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amen and it's going to bless you hallelujah one of the things that it talks about is how to establish a membership base is very important for you to have members amen a'right one of the characteristics of African things is that we don't write things these are not true and when you have to fill a form or even join or do something we don't want to do it so we need to shift away from all those things right now another very important chapter this is what to expect from the average church member amen most judgment best minds are not on the church their minds are not on the church our minds are on themselves and then also most members spend a lot of money on themselves are very little on God you must know what to expect if you preach about tides they will give tides then they will stop after some time you stop giving you have to know as a child is like ship it's very difficult to guide them you have to know how people behave if you want to do well you have to know how like if you want to cut a snake I want to guide ship you have to know what influences them how do they behave and as you study that you begin to know more and more how to handle the people when you take pledges I want to raise funds all right you must know that many people will pledge but most of them will not be what they are pledging you see so it's like the expected behavior so that we are not surprised when you don't have that what happens is that you the pasta will get into trouble for instance if you don't know that way you hold a snake by the tail a to 10-round and bite you it will just scale back because don't know that's how it behaves when you hold it there you may think you've stabilized it and it can't round and bite you so you must sort of anticipate or understand how the average church member behaves so that you can do well I know some churches that have raised fund pledges and then they'll come and announce they pledge you know hundred million I remember when we were buying our church in the UK you know I knew the people I said these people when I raise funds they'll just give a small amount of it so we raised all the money secretly then when we had almost all the money then I come in at this fundraising I said we need millions to buy me we had almost all because I knew them so that day the fundraising we had about hundred and have a hundred and twenty thousand of their money and then you see people will be looking hey I read it to anyone do you know my big comedy brought twenty twenty thousand when I can I say they have twenty but you see we already had it so we just bought the building but if I had not as anticipated their behavior they would have said and he came to London to waste money said he was going to buy a building before we realized he was driving a new Toyota I don't know what you say yeah the use of fossil you become a fool you see so you must understand that was a chapter two is what to expect from the average church member what do you think yeah another thing that you must expect understand of expectations of church members are most tech members are irregular in their attendance they don't come regularly what do you think so when you say you shouldn't be surprised to know that people they don't that is how they are it's like holding a signature success it always turns around to bite me that is how it is are you understanding what I'm talking about that is how it is another thing you should expect on check members you know check admit there's a little book I forgot is a new name of the book these were the keys to something because we have a text book or Church administration but is a little one this is a small one you can get this money to be it will help you to sort of know how to expect things another thing you should know is that most church members are ignorant of the sacrifice of a pastor mix what a pastor is suffering what he is going through that you think that they would really understand what you are doing for them most of them do and they really can't understand it even my own passes they don't understand what I have done for them sometimes in the books Africa the things I've tried to write out they don't even appreciate it are you there I read an amen and then the next thing that you must know about the process is that most pastors are across a most pastors most members ungrateful one person did what do you call it pastors appreciation day others appreciation day very few people came and he was so heartbroken what I have done for these people I never pasta was transferred from one church to another so he was leaving the town and I think was going you see and they did an appreciation for him oh oh okay you understand so J he was no so broken because you have poured out your life to the people and what that is how it is so when I preach I don't expect anybody to say oh it's a good message I don't expect it at all amen Agilent's member-states a good message that real good nothing I expecting I don't want it unless it should affect my mind yes but I know most people and grateful you get it another thing that is yashuna by our members is that many church members are committed to other things their eyes are not single some are committed to this committed to this committee to the Sun we have two churches ayaahs is only one of the two churches [Laughter] so not even two changes some of to purpose some esparza institutional institutional proper that is a pastor of a church of the institution and then they have a personal plaza for the house and then thirdly that is the protocol for personal prayer and then number three some other prophet in addition so PPP pasta pasta profit that is institutional pleasure personal home pastor home que pasa and then a profit so you are just one of three apart from that they are committed to NBC MPP Wesley girls all August associations or boys associations where homeboys Asante Kotoko I as I see photos off yes during the World Cup we had catch members who travel from here to Germany to ground watch one match occurs and you'll be the church doing fundraiser said we really need to buy a television for our children's church for the children to be able to have be able to watch the Christian and they'll have to learn the