SESSION 1 - 25 Reasons Why You Must Have A Mega Church

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ah [Applause] hallelujah let us pray Heavenly Father thank you for the great opportunity that we have in you we ask you to guide us and lead us by the Holy Spirit into all of your perfect will we thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen [Applause] please be seated now Thank You Holy Spirit for your will that is being done in Jesus name Amen now listen we are here because I really felt in my heart that we should have a camp to help us to see the vision that we are working towards together amen and we should have a vision all of us working with the same mind amen and the mind is a very serious mind ok one day somebody came to be with me ah not swimming with him for some time and then he said one of the things that he lent or that he saw was that we were happy and we were having fun as we were serving God now one of the things is that people feel that if you are serving God you must be either sad or depressed or you must be very strict or you must look strict and unhappy always but that is not the case you can be happy and laughing and doing very serious things at the same time all right so I want you to have in your mind and in your heart the reality that we can do great things and very serious things look you know I'm always serious if you were always laughing but I'm serious what I'm doing I'm serious I thought I don't think we can be doing all the things we are doing how many I enjoying our beautiful campus we cannot be cannot be doing the things that we are doing if we are not serious so we must be serious but on the same that we are happy yeah why not why shouldn't we have to give up when we come to change if you don't like it it's your problem you understand so we are very serious about what we are doing so as we are all here together rowing around in the first lap church and so on we must have a very serious vision that is underlying everything that we are doing for instance when we go to for a carnival we will be dancing or planes and music you may think that we are not even spiritual it is not true but we are very serious and what we are doing is intentional generous and so what I'm trying to say is that the fact that you are serious does not mean that you shouldn't be happy and the fact that you are happy does not mean that you shouldn't be seriously so you can be happy and serious do you see at the same time are you with me so I want us to have a very serious vision of 1,000 children of God in the first lecture now do you believe that 1000 students on campus can come to church at the fest lab for Google do you believe that is possible yes it is possible all right and so that is the aim of what we are doing the people we think we are just dancing or we are just making kebab but we are serious these are underlying seriousness where you get it and under under all that we are doing is this clear vision that we want to build a big church with at least 1,000 people who have come to church on Sunday morning for one favor hallelujah so we are where we have come here for today and for this camp because I want us to have this vision penned into our heart you know because your vision is what drives you and makes you to do what you need to do and without a vision you're sort of aimless if you sit into a car sitting at can you start driving and somebody asks where are we going so I don't know I'm just driving you can easily drive over the mountain and you're just going around and around and around and around and around so a lot of visionless people are going around in circles so I want you to be not a person without a vision but a person with a vision a vision is a good thing you know what you have a vision you get it you don't always say when I sit with your other vision you know but the vision you have guides you now there are some ladies who have a vision too we assume and every vision every vision you need sometimes we have several vision for gajanan Clara yeah okay I remember now every vision dizzy have other system visions never father brothers and sisters of the main vision but when you read assists up with a vision to marry a number one vision you will see a making certain moves sure and I've noticed are such people married they marry in a certain way sometimes a bit surprising you know the way they just matter yes this is do sometimes they can because it's the number one pigeon they sacrifice other visions like a woman who is determined to marry attend number one vision you'd be surprised that to sacrifice a Christianity oh yeah she will she's got an unbeliever I said well ask me I want to marry and this guy is serious whatever and it's marriage is coming so it's a vision about to marry and have children this is what I want to do yeah the starting like math test or days no no no it is number one vision and then they've done it and I've marriage marriage or suicide [Applause] [Music] and I've seen a number of sisters like that I mean it's not so so common but you can see them this is their goal is the ambition I'm doing it I want it and this is it yeah and and so something they would donation other visions they have like want to work for God I want to device not really true maintenance the very thing is to marry know I've been I've been I've been uh I was 25 years old when I became a pasta and and I'm almost 50 so I've been doing it for 25 years so I'm not have seen a number of things as I said and even those who were so spiritual before when they got married then a spirituality [Applause] [Music] and when a woman has a vision to marry seriously sometimes they don't even just lip around so that's not what they want they know what they want there was a each other that brothers I know you just leave with me and leave me you are not you are not serious they don't you are not sure you are not sure they focus on interpretation is something tip-top true yeah it's not they just don't want just be going around it's when you don't have a vision you know that you do a lot of things like that so you have a vision you'll be surprised it makes you do your things in a certain way because you want to so those who really have that vision and dream really play the cards in a certain way so all of us have our number one vision and that number one vision is the underlined and unspoken reason for a lot of things I with me so when it comes to the church work the must be an underlying vision and then underline vision will make us behave in a certain way so I wanted to have that vision okay very deeply in our heart a vision to build a big church is it a big check a megachurch is important because when you have the mega church you know and I give you 25 quick reasons why what an advantage that would be if we could have a big mega church fast laughter let me I will just do that so that you don't forget it are you there right why we must have a megachurch in the faith Life Church okay housing them best thousand number one is because that's the most appropriate vision for a catch amen that is a most appropriate vision for a church one other vision should we have we want to be the most colorful check we want to how to do others no these are not good visions your vision must be is because it's the most appropriate vision amen then number two it is because the first lab tests are the huge because when we're going to have a mega church all right that desire for that mega church will lead us on the right Jenny amen once that desire is in you it will lead you on the right Channing okay it will lead you on the right journey that's right we want to have a vision for a mega church because it will lead you on the right channel if you have a vision to marry it will leave you honestly on a journey is it not true and that Jenny may be good or bad depending on that strong vision that you have all right so as a church a goal must always be to set a number of people that we want to see in the church that's what we are setting a number because we are because of our current number as I said and so it's reachable the understand so every person has set a number if you don't have a number it's not clear that that is the vision and just like it was I must be married by the age of twenty five get one of these visions and when i wella wella ladies has a general which I want to be married in life when we see someone what you not say it openly life is in had by 25 I should be married you you will see certain moves the dressing and there is a why I say that is because for being around for 25 years and pastoring a church I know a lot of people who married and they don't look like how you look now at home in your houses it is not in a way they come so that you check so that they don't even do their hair yeah because they already got married and there is not the motivation it's almost like their blood has been taken out of them I'm telling you that they don't even do their hair anymore are you though you're going home [Applause] mission accomplished and they switch off [Music] all the engines are off and running when you have arrived at the house descended below I hope they're not amazing so once this vision is there our engines will be on we will be three things that leave the church to grow number three we must have a better church because it is the prophetic destiny amen prophetic it has been prophesized that the end will greatly increase job chapter eight verse seven job 8 verse seven it says and everybody telling will be the job 8 [Laughter] have you found it what does it say Amen is it a good prophecy although your beginning is small your latter end greatly increase so that's how every Church is the beginning is small but the latter end will greatly increase so those who want to do the work of God and begin big they can never start the work of God do you know that I came to ligant established church right yeah and we met on a bench another chemistry building whether--whether where it's finished now but at that time they were building it yeah with two members this impressed largest so the beginning is always small but the latter end has been predicted that is raviga so why not go towards the prediction amen and why let us not be discouraged by the beginning amen so I want us to have that vision that God has promised something that although your beginning is small your latter end will greatly increase number for next the first lap church must be a picture because we must not