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[Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] we're standing for the door never going back again to the world and we will wait here we said we're fighting for the soul we will find that girl goodbye to stay in though will not alone so be strong in the Lord in the power [Music] that he may be able to ban Oh God I went through and take up the field of play and with the song of the Spirit we he we been with him for the Lord we're never going back again to the world dance evil way when he we were fighting for the ball we will find her fine oh but again [Music] oh yeah I can't know whoa [Music] you Oh [Music] we man we're fighting [Music] we were fine they know we're not I'm gonna fight I'm gonna fight entry Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] and in gone we will find a fly in the wind [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let us pray real father find some million for this time damn merci beaucoup Momo what a blessing kill benediction we have tangible guide us country noon by your mighty spirit but on its pre we saw in this time oh no see mobile we give you a sign luta little messy in Jesus name mundo decision mom amen your babysitter flavor that's why you are all welcome to I am dr. Foley with a to sleep Bienvenue à la co-parent on twice to Tokyo hallelujah hallelujah this is a pastors conference taking coffee hopefully pasta is not a convention normal Church convention in if Irene kovala normally give so I hope you have that mind don't expect with a visa or taste if you want prosperity see we shall kill a poor parenting and financial guidance intellectually not yet you even have to go to another program we had before we are not talking we are here for church where the some people have I'd agree amen amen so you can leave immediately after this session if you are looking for something else timoshev she wants all superb a party with a presentation so your neighbor I'm staying yeah conversation Wow I believe Bishop sake has given us a good introduction so leave execute I believe in engquist you're never here and what we are here for there are super fun funky giving ourselves wholly to God's Word noodle a suit on Gemma or tomato juice oh man I mean now I want to share with you about the wisdom of church planting sugar pistachios a fool like Tascha the length loss actually degrees the wisdom of church planting that such as then plus actually we give wisdom is defined as the ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand latasha's tiffany como la capacity a compound wishes kilowatt now if our compound Fatima amen and then the ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand la capacity a compound new shows Kalavati no Paula capacity a compound this is I'm reading the dictionary from the rich name elasticity is also defined as the knowledge of what is proper it would all reasonable the key a collective a torn-up the knowledge of what is proper lacunae salsa Keokuk or reasonable rate or not it also means good sense or judgments see talking if you would be on both songs on bourgeois Wow Wow how many ones good sense Community Association of also how many one bad sense come here vaudeville innovations fantastic okay now wisdom also is defined as the knowledge of what is true then write the suggest a will see the finicum cyclical ethos the circuit forehead the key issues both amen amen the knowledge of what is right now police are the key issues the knowledge of what is right that when it starts with the key issues amen amen and the best definition I think that the ability to use to apply knowledge Ella Mae's definition Juan de la capacity are met empathic la connaissance to apply knowledge may compassion had people the ability to apply your experience applique Africa what connoisseurs what experience or the ability to apply your understanding hola capacity at Metro classic what fulfills your the ability to apply common sense who applicable zones or the ability to apply your insight hola capacity applique what comparison so it is how you use knowledge selamanya don't you Chile's la connaissance a lot of people go to Bible schools leisure second difficult evening or school for that magnetically and when they come out of the schools they can take it because they don't do well in a racist part the reason is not that they were not given knowledge la casona Papageno Park in the Phoenicians but after school comes applying the knowledge a fella called before applicate la connaissance that you have Qaddafi do you understand a couple company and that is wisdom it's a realization so knowledge lacunae so is all the things you know to secure policy and all the things you learn a tooth caboodle you achieve all the experiences you have today's experience kabuki we have won all the things you understand to the copper company and then applying them it may sound like Patek so that is why in Africa we have leaders who are mostly educated they poop on the wanna pick the leader is on Koopa educate more African leaders heads of states have probably been to school outside Africa the prepare dishes are Africa or reject frequency we call Alex period logic so you couldn't say that they have let's say inferior knowledge will prove a party analog is all in connectors and failures sometimes they may even be first in the class you tell me from them and I take the lac la Camilla are you with me after over ceiling but then comes the applying of the knowledge men obviously Kasota second essence utilizing the knowledge utility la connaissance how do you use the knowledge community Liz a second isn't so wisdom is defined as the ability to apply the knowledge Rogers Stephanie : capacity a myth of pratik la connaissance Africa is largely approximant because of knowledgeable leaders who have failed to apply or cannot apply maybe because of problems in the system they cannot apply what they know last week a completely dirty cornet Makena Haifa and make empathic the Kilkenny's they cannot apply what they've learned about economics in the proclamation plastic surgeons are people and economy so wisdom is the way you apply or how you think such as they don't nominate automation practical America relativity and in this conference I believe that a great effort is being made to help you to think in a better way a bar not a coffeehouse vrm coffee pop hear me who would they be our Christmas cheer Jimenez connect amil manisha so it's not that you don't have the book cinematically goodness a family lives but how to apply the books Mecca Medina application amen amen it's not that you've not been taught well tobacco oh no only with apotheon appeal but how do you think after you've received be oppressive our knowledge is remarkable replenishing amen amen so what we need to download a mobile even the wisdom god phyllis a chance to choose to replace our way of thinking but one plus e-naught many other refreshes and in this conference on onset of iran we are not trying to give you more theories say my papa was Donnie and quantum on tells the tale rings God one practical implementation of his word today Jericho makes contact exterminate okay Papa hole holy man I mean amen amen alright so Africa let me use Africa now feel most of us are from Africa some of them out there but we have been very rich that is the way we think last week the Scottish may not many other is a series of days after we have learned things and receive knowledge oppressive ocean lacunae Joseph Adama a piece special now do you know that you can have somebody who doesn't go much to school but the person is able to apply just a little knowledge that we had and the way he goes about his life he rather becomes prosperous yeah the jockey knows African semi-mythical may nominee on steel relationships a Lomonaco still met on Patrick to kill ponies Lupercal connect he's a thief ' I once met an old man general Khalifa and he ah who had not been much to school in a parfait consulate can't recall but he was a banana he told me himself Emiliano related media a millionaire in matter diesel women and he told me how he became a meme I think Amanda W millionaire he was a practical man in a turn-on party without much education so bokuden accustomed at the lips are he knew William Urkel quality he implemented Daniel Patek every time I attended a party where he was present at such occasion second to the passage in Jersey City I in fact we later he wants us to give a speech if let's donate 70 school and his wife they didn't like it is a founder Philippa but he would always insist on giving us me he'll insisted to show after music school the first time