SESSION 3 : What It Means To Be A Good Shepherd

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[Music] any other challenges shoot don't talk what it means to be a good shepherd we are going to need good shepherd to have a megachurch amen father thank you for the Good Shepherd that are being raised up at this time bless them bless us mightily in Jesus name Amen you may be seated now a good Hospital needs a good doctor isn't it a good restaurant needs a good chef isn't it and what else a megachurch needs a good shepherd now once again people take it for granted all right and they they feel that you know a pastor is just a pastor you know one time I went to a certain seminary and you present the books and the thing that you teach it does rubbish it like all this is not I mean necessary yeah it does rather just all this is I mean what is immense so nothing one of the one of the ministers of that seminary said that the reason why you have to teach layout is because of the way you run your churches they look at the books that we have shepherding pastoral ministry I mean shepherding what it means to become a chef because you see there are some of these free stuff being ahead of institutions that have been there for like 180 or 200 years they have never started something before you understand what I'm saying and also when you go to the University and you want to study religion like this topic the art of shepherding or what it means to be a shepherd of how to transform your pastoral or shepherding ministry they don't even know what it is one time we asked whether we teach about demonologist we don't have demons here yeah so we don't have demos here now if you go to the university if you go to the university the only aspect of a religious study like when they say you are doing religious yeah you did theology right yeah sheshe has got a degree in theology they have systematic theology isn't it what do you study come tell us what is this obviously you don't remember you see [Music] what time I was talking to somebody who said he's a theologian and he was explaining that you know whatever I'm saying it's not so powerful because for whatever I say and I teach about the ministry there are 200 other opinions about the same thing you understand what I'm saying like if you say this is the last 200 other people who have other opinion and RSK sharing level you have to learn the other opinions about the same thing you get what I'm saying which is the best where I can taste nonsense because I've been to medical school for seven years we don't learn other opinions we are told what to do and we are taught how to be a doctor we don't learn other opinions of I mean somebody has their days somebody what I have a listing what this lesson thing what they think in Germany what they thinking I'm a coward they think in this what they think in that we have thoughts what is the cause of this what are the side effects what are the symptoms and these are the treatment and you better answer that way when you come to the exam isn't it amazing you know what you mix clever speaking people they were rubbish so I asked my system what I am teaching in my books it's like yes as far the universal systems and it is rubbish yes that is why in this facility we don't teach theology and we do not want to be accredited you can read it other notice there if you have a chance that we don't want accreditation because accreditation means that we have to fit systematic theology because that's the only knowledge the understand like for instance if you want to become a doctor you have to study anatomy physiology biochemistry pathology microbiology pathology and then you have to study obstetrics gynecology medicine and surgery is the subject you have to do so if you also have a degree in theology you have to study the somatic but not the earth of shepherding or how to be a pastor no you know it's not we don't get a degree cannot get a degree with that according to them according to the 200 years old knowledge they have the understand are you doing what I'm saying yes according to the 200 other opinions and the two-hundred-year-old institutions that have been here such knowledge is not necessary so I am saying all this so that you even have a background to even understand that what we are teaching is so scientific and so important but unfortunately many of the so-called churches theologians in seminaries they don't even know what we subject our but you say loyalty you should see all over the world all over the world we have taught loyalty invited to teach this subject because people don't know how to control the church and the whole chat tends against their pastors all the time yes but because you rise up and then you go you inherit a check which was thought all the caches on these mountains you can check the date when the weather is 150 years ago that is when this occurs whether these are the foundations of this gravity and gamma it's not a new institution most of those tech buildings are used only for funeral people only come there for funerals there's hardly any real church activity there that's when it's for sometimes you can have six bodies in a dig on a Saturday but a lot of people come from here the last you know I attended there were like six people yeah we do yours you know you never know who is the one they are speaking about are you listening or going home I am Telling You unlike certain universities which expand their knowledge they are knowledge base and they fund that courses that they teach so that they will even teach new things that are new like a new knowledge our universities yes does it and they don't recognize it what is what is what are some of the fear that zero that is hidden God we said what's the theories about God you have to lend the theories about God like the God of the gaps theory isn't it did you do the God of the gap theory yes like they say like if there is a gap if you can't explain something then you put God there so that's a God of the gaps Theory like W you I can understand why this happens then understand why this you can sir but you can understand where the planet came there so they say gap in your knowledge so that's where you fill it with God but as you get more knowledge the gap gets smaller so God space gets smaller and God becomes smaller until it's like Europe where there's no gap in their knowledge and then there's no space for God and there is no God so that is the god of the gap theory yeah and the systematic theology where they stick you through the different sections of the Bible you're some of you did you diss geology they will teach you I mean Matthew Mark and Luke the soul Matt and Luke copied from Matthew so they didn't really write whatever and that is what explains why that this editor that is like that but it's not original whatever and then that mistake that they made this is a mistake with this this controversies of the Bible this conflicts with this this cosmic physics some well as 1st and 2nd somewhere were written by a member of the tribe of Judah that's why everything they said was in favor of David that it wasn't written from that by somebody from the tribe of Benjamin so that's why it sounds like everything saw was a Batman but David was actually whatever and this and that and Moses was somebody who I mean she said the whole a nation took them went somewhere you can't even anything that I don't believe that you come to a place to question the things you believe because faith is different from logic this place there's a pleasure say you know something I don't understand I believe that's faith and we are teaching you to have faith in God not have doubt in God or doubt about God so after teaching you this shepherding it's actually something that should be taught in seminaries but because people you know make fun a lot of people have made fun of me recently somebody invited Bishop Eddie to his church one of these older ministers we have to fight a big church to the building and order when he went you know he made him stick in the money when he spoke about loyalty Oh which I wanna ask you to speak in the evening it should have been better for you to speak in a evening is it because they are never happy before then when he had the message on the loyalty but he also had his men as a service rarely harassed in breaking away that kept speaking to all the members taking them members away I mean he is really struggling you know then when he finished Bishop Eddie was going he told him you know we passed it you know we really criticize your bishop in when you first are there preaching about loyalty video understand what it was but we have come to see that is the main thing in with the real thing but we parted like we are even faster here not even faster like we pastors are you know with the understand when you are preaching about whatever I've come to see that is amazing we have succeeded without one thousand eight hundred and something churches here as people ask our branches some somebody say one of our branches somebody says are they keep criticize I'm just trying to tell you that what we are sharing with you about a church about a mega set and we are teaching you in steps and we are showing you in scriptures again in it's written it's written well somebody was either charismatic we write nothing we have nothing right no knowledge about whatever I was just inspired we're just inspired with songs that we just sing and we are just inspirational people you see in every generation God also raises our people to write things and that's why we have written these things about the shepherding what it is to be a shepherd don't give me any stupid information when Jesus Christ said I am a good shepherd why should I not study what it means to be a good shepherd Jesus Christ said it I mean I can't see why we would like to put Jesus Christ on the sidelines in a check you get what I'm saying you can't put Jesus Christ on the side and you can't put the main things in the in the work of God like what is a web what is the web of God you can't put it on the side we can accept that all right so I'm telling you what I'm teaching you it should be taught in the university if you study this here or wherever you should get a degree for it but as long as the universities have black out their mind and cannot relate or understand deceive God is nobody they just have things that they themself when they write and they read one like Slap told me he said we write books that give headaches then words are very small and that the book must be big this is where he said i write book that get headaches when you read it it's not true I mean you're not supposed to really learn anything but you have a headache if somebody owed ichthyology I mean these are his actual ways so what I am sharing with you is something wonderful that you are supposed to really I mean you should you should go out there advertising it and say look what you need is some good teachings on what is a Shepherd because a good Hospital has a good doctor good nurses a good country has a good president and the good leadership a good court has good judges a good school has a good headmistress like Wesley girls mrs. Joe Couto they have a good headmistress oh look when I was in secondary school at another school I never I saw the headmaster maybe one I mean I was there for seven years and they I saw him once or twice yeah but Wesley girls they see the headmistress every day she comes to speak to them that's where I had that song yeah yeah yeah yeah is it your teacher not just your mother precious to us your efforts are seeing us I was sitting there when the girls sang gets to their headmistress I said wow what an appreciation and she comes every day to show that you are the best you come naked you don't need a money that's not a good part of it you don't need a man to make it in this life you're okay on your own you are going to do well keep your head up when you are walking what I see there's a book on your head and I mean all kinds of things hey but you see the wordly girl people you can see this so a good school has a good headmistress a good hospital has a good doctor a good a good word restaurant has a good chef a