be deceived into thinking that the work is done on campus amen you see we must not be deceived into thinking that the work of what has been done everybody's in a church against it everybody is born again in the world it says in your world that everybody is born again in the world everybody is not born again Disco's outgrowing nightclubs are going huh this goes after that opening branches yeah so your world is one again world but this is the real world many many people don't do God and I'm not serving God so we use you absence that everybody you know is a Christian so you lose the vision for a big church of our mega church you understand yeah because we are so used to everybody says hallelujah amen let's pray about it and so on so you think everybody is a believer but the real world is not like that Christians are few creatures are very few okay and non-christians are far more than Christians and most people are not safe rather are waiting and in fact cannot easily be safe after this campus yes take it from me people don't easily change after school even when it comes to non spiritual things people don't change by a certain point when you meet somebody with npp you can explain everything about MDC you will never change sometimes when I see them continue there with India money because all those who would NDC I've already decided those in good empathy have already decided all the arguments they are having are not going to change anybody's mind people don't change by a certain point it is younger younger younger younger people who can change their mind so the same thing goes to salvation when do i little older you cannot easily be saved they got to change your mind no so in fact if we lose the opportunity to win people we are going to be making a big mistake so Matthew 937 says the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few Matthew chapter 9 verse 37 the harvest is plenty but and laborers ah and has it changed has not changed even in the first love church deliberate are few those who are actually working a few I was talking to the leader of the Selassie the leader of the culinary ministry and I was asking whether people are helping and I found out that most people are not really helping jeezum the one doing all the work pull here come here go here come here go here that is how the churches so you see a lot of people but few people are working that is why when you are an employer you are always wise to keep your employees to the lowest possible level because the more they are the less they work yeah sometimes you see a lot of people but you are working so amongst as that's why I threw out the invitations if you can come to the car come because there are people do to boyfriend's care friends they don't go to school they cut lectures edit this money house after somebody's in a clinic doing an abortion this morning yeah not not that they said okay I remember one of our doctors was explaining to me how to them do you see come for the abortion yes and not even students fara with a student that we know they come for the abortion from the clinic do you get it so as we are here so much I can't come and do this I'm doing is I'm doing this when it's time to abort you have time and you know where to go how to go what to do and then still do your exam when you see a lady who is now coming to have a baby the right word P and then one at the top zero plus zero plus if you understand it I mean that's a P I need a three daily fee here o couple you see when they write a woman's name like if you give you a name at the clinic the write your name okay and then the right arm a thousand G one and then please zero plus four please the ruthless the right is smaller the he does zero plus three you understand what it means G stands for what decide the right G the G 1 G means how many number of times you've gotten pregnant no yes so then on the right G what you want yeah no no that's it enough times you've gotten pregnant with a baby nice gravida let's see five so you are the most sensitive person pregnant gravitas five yes g5 then then peace and for what number of babies you've actually pushed out so that so that so the community is always more than the parity so let's say your this is your third baby but you have three children already there so you two to release a gravid a three part two so you have three there's a third pregnancy for your child's future and I about to push your third one on yes but when you have probably define para zero that plus 5 that means you've gotten you've gotten pregnant sorry that means you've got to break it wasn't pregnant five times will have no children then they will now explain why you have no children so you have p00 flat file you got p 0 plus 0 and it goes it also you don't know what they arrive safe p 0 + 3 small at the top there that is at the right gg3 yes g 3 and then p0 Rho flood agreement you all ready for this your parents for pregnancy and then p 0 + 3 know that your false pregnancy so this is your set 0 + 3 that means the three that came before this particular fourth pregnancy we can't find them so so they are two reasons there are two reasons why we can't find usually two reasons why we can find the pregnancy either you got pregnant and due to natural causes the baby died or which is spontaneous abortion or there is another one called in to avoid sudden you did something about the pregnancy that the girlfriend okay all right I'm just making up for some people they say I cannot but as their this Mon today's was Wednesday right now you see there are clinics they ask you what what do you do so under students at the University later on then the right the pregnant you have a where the righteous because they are sometimes you have to do if you say if you are going to have a baby how many times and so on so in the right at p1 + 3 0 plus 3 and Neutra say three are gone three skin but when what you a have election while you are having iron [Applause] [Music] so don't tell me you cannot live up for God you can if you are going other megachurch it means we are going to attend to the work that has to be done which few people are doing and I will encourage you to be one of the laborers who will work for God in your life and never be in this church as a bystander as someone who is making life of the work of God yes if you are here what so God be serious be happy but be serious amen everything that even your body needs every pleasure we have it in Christ I'm telling you every pleasure that you can imagine there is a freaky invasion we have a Christian version of music whether it's as rocky poppies poppies [Music] every type we have reggae music we have everything we are dancing in Christ we have relationship between boys and girls we have it in Christ we have some insight that is why in the church we use that camp beloved because is to distinguish the type of relationship which you call my girlfriend or my boyfriend she's my girlfriend is my boyfriend that is why we disbanded that time 25 years ago 28 years ago yeah and we use another term we use other terminology and that's an analogy and they love it because it is in songs of Solomon my beloved is mine and I am hi beloved oh my beloved sad lock up my love before the but we have freaky invasion we articulated of falling in love and we are living songs of our falling in love falling in love think one life of me falling in love with Jesus falling in love with Jesus balling in love with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] with me [Music] [Music] ha ha yes [Music] I [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] all right so we have everything in Christ sex-role elapses we have it in Christ now that is right if you want to have sex under a coconut tree we have a shop if you want to have sex in the moonlight we have it in Christ if you want to have sex in a hotel we have it in five there is nothing that we do having tried if you want to talk like a frog in Christ there is nothing that we do have this right we are everything and the world is jealous of us we have not jealous of them there's a lot of us yes [Applause] yeah sit down we have everything everyone to have a drink a cold drink we have it a quiet you cannot coca-cola with I [Applause] sit down if you want to be hi we are the holy goal anointing to certain people [Applause] jerk with a new one are you talking about well we come under certain influence the sweet influences of the Holy Ghost [Applause] anything that you need we have some in Christ yeah tada we have it we have it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we must work for him and what you are working for him we can be happy amen number five why we should have a mega church in the first love Church it's because a right it is God's will that his house should be filled as then said true What did he say he said go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come in that my house may be failed Luke 14 breast 23 look number chapter 14 verse 23 amen that my house may be filled God was his house to be filled and God who gives us all good things has a desire wouldn't you want to do something for the one you know when you want to buy a present for somebody okay and you sometimes don't know what the present one you get it isn't it nice to know what the present one and then suddenly let's get that particular thing from the person for the person isn't it so that's how God is what God is doing show you what he wants for a birthday present he said that my house may be filled well my wish my house before the football stadiums are for that discos are for a shopping malls are for what about my house it's my house empty so if this is what God was why don't we do something for God why don't we give ourselves to God so as a first last check we want to give ourselves to God and we want to campaign for his house to be filled while others are spending all their life and their money fighting like demons over issues which are not true they themselves know and they are not true let us give ourselves to fight for the wishes of our Heavenly Father he said that my house may be filled up my house made I want my house to be filled amen number six we must have a big church because our harvest field is the whole wide world and the whole world on campus everybody with the student and how many students are there in this school huh 60,000 45,000 25,000 yeah 25,000 people in the school I mean either 25,000 people in the school and I'm telling you that our vision is