technology Earth Hour did twenty gamma two disorders that will help you to buy your television and they will spend $2,500 to go rent a hotel whether to watch one night and then they will come back and when done I want to say we are going again and they'll be the church when you do fun great look and give thousands who can't give this they'll be looking at you have you preached to a cow before who has preached to a car before I have preached to a cow before one day I found some cows and I went to Crete well the Bible says preach the gospel to every creature so I stood a source of the cow-house pretty the colors are God when I say Amen do you understand what I'm sayin no changing values in closer [Applause] Chapter three how to manage your offering the first step to managing earth that we have to manage your offerings the first step to managing conferences prevent killing by watching who becomes an usher hey answer how to manage your offerings don't allow anybody I thought to be on assigning the church number to keep all assets in V watch them all the time and let the church members also watch the ashes you see you have to present losses from day one one day I met her said him brother and I asked him Oh how's your friend so my friend is okay now this is prospering I said all he had solid jobs Oh No he's become an Asha I said what what do you mean oh he's become an Asha so he's now prospering prosperity Afghan because what he has become an Asha so I said for having us how does prosperity come through beam and Asha rather than Aquarius I said Oh every Sunday we get something from the offering was when they take the offering is able to put one and blue pin in their pocket and so through that he is now prospering number three have security for make sure that two or three people counts you know offering some girls can still have you seen a woman teeth before was seen a woman teeth before when I was listening to Mike Murdock I heard of magnetic you know he said and he had a lady who was helping him to do all his finances she did everything for him everything I'm just sharing a few points on my book check administration it's a little book you can get it will help you in your church she did everything for him his checks he said is I believe II know where what my textbook was bank account admitted then one day one day as a one day the mother of the girl came to him and told him be careful of my daughter then he found out what the girl was doing see you have you be the pastor you are raising some people always accusing that you are stealing them not knowing that the rear tips are there you depart I haven't stolen anything by others and these people are so hammered this you go collected collected collected we will chop some today one day we employed a lady she castilho when I saw that she was going to buy land you are going to buy land where do you get the money to buy land now so she was into other businesses I know I know your egg I know what you earn and she was into Adams item however said this girl watch it very carefully what had very carefully hey angel excessive pastas you need the spirit of discernment when you see a girl that you think God has made women to be beautiful we like that well man we are boring ourselves do you know yourself let me share woman you are immediately attracted one day there was a certain after one day there was a second beautiful girl her face was like the face of a baby you know that this is a veggie of Legends I mean after veggie mare you come to that [Applause] [Laughter] then one day the pasta had a revelation and in started to ask the girl something and the girl said me pasta he said when I was in school I slept with every boy in my class there is none of the boys in the classroom about nas.latif and now that I work in the bank I've stepped with everybody in every mill mill in the class in Sweden Ella refugees de lie like I shall come to your church Delilah Delilah Delilah I join your church as you are there free [Music] look chapter 4 there are more you can get it and read it how to improve your offerings amen number one every minister must say how to improve didn't the same chicken can lay more eggs or you understand the same chicken can lay more eggs people are always looking for money from elsewhere look at what you have to me there is no area that is too poor to give offerings there is no poor enough please I cannot give enough money to sustain the ministry does my best not believe I believe that where you are God can give you the money that you need for your ministry from backless that's what I believe amen and you don't have to get money from anywhere in fact I'll tell you very few people will ever give you money in my life I'm a few of ever giving me money it's none I should say now some people I remember once I when we build with somebody said Oh jung-hee Joe has given us four million dollars to build this church what if you rather know is that I rather have given you get your money no you chose giving me money then another one I have Oh Benny Hinn so it's something that is known as opening are giving you 2 million dollars to build the check blaming us give me I rather given Benny Hinn money I'm asking when you see him asking that you know me and as long as I have given me don't think of money's coming from summer look at the people and set up and nota what you need can come from there yeah what is not a food to send you and give you the parameters for your ministry pastor will live out of them so that any person who says this is a mere imbibe yeah so how to improve the offerings dedicate enough time for taking of orange offering taking offering takes time it takes time it's not something that just quickly if you want a good offering take time for offerings huh what do you think yeah I was at and I lost take time to take the offering I used to take time to tailor and there you see me give ESS outside 10 GB 2015 I'm taking my time to mention all the tactical so that you would think about it yeah I'm talking here you think I'm waiting for money from America I'm looking for money from you you are the people who are sitting here and I need money from YouTube to pay for the conference I'm not expecting money from anyway take two offerings when we started taking