good manager a good country has a good president and a good church will have a pass always good at being a shepherd are you understanding what I'm saying and so your career because I've told you is better than being accountant and your career as a megachurch pastor you have to also study how to be because that as you study how to be a doctor all right you also have to study how to be a good chef it's not for granted it's not obvious it's a lasagna I went to medical some of this you say you did theology okay you just have a three year course you couldn't get even a higher course you couldn't get law you couldn't get admin you adequacy theology philosophy and political science and you went and again in theology it's not as though you are selling selling you see them speaking a very high way sometimes any wonder what is wrong Jonathan hey everyone in business for we will be afraid every day if we hadn't been to school we will fear every day of our lives we'll be afraid hey are you know you are going home I thank God I will be to school a bit isn't it cause you mean Timmy decade every game I'm not sure of yourself so shepherding is something you have to study and learn about it and if you I good shepherd the sheep will become a lot look at these cars you see outside they're like up to a travia's of having these cows around take a look multiply jónasson they cannot multiply because they keep separate of these cows which is myself I'm a useless repair I don't care for them I don't even know how many dear I don't know how many they are it is true I don't know how I feel I don't know where they are outside so I don't know where they are I've given them any names I'm not going to look after I came yesterday I thought I don't know where they are once am I so one standing standing behind my window there it was very quiet and I am sure it I've been bitten by a snake yes because it stood there quietly never spoke never moved and I had died what is that I didn't feel that yes I say I'm looking after you well you are dead I don't even I don't even care is he such a shepherd you can expect an increase of a certain time so it's so I mean I don't know any of the diseases of cows I don't know problems of cows I don't cause the house this little one that was that born how is this and I flipped them there was one father he was with about nine of the women they gave birth to sons the sons have impregnated your mother's calacas of character it's like who said that I can you sit down for such things to happen under your cover some some of the children are children of your son [Applause] is it any wonder that after that 12 years of this cow being around here they were originally ten and yeah now 12 years yeah yeah about 12 one of my daughter said she was going to have a wedding and I said oh I'll give you a count and if that is our not going and I'm sharing them to be eating given the last time you came for this is joint service and I also killed one for you it's like the love of a shepherd is no they're killing that any opportunity that you kill one yeah do you think I have the half of a cow shepherd that is why the West ten and they are not twelve after twelve years so a good farm has a good cow shepherd or manager or whatever but it is not I mean I'm not serious you know what I'm saying that the fatties are not serious and so if you have Shepherd and you are serious about the work you are doing if I was very serious about this cows Oh everywhere you go you see them when you come here you see different types for once with Longhorns brown black or Hoffman colors they will be giving birth their left right center I'll be prospering from it but now you see that I means like I'm a big traitor yes come before the making convict cold stop or you don't get what I'm saying yeah so you can you can you can you can't feel too sad that they are not they're not multiplying but you wait maybe that knowledge it will come only for that one I'm going to bring some antelopes there you get some antelopes you soon see them all over the place yeah antelopes impalas yeah when it come you wonder where you are are you listening to me yeah so what I'm saying is that don't think that the art of being a shepherd is something you should take for granted you have to study it I went to medical school I studied anatomy physiology biochemistry oh these are the if I'm telling you after studying those in as this one too you must study properly and if in live it in SS you and your heart you must think I must have something up in my coconut to tell you that this is also something you have to study and I need you to read it oh I needed to study and it's a higher job than being a doctor hyah aah hyah yeah why would I do it if it was not a higher job to the highest job so I need you to really humble yourselves and don't take it for granted don't take it for granted don't think you know it don't listen to things people want to rubbish these wonderful books and wonderful teachings why would you even get it sighs I'll find a book on such subjects it's an honor pose are you there amen John chapter 10 how to become a good shepherd number one become a good shepherd by following all the examples that are being set by the good shepherd himself don't follow me follow Jesus amen follow Jesus I am The Good Shepherd amen number two become a Good Shepherd by preaching teaching and healing Matthew 9 verse 35 Jesus went about all the cities and all the Nina the villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel and healing every sickness and every disease among the people amen are you there yes so you must become a good shepherd by following the example of Jesus which is preaching teaching and healing now preaching you don't get points usually they just keep talking teaching their opponent that's one of the big differences between preaching and teaching so there were times Jesus gave point number one number two number three and there were times he didn't get points is that I kind of cut inspirational powerful that's what people call preaching and then healing everybody here must thrive and strive as I said strive to be a healing minister yes healing minister and also don't be afraid to pray for people can I take another vision when he broke his arm the Lord came to him in the hospital the next day around five o'clock in the evening and sat down by his bed and told him always pray for people when they are in hospital because the power of God heals them faster and God gets involved in the healing process that the doctors are doing yes so always pray for people when they are in the hospital when they are sick and even we are taking medicine pray for them understand yeah so a pasta like you must you must remember healing it's very important not when you are younger you know that whole lot of diseases you don't you don't get and you don't know about but as you get older you keep hearing of things you never had or before all right for instance high blood pressure one out of three people have high blood pressure so you think you you wouldn't have it all right a lot of people have different things different different diseases that you wouldn't know about but at that point you get to know about about them and then you see things and so on there are all kinds of diseases and frightening diagnoses and things so a path a Good Shepherd you need healing if I announce a healing service of the hopeless before because people need healing even if what they don't look like they need healing you know healing is like a universal need and like everybody needs healing so a good pasta must know a lot about healing don't take it for granted don't think Oh Benny Hinn is the healer or Jesus is the healer just a healer but we are following his good example we are going to be good shepherds and what is a good shepherd do he went about preaching he went around teaching and he went about healing so anytime somebody is not well offered to praise for the present be zealous I remember one some brothers in pre secular very zealous in other way to healing and all that even while they were in school yeah so one day somebody was sitting there in the Dhamma tree and then they said oh let's pray for them then there were two zealous brothers and the brother said no you pray and then afterwards I will pray it's like you pray and now so close I we see whose prayer is actually going to hear that guy again what I'm saying so what I'm not saying you should do that but I'm saying you should be jealous I want you to be zealous about healing okay tell us about three four the six and prep opportunity to pass Devils - yes I mean if you haven't cast out Devils by now you are linked yes I started casting out Devils in secondary school yeah you should have opportunity to Karthik come out it is innate and the demon will answer say what this and what is your name and they'll answer and you speak and you customer in the name of Jesus come out in then the person is suddenly delivered I mean you have known that experience before I mean you need to have that experience how many have not had that experience before raise your hand no you are late you are not into spirituality if you if you pray more you have studied maybe you are going to see this bar miss what lots of demos a lot of demonized people everywhere oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's part of ministry it's part of ministry and a lot of diseases are caused by evil spirits so when you talk about healing there's always a demonic elements in it and and a lot of character defects they are all demonic some of us have character problems you can't change someone else this is all demonic into the way you think you see in madness it is that it's an affliction of your mind so the madman of Dodaro it was his mind that was not working is that his mind was not working well so when Satan is attacking crystal he loves to attack the way they think and the mind he may not be able to get you fully mad but he can get you fully twisted or in this setting angle yeah and that small angle will just keep you going on the wrong road for many years you say stand up for your right that angle you know all somebody may come and tell you the cheapest way the kid has money the cheapest way to do business and the cheapest money you can ever have that's conventional that's what is the conventional wisdom is to is to borrow money it's a demonic statement the cheapest way to do - the cheapest money you can have for your business is to borrow money it's demonic it's a thought from Satan that would make you borrow money when you don't need to borrow money and you do business until you are in debt most of these wisest men in debt they can't they can't they can't get out are you there you are going home are you sure you are here you are yeah yeah so go around preaching teaching you and preaching and teaching need practice practice you use experience to preach experience know what to preach experience of the Holy Spirit to know how to preach it is to no longer shut up it takes a lot of experience and you cannot know it except you up Experion when I first let's playing golf the people thought we wanted to play well so fast we wanted to play the guys need to say is only by experience it's only by experience if you play more so the way we are we are we are serious not by being serious it's not by being committed it's the more you play the more you can play if you don't play you cannot play gods are the gameís and we did it I didn't like hearing that because I didn't have time to play but I have time to come and play every day so I could play every day oh you will be very good I don't have the time so I didn't hear but that's the only reality there more you play the more you can play well you see the border but you cannot hit it how many have not tried golf before you'll be trying soon are you there number three become a good shepherd by relating with other relating to the Sheep the Bible says the sheep hear his voice he calls them he leads them below call the people talk to them related people you'll sit down quietly like you look at a husband yes why add Gaussian think that this of God like you have to be extra beautiful regular price