I had him speaking with his broken and bad English doctor me of occasion so deep an erection only the more Kathy stated I was amazed at his confidence GT Tony Palace Oh fiancée Levesque and I thought why doesn't this month keep quiet since his English is not so sure madam a group MAPE requested on the 6th a powerful Pacino Padma be analyst but as I listen to him I realized he was a very wise man the allocation a potentially really tackle is a message and I began to like his speeches as a commodity appreciated in school and I was always looking forward to him speaking Asha to show a skill he was far wiser than people who have gone to university related for focus askable poco de basanti of faculty mean University and Rich's a British you'll be rich with the reddish amen amen if you can apply people to be applicant what we are saying second uzl only you'll be rich you see she's got a prosperity conference and if I'm confident you'll afford anything but let me just make this point here mr. vicious selenium for God's work is not about money the cottage a local self balance on the surgical option when you try to work for God thinking about money complete Hawaii put your a big national debt you cannot work well we wrap up here in Hawaii you cannot you know pooja you even before we say Pope but people who work for God militia cassava cultures God blesses the chili beanie amen amen there is no no no God seven yeah Oh conservative culture in the Bible dama de Bourgh's for gay people that's going to be your testimony dr. haataja my gosh job job was the richest man in the wall of Asia it a long love you he started IV yes a month of feared God and non-kicking at you a man who trusted karnaki for the coffee on soldiers serving God is very different from saving money sir gives you a whole complete work in the monastery LaShawn money is a bad God large on sale move a person a God who cannot give you happiness m-momiji Aquino papa we cannot buy happiness juniper bash Dillashaw if you have a lot of money you can buy happiness if you have a production capacity LaShawn if you want somebody to love you and you give the peasants 10,000 say fall in love with me these geezers are not fall in love with you Jamaica combat will supply a PGD that's what we mean the lab puts on the MU less than one Candlemas person from a God who cannot give you loyalty and directing a few passes on a line one more thing a God who cannot give you friends and jerking the professor Tony these I mean it's not a good God sin if I'm fortune money is a bad thing to worship sunshine movie shows are utterly it's a very limited God then gently missing and if powers are very small a novena productive are what you give is to serve God so don't you president a future and all these things shall be added onto your t-shirt aha I should say palaces hallelujah hallelujah are you excited by that and comes a-courtin AHA so as you serve God and also we travel to unless you follow the wisdom of God's people are such a surgeon you experience many things that people are dying for they are given to you the next Eddie Murphy Papa - all coolican a summer good evening amen amen now the wisdom that we need that is God's wisdom that sighs I don't remember Angela such attitude first Corinthians chapter 2 and Cohen can do it says I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified G determination are here fulness apology AG facetious amen Oh best one I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you that testimony of God for my fellow students evils in a packaging superior he said along gas food attach accessories I leave you the most in the same honest with you I like for applications of wisdom gem Lomonosov oil applicator Sanchez some of us after salvation we are now deciding to become circularly wise people second option to our fellows tell you you that you don't deserve any help - the money especially so no more ah see how you apply what has happened to you is the wisdom I'm talking about the money don't you are clicks the key pair of evil killer such a sociopath you see people they receive visions like phobias they become nemesis then you hear what we are talking of you wonder whether they are not bank managers or their motivation as because of what are they talking about yeah they don't kill you this experience from pony up second Chile's also families to compete the kiddie on the bunk the floor said look I I don't need look sort of wisdom clever son it is what I came with this testimony the cata mony of God that's the monies of God what additional Jewish people have a term using superiority no longer given you have until one yashka to your church is not going because you are you are not into testimonies of God don't leave the bodies papa Katrina safety pilot came on yesterday verse to the region and it has I becoming not to know anything I mean this is application this is after salvation this how he interprets his salvation and applies and deploys his wonderful salvation is that I will know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified on a cross this is how he implements his wonderful salvation experience with a vision and all that his preaching is going to be Jesus Christ and then him crucified on a cross that is how is going to apply things Lomonosov all day today Makka pakka coastal celebrity like Phil Moses set a new possible assault a dot you know something apart la Pacific yonder he decrees how many pastors today are dedicated to Jesus Christ and then the cross like that your main topic corriendo pathological or affiliate specified the she succeeds in aquatic education perhaps I had one person saying that is thank God that he is not one of those preachers who is preaching about the cross and Jesus Christ dying on the cross John he is preaching about the wonders of the kingdom geographer critical in our messages and project from the broadcaster keep our city in a specific job with all the methane DUI origin fantastic fantastic so again you see everybody saved but how you applied well turn on a so they may nominate don't is a click the solid it is a non everybody is going to Bible so that after that how you apply twelve months take off a couple evening affects the lab for morning make contact it everybody will be ordained then after that how you apply to masaha autonomy obsessed in am enemies of happy today fastest know so many things we have never had much knowledge before also really faster ponies who put a show on the pony people / haha how are we applying it I will behaving like fall no come on correct only made of plastic s also bottom Paul Paul said my number one topic but I denounce a 100-digit 55 it's going to be Jesus Christ take a seat please hi process when did we last week about Jesus Christ faster content area Africa to take it me and him could if agencies precision that's how he interprets his salvation and what he's supposed to do about after BC jennamariea don't really like SF professional value is achieved MSM offense the vasila selling but the average church is about prosperity getting something good life Nagi's why and filezilla prosperity coma boy in belly the person blessing a benediction establishment the charisma Romanians like Dominion breakthrough sleep st-elevation elevate a restoration in La Vista Hospital not with SP negative acceleration lacks la nación acceleration is somebody's main topic for the year stay loose psst part okay careful Ani actually a few processing the position but also for our services we are after this struck down with lightning after after a 15 Jesus as a being a wicked man after being a blasphemer and being compacted his decision was how he's going to implement what he has explained and knowledge that we had is that he will preach about Jesus Christ and him crucified and nothing else it's a couple experimental originally like adopting a policy with a totally like the multi logically to make empathic total use of patient education and he said for the best three therefore and I was with you in weakness in fear and in much trembling whereas today we are with you in pomposity in bigshot ISM and big man ISM anything you can operate a boot on the only starter say bless the child is a bottom loom or may lose its only living and they start the car Josie T in pomposity enough positive in big Melissa ash where Oh God and Big Shot ISM passes is that not how we are never there Master you some company fuh your emphasis is how to be a big-shot what actor a medium commander veneer and go not in contest I'm not how the church should be big my alimentive Levi I can't meet one to icon sometimes when you follow passes in the supercut to the church