The Most Disturbing Thing You've Found On Someones Computer? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who have had to work with other people's computers what is the most disturbing thing you have found half an inch of fluffy sticky white gunk coating every inch of the interior it was a podiatrists office it was next to a sawed-off booth where they would grind the calluses off father old people's feet I didn't know that when I opened it up I just knew it smelled faintly of burnt hair ms paint being used to design the company logo bunny wanted me convert a hard drive to her external needed some copying and formatting he had tons of pictures of Arctic sea life it was like every walrus Co et Cie on Google Image Search was saved to his drive pretty sure he did it to Frick with me I work as an accountant now but in a former life I did a stint in tech support I remember getting a report that a printer a laser jet 5p was constantly jamming I arrived and started checking all the usual spots for paper fragments to get stuck in the rollers I flipped down the back cover and a chunk of fried chicken fell out I still have no idea I had a customer who wanted me to find pictures of her son stung on the computer the son had gotten in legal trouble in the past for sending unsolicited pictures of his dong to anyone and everyone he was not allowed to use the internet on the computer but as his parents were computer illiterate they had no idea whether or not he was doing it again and they wanted to find out I ended up writing her instructions and showing her how to search for herself as searching for pictures of her underage sons dong was in ethically murky waters it was a good thing I did too because she ended up finding some read a story on here about a geek squad type guy who found a bunch of gory murder scene photos turned out the owner was a homicide detective call it professional courtesy but I feel like that's probably something you should give a heads-up about my dad has his own software company and does tech support for it in general computer repairs for anyone who drops by his office don't know what's the most disturbing thing he's come across but I was present when a man dropped off his mother's laptop dad booted it up and immediately encountered a in problem it was password-protected so he asks the son for the password the son has to call his mom to get it the Mon tells our son has to relay it to my dad suck big dick 2014 I was setting up my grandfather's printer and he warned me there's a lot of pee on there meaning the PC I laughed and showed him how to delete his search history don't do the job anymore but once I did an install where they ordered Playboy channel for their service no big deal but as soon as I get there he starts you have the Playboy channel on there right I look at the order and say yeah so I'm doing the install and his wife offers me a drink and food I turn it down we are supposed to job policy I also had to do a virus check on their computer so after I finished the install for the cable he says ok show us the Playboy channel usually people wait for us to leave so it was weird to look up the channel and watch pee in a guy's house with his wife on a 65 inch TV so I excused myself to work on the computer as soon as I log in the last page he was on was importing foreign women for intercourse like mail-order brides the next tab was for orgies in the next tab was for Craigslist I didn't go too far into it because it was just really awkward as I heard the sounds from the TV downstairs so when I go to leave him and his wife don't look at me and they are fixated on the pee by say my goodbye speech but they don't even turn it was just weird all around for me pictures of graveyards at night and a guy with a hood and a torch walking in there man digging was probably a solo black metal artists go to be Trebek a VLT plans detailing a prospective campus shooting on the same computer as very sweet emails to his grandmother he killed himself two months prior and I was recovering data for his family I did not tell them guy was severely overweight I found before and after shaving pics of his crotch and anus I couldn't even look him in the eye when I handed his computer back to him did computer work for 80 years conservatively I serviced around a thousand machines a year I never went digging through the computer or anything but I stumbled upon CP three times we had a contact at the local FBI and there was the quarantine procedure to preserve chain of custody and all that however if you really want to gross people out in the office mention mr. Santa this guy had a super slow PC which was one of the reasons he brought it in from power on to being able to open the Start menu was 45 minutes the problem is his desktop background was a full-screen image of himself wearing a Santa hat only a Santa hat he was fat and had hundreds of warts everywhere God dang master troll emo guy was having problems with his computer so he brought it in to us for a virus removal standard stuff I sent it up with a monitor keyboard et Cie and left had to boot up when I came back it had booted to desktop the background was a picture of a guy not the customer fully nude spread eagle I've never switched him on etre off so fast I'm working Geek Squad years ago this guy comes in tatted up head to toe not your punk band TAS fully blown multi years in prison tats plops down his tower I read you do data backup how much to back up all my pee I see labor dollars and without missing a beat i sized his pee folder and quote in 160 dollars to put it into two DVD discs manager rips me a new one not sure why labor dollars a huge and go to his bonus and says I have to do the work but whatever I just copy the files over I don't even see anything it's just filenames whizzing by well one caught my one pig rape avi pie grape crap what is this I think some sort of math pea sure enough I fire it up I have to see women comes out in a nightgown takes it off rubs something between her legs lays down and spreads her legs before you know it a fully blown pig rolls into seen jumps on the bed and the rest is history then I realized in the Splane second the filename was on my screen I misread it and could never unsee it my grandmother passed away recently and my 87 year old grandfather got a new girlfriend 27 years younger about two months later I was setting up a printer for his laptop and in his bookmarks