Joshua Dag Heward-Mills at Ready 2020 at the Pleasant Place Church

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let me know that you've been waiting we are here so one of the loudest churches one of the most vibrant youth movements in the country and even in the world yeah bishop is here to inject us with what he has been injecting them with that makes them so passionate you see the thing about the thing about first love that i've noticed is that the people are die hard first love change die hard and so he's here to inject us with that same attitude so when we go back to our various churches and those of us in the house we are able to cultivate that same motivation for revival and then you change things wherever you belong so ladies and gentlemen without wasting too much time i want you to help me be on your feet to welcome the bishop of the first law of churches bishop joshua hillard mills [Music] or put your hands together for him amen shall we pray lord we are grateful to you for an opportunity to be in your presence and to hear your word i thank you for the different people who have gathered today in your name i pray for your purpose oh god and that which you sent yourself to accomplish and that which you saved us to accomplish i pray to be done oh god i pray for the revival that we have spoken of and prayed for to really happen in this nation and i pray that the people here will be embarrassing the fire that you are lighting in jesus name lord we pray for mercy wash us in your blood oh god our sins are many and yet your grace allows us to come boldly to find help in time of need so i pray that that blood will wash us and keep us i pray for your anointing i pray for the blessing of your presence to be with us send your anointing in this place holy spirit you are welcome holy spirit have your way holy spirit have your way we surrender to you and we give you our time give your hearts give you our ears so that you can lead and so that you can speak [Music] i'm i'm confident to you holy spirit in jesus name we pray everyone said amen for one moment before you say that will you just lift your hands and speak in tongues for me for a second i just ask the holy spirit to speak to [Music] you [Music] oh you're welcome [Music] holy spirit is here already so much has been said i believe what we need is an outpouring of the holy spirit so just lift your hands all the way to the back and just speak in tongues and believe god for a touch from the holy spirit believe god for an injury of the holy [Music] spirit i lift your name on him lord i love to sing your praises [Music] you came from thank you thank you my dad [Music] you came all the way from heaven [Music] blessed be the name to be praised [Music] [Music] lift your voices the same [Music] he is worthy to be praised is oh [Music] i thank you holy spirit thank you your will be done speak to every heart speak to every soul touch every life and let your will be done in jesus name i pray and everyone said amen god bless you may take your sis [Music] amen i want to honor bishop gideon and his wife and all the leaders of the church for having me i want to thank kevin for putting all this together it must have been a lot of work and i want to honor him for that it's good to be with my brothers and all the speakers i'm always great when we can get together um and it's good to see you amen um i think so much so much so much has been said and um i was blessed by um what i heard blessed by pastor francis sharing with us about being a disciple i was blessed about spirit of lust from um pastor nicosi and i think it's all in line with what the lord is telling us i feel so much like pastor francis when he says there is so much more that god wants us to do and as the years go by i'm also not too far from a birthday milestone like he is and i believe god wants to do so much more and he's looking for disciples and for people who will serve him and i'm gonna just wrap up what everyone has been saying i'm not gonna talk for very long just a few seconds or minutes and i want to share with you about the call of god and i want to share with you from matthew chapter 22. i'm verse 14. i'm not going to preach for a long time i'm going to ask that while i am speaking i'm going to request nobody at the back to walk around or to leave if they have to walk around and the ashes at the back it really means a lot to me that nobody walk around while i'm preaching if that's okay and and that means nobody that that really means nobody so if it's going to be a problem can you please leave the gentleman wearing the black t-shirts at the back it affects me when you walk around but i need you to sit down or whatever please sit down if it's okay i need all of you to sit down please finally see there sit down thank you amen matthew chapter 22 and verse says many are called but few are chosen amen [Music] when we think of the prophecies of heaven written all through scripture revelation chapter 21 we have promised that there will be no more weeping there'll be no more crying uh says the things which are the former things which i will no longer be and a brilliant promise from scripture that behold i make all things new and we see that everything is going to be new how many of you want everything to be made new how many of you don't want to cry anymore how many of you realize like job that life is a few days are full of trouble and and the big question then is why are we here if truly jesus has that promise for us in heaven and when everybody here is going to die that's not the case it's a prediction and when we die we're going to a place where there'll be no more suffering we're no more crying there'll be no more breakups there'll be no more poverty there'll be no more fear of failure there'll be no more insecurity there'll be no more addiction there'll be no more there'll be no more sin there'll be no more pain and everything will be made new but the question is why are we here why don't we commit suicide as a group why don't we use the ready conference to commit mass suicide so that we can go to that place which obviously