yeah you have to be like extra beautiful and some kind of extra features adjusted down quietly that is slight beauty contest today involve talking the talking makes you much more beautiful than you are so now nobody does beauty contest without talking you have to speak yes so you got to open up and relate talk to people chat to them make them happy yeah I just another I'm beautiful boom [Laughter] are you there relate with the people rarely rarely do I hear people get in my room I have never not talk to before like even the first laughs yeah there's a few that I I don't know and I said I see the announcement if I take let's say Claudia got married sign up Claudia and a ton of Floreana why do you go back I gave you a special after why'd you come and sit at your special seat men who took their seat away kids still you can sit over here go sit over there yeah give them me a special seat man [Music] [Laughter] Wow yes stand up Claudia no no even you you just caught your setup just tojust Ana yeah rarely do you see somebody getting my dad having top dummy like you see cassava yeah I never talk TV but you never even talk to me and we will be here yeah you never talk to me true or not true you what the other person getting my Joana and Caesar are you the other here are they've gone for the supersonic counseling yes it's two days before the marriage I have a supersonic counseling and they've gone for the supersonic Ana's vision and Michael are they here yeah this unknown supersonic counseling for today yeah Selim and Leticia honeymoon yeah I know them rarely will you see somebody gay man was not related before Q true it's like it's not just I mean a beautiful and so what and a lot of people who look like you even nicer yeah so get up turn up relax no sisters you know sometimes you are like a mystery to me like I trying to wonder you know that's why I preach that message the other day why do some people mind some don't get my yeah it's a mystery Wow and you know why I want all of you to get married oh yeah so hey like that's what you go with that is true yeah what you'll get you got yeah we like it it's a runnable do not even get to get so many - man huh it's an honor posed the we are encouraging the but we are yeah I know you go to you Maria you will you will but we are using we marry only one of the main reason to avoid fornication it's like Ally member the snake eater than you do us you sleep and if that one years let's problem is so for what for one year alright so relax you got to know how to chat to speak everybody looks not everybody is a sanguine but there is a minimum amount of talking that is required from you huh minimum requirement you must we expect from you all right what do you think keep talking sister keep being humble you are the next on the list Jesus name and say Amen we join a clan adore a media media are not a tribal I don't really I don't really own a pose now number four yeah you can sit oh my dear be a good shepherd by fighting all who enter the Sheep by thieves and robbers he that entereth not by the door and into the Sheep whole by climbing up some other way the same is a thief and a robber arrived amen so become a good shepherd by being ready to fight with thieves and robbers you cannot be a good pasta just by being pleasant and nice you have to deal with thieves like this campus as we are here you know we can't just be here and just sit here and say that you know we are just being happy here now there's more to this place than that yes there are there are there are things here that will surprise those who want to surprise yes because because you can't just sit innocently and naively I should say and say oh we have all the night checked everybody is going to get to know there are thieves and robbers that's why I started this little session by telling what some people even think about teaching about shepherding I was as a challenge is all the success in the individual business nothing he said well what we need to come and teach you what is best somewhat second somewhere it was written by this person so that is why they said good things about David and bad things about saw because was written by somebody from that type of Judah if it was written by all they would have said the other side I don't want to think that's we I know I don't want to think of Moses as someone who took over a nation and manipulated them to do as please I thank you I thank you I'm not used to that so there are thieves and robbers people who steal and who attack and you ask a child of God and a pastor must be ready to defend and to be some way one day I met somebody a person was trying to take one of my members I told a person that look you see another side of me and I told the person you will not like me you would not people who don't like me don't like me at all oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah those who do like they don't like me yeah hey I went to visit somebody rather he asked me to walk out of his office not further now go how cool don't try to take my member even one yeah so that's when I visited him he asked me to leave I asked two people I came back let's go the Walker we just walked out yeah yesterday you have seven nineties you see like one of you here because you are like my sheep I play with you I cuddle you play with you and here you see that is that is whether that's how David was in it playing the harp and well-acquainted back in then you change into a killer lion killer bear killer yes so the sand shepherd is like lions if you ever see them playing with their cubs it will roll over lie on the back that perk up to be placed this same animal when we changes just now from this cuddly lion that everybody is playing with an extraneous war is coming the Bible says the lion does not retreat from any animal it doesn't go back yeah is the only animal that doesn't go back if you will not go back you go back you go back no go back that's no big tree from any yeah yeah and if the bigger is a biggest cut a pig on a leopard bigger than Cheetahs bigger than Tigers bigger than oh it's a big one and it stands there there's no one in forgot the meal when the hair comes all around when you open the mouth oh oh these are animal that David killed I've been bitten by a lion before I rely on ya it bit my leg it was just a baby a baby lamb it's a lion it's a lion [Applause] July July baby one no one are you there David kill the lion the same as if you'll be seeing the Lord is my shepherd I think he doesn't know bad things or difficulties or wicked things anyone all that I want to be in the house of the Lord to drown in the house of Allah forever and he said that's like that's very troubling when he was going to marry and they said you can you bring the bad weather what what do you need he said hundred penises hundred went and cut hundred men's penis and protect us the right price yeah as a wild man that is why that is why when you water to build the church go so they listen you know not you you I mean others you you you you are somewhere it's just let your son do it I've appreciated the gesture but let your son do the church Wow number five become a good shepherd by recognizing people who are trying to take away your ship again recognize them you must fight them but you must also recognize them he says all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers Jesus recognized them because they came before him so you must recognize them and that is why I have written such wonderful books like those who pretend those who leave you those who forget those who are accuse you those who are ignorant owes who are dangerous son this is what to recognize the TV says all those who came at this time there are thieves that guy is a bad guy and that is why I wrote the book son are you record this has not forgotten all that has been done for him all that has been done for you all the talking preaching paddling you see I know I'm struggling all of you and playing with you that's why sometimes when people come and work full time they are surprised when they come a Webfoot on there there's a practice I did and I know I'm not used to you in this way because they see another side is like a the guys wad oh yeah do you thing is that by laughter that we are building this place so I just laughing with the people no I just came from down there it was that I told them they should lay the blocks all the blocks in the night before I come yes they are working it's not by laughing in the hell as a tablet if you that I'm cuddling that please are fighting yeah you and play with you you're like my Cubs so I'm playing with you so you are laughing a happy but flowing but over there it's not like that in other place it's not like that so that's a lot of people come into that ministry DSS are a so they can 4 meters which is very hard to very wild it's like a you can feel the tension how do you see one of those meaning before I've had glimpses glimpses just glimpses wow yeah you see that that's fire one day I was preaching about layout and somebody said somebody was it they take your time here your health reporting about your health take your time is like hey hey it's like the first half with you I just was very angry with three hundred behind read I'm not angry I'm fighting with something yeah I recognize it this is behavior it's wrong it's leading to something negative yeah you have to learn it and we are saying it yes those who accuse don't get up and start pointing things perfect your life so it's tough finding fault what have you done what have you achieved whatever you assume what have you achieved before you start pointing to no eyes it you know what are you drinking whatever if it was not for no I do think you have been in the act it's no I have not those an act will you be if I've not built a church wouldn't be the test will be here if I'm not those that say when you are not born when you are not voice I have not gone back in back in to serve ice crackling to get money to just stay in the ministry so that this church can exist would I be here then you get that one day you start talking in a way hey no we will fight it will teach you that it is wrong and invite I'll learn to be grateful that all sitting there to fight for fight off with yourself don't fight for to tell fight for with yourself stupid I shall present never it is you because of you desire obviously I [Applause] where would you have been where would you are being so a good shepherd recognizes by setting characteristics a Good Shepherd knows Kika when you season no no no no no no no this is not how did you just know that you are season upset because they came before me there's only way I know if you can have come before me you should have come after at least observe before the four that you can't Ellie is wrong yes and you can say thisa somebody who lives a me somebody who comes late somebody who comes a tyronza you guys yeah all sizes and also came before I get there are days and it could Shepherd much people that as I've written a book for each of these people you'll get up one day starts ticking away one day I saw a certain man you know he was married to his wife his wife was like a tyrant I I gave him some money to help his financial situation his wife was coming here here allocate the money when I saw it the only thought I had was for his children I was thinking that these children because he was 14 to face children's feast and I was thinking that the children know what the father is going through to pay their fees that maybe they don't know so maybe one day to him saw the father say that his money is whatever why did he do that to my mother why this dissonance I saw him running to hide the money yeah but I was just thinking about that children maybe they we didn't know yeah maybe you how he struggle to fight to get money to pay for things yeah so that's why you got to be careful all those things outside that's wise it's somebody you don't like your father biological I don't know who he is the fact I don't like you me there's something wrong right there you become so great and so big but it puts your father you know what is not good about him and you don't like all those aspects of him hey somebody was