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- Sandhya he has busted me for over 20 years everything you are hearing from me came because I had a good pasta may your members also say the same thing about you one day clap your hands for Jesus you may be seated so remember your ministry can be transformed get it to change your life how to be a good shepherd the art of shepherding the art of shepherding then what it means how many of you are believing God to be the good type not a battle the Goethe clap your hands for Jesus move and ladies and gentlemen before we receive evangelist Doug what Mills to minister to us this morning I want us with joy to welcome Ida to bless us with a song [Applause] like a father feeds his children like a shepherd leads his flock the Lord will always guide us he will show us where to walk and in times when we have plenty in times when we have none he is our provider and His mercy never star like a shepherd he leads us like a father he feeds us from the morning to the evening to the sunrise again like a shepherd he leads us like a father he feeds us oh yes he is the great iron [Music] every time we come into spring sighs confessing him as Lord his holy spirit guides us he feeds us from his world we are seated at his table by taking of Islam children of his kingdom we've been purchased by his blood Oh like a shepherd he leads us like a father he feeds us from the morning to the evening to the sunrise again like a share party leads us like a father he feeds us oh yes he is the great I am like a shepherd he leads us like a father he feeds us from the morning to the evening to the Sun arise again like a shepherd leads us like father he feeds us oh yes he is the great I am the great I am like a shepherd he leads us like a father he feeds us from the morning to the evening to the sunrise again like a shepherd he leads us like a fiber he feeds us oh yes he is the great I am Oh Lord he is the great [Applause] hallelujah let us pray father thank you for the blessing of being here this morning please guide us by your mighty and wonderful spirit in Jesus name Amen you maybe see that if you are standing this morning I want to share with you continue sharing with you about a number of different things since this is our last pastors conference how many here are pastors Wow all right that is a blessing now I want to share with you on the theme of loyalty and disloyalty still and there are seven of these books here I want to encourage everybody to get loyalty and this lolly those who accuse you those who are dangerous sons those who are ignorant those who forget those who pretend and those who leave you now leaving churches is most of us here were probably left at church before and unfortunate our churches is that also you don't have that in South Africa you have such things here people behave like they don't understand what I'm talking about but I don't mind I just keep preaching why God allows people to leave number one people leave churches like probably has been said earlier well I want to encourage you to gather podcast podcast is a very good invention which allows you to receive what has been preached here free of charge on your phone I have so many preaching messages on my phone I use I listen I've been listening to my phone since 3 a.m. yes that's what I do when I pray so you don't pay for it and it's just gonna arrive on your phone so what we are sharing here if you go to dag here at Mel's podcast if you have an iPhone the podcast is already on it so you just have to search for my name and then it will ask you to subscribe and you press yes I want it and then it it will land and then you keep getting the messages so instead of buying a CD after we preach or buying a tape you don't have to buy it you just have to subscribe on your phone if you use an Android phone there are non Apple phones it's on Google Play Store you just the Play Store with where you buy you you buy free of charge the podcast addict is an app and you get it when it comes on your phone then you subscribe to my name and and that you're going to get all these message on the pastors conference without paying one around Oh two runs is it not a blessing so that's a great blessing for all of us and I want to encourage you some of you don't know that technology and you keep getting messages as they come anytime there's a message it appears on your phone it's a great blessing so get it and it's making the Word of God available it's making it cheap it's making it something everybody can get everywhere without having to send anything by anything amen all right and if you don't have a good phone receive one now in Jesus name all ancient phones I cannot do this you are not permitted to stay in your possession anymore you are blessed now people who leave okay number one God may allow people to leave you to correct a foundational mistake in your ministry sometimes when we start the ministry you are so scared that nobody is going to be with you so you take along people you shouldn't go with and you form alliances you shouldn't form so when Abraham was going he went along with lot and all the problems of Abraham's ministry can be traced to lot all the problems of abraham's ministry could be traced to lot a person who was not part of the calling there are some people that are part of your calling and there are some people that are not part of your calling and when you that two mistakes you can make a mistake of taking somebody who is not a part of your call along with you that person will be the source of problems all the strife that Abraham had in his ministry came from lot in the end abraham said look you know what what what do you want and it just he just gave him his with his ministry he said are all here with what and and lot chose the best land green and Abraham's I look just have it it's too much confusion because you are with me and he left him and he went then a lot took Abraham and said look north he looked north south east and west which he must have included where lot was where Lord had chosen and said all that you see I have given you so what lot thought he had taken was actually Abraham's calling and ministry that he was taking a part of and God said no I've given it to you not a lot lot is not there one the some of us have got lots in our lives and our ministries and sometimes those lots have to go in Jesus name that is one of the reasons why some people have to leave amen the war that Abraham fought that famous word multi-select blessed him after was because of lot the strife was because of Lord the war was because of lot then one day you'd have seen Abraham in serious prayer interceding for no other person than lot because fire was coming to bend where lot was you know so you need to look at your life and see who are they unhappy and unlucky people that have been added to your life who are not part of your calling they unhappy and unlucky that you have linked yourself to who are not necessary and on the other hand there are people who are very necessary for your calling they must be part of what you are doing and I tell you God doesn't give anointing really to everybody or riches to everyone or a river to everybody when you drive along you don't see a river every five meters of us would be the sea rivers appear from time to time and we are all supposed to benefit from those rivers so God blesses and call certain people like Abraham Isaac Jacob Joshua and you are supposed to see that this present is a river of God and he carries a river and that river is actually a river that is intended for you and you are supposed to latch onto it and drink from it otherwise your ministry will not become what it's supposed to become my ministry would never be what it is if I have not accepted certain people as being part of my life and my ministry when you don't accept them you don't become what you are supposed to become your destiny is cut short yes and often it is pride that keeps us from connecting to people who God brings to us many years ago God connected me to Kenneth Hagin how many have read the scripture before second Chronicles 2020 you know that scripture what does it say leaving the Lord your God you'll be established and the next part you will prosper this is a verse used by prosperity teachers to really teach on prosperity so I'm not surprising you you know it because it's one of the few places that people know as well as third John - I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health now I have a little book here called catch the anointing catch the anointing is an important subject to catch the anointing the anointing is not something you can learn in school you have to catch it you have to receive it now the Bible says in second chronicles that believe in the Lord your God and you become established the word established in the Hebrew is among those of you who use an iPad you should be using an iPad by now if you don't have an iPad lift your hand let me pray for you Father send iPads into your children's lives in Jesus name Amen now if you use your iPad and you must use the olive tree Bible you'll find that you just have to touch the words you just touch it and that meaning will come you don't have to use it Strong's Concordance that big book anymore to find the meaning of a Hebrew word you just touch it like this just as I was expense you don't have to buy a CD anymore just connect to your phone and then it will be and it's very loud very very loud and it doesn't use much battery so when you touch the word Aman you'll be established is the word Aman am en and it means you be nurtured fostered encouraged brought up so believing in God helps to establish foster nature and bring you up properly then it goes on and says but believe in his prophets and you will prosper the web prosper is the word chalak TS ala CH chalak again if you have your iPad you don't even have to believe what I'm saying you just touch the wet prosper and you find out that it's not really prosperity like money prosperity but it is it prosperity is also one of them it's not wrong it's also one but interestingly the word is it says you shall it means to go forward it means to come mightily it means to break out to break forth to break in so when you believe in God as a person you become natured fostered and encouraged growing up properly in God which is very important that's how I grew up as a Christian I grew up memorizing verses becoming a disciple of Christ the games I used to play was about Bible memorization my friends and I learning how to pray in tongues for hours three hours one hour seven hours 12 hours all night this is what I that's how I grew up being a Christian not living in sin no fornication no drinking no smoking no drugs nothing that's that's what I lent and that that makes you that causes you to be fostered and nurtured nicely in God but it doesn't make you break out into ministry or to break out into a higher level that you need to break out into you are just fostered and natured nicely to break out and to become a mighty minister you need to chalak that is challenge aleck means to break 4/4 and to chalak you need to believe in his prophets not is different from believing in God believing in God is different from believing in his prophets you see we have great difficulty in believing in a man that's where all the humility comes in that is where your pride will keep you out and the kingdom of God will be reserved for the humble that's why we differentiate and separate the proud to the left and the humble to the right and the humble a few so many of us in South Africa our ministries cannot shellac cannot break forth break out but I felt like I said I've never seen any South African church even you may be great here in Jerusalem but I have not seen you in Judea you may be great here but I have not seen you in even in Polokwane yes and I don't see collects preaching to blocks and to whites and crossing over even just the next group so to come forth mightily it takes believing in his prophets that one you need to be humble believe it in God you can be proud because you can't see God and everybody says they believe in God but you believe in a man Jesus said believe in God believe also in me also in me that takes humility that is what makes you break for I've never seen any great man of God who doesn't have a personal belief also in a man that God has anointed and actually when you think of it it makes sense because for people to believe in you as a great man how come you are not prepared to believe in somebody why should they believe in you when you don't believe in any human being no one will ever allow you because you don't honor anybody you don't honor anybody and you've never honored anybody so why should anybody honor you it will happen it will never happen no one will ever demonstrate belief in you as a person because you have never demonstrated belief in somebody because you say you don't believe in honoring a man or don't elevate a man to imagine he's just a man listen to me learn something new learn things that are in the Bible set aside your useless traditions which are keeping you in darkness the Bible says he that wanders away from the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the Dead you will remain in the congregation of the Dead when you wander away from the path of understanding grow in your understanding and the spirit of understanding so that you can come out of the congregation of the Dead [Applause] so for me I was I was I was really nurtured up in the Lord through Scripture