is much better than the things we are going through here and the answer to that question is in matthew 22 verse 14 when he says many are called because the answer is that all of us here are more than likely to have a call on our lives the bible doesn't say few people are called the bible says many are called what that means is when you come to a church you kind of get the feeling in most churches that few people are called you get the feeling that the pastors have a job to do we get the feeling that even the way we arrange our chest shows that the the different chairs in front speak of a special calling for a special group of people you know every time we also have that in my church and that creates a deception that when you are a christian there's nothing to do there's nothing to achieve everything is okay [Music] the messages that make us react and the messages that we keep on hearing are all messages about how to stay here on earth and how to do well and how to prosper i've been preaching for almost 11 years now and whenever i'm invited to a youth conference or any conference mostly in most cases not all but in most cases we hear about how we can do better how our destiny will be fulfilled how our prosperity will break forth and how god is going to use us to do wonderful things in our business or in our school but the scary thing for every pastor is that we will be asked one day whether we inform the people of their duty and their calling they say calling god is calling god is ringing on the phone whether you are aware of it or not whether your phone is on silent or not there is a call many christians are called and if nobody has told you before let me be the first person to inform you young people remember today you may it may be an important day in eternity that there is a call on your life not few people are called many people are called many means most most people are called not few not a minority many means that that more more people are called than not many means the majority of people here are called [Music] you know jesus said in matthew chapter 11 verse 28 he said come unto me only labor and a heavy lady and i will give you rest all of us came to jesus with our burdens some of us came with sins of fornication some of us came with sins of addiction some of us came with demons of stubbornness and pride some of us came with our lives some of us came with sicknesses somebody was with diseases some of us came with with insufficiencies how many of you have come to the house of god and felt the burdens being lifted off when you came to church lift up you have good but we need to finish up the scripture then he goes on to say take my yoke take my yoke now when god takes your bed and he replaces that burden with his bedding he exchanges the burden that you left at the altar with another burden listen to me listen to me no no no no no need to clap for me i'm okay i'm fine i need you to hear my message i need you to remember what i say today that burden is not the burden to alleviate prosperity of sorry poverty or to create prosperity neither is it a burden of education because when jesus came he was here for three years and when he left there were still a lot of uneducated people neither is it a mandate to create um employment opportunities for young people that is not the that is not what jesus came through that was not his burden that's not why the sun came down unto the earth so today ask yourself what is the burden of jesus christ the beginning is only one jesus said in luke chapter 19 verse 10 i came to seek and to save that which was lost jesus said in first of the chapter 15 and this is a faith to say worthy of all acceptation that jesus christ came into this world to save sinners that's why he came there are many poor people who go to heaven there are many people who experience the blood of jesus christ and not grow wealthier because jesus christ didn't come to solve your financial problem no matter how many times we claim that jesus christ came to bless us and especially young people came to help us we came to help we see jesus as somebody who came to help us so we come to church seeking for what god can do for us and forget to come and seek for what we are supposed to do for god what god can do for us has already been done it was achieved at a place called calvary when the blood flowed and that is the greatest that is the greatest miracle of all that is the greatest miracle of all is the miracle of your sins being washed away and jesus has already finished that one now you were saved how did you get saved you know there's a wonderful there's a wonderful confusion in the church which brings me to my next point what is the call of god the call of god is a call to fruitfulness there's a wonderful confusion that we got ourselves saved we use the phrases when i found jesus [Music] when i got saved like i woke up and i got saved [Music] but john 15 16 says something fantastic it says you did not choose me listen christians listen christians thanks speaking gospel singing worship having christians listen you didn't choose god god chose you you didn't love god god loved you we love him because he first loved us god is good we are bad we are not the ones who found god or want to seek for god in fact the scripture says there's none that seeks for god nobody here looked for god god looked for you and found you look at it john chapter 15. i don't know where the scripture man is then he goes on to say and i ordained you all those of you are waiting to be appointed as pastors the bible says you have already been ordained telling you i ordained you for one purpose to go forth and bring forth fruit go forth and bring forth young people we have a calling you know you'll be surprised that's it right there go forth and bring forth food that whatsoever you ask in my name i'll give it to you that's the real reason why your prayers are not answered you can come for one thousand all night a christian who is not a footballing christian is a christian whose prayers will not be answered look at it watch watch carefully now most of us are not aware