hidden back to they carried you like they could have dropped you you become a or you have become a Down syndrome all this humor somehow big s big sorry you delicately until you are able to walk delicately I think a they could have dropped you every day for one year they could have dropped you when your listing was open every day they called you like an egg like jelly in your hands like this careful put it down look Emma put it down Matthew put it down let you out put you down this your put you down for more than one year when you are delicate and the fish messy water less messy boh-chan what is it huh Missy yes they dropped him when he was a child if I became a and you think I read you faithfully nobody drop you before your mother if you see your mother's worthless about you huh right job you know I suffer to get medal but they get better he usually taking your time with your mother please no but I can never be wrong in your life America never be somebody to be insulted or to be root 2 or 2 to rubbish you don't know you don't know the thousand examination she went through you just give that to you so when you see some of those times you can't be for me right something wrong with you that's what it says of station you have come before me so I wrote those books it bi wonderful books number six become a good shepherd by providing a sheepfold for the Sheep Wow John chapter 10 verse 1 verily verily I say unto you he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way the same is a thief and a robber so take us enters not by the door into the sheepfold ship fold and there's a door to the ship food so ah I with me I separate a Good Shepherd build a ship fold yes even our cows down here they have a small place and I've been I'm going to clear that thing from there you know and somebody was begging me that all they need somewhere to sleep and I said no no sanas history and should just relax in the open air I told you that I'm not a good chef head of this of the house if you like I don't even have kindness for them you get what I'm saying [Applause] Wow I will learn about the Good Shepherd what have you learned so far number one the example of Jesus Christ amen by what preaching preaching and healing and we have learned that for you to be very good at something must do it very often you don't do it once a month or once a year now so we are going to have shepherds who are going to be pitching three times a week yeah three times a week preaching laying hands on people casting out Devils as UI custom the Emmaus some some demons inside you will be going this the point is the power of God and what you are learning on that a good shepherd build something a place for the ship that is how we like Jesus Christ is a good shepherd so thatís see this might be your aim that wherever you are they must have a place you have to build something so a good shepherd a good pastor my father might not just what you are going to preach disappoint but where the sheep are going to save the church they are going to be in so as we are here one of the things we are catching very powerfully is the anointing of a builder and I'm going over buildings because some of you feed ministry as oh I'm going to preach have some revelations I've read a book I'm going to check the word I'm going to say something but where the people were sick to hear you it's also a part of your work as I said ah where they were six so a good posture also things about how to find land to buy land how to organize iron rods yes it's not a second away or revelation because even it's really that might be a place you must stand to share the revelation if there's no place where are you going to sell our village I don't at the point if there's nowhere to stand and your members can get any place to set when the rain falls is beating them you ain't a classroom that's the they will give a one law in a country all churches in the class which is clear we are giving you one week not so we see that it's not a matter of checking weight of cell revelation but when you see a pasta like our Father who can build a check a meeting place at camp it's also it's a type of shuttle so believe God to catch that mind it's a way of thinking that is not just a matter of going for outreach you want a soul you pre-data crusade all those things are nine but a good shepherd finds a place it builds a wall he built a place that is for the sheep not just a place for himself alone but a place for the ship say a place for the ship so I believe this a very important mark that everyone every everyone must have this mind that as a shepherd as a pastor one day bleep God that you be in a Cathedral that you are bill not what somebody has built for you it's very African it's very African what somebody has built for me what's a white man built for me or what some value yourself what you have built is why we don't have any great campus or university apart from these three big ones the rest are all pinky's buildings which have been painted a pinky but when it is your 10 we are going to see building lunch amen Wow now now I'll tell you one of the things you must take seriously at the case of ham the case of a ham is a cast on ham or the case on Kanan ham son and it was a case that it would be the 7 of 7 usually fellas don't build houses so the 7th 7th is very far from building a house on a pond of an engine like that 7 like you usually do maids or house boys build houses even the Massa will not do the house are much more the house boy then the house boys house boy so that cat is active and that is why you find all of our where black people are they can't build and they don't build in every continent like that yeah they have the best place to see it is in Mozambique in Mozambique you see how many of you been to New York before you'll be there soon now when you I knew of you remember what I'm talking about all these things I'm talking about you're going to go there you'll never be in prison in Ghana in Jesus name like travela I said you I travel on a phone traveler what's ugly for your God in Jesus name even if your parents having traveled before you be the first in your family you'll be the first in your family you will go and come with good suitcases full of goodies now when you go to New York you see how can you imagine looking up like this as far as you can see high to the sky tall building so five to the sky and you see streaks of such high building it's an amazing thing to see yeah the center of New York you know the way the places than anybody haven't seen it before my first time you see well you are used to you just drive by but the first time if you are need to build you notice buildings you you'll be struck by it now when you go to Mozambique the capital city you see those type of buildings in this capital city map - - yes the city is made up of two parts that pass which has all the high buildings and the second part which starts from the last high building all the windows with flat slum it's a flat slum like I mean slum just normal you know there's no story building again the story buildings where when the white people were there doing us to live in 1977 or 1987 we were given 24 hours to live with 24 kilos 24 kilos is a small bag they said every white man live in 24 hours 24 kilos and they left they were forced to leave now today those tall buildings they all had left their lives are just used for balla they just they're filled with Ebola because the ladies no works we opened the people poor so it's four and from when they left whether white people left the rest is flat the black man cannot build something tall big or wonderful I mean is a characteristic will soon be going there for Crusades but what I'm trying to say is that you must take it seriously and tell yourself I am a builder and I will be a builder in the name of Jesus anytime you see there's a cast trying to come your way try to oppose that catch and take a blessing instead amen so as you are on this campus and you are walking around breathe in the building anointing and whenever you see people working don't pass by with a sense of nonchalance don't pass by with a kind of attitude and air above I don't know what they are doing and I don't care no land watch see be interested and learn about building because otherwise number one you know even build your own house number two you not build a church of god yeah the building that church makes you a builder and when you I build I you that you can even build for yourself you learn how to build but you don't know anything about building its part from you so a sheepfold provided right our aim is to do 1,000 check buildings we are we are on about four hundred and something church buildings that we are built that we are on yeah different places is it a good number as a fantastic number shall we build more you see the remaining up to the six thousand thousand church buildings some of your churches [Applause] number seven become a good shepherd by becoming a good leader John chapter 10 verse 3 to him the porter openeth the sheep hear his voice he calls his own sheep by name and he leadeth them out he leadeth Shepherd is a leader because John 10 verse pleases he leads them like a shepherd he leads us he leads a shepherd is a leader all right are you listening now leadership is again not an automatic ability that people have are you there and I'm saying that don't rubbish my teachings don't put them in the dustbin don't say what I am teaching is not necessary we want to learn something higher this is what you must learn leadership how to be a leader I've just written a new book on leadership a good general yes the science of leadership we are the Arab leaders the science of leadership now you must you must learn it you must study it how to lead people people are the most complicated I don't know what kind of people people are hilary company seat your company iris company three little girls three little girls stand right here babies Wow three little girls are they nice little girls are they beautiful are they gentle looking other terms are looking are they nice looking gentle looking yes you would be surprised how complicated it is to leave these three people anywhere yeah he leadeth them out you'd be surprised and you'll be a brother try try to be a beloved some of them have for my beloved around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know at least one of them a brother attempted to lead her to the altar and she secondly be maybe yeah yalta look at us look at how sweet gentle look at that I will tell you which of the three says it sweet gentle sweet oh no that's my leg or not a small-time own ala gentle-looking he old lady Yalta aleady [Music] [Applause] now but if you study the art and the science of leadership you'll be able to lead them anywhere you'd be surprised yeah the art of leadership the ad of leadership if you if you have the art of leadership none of these will refuse your leadership strategies they would even know that they are being led when you are being led you don't even know you are being led like I'm leaving you now you don't even know what is happening to you like many of you join the fence laughter you didn't know I was taking you somewhere but we are on a journey how many can recognize we are on a journey we are going somewhere yeah but initially we don't know that we are going anywhere yeah but as I suddenly realized a I'm going it is a ratio of insider to be going in this direction yes and you'll smile and be happy yeah so if you can develop your art of leadership you'll be able to [Music] you can do all what anything easy I'm not struggling but if you don't have the art of leadership [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] so what you need is the app strategy and that is why when you see betters who can get beloved at a point you ask yourself ah you need the art of leadership [Music] true because you want to lead a sister to be able to lead a system Paul said should I not be like Peter to be able to lead about a wife he used a wet meat yeah my wife I've left her for more than 25 years I've led her I said this is the way we are going yeah and when it comes there's no agreement on it it's my way