Union Ministry which was in our schools I'm sure you have it in South Africa yeah that's I'm a scripture union baby I'm a product of Scripture Union yeah god bless them I learn how to lend verses and all that most of the verses I knew no idea from those Scripture Union days amen but that did not make me become a minister and go forth and break out into ministry no it was my receiving somebody as something special that made me break out you see Elijah received Elijah as a father but Elijah had a biological father called mr. Chaffetz mr. Chaffetz was the father of Elijah he comes for mr. and mrs. affects house he was called Elijah of the son of shaphat now his real family but after walking with Elijah for about twenty years the day that Elijah was going to heaven he shouted my father although his father suffered he saw that you you are my father my father my father the horses and the Terios of Israel so he had grown he had grown in his relationship to be able to receive and see and accept Elijah not just as a human being or just as a boss but as his father so ladies and gentlemen first corinthians 4:15 the bible says you have no you have 10,000 teachers you do not have many fathers so there are people who God gives to you as fathers whom you must receive as fathers Paul wrote to Timothy and he said down there for my son Timothy be strong the things that thou has heard of me the same things commit thou to faithful men so he called him my son Timothy even though Paul was not married we all know that Paul was not married where did he give birth to Timothy but he called him my son so breaking out a ministry comes from receiving somebody personally believing in somebody as something special spiritually the person must be spiritually important and great to you until you do that you will never be received by anybody as being specially great or spiritually important that's a fact one day I went to the bishop in Ghana called Bishop Danka when I went to his Vieira's birthday i oppressor that him I was his birthday and I went to his birthday party so when we were leaving he came to see me off to my car and when he got to the car he lifted up his hands and blessed me and he said us you have come to celebrate me and my birthday may you also be celebrated and honored some of you will never be celebrated till you die because you don't celebrate anybody and you don't honor anybody in this life why do you want to be celebrated when you don't celebrate anybody remember anybody or honor anybody in this world Wow so catching the anointing is very important to break out now remember that we are standing in Cape Town you know where Cape Town is Cape Town is at the tip of Africa I have been able to break out of my fences that offends me in in Accra in Ghana do you understand what I'm saying I say I've broken out of that fence and come all the way to me just plain yeah I am preaching to you and teaching you the Word of God only this Friday morning from Ghana I came I've broken out of the fences and I'm a goddess of a big country we have the ganas spreads from the south to the north we also have the northern parts very fur to go there a lot of people lot of cities lot of towns broken out of West Africa cross they see the air and I've come mightily to South Africa to hold a historic campaign right here at the tip of Africa it's a miracle oh yes you see I'm talking to you as wonderful South Africans we want to see you breaking forth mightily into the bubble and to Zambia and capable and to Kenya and to come a rule and to Ghana to see South African look I was in palo quani I didn't see any of you day just from Cape Town to Palo quani I didn't see you yes God has greater things in store for you than you are experiencing yeah your ministry look is if your ministry is far greater than what you are enjoying now yes but to come mightily mightily you see there is a dog I know always we use salvation when we talk about except to become like a child you cannot enter the kingdom but listen the kingdom of God that doors every door is seven feet let me show you the height you see this door I'm like six four usual is like seven feet this is the height of a normal dose six seven feet the lintel seven feet this is in a house building in the kingdom the doors are three feet like this kingdom of God the doors are three feet all the doors to all the rooms all the doors to all the rooms are three feet higher if you don't bend down if you are not humble you cannot you cannot go in you you'll be standing outside and looking at the room of great ministry and you will never enter you you be you you'll be standing outside and watching big ministry you cannot because you to God is except you become like a child miracles you stand and watch always on TV or video but you to enter unity [Music] and you come into miracles Church growth church growth if you are not humble to travel to reach tool and you just have you just done and watch all the things in the kingdom the kingdom doors are all short doors and sorry he I'm sorry for those of you are so tall so big yet so nice so posh sorry about that but that's just the nature of the kingdom to enter the fast door of the house of the kingdom salvation you need to be humble I give my life to Jesus except I am a sinner I am a bad person to enter Ministry of to come down I have to count down from my higher although I'm a medical doctor I have to come down and say look as if I have never been to school before I just enter their ministry yes that is why I wrote this book formula for humility this will be I tell you those of you who have never known what power lives in humility you are going to find friends that the power of humility you see anytime you get an opportunity to be humble embrace it because you are actually embracing grace why because God gives grace to the humble so anytime something makes you humble don't get angry about it receive it because it's an opportunity to receive the grace of God to help you catching the anointing huh requires humility receiving a man oh well you see this Christian Christians and pastors with unrighteous judgment passing judgment on things you don't know and understand why you shouldn't online you shouldn't receive a man of God you are lost my friend I tell you your ministry is media T small fruitless and completely hatched in and limited because of your pride in refusing to be at least like Jesus will receive John the Baptist when he came when he found that John the Baptist was preaching he went to John the Baptist Church well it was preaching time John the Baptist said you vipers sinners who want you and after that he said an attack of I pass and sinners should come Jesus lifted up his hand and said I want to give my life also and he came to the river came to the river when John the Baptist saw him John the Baptist said no because he knew God eternal show who is when he said no he said yes no I can't even touch you I'm sorry about what I said about vipers I didn't baby you I didn't he wanted to baptize I know how that feels because one time I appreciate a professor who taught me in medical school came forward to give his life to Christ I was he was standing there with all the other people and my teacher professor big I was so confused I went down to congratulate his answer but I didn't know what to do I was confused just confused I didn't know I don't go down to shake hands or people who are giving the electrical but I was I didn't know what to do so I just this what happened to Jesus to John the Baptist Jesus said I need to be baptized and I mean it was a whole discussion listen to what I say otherwise it would be a problem to do what I say applies me now and hehe he put his hand on Jesus head ah look hold your head like this have water hey just what you are doing to the Son of God but Jesus did that and later on when Jesus was asked where he got his authority from he just referred to John the Baptist said I will tell you but you answer me this question John the Baptist is he a man of God was not a man of God and the people didn't want because if they say he's a man of God then why didn't you receive him and if you say it's not a man of God everybody knows he was a man of God so I said we can't answer I also cannot answer your question Jesus spoke highly of John the Baptist you don't want to speak highly of anybody right jesus said jesus said of people that are born of a woman this isthis is his past now how he speaks about somebody who has received as a spiritual mother listen to him he said of people that are born of a woman there is nobody as great to him Jesus as this man if you don't want don't follow me follow Jesus I'm telling you what Jesus said this was his spot and some of you you have nothing good to say about Amy Mainzer or he's a man you know you don't have to elevate a man you don't have to be careful you know you have to watch out blah blah blah blah blah that's why you will ever be elevated jesus said he said look of people that are born from a woman there is no what did you go out to see you want to see a rich chicken buy they will not top the but not my job not the job the fact is that I went for my baptism for no you went to see him John I tell you he's carrying the power and the anointing of Elijah these are Jesus's comments about the man who baptized him let's hear the comments you have to make about any man of God and when you make a comment about a man of God oh you should renovate a man - ha you shouldn't be whatever they be careful look you believe in God yes but you have to accept and believe in his prophets who we send otherwise you will never become mighty in real ministry [Applause] some of you they have been father's here in South Africa but you have not received them spiritual father's in South Africa you can stamp is so that when you read something about them in a newspaper you are happy to have this one has got a prop this one is divorced this one is having this this one is having this crisis some of you when you had things about Benny he's ha you see now he's not on whatever is this is this is that that's why you never have a healing ministry you will never have any crusade you will never a crowds who never come to listen to you not you never have even 100 of what vanina's had in his life never because of your words your words will fight you you see you must be careful the seats you saw spiritually even Paul saw Paul Apostle Paul he ripped is he that things he sold how to fight pastors and kill them he ripped it throughout his ministry they thought him look his if there's any pastor who has been beaten painted by members and pitted by congregations it is Apostle Paul because that is the seed that he sold before he came became a Christian he sowed the seed of pitted honorable pastors like Stephen yes his shortened bastard fighting they are since he sought and read throughout his ministry turn to denied arrest them arrest even he was actually sitting on a horse and going to Damascus to arrest more pastors and more Christians in Syria when he got saved you better watch out the seats some of you you speak against when we raise funds when we take off we speak against it it's something that comes to fight your finances in your ministry for the rest of your ministry you are never able to rise up again the seed of poverty which you have sown by criticizing as we have come here to stand here instead of taking your church's money to write a check to say I want to give ten thousand runs to healing Jesus or hundred thousand runs of fifty thousand to support this crusade that has come you said that you are about making comments about checking or Freyja every house you for money has anybody asked any church here for even one around to do this program no you know I remember when we we had a crusade in our was this place Sorelli on our trucks were going up a little hill the mountain not amount about like a hill within the city and so just came out with guns because her eller was is like it's post-war so the lot of armed so they came out with guns and pointed at the truck and the driver got confused and it was like he had to reverse and he was carrying a huge load so the truck went and somersaulted over the hill and and fell down I felt even on a car we are driven from Ghana with all these trucks and buses and cars and we were having this Crusades in different cities in Sierra Leone when our truck crashed only one church witness Chapel only one church they came out wrote a check give an offering we want to help you out bless you your crusade what you are doing and how you've come and this program that has come with your truck we want to help and blow one check the rest of everyone is looking criticising wondering when they came to the crusade and the whole stadium was filled with thousands of people that wouldn't believe it you see pastors have given themselves to criticize it attack him and those things are water fighting you you can't be great because you have other life you fight greatness your comments your sarcastic remarks your your memories your undercover discussions and and me opens you making snide remarks to your wife to your friend on the phone after the whatsapp's and the text are be no don't know do it's fighting you it's fighting you it's fighting only one church instead of saying look god bless you it must cost you what it caused you to come here I want to suggest to any of you who are men of God here kindly maybe not too far just maybe to Botswana to go and have a crusade there go organize it in the last town of the country the