that there's an assessment of us in heaven we think that our ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 we think that our assessment in heaven is based on our sin when i was a child they told us the trumpet to sound and what would you be doing when the trumpet sounds and whatever you are doing when the trumpet sounds will determine where you are going so anyone who lived in the area where there was a brass band we didn't feel comfortable because when we hear the trumpet we feel uncomfortable but ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 says we are saved by grace through faith we are not saved of our works lest any man suppose it is the gift of god so what the bible is saying is that when i get to heaven when pastor francis gets to heaven when pastor cv gets to heaven the reason they will enter heaven is not the same ones they preached it's not the number of miracles that pastor francis has seen i've watched him i've watched him pray for the sick in a number of countries god has god uses him mightily but that's not what will get him into heaven what will get us into heaven is the same as what will get you into heaven it's not the church churches we planted or the places we've been to preach it's the precious blood of jesus christ that is going to wash away our people these things and that is going to give us the chance to enter heaven that's all through saying that you are being judged for your sins is incorrect all of our sins have been washed away because of the blood as many as received him to them gave him power to become the sons of god even to them that believed on his name for as much as we are not washed with the blood of bulls and goats but with the precious blood of jesus christ but we know that we are not saved with ink with corruptable things like silver and gold but by the precious god of jesus christ that's what the bible says now but after we pass that judgment that judgment has only one question he who has the son i'm very glad about that i i'm not like pastor francis i don't have that testimony i was a bad boy i'm very glad that we're not going into details i'm glad in the line there's only one question he who has the son has life he who has the son has not life and when i stand at the gate of heaven there's only one question that's going to be asked do you have the son and i'll say i have jesus i have jesus in my heart and i don't want to go into detail i don't want them to ask me did you do this did you do that way i don't want those details i have jesus that's ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and 9. now ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 takes us to a different topic it explains that for we are his workmanship he's creating what you call born again what you've been calling born again i'm born again i've been i've been recreated i've been reborn that's what describing says we are his workmanship created in christ jesus or born again for good works for good works there is a list of work you are supposed to have done have you done homework in the car before you are trying to quickly finish then the car was moving before you look better get your homework books out there's some work to do before we get to heaven and the time is running out as we see pandemics and prophecies of jesus being fulfilled the end is near church i'm telling you and this generation of christians is responsible for this generation of sinners there are more sinners in our class than they have ever been and our mandate and our job and our calling is not to sit around and write more songs and do more dances and rap i do all these things in my church but that's not the mandate you have the calling and your calling is to fruitfulness your calling is to preach the gospel your calling is to go out to every house and every street and preach the gospel i'm telling you that's why you were saved that's why you were saved which god has before ordained that we should work with them have a list of pre-ordained jobs that's why i'm just as worried as my brother pastor francis i'm just as worried as him because i have a list of pre-ordained works which i must accomplish which i must finish there is a call to fruitfulness you don't know why you were saved huh me i should be in hell because mr francis wife was my senior she can't give you my testimony for not a secondary school she can tell you who i am i'm not supposed to be here when on the last when i hear my name in the congregation when i was in second he's gonna hear my name congratulations not to preach don't welcome joshua then they don't clap when they say just saw him says trouble time he saved me i was born in a christian home i grew up reading the bible but i wasn't safe but he saved me he found me and he saved me why why did he say that's a fantastic story in luke chapter 19 luke 19 29 if you have the time the bible says jesus said to two of his disciples i'll tell you the story so you can read it when you go home jesus said to two of your disciples he said go to the town you'll find find a cult which is bound and tied in the village which no man has ridden upon you can look at it luke chapter 19. whenever they're ready there's 2 minutes no man has written on the on the donkey you all know the story and he said when you go tell the owners to release the donkey then he gave the reason for the release for the master has need of him let me ask you a question why were you untied when you were bound in sin and you were bound by satan why was the rope around your neck untied why why why what was the reason for you the bible says no man read on him because nobody had any use for you nobody had any use for you nobody wanted you nobody liked you many of us are fully rejected by this world [Music] and jesus said sent his disciples jesus sent his best man to you how did you get saved send somebody to your room you said somebody to me you gave my heart to god i was 18 years old my tears running down my face i surrendered my life to jesus christ he said he sent his disciples to me and that's the setting disciple that mr francis was talking about he sent that