry you can apply next year that so that'll ever recruiting this the editor you well just I told you there is a way to wear everywhere there is the way only you don't know the way visa to UK us home Germany here here everywhere you don't know one day I was going somewhere now there was some problem for some people who were just going with me they didn't have a visa and I didn't know the person I caught at Bishop I said this was us I'll call you back call them bhai is called ambassador but listen this another the finish of that nation that nations at that country you people you are joking with the church oh you you are you say you want to be an accountant Bobo I'm getting a thousand what to be an accountant where instead of having a vision to be a megachurch pastor you want to be an accountant you be hunting for places for jobs so can I give you that kind of your companies to do so that I represent myself can I and we are started a private accountancy firm so there's a detect need accountants we need accountants yet we need accountants why you could have been employing accountants as a megachurch pastor I can understand why you don't want to have that vision as your main vision for your life that before I go into the grave so bf- that I I built before I enter my dream there will be a megachurch you can Portuguese I'm coming but before I come here there will be a huge catch that you can point to means that I was involved in this church or you think it's a fantastic amazing supernatural wonderful how many megachurch pastors do I have here oh 22 all the different needs megachurch vision when you do the negative every need of the change of the MP need of your life can be found through the mega church in our church is it chatted accountants half says in open heart surgeons radiology gynecologist pediatrician you can just their names that come to your mind Chartered Accountants what architects lawyers UK citizens USA citizens chairman citizens I mean what is important to you businessmen transport owners bake bake bake three owners watch yourself we have all in the church addresses here what's our salad hotel owners but when you become an accountant you are not going to have all these people and they are all under you on a megachurch pastor every member need a new noodle Wow how many people India where can make a beautiful girl like this kneel down and I'm gonna get comments Camille in the middle your identity can a beautiful girl like this face face the camera so they see how beautiful and you make a beautiful girl like this kneel down in your work as an accountant and your work as a bank manager can you make any beautiful girl like this kneel down noodle noodle what is a medical student oh I've made a medical student kneel down Wow fantastic Kali and make a sketch pasta everything in my case which which job okay our mood is ahead good job can can't just do this okay you can sit down now you can sit down as all of you to kneel down I don't want to test my powers it's okay Charlie it's not a small thing to be a mega church pastor yeah you see when God offers oh yeah half my weight I'm building a church it looks which is all what is church how many church you order would you do they change the rule chuckling to the church why did I check I checked it for what is it Church is nothing I don't jump will give your profession you have to do this here to do attention what is the church is he does the mind okay Pendred go and do it we are here some of us have made ourselves special we have written books about church wreck yeah yeah I'm just going through one chapter fishes some mega chess to you with you hey number 23 you must have a mega church vision because a mega church is more likely to accomplish 20 25 percent Kota of souls that must be one in a community community community must have mega churches amen Wow now when the soar went out too soon some fell well huh wayside others fell well that's 1/4 fellow the root side 1 quit SL where 1/4 fell where fun and 1/4 fell where good soil so only 1/4 release can be expected to respond well so if we take the population of a crack and it's 4 million people we can only expect a quarter to really respond in a certain good way and that is still a lot 1 million if you add all the churches in Accra we are not 1 million going to church on Sunday yes you are don't see if it's even 10,000 10,000 minutes let's not try to have 10,000 people sitting there on Sunday morning when they say 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 if you have 500 churches 500 churches huge big churches like the Kadesh 500 of them that we didn't give you or is it 500 times 5,000 so much 250 thousand 2.5 million of that does more but that's not even that publishing of Accra - if you have 500 you have 200 live on within a hundred 100 less realistic hundred fifty churches 1950 churches like that Hamas no 50 churches with five 35,000 50 cents 5,000 250-thousand it's not at a crime supposed to be four million so a quarter as 1 million or you don't understand it like 50 buildings you can see there are 50 of such size churches like the Kadesh 5000 real members who have come x 50 of that we do you think at 20 yeah do you understand so you see what I'm saying is that you keep on thinking that all it has been done it has been done it has been done but it does not be done how much more other parts of the world of ghana is a very church chechi please tell somebody we are getting to our biblical quota amen so first last check we need to have five thousand ten thousand people there number 24 you must have a mega church because a mega church they must have a vision mega television because the mega church vision arise is gonna be alright it's going to be what is gonna be a nation within the nation wow what a nation that's why when I saw you I was like you're like a mini president yes you are like a mini president how many want to be you know I won't stand for elections when you can just have it through the church [Applause] just you can judge me ladies everybody Madonna like I'd be like a mini president Wow is it amazing it's a fantastic tell somebody you are the next mini president I see okay 25 you must have a megachurch vision because the glory of the end time is going to be better than the glory of the early church the glory of this latter house Haggai 2 verse 9 shall be greater than the glory of the former so if the former is the beginning of the church okay what do I mean by the beginning of the church the beginning of the church is when the church began in pizza and cool where the pastor we have 3000 members that was a glory of the former church so how much more the latter church 300,000 expected in Jesus name I am believing God to have 10,000 churches and to build at least 1,000 Czech buildings 1000 buildings and to have at least 10,000 passes and win at least 100 million souls and publish hundred million books publish about ten million want to get hundred million we can do it as if is it possible I want I think about your thousands of members you are going to have then I become encouraged yeah so this is a great vision I'm trying to let you see that it's a higher I didn't have anybody to tell me that it's a great thing I didn't have anybody to tell me that oh this is a wonderful thing is a great thing to set the Lord isn't it isn't it Wow are you excited by this vision so the first thing that we