last time what organized it there just try go to Botswana and the last Okavango Delta go and have a crusade over there and then you see when you start planning and trying to go you see it's such a small team for us to come here instead of opening your mouth to criticize you should rather know so easy what I'm saying I'm saying those sauce seeds that are against your own life you know remember what I told you about Paul he was the one was beating pastors Steven look Steven when Steven Leight it caused a big crisis in the church this is Paulo did it Steven would have been the heir to Peter after Peter be where the young guys were we made in charge of the food and administration they were the main up-and-coming that his power went and killed him bitching disgusted with stones from the first day the poor said he was a pasta it started the fact look the first day Paul became a pasta that they started I tell you from the first day till he died they have to put him in a basket to let him down people first it they faster they said that we are fasting until this man will die we will beat him he will die there is nobody no they were all there safely nothing happened to that it is only Paul who had this type of thing and you see some of us you don't know the seeds you are sowing against your own life against your finances against your miracle ministry against even your own marriage from the things that you are saying so brothers and sisters let us not be too critical in South Africa and in Cape Town let us be humble and let us realize that God does raise people and does use them at least let's learn from Jesus look at the comments Jesus made about our John the Baptist soul there is no greater honor and I notice in my life the people that I have followed I've always made such comments about that without even realizing what I was doing somebody that I have admired a lot in crusade is bonking another person I have admired a lot and followed a lot is Benny Hinn I've said I've said I've used those type of Camila I don't think there's anybody who would be accepted and received and some time ago when I made a comment like Benny Hinn like he'll be received as as if it was even Jesus many parts of the world even today I am sure there are places like that bonkie kenneth hagin i keep i described as a look i don't know any greater past greater profits i I don't know of anybody and I realize that until a person becomes like like that to you there is a certain way of receiving you cannot easily receive and that's what these days are about John about this there is no the greater born from a woman welcome to go for one minute please [Applause] hello Wow clap your hands for Jesus you know I believe that this app which you cannot forget you cannot forget and-and-and the blessing is that we see many of us here are young so if you're not even past this you are just a church worker and without these weights you would have begun on a very bad note yes disrespectin and these unerring people speaking against past some of us don't you are even in a church but you don't even oh babe pasta yes you don't obey and when you see an anointed man like this you want to be like him that's not how it is to receive any anointing you see that is why the Bible describes the anointing as oil not as a stool the anointing is not like a stool or a piece of wood it is oil it's a liquid for you to receive a liquid from a container you must be lower than the container that is pouring the oil yes you must be low see if the anointing was a stone we could throw the stone you can be up there than we would throw the stone into the container like basketball it is true since but the anointing is allocated if you want to receive the anointing that is on evangelist that word Mills you must bring yourself lower for the oil that is on him to pop into your cup when your cap goes higher than him we can pour the water so I really believe that God has sent a messenger to prepare you for your future this was about this week or next week or this year this is not 2015 conference or 26 this is your destiny as a minister the one you go back to church you must respect your pasta so that one day one you also become the pasta of a branch your members will respect you because what are you like it or not you will reap from the seed so when I was a child I I read a couple a story called Jack and the Beanstalk I learned something from this boy went and traded a cow for some beans and the mother was angry I mean we need money in the house why have you brought beans seeds so in the anger in the mother's anger she just threw the seeds through the window she does when she woke up in the morning the CCR thrown through the window had grown into a tree yes so what you like it or not what do you believe it or not what are you understand it oh no you are the seeds will grow anyway that is why it is very important whether you throw it through the window or your big implant you must be very careful and ask yourself what type of seed am i showing what am i doing nevertheless it will one go what am i doing say what am i doing what am i doing so what type of seed am i planting yes when you ask yourself that question you'll be very careful to talk about your pastor's wife you'll be very careful when you are discussing how your pastor preaches what guy is driving how he manages the church otherwise you also wake up one morning and what you thought was just and see you through to the window has become a tree that is linking you to a place you don't want to laugh clap your hands and let's receive Wow now catching the anointing steps to the anointing very very important books amen why I'm talking about those who leave you but these are all side schedules that are very important and I was saying that Abraham was connected to somebody who brought him problems but you you must be connected to something that will bring you blessings and I'm saying that you need to be anointed now one day somebody gave me a book okay and the book was by Kenneth Hagin how many have heard of Kenneth Hagin and I read the book when I read the book I said wow I need to read more so I started reading more and started listening to his tapes that time he was in tapes audio tapes then the years went by and I started preaching what he preached yeah I started in secondary school I was given a chance to do morning devotion and church serve and I'm Scripture Union and I'd listened to Kenneth Hagins tape and I said let me just preach what he preached and what I did everybody was amazed and that was what I realized that learning how to preach by listening to somebody and copying what the person says is a powerful key to moving forward don't listen to these people who say you are original it's nonsense your original of what you are just like your father you know just like your father or whatever how can you be original there's nothing original the Bible says there is nothing original I said that which has been is that which shall be is there anything well of it may be said see this is new no it has been already of all time that's what the Bible says so when you say you are original don't allow when don't allow anybody to make you a copy or and limit it to limit you and you need to be an original be you and all this is we are just Jagan's and kind of I don't know whether it's an Americanized way of talking with clever words and so I read the Bible the Bible says that there is nothing new why don't we take the Bible and throughout all these clever sounding words I thought I resolved anything what I'm doing has been done before what I'm preaching has been preached before the story I told you yesterday about Margaret I had it from bunkie that's what I heard it from I came to tell you there's nothing new it's out due to you but if you honor the son but they knew how it may sound it sounds original there's nothing original what is original what is original that does be honest we are not honest I tell you we are so hypocritical why do you learn these things from why don't we photos that is there anything where of it may be said see this is new no it has been already of all time Ecclesiastes chapter one you want to learn how to teach how to preach have a crusade plant churches have branches experience change growth see it has been already of all time land it and copy that's why I wrote this book the art of following art of following I believe in following Jesus said follow me I'll make you I'll make you something I'll make yourself follow me learn of me follow me Paul said follow me where do we get all these things from you know copying is the best highest fastest way of learning and when you copy well unless I don't tell you the story I told you from everything I'm doing I can tell you where it's from there is nothing original about me everything about me like I said this one is from here this one is from here I learned this from here I learned this from this person I learned this from this person what is original what is original [Applause] [Music] in the Bible there is an English word called another another but it has it has two words that are translated another one of them is a loose and the other is heteros a loose means another of the same kind another of the same kind another of the same kind and heteros is another of a different kind actually I used to have a book called a loose yeah but it's some way one of these books that's hopping yeah a loose I'd like to be another of the same kind if I could if I could be a prophet like Kenneth Hagin not even beyond just like I don't know anything greater to me it's that it's very great we are so proud and deceived and we have nothing in our pride nothing hey anyway back to the anointing so one day i was listening to Kenneth Hagin and in my final year in 1988 I had to go to a town called super it is a town in Ghana I told you we have a lot of towns and when I was there I had some time because I was doing field work I was in my final year I've been in medical school for seven years I was in my sixty or seventh year and I had to do this field work so I did everything I could and I had more time on my hand so I was just praying a bit and listening to Kenneth Hagin I love to when I'm praying I put on tips messages some of you that's why you can't pray because the room is too quiet yes you can't pretty much it's like praying by the sea you can hear anything you only hear the waves very difficult to pray by the sea yes Shh if you wait from your mouth you can't hear them so anyway he was depth preaching the tape recorder was playing and was going auto reverse auto reverse so at about maybe Elly evening I got down on my knees and I was praying and I fell asleep don't be sad when you fall asleep when you pray because great things can still happen God can see you on your knees how many have fallen asleep was you a brain before I don't want to even look I woke up at about 2:00 a.m. I was still on my knees and Kenneth Hagin was down there in the tape recorder playing it was a red tape recorder Sony auto-reverse my wife gave it to me she was my beloved then it was playing suddenly in the middle of the night something jumped out of the tape yes and I felt something entering my belly and then I had a voice in the room and a voice said from today you can teach from today you can teach yeah that's what happened to me that's what happened to me 1988 yes when I talk to people about touching the anointing you see it interestingly it is an spiritual people who notice spiritual things like like like labor and jacobs uncle said after I've noticed that God is with you since you came everything multiplies yeah and spiritual people noted Nicodemus said look no one can do this except God is with you yeah I'm spiritual people did they notice yesterday I hear we had a Muslim who was coming to check the miracles see and we talked to them directly they noticed that they were confused at a point so many miracles yeah and that night I had that voice from today you can teach look at me standing here I came from not America I'm standing here teaching look at the teaching over 10 million books printed apart from the other ones we don't know they're not thousands of 2,000 or 5,000 or 10,000 or 20,000 or 30,000 ten million in many many languages I am invited all over the world to speak yesterday I guess I become a counseling invitation to Brazil to hear to hear in Portuguese the books are Portuguese they read them in Portuguese they're really in Spanish they read it in Indonesia me I'm explaining where I'm from that's why I say that sometimes unbelievers noticed the miracle but sometimes a miracle is happening but you can see that's why I was suggesting to you try having a crusade in just Botswana then you see it's a miracle for us to come from Ghana to this corner game Mitchell's plane yes you notice a power of God at work he said from today you can teach yeah and you see Kenneth Hagin was somebody that I fell in love with as a young person I just loved listening to him and everything he said was good to me you know because when you are when you criticize something it goes away from you when you admire something your heart opens to it like if a if a young boy a young girl admires a boy you are getting married when you get married and you I love you open up to him and you say come whatever you have to give come I receive when you admire you open up so my spirit opened up as a child list listening sitting two hours 25 years old trained the anointing is just something you can see but you can see the effects of it but you can't