you are surprised that is ranked in a small place with this beaker but welcomes would be there faster who by elion clothes watches don't you why should we 13:33 soul has not built anything in has him vehicle 3 before Jessica and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom Mahal Emmet educational report a pathology school tests receive the last ashes somebody was telling me that I'm preaching basics can make it a commercial presence shows the bad he shows basic anything which is more advanced than what we are reading here is too advanced for my head is too advanced ok I will say power positive initial summative us enticing words of man's wisdom the man's wisdom is what we don't need the disco petrol people our target is own method or visible do not all publish work one of the things of man's wisdom is to borrow money interests Azam figures and $40 on making everybody four thousand four nations by borrowing our non-presence boris indebtedness is a social disease like that fetching melodic socially anywhere where there's a little bit of development indebtedness of witness month with some have been broadcast on the people and fast on the people now we are put a development that death I think like to Fox a collision yes three there's nothing as unwise as borrowing money yes here the to the massage could entertain a shock but that is the normal wisdom of every month exactly like I just normal the school is on until you meet God just captured your home confiture and God will show you a judgment Aloha you don't need to borrow to the status and entertain you see you people buy a you may not know you know so he part with them those who lend money to you sir give example the larger on you evil woman who Lisa fascinate the only evil processes and the only thing a potatoes cause of it is as a matter of time is adjusted engine case John the zone most people who below cannot be the bodies are key and press the property is because of a certain problem that you have which is no solved that you need to burn Borman say of course the problem Katrina Palazzolo Pollock eight children and welcome larger government the government bank the bank and everybody a has the belief that to solve my problem oh and get a loan settlement crossed Coppola to do problems defining the model prayer but God told the Jews Jewish with usual and you shall not for each other less than 20 feet apart it was a blessing so that cash was the cases you shall borrow and you shall not lend by the case number bless you seek the blessing is you shall end now you don't have any English do you understand the English or the French of accompany la maleta Kosta Koufos son 2011 edition takaku crazy for the Lord I got blessed be a key from easy and staff have learned unto many nations and but thou shalt not bow and thou shalt ring over many nations but they shall not reign over thee little nettled little baby - Ethel I give you pleasure a pervert and a co a few none for that well - Domingo has to bokuden ashore and the domina hope we're short one can I can I tell you something history Lolo we're not I'm not speaking so long this money but I just want to tell you so I tell you something that will be surprising a bit insensitive about the Acacia shows they don't know do you know that do you know that you know why Jews have been hated all over the world so there is this one is useful detail you know what you don't vote you know why disabled Fuqua there's a spiritual reason there is no spiritual there's also something they do you know secretly surety for that makes people not like them so much so that throughout I have a new book is called about cases and them in that book you see all these things they're they they've been driven out of many countries France who suck them then you let them come back then Germany will sack them then come back out of Italy out of Russia oh they drive them are always in large groups for the last two thousand years olds was been happening to them the big reveal all is resource acted too late no home a-akane to the end of the intro shopping with Donald only not a skill does a team do you know what is an improper because their main business is lending money but loves affairs a key for fysop almaty them the play tailor shop and when you lend money to people after some time the people can play and they owe you and you own them and all the things come to threaten a shop on install these on of a puppy if you come up and if or city put this tooth the don't use all the keys all so they hate them don't is it a detest it will be owned everything mousketool aha fastening as well what did they do it'll end in money have identified supported oppressor larger even up for today then just go showed me the main punch are owned by the record pal so a party no she said oh gee so to say she yeah so be you need it is because that they will try them out of the country then when they was all business who collab them to let them come back but finally shaken delicious a tunings opportunity business issue and don't be late for the Havanese always remember this verse Deuteronomy 15 6 the one who is lending to you is going to own you on your house on everything that borrowed money for nucleation especially the banks in Ghana their own everybody's house that they are so many houses that they can't even sell the houses leave uncle Ganapathy post entries or two limits on the source energy funny bones they don't even know what to do the hog witnessed a drug correctly me bro country the priests they shall see not a creepy bathroom the wisdom I am NOT own about man's wisdom here unify party like such a schism I'm talking about it says but in demonstration of the spirit and the power involved emotionally speak in a croissant then in case you think he doesn't have wisdom he continues the site that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men always remember there is a way men think men wisdom of men man's wisdom today - you have played Allah socialism the new faculty avec la Sasha season we didn't come to this conference to hear the wisdom of men you know supervenience esto pero cuando cessationism when I summon I say thou shalt not bow but also life it doesn't make sense when it come to make sense I came to preach the Word of God just you can use alternative is example Mizutani la Carozza Jews under food emotion of a sketchy and contain the pathology that your faith should not stand immense wisdom so not a speck Bishop sake to be standing here and telling us legacies of human with a year plan from school you know mathematically Rex achievable the shockula ple causal eluded why all the successes how big we speak wisdom among them that are perfect or mature so yet not the wisdom of this world is it people understand disease the winner of this world and the wisdom of man it's not foolishness all its wisdom but it's a type of thinking let such a system or Nirvana not an abacus did you keep the specials in manual is machine ok it's not the wisdom of this world how this world thinks such as associate Lomonosov Lucia clearly the most Bob it is not the wisdom of the princes of the demons and the evil spirits of this world the largest is pre-mission a leaf 2014 - Simone welcome to verse 7 with assistance one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible killed immediately frickin eternity is this place it says but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery but when you when you say it it was sounds not clear comedy deliver system if I claim the nucleolus I presume mysterious a cachet if you say give and it shall be given to you it's not clear what do you mean by when I give my money I will get money I don't know who give me the money and giving away but you see don't mr. Saha donate any parklands teachers don't keep up with Donny typically I cannot understand how I am crucified with Christ or pick up your cross and follow Jesus I don't know how it can help me click up across and follow somebody Juicy ba Kamal Khan Chaka Chaka sweet cake and amid a genuine papa even the 15 wisdom Nemec look at the massagers caching hissing wisdom means the wisdom in it is hidden from the obvious form from the common eyes on the ordinary presence it's hidden like what is wise about it I can't see some ridiculous ah Akashi the love ordinary the key touch on the whopper Fatima the wisdom of God is it's not obvious like if I say something that is great wisdom from God it will not be obvious to you that is the unified every da are two visual oh let's go for service typical multi become I'm sure of that Josie see you not do not see that wisdom and if I love posted a committal assertion in fact I