love 1,000 children of God it is small yeah you see I told you you think that the habits have been completely there is if you go wrong and you add all the caches 63 for 50 20 40 and then when you are well how many is it you'll be surprised at it if you not be you not be up to 2,000 people who are going to church on Sunday yeah so it is just bad leaders who focus on what they can see but a good leader has a statistical Department and looks at statistics and data data and statistics are more important for a leader than any other kind of information your pleasant face that is smiling okay it's not good information the data on you how many times you've been to account how many times you have not been to account how long you pray how often you do pray how often you come to church how often you are not around those kind of Statistics how many boyfriends have you had how many girlfriends have you had how many abortions have you had do you understand how many people have you slept with these are all important statistics that are more important than your smiling beautiful face my dear or your hair the data if our government was to use data or information you get it they would have provided a water system on campus better than they have provided yeah instead of destroying all the courtyards with this huge water tanks they would have provided a way of making water run if the government which are campaigning today we're using data and statistics they would be far better leaders than they are jettison because we have very very poor leaders if our leaders were to be given great in exam most most of them will not get more than 20% as for leadership they would get they will get mad they will get mad for having been to school they will get much for being having a BA degree in this BSC maths s PhD doctors of this and that and they will get much over they will get much for political campaigning impressing people and telling people to vote for them and going around and all that but Marx that you get for leading as well most of them will get less than 20% why we are we're in Ghana fifty-four years have gone by since we took over the range of our own affairs in the capital city papistical e all right statistically right there is no running water in the city there's no running water in a delta you are you not in Ghana there's no running water in it is legal when enough of other lives there's no water at all in a show mother sewed it in a pipe and a showman they saw what scientists there's no Attalla body princess show there's no water Magina there's no water where else know where there's no water Sally voce there's no water so where is the water as we have people we have a ministry called Ministry of Water Resources and something so the pastor who is death should resign tomorrow by you know resign he'll be there and there's somebody about it and yes and yes goodbye and they keep on having such people every cent of Ministers piece of highways and roads and whatever both of the roads in the city have not been done just the main routes that have been done most of the roads are not vina there's no route from here to Kumasi even 20th century you cannot get a good route to go and so on and so forth so leadership why they sit in the castle or wherever they had the road from the castle straight in front of them is done when the three doctors died some few years ago about four or five years ago right president Cooper was going to visit the widow of one of I think he visited all the widows so he was going to visit the widow of one of them and one of them stayed a dance woman and the road to that place was so bad and they came to great the road because the president was coming to visit that we do so what I'm saying is statistically in the way to sit in the castle and look at the status is not look at the state of a crab by statistics then you have the right motivation and love just be most relevant there's a sudra let's grate the road is this it is the rotor for the samosas house village on the road to cape coast there's a small bypass and it's just gridded it when they have the funeral or whatever what are all these so that everybody has to die before you come and do this route so so we to wait to it all away we don't have to sit down we have to use statistics and know that there are 25,000 people here and I have to sell a lot of people have come to check all the tech is this all we are happy or we are thinking well or whatever just also look at that arrow as we become just like the earth will be praising ourselves well we shouldn't praise ourselves at all if they are both a should consider for us to ask questions yes are you with me [Applause] so let us also not fall into the same thing why you see that we all sit back as if there is nowhere to be done when actually it's actually there's nothing done yeah you have to be to make it you are living Ghana you cannot make what I run in the city then we have a lick the largest man-made lake in the world just here across from here and we are safe we have been commissioned to fill the sea with water so the lake is filling the see the understand houses are millions of dollars every second we are filling all the fresh water that we need is death but like the sense of the ability to organize whatever to come this way is not a abilities finished paper boy [Applause] [Music] or even a path even a path there's no pipe you get it so statistically you if you look at the statistics of the leadership of a country then you really be able to say that these are bogus leaders bogus yeah look ugly because you are giving a currency one dollar is one city then after you rue for 40 years one dollar is 10,000 CDs when I was once in Argentina I was going to the airport there was a strike they brought all the routes to the airport I said what is going on where we go to be camper who here oh yeah I'm going to be late for my fat they are block people but they block they're on strike as a why because their currency has been devalued and I said my home how high how much I said oh it was one it has become two once if you want two three one two three I say wow you should have been in Ghana you see one two three thousand oh if you're doing Zimbabwe 1/2 million [Applause] [Music] in my wallet I have 1 billion dollars notes I have it in 10 billion dollars and then I have 10 trillion dollars one day I'll show you 10 trillion dollars Zimbabwean dollar note I'm billion dollar nausea and billion and the person who printed it has probably been to London School of Economics has been to whatever university has appealed at the head of the back of the country and you print money to the tune of ten billion dollars notes and you use it to buy bread one campus one bread book ten billion dollars I'm explaining something all when you look pathetically you see that these people are bogus leaders they are anchors editing Ghana what about let me tell you something you're not ah with government and VCS if you're DDT it forever they are don't listen to their economic policies again I will show you I'll show you what to look at should I tell you what to look at say something that never lies do you want to know that economic together it's never lies that's what if you look at that will let you know whether it's a good governor and it is the exchange rate the exchange rate is not controlled by them they can't figure fiddle with all the figures and tell you our GDP is this we are the fastest growing economy we have because although since it's just you change this the solicitors that we become 6.2 percent or anything but what never lies is the essence because that one is from outside you you ask your city your currency is forced to be at the real level whatever you give you a real dollar for a city that is nothing so the estimate does in life when you look at it you see the truth no matter how what they talk when you look at the dollar rate then you see that ah so every country can see how useless the economy is by the rig so you see how you slept gana sakala economy was by when our money was one CD two to ten thousand now if you go to every country you can ask dollar to work so that well then you know that the value of the cancer it is a dollar to Euro is like one point something the lots of pound is one point something okay when you effort to enter Africa okay it changes from one to that's eight hundred and something in in Nigeria is how much 152 we've got the oil the economy is stronger to the hundred s is better than the nine thousand so it has got some value you see compared to the one to ten thousand then when you go to Kenya is one to eighty something like that different countries again when we come to Ghana it was ten thousand then so we just reorganize ourselves and we came back to one to one and then we have already started yeah we already want you to [Applause] anyway all I'm saying is that it is easy to sit in your castles and praise yourself when actually the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few so it's easy to look at it but when you start counting you be sad with the Rev gonna leader to start counting truly there was there is a lot of resonances we have made a strong case for recolonization of Ghana by the white man we are like that the fill we have proved most by this independent of fifty years is our need to be colonized and they will resign if they were to look at the fact yes and then the white people would say that we can colonize you again we are tired they also tired of colonizing every day colonization we are side colonize yourself [Applause] so that's a little is to become colonized we have enough problems in ours our country but you can never know that by looking at our Parliament's looking at you so as you can tuck aside chicken routine within shop a cram mode and all these things that we have in Ghana can never show you how how pocos the leadership is how just as it is yeah you can know is just almost oh can I try to look a la pomme look after this for sell more than Pig before tonight's really that's all the 36 suspended let's go is that what Allah body is ever sensitive it's also a new world it's also not so much it was an adventure is that what everybody that was added so many water I saw that the one in fact Kenya's one is five canyons only one if I'm gonna use this to a toilet or something yeah I'll show it on television yes your statistics that you start to know the true face of where everything is you will never be happy your church as a pasta