see it like if you look at me you wouldn't see that pointing I don't even feel annoying sometimes I can feel that noise about many times I don't feel like that I just feel maybe tired or hungry but but you can see the effect of the anointing you see for instance last night when I was teaching about Jesus Christ is the savior and the healer it's like I'm having a crusade but is that teaching I long as I'm teaching about Jesus yes that that he is a savior of the world and what did he come to save us from it looks simple but it is not it's not as simple as well it is there the power of God that explains is the teaching and knowing T so I've found even in evangelism is like I'm almost teaching about Christ all the time what it is yes and you see God has a green Unknowing thing for you you see he said every one that is born of God like the Holy Spirit born of the Spirit things that come from the Spirit are like that you cannot see the wind we were sitting on the stage and the wind was blowing and a but you can see the effect of something you cannot see but you can't see the effect of it and that's how there are 19 is you cannot see it but the effect the first time I wrote a book I wrote little ones very small ones like that and somebody we dedicated it launched it and I profess I was saying to me congratulations I tell you I never thought that my books would ever thought of translation it being used in a me forum no never God has take my books are like cramps you see it on the floor then it gets up and starts walking by itself yeah cuz I'm not butcher it's like there's a power in it that is not natural to me I notice it I remember when I went to Siberia Russians Russians true when I got the television cameras they interviewed me and the question they asked me was one of the strangest questions I've never been to Russia before much less to Siberia you know as I various Siberia eyes I've been off somewhere six hours we flew from Moscow six hours from Moscow to Siberia and that's when we got there they told us we were we were in there now in the middle of Russia yeah and this television camera was asking me the question they asked me did you ever think you would be dad he what Mills what do I ever I said I don't understand your question so did you ever think it was up why me your books your books everywhere your books reading your books in Russian amazing so I'm just explaining to you that why is it that non-christians noticed the power and the anointing but Christians will be looking at it and seeing the effects of it but they can't say that this is a big anointing you see if you can't even recognize something how is it going to come to you how are you even going to desired if you cannot speak like Jesus spoke if you cannot if you cannot admire Reinhard Bonnke who has been the example of evangelism in Africa for so many years and you cannot have mothered you have negative words to say I once watched a documentary about bonky people criticizing him I believe my eyes or my ears I could not believe my eyes or my ears and a lot of this thing come from Christians that is why people have nothing when it comes to God now they experience that I had is it in the Bible check Ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 look at it Ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 let's check it out quickly what does Ezekiel 2 verse 2 say that's already because a very important that you understand the steps to the anointing Ezekiel 2 vest - can you read it a spirit entered into me when he speak unto me and set me upon my feets that I heard him that speak unto me the spirit entered into me when when when did the spirit enter into me when he spoke so that night I was listening to the message and praying and the spirit entered into me the spirit is entering into you right now Acts chapter 10 verse 44 Acts after 10 Acts chapter 10 verse 44 Acts chapter 10 verse 44 what is Peter preaching to Cornelius family in Cornelius house and Peter was preaching he preached a very powerful sermon the most famous verse of that salmon is actually acts 10 verse 38 where he said how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil is actually a sermon by Peter that we could from all the time then as he preached that powerful sermon at the end something happened and the people who were listening to the message that Peter was preaching had an experience and that is what you are going to experience to Acts chapter 10 verse 44 while Peter yet speak these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which had the weight Wow Wow why is it the word Wow while the first wait Wow that is us Peter was pretty that is why I say everybody should learn how to listen to messages do you have these products here as well they well it McCann and so on do they have them I hear I hear they're being clear at the airport all right yeah go ahead while Peter yet speak these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which head the way that's why you should be listening and that is why we'll make great efforts to give you the Macallan which is a collection of camp preaching and different collections of preaching I listen I tell you I have over 1000 messages on my thing here I can show you yeah it's on it's working Wow I listen this is my phone I use it hey I'm always listening to preaching today I was so blessed as I was listening to some preaching as I was praying for some hours this morning yes I'm always listen you see what happened to me that day in June 1988 changed my life it gave me a job it gave me a ministry gave me everything the power of God the river entered into me the spirit entered into me when he speak to me and while Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on them which had not that we were having tea of them we were chatting but that were had those who were hearing the word so when you see a pastor who doesn't spend a lot of time listening to preaching and listening to messages you have met a pastor who is not res artist and his work and his ministry and those of you who got us called you must spend a lot of time especially your your your your your your unaccounted for time when you are praying when you are prayed when you are walking when you are driving ah the messages should be playing this is just one of the products we have everything that's not there all right those of you who already said who didn't get we are obviously it's other Joe back Airport struggling to get isn't it but it's on their way here so well whoever ever registered will go is gonna get that but these things like this is one of them this is just this is videos of Crusades but I'm talking about audio messages what a blessing it would be when you land that ads of listening but I noticed many many churches many process they don't listen to preaching you don't listen to it's not it's not part of your culture is a mistake look football let's watch soccer all the time recently we had an iron sharpening iron conference in Milton Keynes at a stadium and it was a stadium of a football club there I think the Milton Keynes full football club during the break time I would go to the lounge where the footballers would gather and they had laptops and they were just watching this one playing and they would watch what the person did and they'll gather around its laptop and several everybody was on a laptop watching somebody playing and pass this we don't watch anybody I don't know [Applause] John 6:63 John 6:63 John chapter 6 verse 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life the words the words that I speak to you the words that I speak to you those words are spirit and life pastors church leaders look at me very carefully at this moment I'm going to tell you something is going to shock you but I don't mind shocking you some of us need some shocking what I'm going to say to you was said to a famous person some years ago and that famous person is no other than the first king of Israel so because you have rejected the word of the Lord the Lord has also rejected you from being king over Israel because you reject and have rejected the Word of God that has come to you God also rejects you based on you rejecting his word many pastors are rejected by God and they are rejected because they reject a web of the Lord the words of God the Word of God because you reject a certain books you reject a certain tapes you reject a certain messages God also rejects you [Applause] frightening because you have rejected the word of the Lord the Lord has also rejected you if I had rejected Kenneth Hagin have you rejected I wouldn't be standing here be careful that you do not reject something God places in front of you because you can only reject it when it comes to you and right now the Word of God has come to you I'm preaching to some of you people you know I'm shocking some of you with the things I'm saying is it not true is it not true are the things I'm saying in the Bible or they are not in the Bible they're the Bible so the word of the Lord is coming to you and he is also warning you he says because you've rejected the word of the Lord the Lord has also rejected you so your Dominion and your ministry and your the rulership you would have had and the governorship God was giving you is no mercy it will not be it will not be it will not happen it will not come on it will not come on it will not come on because you have rejected the word of the Lord when you catch the anointing turn with me to Isaiah 11 Isaiah 11 Isaiah 11 verse 1 2 3 quickly please Isaiah 11 verse 1 and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse Wow a lord shall come out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots verse 2 and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of what wisdom and understanding the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him now this is the description excellence of the Spirit of God listen to it Isaiah 11 this is a prophecy of Christ and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge after the sight of the eyes neither shall he reap after the hearing of his ears Wow but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the eighth Wow and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with their breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked notice this description of the Spirit of the Lord amen it says the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon him what is the component what are the components of the Spirit of the Lord spirit of wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge knowledge and of the fear of the lair of the Lord now all these spirits have to do with the mind think about the Holy Spirit all has to do with affecting what you know the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding the spirit of wisdom the spirit of counsel advice only one has to do with power the spirit of might so when the Holy Spirit comes to you the Holy Spirit brings you wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and the fear of the Lord all these components of the Holy Spirit are showing you the what the Holy Spirit actually is so when we are presenting you with books we are actually presenting you with knowledge counsel understanding wisdom everything fear of the Lord that is what makes a minister into a minute when Jesus came to this earth in mark chapter 6 verse 2 they said what wisdom is this what wisdom is this that such mighty works my tail wags are wrought by his hand what wisdom is this that's the comment that was made what wisdom is this like and in Matthew 13 says whence has this man this wisdom and these mighty works like why did he get this wisdom he is the wisdom that produces the mighty wax so when God is giving you the Holy Spirit he's showing you the wisdom the knowledge the understanding and is to make you of quick understanding quick quick quick quick quick before your life is over before your youth is over before your middle age is over before your old age is over before you get into the grave quickly you need to understand things quickly quickly my pastors my friends quickly shall make him off quick understanding what wisdom look at it mark 6 - what wisdom is this that such mighty works how many want to do mighty works for God I do works for God what wisdom is this that is why I wouldn't even have this program without making books available I don't want to bother you with the cost I don't want to bother you with the cost the Crusades we are having here cost us more than 1 million US dollars 3 and 1 million dollars more than 20 Crusades some of the team are staying here till next year they will not go home for Christmas New Year nothing they are going to just stay got to save to save money yeah there is nothing you can give us by buying this book it's nothing it is for you we came if if it is a blessing to you I have done what I've been asked to do that's all it is a blessing to you I have done what I asked yes that's it what wisdom is this that's such mighty mighty wax are a result of wisdom I didn't write the Bible I didn't write the Bible I'm reading it justice you are reading it what wisdom is this what wisdom is this spirit of wisdom spirit of knowledge when da de jesus a says when the Spirit comes he will show you all things he will guide you into truth not he will guide you to America or he'll guide you to England he'll guide you to truth you guide you into truth to truth he brings truth to I believe the Holy Spirit is here he's bringing you truth he's bringing you truth is guiding in truth for you what a blessing I own listen