because I'm the boss man and ahead I'm the head I just might is he a husband is a lot of laws in his room and the king of kissing he's small two-by-four yes and master of ceremonies in that small place that's the only place that you have so small lordship as soon as you step out of your square you are nothing you must be able to lead strategies be able to lead let it all the way to the ground not much effort come on yeah it looks like it's mattre Odyssey I've been feeding her for I've been teaching here I've been preaching it to her she's been dancing been coming around even when she was in tech she was always coming around you know so it's like that how come you didn't come for a camp like this you come for the other camp obligations can't these come and she's come again and she's sitting on the front that's hiding so at the front then she's got a task she's humbly obedient to wear one of these and then I just pull her inside and I just do that so many things are happening before I was able to just even to see how to pull sweet yeah so when I brother cannot propose you like you don't know how to even talk to one sister you can't talk to one sister then how can you talk to the whole church [Applause] [Music] I can you talk to the whole church when one little sister you can't talk to her Wow I would say the art of leadership the science of leadership you're going to enjoy that new book the good general yeah we'll enjoy if I have to cut this out up giving you some I'll have to even speak when you're a good leader you just do a sign and then that's a movement am i powerful I'm able to leave three sisters around it's very powerful it's something you have to learn how it allows it a Good Shepherd leader that people are now that's what I'm trying to get a land for us to build a church for first life church people to get it a place for your weddings yeah a place for your reception up I'm building down to some of you gonna have your wedding it's going to be your the researchers were down there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's going to be that place you're going to have your reception down there I mean it's going to be fantastic [Applause] yeah you'd be taking I mean a white little cow we'll just carry the bride in it come on look at IG let's see I've caused more movement Wow I don't even speak anymore yeah my leadership strategies are working that's why you must lead the readable data of it don't take it for granted that is I am a medical doctor I went to school 1982 to 1989 I never felt any exam seven years medical school I am Telling You that it is more difficult to lead people than to be a doctor and when you take it or whether you don't study the act of leadership seriously you will luck you luck something up in the coconut it's not optimized I will not just follow you just like that there are people who work for me if I'm not on I don't work for anybody you would they wouldn't let me do from the movies for anybody because you there's a reason why we didn't do that for me yeah people don't just get up and follow just get up and give themselves die for somebody like that you use you are taking it for credit I'll tell you as an analytical dose as it is more difficult to leave people than to be a doctor that's why collaboost feel like a death trap because for being a doctor the doctors are good when you go the doctors they are they are very good doctors call abou train it's been abroad they've done whatever they are good but how to manage the hospital even when one leader came and built the frontage remove their bathtub they started criticizing him so much that's right that's right some of you some of you will be dead or dying they'll just meet you outside and say go to the moche so they'll just do have three people the best some under the floor when I was on this when I was in a hospital working another one day and the emergency or when I when I loved we're doing a ward round pleaser so for two people on the bed one under the bed like there's somebody under the bed I mean I'm not making it up it's what I do another day two as I'm in the person I'm dumb there was a prisoner and he was she was handcuffed his his foot was was handcuffed to the bed he was changed to the bed because he was a prisoner and the precision officer was also around he was chained to the bed you know then at the point he wanted to wheelie the prisoner now the prisoner was at HIV patients also you know so I don't know whether yeah he's the one who wanted to be or the other guy marijuana so he wanted to be when inside there was no whatever so he said that to be like a fountain this way so the HIV guy was just she was us we win on this on the other guy and I think the I think the prisoner was chained and he couldn't move or the other person was too sick he couldn't move one of them couldn't move but they were all change they were just watching a fountain of whatever Queen oh my god I miss kalibo hospital you see things happening there you can that part of the hospital is called leadership the part where I look at you and I can diagnose your act which I can operate you wake up that is for medicine the part where you organize that everybody who was luckily will be a rich person but this is a state that makes millions of dollars that part is called leadership that's why I doctor has given a testimony that he's got an essence lat now God has moved in his life got us moving inside he's got a neces flat which is like a chicken coop it's got a nice flat that part is the leadership part where those who work there are happy and those who work there are safe and those there's place to stay there's room that part is daily - the medical part is like the peasant can treat you operate on you diagnose that one is excellent the leadership path is the path that I'm explaining to you I don't know if you understand a difference yeah the nurse's of goodnesses the lab technicians we have some people fly together for medical treatment you may not know people come to Ghana for medical from all over the sub-region yes we have things we do see that people they know things that those are they know things they are very very good doctors but tal Hajus there's that that whatever go to the mo tree professor there was one professor he said all the politicians and whatever should come to the mochi and see how they treat the dead if you see on that relative there you you can't even you can't even eat how they treat the dead how you're living how much more than that when you better not go if your relative is there because you would not be happy yeah better not go look yeah that part is called leadership is the leadership of the place the management they leadership that those who work there the doctors I heard the doctors are going on strike yes all those kind of things you get what I'm saying those are we going to strive for years those things are from the leadership but for doctor for doctor oh I got a tray know that they are all over the world all over the world no sweat is cool yeah are you listening to me yes so the pastoral path like maybe just preaching the word or whatever fine then leaving the people that you are under you will be okay will be happy will flow things will be okay for them that part is the leadership at don't ever joke with it half missionaries I send them they joke with it never I be read the book you said you see you can't sit by something you will not see what it is you know if it was not being led well you don't even know you are being laid that's why Jesus says having eyes they cannot see they see body do we see after I hear you see where this is about a twelfth camp we have had first lunch at 12:00 yes twelve comes huh in three years here twelve so you can't even see what is happening but something is happening so he lived as a good shot that he leads them not easy to lead Guardians have not been led into prosperity we have been led the people who has led ganas have led the nation into darkness literally into darkness that those who lead gamma this led us into darkness is it not back now yeah not necessarily these people these people also came to meet what about that people who are been in charge of Ghana have literally led the country into darkness no railways no Road only death roads no water no life like these people there we are the forest forest kind like type of leaders you can ever have it's the type that we have in Africa oh yes and those when you get a good leader like in Singapore the the country before is in Singapore was a poor country now you know why they introduce those roots in Singapore don't bring chewing gum to the country if you cut they will last you all those was that yeah still there when I went to sing about us why why do you have such a said look Chinese people they are very deadly so when the leader came he said no sometimes don't begin yes what goddess it is an island they all they have only tall buildings so people being they are building that way they have rubbish the open the window then they throw it out they don't need something the trophic upstairs then if you come down the television they don't like the open book it's what they throw it out okay so almost a so the man also brought the rule that if you listen if you drop to last you fall for lashes yes if you go to a toilet and you don't flap it you will be like what I went to the towers get what they still love you this I mean chewing gum be done you set your back for chewing gum they don't what's up chewing gum in the country when we go to the country you see the red cast if I was the thing about a crowd like this and I took another Gabba over 100,000 US dollars this club just in normal service yes huh yes just like this it later we take enough you may get those $200 $300 from everybody here it's from your financial power and the currency that you have go to Singapore you see but this is for best type of possible likely that does a type of person that leads kala boo it's like ppl then no waste Calabar the people find in charge of the roots I don't have to say it you can look at it and see that's why I'm saying that when I'm teaching about something like this how dare you say that it is not necessary this is not what is to be taught I'll tell you what else needs to be taught more I don't know what is going on there's no water no light no roads no railways nothing no schools that you do an exam is a complete authority Kasim horrified totally apologize you call this a spool you call this education today you have to pay special schools as well as T is a is and satire to do or level that we were doing before everybody then I used to do all level recognized in England and everything we didn't need a special so called a is T is SOS you face six out G is ten thousand dollars at em it wasn't especially for presidents journals such as all of us did o level recognized in England yeah now the a some you you you didn't even do that subject you get a great that you didn't do that they maybe didn't do teach you but she you got B or whatever you can buy the ACE you buy the salad itself DS they sell beans you can buy I'm explaining something you may be good let's say to teach the word to pray for people for oil do this visit them how to live their life as we are all here so I can lead you to pray I can make you pray for six hours at our Grand slip and you'll be praised and you will be here you can go just leave that should I make you do what I want you to do when I'm not there happily that's leadership to make people go where you want them to go do what you want them to do be where you want them to be unable to lead people to go to Molly Daniels to go from Ghana to Molly to go from England to Molly able to lead them to go from London to do one more thing strip the peasant the missionary I sent you don't want an orphan I remember when I was standing with him in London without a camper cup of bhima camp he was wearing a winter it was winter that the temperature of 0 degrees were outside in the snow and I was to over was I'm going to send you to the mission through okay Bishop wounds I'll send you to a village okay - of all the bushes and he left from the wind caps move straight to do one yes chef Ben this