Preciosa when you start look at the statistics you will shut up and be so quiet and pray for the help and the messy of God yeah so this is all that I'm saying to you that I worked for one more laborious twix yeah let's be happy but let's work amen the lecture is why we must have a big church is because it is a biblical example the Bible all the teachers have thousands of members houses in acts of the two that's 41 acts 2:41 those who believe what Peter said were baptized and added to the church about 3,000 in all on that day up to 41 3,000 members came to join the church why can't we have at least a thousand I'm asking you a question why can't we have a thousand a 3,000 joined in one day then this week of the crusade we should be able to have a thousand members joining the church acts as a focus for many of the people who had a message believeth so that the number of the believers total about five thousand men Wow so you see that in the Bible how will they country hundreds or tens thousands so it means we have Ivy started doing the church because we have not yet counted one thousand number eight we must have a big church because having a mega church means that more Souls have been won muscles have been won amen we are going to have a big church and a mega church amen because it means that more Souls have been won because what are the people in the church they are the people yeah the soldier of the one who are now in the church is that also they are the souls who have been one to God and I'm now in the Gemini being one before you where where you want however you want you gave your life to Christ you are invited to the church and there was an altar call when I give my life to Christ in the church wow you came forward and gave your life to Jesus what about you what was your name Alice come Alice did you have you are giving one to the Lord when were you want how are you one I was born in a dream in a dream hey stop acting to dream what happened in a dream energy I had gone to church that I left and I went home and I was skinny then he knocked on my door and access what am i doing home and I said Bishop I've been there and he said you've been there I called you know to have been Deborah for you to be there then I say I come into church again [Applause] she was one to agree and to the dream she's intense so I was witnessing in their bodies are witnessing and witnessing hallelujah are you still around are you sure you are still here so how many have been one have you been one how're you want for me was more of a turnaround yeah okay so anybody was the one yeah you were one oh you want for me I wasn't serious but then when I became serious then I gave my life to Christ fully I came to church and I listed your hands and came pouring it yeah not not too many pickin on the drinking jacket young my pension that's it after them yeah after b1u I want Rosina come and tell me how you I want I was also not serious I was joking while in SS and everything and I came situation and the body of our adjudicator somebody invited me to church Wow then I followed and I came the night and lifted my hands and give my life to you clear forward 19 come forward but you listen to her body didn't come for you so some of the people who lived ahamed don't come forget it yeah and what about you you are one it was a holiday my friends and I will now way to the beach I told you that nobody's in the world yes then I met a gentleman by our gate and then he invited me there was an outreach in Cathedral so he the outreach was somewhere in our area so he invited me and my friends and I we went to was like a holiday they played songs they preached the Word of God d-does he had food to eat and all that and then it was Reverend Satan and he made a nautical I was on my way out when he made the Oh taco they asked them to lock the gig he asked them to lock the gate he asked them to lock the gate and that he felt that I needed to give my life to Christ my friends and I that if only the two of us give a large to Christ God had a reason for us so nobody should allow us to go out that's the train gauges and then when they made the altar call I gave my life to Christ you he was wrong he was also one giving the mic I I was I was in a crib I was born in a Christian home we used to go to church and all that I was not serious when I went when I came to Ghana again and I had some friends who are all going to lighthouse and they one day I was escorting want to church I asked why you is going to just accept you come and you'll see why we're always going to church so when I went there I sat at the back and LP guru was preaching when she finished she made an altar call and I raised my hand up I wanted to come and give my life to Christ and rededicate my life to Christ and I walked to the front and I said the sinner's prayer and I'm here so amazingly many people were in a church have been warned yeah that is why the light of that check is needs more one people yeah so it's a good vision for a church to have a big church because F at the mall you'll be surprised if Reza has a different story how he or she came to be in the house of the Lord and you you'll be surprised it is in this era of your youngness youthfulness when you are young this is the time that something can happen easiest and best in your life so this is this honestly to win a thousand people so be sitting in the church is a small vision but it's going to be our vision and God is going to use us to accomplish it in the name of Jesus amen you may be seated number nine we must have a big church because lemon there is a big church or mega church all right there are more laborious laborious amen because if there are more members then there are more laborers isn't it doc let's say let's say so only some people have come for the camp you see those who have come for they come to me are the laborers the rest are members isn't it huh so if we have had a church which had 1,000 people maybe there may have been twice the number of people here at the camp that means that there will be more workers more labour so I wonder the church is that the church is like the size that shows you the size of everything else do you hear what I'm saying the size of the church shows you the size of everything else within the church so it shows you the size of the workers and the size of the laborers amen number 10 - a mega church we're going to have more ministers of the gospel not ministers more people are going to become ministers of the gospel how many want more ministers of the gods or more politicians you're more politicians more boyfriends are one more boyfriends more girlfriends [Music] more prostitute [Applause] nor DJ's not drug dealers motifs nor armed robbers oh no a church produces ministers ministers of the gospel okay so a good church and that's a lot of you are going to become ministers oh yeah that's your future I said that is your future that is your future good you are likely to become a minister if you're if you're sitting here you are likely to become a minister of the gospel of Jesus hallelujah oh what a blessing yeah but think about it if you were not here you have been arrested at NPP youth and DC youth and before you realize you are doing so many things not eleven we must have a mega church because more people are involved in prayer when there is a mega church a man okay more people are involved in prayer when you have a mega church amen okay more people are involved in prayer when you have a negative because the prayer warriors become more when there is a bigger Church okay so we have more prayer more prayer when there is not more a bigger Church small church you cannot have a smoke a big prayer group it so small and when there's more people praying you have more prayer and they're not amazing because right now maybe our check in New Zealand is having all night because it's nice day and as you keep coming India and all there are different levels of time so if I realize 24 hours at sprout going on oh my god oh no no no the same time everywhere is amazing number 12 when you have a megachurch it's going to generate a larger crowd and when we have a larger crowd we have when we have a larger crowd we have our what you call it more expectation Luke chapter 3 verse 15 and after people were in expectation and all men muse in their hearts of John whether he were the Christ or not so you can have expectation when there are more people isn't it number 13 the teeth listen I've been to a crusade I once I once went to a crusade where had there were I mean we won we once had a crusade the whole stadium was full and I can understand why people like soccer stars I've never been to the stadium before that only for crusade but I tell you when there's a lot of people there's some real excitement and they'll be singing the songs and all that and I've been a crusade where there's nobody there the whole stadium was empty just a few people down on the ground whatever this internet evangelist had come from abroad with so many people and the whole stadium was empty and just a few people that could have just fit in fitted into you know somewhere these two holes or something so your expectation goes down you start to now pray in a set of ways oh god oh god oh god I've met you on the Crusades what a shock amen number fourteen thirteen the Vatican you have more miracles miracle there are more miracles when there is a large crowd and there's a larger expectation more miracle we're going to have miracles in the first love check would you like to have a miracle service in the first place why not why not why shouldn't we have a miracle service not if you have more miracles in a bigger check because there are more sick people and there's more expectation but if you have a few people I mean with struggles you have a headache okay I need somebody with a headache or somebody with a sore throat at least I mean it's not likely that anybody here is blind not likely but in a lot you get large an order you get a blind person blindness is part of a human reason amen I once went to a crusade where the ambulances were as many as the cars ambulances like at Black Sea they brought sick people yes expectations number 14 you must have a church because more evangelism is possible through a mega church more evangelism isn't it yeah going to have more evangelism through a mega church more evangelism through a mega we have more and more evangelism don't we have a healing Jesus crusade healing Jesus crusade