to me oh yeah I listened to Kenneth Hagin preaching for years III also receive of his spirit of this even his character his character how he what he believes in more than what he says yes I receive of it I'm carrying that mantle I'm carrying that that anointing whatever dimension of it I'm carrying yeah otherwise I wouldn't be here when can I take him that he had 63 million books in print and I'm surprised that we are mentioning millions in my books yeah millions millions stop looking for money and start looking for anointing stop looking for money stop having meetings to enterpreneurship meetings for business community business it's all a manifestation of your lust for material things and start looking for the holy spirit of wisdom understanding counsel and might parts of the mighty works is to be able even to have the money to do the mighty works is part of the material it's mighty also because you can have the money to do it if your church was to write a check of ten thousand runs to even bless the crusade it's not even it's not even a thousand dollars of which we have used over 1 million dollars to come here it's not even one thousand think about it you say you are reaching businessmen in your church every day were having business enterpreneurship marketplace meetings marketplace where did we learn all this rubbish from and I brought it into the church but we get all these losses from [Applause] well raise all this from why why let's get back to the main thing the main thing is still the main thing Jesus is still the main thing in the judge we came to hear about God look one day Jesus in John chapter 12 Jesus was there preaching you know and some people came and saw his disciples and and they told him please we would see Jesus it's like who's the president we want to see his Jesus unfortunately we really want to see Jesus one American pasta you know he was preaching he was preaching in his pulpit and they wrote a note somebody wrote a note like my brother has writing and notes and they took their notes and he was in the pulpit come used to be the pastor Stanny they took their notes and they took the notes he was preaching and they just put here and you know what was written on the note we would see Jesus that we want to see Jesus what you are saying all these things one we want Jesus now we want we want to go back to Jesus and the pastor was shocked was amazed when he saw the notes we want to see Jesus please pass the bar sit down [Applause] what a shock tell the nearest pasta please we are tired of Market Place we want Jesus Christ what you described [Applause] [Music] listen my friends loving God loving God is the best thing you can ever do for yourself loving God that's the best thing you can do for yourself is to love God Jesus himself was asked look was the greatest commander just tell us so that we do it if you are really from God tell us was the great commandment and jesus said look the first and the greatest commandment is thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind with your feelings your feelings you love God you love God don't love things that God brings the church is full of money lovers [Applause] I mean I need I need I need I need two bags can somebody lend me back any handbag or a bag just two bags one two thank you can I borrow that yeah you go you go on here hold this stand right here one day I went to the airport maybe stand on the on the stage yeah one day I went to the airport and a pasta friend was coming back home from Europe and his wife came to the airport with his children to meet him when they saw their father daddy and he was so happy to see his children so he lifted up his hand to receive it you and his children raaah the wrong to the bag [Applause] they will do a hole in the back he himself was there they were not interested in him they were interested in what he was carrying and here we have today the church is full of Christians running to church who say we love don't know we are coming to here we are coming to get things God is going to give me a husband God is going to give me a child God is going to give me money God is going to give me a job I receive a job in Pretoria I'm transferred to Johannesburg I'm going to London but God himself no that's Christians looking for this for you thank you ma'am whose wonderful bag is this Christian's your loving God would have been your best thing you could do you know that's why our lives are such a low level so now you wonder whether the Word of God is not really working they are caught in scriptures which are not working one of the scriptures that pastors like cause in during tragedies is it scripture for tragedies it's Romans 8:28 all things work together for good you know passes like cootie descriptor when there is a problem we say office work together for good and so on and the reason why we caught this verse is because there are some things you can't even understand how it can never work together for good I mean it it doesn't work together for good but in real life it doesn't seem to work together for good but the reason why it doesn't seem to work together for good is because all things work together for good is not a promise to Christians it is a promise for God lovers people who love God is as all things work together for good to them that love God to them that love God [Applause] [Applause] all things work together for good to those who love him not for Christian those who love money of those who are Christians all things what do you see thing when you start to love God is he dead somehow I said because he has set his love on me because he has set his love on me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high and I was with long life I will show him my salvation I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation because he has set his love to love me stop loving the world the Bible says love not the world neither the things that are in the world I'm telling you that's ten away and pluses let's stop promoting you see the more you talk about things it stares up so much interest in those things and the world church goes after those things amen loving God all things we work together start working together for good there your heart comes to love God are you listening to me Wow are you still around all you want to go home are you getting a spirit of understanding the man that wonderous out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead proverbs 21 verse 16 don't go away from understanding let us get more and more understanding God is gonna bless us okay now back to our book those who leave you unfortunately I've been able to do only one point point number two the Lord may allow people to leave you to Humble you Wow sometimes people leave to make you humble I have had people leaving me to Humble me yeah my own brothers-in-law leaving me married to my own sisters leaving the church causing all kinds of trouble in my own family where are thousands of other pastors who are not related to me biologically staying faithful and I said it is good for me so that I'll know that all my teachings or loyalty and whatever unless God himself touches their hearts is useless yes God has a way of showing us that we are useless so some of us we have our pride is being broken by the people that are leaving us number three God may allow people to leave you because you have allowed your members to be ignorant by not teaching them about loyalty and disloyalty yeah more people will leave when you don't teach about loyalty and disloyalty yeah you take it for granted when you meet a person who is explaining with strength the reasons why he is leaving one person like that can wipe out an entire church look I had a church in Zurich and I mean more than one Chad yeah in a place another please just my Zurich when we were starting that church I gave we gave 12 families 12 families to a pastor and said have this church 12 in and in Europe 12 families is like thousand two hundred people here and he started the church the pastor was a Nigerian after some time he started to talk to the members these people are from Ghana you see anybody who starts talking color race country those things is an evil spirit is one of the strongholds in the earth today oh yeah you look at yourselves in South Africa you can if we see one of the things we found other if we come to white it means we are welcoming to black if we are coming to colored we are not coming to black if we come to block welcome into caliber not coming to soca South Africa is like four nations in one nation it's amazing it's amazing it is very sad it's very very sad even the church is so divided hey on Karla and all kinds of things are you listening to me what was I tell you I was telling you about Zurich yeah this is brother Nigerian so he said that to tell the people what are we doing for Nigeria I said Wow and this is a brother I've never thought of him as a Nigerian he'll come to Ghana live in my home we'll go to him where we say family I don't think of yours this your colonies my color this is or soon as you stop that you see that's what that's why colored people cannot have black when you have even one black man the black man may say you know it we have to do something for our own people our people every side life for too long it's time for our people to also rise up and do something for ourselves is it true is not true so a colored man or a white man if you have black or black has color they'll start to say no we have to do something for our people so he said we have to do something for our brethren back home in Nigeria these people are from meanwhile you should go and see our church in in Nigeria we have churches in idea with buildings yeah buildings is that is one of the countries we have invested most money in in terms of it but he won their hearts you see if you think that it is something mild you see such a person released in your congregation can wipe out the whole church trust me this guy spoke to the church and wiped out the entire today we have no church that it's wiped out completely the church is gone totally go I saw him recently on Facebook this guy I say wow he's taking pictures he's taking pictures he's a thief he's stolen somebody's check stolen the members taking away the people and you were happily taking pictures keep taking the wind is against him so if you fail to teach your people loyalty and disloyalty you may stand one day and see your whole ministry is taken wiped out you watch and see there are many pastors who stand in the pulpit at the end of their lives their hearts are broken they look at the people and they say all these people look at my members here some are there some are there the church has become few small group are coming and you even look at ask yourself - all my life and my life's work look at look at mystery and the mists of there's nothing left people have taken all the meat out of the stew out of the soup they've taken and left only bones in that in the soup and this DuBose that we are going to eat for for dinner [Applause] second summer 15 verse 11 and with Absalom went 200 men out of Jerusalem that were called and they went in their simplicity and they knew not anything 200 men followed Absalom in their simplicity the innocence of their minds there were simple guys it just said oh we are going on a mission there's a revolution there's a revival come on old people are giving with new ideas and then let's go and then we are going to we are going up so long as our new leader hey absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely yeah absolutely absolutely we're sinking absolutely the Absalom Absalom Absalom two hundred people thinking about Absalom but what they didn't realize that they were welding themselves to a disaster do you understand welding when you well when you join yourself to a rebel you are welding yourself to his future disasters 200 of them you are fighting your own father you are going to kill your own father God will not help you to do that why did they go because they were simple-minded and that's why loyalty and destroyed I'm busy you have to take your time and teach in the chat I have almost 2,000 churches I should know something about that yeah in different places I should know something about that if you don't teach it naturally they will break away naturally it will disintegrate naturally everything will fall apart naturally your members who leave naturally nobody will stay with you naturally people who go away naturally when you when you are when you don't bring you preach the same if somebody would who don't make comments there'll be somebody sitting on the back they said he got this message from there prints this this person is from Derek Prince's book this one is this this one that's you know he's always preaching about Abraham why's it been six weeks he's been talking about this is it the Spirit has left the church has become mechanical the senior pastor is micromanaging everything it seems that the Spirit has left them and there's no flow there's no flow we can sell the dryness in the church things are different things are different now these are not as they used to be I know it I know it if you might don't teach these discussions we'll come on in your church you will be left with nothing you'll be a place you have to teach the people because the spirit of Independence and rebellion is in the world the whole world is in rebellion everybody look at different things that are happening on the news this group that group this country that can't be breaking away for me