is them yes can you do that can you leave people to use trust only believe you to even get the light and go there at leadership don't think it's something that does falls on you read a book and study it slowly and carefully don't be like the older people who are they look at me and they just despise mine they despise my widow Museum wisdom can be despised I was as a performance wisdom is this pie so there is wisdom that this price and when you have that wisdom you can see when people displace what you what you have yes Bible is a poor man's wisdom is this pie so if there's a type of person whose wisdom can be despised that they find all what you are saying is not is he's no necessary true I know when my wisdom is despite all this theological some of the seminary's or they despise me they despise what we are doing as I put Isaac cash be the man who goes to change the school what we are teaching he the one who is cometh tried even when we are gone you see he and his family it should be like Sunday 1s this traces of the cast for them yeah I tell you I can be saved that's that's why that Pastor Toby shop Eddie he said you know we practice when we meet we fell that you know what you were saying but we've come to see that what we showed that what you people had in it that's amazing that's what he said to submit they despise it Colorado one passage of my book and sweet on the phone stamp on what is this this epistle any was actually a Electra in England SC yeah he was a PhD the hitches Alicia I know books he had the most behind all books that's not a book I mean I saw something then he did it he took the book and throw it on the floor and stamped on it a couple of weeks later his leg was cut off the same leg was cut off yes when you when you teach you can feel when people despise what I'm teaching you about leadership can be ensign in countries all over the world Nigeria's and countries Oliver is called a diaspora you have not been able to leader I'm living canyons and people in the Diaspora all over where they I am a leader of all these people yeah all under my leadership why don't you learn something from that but rather you despise it because the guy don't come in your maybe you look at other a half-caste despising me as a mascot you despise me now with some is justified of a children the food speak for themselves a person always senses when his wisdom is despised many of the people have like they despise my wisdom even go and be a leader I'm the leader but I despise what I'm saying so I just keep on plotting on doing what I'm doing and they also keep plodding on doing what they are doing and then we see later yeah I can arrive anywhere America Germany whatever when I arrived in Munich a Munich recently I told the people I've come for a company I'm coming to Munich Germany Bavarian mountains bivariant mountains I chose the venue I said Munich Monday morning everybody was there you are there from different countries they just with the skin yes yeah does leadership don't take it for granted you take me for granted you take me for granted true or not true for months the Bible said there was a city a great king came and built I mean when they saw the big king with his big things they were everybody loved that there was a man in the town he by his wisdom deliver the city but no one remembered him then I said to my father a poor man even when his wives his wisdom is despised because there are people the wisdom that occasion as it is rubbished you not be one of those who rubbish good people and Jesus name sit down girlie girl okay leadership become a good shepherd by entering the sheepfold through the right door he does enter it in by the door is the Shepherd amen become a shepherd by the right door we are put exams out the Yuma do the exams don't step back and say you not do the exams do the exams there's a door that we are set for you to pass through you must pass an example megachurch loyalty laypeople transform your patronage you don't pass we don't want you to be a partner in our church don't try to twist the system don't say the exams are too hard don't say that nobody can pass this exam you can't study and prepare to pass the exam some firewater we need it down here what do you have a condition this one right here chief hmm after two owner riding right right Killick surprise she would need to stand up to receiver Nyjah now become a good shepherd number nine by having good relationships with the porter yes he that entereth in by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the porter openeth to him the porter openeth you must have good relationships with your shepherd huh some of you you want to have only good relationship with the main guy yes one day I somebody had to relate with someone present said oh I don't I don't relate to this I mean I don't religious I only deal with the main person to him the porter openeth when you are going the right way the PATA also you have a good flow with the porter yeah the porter to him the porter okay some of you want to hold me my only listen is a bishop as soon as I don't talk to anybody energetic official he's my main man I mean he knows yeah and I know him he's the one I deal with I don't deal with the small boys one day I sent some passes so this is one of my church members and he came to the front door with panties to open the go it had no respect then as the pastor sat down with any Devon he wore his trousers and so enough is to pass father sat down with him and they were talking with him he said look you are Prentiss you have been sent here as apprentice whatever to come and tell me I deal with I mean Bishop and so on that you are Prentiss but they eat children you have Prentiss I don't deal with our Prentiss passes Wow are you listening to me look if you are going to enter you have to also relate to the porter and there are Porter's everywhere there is a way to so that I can see I can how am I about to get they say we you don't know that we that's it and you don't have said the way if I want to talk to dr. Chow and if I want to send a message to him today I know exactly the route I'm going to send a message to I'm not gonna I'm not going to cry I don't know his number I don't need to know his number that's not what it's important to me I don't need I know a way to speak directly to him oh yeah anything that I want from him I would just I know directly what to do anything a missing because there is a way okay and if you don't know the porter I know the PATA in Korea I know her number I know how to get in touch in touch with the power and I can enter the sheepfold through the porter okay some of you are in the first lab that you don't know any other pastor you have so many lady pastors so many other pastors here you see a pic Adela is oh I don't do with our practice I'll live there with bishops I don't do it at my apprentice lady passes you calling up you call her an apprentice you call our apprentice when you call when you call an apprentice you are telling me that I am a damn fool for appointing somebody who is just not Prentiss to be a pasta unlike I'm a I'm a stupid idiot as I don't have sense that's why I I appoint people that are not partisan make them passes they are just girlfriends I've made them passes I don't have strange that's what it means when you see such things that's what it means I don't deal with this I deal with that don't do with apprentices a mouth like a friend check what is your neighbors math which is spot like that number ten become a good shepherd by providing spiritual insight for the Sheep the Bible says and Jesus pick parables to them amen nom eleven become a Good Shepherd I know making your sheep know your voice the Sheep follow him for they know his voice amen that's what all of you should have podcast are you all on a podcast yes you must be on the podcast how can you be in the church that I've been a reporter check your neighbor's phone and CDs on podcast if you sort of pasta bring the person to the front identify and locate anybody will start on podcast bring the person to the front just bring the person to the front get me a bucket of water please [Applause] why you gonna protect your funny spot no no you don't go back to you question you don't have the food I mean the phone is there and this podcast is not on it don't bring people who don't have phones I didn't say how many don't have food come to the price that those who don't have podcast you don't have podcast you don't have the food it's an old phone I am why is it not on your phone is false yes you've not been able to download it fix that where's he fire this one she says she's not been able to download and you are the reason yeah this one or this one yeah ah hi why [Applause] take that gun from him take that guy's deal with him over there look what is this premium [Applause] [Music] okay you don't have forecast Rebecca why don't you have forecast fire this one how can you sing a song like that to say so you don't have forecast fire who's that oh who's that old Tom [Applause] when when you say oh it means that what he's doing is wrong it means that what he's doing is wrong it means that what he's doing is wrong take it on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you don't have podcast why the phone is 40 go away if you have for that 40 go away go away you know our podcast why your phone doesn't support podcast Wow okay go away all of you who they see the floor but I get to the job it clean come and clean it do not see how it was clean before you [Applause] hallelujah become a good shepherd by leading your sheep to green good pastures amen leave your ship the Lord is my shepherd he leadeth me to green pastures isn't it now what does that what does that mean he needed me to green pastures when I looked at my Shepherd called Betty she led me to green pastures she took me to Calvary Road she carried me in a bus to Action Center she carried me to Crystal fest that is last night she took key she kept on taking me to green pastures so you see you can't be a shepherd you are here your sheep are not at the camp you are useless Shepherd you I was useless surface because you know you are going to green pastures and you flap your ship is that you can perish what I come to eat green pastures and my ship are languishing somewhere struggling and dying from hunger and test and you have come to eat green pastures and you know what it means to be at a camp you know what it's like to attend their camp you know the blessings of the green pastures that I've found a cup I you blast your members even as you had coming there is no one your concerns with this lesson the other camp was this person the other camp will she be other camp will he be at the camp you don't know and you don't care how can you could call yourself a Good Shepherd a Good Shepherd leaves the sheep to green pastures a Good Shepherd said listen to this message it's a grid faster when you eat you before and that is what Bishop Bishop which I did many years ago you were the first pastor to do that he would get page those days there was no podcast you get a tapes and he started to make the tapes and give to the members green pastures so the people in London started to develop a certain health that other ship didn't have they became more healthy you see because he was giving them the green pastures because a Good Shepherd leaves this is good if anybody here and you say you don't know the books I read then you are new if is green I must have told you about it as if I found some green grass I must have cadres they tell me there's a lot of green grass here yes I will read it to you but you have a good book you wouldn't sell you need to read this book you need to listen to this message you need to listen to this podcast a Good Shepherd lease his ship today I asked one of my ships that had not been seen for an answer do you have my pocket as you love that pocket and she replied I was listening to the message address I said Wow then you are actually a ship you know that I've us in the present or sometime a Good Shepherd is always concerned have your appetite of this green grass beside all this place is brown this place is green Tala let's go there I mean the