two offerings that goes up the end whether they will book and you'll be left with those who accept the truth let them go when you take two orphans you get twice as much as when you take one it's like magic I remember a certain lady who used to work in the bank when she was in the church I'm teaching how to improve your offerings she said how are you take people justified the money to to any other hassle so I said you wait and see I feel I should take two offerings I don't know why I should take two blast from that guys I'm taking to a place every service I think to office if you don't like it this Assemblies of God that of Pentecost presby Methodist and you can go wherever they take one go to that church here we seek to and then we take gusta and any other feeling that we have this proof by it you know how many churches are building at the same time 149 two buildings I'll take your arms I'll take you I'll show you pictures where's Alice bring pictures Alice are you here pictures I'll show you the business we are not joking we need money to do what we are doing once again I have 14 Miami classes messed up choices she is that far away we are building they're not everyone can get check buildings only in the north apart from them I'm one forty nine hundred that's how pretty Patrick you know stand up it is not you know in the north so when I'm taking booster this you can't sit there and criticize huh when I select the kids to our friends after sometimes like the lady who work at them I said hey surprise we have twice as much in the offer another two sabbatical too often I knew prized favor a surprise you always be surprised don't criticize just follow instructions and pick the two offering the next one how to improve tithing tithing in the church number one teach about tithing number two link tithing with church membership connect it but when you try to I remember when you try to I remember we don't try to I'm not a real member connect Kaizen and membership so that people have a common in the Methodist Church you don't pay I mean ties or whatever dues they have and you and you die they will not bury you and their most of the message there older people so Berea is very important for them we are younger people they are also concern about Barry are you connected to what I remember and check it when you don't pay the price you don't pay you know and the more computerized where I went to a church where the pastor told me it was eccentric percent of my people pay time I went to a church I saw a sign that this 100% I speak to everybody here peace tight so when I came back to Ghana I said write it hundred percent here two hundred percent type thing we have also become like that by faith everybody here face pie-ya if a child pester you even need to take to do fundraising but a relative that some have connected about three churches Tama political support in political parties old boys Association Oh girls Association Yahoo Association a web boys of Mali secondly school and different different associations everybody has been one oh I can be precise and be committed the next one establish the difference between type and every other offering height is different from other with envelopes the way you collect it the way they bring it the way you receive it I'm pastor K we were not policy to another he told me my friend Megan Brooks take em drop letter people when he's tight when they bring shake your hand I said hey there so I made em groups and I get that if I said 10% ice and I stood in for that I should with the fur put it then I was checking the hand shaking and shaking the hand shake it and politic that I collected that because we needed to get our new building and we have only 700 and why Steve 722 40,000 and we need expected 5 million and that time hundred thousand dollars mean I don't need $1,000 $1,000 how do you do you see where you are not in serious ministry like a lot of late passes they don't take offerings seriously when we are serious and your life depends on you now you rise up somebody criticized rebels from the church service obvious glare off from this system play away so that I can do what I need to do or you don't know what I'm saying that is flow we select inside in those days we used to have chat service will not even take an offering Tuesday said not eating an offering but when we came into crisis and we need that money that's when we saw the importance of like a data we always had a lot before that time we were wiser than both so we've received our crisis our wisdom was no less than God's wisdom and then we had to start going by God's method of collecting tight and often or the next one make index numbers system for your church index numbers or church members numbers you know it's an important thing so they can write on the envelope my number and one of the ways and your numbers use their best dick not a bad day if it's 14th May 1943 my birthday possibly 1943 right then then you know you get it then you know those people were born on 14 May 1943 somewhere bomb forgive me 1945 46 for the service 43 there is two people in the same church okay does anybody who was also born on 14 May 1943 43 were you around 43 were you are like just a sec now so many chapters in this little powerful book but I realize that many of us don't know I mean the next one chapters how to respond how to raise funds amen number one don't raise funds too often don't raise funds to buy a car for yourself I want to stand to receive a special offering to buy my new cirucci Jeep Hey choose a subject that the people will be happy to give people I'm not happy they don't care about the pasta do you think the cooking other person let me tell you let me show you something that you must know people care more about their headaches than your cancer in religion I said they care more about the headaches than your cancer that you have you have some serious problems they have some minor problem they care more about the minor problem than your serious problem or the church's serious problem don't think so no reason at all what ways because as a pastor and really need a good car so that when people see me they will receive the anointing well my friend you are lost that is not a topic to raise funds on are you there and pledges you must