would not have been possible some years ago but as a check gotten bigger it's possible to do things you could never do before so it's a very important thing amen and other fast luck check gets bigger we are going to be able to do certain things we've never been able to do before you're going to see first love will be reaching out to Cape Coast universities maybe we're maybe because of lectures or because of time we may have to fly to Kumasi the second big I sit on a special effects fly second flight landed over there for a major outreach or maybe the first up that we can evangelize tamil a university and so they are all flying their pride first flight of those that can fly that flight and then we are moving here and some of you have never stopped on the plate before you see this opportunity [Applause] you've only seen a plane flying over I can still come inside before thank God when the church is bigger more things are possible that were only much' nations before yeah yeah you dream about it but where are the pictures it is possible amen number 15 we can have a mega church because when we have a mega church we have a larger and greater income money money is possible more things you can do with money amen have you had your tea this morning and some sandwiches it can you imagine what it cost to make all these sandwiches and your lunch is be prepared now I mean this would not be possible with a poverty-stricken merchants [Applause] Sadam some of you have never had a sandwich before through the grace of God you are now 1,500 so when a church has more money more people than more money well there's more money we can do many more more things are possible for the church amen are you excited about that now number 16 when we have a mega church we can take care of special needs which develop within a mega church amen special needs some forty-one this one blessed is he that considereth the poor the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble the Lord will preserve him and keep him alive he shall be blessed upon the earth and thou will not deliver him unto the will of his enemies so when we have a mega church we can take care of special needs and usually special needs are created by poverty now some of you are hungry from school is it not true yes and some of our special needs of hunger could be taken care of by a mega church so you let's pray that it become more and more when we know that liberal amongst us you see that it may be possible more to take care of second special needs just the bigger Church takes care of orphans we take care of the blind we take care of the beggars every month we gather a certain number of beggars in Accra and we pay we pay beggars as a church every month yeah gee the people who are begging we look after a certain number of beggars in Accra every month we pay them they know they come and most of our beggars that we look after our are blind many of them are blind so we look after each other it would not be possible it's a lot of money because it means you are looking after 100 beggars we look after 100 beggars if you are giving look after hundred beggars and you give every beggar 50 CDs that's 5000 yes that's a lot of money yes you look at their beggars and they are real really poor people that are in the world and they cannot work and there is no support for them from the government these people up there yeah I'm telling you you see I watched I was a firm and God touch my heart it was a firm about Congo and some cripples in Congo and the cripples were explaining in French they say look we have no choice but to back so we will die if we don't beg we have to beg we have no work we have nothing we will die if we don't we have to back is our only way to live is to beg for money there is no job I see them crawling on the floor like that moving you know there's no government nothing helps them so these people also need to be careful so as you grow as a church it's possible to do what Jesus said when I was hungry you didn't mind me when I was tested you didn't mind me when I was naked you didn't mind me well I didn't have anywhere to stay you didn't mind me when I was sick you didn't mind me give us give us so some of you complaining that you are broke you have no idea what it means to be blind in a car or to be a in a trap and be struggling just to get something to eat yeah so brothers and sisters I'm telling you when they catch gets bigger it becomes possible for us to do these things and we are doing them we are making books for the blind we are we are supplying no no no as you I'm not say for you two that we are making books for the blind do you know that the blind people in Ganner when they get to second list when they get to JSS they cannot continue because there's no book in Braille on English language science math that's nothing so we are second upon ourselves as a church to know how to manufacture and translate the JSS book into Braille and make the books for them the GSS so that they can use it to do a basic whatever you can never do that if you don't have money yes it is that's what the government is that it is their way they will do it and nobody cares about them but when I check after a certain stage the church has the capacity and the capability to do things for poor that is why apasa you see your number one goal should be that the church should be big as you have a number in your head that the check must get to this number yeah each ant has had a number less vision you must have a vision with a number and when the church is bigger there are so many things you may think you are special ago when I show you the real special needs people you say bishop these ones is okay I am a super rich sister in the world amen how many one the church should be bigger now do you think that it's very important for still terrific very good very good very good you are getting the vision number 17 when we have them you must have a mega jet because it will show that we are making full proof of the ministry because the Bible says make full proof full proof you are proving it fully that you are a real spiritual good catch amen amen now it says in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 5 but you keep your eye on what you are doing except the hard times along with the girls keep the message alive do a thorough job as God seventh 2nd Timothy 4 5 from the message Bible 2nd Timothy 4 5 or the King James says make full proof of your minish in other words do it fully so when you have a picture in which you have done the church fully the advantage set to the end of the end you are taking it to the ultimate to the logical conclusion you have read full proof of it you've not done it half-heartedly that is why I came into full-time ministry because I wanted to make full proof of my ministry I wanted to do it fully out loud I didn't want to have partly done church or something I'm doing half and half at the point I said no I need to make full proof of thy ministry I need to do it fully and go to the logical conclusion of the road up after that working on the logical conclusion and there's no other logical conclusion that I should give myself fully to what I'm doing and it's what I thought that well maybe if are happy to all of you in those days I would have even even not needed faith not only updated faith but just a few people in my church like this and I said that I was living medicine living everything so that I could be a pasta to keep myself fully to what I have decided already to do I started as a young man I registered in the same way up to today I'm still doing it I have no regret and I'm preaching the same thing that was preaching number 18 we must have a big church because in a mega church there are more beloved more beloved at 4:33 but there was not any be present among them not a needy person ammonium for all who were owners of London houses will sell them and bring the proceeds to the to the bring the proceeds of the sales amen when there is a mega church and a big first love church there are going to be more beloved Wow there will be no shortage of beloved take is one why because every type of person will have your beloved in the church listen listen to me everybody has had type that he or she would prefer and the Troy's not true [Applause] [Music] wouldn't you have professed somebody particular kind of presence yeah when the church is small your type will not be in the church the part or type may not be in the church [Applause] [Music] one day our church was very small and there was a sister in the church have fair color beautiful girl and one day I asked her sister so and so why are you not getting my get married I thought I get married as if you can't do it by force why you not get in my head night and she said she lifted up but she has a way of lifting up in she listened up her nose she did about them nose and cheeks in a Whizzer hmm my type is not in the church [Applause] my size is not in the test what a shocker so because I was a part of a very small church I grew well and I started to blast it uh who do you think you are what do you mean what type are you whatever your path and the words that my son my type is telling the truth I said never say that again the brows are too proud I don't like your attitude and I rebuke as totally and completely and that I left him but when I went away I thought about it and I realized that it was true as five was not in that child because a new terror has been started by a young medical student doctor even with just some student from a business even is a secondary school and other people are some you know it's like as she was this type she had gone to London so to do masters and bills and dollars and just come with her new bargain a New Jersey my wife is not in the church Wow one day I came to church and I finished preaching and after preaching my wife used to give me some brown nuts and chips yeah it was my favorite with minerals after preaching so one day there was no granite and chips so I called and I said my darling wife where are the Gunners and chips and she said the lady who made the garnet and kids has left the church I said why and she told me exactly said that hair type is not in the chair because she was an older she was not like sophisticated what what have you but she was a bit older and when she looked at the chest she was like a giraffe with aunty looking over the heads of the Angelou that she was above so she couldn't see head size in the separate look around there was no