certain disciple to the town to unlock me from my chains and for my bias why the master has need of you we didn't get safe to come and have a party [Music] so this is us this is the youth conference you are joking go to lagoon i've never seen more debauchery in my life never and i went to school in europe i've never seen more sin more drug use i've never seen more violence i've never seen more decadence and more lost souls and more demons at work i've never seen more homosexuality i've never seen more promiscuity more drug use more stubborn and proud people on their way to hell a broad way heading to hell and we are here having our our parties church parties because when we were saved we were safe to party no we were untied because the master had use on need of us that's why we were tired and you know many of you here are called i'm not talking about calling to be a businessman i'm not talking about a calling to be a lecturer i'm not talking about calling to be a doctor a lawyer i'm saying many people here are called to devote your life to preaching the gospel of jesus christ many not few just a few it's not a hand-picked thing being in the the ministry is not for some special people no many people are called that's what my savior said challenge him if you like he said many people are called then you know the church has to lift up his eyes in john 44 35 jesus said lift up your eyes lift up your which means look away from yourself we're always doing this i think the chest needs a conference i think we need to have a singles mingle i think we need to have it now if you see a pastor with the wind blowing on his face preaching the gospel it looks like you have seen a jaguar do you know jaguar you've seen a jaguar walking at a camera it's so strange to see a pastor who is preaching the gospel outdoors we look down jesus said lift up your ass say not he there yet four months oh later oh we'll have time for that oh let's give it to the evangelistic team oh let's give it to the authority i'll christine outreach team who is the author's team so they are outreaching we are doing what in church thank you very much in church [Music] church i'm talking to young people who are called you know this had a lot called me i was working in a bank typing at computers and the lord was touching my hand i used to put earphones into my head be listening to preacher while i'm attacking i'll you know the other thing about the call is point three about the call sorry this is how i preach i'm not very orderly the third and thing about the call is that some people are caught in a spectacular way like in acts chapter 9 paul was on the road to damascus and the light shined and he fell on the floor and he saw they said saul saul i'm the one who you are persecuting he said who are thou said i am jesus whom they are prosecuted it's hard for you to kick against the bridge look when a bunker said he had a vision he was sleeping in germany he had a vision and he saw the map of africa and he saw africa being soaked in the blood of jesus christ william branham nobody witnessed to him he was lying in a barn and he saw a cross on fire and jesus christ himself appeared to him and led him to himself my goodness these are spectacular and that's why many that's why many of you have no you see many of you don't even know that you have a call because you are waiting for some vision now my uncle was a prophet prophet he came to stay in our house once and i heard my father preaching and my father said he was in the house and prophecy was sleeping next door pastor benigno was in ghana and he had come to stay in the house to attend the conference and in the middle of the night jesus walked into the room to see my uncle for a quick meeting and my father always preaches and says he was in the next room but jesus didn't see it to see the house owner before he went home my contention is if maybe you respect the house and i didn't want to wake him up in the night at least his son i was also next door i've not seen any such bishop i've not had any vision not everybody is called in that spectacular way when we read the book of kings we hear that the lord was in a still small voice sometimes there's a still small boy speaking to your heart telling you that you have to preach the gospel was me if i don't preach the gospel i must save him while it is day for the night comes when no one can wait that's still small voice it may not be a vision it may not be something that looks spectacular but i tell you it is the voice of god i tell you and many young people still listen to me today you are not caught in a spectacular way you're caught in an ordinary way billy graham said i was lying in a park and i felt those weights in my head going to all the water and preach the gospel i said i just believed that i followed him my father said he was lying in a carpet and he had he was he didn't hear anything he was reading his bible he read give thyself holy to these things that thy prophecy may appear to all and he said that's the call of god and all the the ministry that you see god using him to do is from that little in spectacular call that is the call of god and my final point number five is that most people are called through a desire most people are called paul said if any man desires the office of a bishop he has desired a great thing my friend maybe nobody has told you before if you desire to be a pastor if you desire to be a minister of the gospel if you desire to be a show winner i'm telling you you've decided a good thing and god is calling you god is trying to draw you to him if those of you i see all of you singers and all of you then says there's a call on your life that's why you want to be in chat people don't want to be in churchill nobody wants to come and sing here or dancing nobody wants to play instruments all that is a sign of the call of god the fact that you desire to be in this house that's the sign of the call jeremiah said i think in german 31 verse 20. he said who is he who has engaged his heart after me i will draw him to myself then we engage our house to god god draws us to him