will not be surprised if you consider me to be a fool janessa hey first you quit evil of hostility if you OSLC but this is the wisdom which God ordained before the world becomes for your glory or your beautification look at this last suggestion to our death we need to abolish yet will not apply this wisdom we are talking about is not the wisdom of a mind number two it is mysterious like when you say that what I was saying like I share the lead - our hands are not same mr. Hughes he levitated like honestly I can't even blame you when you slapped me for telling you the wisdom of course the most akashi Asian of LAN party boomers Italy a community park complete I don't blame you if you don't understand if I said thou shalt not bow low Jenna who plant massive uno company pecans idina menzel Peppa however the font on this is the wisdom which God ordained long time ago before the world started this wisdom was ordained for your glory telepsychic a volunteer teacher of a 15 is for what's the ground that is the wisdom if you follow will make your life glorious if you will give a success of our these like glorious this wisdom from God fashion TV energy yes somebody asked me Sheikh Ahmad Ahmadi brother dad Sam dad what is your secret of prosperity realistically the task force anything my secret of prosperity war mostly success the macrophages it's mysterious semi-serious it is hidden take a if I tell you my secret see versus the Moses non-law if you will accept it the pocket you are would you accept it if I tell you get you ask occasionally be my secret of prosperity mapper 20 I said of prosperity is very simple the present Matthew 6:33 matter he goes why seek you first the kingdom of God - a chromium alloy on the tree and his righteousness I should keep and all this is with people are dying for processors polygamy number shall be added unto you so I should get out the shoes yes amen God it is hidden from your eyes cash a devotion yes it mysterious mysterious can you genuinely prosper if you don't really sit down to seriously look for Prosperity come on put busy schedule smart even over that a bacterial small to con something up cause buried a serious man when God called me to the Ministry come to my bid on me - I was a young medical student citation a call a few gently : connecting then I became a nice bright medical doctor DaVinci sweeter than you and me sir I take another near beyond with a bright future in front of me and not only of cream of the ROM one yes we now here comes the wisdom of God to me I'll omen of years especially to young one and the wisdom of God says Alexis the JD put this wonderful degree that you have me if not maybe you could gr put it in the water makes up Allah WA forget about it oh please and follow me a stream one eye that is mysterious to me carry on ahead and take a shape give us our ball he joins them yeah official give thyself wholly don't want to don't you I can remember where I was lying I was lying on a blue carpet Gemma - yeah happier who she says it issued as a people in my father's hotel don't know tell them open when that morning some eccentric spoke to my heart please read my file and press on me this scripture in my mission of cursing give yourself wholly don't want to touch him to work Oh divine and Wow City Wow that you're perfect you will appear to all I think you see progress one if you don't actually and I give myself each of a she donation total mom holy total mom I'll see everyone but it's like today I am NOT struggling to buy some of the things you are struggling to buy the position of a pop-up flash teeny short Kahoot Polly careful who batted a shtick yes when I was giving myself holy I said I knew I will never have a car I'll never have a house not I knew this was visited this is a consummate Anita sarkeesian's avocation Alicia may put it in what you Mimi Social Survey to see Tiffany poem on the wisdom of god realization searchers is not the wisdom of man nitsana socialism as long as process and Christian workers continue to deploy man's wisdom to do God's work they are never going to get God's result of his work or cilantro Konami Khalifa suggested or put another Church mm política de jure who loves the church amen amen what is God's wisdom Khalil Asaad esta - go ye into all the world Papa - l'amour and preach the gospel is a lot into all the world apart - the Guerrero Commission lagron Commission go into all the world - don't go and preach a crash not economic but the economy don't preach economic depression economy on bridge financial depression Athena don't preach physical flesh machine is like eating don't preach chemistry as a spatula she me preach Jesus he'll chase you and him crucified as it is critical hallelu halleluya then you get resolved it was elitism you cannot have the result until you start to be humble enough to accept God's wisdom would approve a family recognized even authority and that secular such a surgeon God's wisdom can be encapsulated into sentence last Isis the jumper is no limit on the fast go where you are asked to go I wanted Amanda Lee preach what you are asked to precise the cause of the amount of pushing simple take then go where you are asked to go now I wanted Amanda Lee preach what you are taught to break record amount of fishing a prison something that will give you a in university or a in the Institute of Management and public administration Oh what stopped you get a mess in God you getting at I have to appreciate the give up totally the ball Naftali universities on a big church even issuing people are clapping for you these are the clamps a protein and you are happy that you have what is called a cross over appeal h Kanaka gr to attend to more you know what is crossover appeal I thought you said touka said I start attended too long do you know crossover appeal like you have an appeal across the border in the world to like the bank's I mean your web appeal to the bank they appeal to the world that the world likes you the politicians like you the I mean motivational speakers like you like to have a cross over up here they also appeal to the church 77083 associate SUNY Cote may bulk mainly black women also peace was except except the kijiji utilities accepted she debuted to play a tool mode when I first had that word crossover appeal it sounded so not a sex I also want to have a crossover coaching I want you to pull up to me applaud the donkey plays a tool month Joseph will display a tool more but after some time I realized no it's not this is what you have a crossover kit I must have a 1:1 you need not drop appeal to God dogmas I must appeal to God God's love and God's interest appreciate completion nothing that's the key important occasion playing a tune but a tool more how many want to make a maximum impact with God in God's work Kanye's word attend effect I want an impact maximum available my future go where you are asked to go that was of amantani preach what you ask a precious also demanded it God sent you to a poor place for that poor appliance at Singapore before your name if if he tells you to preach about Jesus preach what he told you to priests you be very successful teetered amount of pre-shave the ship Jews Gentiles question to Cuba Haiti amen amen look at Jonah the Guardian and he was sent to the city of Nineveh on Nadia ye a la Vida kneeling every wicked city you will missions more than most of us when we had your mission is tuna never woulda said good as a setup can't be behind I refuse I refuse we never remember till I die neither me nor my children will go to Nineveh he gonna be a soldier and sell come on Dalia minivans are you Lisa coefficient of e 1me one we make impossible I mean it look at it the mission and this is red body standing they say now what you don't want Oh what is asking you to go but with the demos Eileen stop looking for good place and get the shitty ones out one we only want nice places over the abundant one but God told Jonah Nineveh is your destination maybe ideas on our daily lives which it was a Jonah got up and did a karate said you naughty Laila baby food karate never chamois and look at the message look at the message he told him to grant which Jonah is letting go and preach all of you are dead you are fish to people Eli he left for my mini a minute that grows in a tree contain that practically said darling sit alone and tell them that you are dead what that hydroxylase ad logical Feeny don't be shown well she's my god and Jonah ran away a Jonah with all free he said as long as I am and I think in mind I will never go to Nineveh you like do still don't occasionally seizures okay some a onion even when you go and preach the