know that they are not going to come often is that also now how to manage a more point they are my sin but I want to stop in a few seconds how to manage the church's money when you have money in the church how many wants to know how to manage the church's money very good number one don't spiritualize financial issues don't spiritualize it and say it's a spiritual thing if you have pasta you take offering you have to know how to manage money amen you don't collect money and take it home can you imagine if I took all the offerings home to the car to the car quickly and then I take it home how do you think the check your work Randy have you put it in the car put a mannequin and I'm going and the accountant and some work happening after some time they will resign because they look at this and all these guys not correct one pastor was pretty said he never knew that to be a pasta you'll be so rich it's what he was saying said I never knew Dobby storage because when right now other offerings for you a store it is judging from areas that if I knew that all the operation I might now be so rich Hey well you see when you spiritualize things you can become a fool one time some except the hassle confusion you know confusion so during the confusion they brought out the Constitution of the church we say that this is what must be done one path up to the Constitution - SSS the church is not run by paper it's run by the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost that it is going to control the cat not paper you are spoiling the catch the Constitution means nothing to you and all the things all right avoid death don't old money if you don't have you don't have my father told me don't borrow somebody's car and I never drive anybody's car even if you bring me your knife what about the pea somebody gave me a nice bench data so we did not even I was good to drive it but one of my staff was going to drive it then I said no Prince my father said don't drive somebody's car let us not drive this car let the pleasant dream his own driver if I was used acre people in the judge have offered me their car who can't drive like a white on my car spot our second bus I took a bus from Coco I was moving somebody's showing the basket in my said hey I say it is I why I shouldn't sitting about why to decide to deliver I'm not a guardian I can endure sit in the bath somebody offered me that crackers like a sports car it showed me that car like a sports car that I should drive as I cannot my father told me I should enjoy somebody's car it's one of the things that my father taught me and I won't drive it you see people they don't have that connection you are taking somebody's guy is going to pack a traffic light you are there no path from the bus and that is goes in the front lock so the back is squeezed and the front you do have invoice a hiatal and somebody's car the back and the front are all in what are you going to do now you see fastest borrowing money to go to London to go and preach when they go they'll be begging can I come to your church to minister can I have opportunity they are going to borrow money to buy tickets from travel against and they are going o in only so many people thousand thousand do looking for opportunity and honorariums employ wisely go to manage the church's money including yourself employ yourself wisely be careful before you employ yourself in the church sometimes you don't have to employ yourself you shouldn't be employed by the church when the church cannot pay you don and don't let the church employ you you understand and which I said don't let the church pay you find a job be a salmon be a teacher if you can preach in a church you can be a teacher don't become a Hofstra when you are preaching the people can see that you are desperate sweating every day I put enough finance and prosperity because you want them to get money sometime when you fish a lot across you have more money people don't even know that one day I went somewhere they told me when you finish me she will take an offering for you then accepting pasta who had been to that check before cause being told me that I'd have been there before when I preach they took an offering for me and the ugly was very small and the part of the test called mental is because your message was not good that is right a free masseuse me hey so as I was going to the church I was shaking I said Oh Lord what goodness is girl like this in this case because the better my method the Highlander offerings so when I went there I preached about Christ and the cross and I fish among loyalty to the cross and I fish about working for God love suffer and give your life to Jesus the hell they cross they were looking at me when I three visitors fell in the process it will stay powerful another process is get more powerful so what is your secret what is your secret I say my secret is I don't know how to pretend when I'm preaching I can't preach something that I don't believe so I couldn't preach a financially and courage up to free give your life die for Jesus give up everything so I was waiting for the very go and I'm going to take the offering so that I can see my level my level I [Applause] this is so finally that they came that they came and they took the office that we are taking of it and they took the offering afterward apostles call me to signature Sydney hey I've come with cross suffer and die for God the process said since our church began more than 40 years look what they have never taken that I'm offering for image son whatever fishing well I was surprised yeah never you see when you are not desperate you can preach the gospel and when you like this before I realized renewed turn your battle today is twenty five keys to abundance abundance it's your season of overflowing of a play word abundance how you can lay up treasures for yourself on earth press down shaken together and running over I know that Jesus said you should not lay up treasures for yourself but these treasures as you are Linda a for your children is not for yourself hey what's the take is easy for laid up treasures for your children it's not for you but in philosophy [Laughter] hey the next step to what is the topic on how to manage your church's money don't start a project that is