Shepherd who is living these cows he must be taking us go Leah there's greed there's green - green here he has come to the country our city so we are really blessed I can cuddle daddies at 12 come - we have come for and you have less your sheet somewhere to drink salty sea to bring the sea water and you are rejoicing here as your sheep are drinking seawater tonight by tomorrow morning something has changed in your sheep as you are sitting here resiliency oh this is a beautiful place we are really enjoying the Word of God in this place a God has really moved here once again at the camp it was a nice time of prayers and also a few messages came hey once your members are drinking what Labadee c.b.c water it's in the Sun he leaves his sheep to green pastures never leave your out of something you are enjoying that's why I take people to Korea I take people to South Africa I can't be go to crusade I buy ticket for people to go to places because what I've seen something green some were challenged there some greens listen some will look a good job are you there number 14 become a good shopper by going before your ship going before she do the thing he says any put up on its own sheep he goeth before them and the Sheep follow him for they know his voice amen Wow they know his voice he goes before them is he God doesn't choose angels to be shepherds he causes human beings with human problems as I am a shepherd to you I'm a struggler just like you and the number one straggler born without gifts struggling to be gifted praying for the Holy Spirit every day a bound tree without leaves never chosen by anybody I'm just like you so I go before you to encourage you but if you are also born as a brown tree without gifts then let's go together I'm gone before you try to preach and do something I can do as best as I can with the help of the Holy Spirit you too perhaps can also do so he goeth before them that's why I tell you stories so that you see I went just it was like your case he goeth before them he goeth before them that is why it may not be time for you to write a book because you haven't gone anywhere yet before you start saying things and writing things those of you already writing books Bishop I want to write a book about my experiences and sudden revelation a lot of giving evil about the mean of that word immediately [Music] Wow immediately your book is called immediately listen thank God for your revelation but you must realize that is a good shape that goes goeth before them you go ahead and you go through and experience then the people can follow you but Unger you haven't gone anywhere achieve anything pass through any waters cross any mountains pass through any valleys even nothing and you want you now talk about certain things immediately Wow hallelujah become a good shepherd by being the door of the Sheep the door the Sheep jesus said John chapter 10 verse 7 verily verily I say I am the door of the Sheep wow what is the door the door is the way to the room through you people must go places and enter things a lot of people must be able to say through you I came to this place yes through you I came to this as you are the door a Good Shepherd he said toys away through a Good Shepherd you get a way to even get married yes a way to prosper a way to do well in life a way to be in the ministry and way to build a house a Good Shepherd is a door a door is a gap and where you can enter like if we want to go out of this room or enter this room that's the way that door is the way out so a Good Shepherd is a way for people to go into things that's why you must be grateful you must not forget a bishop wonder he was pushy he said he brought 14th masters to America he got visas for all of them brought them the oesophageal all platinumath not even one of them remembers him even his birthday or Christmas time to say any good way to him yes because a Good Shepherd is a door like through him people who go pledge that they will never have gone they would never have gone there the first time I went to see a president I went to that a bishop yes the first time I met a idaho's I met him through the shop yes I just attended and that does that sit in his house I've met vice presidents of met presidents just been with him yes because a shepherd he becomes a way to set in things tell the truth come on everybody has a way by which you get to certain places or certain things you see that anything and when you I share that you are not a door like you live down blocker we are blocking people from entering things as I'm here we'll never get a visa as I'm here no I'm a way to visas and a way to believe it as a good shepherd oh I'm always spotting beloved's and looking I'm scanning right now voice as I'm looking for a beloved for somebody else kinda see whom shall I choose I've been looking I've been looking through all the sisters as they whom shall I cuz I've got an a1 but I don't know I'm looking at moving for I don't want somebody to win or disturb him was a ones they are quite pitiful sometimes they are they are mistreated what do you think did you just say so or not it is they out the door it is it it means I am the way to yes through that person you go so if I thought that way to outside this door I want fresh air outside - memory the way is getting Cooley the room I can imagine what it's like outside those of you flip up experience winter you just have to come here and then you move okay for practicing for your future stay in Canada Wow how many are how many is he how many of you away to four people when Benny Hinn came to Ghana I remember couple said I want to see Ben I said I'll take you come I'll show you say hello to him I took many people to see him do you want to see billing income i meanwe I'm at that door I meant bloody am i blocking that do you remember that from Dan broker there's a guy called dan blocker he blocks [Laughter] [Music] don't be a blocker be away so I want to meet that you can through me you can that's that's why I love I love miss Lee in Korea jeez she's away yeah she's never blocked me one time I called her and I told her she said don't worry don't worry dr. Choi's a pasta eat love scene it wants to do this don't you leave it to me on Sunday out outsourced I'll call you tomorrow that was it be away not a blocker of things that block out people just iron a doll I'm not a steel wall I'm not cool Chris I'm away I want to miss all the worries my is my whatever my truster I'll take it to him I know how to I know I don't know I know another way in this system yeah tip him still why I booked a black hole not be away for funding the body use somebody after we you will see that look at the way that is being made for me jesus said I am the door of the Sheep are you ever thought about that have you ever thought about uh I am the door the way you may be the way for somebody to go to school through missile never have gone to medical school service or it will go to school through me so people get married through me some people find beloved through miserable coming to the ministry true mister people becomes fingers yes I'm not a broker I'm supposed to be a way if a shepherd you are we like to you people past when before and they guessing that's why we teach a lot about appreciating and remembering because you may fast you but you not remember and you not appreciated that's where people become damn blockers instead of doors and we said no the last time I helped somebody like this I was a week to me the person wins whatever look how other person out if I help anybody again Wow are you excited are you excited Wow become a good shopper by giving your life for the ship the Good Shepherd giveth his life what does it mean so ok I'm going to die on Tuesday no it means that you give your life it means you give your twenties to him when you are in your twenties and you give your settings to him and if you give your forties to him and you give your fifties and your 60s and your 70s and your 80s to him that's what it means to be to give your life give your life it's a song either give your life give him your life give your life give your life for the Sheep give your life for the Sheep your whole life I gave my twenties my studies my forties I'm in my 50s I'm giving my 50s now can you believe I'm 50 over 50 years old do I look that way to you imagine that I get my twenties though I get my teens so when I found the Lord I get my teenage science and I get my 20s my thirties my forties I'm giving out my 50s your life for the Sheep Wow oh I'm writing until I retired I mean I'm searching outside themselves and I'm uncertain fraudulence don't worry the work of God is always there after God's work it's always for us it's with us all the time so in the course of time I myself will be available and even in the meantime there are so many things we can do it for the love house you know for instance my father use was a Methodist he was involved in the Church of God it's also I'm also involved in the church anything I can do I shall be there you know you cannot make from a priest he knows me very well our family is one of those families that are usually found in the church and then we are doing things as many as we can but all of the work of God is always about your career this is always the number one project but how will you feed your families you see so we are getting ourselves slowly I know you expecting more than that but you see is taking of time taking of time slowly slowly Rome was not built in a day and so gradually office you are looking for will be able to be to be done for you so pastor I know you are the radical type and so on but there are times you need to take your time and everything work out all right okay we are being the classes on yes sometimes I'm able to go for him practice other times not always that it's all ticking of time to do things slowly but surely for the Lord all right as I told you at the beginning room was not built in just one game is it it true but I'm not smiling at my discussion I don't know what I was not happy with what I'm saying but you see I'm more mature if young people you go very fast but in maturity you take your time and I mean I'm now a 59 years old enemy slowly slowly yeah I mean I might as much to do retirement is only 65 after that you have about 15 to 25 years more you can do so many things for him you know we have utilities never think we are not believers we are delivered there are all the leaders all right I hear you have been telling some people not to do their masters and PhDs and another I don't think it's the best if not do some damage some of them immediate to do these masters and other things because I mean is very good for the education education is very important you know two of my cousins are now working in a Lebanon one is working in a Israel and we are trying to do something computer science business and other things it's very good and slowly with one or two opportunities that with some prosperity and a true prosperity other things are able to open up you understand what I'm saying so don't be too feverish and too much in a hurry for things you know it's too much inherently all right it's the particular of time gradually everything be okay everything be okay as I said for the third time room was not due to a day Wow yeah so what I'm saying get your life look at what you are telling me yes give your life give him your life give yourself wholly these are faces in the paper these are not new doctrines I am aware for these verses they were cotton I coated them to I've coated all these bases when I was in the scripture Union you can ask for my friends my friends know me I've always been a member but it's time you you develop what we call maturity these scriptures and other sense we know them we know the manual what is what is what is giving yourself wholly yeah we have been given out of holy always when I'm at the bank I give myself holy when I'm the whack I give myself holy every day I give myself holy what do you mean by give yourself give yourself fully a beginning a process fully for a long time I know you young people they catch up a nice place so many things we should do I mean give thyself wholly yes holy your life my life