wicked people they can't they can't just shut your boy trouble we look at our bodies don't you go fishing donkeys on me sorry mr. louvet if ever uncool the Casa look at the foreigner foreigner has come here to stock up look at this guy even hear me Oh tell me this please banging the dusky D come on what if you and something come and walk around in our city have you stopping us to believe you are do not be like animals every day get up on pokey they'd have killed him yellow-haired cheese that some places they don't take time to kill yeah this is all we know delicious pie - happy small Jonah run away do not eat no fish after being in the will index the will is dead oppressor wife is a look go for something like this leprechauns like that instead of change my mind I pray you like TV show she doesn't and God also didn't change this man he told him okay go back to the same place I you're not fashionable of Hawaii all members were we learn wireless on your phone go to nineveh my I mean even the fair city I told you to go to Lamech feel and I came to see aunt arrange my master written that I saw you to free the RAL family the thinking of phobia for the other changes message in a virtual simulator reach what I asked you to preach a certificate the movie depends go where I asked you to go where is the demand Annie you will have a maximum impact in your ministry value maximum impact someone this is the only place recorded in the Bible and in the whole world but everybody in the city repented including the king the king gave His life to Christ and the animals started fasting look at look at this one [Music] keyonna peculiarity party ma'am no one remembers anymore alcohol solution the man and the Beast were covered with not not only masked men the animals were also wearing spats wrong any question bodies are many many more concerning and the case also gave His life to cry no war I don't Italy the king is Parliament happiness everybody repented one animal to non-silicon see everybody facet animal pig cow chicken everybody no food no water do one show me this anymore leave Ashley maximum impact here we have a family with you me no go where you are asked to go what was the demand Danny preach what you are asked to protect from the demand the patient will have the maximum impact with all their well your life and your ministry hallelujah this is why we are not doing well when I put one on the rails people will come up with so many fantastic greetings wanna wanna take over the silica just fantastic fantastic waiting the predicate your father my some of my measures who don't do well they don't preach what they are to preach vocoder the missionaries my inner race is my facility in the face but occasionally the model around the donkey show they are asked to preach in a fresh Mexican love them under pressure they do a possible run order that those who don't do what they don't before they are recognized a nice party the critical element of case and they don't do what they are asking you know so possible of them on the same always they all get all the same it so to hang all those who don't do well is I have about 2500 pathogen I should know something about those who don't do well and those who do well JPL is the faster it changes what connection to show spa water circular look papa and that's why I'm preaching to you about the wisdom of God is if but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world for our glory for for you to be nice and gross problem whatever it is mysterious and exterior this is okay go where ask you to go preach what I asked you to prepare know what I'm asking you look 90% don't obey this was a captive a typical obeys my second loved Amanda G oh I make one lot amount Danny that is why we are failing tel aviv opal aquel on issues but you not feel anymore it watchin Wi-Fi issue a we're not saying any more kids appreciate never try to reason our God's message they say shemitah explicably Saskatoon yes and even listen there are two types of preaching yeah duty to critical job there's preaching which tells you what to do yumo guay because you keep the demand the fairest crucial number one we will do this test to see do the settler do this silly scene and there's another type of PGI not in the pericardium which tells you what is keep these chuckle okay okay that's nothing to do we are here not fair just belief for you squad what is being said so Katie if I preach and I tell you these your creativity when you are knowing that you up you'll be beautiful just believe it country twice a day if you look awesome if I tell you when you are know that you'll be full of joy there's nothing to do just receive it recently so she went to her wish yeah an affair she's accepting people are failing they don't do what they're asked to do the movies they always modified the show is show party no for but the colors among the fair Nemo DC to you Billy Graham went to preach when he was if he lay down on a golf course and prayed God showed me what to render and the Holy Spirit showed him and he became convinced of auto preach Billy Graham attorney pressure is a medium eternally the the Gulf in a PA a Jew I miss you local to keep an idea and he said that he'll end up if the Word of God is the word of God elevators and when he repeats the way of God there will be power in it so if you watch milligrams that he he he he repeats scripture in a completely guilty now if I hold juice in your heart not priests also pepper all the components with my Kindle secondly Liberty one day he fish and a lady came up to him an old lady came up to me Tony today you didn't preach well I'll show in especially a dumb even immediate emotional teaching Apache impatient why book one she she said today you didn't preach about the blood of Jesus also this in a Baptist is you love the solution see it touched his heart in your sliders decided always you have to preach about the blood of Jesus that cross of Jesus plan in as a sedate official position astrology Lacroix this isn't you here modern Christian saying you know we don't need all these really great on type of Simon's I have somebody saying that this type of Billy Graham some alone as we we have had all that for so long we don't really that what we really need now another gentle you can take on a purpose and the city that they start appreciate the ground Mayo's or non-functional is a start dishes on a personal note shows who can you compare to the Librium today not all these are more than we are everybody's pissed about love marriage and those are the ones getting divorced or difficulties about merita the ones getting divorces the little you see a billboard and you see this is his dead wife they are taking pictures is a position Maria's is a practical device we were heavy group authorities he must decide coriander all the top happiness good life we have never had more unhappiness indicate that we are having today to the last one very Mia parties in condom among Jewish mythology cannot pond explain much methanol of the distant us to get which about marriage Julian Sepulveda a position Amalia go into all the world and do marriage counseling called a tamale on how to be happy together oh here comes in random when you work for God you'll America will be nice by yeah yeah that should be money when you focus on it too much you see that it will not be working beautiful time is portion about yes to Baracus an Amish mafia go where you are asked to go far to demand early preach what you are asking every text refers to the amount of fishing go where you are asked to go like Donna who owns the demon dolly the animals who start fasting hey these are you all thank you we'll give you try to cry many everybody the city will believe really pathetic Jesus Christ and him crucified [Music] keep Christmas here as the wisdom of God cannot substitute and that is why Lucky's on coolican I want to share a bit about the wisdom of church planting the proportional part I share to discussion the nebula security they give many passes have forsaken the wisdom of church planting bokudoh pasa amigo Cortana spacious Templars ASEAN basically amen amen and the wisdom when you force a kiss you before a consumer koko de la suggested to have hope apply no people are for come on kiss yourself Kelly's also poor when I take offerings I can see that people are poor cause your conduct of function working is also cool because most people would like to give the people a shot it will say Tony I'm not wicked this also can be shown on my mind they want to give to help Tony at you they don't have seen lava we just don't have in the bathroom oh that's really silly reality even churches