countries States what have you hey this is how everything is going so you sit down and say oh you know I want to preach more about the love of God the love of God is very important for Christian today and I believe in love love is the greater the love is of God Gold is love he that loveth is born of God and knoweth call so our priests must have our love everything to God God's love God as God is love what about the devil what about the devil what about that what does the devil come in whether the devil come in what does the devil come in when the Bible says we wrestle wrestling is the closest form of combat applause close to you is fighting shaking and fighting that's wrestling what about the devil don't be a child if you don't teach about loyalty and disloyalty your people will leave you and you'll be crying I went to a church once I even feel shy for the past for the church it's nobody left nobody left do you have such churches in Cape Town [Applause] there's nobody left in the churches what are the people they left why did they leave because God is love the devil feeds on the ignorance of the people deception multiplies when people have not been exposed to the truth of the word of God amen number four the Lord may allow people to leave you because you despise your fellow ministers when there are churches split up he that is glad that calamities shall not be unpunished you laugh at somebody when his church is breaking up I remember one time a church it had three wonderful pastors pastor leaders Hey and another church big church nearby a lot of problems pastors leaving churches members leaving in fact one day I visited that church and when I go there and I met somebody say Oh have you also left have you also left I said I have not left anyway I just I'm visiting this for a reason it's a wedding or something I have no left anyway there were no sobs I have also left you've also come he also left then one day a church nearby another Church the pasta slept with somebody in the church okay and then it became a big thing and people left the church lot of people left the church so one day this pasta with these three wonderful pastas came onstage and said who are those who came from that church we've had that problem all of you stand up stand up stand up stand up you see when you are come from such a place you need to be sanctified we need to sanctify you you need sanctification you got to be careful when you making fun of people who have had who have problems he said all of you you need sanctification because your past has fallen and you are in from that day so you need to be cleansed careful then the I visited one of them and he said you say that church where people are leaving I will explain it to you I was all years for the explanation he said people only live churches where there is a bad leader that cluster is a bad leader thence why people leave him and they come to us all the time because he's a bad leader hey I was just listening to all these things then I visited another pastor and he gave a prophecy he said anybody who breaks somebody's house and uses the blocks to build his house the house that is building will also be broken and he said and he said whether it takes time yes or whatever it will happen exactly 10 years today almost to the day when this process took about the breaking houses those pastors who were mocking people they divided and stuttered in two different directions we could not even believe when it was happening the one who was tackling you see what I use there were tackling laughter watching today he cannot even be found in a church he is just going from one fornication to another one to another watch out you say somebody should stand up to be cleansed she'll be cleansed because of the church he came from and you are you are knocking somebody's mistake Oh somebody's problem and get down you better watch out those of you righteous people your righteous ones stand up a me clasts stand up a be cleansed you said people leave because he is a bad leader then so now that there was started and people will live you ask yourself who is the bad leader now and who needs to be sanctified now they all ended up sometimes you see them scattered no job no work no ministry just lost everything marriage sport everything same so sometimes you see you gotta be careful when you are dealing with somebody's problems and you've had a lot of things I'm sure I don't know honestly I don't know anybody in Cape Town I've heard from one or two but I don't know any of your stories if what I've said is part of your stories then God has spoken to you but I don't know anybody here but I'm just telling you be careful be careful in Cape Town because where you have a lot of Christians a lot of churches for some time you have a lot of these type of things yeah watch out are you still here or you're going home hey point number five how about giving you four points only for the whole morning plane number five God may allow people to leave you because your destiny does not include them your destiny does not include these people amen they went out from us but they were not of us first John 2:18 if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us sometimes God allows people to leave because it's not part of your destiny to be with them amen number six God allows people to leave you Sola you will understand how the Heavenly Father feels when his children don't like him I learn a lot from my own children I have four children and I have a lot of non-biological children they are almost the same as the biological ones and I have a lot of experiences some love you some don't really love you you can have a child who loves somebody's father you are the father by Allah in love another father so oh my my friend's father she's he is very nice he's like this he's like that he's like that yeah that's how God feels God feels it he's our Father we lacked something else Hey and it's like we are not enough for him you are not you're not like you are not what I mean I need I need another father and my friend my friend Franciscus father she's very he's he's very nice away I like the way he talks with her and the way he laughs at the way he speaks and that way I really like it I wish by I wish my father was and some of the children they even think about you and you and money you know they say oh if anyone should die please let Daddy died and the money should be alive because we prefer money or a God wants us to know sometimes what is like when his children when uh we asked his children we go far away from him we don't come to him we don't come to talk to him we don't ask him anything anymore we know he's not so wise to us we do I never asked him anything about our lives God wants us to know what it's like number seven God may allow people to leave you to that he can catch your attention yeah and the Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart was ten from the Lord all right and for as much as this is not of thee he says that was not kept my commandment I will surely render Kingdom from thee and give it to your servants O God gave Solomon's kingdom to his seventh some of us our churches have been giving to our seventh you may have been a pasta but your seven or somebody was a disciple your entire ministry has been given to that disciple you are just having a symbolic remnant but your real ministries with somebody else hey I will reign the kingdom from you and give it to thy seven because your heart is turned away you are no more a god lover you are no longer following God you are following things marketplace business men's forums million ask it's enterpreneurship in the church meeting the needs of the community how to improve the financial well-being of a Christian 25 ways to lay up more treasures on earth when Jesus said don't lay up treasures on earth number 8 the Lord may allow people to leave you because you have not continued to follow the Lord as you did at the beginning of your ministry Bible says in solimões old age they tend his hearts his 700 wives and 300 concubines the attend is hard to worship their gods instead of trusting only in their Lord his God as his father David had done number 9 Lord may allow people to leave you because you do not exert your authority amen are you there yes you must exert authority and controlling the church if I if I call my church tonight from here they will all gather I can get a few thousand people to gather tonight that I'm not doing I want to give them an announcement by my phone they were all come in fact my current Church where I'm pastor we don't have a meeting hall so we tell people where church is by text sometimes in the morning sometimes around 6:30 7:00 or we now get a place to meet cuz now I'm roaming around I don't have anywhere to meet just I'm just with the children they're young people so we sent a text in the morning and they all come I can't have 1,000 children send them a text in the morning everybody this is where we are and they come yeah more than all the people here and get it just send a text in the morning yeah and and and and not only the children they're grown-ups they will come if I say come yeah and many of us passes with all has that control when Solomon took over he had a brother called Adonijah who was trying to be the king and he didn't like it he executed him it's very dangerous to have such people around Abdo ninja was executed I mean all the rebellious people he just eliminated them in the first two years of his reign some of us pastors we allowing things to run amok I think people are doing what they want to do under your leadership and you must know that you are still blamed for what is going on you see no matter what you say if you say people are doing in a country people blame the president and the president may not really do much about what is happening but he's blamed they just mention his name because Ali you have to be blamed and in a church whatever happens we are blaming the pastor if people don't come people can't come we blame the pasta so brothers and sisters exert authority amen and you are going to be a good general Wow and I'm a 10 the Lord may allow people to leave you because you are too hard too strong being too strong is also dangerous the son of Solomon Rehoboam said I will chastise you with scorpions I will beat you with copiers as that is my leadership style beating you with scorpions this is not a very good idea amen and it led to the people leaving the church especially if you take over from an older person you don't have to beat the people with scorpions you have to be humble and flow with the people and win their hearts otherwise they will say you are not like your father you are not like our old pasta you're not like this one and they will leave now my 11 the Lord may allow people to leave you because you are not a legitimate leader as Jehu entered another gate she said had Zimri peace who slew his master Jezebel was asking Zim was reminding the people who were coming to kill him here and she said that digs Imrie there was a king called zimri did he have peace after he slew his master some of us are terrible rebels of another Church maybe you an Assemblies of God are you there and you seized control of a section of the church and you've become a leader of a fashion or maybe you a member of another Church and you've spoken to some people and warm their hearts and you have become another Absalom of Capetown and you have taken away a section of the church you are at church teeth you are a sheep thief you are a thief who is masquerading as a pasta are you still around or you're going home you are a thief do you have such people in Cape Town one day I had a pasta and I told him if you leave the church all right and also the Lord may allow you to leave the people to leave you because they saw you leave someone and they have learned from you how to do it amen one pastor said as he was lamenting he said why's my church not growing every time I take two steps forward it seems I take three steps backwards yeah when you are not a legitimate leader it is not easy for you to be stable one one of my pastors one day he broke away not after my father if you living that yet leave don't take even one member in for my branch go to the forest and start following the antelopes there and get a member covet the antelope into a sheep just as we have all done following them in the forest and we've caught antelopes and made them into sheep and they are humbly staying with us now don't take even one I told my members are my fastest I will not leave even one member for you one pastor said to me on the phone after he broke away and took some of my members he said I saw on the internet that you have one thousand two hundred or thousand don't know what some time ago thousand whatever churches he said you have to just leave this one here in Zurich for me because you've got a thousand you know you know what I said if I come to your house and this fellow has four children if I come to your house to visit and when I'm leaving I take one of the children and I say but you have three so I'll just taking one somewhere will you accept it that is where you see how absurd what you are saying is you are taking not even one number I will not give you even one one guy he left that church he came back he said or he wants to make pieces oh I'm not at war only that my members my ship don't take them and he has taken some I told him I said the person in your church my church member it's my ship I'm the shepherdess myself you've taken him bring them back I told