of that age group she was like a giraffe that was cooking what antelopes were down on the field so the lady with the car and since then after today I've never eaten that Donna answer forgive [Music] but if there is a megachurch whether you are old oh yeah some of you are in the university by the old yeah right they invested by the old so the people who can marry you even in the first love that they appear because of your age but even though you say that you buy is about 50 years yeah based on the time that you came to the school are you listening but when you have a megachurch all ages we have your type in the church one day certain brother called me they said bishop I have a vision I said a vision for was that I want to marry a white lady I said really she said I don't want to marry anybody from Ghana I don't want to marry what I want to marry a white lady I said no problem we have white ladies in different branches we can see if we can get one for you one day I did a nautical I said all those who are not married and who want to be married come to the front I'm going to I'm going to pray for you so I've a lot on our son in here so I turn around to go to the sea so I walk to the stage and they started coming when I turn round I almost fell down because because I was shocked because I thought that I will see only young ladies all students and young girls and in the front to my shakhter with the tour today the cloth my mother auntie ah they're jumping up Rhonda those who want to be married come to the front I was shocked so pleased enough seven days that a lot of us if I may I'll give a 38 below 35 below sexy and I saw the utterly come models that artists all that is when I realized that the girls really like marriage and really liked boys no matter how old they are so one day we had a wedding in a church the bride groom was 72 years old and the bride she was 65 with the white dress was stunning south my life after long but try publicist love it quite admit it was a dream and it was happening hair type was starting to chew yes that time and he also was interested in this little little girls didn't once 24 26 28 he wanted his type some a lady has 60 Wow I see you're typing the first option by the time of going out of the first larger instead of God have press your time in selection receiveth what do you want a megachurch numbers 19 you must have a megachurch because in a mega so they're going to be more marriages and wedding not every beloved doses ends in a marriage yes so when we have a big church we have opportunity for serial Bulava doses in case of beloved Australia yeah yeah in case of a banana dose Australia that can be at second quarter the second side of a second size will give you a second opportunity get a lot of shower go go away go away the Bible says and the Lord called also Jonah the second time the second God is a God of a second chance it's a call of a second chance so not all beloved OSes goes all the way to marriage some even during the engagement [Applause] some of the wedding I've been to a deeper wedding where some people came to the wedding instead of taurine hanboks have you seen this mapping this is adopting Gallants they came with it full of palm nut oil superbug palm nut oil so it is all about oil yeah so for the chemist sat down in the church with the pitcher of hanboks ha ha ha they were working for the bride run away she comes they will take the far I have come I have come to officiate the wedding I was wearing my suit and everything and we saw that the partners oil members [Applause] they were with you so the the briber novices at the ordinary come on it did not end in marriage so it's not every day lava doses that end in iron so we need a larger so that it's one beloved who used to sit here other words we can try somebody's at the end of the church get a lot go back to your seat listen sometimes sometimes you see that somebody comes near you but he doesn't propose other things I want to tell it so we can almost be like a basis so sometimes you can have about two or three almost other doses before you have their beloved doses one and two before marriage [Applause] [Applause] sit down sit down that is why I'm telling you we must have a mega jet where we have the mega test maybe when your heart is broken and send the fat into my life maybe your future husband is in the hotel right now he's waiting for us to come another Calabar while we countdown he will come forward and give his life to Jesus yes yes my sweety is written it's waiting I said he's waiting he's waiting for you and me to pull ourselves together and arrive and sing and dance and preach and pray for him to be saved it's waiting one day I had a vision I saw a man sitting in a sitting room with glass wind glass windows and doors very posh with carpet there was a Capitan here father this leg and he was drinking whiskey with a cigar and he was a low because he was lonely sometimes this very successful people they are they become lonely they don't have husbands wives they don't have anything children the house is gone disappeared they're just alone India sadness and the Holy Spirit said to me the Holy Spirit said to me this man is waiting for you he's waiting for you to come and talk to him I will never forget I always remember him he's waiting sometimes your husband is waiting some time your best friend is waiting sometimes you're employed employer is waiting it is somebody maybe a pasta or your wife you're all waiting if you just pull yourself together and I right you be surprised I was a lobbyist so some nugget X you don't know what is in it I don't know what is in it God is going to bless us in the megachurch your heart would not even your heart is broken it should be at three weeks break three weeks of vacation you are hard to be fully part of the roof here's a lot of [Applause] sit on number 20 do you want a megachurch the number 20 we must have a megachurch because there are more contacts and connections throughout the people in a mega church amen as we therefore have opportunity let us do good unto all men amen as we therefore have opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith this particular point works best in Africa because Africa is a connection continent Africa is a connection please yeah nothing works in a straightforward way it's by connection who you know and who knows you that is how a West and that's how it is in Africa and that's where we are so it means that a megachurch is more important in Africa than anywhere else one days I was in Nigeria in Abuja and I was on an aeroplane coming to Ghana are coming to Lagos the plane started who see the doors closed before the engine start there's a noise you you hear in an aeroplane those of you have not been an ever you use to hear it take it one sit down sit down there is a noise when the plane is parked on the summit damn noise is from the auxiliary power unit Jonathan of Villa retama is not the engine engine is not on when they close the door then the switch on the engine who the suit on the right another switch on the left so you hear little you not feel it much and then they put on the engine before they'll get signal from the control tower you can go before they moved area to get sufficient to put on the engine everything permission permission permission before you do obey opiod you go while there was an applet you have finished closing the doors put on G right and you left play started moving we were moving law breaks yeah I've never been a plein de has been stopped before I mean connects in town connection town the place stops hey [Applause] suddenly the engines off I see on the motors and engines of open the door brother a circus back and the man in a big white boo boo came walking up my destiny majestically up the place and we were sitting in the play I was sitting in the business class and the plane was full absolutely answer somebody got up [Applause] God gave him the chance and I don't know whether he went to some of the box I say yes and I look out of the window and I saw a hammer driving away from the summer this is power to stop aeroplanes like taxi call them as I'm here tell them to stop and boom yeah connection town kinetic continent if you lie figure without a megachurch to never understand Africa that is why those who stay abroad for a long standing a lot come back to Ghana on idea didn't understand it ci we've got my connection who do you know and who knows you in the system what is a school or what is water [Music] my daughter was telling me she said are in high school they have those who came by different means the headmistress has decided that instead of allowing the connection to be so what what we are going to do now is that they are calling protocol protocol student yeah it's a nice member so everybody who comes to the school they put your name on the list these are your great how you came to the student the after that the DES connection if it in the Elvin council computer they are select toilet that's what if I if I were the president well the first it is to disconnect from West African exam council the transept you have nothing to do an adopt French or British education and throw away something as useless as vases and SSS true it has Nova if you like go with YC or whatever they say what is wash it they they they don't it will respectively there is nothing you can anywhere they don't accept it anyway only that it shows you can speak English and that is all it means a computer there are people with you didn't kill me I would have changes in the computer and then your child that's why people get 10 days they don't get school can ace a test any they can't get it to any school is it when you are detached you never know what is happening really bloody catch so now in the school they have protocol list so you know the after they further support the coup Lulu and the connection in the days they have other cost justify your inclusion as done in the school so we are justified exclusion as a max for everybody is there and then those who came by protocol they also have protocol as I do the school be dead then you see school have started or - if somebody's not coming the process of mr. protocol ja who is coming to school it is the truth what school did you go to ah Agra memorial you have protocol you fully fully car well is equally good level b6 I will school again just don't SEC I wish to medical school the same medical so you cannot you cannot you cannot easily you see so far