basically recently I was at I give thyself wholly conference in London a lot of pastors there Rita modify any coffeehouse don't want to talk we are selling than that you guys have been pushing about prosperity so I'm going to do some small offering to see what other prosperity today the delivery can pookie particular possibilities only the money you know France was very Allah prosperity ah I press it in 10 they couldn't give much they prove a pattern in culture after all this vision about prosperity a place to take pretty catchy lapis Penske you said I'm preaching about basics uni commercial space officials are back other basics is happiness they showed buddy clue that this isn't happiness it's only but occasionally killed a person is happiness in fact we knew that Jesus Christ Jesus Lee and him crucified he quickly them on the cross this is a slice of Jesus in the blood of Jesus is working so much don't despise God's wisdom the main crystallization surgeons people could be saved by giving them running water and electricity then why did Jesus died on the cross what are all these dramatics on the cross nailing bloodshed what is it about Tim is your face so they are not on electricity look to say the under the película qua ago the best Cappadocia to a cricket if people could be saved by giving them food and giving them money then why should you come and die on the cross with all this drama sin is not a very traumatic thing across nailin RP y tillage effects of Arizona emotion promoted to the death the vision of one in fcc here that's the wisdom of God mr. Tillis Isis to do Jesus Christ she's a creep crucified on a cross this if you love for paying the price Taylor cream for your salvation but don't I mean myself a value and the salvation of the whole world Pilate Rahman Allah meeya amen so brothers and sisters a sister the wisdom of church planting and church work last touches the length not opportunity either delinking I have a book called church planting jellies and Futuna lentils are purely the key church planting most process will not even take that time to reach not a party or event under the control palette on the compound why the leaf church planting is about the quite session yes but and also with church planting will see as a close to gentle Atlanta solidly and I'm just going to end with this there will be no translation service but the thing is that to plant a church and now they need you need a pasta even for faster how can you plant a church when you don't have a pastor come we're plotting against your father faster now how can you plant a church in a place when you don't have someone you can send they're expendable person and protein is difficult about teaching a personal value most churches are filled with people you cannot think the capacity is so healthy funny person khanna padma over here Chinatsu go campaign unsensible members we mark a pestle people of a convoy it's like having an army of nine year old children the community the founders are an army of egg year all children do not make appearance for the victim that's what we have second example and you ask yourself whose fault is it don't also demote me Philip or turkey whose for using it is telephone Aki salon who huh it's our fault a note for it's how we preach Selim areas on location if a man is having a habit of pineapple here no I in the cost and Anna in his farm dancers the trend of him and he says I wish I have cocoa easy easy so hey ma 100 cacao cacao look account why am I only having this soft pineapple who might they say miss Anna shut pineapples on the Guru and another another poop out of one cocoa trees you're ready to put you have only these little things on the floor is itty-bitty and then as part a concern whose fault is it Philip or Turkey whose fault is it that you have only pineapples in your family you know what a key feature is another animal control pajama I can't hear you answer the farmer the wise it is fall what is he doing catch UNICEF are getting faced the one planting we pineapple that's why it's getting pineapple kpop is called banana so process faster we are not planting cocoa trees nuñez Cabeza de Plaza de cacao da ya know so in sake you'd assume o polydamas domain syriza happiness no automatic rifle oshawa breakthrough detective what divine speech leather lava tested in elimination of elevation and he was young when promotion the proportion enlargement and implanted more prosperity the prosperity overtaking you to pass a deposition huh pasta little ball we are the pastor who have planted pineapple abusing upon you perform before me assurance services within Sam you completed an Anna we are the process of planted pineapples and a vision for cocoa trees new table pistachio semi vision Anna's us wherever the cacao scheme only a certain type of preaching produces two subscripts incessantly Telemachus joking apart and 2003 give me the McConnell McCullen yeah any of the mechanic that you have the friction in this McConnell de velas green militarized well a pedagogical approach EPA realizes that when say there is this type of preaching they fish on the pink cotton produces cocoa trees key above the cacao a sudden steps to success does not produce justice technical team and teaming up or Saxena for five a pattern emerge over true it produces Japan drea welcome it produces it produces good successful Christian support we the Christian people take a key races so it is a good thing sitting on show but if we want something greater we did you forget shows the freak on something more get to show the please you need to change the seed you are planting do you like shows you like the most to treat them if you live if you go to a camp teach em that camp is entitled all out all out teach you back again cocky attitude so don't have for what you expect to be hearing all out kefka to not get the cobalt are if you go through it comes and you are hearing a message and size of our then it is of course if you label what was the topic others not you have this teacher it's a little if you go to have comes and you at you here at such a message inside of a scamp great things for God again if you count the children stop it across shows butcher and you are sitting there for three days and they are preaching attempt great things for God in here at people exposure also creature some people grow Cho's Koo Jun or you go to account and they are teaching for three days give thyself all well it was all consensual - Johnny - don't care if you go to a camp and the title of the campus lord I know you need somebody bullet into content serious tenure success it happens a lot I know you need somebody here's a second chuckles when detention ah and if you go to a camp and a fabulous work sacrifice in the county no content each instructor sees oh I was in London and I call for a camp and the title of the camp with a banner and t-shirts what why are you not a missionary Bonnie Fisher elasticities perform a party a mission a mission pollution air all if you go to a camp and the title is how can I say thank who the team take cover - MSP a compositor written all of them all these things and so if you're just chillin in the pudding it is the only Madonna you have their different ones its original one all you have a company title is that church must send or it will end who if you can't let me go quiet you know a church must end or it will end let me give you all my weekly dose of a person the church percent or it will end it is always you know ha ha ha Damini and not sitting there for three days and the pasta is just telling you the church must sell or it will end it you ask people not culture in a possibilities oh my gosh you know zones come up constantly all you go by comedian become meaning is inside of 1000 micro churches Oh legitimate are full of context we call Italy so if you answer yourself why don't you like and you spend anybody to plant it it is because of what you saw black when we finish this conference I'm going in for an X as soon as you leave I'm from one after that you leave I'm going in for a committee and the title of the campus DiSpirito Oh beginner coconut because the nice people of income or you go fight come and the title is was applications of a Christian una if you can take these optical skills and patience I've given you my topic just as done individually getting more decisis our topic these others the themes the topic of freaking for three days capital appreciation occasion personal question applications of Christian little accustomed occasion is to take the gospel to every one become object and these are the words of William Carey or different other words of expect great