him close I told it close down that church close it down and come back and apologize and bring my people back that is the only thing I will listen to [Applause] that's a good shepherd as a good shepherd I said close that thing down and he was bringing an offering to bring money to draw a friend or not don't even start let my people go I said let my people go otherwise like David the Good Shepherd I will pursue and I will overtake and I will recover I will pursue I will overtake and I will recover all I will pursue I will overtake and I will recover all I will not leave even one of my members for you not even were you with me when I was in the forest hunting found a deer and until of I brought him to the house change him into a sheep is now stable he doesn't run around and you've got for my sheep let my people go I said let my people go I said let my people go otherwise I will piss you all over tick and I will recover all that is what it means to be a shepherd the art of shepherding transforming your pastoral ministry oh sit down and let me become a steel your ship as you are building you let people spoil your churches you built three steps they take you two steps back you get one or two that somebody talks to this don't let those sit down calmly you really just preach about the love of God real God is love and love is of God he that loveth his what stop quoting it out of script out of context peace this is the love of God have you people not watch this film before ticking ticking having one's ticking please go home and watch it but thank somebody get it that is that is how a shepherd is is a phone call taking taking one taking two taking three there's a Molly Kagan game for his daughter he said my daughter for my daughter he spoke to the kidnappers on the phone he said I have certain skills I have certain skills and certain abilities I will look for you hard for you [Applause] [Music] yeah you see poopoo Putin Putin yeah they've killed one aeroplane full of his members his citizens fall one hop plane the bomb and kill them he told and listen wherever you are on the planet I will find you he said we would know their names and their faces we will find every one of them and we will punish they say God has to judge them but it is my duty to send them to God to judge them it is my duty to send them to God for judgment hallelujah [Music] [Applause] your people are sitting down and allowing your churches to be scattered as though there is no Shepherd one day a shepherd Jesus said as though there's no Shepherd they expected a good shepherd you can just come and play around we would deal with you will preach about you before you come we'll immunize our members against your Ebola virus that you are bringing to the church when you are ready to normal work yes one guy he came to my church you know he was new he started talking to different people in the church after he had been there for some time he spoke to me he said your church is airtight I said what do you mean by airtight he said there is no space to maneuver you can't easily say things it doesn't work here it's airtight may you have an airtight Church in Jesus name wow I love being a shepherd yeah you see a shepherd is like a lion when you see a lion playing with the Cubs you roll over play licking you cannot know that this one can eat blood like it's so cuddly you even feel like going to cuddle the Lions yourself that's how David was you used to sing nice songs Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down by green pastures but when I on came on a real life he rose up and became is depolarized musical instruments and stop singing the song that he was thinking and grows up to kill nobody so spiritual a baby when a bear came to say you are coming from within one of my sheep he turned into a beggar some of you don't know what a lie on my best I've been bitten by a lion before yes a baby a baby lion [Applause] I saw this small thing yeah so this multi David rose up look at her song you were singing the Lord is my shepherd therefore can I lack nothing gentle David he shall feed me in the green pastures hand lead me forth beside the sting waters he shall restore my soul hand leading me forth in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me and thou shalt prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou hast anointed my head with oil and my cup shall be food surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end man ah man ah hallelujah [Applause] the next reason why God allows people to leave your sometimes people leave you because you are lacking wisdom skills and leadership skills in the new American Bible it says in Ecclesiastes 2 verse 18 and I'll be ending it very soon yet he will have control who knows the one he said does I hated all the fruit of my labor for which I have labored under Sun for I must leave it to the man who will come after me and who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool yet he will have control over all the fruit of my labor for which I have labored by acting wisely Under the Sun you see Solomon knew that he had acted wisely and by acting wisely he had gathered all these fruit and prosperity and he knew that a fool would only cause the dispersal of everything that he had worked for so foolishness disperses what God is giving that's why I said don't be a fool don't reject all these if you even need to get a little loan to buy you may be surprised that this may be what you need yeah and like I said because you have rejected the word of the Lord the Lord has also rejected you yeah I'm sharing with you about loyalty what I'm teaching we stop for your is not to establish my church is to establish you and your churches here in Cape Town so that your churches will be stronger and bigger and stable and be able to develop and your light to shine brighter and further that's all I'm doing so I don't know but the Solomons that a fool is coming to be the pasta and this fool is going to scatter all that I have labored through my wisdom I have acted wisely and gathered all this and a fool is coming to this person and truly a fool King Rehoboam his son became the pasta after and within five years first of all the first cabinet meeting twelve eleven of the tribes left and said we are no longer going to be members of Israel so he was left with one twelve but he had the Solomon's Temple then she shocked the king of Egypt five years after came against Rehoboam and took away all the gold and all the money everything Solomon are gathered and Rahab Rock replaced the gold in the temple with brass so within five years a fool had dispersed everything that the father had organized so foolishness and failing to think correctly and rejecting the word of the law rejected knowledge rejecting wisdom rejected understanding rejecting counsel and not valuing it and not reading not study not taking this it causes you to disperse everything God is gathering for you I'll tell you so my friends B studios in Revelation chapter 10 a big angel was sent to the Prophet and that big angel was only bringing him a little book just a book I believe this whole conference perhaps is organized just to put a book in your hand what a blessing are you still around number 14 God may allow people to leave you as a judgment for your life 13 yeah well 14 God may allow people to leave you as a judgment on your life alright and rebellion is devastating when people leave I tell you it's like a bad dream I remember one pastor who left I kept on thinking for two weeks after he left the church going around talking about me saying all kinds of things I've never had somebody say some bad things about me is it me they're talking about it is me another one they are describing and the poison and death speaking the slander it's like it's like somebody's vomiting on you I tell you and I thought to myself if I've had a dream a bad dream it wouldn't have gotten this far you know because you know when you are having a bad dream oh I see a snake is chasing your house chasing you wake up just before it really gets very bad you get what I'm saying like I was thinking to myself if God had a bat out of a bad without of walking up before this part just before this path Hey and it can have such an effect on you I know pastors who have become depressed sad one day I met a pastor on the airport he was lean very thin I said what is up me said I'm fasting I said why you fasted he said I'm fasting to prevent people from living the church again it's going on forty day fast forty day fast say hey and I told him I have a medicine for you loyalty and disloyalty the books yes medicine it will cure nothing you cannot cure disloyalty the best way to cure this world is all these like Ebola virus when it sets in it's not easy to control it once it's in know when people start talking in the church you can't win their hearts back they become possessed and they believe the things so the best way is for them to go out and then for you to immunize the church against future ebolas that's the best thing immunize the church and if you fail to immunize the church youyou think you are a loving person more loving than God more live in a god more merciful kinda more holy number 15 the Lord may allow people to leave you because you are not quick to deal with disloyalty Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse number 11 because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly therefore the hearts of the son of men among them are given fully to do evil amen don't be slow in dealing with disloyalty because the spirit of Lucifer operates in many of those living Lucy is the fast and the chiefest separatist god had a church in heaven Lucifer was a member and Lucifer was the first person to leave God's church separated himself how did God deal with him threw him out he didn't counsel him some of you are having counseling with Lucifer well counselor Lucifer you cannot counsel Lucifer some of you have called for meetings with Lucifer can you come for a meeting let us discuss when God did not counsel Lucifer why are you counseling Lucifer because you're the only reason I can think of is that you are wiser than God kinder than God God threw him out cast out this corner cast out the stone in French they say shall sell him okay say after we shall sell Amaka chassé lemak I cast out this corner that's what it means cast him out shall sell him okay omocha can't you see some people mock you and when you are preaching they look at you with mocking eyes powerful they don't believe in you they don't believe have a funny smile on their face and they look at you scornfully it's like there's nothing left of you you are nothing you are finished you are whatever and you see them sitting there and you allow these people to sit there whilst you are preaching shots anymore can sell em okay sell em okay yeah come on it's strong be like David be like Jesus be like God look in the Bible and know what you must do yes God is gonna guide you and bring you to many great things in the ministry and finally I want to just say one word about this have you talked about this like us lay people like us is the greek or latin word for laymen lay people volunteers lay pastors in South Africa many people don't know how to do anything for God without collecting money even to play instruments you have to be paid [Applause] huh you have to pay you to play instrument play the organ we must pay you on Sunday you don't love God you can't do anything for God when you sing in the church we have to thank you so much kneel down say Shawanda thank you for your song Shawanda thank you for that beautiful song and here's a two thousand rounds of five thousand run for singing thank you Shawanda when we call on you again we hope you become in Sharonda we have to pay you Shawanda we have to pay you Peter Peter the organist we have to pay you John for telling the sound the control sound controller let me let me show you how to control the sound I'm going to the sound control box okay okay no no listen listen look at this control I move it down up and I have to tell you 2000 runs for do this [Applause] no wonder the church has no money everything is debts and mortgages because nobody knows how to work for the Lord out of the love for God why don't you stop loving God and say Lord what can I do to show my love for you won't work alike is that something I can do when a young man loves the Lord he'll do anything and when a young man loves a lady it will do so many things for it may be something you buy some perfume and you bring it to the girl and you will you bring you to her you say I love you dolly it costs you four thousand runs if you can please give me the money's four thousand please it's four thousand is that all you love your girlfriend or your beloved or whatever you present her with a guitar you say it's four thousand please it's two thousand is tutor you can pay for two hundred every week no Lycos there is no large church which has work without using lay people lay men most of our passes are not paid not even transport one day for pastors wrote a letter to me they said number one the tires on their cars from going up to church and back the tires are getting worn out number two the mileage of the car is going up by going to church number three the fuel injection something is getting spoiled so they want us to pay for their car transport whatever to go to church I said my response to you is just two words do you want to know the two words bye-bye go I should pay for your tires because you are going to check and not