it's a rather with the troubles and raucous foreign minister of Moon and start start is coming to spoon medical school without with us as a result collective continents colorful city collection town oh yeah if you like that you got a son too you know and who loves you is very important in Africa University of Ghana connection University to get what even to get a room that is put the college to get a room Hilal Iman everywhere Alex stop on protocol they get a room space before those who pay gets a donor collection sound so that is what we need to have a mega church so that when it's time for your child to go to school you come pick your phone and come over you allow the register Lisa questioning Diane Diane we'll call Lisa Lisa I thought I'd come you know because I live in a miserable Lucy so telling Lisa yeah no no problem the problem it wasn't incident I was going to write all the prodigal students all right Wow connection town and it's going to get wet yes as a political party stay longer when we get especially they get a second term the connection becomes waste when they when they go out after one time they are shocked and those who come they need time to establish the tentacles all around yeah that's what is happening over the last sir they cut the second term the salad the connection would be more unique wanna see for water kanessa for life collective for school [Applause] sit down those of you who are young [Music] surgery go for 30 days protocol is and if you if you come for admission before like you are then the protocol people like imagine immediately they want and you would to be lying that you are paid your bills you what everything ready for surgery bus well connects your hospital [Applause] so that's why you will be happy to know all these dr. salgo satisfied follow [Applause] airmobile so so ladies and gentlemen sit down please you people are too rowdy [Applause] connections a number 21 you must have a megachurch because in a megachurch there is a large pool of employers who can employ yeah yeah yeah we gotta have him remember on Sunday somebody gave a testimony about a job because that person she called him and then when he came then he had a job so that testimony shows you that a mega check is already working for employment in the first/last mega church what a shock number 22 you must have a mega church now listen look at the scripture hmm acts 4:32 it says acts 4:32 the Audis design in the bible connections are in the bible it says as we have therefore opportunity let us do good and to all men especially those of the household of faith yes so it is doing good Christians are encouraged to be connection men for Christians Christian connections do good but especially how sort of faith that's how it with us they do good especially unto the household of Owens [Applause] you're not true they do good but especially to the household of a wee-wee abroad true or not true so we have to learn from them we are to transfer to Christianity and your Christian blood brother the blood of Jesus is thicker than the blood of a mature woodland a sticker from the web of the mill oh hey a second sounds of lab at Jocko to a thicker than the blood of Tomiko the blood of Jesus is sick [Applause] the final season is thicker than the blood of Chicopee the blood of Jesus is thicker than the rubble upon ooh [Applause] the blood of Jesus is thicker than the blood of apples [Applause] it's William a also for nothing [Applause] the blood of Jesus I don't know Jesus is thicker than the blood of women please sit down you people are son enough to listen and we are supposed to do good but especially so my Christianity is more than my family now that's what is supposed to be your Christian relationship is supposed to it will supersede your blood tribal and national blood yes there are some of us our traditional family tribal plus it's so strong even one day I remember a certain sister we were having follow-up so we shed the convex then they were having their group meeting Group B - Group D Group E then one day a sister stood up and said she challenged one sister she said why why is it that was sharing all the a ways to yourself because she was an a way so she will shake all the a way convert to herself and all the other non-jewish were being separated as both so she stood up it so did something we did it I'm just telling you what happened at the Cathedral are the backups that they were having follow-up meeting she stood a big challenge openly why are you doing after the visit in this fellowship watching why not doing good to the house whole of a way more than the household of God so try so that your pestle blood juicy will be less than the blood of Jesus it's natural meat when I see how cars I still a certain opportunity because yeah as I saw this before they are just like meaning now my brothers in our language call you bubi bubi I'm a goofy and they're not true Yahoo V under Yahoo V it means white baby but you must not allow that to overrule amen although I thought I'd be looking for a half-caf pasta to be my assistant and then 1/2 cup white water shot oddly the second wife I was reading you you got busy well not that half read that one house Galatians 6:10 number 21 you must have a mega J because of the employers isn't it and that one is acts 4:32 and the congregation of those that believe with one heart and one soul none of them claim that anything belongs to him was his own all things were common property to them and with great power the Apostles were given witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and abundant grace was upon them all for there was not a needy person among them age for all who wear owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sale connections you see if I want you to have a beloved if I wanted to have that belonging you understand what I'm saying I'll say it again if I want you had a beloved because I also have some connections that I have yeah occasional I use those connections occasionally it depends so everybody has his power so some of you may be one as one as one day some of you be President you maybe this maybe that remember remember Joe this my first love has become said of the soul you now so am presbyterian your present area now they are not presbyterian all the time you were first love yet now you suddenly because of the president now you have become a presbyterian wonderful wonderful [Music] right now we need to change number 22 we are finishing you must have a megachurch because all the needs all the needs everything you need will be solved in the church but since they had all things in common all things all things oh when I see that you don't have shoes and I realized that I have more shoes so sister come what are you well come let me see what's the fuss are these this one I don't know what I wanna china or what Coco Coco shoes and our save our sister ticket receives out send us a shoe it's all things they come on I'm not gonna say no shoes it's just an example I love these are blinded domesticated shoes obviously me sorry shoes before I shed my Tina [Applause] look we have no yet Saturday shampoo the various other the camp so please you need to be serious now a twenty three you must have a megachurch because a megachurch is more likely to accomplish our 25% biblical quota of souls 25% biblical quota 25% deadly Calcutta that's our kuta 25% where do I get that from Matthew format for look for the story of the parable of the sower he went out and he sued four types of seeds some fell on rocky ground some fell by the wayside some fell among thorns isn't it but one out of the four is interests is it not true Matthew 13 when you have sowed some fell by the wayside stony plays ponds other fell into good ground so 25% goes to where where I write it down 25% to the wayside 25% of all our seeds go to the wayside then 25% to stony places upon stony places that's how much 50% then another 25% set among thorns that is 75% and some fell on good soil as I said good ground and brought forth food so only 25% wax so now et cetera 25,000 students on campus what is 25% of twenty twenty-five thousand six thousand two hundred and fifty does that is a quarter that should be in the church on Sunday morning 6250 people to be in church on Sunday morning on cam and there's nothing like that on campus at all when you are there all the churches there's nothing like that you see so we say that okay yeah we wanted even save everybody but let us have that we have shown so much seed that the 25 percent of work has worked and the rest which was Tony we have left it the rest which was tones we have left it the left we throw by the wayside we have left it but there is 25 percent I should have worked here poster is Vandy Hotel Pentagon all of them if we have done our way at least 25 percent should be saved or you think as if fantastic is it amazing are we going to accomplish the vision how many I agree with me that we can have 1000 children of God in the church and that is our diversity out laughing then they see a dancing they will see us going for a camp they may see us moving around and they think we are joking yes there is an agreed upon jealous called child Feeny you know he doesn't shout he is plain though he was a lawyer and they were amazed that they could understand so sometimes people don't understand the style they feel that oh this is no real work of God this is the work of God yes he knows how many know that we are dead serious a dead serious and that's why we are having this camera as we go into the crusade and as we continue Sunday after Sunday persistent preaching evangelizing college our aim is as God you do the negative and negative missiles have been want more workers more ministers are going more prayer more beloved more everything more income anything that is good for a church there is more of it when there is a mega church and it's a good vision that we should have and so that must be a painting in our hearts a lot we want to see one thousand chests we are raised one thousand chests on a Sunday morning from into out everywhere there are coming surroundings they are listed to the weather it's possible what can do it it's not by might not by power and it will happen practically and instead of something good will be in it for you because there is always something good in a megachurch everybody gets a blessing out of the negative there is nobody who is involve in check you there is nothing you ever be involved in check which you'll