things is William Carey who said it excess material I am correcting William Perry the famous Indian church and he said all these words tell me Johnny Italian l3t RTC mo it's not a new thing telephone event shows in case you think I'm a special I'm talking what great missionary talk functional genes occur it's not Easter now from those original those original William Allen wrote a book called obligations of Christians William Carey I clearly three packages of McAfee on the occasion application is application or if you go for exempt and the title of the camp is ready up twenty put in a tape you can take okay another pencil ready as 20k Anastas and some numbers of the one verse 20 and of the whole of numbers of the world has that these people should be ready for war at the age of 20 No - Lucia people dispersal key display full again alas the vessel there's not if you want mention of marriage yeah but motion to marry a shuttle shocking have you noticed let's get a little murky there's not one mention of happiness your finances little motion deletion of jobs who didn't Hawaii prosperity luck or anything don't be jealous of my prosperity news of a saloon is a for sale these messages are bringing prosperity certainly Saskia thought that prosperity every country I go I have people coming to meet me thou shalt be Hoosiers a result again the local thing because that I sent their miss occasional whining about the spell churches is unfortunately and it's working it's a much these are the topics I preach to them it's only digit unique education it is the wisdom we are imparting that is living to nothing silica gel can move then patter news over your nutrition kinamania Tina for fear you this is a secret between two of us total anybody yes the crown to lose family promise not to tell anyone Kiki promise one of the penalties it is not even leading to the prosperity Sandoz main method prosperity message is not leading to prosperity the method of prosperity an immense honor prosperity no Danielson humble fella posterity don't tell them there are people you promise check for me what are the topic are there tell them this learn what and if you focus on the topic is 120 reasons why you must be a soul winner from for 3 days 120 recipient and coconut was rule officiating so there it will again to do our community we don't preach that way on the facebook on time without which it is belong on a place far on Aloha it'll be Swedish 30 minute obvious happening for the first minute I'm telling you that the people are should she did I eat enough a or legal they don't want any vamos is the Word of God increase and the number of disciples multiplied that is because the Word of God is planting the top of the surface market you know what of God is small the number disciples left a local are logically 15 maybe disability role a local ecology of ma-maybe sip semitic Tiamo is it not amazing - OH so brothers and sisters says it is important for us to believe in Southwest on in amo purple to the farmers passion of God don't you forget about what you think is wife who be look at you for anything what is wife is what face the assassin to Judy go into the whole world or where you are absolute what was the demand Ernie or where you are asked to go what was the demand Ernie and preach the gospel oppression abortion to every creature good pair to teaching them on HSN name you cannot reach them unless you gather them you know preparing something occasionally decipher them if one is a one here but I have taught you to cook ETL thingy cause excessive church planting nothing nothing nothing very wise to do that otherwise you person are very wise - if you do this why Barry White mom did you fill up your own messes a very wife I can't find anybody who fights up a new exciting effect on duty - this one very we will be precise at her husband teaching them roses anyway Sophie you like do it it says one don't be called a very wise man you cannot just have their own message you can't carry on with your marriage teachings continuously something masculine aha happiness not like teaching it don't say not you Lucy let's see who is happy it over that key that I can and Leslie was married to Allah in over rocky or Obama a ski-doo and whose marriage is nice a the my have the kid able yes this is God's wisdom for us select package Apollo Church blanketing less now that's all they'd leave everywhere back to every light push them up ehh I could never be more idea for the material fish don't suck we look for dinner we drag a file making other people have fun from gimme and Candice I see the lucky me gimme lucky me just one I love you brother yes sir - castle gimme luckily is one of my spiritual packets Damon sleep to share mr. joy today I went there some of the sounds mumble KK to my center kisi dugu you go there you call for pastors conference they have two benches and three people on the bank there's no checks there there's no pasta she's a little fidgety London a concealer in Reynosa faster yes pestering a girl or a big Papa social shock home yeah Papa gives you further butter and we are here clap you for so you see new some mountain and got me warmed up give you British every other pin apart from something that will lead up to church planting take it to a purse the king to the men I'm Plaza physically I can somebody want to do checks plans when you're only preaching cars and money houses competitor visas America commercially so kudos and Celtic if they keep me okay so much in a visa let me remain effective it is why I love society Wow you watch and see how why look at this wow a lot of people a lot of people are catching on to this idea of church planting yeah for the person kion captain 30 days are planting more how I said I sit as a thousand churches he means a clean animal I never thought we passed one real soon upon typical humanity possibilities you I belong to the church what a party aesthetically I I belong to the church job party I mean all my preaching is for the church Joseph is of Christ definitely is for Jesus suppose I see the Saigon and I'm not I don't go to financial world mucho para mantener Delfino and coda prospectus more than even this financial journeys are very pleased to be perfectly pristine ' please use the sense of London contra is different evidence our church can build it for it disassembles yet is devotion only honor officials a narrow by the effort yellow geometry including language we certainly hope all he completed including the runways Philip if that and such they glyphicon Trismegistus en el faro for the geese were consistent if this is f of T pattern an OCO some countries not a fantasy are populating you are going to prosper nicely you have for stating the duty for money yes you know people that I sent ya a joke when I cycle and the pheasant doesn't do what I see a lot a photo supposed to watch the remote usually doesn't do well no my mom because either the personally it doesn't have my blessing but in a probability of i sensing a system working on why God sent us Jerry's on fire when we don't do what he want it come on the paper circle River we don't have his blessed universe happening we are we are hassling new Thomas Andrew bad news on a similar days of hustling are over any shorter society you are receiving we stop just a nervous one Sasha the Jews are talking about education unified model education what school did you go to Java code a calico I went to the University for seven years gfriend University under test on I have seven years of university education behind me yes that's all then you can show University and Delia were not talking about university education no papa then you can show the university something get your shoes official movie please energy you will be not that for wisdom she's not take for a second you'll be looked at for wisdom you know as I'm getting older I love to be a nice April ash and longer in what I'm doing a jewel Constitution say can see that it's actually the church that will last you positively give give achieve me all the other things you know last you research work a lot of energy James ISA I'm still alive but I'm seeing it already - see - Georgie mission what commission I'm seeing it jolibois I'm not yet gone but I'm seeing it papa party vision for efficiency let's change the give us whisk tell assertion you are receiving such powerful wisdom of your success with some precision and your wisdom hey Sasha it's going to be ten times better and the wisdom of the world Tomas Scheckter more in Daniel chapter 1 in verse 4 untie me Erika you see these children shivani's are the Bible says in them was found wisdom a honor to be massaged