my Christian who just attention does he not driving Scout to Chechen but by a man ago to pay for the tires if you can be a lay pastor you work for the Lord from your heart is a it's a blessing it's a job it's a job I can play the piano I can play the piano may I play piano I play the drums I played guitar I play all the instruments I played in church I've never collected even one one dollar I wanted to play itself all night it's an it's an honor poles we call it in Ghana it's an honor I don't stand for insane instrumentalists musicians no not in my church no way then it's not a Lighthouse Church Hey we teach now Church we have as music school in the afternoon we teach all the children you caught the church you see children they play they love God so it's a joy it's a privilege my father you know my father went to school in Sierra Leone and he told me he said his guardian refused to pay two shillings for him to go for piano lessons so because of that he wanted us to all to play the piano he said he desired all his life to play that piano but they wouldn't pay for him so he made us all learn how to play the piano and as I grew up I saw it's a privilege it's not something you pay me few people can play teach your little children wasting yours you are spoiling the spirit of that you are tending that church into a group of vampires everybody has come to drink some of the blood of the church when the often is being taken you see them on stage then they start flapping their wings we have to pay you to come for pairi heads up we have to pay you to come for Kyrie HESA we have to pay you we have to give you food we have to buy this we have to praise you virtually worship you for coming come on all things work together for good to them that love God the Lord are you a god lover or your money lover are you a god love our money lover you think I would behave if I was a money lover alright doing here what have I be doing here we are spending money to come here we are spending money to come here getting money we are spending money every day we are here we are spending money we pay hotels whew well these books important books this brought Austria Samia Clara fees from the airport to be always free virtual infidel all that this shopping cannot cover a beam 10% stop limiting your call and your ministry by money you are you a hireling or a shepherd a good shepherd is different from a highly you are hired you're hired take oversight of the flock not for filthy lucre such is fault you have to sweep to arrange the chairs to clean we have to pay you is that no young man in the church young boys young guys who love the Lord who say man we are going to arrange the church we have to pay for this pay for that pay for everybody pay for you to open pay for you to increase the volume from four to six you have to increase pay you money you are sick and you don't know that you are sick you are sick and you don't know that you are sick I said you are sick and you don't know that you are sick Lykos Pao was making tents and he was preaching he was making tents and he was preaching what's wrong with that it was making tents and he was preaching he was supporting himself he said none of you can say I've taken anything from you yeah like us don't be afraid for working for God look when Jesus came to Peter and said can I borrow your boots I want to use your boat to preach Peter said is 2500 rands for an hour no read your Bible is it isn't that what Peter said it's 2500 rounds per hour for my boat line and you would actually explain well you see Lord you see for some of us in South Africa that's our profession you see in our profession that's what we do as a profession so it's not something that we can just put our boat out there and you have to understand Lord it is something that is our profession and that's our work so I know maybe from your culture is different and so on but here Lord it's 2,500 rounds our books thank God pizza was not a South African [Applause] yeah thank God Peter was not a South African he said you know you can use my boat no problem you can use my boat you can use my skills you can use my little knowledge to play my little knowledge to play drums my little knowledge to see who you can use it you can use my voice if you can use anything use me take my hand slow is it all song we say take my hands and my feet what does it mean what does it mean some of you are soon going to bring a bill for your shoes that your shoes are getting worn out so the Lord with the church must pay for your shoes what wear and tear your shoes Peter said Jesus you can use my boat preaching some of you are said it's my profession I'm a professional musician and so what and so what shut your mouth and get out if you don't want to love the Lord we want God lovers to play our instruments in the church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after Jesus used his boat Jesus said thank you very much just Casio net on the other side just cast your net on the other side and then Peter cast his net on the other side and he now began to reap his boat started to sink you see what God will give to you you cannot even keep it it's far more than two thousand five hundred runs an hour for your boat two thousand five hundred round per hour per boat the whole boat began to go down some of you even to pick somebody at the airport you can you not do it for the church it to be something we have to pay you a lot sorry you have to buy a few of us as fuel closer or so much for the fuel for my card you know because of the insurance and the parking at the airport and the tolls I have to pay you know you got to pay some [Applause] I'm opportunity to pick a little fuel to do income I don't understand do you understand what are people thinking about it's fantastic 120 reasons why you must be a soul winner not six reasons or seven 120 there must be something I once had a vision of the Hat I've seen a human heart beating I've been in it doing operation heart transplant I saw her heart I had a vision I saw her heart like this then was beating and the Lord said to me my heart is to win souls Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost is the heart of God this is the purpose of the Cross the peppers of Christianity when you set it aside you have set aside the heart of God said because you have set your love upon me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on her I will deliver him an answer I will answer and deliver him I would deliver and honor him on long life I will satisfy him and show him my selfish sometimes I wonder why Billy Graham cannot die cannot die the Evangelist they live long because he has set his love on me Vangelis receive the grace of God and don't reject look what I'm saying anybody who is angry with me an evil spirit is sitting on your shoulder he's whispering to you from here look at my shoulder I sitting on sure that is speaking straight to you don't be angry he said because you have rejected the word of the law the Lord has rejected you don't reject this is the word of the Lord God so loved the world that He gave His only Son whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life this is the heart of God why don't we go back to his hunt why don't we make the main thing the main thing why don't we stop charging for everything and loving God loving God all the blessings are for God love is eye has not seen ear has not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for Christians these fantastic things are for those who love God those who love God it's done to your feet [Applause] lift your hands and ask God to speak to you ask God Allah lead you guide you Jesus hi I wanna be more like you Lord Jesus I I wanna be more like you more like Jesus I wanna be a vessel and you work through I wanna be more like you oh Jesus ha I wanna be more like you more like Jesus I wanna be more like you Oh like Jesus I wanna be a vessel you work through I wanna be more like you I wanna be I wanna be more like Jesus I wanna be more like you more like Jesus I'm gonna be a best so that you were through [Music] I wanna be more like you I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel that you were I wanna be more like you I wanna be I got to be honored to be I wanna be like you like Jesus I wanna I wanna be more like Jesus I'm gonna be a vessel you were wanna be more like here I wanna be more like you wanna be more like Patil be more like Jesus and I wanna be more like you wanna be more like cheese I wanna be a vessel you work through high I wanna be more like you I wanna be a vessel I wanna be a vessel you were I wanna be what i cuted I wanna be a VESA I wanna be a vessel I wanna be one like you I've gotta be honest you work dude I wanna be a vessel you work through I wanna be more like you Jesus we are so sorry for since mistakes our attitude our heart please forgive us please help us to save you please help us to follow you please help us to love you not incline our hearts turn our hearts towards you more of you Lord more loving you Lord more liking you lord more choosing yulong more following you Lord Jesus thank you for this chance to pray about this lead us on lead us higher lead us somewhere better better than we are now deeper Lord in you anoint us with fresh oil caused us to step on deeper into the river the river of power the river of your spirit the waters of your spirits take us Lord into the waters deeper take us on Lord deeper caused us to go in further define higher higher and higher Lord leather what has cover us Lord let us be submerged with your spirit in your power left Cape Town and South Africa never be the same because of the light and the fire that is released into the souls of your children your pastors here servants thank you Jesus thank you for Jesus thank you Lord for dying for us for a reason a good reason saving us from our sins what a blessing I was never to put you aside and make you second or third or to follow you deeper further to love you more deeply more closely follow more closely Lord take our hearts and join our hearts with your heart Lord now we may be like David a man after your own heart thank you Jesus for making us seventh in your hearts we give you thanks we give you praise in Jesus name you may be seated [Applause] the art of hearing is a very important area for Christians to develop how to hear from God one thing I would say that has really affected my life is the ability to hear the ability to hear from God Deuteronomy 28 says if you shall hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God the Lord will set you on high this is the reason why this book the out of here I want to recommend everybody to learn about how to hear because I know you know as I was preaching God has spoken to a number of people here about different things some of you God speaking to you about your marriage some of you God is speaking to you about your relationship some of you God is speaking to you about your ministry different things what to do some of you steps you need to take you know the ability to hear and follow and implement is what differentiates different pastors Kenneth Hagin said perhaps the number one thing that affected his ministry is his ability to hear from God and obey it so I want to encourage you again is that yet another thing to study is to study about hearing his words like how do you know you were hearing him sometimes when we fast we have a sudden feeling in our stomachs the many people feel that that feeling is God but it's actually the feeling of prolonged hunger and you need to differentiate between a low glucose between hearing god and certain sensations you are having in your stomach and I know you are going to study and learn it so the last thing I want to recommend to you is gather books that's the best I can offer you and we are just here today's the last day make the most of it and I know that God is really going to use you here and cater you see Colette people must realize I'm also colored cause my father's from Ghana and my mother's Swiss so I'm colored that's the definition is that not how you define huh more or less yeah what people don't realize is that we call it and the commonest color in the world yeah almost the whole world is colored if you travel you will discover how many places when you go they will not know you are not from there till you start traveling the whole of South America isn't everybody here could be from Brazil Colombia the whole of India you fit in Pakistan Sri Lanka Bangladesh Ethiopia many many parts of the world the Middle East so God wants to see your brown faces out there on the mission field doing something for Jesus how many coloreds are gonna rise up and do something for Jesus god bless you all amen thank you dr. Al Gore is gonna take us to a short break and then we'll so please put your hands together welcome him thank you clap your hands evangelist god bless you for this awesome fantastic time I mean this is history in the making your life will not be the same again
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,005
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Healing Jesus Campaign, Healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Healing, Evangelism, Gospel preaching, Evangelist Dag, Work of ministry, PASTOR’S CONFERENCE, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, WHY GOD ALLOWS PEOPLE TO LEAVE, 2015
Id: G_7znQGUEC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 46sec (11566 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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