solid twenties is nigh to the fresh was done your body's like an orange magic ash and Neji space feelings how many are your twenties here H salad are the best did you read your Bible before the evil days there's a days called evil days you may not believe it ha you are now coming it's not how to do all right give your life help somebody give your life where that room was built in a day or two days give your life Wow now 20 number 20 to become a good shepherd by acting as the owner of the ship yes ownership mentality hola by acting as the owner of the ship here that is a hireling and not the Shepherd whose own the sheep or not see of the wolf coming and live at the ship and FLIR and the wolf catcher dementia the Sheep Hey amen Wow when you're not an owner and you see the wolf coming sir I why should I die a foolish there salad I will die but not a foolish death if that is what I had said huh why should I die a foolish that because of these few people from Ebenezer secondary school my members are mostly from Ebenezer secondary school do you know Ebenezer second visu yeah that's where my main members came from every nice as I can be why should I die a foolish that my whole life guess what because of these small boys and girls from Ebenezer Hindi school huh he's fear the wolf coming and it's Lea sir oh I shall not die a foolish there - hey whoa nice that is well when you see the little congregation you look at it about this if I look at all of you how will you all be in five years or ten years ten why should I give myself because of you that's why this that's why people don't people don't work for God they see the wolf coming sir danger arrow number 26 become a good chef by being known by a ship knowing your ship he says I know my ship I know them those of you who are ship must make yourself known don't tell us the question Rossi is personal sorry just rest now what you specify here when you are giving best it's not personal and whatever you have been doing that may be to give birth it's not personal either don't sell out that is personal I know my ship how can I know you if you are secretive how can I leave you have shadows how can I know if you I fancy kinky one secret leads to another when I remove one leaf there's another one day when I remove one it shows another one room I some of you you are more than a girl KK you are funky caking one leaf you know fancy kinky you see how it has a lot of things when you move you think that the kinky is coming but it's not kinky is another leaf another story is coming after that story where you unravel that story there's another story again behind ever a war how many secrets do you alone have open up how can your ship Shepard know you and ever care for you if he doesn't know you ah one brother the puzzle is to stand other check service door when people going on used to be this type of postures it's very friendly this turn and shake you as you go out all right any sorry brother I said hey brother where have you been you're not joining the army of the Lord we've not been seeing you the brother said oh I mean the at the church I'm in the city service of the church hey you are not joining the armies of the Lord you said you like the secret Sabbath that's why we'd not be seeing you I would check your liver whether it's a funky kinky you know listen the data's adult Hitler died when he was just about to kill him survivor the day or the day before his his his girlfriend who became his wife just for one day she said I've been with this man for 15 years but I don't I don't know him I don't know anything about him he only talks about his vegetarian meals and something his dog I don't know anything about him she was with a demon she didn't know 15 years is it some of you are like I become beautiful I'll never know we have no idea who you are really Secret Service you are more than a spy one secret you see when you remove one we better read oh yeah come the Kincaid no another leaf and you hold it again you pull it oh I now know anyway loser ah another leaf Wow brother don't marry any girl you don't know very well don't let her tell you stories and when you are listening to the stories ask yourself questions like a story now when you put two and two together it doesn't add up to form a brother so we say I married my wife she told me she was a veggie but on the first night I fell now you didn't hear what I said I'm not policing what I'm saying is that he said on the first night I realized no she's not a virgin so he didn't say anything but some yes to a marriage and one day his wife told him so well you know I was naughty evasion I was heaving pregnant before not that was I be avenged but I was this pregnant before yeah you wouldn't know limited let me say it's limited your knowledge is limited that's why you shall not know limited one can kill these two lists what another and another can collude miss to what and another can kill it miss to us hey you should be liable onna when we remove one or Dadaji banana Toyota Barda banana from today [Applause] and he says be number26 become a good shepherd by being known by you are sheep he said I know my sheep and I am known of mine I am what gnome of mine Wow I am known how many things you know me know a lot about me isn't it isn't it yeah we hear stories all the time you know days you know that so I'm new I am known by you a lot of things you probably know more about me than your own biological father if your father was to start removing the kinky leaf you'll be surprised you say you say that it stopped please okay I got more interested in all these things Wow is it amazing the next one become a good shepherd by knowing the father and being known by the father which is in heaven as the father knows me even so I know the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep amen the father knoweth me the father knoweth me wow-wow be known by God be known by God we someone was been meeting with God personally privately are you listening to me that's a good shepherd it's because you've come from the presence of the Lord that you can speak with authority there are setting people if you ask them where I am you will know that they are telling you the truth of where I am but there are certain people you ask them you was where she's you how do you do it because you are not with him are you listening to me are you listening to me yes so when you've been with a father and you come out and you say that says the Lord Wow God is moved it's like you've been with God and you are talking about God yeah but if you haven't been with him if I come and I thought oh yeah I want to tell you to get about the White House I have not been there everybody's not been to Washington before I've never been Washington I've never seen the White House before how can I know about how can I be telling about the White House and the room here the room there is just thick stories if I start telling you about said if it I've been there but this one I have not been there huh tell somebody I want to be I want the father to know me as a kind of shepherd we want to have an anointed shepherd amen the next one become a Good Shepherd by having other sheep in other fold that's branches as a sheep have I others others other sheep have I Wow amen them also must I bring I'm going to become a shepherd of other sheep hallelujah I worship Wow other other sheep I have chicken Senegal can you believe a sheep in Senegal I'm sheep Angelica I'm shipping Molly I'm shipping Guinea actually been Guinea Bissau as shipping in Congo I have sheep in Nigeria I have shipping charge my shepherd from Charlie's right a ton of the Wayne Shepherd on track mr. Shepherd furniture come-come Axela forest come with your wife tell me the why fellas what is chat life Wow [Music] [Applause] so tell us what is chili give them a microphone they were both in RC band fat chat is a Central African country and it's almost a desert it gets very hot and sometimes doing from November to February to get very cool but dry and at low temperature get us Louis 9 degrees Celsius and from March to June it gets so hot sometimes 52 degrees yeah and if it's been an exciting time being there and I don't know about if I don't know what would pick me out of Chad I want to say it because I'm happy there I've learned so many how to write a mood to which I never knew how to do in Ghana and learning to speak French now my wife even speaks French she leads praise and worship in friends sometimes I just look at him like wow I'm shocked you singing no Daisy wrong senior in social so Giuliana like hey it's a blessing [Applause] and now I'm really having a good time in China thank you very for sending me to chat other sheep have I Wow so what do you have to tell us those of us who are looking at the mission field is it a good idea yeah it's the man of the volume can you somebody get those people bring them to the front and just gather what the people are the sound control like you can hear his microphone isn't it so get get to get them here just deal with them please you see when Lucifer fell it was Gabriel and Michael who deal with the deal with them to just sort them out [Music] [Applause] all right what would you advise us I think that the mission fear is something you should try to go at least in your lifetime because some of the experiences there is nothing that you can compare it to right the first time I had to put on a good Friday it was like ish what but I was feeling scared but I was excited remember I was chatting with Reverend Patrick and it was just poor man Odafin and I pramana it and it works so it's a place that at least once in your lifetime decide that you go on missions not that you are going and you come back but is that I you go there and stay there so that's really what I wanted to stay in touch after they are children go to Ted young school they will speak French and Arabic at home would speak English with them and that's it you speak Arabic in charge yes Wow that the main like the French is there but the majority of people she goes to market and all the matter - men speak Arabic so do you speak Arabic to them yes I understand of this and this would be all the occurrences we mention all the currencies in Arabic and I would like to mention it in French so I understood it so how do you say is inside like I'm saying some 500 the college near 1,000 anything mm little Mia we'll be like what is Alma Alma Endora Alvin I want water yeah yeah Arabic is oil in charge you can't let you can't stick it outside of charge it's low color huh so like pidgin Arabic Wow put your hands together for this wonderful God bless you [Applause] [Music] when the spirit try to move you is the cause and when the devil tries to confuse you you gotta feel the holy war but the good Lord is watching if we are listening to his worth and there is no one more disappointed if we act like we haven't heard you got to get the call brother you gotta get the call sister everybody wanted or eat the call and the face is the only reason keep the car we must borrow right down to the letter cuz we need no other reason that all the someone watching over every move remain and the someone watching clothe me to make good every chance we day you got the stuff oh brother you gotta hit the core sister everybody wanted or heat the cold you gotta hit the core brother got a hit suppose sister everybody wanted or keep the call and if he asked you to sell your riches and give away your well I can promise you something better that you are I know you gotta look oh brother you gotta hit the core sister everybody wanna know feed the crow cutter is the full brother gotta get the core system everybody wanted no need to go
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 11,168
Rating: 4.8850574 out of 5
Keywords: 2015, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, MAMPONG, GHANA, FIRSTLOVE CHURCH, OBLIGATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN WORKER, 10000 CHILDREN OF GOD, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: DSuuHznu9Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 37sec (9397 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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