jesus said no man can come john chapter six except the father draw him i was working in the bank typing at the computer but the fact that was drawing me i was earning a lot of money i mean a lot of money when i was 25 years old i was ending what people there 47 but i felt the lord drawing me that was the call of god wasn't vision i just i don't want the money i don't want a job i don't want to do anything i just want to preach his word and i want to live for him and i want to work for him that's the call of god that's the call of god that's the desire it's the call of god and many of you are called and god sent me here today to tell you that there's a call on your life and let nobody deceive you it's not that call to be wealthy it's not a call it's not a call to be famous let me let nobody deceive you it's not that call to to sing there's nothing like a calling to sing telling you nobody has told you i'm telling you we have different gifts we have one purpose i came to seek and to save that which was lost for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him she will not perish but have everlasting life let me land let me land and end with this listen accra is waiting for the young pastors the young believers the young disciples the young people who want to follow the call of god the city is counting on us you look at the media we look at social media we have never had a more irreverent generation has no regard for god has no regard for the things of god has no regard for the church we've never seen a generation which is as immoral as this generation we've never seen a more proud generation which cannot be spoken to cannot be advised and cannot be guided there is only one hope and it is not an old answer it is not a cake it is not backward it is called jesus jesus is the answer for the world today and i'm not listening when i say jesus i'm not talking about seminars i'm not talking about conferences i'm not talking about somebody help me conventions i'm not talking about group meetings i'm not talking about oh i'm not talking about education i'm not talking about running water that is not jesus that is not jesus christ jesus said we should do those things and they are good but that is not jesus christ the message of jesus is all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god the wages of sin is dead but the gift of god is eternal life that message i'm telling you that message is not being preached i'm telling you i mean i have a church in every campus in this city i'm telling you that message is not being preached we're just having christian christian group meetings christian conventions healing services impartation services falling down services oil services washing feed services alone say i don't know what we are doing but it's not jesus we are preaching i'm telling you i'm charging everybody here i'm not i'm not i'm not talking to one group here i'm charging everybody here you came for this conference because god wanted you to hear this you know this year i i was sitting in a service and my father was preaching about showing i felt the lord telling me to go again from school to school i did it last year i'm going to do it again this year i want to go from school to school to every young person to tell them look you can't say you go to the nightclub and you're a christian that is not christianity that type of fake false because the gospel hasn't been preached to you you have to come out from among them like pastor he said and be separate that's the that's the message we have that jesus wants to save you jesus loves you jesus died for you i'm charging everybody here let us be humble let us be humble pastors used to be it used to be a humble profession a ministry used to be a humble profession john wesley used to travel up and down finding where the people are jesus said i didn't only come to save i came to seek seeking is not done in the chest seeking is done in the highways and the byways seek is done door to door seeking is done standing outside workplaces i used to stand outside a and see more and wait i i i i i can't graduate about that i stand and wait for the people who are finishing work and are coming and say excuse me sir can i talk to you because first corinthians 1 21 god has ordained do the foolishness of preaching look there will be no other method of salvation except preaching there's no you can't sugarcoat it we have all sorts of evangelism they bring up all types we will do this we'll do this and then people there's nothing like preaching i was 18 years old and somebody preached about their blood i grew up in church all my life somebody preached about the blood and tears came down my eyes and i raised up my hand in the chest that i've grown up in and i gave my life to christ that message will never grow old at least it's precious to me because without that i wouldn't be here today it's the plan the blood and where the blood doesn't flow i always tell the story i always tell the story my friend my friends little brother i was preaching i was preaching in france and my my friend's little brother's leg and got into he got to a motorcycle accident and then at pentagon hostel i was a lego student and the motorbike broke his leg in three places and he rushed him to texas hospital so when i got back i went straight to see them i think the next day went straight to the hospital and there he was with his leg book in all places and the doctor took us to the side and told us that whatever prayer we can pray we should pray that the blood is not flowing from the mid thigh to the toes so they are all their brains that their blood should get to where the toes are because if the blood doesn't flow there within three days they are cutting off the leg as i speak to you now his leg has been cut off i prayed i called every pastor i know to pray and you had only one prayer topic the blood should reach the toast let me tell you my friends whatever wherever the blood doesn't flow die wherever the blood doesn't get to will die whichever colleagues or family members you have that the blood doesn't get to they'll die as we are