he had a few links to vergara distributors so now I know that my grandfather gets laid far more often than I do and needs medication to get it up found a folder on my mom's computer titled Saints of my children found weird poetry and like chat logs of some guy offering to kill my wife and me my cousin worked for a summer doing IT stuff for her mom's company she worked on a co-worker's laptop and discovered explicit emails indicating he was sleeping with her mom who was still married to her dad found the load of pee while working on a client's computer lots of brothers cuts and fragments of videos come to find out he wasn't obsessed with pee at all he was an editor for browsers was asked to double-check a bunch of computers for pictures and identifying information before recycling the tower's found the win98 machine that hadn't seen the Internet in a very long time and on it was Napster just like we choose to remember it along with I CQ Yahoo a messenger and CompuServe a computer fossil a photo album full of polar bears with coke bottles photoshopped onto their hands like very badly done like 40 photos I was just trying to update a friend's drivers and couldn't resist opening the folder called coke bears a relative once asked me to help find some files on her very cluttered hard disk when search failed me I started browsing through folders when I found it pictures of pillows every single type of pillow possible with lots of different colors and decorations there were literally thousands of pictures including some with what looked like blood stains on them worked at a law firm started getting calls in the morning that some random attorneys could not login when we checked out their computer it turned out they were ignoring their username which was defaulted to the last user logged in it turned out someone was logging in as user library checked out the law library and sure enough a sticky note with the library username and password existed just above the monitor this routine persisted for a few more weeks as I tried to figure out how to catch the culprit sure I could disable the account but then we never find out who is ducking into random offices surfing pee that was in the cache of the library user account on the local machine we used a startup script called kick stat highly configurable to do whatever you need it to do so I added to the startup script to email the administration group whenever the library user logs in first night I get the email late at night I call security and ask them to check our floor nothing too unusual we ask them to check floors occasionally due to stuck open doors from positive airflow etc they replied back all-clear hot weird o.k second night same story nothing unusual reported back from security but however the next morning I come in to have a request from the attorney to help him log in same computer from the night before default user you guessed it library this attorney had poor eyesight as I'm clicking away checking out the browsing history our mystery library user left behind I noticed something out of the corner of my eye a couple dabs of Elmer's glue it's early pre coffee what's an attorney doing with glue then I realized what I'm staring at not glue I threw up in my mouth a little fast-forward a week happens again email notification late at night security called also notice another attorney logged in a few offices down I called him immediately and asked him to check the office where we saw the library user logged in he checks and reports back a few minutes later nothing unusual just a security guard I just called security no less than two minutes before no way they could get to the top floor in time to check on our West it was the security guard yanking on his brake notified the building manager the following morning they pulled him in questioned him and he admitted his guilt he was dismissed immediately I placed my hand on the user's mouth and my hand stuck due to lube on the mouse computer itself could hardly function due to Peapod ups yeah Lube on the mouse yeah my friend's mom seven antivirus installed that his have six inch tall off toolbars 52 GBS off P 1 TB of gore I never touched that computer again I had a co-worker that wanted me to come by his house to fix his PC this was like 15 years ago he takes me up to his bedroom not too unusual he was having internet connection issues I was so focused on checking cabling to his modem router etc under the desk fat it took me a while to also notice next to the desk the camera on a tripod pointed at the bed it all clicked when I finally got he into Webb's working again launched his browser and his home page with some couples sharing kinked web site my grandma was having problems looked at her history and there was a crap ton of gangbang P I worked at a computer store chain as a tech in the service department I had this guy come in one day saying that he needed me to find incriminating photos of his wife that he knew we're on their offer cheating with some guy I informed him that the best I could do is a bulk search for all images on the HDD and back up to cd/dvd he insisted on watching me search for the images my manager approved this and we begun the search and backup sure as crap there were about 200 photos of his wife freaking about five different dudes at five different times spanning a few months however there were also photos of the guy standing right next to me also freaking his wife I remained as professional as possible all while he was leaning in and whispering sorry after every photo of him popped up we copied em to DVD for him and sent him on his way now we offered a service in which we carried out computers monitors printers or whatever Hardware I didn't offer that to this guy he asked if I could carry his computer out for him I thought this was very strange has a he was more than fit enough to carry it and he had carried it in to begin with once outside he insisted on me taking $200 cash as a thanks for doing this for me and you shouldn't have to see this sort of crap while we weren't supposed to accept these sorts of tips I wasn't making much at that place and I had to see some old dudes butthole and junk so yet I graciously accepted his money wished him the best of luck and sent him on his way I did see him one more time several months later he was buying a new computer he didn't say anything to me and I didn't tell him I sometimes wonder if he won the