never not be beneficial for you let me tell you listen it's been some yes since I've been doing this a out I can tell you that this mystical thing about churches that somehow it's affect things you are not we are not even concerned about today that I problem they will all be affected by the work you are doing Church yeah that's how it is all your life will be affected by changing how you think your life your future your marriage your children endlessly your finances everything will be influenced by church yes you see if you are not in this camp you've been another camp yeah yeah you see Hitler Hitler have you heard of Hitler he was a corporal in the army the first world war fighting within with it with him in that army with different people and some of the most wicked people who work with Hitler we call them Hitler's henchmen they are people who were with him but in different places working but there are had similar ideas so as he wore forward we asked people who even lawyers who did not believe in in the law what is not bleeding democracy and they destroyed one of the people that was with him was a judge and lawyer who became the judge and he was he was like a madra in fact when he died his family changed their name his wife and child candy amazing disconnects the memory of your father for the wickedness but when he's killing somebody who who is committed a crime and is going probably going to be killed you see how he would get soldier and the man will be crying it's a why you crying this is the whole part you would kill the man so what did you do you did it whatever I did you see this why your friend is gonna be a big prize you know that the man is condemned to kill it publicly and humiliate them one of the shout shot I didn't play the played on television the TV was saying ya frighten the people I killed them two hours after he was accused them all these kind of people were together in a group with Hitler Gables his propaganda secretary and the people he could speak and convince the people all the time so an attorney says the if your mind is group you banana in another group you can be in the entity group you'll be with these type of Ashanti's werewolf eyes of people and you'll be one of the real a Concha really whatever in the system and it's like who believe that yes you must be around you must be in charge and Sonia you think that group and you have a lot of sex you have a lot of intersexual it's a religious money corruption all kinds of things that's you being a group I come in the NDC group who also another type of group with similar type of sex these are all kinds of these corruption one of you it is just a group you can choose the church group as your group you can choose the church purpose your group and the group that you choose will come out in the end to affect everything you are doing in this world to the end of your life it's a group that you are choosing you are choosing the right group to be in and our right group will be the group you'll be in to the end of your life and thank God thank God thank God that you are choosing the right group Amen can choose a socialist group on your campus any any group and all the communists I mean not system presents a CBR number 24 you might have the megachurch because a mega church is a force to reckon with and it becomes a nation within a nation you'll be a nation within the nation amen are you there and number 25 will have a mega church because the glory of the end time church will be greater than the glory of the early church the glory of this latter house Haggai chapter 2 verse 9 Haggai chapter 2 verse 9 the glory of this latter house shall be greater than that of the former saith the Lord of Hosts amen so what should you tell me about giving you 25 solid reasons thank you thank you that somebody thank you thank you you must tell me what is in number 13 the 30 level you should tell me what is it number 13 the steady that's what did you say number setting the setting the setting what are they say number set in verse 13 let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it thank you yes this is what you should set up Soviets I'll finish my 25 reasons you should have said let us go up at once and possess it we are well able to overcome it let us go up at once let us let us rise and enter the campus and bring people to Jesus Christ for we are well able to overcome it and they're not amazing is it not fantastic let us go up at once when when when anything you don't do at once it becomes defense anything you don't do at once it changes you see you doctors I started to change your things on Sunday I thank you you didn't go out once so now we are changing yeah at once let us go up at once for we are well able to process it look God is going to use us to win a lot of people to him and when you finish the school you will never stop being used by God to win people to him you will never be bored in this life again I say you will never be bored in this life again so now maybe some of you ladies you are going to say I'm going to have less fewer children so that I can concentrate on my first love [Applause] yeah I want less children so that I can focus yes one no - I said one or two so that I can focus on the ministry and a thousand children of God Wow is it not amazing is it not fantastic wundabar all right now what do we need what do we need for this mega vision we need the anointing yeah so all of us are going to be anointed because all the works of God are done by the anointing okay and that is why we are sharing about the unmounted and his anointing the anointed and his anointing [Applause] amen they anointed and his anointing amen because anointing is a wonderful thing but I want I wish that you see one of the things is that is very important is that you must be spiritual all the time all the time you must have your mind and soul on a spiritual inclinations like you you are inclined to think more of the spiritual reasons for things than physical yes you see because when you look at me you can be inclined to think of physical things as the reason for things or if we say wonder how the megachurch you can is being trying to think of physical reasons or physical things or physical ways or physical methods but you must be more inclined no matter how educated you are to be more oriented towards these interested in the anointing as the more of the thing the reason and what we need and what we are going to have than anything else when you are that way you can develop in science knowledge because I know science somebody told me he would not give his life to cry because he's a scientist and I said to him I said to him I said to him what cause did you do what cause and his cause was computer science and because of that it would not give his life to Christ I said Wow me I did and not to me by chemistry physiology from ecology pathology by chemistry biology bacteriology opthamology psychiatry obstetrics gynecology I don't say that I'm a scientist you did computer science for two years and you say you a scientist but listen listen listen one day somebody came to our chicken we're talking about prayer I was preaching about prayer he said he was very happy and I was after why he said because when he listens to me preaching but he listens to me preaching said when listened to be preaching he said I know a lot of things about history about this about that about that so he was amazed that I was talking about prayer like that yes you see brothers and sisters what you must realize that even as we are talking about the megachurch when I first wrote the book megachurch the book was called there was a subtitles in the unknowing thing and the strategies for a megachurch the actually the main two main things that are working for a megachurch are the anointing of God and the strategies do you see so there is no surprise that as we are aiming to go higher and bigger as a church that our - immediately comes to the spiritual base there's no basis for you to even be sitting here you are too bad to sit here you are too bad to be here if if you were ever to meet a devil now and you will miss Devils okay so how do you meet devil that will speak to you sometime but because you are not spiritual you don't know when the devil has spoken about Jesus or spiritual well the debt was forgiven through Peter Satan get thee behind me so occasionally the devil speaks once in a while the devil speaks he will tell you that in the end almost hundred percent he will tell you that you are a bad person yeah you are a very evil person you are a bad person so usually when God's work is being worked on you you hear somebody telling you that you are a good person or showing you that he thinks you're a good person it's okay God believes in you I believe in you usually is the opposite of what the devil says the devil if you have to see a living devil if the devil appeared here right I was to speak to you it would just say out in for this this is how I tell you that's number one because the devil's number one thing is to accuse and to smear you and to disqualify you so there is no qualification that you have to be here and it is a went by rank even quality you will not make it so we live on the power of God and the unknowing sin of the Holy Spirit and become spiritual if you remember we started talking about spirituality in the first love church so God wants you to be spiritual and he wants you to be unloaded and to look for the anointing and you will find the unknowing thing in the anointed I might be the son in the anointed unless inspectors found in the air the anointing is found in and with the anointed you are looking for anointing it is with the anointed anointed that's why I'm sharing about the anointing of the anointed the anointing and his anoint the unknown set and his anointing are you looking for anointing a tip it's a slip the anointed it's not anywhere else yeah people think that noise is flying the sky you can send a text the anointing come down come down come down and it will come now the anointing is found in the anointed that itself is a mystery yeah the unknown set and his anointing alright so we are going to take a break for five minutes when we come back we start all right
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 9,445
Rating: 4.7746477 out of 5
Id: tfOI6uPJQhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 3sec (8463 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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