eternal children in whom was no blemish wealth favored careful yeah men all wisdom careful - Olga so Sunday for comprehend water figure during the session a man acknowledged the indentation understand a decision these are children of God this one is our Father - and he had learning and knowledge the veil I sell Ashanti like shop amen amen but you find out that they said to the Advocate to that you know because the you not the commander of the universe had only one way of getting wisdom and that was by feeding local indigenous innovation to steal money as a journalist I said hey I'm Louisville donor emoji hey so he wanted to give the children mwah hold on Eternia was our fortress the new region but Daniel was explaining that look it's not by foot Nathaniel he suggested it by emotion it's not by the diet any proper learning the language ooh it comes from God but here don't you God is giving wisdom today is it all the newest Atlas give these boys food and they'll be okay - education they'll be okay Kesava sodium oj you know educate today taquito but look at verse 17 me regarding the destined to change after they went on the diet that they wanted to go on and avoided the secular food and the secular systems notices and I want us to notice what this our troop ting scripture tells anyways ask for these four children I thicket Rosa go get them I gave them gave them more gave we did here corner knowledge mechanisms of young and kill nicholae shows in all learning Santos delay and wisdom is an assertion out Wow I'm Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreaming Daniella speaker to the vision is too little God is the one who gives this kind of wisdom it is a wisdom from above here here cause the people such as my bestie viendo all in this conference another copy are not sharing something you can get in school you know Pacifica puh-puh-puh buh-buh-buh says God get the four children wisdom and knowledge and learning the difficulty Giacomo got so far when tensions are such as in lassie on and then the bubble sake and these children with ten times magnification times better a 10-1 in the twenties in all mothers don't all muscles all muscles not a picture muscle to Tunis vision that the wisdom on talking about is not of physics chemistry or English language happiness is also fire all my sense of wisdom and understanding to lee sunjae the king and quiet of them he found them ten times better than all the magicians and all the authorities and the bankers and the investment bankers me bunkies you to be subjective la casa es la solutions is silicon livadas esta você é Liberty walk superior actually magic areas are followed kitted on to the world eco Philippakis the wisdom of church planting is 10 times better that they figure that day the wisdom of Investment Banking saving what you call these bonds and stocks and doing this and what-have-yous and loans and was economics whatever the wisdom of catch planting last year they notice your de people please touch this what with superior all they unintelligible I suggest the Bakke it will display the gas to succumb we're imagining our church this wisdom of catch planting is so powerful this change our chatter who can make a difference in the election setting chemical our church a local make a difference in the economy of the agency please the philosophy holes don't intellectual don't economy dissipation as a class action technically the keys in a substitute oh yes by others is not the wisdom of investment sin a fire in congestive a six-month check filigree church planting let's not eternity across the length and breadth to church building and not a little easy justice it mastered it faster racing up fun in the very thing he picked researches physically it's a great wisdom to resources love well yeah what possessed this semi Motor City his last take Daniel laugh whistle now so she spoke Coquille Aparri oh wow and what are we the state get the devil Satan selecting preach the gospel text me buddy what are we down here for nothing what if it's not Oh Presley follow the motivation fantastic Navotas risotto al o resultado poverty la poverty divorce let's viva homosexuality homosexuality reduction anatomy building Tahoe today on path this system is the wisdom of Jesus tell us I said decision those of you wise wise people are very difficult times I just our trust in Jesus now come on Cafe Coffee Association you know when Jesus was sending the disciples disobey he said cool he didn't give even transport money even even consciously $10 yes money for transport here is yes money for accommodation consider yourself the spirits of the Lord is of Goku I don't know I'm only anointing now get rid of them you repeat that when you receive the Holy Spirit and then you go wait for the Holy Spirit awaits for money wait for the Holy Spirit nominee look listen my mission director the collector kinesio will be sucked if she sends people without giving them money hoping it you know what it's all sounds awesome Jesus me she she you shall receive Holly coos sha-la-la-la-la then go to the horror not just what no plane ticket no money for food transport nothing just go with Pollock Parekh your people better start trusting in Jesus I believe in in his way [Music] [Applause] Jesus you're sending I do give us money no not anymore no pocket money lands on the cross go to the world back to normal it doesn't make sense and a buzzer sounds all the money you need is in that obedience when you obey oh that's occupy baby to have to us almost to happens why is it not amazing that's right so now the wisdom of God is so different from home not such as adjacent boxes and others don't know how many are going to enter you are going to be I see 10 times better than well superior can count is our meeting planting churches are played with 10 times better and plus a basically mahadji will be puppies than any other job out of town can oppose Kalos kabukicho a piece a oh is 10 times better be shocked sake England people mayor good a job being a lawyer Italy a hookah templemir struggle struggling somewhere in the back who's want at times but this one I am ten times better this year we saw a baby things to an sketches to build is dance I make me ten times better than any scientific uses people and flossing is a gizmo he feels familiar British it is reassuring is all masses on total appreciate all matters to leave vision of wisdom the session understanding resolutions that the skill inside of them silicon the Wi-Fi remote object to to tissues all things better this one here thank see for 10 times 10 is 100 almost all areas all in those certainly domain and he says he says in verse services and God give them good okay Donna City so something that I let God cave what is giving Bob David what is giving God gave Bob is giving God came here Senate oniy you can well know it a p2o5 Hawaii pasa a guilty account stands your feet everybody [Applause] let your hands Dalila and receive ten times every time with some food question this one milliwatt superior to choose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks Jesus making time for your blessing Lord we give you thanks June is a little man team we give you pray new Tolu or your blessing to help put that baby lay your hands on your head father that's immaculate a thank you for wisdom the MSC will not not come on wisdom is the wisdom of human beings these are not the man's wisdom of the wisdom of this world is the moon when the wisdom that is from above the word of God Thank You Mickey thank you next up we cover in this place I love the guru lesson going teach talk up in your great wisdom a close second let us never be the same if you not play on Sonny Newman by the supernatural with the finest eyes in your head that is giving to each and every one of us listen to me we give you 30 so many and we give you praise you tell you all now we see the wisdom from above let it replace your foolishness and your human wisdom receive God's wisdom and God gave some wisdom receive it in Jesus mighty name and everybody shouted amen [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,427
Rating: 4.8846154 out of 5
Keywords: Ghana, Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Teaching, Mega Church, free download, Dag Heward Mills, french, lighthouse chapel International, Work of ministry, anointing, Pastors’ conference, Pastor’s conference, Give Thyself Wholly Conference, Iron Sharpeneth Iron Conference, Holy Spirit, 2016, church planting
Id: VxhE3Od8xq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 56sec (6356 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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