bigger than you yeah that you never finish you can never dedicate you cannot roof it you cannot do trusses everybody has a size cut your foot cousin Jose if you are not Gugliotta don't make a ghoulia jacket yes attached which never gets finished a building that is far because I believe doleful vision of 5000 do not 5000 do you know if I have you have you can tell 5000 before have you counted 5,000 before you must be joking 5000 because people have been many 5000 India magazine he has a church of 5000 members as a set of 5000 the average size of a check is 70 if you don't want lu7 Oh worldwide said you are the average size of a church if you have 40 members you aren't getting towards the average size 50 sister 70 when you fail you faster with a 100 then God is really using you yeah you are really four by God and that people your church then you are into ministry at a level and I'm not joking look there's not giving one percent joking what I'm telling you I am not joking at all there is not even one person so when you have 60 people your chest 70 people in your church and you are not doing it just building to sit 1500 with overflow departments and about this my television wing this is the television wing when are you going to be on television meet the needs of the church before you meet the needs of the pasta build a shed before you build your house yes do the church fest and you build your house not the other way around African stuff why don't our African leaders build the nation fest and after that they do the presidential palace you should see the policies that we have we are building it in a crowd I'm not saying is a bad thing that is our style first you build a palace after that if the people whether recently I had a visitor from Malaysia and I took him I was just I took him to the back here so let's pass a because of traffic so let's pass through my routes they are a road that I pass actually could he say what he said then he said well they say you have a bad government you have a bad government that was his only comment African leader right in a crack and so you pick there is no water in a crisis you know let me tell there is no water running what I am a crack mostly there's no running water just like Nigeria there is no electricity Grande's no water most part of accredits no water in the who can't Muir we have got the largest man-made lake in the world that is pumping what as if we have been commissioned to fill Atlantic Ocean we have been commissioned to fill it with fresh water it is going inside millions of gallons is filling the CBD and there's no water please how to make the pipes how to connect it how to use the water [Music] that kind of process we have not make a building instruments something nice for the church for the people to be blessing the church I first of all your BMW has to come on and see the pastor and his wife DMW and his wife mercedes-benz even when he's been title for that base because the base is chopping so much better when you are buying petrol you see the money good and I said they like blood transfusion is coming out as if your blood is going out you are afraid you cannot even afford to buy petrol for such a car chapter 8 separate the pastor's money from the church's money past our money and church money is separate Mobutu was richer than kongu providing to us richer than Cody's one yes his petrol money was below what is his salary it is Tony bland under the salaries ten thousand pounds or ten thousand dollars or something we know his salary boo boo boo - boo boo - D'Arcy the one our Kabila sucked yeah was this a coup the talk that goes from a hand to him that's one of the meaning of the name de Kock that goes from him to him hey and all these African leaders you can't see where does your money start and whether they catch man is that when do we know which one is yours and which one is for the church so that you know what you own and what letter I've written my will I always have a will ever ever soften I change it I update it I've written up in my will that my weather when I die this is for this place and this is for the in my will there's not even a mention of lighthouse support or if it indicates or any of these buildings or all the properties we have all over the nothing there's nothing for my child nothing a schmuck don't clever because they tell you for myself you are slapping who is if you go they study for my job you are clapping might actually need some sister nice house you Dez what I'm saying is done that church is different from me what I have is different from what the check us they are different when I have money my pocket or money MA I know this is check I said this is my assess our money and even the chatter I don't even carry mine I don't and I don't carry money most at that time you see I don't give offerings in church because I don't have money I don't have pus I'm here don't have PP one CD one dollar don't I don't move with money I'm just bad if you want to steal something maybe my shoes you can take like I have nothing with me I don't have money I don't use money separate your taste from the chest so now we know what you have and what a church also have don't be another pasta doctor boo-boo too and there are many many many points Church administration how many are blessed by this little blue book get a copy and you'll be blessed country of feed everybody [Applause] wonderful father we thank you for your blessing and for your word that we are receiving today in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth blessa Leia Han so fr I give us wisdom for this church work give us grace give us wisdom let us work in wisdom towards your kingdom your church in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 8,134
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Ghana, 2008, Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Teaching, Mega Church, Church, Dag Heward Mills, Lighthouse, lighthouse chapel International, Work of ministry, Dag, anointing, Pastors’ conference, Pastor’s conference, Give Thyself Wholly Conference, Iron Sharpeneth Iron Conference, Holy Spirit, Steps to the Anointing, Catch the anointing
Id: 4bJ8gcMWkao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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