court battle or if she's still alive I work in a Senior Day Center but I used to do software development so every now and then one of the other staff will ask me to fix whatever computer problems they're having one time one of the nursing assistants asked me to look at her laptop and had brought it in I told her I'd look at it during my lunch break different time from hers and she said fine so I opened the thing up in the break room only to be confronted with a bunch of windows with very explicit pictures of her and her boyfriend the topmost picture being his BBC fortunately the only person in the room was across the table and couldn't see anything but I know the heck out of there I gave her a little crap for potentially getting me fired that was kind of fun to have her squirm knowing what I'd seen not me but a friend borrowed his left tenants computer while we were deployed to Iraq found the lot of child pee on it pictures of his balls on soldiers while they were sleeping you know the usual yeah he's a level-two a sex offender now I lent a friend the use of my laptop for a three-hour game of DnB he used a site called furaffinity to download lots of Nazi dog pee drawings of Doberman and Nazi uniforms freaking each other when I confronted him he said you'd think thread beam or German Shepherds neighbor asked to have their son's computer looked at because it kept blue screaming I agreed and braced myself for a bunch of pee the kid was 14 nothing a crapload of video games but no pee what kind of 14 year old boy who has his own PC has no P a customer brought his old HP Tyron and in absolutely reads a smell I can't even describe accurately but it would be something along the lines of decaying not suck she's built up after a week of not showering and high intensity training anyhow we don't work on it yet that day but end up having to wrap it in garbage bags and duct tape every opening to stop it from stinking up the tech area the next day we come in and the bag is slightly open the entire store stinks of this now we had to open all doors and set up fans for airflow the entire day we unwrap the PC and connected to power in which a green orange flume of debris comes out the power supply fan making a smell that as the original stench seemed tolerable as one brave tech gets close to press the CD drive button as soon as he touches it you hear rustling and as soon as the drive trace starts to pop open it was literally like you see in horror movies a river of cockroaches pour out of the thing we yank the power cords and run it outside as well as spend the next 4 months trying different types of extermination to get rid of the infestation of our store it was so bad event matter entire store full of introverted and non confrontational techies managed enough bravery to call up the guy and actually tell him how unacceptable it was and that he needs to get his crap and leave the guy responded oh it's not that bad really but didn't give up much all the fight other than that I can't even begin to imagine how awful of conditions this guy must have living to have a PC this awful I don't even know how the thing functioned a video of three guys helping a guitar pay a woman they walk the guy out the door 15 minutes later while I was in high school I also worked for the school district as a student computer tech my English teacher said her friend's computer was acting up and they wanted some help after some general tinkering with settings dumping caches Defra beam discs and uninstalling some bloatware I determined they could use a clean install of the OS so I started to copy all their files to an external drive and was prepping a new partition to install the OS on well you know those neat previews of the files you're transferring I started seeing nothing but weird 80s clown pee yeah did I mention I was doing this at my school to ended up just locking the computer in a closet for the remainder of the file transfers configure the computer with all their files and pretended I didn't see a thing when I gave it back I grew up in a smaller town I helped start a computer repair place in my teens a girl from school told her dad to bring his computer into our shop when it needed to be repaired upon doing tests and cleaning things up I found child pee but it wasn't random child pee it was this guy's daughters I could clearly recognize them the FBI was in the same building as us so I went upstairs at age 16 and told them what was going on there rested the guy the same day turns out he'd been abusing them since they were toddlers I never said anything to the girl but I knew she knew I put her dad in jail she never said anything to me I have no clue if she was relieved or hated me a friend of my dad asked me if I could take a look at their family computer because Windows kept complaining about running out of disk space while there was nothing on there I took a quick peek and indeed not much going on barely any programs installed no games on the C Drive there were some games installed through Steam from their 16 y/o son but he was smart enough to place them on a second drive videos folder empty picture folder empty documents looked fairly clean so I download windirstat and to my surprise it finds nearly 175 gigabytes of data in the Documents folder at this point I already knew what was going on here and I told the dad who was standing besides me that it would take a while so he offered to go pick up some food for us three his son was home too and left there was a folder for save files from GTA 3 with 175 gigabytes of images hidden in it 175 gigabytes of gente nicely organized in multiple subfolders by name fetish et Cie I moved the folder in its entirety to the other partition under some random name and had a little chat with their son he was so embraced but promised he would keep them somewhere safe from now on I just told Dad that there were tons of log files being generated by some app that didn't work right and kept it at that you've been visited by luckiest pig in the world comment lucky lucky piggie below to get some of his luck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 99,060
Rating: 4.8757062 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, people who fix computers, fix computer, fix computers, clear browser history, askreddit stories, reddit funny
Id: Hh4F_KDFdXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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