need to do you know to achieve our wonderful 10,000 children is to have a strong feeling for it when we say your beloved is in it it's true he's in it he is in it I don't know what kind of person you were he's there I know what kind of girl you like your type so anybody who's in a relationship that you are firing in a lot of just break up because they are the real guys they just break up like you're always having issues conflict stop it stop it now because the real person is coming home we propose there will be no issues a whole week apart there will be nothing so they see my everyday they something why this this is that I don't like the waste of this and what is it nanananana stop it right now that all those the relationships turn up when I said those who are quarreling offense you need to break up some of you by relationship we're against what I would say how many I agree with what I'm saying so who is who are those if you are the one on up so that the case will just end if you don't own up all of you before that before we close [Applause] [Music] you've been quarreling often either one all right anybody else she's pressing through the crowd all right one two who's the third person somebody that was pointing to somebody is she in a relationship or not yes and why is she not standing up she doesn't respect me she doesn't respect me she's broken up anyone is coming hey fires I fired I laid it down there the one brother yeah because she was not signing up when I asked those who in relation to stand up young lady move towards the firing squad yes lift up your hand lift up your hand fire okay were you opposing what I was preaching in your head you are agreeing with it where you're opposing what I was saying I I just wish I compromise when I touch that Mommy and ms is better than expected so I don't think she's receiving it I have a right now for my food it doesn't who is receiving it your lady repent joy message by the network is no good so I think she's not seeing it my phone right now what I think what to do we just love it you are selling it are you are breaking up why not this one [Applause] what about this one where you opposing my preaching I was really happy that you stated you're happy so you're going to break up yes gonna break up oh it's a battery here the person is not here okay hand over your microphone lift up your hand let's up your hand I had a young lady okay all right you may go back to your seat [Applause] [Music] all right Lou all right glory to God now listen there I have organized some dinner for you down [Applause] [Music] [Music] lesson [Applause] sit down [Music] [Applause] now listen in a megachurch we have restaurant in a megachurch all your needs are met and then amazing so we are going to have this short dinner and after the dinner we are going to have a break for 30 minutes what is the time now almost seven o'clock alright you are going to gather some kappa and then we are going to be back here we are going to pray tonight yeah because we are complex in 27 hours and so far we have accomplished 15 14 or 15 15 hours 14 or 15 14 hours 20 minutes all right no problem just 20 minutes will be credited to you so it's 20 minutes to 7 or 7 o'clock 7 minutes at 7 o'clock all right so getting around 8:30 8:30 o'clock 8:30 o clock we're gonna start gathering would you have coffee for everybody here you didn't bring coffee where are the coffee makers you don't have coffee makers where our coffee makers are they spoiled thrown away you have coffee makers downstairs water bottle but we need coffee coffee no sugar no milk like drugs like taking drugs now listen you must learn how to use coffee to help you to when you smell coffee you become more legs yeah so sometimes when you make cop you don't even have to drink you just when is then you smell you become a less but you inhale it it's like it's like any healer like ventolin inhaler you take it into your body through inhalation it's actually more effective than the one you make into the milk and sugar and it just make you sleep how many I drank coffee and slept now before we go for dinner we want to welcome Nana is it Nana and Claudia if you called Nana yes I hear you achieve come what is it like to be out of camp with your new bride coming sorry [Applause] ah turn around and tell us what it's like like like when dr. goal was getting mind or something like calm that you go with your wife and most of us didn't have that only got married at that car that you come so we want to know what it's like to be on non-pom campus community [Applause] well I remember the first come I I attended when I came obligations of a crazy my beloved yeah and this time here has gone away by the grace of God there is a difference between the two acts that to come I mean the experience she was in a different room and I was also in a deeper way [Applause] but this time we happen to be in the same room if you don't keep but you not let a little these are revelation the weather is also helping us [Applause] at we've actually finished a honeymoon but it looked like it's a nice atmosphere for you know a honeymoon so yeah just makes in the spirituality of the computer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay my husband I said it all [Applause] it's really nice it's a whole different experience it's really nice to be at they come with your husband and I remember um so many times as a compass Angela we've been talking about how to come in coming for a computer husband how it would be like [Applause] so before that comes I was subject before the comp I was something I was like it really looks like what we've been talking about - about two counts of fun oh yeah so it's really exciting to be at the count with your husband and because we were informed that the camp is going to be like you have to bring your own food and all like if I was to wear two beloved I think I would have thought about this and she sorted me out crying I'm not having be another thinking of school [Applause] which of your blood well while they were speaking the chief executive of the campus have decided to give them a special room under that place doesn't have some big family pay so they will be leaving you on this side and they are going to that side so the only one light on in that building Wow and I've been informed that a special honeymoon suite is being prepared for future honeymooners yo yo yo yo future [Applause] when you come for honeymoon yet you will be given one of the electric cars to go on private horse the secret location is it amazing is that fantastic put your hands together for the married couple so politically we are so grateful you are blessed as you are fulfill it you are doing what you are doing is this good for oh we are all excited are you not excited you see your future one day you'll be at a camp with your husband and your wife the blessing amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,725
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2015, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, MAMPONG, GHANA, FIRSTLOVE CHURCH, OBLIGATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN WORKER, 10000 CHILDREN OF GOD, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: kYaWznZ_JOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 1sec (13441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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