preaching to them other topics as if we've got i said we finished the work look there are other powerful topics in the bible but i tell you there is no jesus said they all testify of me all the things i'm talking about they're all trying to lead you to me the blood where the blood doesn't go will be cut off and cast into the fire and i pray that god will use you we are the light of the world we are the salt of the earth we are city set on a hill which cannot be hated we have beacon of hope in this world you know you know what salt is salt is used for many things salt is used for the taste remember god said i'll spew you god doesn't like the taste of where the reason god likes the taste of the world you know salt is also used as a present preservative when you put salt on me it doesn't go bad the reason why this water has not been is destroyed is called the salt of the elect the elect believers on earth are preserving god from ending the world we are the salt we are the hope of this world we are the hope of akra no man of god is coming from somewhere to save this city you and i let's partner together it's the year 2020 and the year 2021 this is how revival comes let's reach every soul every kebab man every every kiosk owner every student every secondary school student let's preach until we are tired until we are dying until let us not change the message let us let us let i'm so proud every time i see my my brother francis i'm so proud of every time i see him here's one message when i when i hear him when i say i watched him talk about three times on a christian stage only preaching about jesus i'm so and when he finished that he the bible said the lord confirmed his word with signs following matthew 9 35 preaching teaching and healing that's what jesus came to do we have added some other things telling you there'll be nothing greater than the message of the man who died to wash away our sins and the and the salvation that he brought to us and so i charge you i charge you today as i close many are called you are like me you sense the desire that i feel drawn that's what david said when he said as the deer painted for the water is on my soul longer to thee this is the call of god you are alone at [Music] for the waters [Music] [Music] come on all the way to the back lift your hands close your eyes and sing it to him you alone [Music] and my shield you alone you make [Music] you're standing here today you're not even sure but he says the lord is joining you and to ministry to save him and to follow him come on and pray for you for the anointing come take the holy spirit come god is calling me into the ministry i don't know when i don't know how but i sense his calling me to be in the ministry to preach his word to preach the gospel you came for this conference you're in this church you feel the lord is coming come [Music] come on congregation sing it sing it [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] holy spirit is falling what you sense and what you are feeling that's the anointing that's the anointing here to receive it receive it is falling like rain all over here all over the space receive it yes yes that's not going to what you do what do you feel that's the anointing to this [Music] i will make you witnesses you shall receive power you shall receive power you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come and you will be a witness you'll be a witness thank you holy spirit what you feel is the anointing what you feel that's the anointing that's the anointing ashes don't move too much it's the anointing allowed [Music] holy spirit fall on your people all like rain on the heads of your people touch the hands of your people holy spirit thank you relax let them go down let them go lest anointing is the anointing just let them just lay them on the ground it's the anointing it's a great gift of [Music] god [Music] [Music] some of you start to feel something in your hands some of you start to feel something in your hands that's the anointing that's the gift that's the anointing so you start to feel a wind that's the anointing anointing spirit it's very move it's touching your head some of you are crying that's the anointing it's the holy spirit [Music] that's the anointing [Music] changes you and you shall become another man you shall be turned into another man you shall be turned into another man yeah yeah yeah yeah is there receive the anointing receive the anointing receive the anointing of [Music] some of you are fighting him surrender surrender surrender is the spirit making you cry oto que se polianda panyakati andos that's the holy spirit that's the holy spirit that's the holy spirit flow has the holy spirit flowing like a river i sense another outburst of the spirit flowing a sense of river flowing is flowing it's flowing it's flowing it's flowing through all of you it's flowing is touching you it's transforming your life it's transforming your life that's the anointing that's the sweet holy spirit he's real he's real he transforms you he changes your desires i'll put my spirit in you and i'll cause you to walk according to my commandments i put my spirit in you and i'll cause you to walk according to my commandment as the holy spirit is the holy spirit that makes the difference [Music] thank you thank you because of your fault just breathe in breathe and breathe in right now breathe in as the spirit breathe it breathe in the spirit breathe in the spirit breathe in the spirit jesus [Music] jesus be filled be filled [Music] be filled yes behold i do a new thing in you says the lord be filled thank you holy spirit father i thank you i thank you raise up an army build your kingdom to fight satan and to win souls for you jesus name let our cry be saved let our cry be saved let that be washed in the blood use us in jesus name amen if you can you can go back to your seats i choose to be [Music] holy [Music] i choose to be set upon
Channel: Pleasant Place Church
Views: 9,969
Rating: 4.8884463 out of 5
Id: j1z3KXDhZ_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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